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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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Jason keeps saying the show is going to be boring after they evict her. Someone asked him if he thinks she's popular with fans and he said they probably have a love/hate relationship with her because she plays so recklessly but that she's interesting to watch play. That's pretty accurate. Steve opined that James-Audrey are probably #1 & #2 in the Jokers ratings. He thinks he's probably near the bottom.

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Why in the world does he think James is popular?!


Doesn't he want James out? He was talking about this with Jason so maybe he's just trying to put him in a good light so Jason doesn't suspect anything.


I guess I could see James being popular if you weren't aware that he's a sexist pig. Lovable Asian redneck.

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Steve wants James out?! Fuck there really is no hope with this group.

What's wrong with Steve wanting James out? James has said multiple times to multiple different people that his primary target is Steve, and we know Steve is aware of James's threat via his solo monologues.  

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Honestly it's at the point where I think everyone is a target. Everyone's names have been brought up to target except maybe John but he's being used as a pawn and is being asked to throw comps. It's bound to catch up to him. Not like I thought Derrick was the best thing ever ever but he managed to not have his name thrown around as a target by people that could actually do something about it. Yeah Donny knew what was going on and so did Nicole when she came back, but they could never get power

It's gonna be a crap shoot to the end haha


Sadly, Donny and Nicole actually did win HoH together one week...and promptly fucked it up. 

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While I'm sure Meg would be delightful to meet at a cocktail party, I have a strong dislike for her in this game. That maniacal grin she wears drives me crazy, sort of like the way I feel about Hoda Kotb. I wish she would use her brain and say something somewhat deep and relevant to the game.

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I don't think Steve is an idiot, I just think he's not cut out socially for this game.  Okay, the Becky thing is dumb, but he's right that both Meg and James would target him if they won HoH.  If he goes after one of the couples (Clay/Shelli or Liz/Austin) that entire side of the house will turn on him and they aren't targeting him yet.  He'd just be Public Enemy #1 if he managed to evict one of them and would be gone the next week unless he won veto.


Steve has said he is sure he won't win because of his personality and awkwardness (he's right), but I bet he hopes to survive until the Sixth Sense alliance turns on each other.  It's his only chance because he is so awkward, any alliance he tries to form wouldn't trust him.  He might stand a chance if he could get Becky/John/Jason/Jackie together, but one of them would want to include Meg/James and I guarantee they'd spill to Clay or Shelli.  Steve has observed multiple times that there are people in the house that just can't keep a secret and talk to much game with everyone.


Personally, I don't think it's a coincidence that Steve's stated targets have been the most skeptical about a Sixth Sense alliance and the most inclined to tell everything to and trust Clay/Shelli (except Johnny Mac, which Steve doesn't know about).  He probably hopes if they go the others will rally together against the other side of the house since he knows damn well he can't organize an alliance with his personality.

Edited by Cosmosgravitation
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Sadly, Donny and Nicole actually did win HoH together one week...and promptly fucked it up. 


LOL that was such a disappointment. I have a feeling the same thing is gonna happen here. Meg/Jason will win HOH and then put up John/Jackie/Becky/Steve lol.

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Vanessa: I don't think it's good for her mentally to be here.

Shelli: It's really not.


Oh we've reached this phase now. Sigh.


Oh, please. We're already going for the "It's for her own good" excuse? The Reason 2.0 from Vanessa. We're gonna be hearing it all week, aren't we?


Well, Audrey was in the DR for like 4 hours last night. The HGs were all speculating that she was in there talking to a shrink and was going to quit. We were getting a lot of fish and at some point the feeds crashed. I went to bed but apparently shortly after they came back Audrey emerged from the DR. She went and laid down in the HN room then came back and was in a regular bed crying to Vanessa. There's been some talk that she had a panic attack, but who knows. Vanessa said she told her the problem was chemical.


The DOR talk really cracks me up. It's widely known that Rachel tried to quit every week. They will basically keep you in there all night if they have to. 


Audrey really looks like a wreck. She's still in bed and not responding to calls to go to the DR or to change the batteries in her mic. I think this is all for attention but I'm starting to get worried that something is wrong with her.


I had to crash before she finally came out of the DR but all the speculation on Jokers about her trying to DOR was hilarious. I had to peek back on the feeds when I heard about the three hour DR session and extended fish. The camera operators knew what was up, too. All they would give us was Becky showering (it took awhile to recognize it was Becky and not Audrey, too) and Johnny Mac sleeping in the HN room, when before fish, they were having a rocking game of Charades in the living room. 


