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Show Analysis: Dr Huang Will See You Now

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On 11/13/2016 at 6:52 AM, shapeshifter said:

In the recent episode, "Broken Rhymes," Olivia takes aside the interrupting ad nauseum mother of a ten year old witness and lectures the mom effectively about the reality of the victim's transgendered, girl-next-door life.

Even better was when Olivia threatened to arrest the mom if she kept on interfering with her daughter's attempt to do the right thing, which her transphobic mother didn't want her to do. 

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Still think the show will get a renewal, if just for a final season. But then, I thought the Mothership would too post S20, so what do I know? Still, while ratings have eroded, its demo is still enough for the likes of NBC (which says a lot right there about the state of the network). If the show doesn't get renewed, I'll be shocked, personally.

That said, I can see pay cuts on the horizon. And with Eid out - a guy who, for good or bad, was a long-running part of the franchise, yet who still seemed to struggle here - it will be interesting to see (if the show is renewed, of course) if Wolf promotes from within the franchise circle again or tries for someone new altogether.

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The mothership had L&O: LA working against keeping it around (which makes its dismal failure all that more ironic), while SVU has no other direct competition waiting in the wings (I personally am not a fan of any of the Chicago procedurals). You would think it would get a least a final season renewal, especially since its time slot competitor, Criminal Minds, was just renewed, and its viewer base is only slightly more than SVU's and it's demo is about the same. 

That being said, if Rick does leave, I can't say I am sorry to see him go. While there were some good moments here and there in season 18, I think overall the stories flat lined with too much repetitiveness to the stories and WAY too much St. Olivia worship. I MUCH preferred the Warren Leight years, even though he had some problems with too much Benoah drama and Olivia in peril drama. But still (as much as it pains me to say it), I would rather have the two minutes of Benoah drama per episode if it meant better stories and characterization overall. 

1 hour ago, WendyCR72 said:

Still think the show will get a renewal, if just for a final season. But then, I thought the Mothership would too post S20, so what do I know? Still, while ratings have eroded, its demo is still enough for the likes of NBC (which says a lot right there about the state of the network). If the show doesn't get renewed, I'll be shocked, personally.

Given the ratings and the lack of better options I still think it gets renewed. I think NBC Universal learned from the Mothership debacle (which is why they gave CI those last 8 episodes to wrap things up) too. I would be surprised, but not shocked since NBC making a really stupid decision about the L&O franchise has become pretty much par for the course.


That said, I can see pay cuts on the horizon. And with Eid out - a guy who, for good or bad, was a long-running part of the franchise, yet who still seemed to struggle here - it will be interesting to see (if the show is renewed, of course) if Wolf promotes from within the franchise circle again or tries for someone new altogether.

I won't rehash previous discussions about whose fault the creative problems are, but where would they make budget cuts? I don't see Mariska taking a big pay cut and one of the big problems is that they've cut the budget so much there's not enough characters. And if not Mariska who's left? Scanavino seems to be working cheap already and they probably would have dropped Kelli if she was demanding big money. Ice-T? Raul in even fewer episodes? An entire episode of just Mariska pontificating with no guest cast?

15 minutes ago, ForeverAlone said:

If Mariska was kept out of the occasional episode, we could get a really solid ensemble with the rest of the cast and Sgt Fin could get some experience leading the squad. I certainly would be in favor of that. :) :) :) 

Not disagreeing with this, but I think hell would freeze over before NBC would do it.

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Send Carissi over to the Order side. Seriously, Mothership always had 2 lawyers. Barba teaching Carissi how to view cases from the point of view of a lawyer instead of a cop could be interesting. It would also remove some focus from The Benson show and maybe dividing the cases more equally between L&O would bring it back to a procedural instead of whatever the hell After School Special we got going on now.

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SVU has never had 2 lawyers, and sending Carisi over to the other side wouldn't make any sense and would be a total waste of one of the shows best characters, plus I'm glad they've toned down the Carisi legal stuff and the Carisi idolizing Barba relationship, that had become cartoonish. What we need is another detective, get Carisi a new partner and pair Fin and Rollins up again, I always liked the Fin-Rollins partnership. Let's have less Olivia in the field, and let's have Barba in every episode, I still don't get why he isn't in every episode. 

