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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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I really don't get why James is such a higher target to them instead of Jeff. 



This is my guess.  James is solid with Jason and Meg and Jeff is not solid with anyone.  He may think he is but he is not.  His constant talking annoys everyone.  Vanessa sees James as more of a threat game wise.  Better to break that threesome than go after the asshole.  

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I think it was very smart for Liz to sleep downstairs.  The twins have to be careful not to stand out as a threat to anyone for 2 more weeks.   Now when Julia comes back and sleeps upstairs it will be a red flag to all, Jeff in particular.  

But Jeff is the ultimate target this week, right?



No, James is. 

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I hope it's Jeff.  Every time he trashes someone, it makes me like them more.  I'm going to be a full-fledged Becky fan if he stays much longer.


This vote lie is soooooooo stupid. Audrey, gurl.

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Will he ever let this go?! Like damn son. "I feel like someone cheated on me last night." WHAT?! You have a girlfriend! 


Someone needs to do a compilation vid of Austin being insane about Liz. He's a walking 'nice guy' caricature. It's scary but hilarious.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Austin is going totally loco. It's so funny. He's like a lost puppy dog. Why can't he have a long lasting relationship like Clay & Shelli? I mean they've been together 3 or 4 weeks now. It's almost a common law marriage. LOL!!! Maybe, Liz is messing with his head and enjoying it. Too funny

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I think the best case right now is to have James and Jeff both on the block. That would cause the most disruption to the house and blow apart that entire group as they eat each other alive. Then get rid of Jeff this week. Vanessa shouldn't be worried about being a target next week. It would be very difficult to back door her when they don't have the numbers.

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Austin is definitely the type of guy that feels entitled because he's deluded himself into thinking he's nice.   He talks too much shit about Steve behind his back to actually be nice, and he has a girlfriend he didn't break up with outside the house.  


I feel like Austin's girl obsession could be even worse then Caleb if his allies were different.  Austin at least has Vanessa trying to talk him down, while Caleb's allies were encouraging him (Derrick, Frankie, etc.).

Edited by Cosmosgravitation
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Wow, Vanessa et al sure got lucky with the Veto players. I'd like Johnny Mac to take himself down and then see if Vanessa would actually put up Jeff and show all her cards or if she'd put up someone like Jackie. Either way, when she doesn't put up Audrey, at least the few who aren't part of Van's extended alliance will have to know they are more vulnerable than they may have thought. The bad part is, Shelly and Clay can still play dumb and pretend to be shocked. I really want one of those two (Shelly/Clay) to go. I wonder if the target on Audrey will go away completely since she's pretty much a nonentity in the game now.


I never got over my initial dislike of Austin when he was with Jase and now his whining about Liz using him is sealing it for me. And I can't figure out if Liz just likes the attention or if she's hedging her bets by continuing to flirt and then denying it. I kind of want Jeff to stay to cause trouble but I think Meg's game will improve if Jeff leaves and I like Meg.  I want to see a new alliance form with JMac, Becky, Jason, Steve and Meg once they realize they arent in anyone's primary alliance and need some protection.

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Audrey, Shelli and Austin were picked to play in the veto. Austin was Johnny Mac's HG choice. Couldn't have worked out any better for the people in power. 

Wow, Vanessa et al sure got lucky with the Veto players. I'd like Johnny Mac to take himself down and then see if Vanessa would actually put up Jeff and show all her cards or if she'd put up someone like Jackie. Either way, when she doesn't put up Audrey, at least the few who aren't part of Van's extended alliance will have to know they are more vulnerable than they may have thought. The bad part is, Shelly and Clay can still play dumb and pretend to be shocked. I really want one of those two (Shelly/Clay) to go. I wonder if the target on Audrey will go away completely since she's pretty much a nonentity in the game now.


I never got over my initial dislike of Austin when he was with Jase and now his whining about Liz using him is sealing it for me. And I can't figure out if Liz just likes the attention or if she's hedging her bets by continuing to flirt and then denying it. I kind of want Jeff to stay to cause trouble but I think Meg's game will improve if Jeff leaves and I like Meg.  I want to see a new alliance form with JMac, Becky, Jason, Steve and Meg once they realize they arent in anyone's primary alliance and need some protection.