Audrey said she was going to go out with a bang. Maybe a Chima-style bang? It's been a long time since a microphone has ended up in the pool. I keep hoping for one every season that'll just snap and lose his or her shit the way I probably would being locked up with those idiots and I keep getting disappointed. 


What's Audrey going to do, keep hiding out in the DR so that they can't hold the POV ceremony?

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Audrey said she was going to go out with a bang. Maybe a Chima-style bang? It's been a long time since a microphone has ended up in the pool. I keep hoping for one every season that'll just snap and lose his or her shit the way I probably would being locked up with those idiots and I keep getting disappointed.

LOL same. I never did really blame Chima for her breakdown even though I loved Jeff/Jordan at the time, but even more so now I can really understand why she got to that point. I guess credit to these people that none of them have gone so insane. Although they're all literally so dumb that there's probably no one who is that frustrated by the stupidity.


What's Audrey going to do, keep hiding out in the DR so that they can't hold the POV ceremony?

LMAO! You know she would try it!

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What I love about this is that Audrey is a Have Not. She knows she's gone, hence the histrionics and extended DR sessions. Audrey, I'm going to be mightily disappointed in you if you don't just crawl into a normal bed to sleep and start eating all the real food you can until you're evicted. What's the harm in a penalty vote? Jace apparently tried to eat the storage room clean before he left. Screw the slop, Audrey! Go back and finish off Liz/Julia's chicken nuggets if you haven't already! 

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I never know whether to give any of these house guests credit for their machinations.  Is Audrey playing some game here?  Or is she just an immature brat?  I don't know and I don't think her DR sessions will ever completely tell the story.

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I would pay for a live feed of the DR right now.


Apparently last night, Vanessa (I think) said that Audrey had requested to talk to the psychiatrist/therapist/whatever but that's not instantaneous. It may be what she's doing right now. 

Edited by Callaphera
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Apparently last night, Vanessa (I think) said that Audrey had requested to talk to the psychiatrist/therapist/whatever but that's not instantaneous. It may be what she's doing right now.

Oh yea I read about that, too. I read that Audrey said she would be able to see them today so that may very well be what it is. You know Production must be pissed though because I have a feeling they aren't happy when their schedule gets messed up.

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Going by the Jokers updates, Audrey's been in there for about two hours. I was hoping for some post-Veto shenanigans and bodies being thrown under the bus by now. At least they finally switched the cameras and we're no longer getting four shots of people sleeping in the purple bedroom.

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I'm annoyed that I have to wait to form an opinion about all this. Either Audrey legitimately needs some help re: her mental health, or she's just a sore loser throwing a tantrum. If it's the former, even though it's gross morally to cast someone with mental health issues on a show of this kind, I shouldn't be surprised, as they've done it in the past. But if it's the latter, this type of thing never fails to amaze me. I know people who agree to go on this show obviously have at least some degree of narcissism, but to be shocked and angry and throw a tantrum when you get kicked off a game show (a game show that kicks someone off every week) is a level that I just don't understand.

Edited by Ceeg
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I'm imagining Liz being stuffed in a broom closet somewhere while Audrey wails and whines in the DR, because wasn't the twin switch supposed to happen after the Veto meeting?


If anyone is looking to be entertained during Audrey Watch 2015, The Sequel, the hashtag "When Audrey went into the DR" is on Twitter and some of them are pretty entertaining.

Edited by Callaphera
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I'd be so beyond annoyed at Audrey at this point. Holding the day up, off schedule and hostage. I doubt Production is even happy with their schedule being thrown. 

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If Audrey wants to DOR then she can do it AFTER she's nominated. I need Jason safe this week. If she leaves he will stay on the block/get evicted and then we pretty much can count on Shelli/Clay being our winner this year. BARF. 

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You know what would be amazing. If Audrey came out of DR after all this all happy and social. These people would melt the fuck down over that.

Austin just confirmed to John/Jason that Liz is a twin. LOL what is he doing? I think it was an accident. Idiot.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I'd be so angry, the houseguest day is being held hostage. At least tell them if it's just delayed, if it'll be today, if not. Just so they can change or do what ever they wanted to do but can't because they're waiting to be called for veto.

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I read back on Jokers. Audrey was called into the DR, and then Vanessa was called into the DR. At some point, before the ceremony could start, Audrey went back in. Meg mentioned in just after noon BB time that Audrey was back in the DR. She hasn't been in there since 10 am if Vanessa went in after her. I've been timing my hour updates by Meg's mention on her being in there.


From Jokers at 11:28 am BB Time:


Vanessa called back into DR again. NT


From Jokers at 12:06 pm BB Time:


Audrey is in DR, according to Meg. NT

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