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2 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

SVU has never had 2 lawyers, and sending Carisi over to the other side wouldn't make any sense and would be a total waste of one of the shows best characters, plus I'm glad they've toned down the Carisi legal stuff and the Carisi idolizing Barba relationship, that had become cartoonish. What we need is another detective, get Carisi a new partner and pair Fin and Rollins up again, I always liked the Fin-Rollins partnership. Let's have less Olivia in the field, and let's have Barba in every episode, I still don't get why he isn't in every episode. 

If they decide to "go there", and I really hope they do not, and put Barba and Benson together, we may see more of him.  I am tired of the relationship drama with Olivia.  Just keep her single!

I hate Stabler as well and I hope he doesn't show up ever again, but I wouldn't be surprised if he showed up in the final episode and his relationship with Benson plays a role in it. I think it would be really pathetic for them to make Stabler divorced or widowed just to pander to the E/O shippers, the Stabler-Benson relationship was incredibly toxic for both parties and it would be a terrible ending to have them together just to pander to a small but vocal section of fans.

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I confess, I'm worried that this might be Ice-T's last season on the show. Call me a conspiracy nut (my hero is Munch, after all), but this morning I've been thinking...

- We're still waiting on the renewal announcement. While it seems pretty certain the show is coming back, I have to wonder if contract negotiations are part of the hold up.

- They HAVE to be aware of the sinking ratings this season, and I swear the budget can't be what it used to be. Just look at how much the cast has shrunk already, the lack of many recurring characters let alone regulars, etc. Meanwhile I'm sure MH's salary will not budge and the network seems convinced there would be no show without her. And I have no doubt that Ice's has to be the 2nd highest salary, behind MH.

- It looks now as if Ice-T has two new shows in the works - one just announced today that's a true crime show produced by Dick Wolf, the other another  a new reality show with Coco.  Seems to me it'd be hard to juggle those two plus SVU, unless they use him even LESS than they have already.

- The way they made it sound like Fin's promotion = eventual transfer but left it up in the air makes me think they were setting up for this...or at least opening the possibility of having him make a quick exit.

So, consider me officially worried. Then again, if Ice leaves then at least I can finally make a clean break with the show myself, since Fin is my last favorite character still left on the series and the only reason I'm suffering through this season.


Ok, so, I am not taking total credit for this, as I saw a similar thread on IMDB awhile ago, and had been thinking about ways this series could end, or, at least what could be decent ideas for how to wrap up the series. Full disclosure: these aren't all my ideas, as I have seen some of these endings/ideas elsewhere, but I have put some different (I hope) spins on them

1) Perhaps have a retirement party for Benson. As the party is underway, Benson slips out to leave without a fuss, and:

  • She is approached by a victim (or sees a upset victim) while she (Benson) is in the hall trying to leave. She starts to walk back to the party to start the process of gathering information, and "remembers" that she is now retired. She directs the victim to the squad room, where the victim starts talking to Finn. He sees how upset the victim is and starts to comfort them, and happens to look up to see Benson in the hall. They he gives her a knowing look and nod, and she smiles, turns around, and walks away.
  • Benson slips out, and makes it to the street. She sees a young female detective on the sidewalk outside the precinct, looking a little unsure/worried. Benson approaches the detective, and inquires about what's on her mind, and the new detective says that she has been transferred to SVU and is unsure how to feel about it/how she'll do. Benson gives a few pointers/some reassurance. The new detective is relieved, and asks if Benson works there, and Benson reflects, and says: "no" then walks away. The camera then follows her closely for a few steps, then pans out to show her getting lost in the crowd.
  • After one of these, after some time (a few months/years) she is sitting on the boardwalk in the Little Russia district (where they investigated a crime in the earlier seasons a few times), where she is sitting outside a café. She is people watching, and is not really paying attention, and Stabler walks up and sits down. She looks over to him, and he smiles, and says: "so, how's retirement?" or something along those lines.
  • Someone mentioned something about Noah not having any extended family that would want him in an earlier thread.....I know it's a long shot, and it may be too late now, since he has been adopted by Benson, but I would LOVE to see someone come out of the woodwork and claim him. When/if that happens/happened, that would be a perfect time to see Benson really contemplate retirement/leaving SVU. As much as I hate the Noah/Benson stories, it might be nice to wrap it up in maybe a two part episode that explains that an aunt/uncle/grandma/grandpa had spent years looking for him (which would explain the long time that she's had him) and sue for custody. After she loses custody, she is drained, and decides to hang it up to reflect/pursue other passions. Finn gets promoted, and the show ends with a ceremony celebrating his promotion and her retirement.