The funny thing is Audrey should be throwing the comp. It will put a huge target on Vanessa when she doesn't put her up. I wonder if she realizes this.

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I don't know about James as the target. Yeah, he's coming for Vanessa, but it seems like her entire alliance would rather see Jeff go. The rest of the house wants Audrey to go. Targeting James is just a surefire way of making nobody happy, which I can't imagine will help her.


Has anyone clued in Audrey regarding the twins yet? Are we seriously in for a scenario where the twins are revealed and Audrey loses her shit while everyone else just sit there stonefaced?

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Jeff told Clay and Austin that the twins switched because the scar on her arm is missing. Julia is walking around with a tank top on so it's pretty obvious. Jason and James were also suspicious and pretty sure they switched already.

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Yay, Audrey is doing her Audrey thing right now! Confronting Meg in front of Vanessa about Meg telling Vanessa that Audrey told her that Liz, Vanessa, Austin and Becky were going to flip the house and keep Day. I don't even have to go back to see the conversation to know that Audrey is lying, because.....Audrey. Meg is dumbfounded right now because she doesn't know how to deal with the crazy that is Audrey.

Vanessa, you've been here before. Audrey is a nutter. Honestly, I think she knows Audrey is a nutter and is just humoring her. It's fun to watch, though!

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Yay, Audrey is doing her Audrey thing right now! Confronting Meg in front of Vanessa about Meg telling Vanessa that Audrey told her that Liz, Vanessa, Austin and Becky were going to flip the house and keep Day. I don't even have to go back to see the conversation to know that Audrey is lying, because.....Audrey. Meg is dumbfounded right now because she doesn't know how to deal with the crazy that is Audrey.

Vanessa, you've been here before. Audrey is a nutter. Honestly, I think she knows Audrey is a nutter and is just humoring her. It's fun to watch, though!

Audrey is a champion at gaslighting.  I hope she's not like that in real life because it is such a toxic quality. 

Edited by CassAgain
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Vanessa really needs to stop. Now she wants to do the same thing she did with Meg with James, about the Jase backdoor. Which again, Audrey is lying, I saw on the show her bringing up Jase but Vanessa really wants to catch James in something so she can somehow justify to the other side of the house why she's targeting James. Vanessa, you can use as many words as possible, but people are going to be pissed at you for not putting up Audrey. Deal with it.

Sorry, I know he's creepy, but I'm rooting James to win POV. I want Jeff gone much more, and I no longer want Vanessa to get what she wants.

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Audrey pushing for this confirmation with Meg could have really hurt Vanessa's game. Vanessa should not have done it. She's focusing too much on having reasons to put people up and not putting up Audrey she didn't think this through all the way. It could backfire.


ETA: Austin needs to STFU about Liz and his stupid connection. You are here to play a game, who cares if the girl likes you or not. His obsession with talking about it is so freaking annoying.

Edited by kellog010
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For the third year in a row, I don't like anyone in the cast. I am getting tired of watching the show to root against someone. I watched to root against Amanda in BB15 and Frankie in BB16. I haven't decided who I hate the most in BB17 yet, but I will pick somebody. Are they ever going to put together a cast where I can watch to root FOR someone again?


Well Donny was the only person I liked last year but other than that I feel your pain.

Edited by BK1978
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Audrey is a huge loose cannon....and, they all know it. I can't tell if she's really crazy or if she made herself crazy since being in the house. The live feeds really show it whereas the regular show doesn't. She is scary good tv. LOL!!!

Edited by ByaNose
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Oh good lord, and now I'm done with Vanessa. She's talking to Julia and Austin and is basically saying she believes Audrey, and that Meg was "rude" to her (she wasn't), and "slammed the door" on her way out (I didn't see that), and her crying was manipulative. I mean seriously, how can she believe one word out of Audrey's mouth at this point?

But I still like Becky, Steve, John, Julia (not Liz) and Jason. And Meg, why not? I guess I just don't watch what others watch so I'm biased. Still a much better season for me than the last two.

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You almost have to respect how diabolical Audrey is. After lying and making Meg cry she goes downstairs and gets in the bed next to her like nothing happened.

Edited by Cutty
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Oh good lord, and now I'm done with Vanessa. She's talking to Julia and Austin and is basically saying she believes Audrey, and that Meg was "rude" to her (she wasn't), and "slammed the door" on her way out (I didn't see that), and her crying was manipulative. I mean seriously, how can she believe one word out of Audrey's mouth at this point?


Vanessa is a mess. If she talks about someone being 'rude' to her again I'm gonna go nuts.


Austin is talking about how Liz is hurting him by sleeping with James again. This is so embarrassing.

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Man. I was rooting for you, Austin. Why did you have to ruin it? 


I want the twins to survive until the fifth eviction so both of them can come in. I don't think they'll be on the same side if they do get a chance to play together. 

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Austin tells Julia that he tried to write a novel. Of course he did.

Julia: I don't like Jeff and I'm done pretending I like him anymore. I'm done. His voice annoys me, his fucking dad bod annoys me. He's such a loser. He's all like "let's chug a beer." You're such a fucking joke.

She's definitely the better twin.

Edited by Cutty
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Julia says James told her she looks like Hey Arnold. I'm probably going to Hell for laughing at that.

Since I heard her complain about that before, I haven't been able to look at her without thinking how much she looks like him!  James is a dirtbag, but that is one of the funniest "she/he looks like..." I've ever heard.

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Audrey's "multiple people" are talking to her again. Yay!


Now I'm waiting for empirical evidence to be mentioned. C'mon Big Brother Bingo!


She is seriously the best. I will gladly take Audrey over an "entertaining" unemployed houseguest from last year any day, she really brings drama & (transparent) gameplay.  Reading about her is always gold.  

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OK, Vanessa has now worked herself up into saying that Meg was "bawling" (she wasn't), and is now throwing Vanessa under the bus (what???). Everyone else seems to be humoring her, while saying that Meg is just paranoid that the lie about Audrey being backdoored is actually a lie, and Vanessa can not handle that. Because she was so nice and kind and fair and Meg is horrible. She is really working herself up. Shut UP Vanessa!

Edited by Katesus7
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Vanessa spinning this Meg/Audrey argument as a reason to tell the house why she didn't put up Audrey. Painting Meg in a bad light to everyone she talks to. I don't see it working.

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OK, Vanessa has now worked herself up into saying that Meg was "bawling" (she wasn't), and is now throwing Vanessa under the bus (what???). Everyone else seems to be humoring her, while saying that Meg is just paranoid that the lie about Audrey being backdoored is actually a lie, and Vanessa can not handle that. Because she was so nice and kind and fair and Meg is horrible. She is really working herself up. Shut UP Vanessa!

I really don't get the angle here. She hatched this plan this morning with Audrey. She smartly said get Meg alone without Jason. Now Vanessa can spin it any way she wants to the rest of the house (mostly to Johnny & Becky I'm guessing).

Edited by Cutty
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Oh, got it. Vanessa is blowing this ridiculously out of proportion so that John will be cool with James going home. Sure, that makes sense. She wanted John to spread her hurt and anger over Meg being horrible to the rest of the house, and after being told that John won't say shit to anyone, she now says she has to do it again. Sorry, it still sounds incredibly stupid to me.

Oh, and she's still selling this same story to Shelli and clay, who know damn well Audrey is not her target.

Edited by Katesus7
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Clay smartly trying to get the target back on Jeff. Saying he's got way more of a social game than James. Getting Jeff out will cripple that side. Clay is a dumbass but he's actually right.

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Jeff highlights. Veto competition must be about to begin.


I liked Steve speculating about the comp being the punishment/reward one, especially when he pointed out that the HN room is empty with no Have Nots this week, which would make it perfect for a solitary confinement. Isn't that comp usually later in the season, though?