2) There's a case from a very early episode where the squad is looking for an old perp (so they think.) It ends up that it's the perps' grandchild/protégé, and they enlist the help of Stabler, who worked the case originally. They get help from a new psychologist, who was once a suspect (Michael Pitt.) They keep Stabler around for 5-7 episodes, just to pick his brain, and the psychologist hangs around too. He (the psychologist) hangs around to learn the ropes and to help catch perps. He and Stabler seem to bury the hatchet, and get along well...the entire time the crimes that they thought were being committed by the old perp (actually his protégé) were actually being committed by/with the psychologist. While he had turned his life around for awhile, he had a relapse after being brought into the SVU squad. This shakes the squad, and calls for Benson to retire or lose her pension, etc. A few months later, Benson is seen sitting on a park bench (think: Aqualung) in the park. She seems a lot less stressed and is enjoying life. Her phone rings, she answers it, and is surprised to find that it s Calvin. The conversation is brief, but the audience can hear that he finished up medical school, and is setting up a rehab facility in the city. Feeling vindicated that at least one thing in her life paned out for the better, she congratulates him, and says she'll visit, then hangs up. She then gets up, and walks away, feeling good that something in her life turned out ok.

3) Benson retires, and just leaves. No one ever mentions her again. Finn gets promoted, and the squad gets back on track. The show goes on for 2 more years, with new blood coming in every once in awhile. Finn retires, and goes to Florida, and the last scene is him, sitting on  beach with a mixed drink, relaxing and loving life.

4) Benson finally has to pay the piper for her actions, and she is ousted. She has her pity party and feels bad for herself, but the squad still functions without her. I got nothin for this....

Anyways, that's just a few things off the top of my head. What are some other ideas?

Edited by 25thID
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5 hours ago, sockii said:

I confess, I'm worried that this might be Ice-T's last season on the show. Call me a conspiracy nut (my hero is Munch, after all), but this morning I've been thinking...

- We're still waiting on the renewal announcement. While it seems pretty certain the show is coming back, I have to wonder if contract negotiations are part of the hold up.

- They HAVE to be aware of the sinking ratings this season, and I swear the budget can't be what it used to be. Just look at how much the cast has shrunk already, the lack of many recurring characters let alone regulars, etc. Meanwhile I'm sure MH's salary will not budge and the network seems convinced there would be no show without her. And I have no doubt that Ice's has to be the 2nd highest salary, behind MH.

- It looks now as if Ice-T has two new shows in the works - one just announced today that's a true crime show produced by Dick Wolf, the other another  a new reality show with Coco.  Seems to me it'd be hard to juggle those two plus SVU, unless they use him even LESS than they have already.

- The way they made it sound like Fin's promotion = eventual transfer but left it up in the air makes me think they were setting up for this...or at least opening the possibility of having him make a quick exit.

So, consider me officially worried. Then again, if Ice leaves then at least I can finally make a clean break with the show myself, since Fin is my last favorite character still left on the series and the only reason I'm suffering through this season.

To me it's pretty clearly a set up so they don't have to pull something out of their ass if they can't do the deal (see Meloni, Chris), but not something they want to do. They wouldn't have left themselves so much wiggle room (it may take a few years until about the end of the show) if it was something they thought was going to happen and I think they want to keep him as he is a popular character especially for casual fans. But you are right about him being one of the few places left to cut and I could see them leaving him out of several episodes a season like they did with Belzer and Florek.  Maybe he will be training or be on patrol for a few weeks until a spot comes open and Liv pulls some strings. To be honest given that both Wolf and Ice-T both seem to be extremely pragmatic about these thingsI think it's most likely he takes less money for less screen time while he shoots other projects. But who knows other than Mariska and maybe Peter Scanavino (popular, inexpensive, and they need somebody to handle the action scenes) I would not be that surprised to see anyone leave.

12 hours ago, wknt3 said:

But you are right about him being one of the few places left to cut and I could see them leaving him out of several episodes a season like they did with Belzer and Florek.  Maybe he will be training or be on patrol for a few weeks until a spot comes open and Liv pulls some strings. To be honest given that both Wolf and Ice-T both seem to be extremely pragmatic about these thingsI think it's most likely he takes less money for less screen time while he shoots other projects. But who knows other than Mariska and maybe Peter Scanavino (popular, inexpensive, and they need somebody to handle the action scenes) I would not be that surprised to see anyone leave.

You are right — I could definitely see them doing something like they did with Belzer and Florek, pushing him back to half/less than half the episodes a season due to some excus (transferred to another division for a while, then coming back, etc.) Ice already usually maxes out his "off" episodes per season, lol, so I can see them just pushing that even more.

Though now apparently it may be that this is Esparza's last season (going by comments in another thread?) so who knows. I do expect some kind of shake-up for next season...they NEED it, but I feel it could either go well and be refreshing (like it was at least for season 13) or just make the show more Law & Order: Olivia Benson than it already is...

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Maybe Benson will be promoted to "Supreme Ruler" of the NYPD as a reward for all her unethical, immoral, and unprofessional behavior for the past 18 years because this show is a cheesy soap opera and that's how it goes in "Benson's World". Then they won't need any cast at all. Mission accomplished. "Benson and More Benson:SVU" !

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I certainly hope season 19 is better than this crappy season. Please give us less he said she said rape cases involving rich white people, less of St Olivia's sanctimony and preaching, stop making Barba Benson's bitch, and give us more recurring characters and more actual investigation instead of immediately knowing who the perp is.

You know, I feel like this show is now designed towards a specific, small group of people :  20 something, upper class, urban females with hipster/SJW leanings and a fairly privileged life. In other words, the show is aimed towards the real life versions of most of the show's rape victims, which is weird IMO. I don't know if Mariska is behind this because she thinks she can get her message across to this group more so than anyone else, or if the writers are just ignoring most of the fans to focus on the wishes of a very few.

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I don't know whether or not Rick's departure will make too much of a difference in the quality of the show. It was already getting pretty, "rich, white, pretty" before he came along, and Benson's been holier-than-thou for several seasons already. 

I'm not a Rick fan, (this season alone) nor a Warren fan, (Lewis drama, Noah), they each left a negative mark on the show in my opinion and I honestly think that this show is pretty much beyond help at this point. MH was never the best actress to begin with and her ability to emote has greatly deteriorated over the last few seasons. Her stans think she's wonderful, but c'mon, watch a few episodes of Orphan Black and you'll soon see why MH isn't on the Emmy's radar, far from it in fact. 

Not a Stabler fan at all, but this show began to lose its appeal when he left simply because it was the end of the true ensemble format it needs. There is no ME, TARU tech, psychiatrist, not even a recurring character like Sister Peg, for example. It's simply the Benson hour now and I don't know how or even if a new showrunner will be able to fix that. MH's salary is huge, the budget is low, it's clear that NBC is billing her (and will continue to) bill her as the "star" of the show, and that doesn't work in a show like this one. My prediction is that they'll do what it takes to get it to beat the mothership's record, which is a shame, and actually insulting to the far superior show, and proves to me that no one there cares too deeply about the quality of the product they're putting out. They'll limp it along to 20 or 21 seasons to beat the mothership and that'll be it.  I feel for the people that believe the whole, "we're doing this for survivors" line. Sure, in part, maybe, but nah, they're doing it mostly for their egos and the bottom line, money. 