Edited by Callaphera
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I liked Steve speculating about the comp being the punishment/reward one, especially when he pointed out that the HN room is empty with no Have Nots this week, which would make it perfect for a solitary confinement. Isn't that comp usually later in the season, though?

Sometimes, but it came really early in BB15.  In week four, Judd got a twenty-four-hour solitary confinement when he had to keep shutting off an alarm that went off every few minutes while he was locked up.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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I wish it were a solitary confinement so Austin can get himself locked up. I'm tired of hearing him talk so damn much today. I can't believe I'm siding with Clay here but he is right that Jeff needs to go before James and Vanessa won't listen. She's too worried about getting too much blood on her hands. I don't get why she's so paranoid about this, that side is going to be pissed off anyway.


ETA: Steve remains adorable to me. He's one of the only few who attempts to clean.

Edited by kellog010
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Rooting for Johnny Mac or James to win veto. Vanessa's game will be exposed + maximum drama when Jeff is backdoored.

Or Audrey can win. She's so batshit crazy she might use it to save James.

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I wish it were a solitary confinement so Austin can get himself locked up. I'm tired of hearing him talk so damn much today.


He would 100% still talk about how Liz hurt him to himself.


I can't believe I have to agree with Clay on something. It makes me feel dirty!


I want James to win veto. Vanessa is a mess, so it'd be fun. She is so scared to put Jeff up lol.

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I thought I had heard Audrey say that she would use it on John if she won, but it's Audrey. With all the lies that come out of her mouth,  I'm not even sure if I believe that's really her name anymore.

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I'm OK with John winning, but it's just not as fun lol.


I wonder what would happen if Clay won? He really wants Jeff gone, but Vanessa will push for him to not use it and for James to just go. Might be somewhat interesting.


Audrey did say she would take John off, but Vanessa told her she wants it kept the same because she wants James gone and she "doesn't want to get blood on her hands." UGH.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I'm OK with that, but it's just not as fun lol.


I wonder what would happen if Clay won? He really wants Jeff gone, but Vanessa will push for him to bot use it and for James to just go. Might be somewhat interesting.


Audrey did say she would take John off, but Vanessa told her she wants it kept the same because she wants James gone and she 'doesn't want to get blood on her hands." UGH.


Clay winning would be good too because it would expose him to the others if he didn't use it. (Though the Jason/James/Meg group already want him gone.) 

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Audrey told Vanessa she wanted to use it on John, but to have a "conversation" with him that she only would use it if he would have trust with her, and basically being all Audrey about it. Vanessa said no, that Audrey can't use it, that using it would hurt Vanessa. Basically Vanessa wants James gone with no "blood on her hands" (fat chance), and pretty much everyone else in this alliance wants Jeff gone. So here's hoping James or John win!

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Can't say.  He's not playing this week.


lol. Switch Clay with Shelli then. She actually told Vanessa she can't win but Vanessa told her she can't throw it if James has a chance to win.

Audrey told Vanessa she wanted to use it on John, but to have a "conversation" with him that she only would use it if he would have trust with her, and basically being all Audrey about it. Vanessa said no, that Audrey can't use it, that using it would hurt Vanessa. Basically Vanessa wants James gone with no "blood on her hands" (fat chance), and pretty much everyone else in this alliance wants Jeff gone. So here's hoping James or John win!


It's amazing how much hinges on the veto. If Audrey somehow wins, Vanessa is likely gonna be fine moving forward. If she has to name a replacement her game is really screwed.


I'm interested to see where Jason fits in all this. He's had good talks with Vanessa this week but he's totally in the dark about Audrey not being backdoored. I worry that if the big group gets in power again next week he could be in trouble. 

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If Audrey somehow wins, Vanessa is likely gonna be fine moving forward. If she has to name a replacement her game is really screwed.


I think Vanessa is somewhat screwed no matter what really, but yea if Audrey wins she's not as badly fucked. Which is why I don't want Audrey to win lol.

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