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Is that the one where Scott Bakula (spelling?) cheated on his wife, who had a brain tumor/cancer? That kind of irked me a little, mainly because if another detective did that/let that slide, St. Benson would be all over that detective. I would just like to see her face the music for something, and, as insult to injury, I'd kind of like to see the squad forget about her/do well without her, especially since she seems to hold everyone back and/or take credit for everything good and pawn responsibility for something bad SHE did.

You know, in seasons 13 and 14 the show was more of an ensemble than it was in Stabler's final years, instead of just focusing on 2 cops, it focused on the whole squad, and there were still recurring characters around. In season 15 that all started to change and it became the Benson hour. Now it is all MH and her agenda, and we have basically no recurring characters anymore. 

Yeah it was called Vanity's Bonfire and it was a really stupid episode, Benson just let a murderer walk because she felt sorry for her ( and because she fit the young, rich white female that MH/Olivia seems so enamored of ). It was a really stupid, offensive ending and very OOC from Amaro and Benson, I've hated her even more since that episode and that is one that I never watch on reruns. 


I doubt this is the case, as it would be a looooong con, but what if the writers/producers/etc are just setting us up? I mean, St. Benson (Peace Be Upon Her) has been getting more and more insufferable over the last 4 or so seasons, and has been bending and breaking all kinds of rules/laws/protocols.....what if they're setting us up for her to fall big time, and have that end the show/her reign of terror?

Then, again, maybe she just has a huge ego, and it's spilling over into her work, since she hasn't done much more(movie/tv) work-wise that is really of note. Besides, I don't think the writers are that clever, and I'm sure St. Benson (PBUH) wouldn't allow for that to happen.

Edited by 25thID
On 5/13/2017 at 10:57 AM, Gigglepuff said:

Her stans think she's wonderful, but c'mon, watch a few episodes of Orphan Black and you'll soon see why MH isn't on the Emmy's radar, far from it in fact. 

Agreed. She was good by early-aughts, cop procedural standards, but TV has moved on. I saw some on Twitter disappointed she wasn't nominated last year for the finale. Why? Because she cried? That kind of performance isn't even on the same level compared with Tatiana Maslany. You can't even blame the network vs. cable shows because Viola Davis won in 2015 for a network show. The writing is bad, the direction is bad, the acting is bad, and the format is practically a dinosaur. No one takes SVU critically seriously anymore. Even if Olivia Benson discovered her lesbian scientist and suburban soccer mom clones next season, I don't think anyone would give an SVU "For Your Consideration" reel a second glance.

Related, the channel Pop- which I had never heard of until last week- has been airing old ER episodes every week day. I DVRed them and I'm up to Mariska's stint as Mark Greene's girlfriend. She's almost unrecognizable compared to Benson. So she does have depth. Or at least she did. I'm not sure if she changed or she gave up, or she's been doing the same role for so long that she's forgotten how to act, or if no director just has the balls to stand up to her and say "Maybe not the gaping maw reaction in every shot?"

I heard from someone involved with the show that they knew it was being renewed a few weeks ago. I'm surprised how many people didn't think it would be.

Edited by skittl3862
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I don't give a fuck about the show being critically acclaimed or not, critics opinions are no more valid than the opinions of fans, they are just paid shills whose purpose is to influence what shows the public likes and thinks highly of, subliminal brainwashing basically.

About MH's acting though, yeah I agree it's really bad now, she used to be decent but now she is so over the top with her facial expressions now and her dramatic delivery it's like she's on a soap opera. 

I would love to see Benson come crashing down and leave, Fin take over and we get a couple of new detectives but MH will never leave, this is her career and her ego is huge, that's why everything is so Benson centric now. 

It would be nice if MH could have a salary reduction.  I remember, several years back during the recession, when ABC was trying to balance their budget for their daytime soap operas.  Susan Lucci was the highest paid actress on daytime, and she insisted on her salary being lowered so that others would not have to leave the show and the budget would be okay.  Class act all the way.

Mariska seems like a lovely person, and she probably is.  No one seems to have an issue with working with her.  But ego is a funny thing.  When you are in a position of power, your head can start to swell.

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7 hours ago, angel1008 said:

It would be nice if MH could have a salary reduction.  I remember, several years back during the recession, when ABC was trying to balance their budget for their daytime soap operas.  Susan Lucci was the highest paid actress on daytime, and she insisted on her salary being lowered so that others would not have to leave the show and the budget would be okay.  Class act all the way.

Mariska seems like a lovely person, and she probably is.  No one seems to have an issue with working with her.  But ego is a funny thing.  When you are in a position of power, your head can start to swell.

Yet people are not providing evidence. Unless I've completely missed it.

Ego can be a funny thing, but all I'm seeing is accusations and no proof.

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Courtney Lane the blond 14 year old  girl who was the killer in Lost Traveler was a sociopath. Even her father was horrified and stunned to see what kind of girl she was. He seemed to be a decent guy but his evil daughter had no problem torturing and killing a little boy because he was going to tell his mom and then pretended to be sad and scared of a mentally challenged boy that she framed for the murder .  The only other kid that comes close to being as evil as Courtney was is Jake O' Hara from Conscience. He also killed a little boy  he pretended to be sorry about it but then mocked the little boy's father Dr Morton in the courthouse who then shot him dead  because he was furious that he got played by a 13 year old psycho. Jake's mother seemed to also be a good parent.

Edited by Redskinsfan

This is how I think the show should end. Olivia and Fin are  trying to catch a serial killer who is killing little boys for no apparent reason. Her son Noah ends up being kidnap and she gets  a call to go to a construction site near her neighborhood if she wants to see her little boy alive and to come alone. Olivia gets there and see Noah tied up he says mommy help me I'm scared and it hurts. She asks what's wrong? He says the mean lady hurt and burned me with a cigarette. Olivia remembers a old case and says OMG it can't be a 20 year old blonde woman then appears  It's Courtney Lane the killer from Lost Traveler! She says good you remember me. I want you to see what I did to your little boy before he dies. Olivia says no you can't do this Courtney smiles and says why not? Suddenly a gunshot rings out and Courtney is killed.. Olivia sees who fired and is shocked she says OMG it's you El. Elliott Stabler smiles and says it's good to see you again Liv . She asks him how did you where I was? He said he was out getting some food near her house and saw her driving by so he followed her from a distance. She then says who that girl was. He then takes her and to the station and he is arrested for murder after saying hi and saying what happen at the construction site to Fin..

Edited by Redskinsfan
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As much as I hate the Noah in trouble/threatened storyline that they force down out throats, that does sound interesting. Perhaps, maybe St. Benson gets a call (without anyone paying attention, kinda like the episode where Stabler helps find that kidnapped kid), and she goes alone. Elliot follows her, like you said. As a twist, after seeing Noah tied up/saying it hurts, she loses it. She draws her sidearm and two shots ring out at the same time- one is from Elliot, an one from St. Benson. They both go to the station, there's an investigation as to who should be charged. The ME Warner (this would be an awesome way to bring her back!) cannot determine which shot impacted first, and which one is lethal. Dr. Huang is there as well, since he has a history with the two (Elliot and St. Benson) and interviews both.

He determines that the shooting(s) is/are justified, since St. Benson has been under stress since she started in SVU, and Elliot was protecting a friend/former co worker. Elliot deduced that Noah was her son after St. Benson talked to Courtney, and he was justified in the shooting. Since it is a grey area, neither is charged after a high profile case. As they leave the courtroom, Elliot glances over to St. Benson and offers t take her out for a coffee, in a plutonic way. She says: "that sounds great. You're buying." He scoffs, and says: "Just like old times. Some things never change." They both let out a relieved laugh and walk off into the sunset, ready for a new chapter.

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I want to know what everyone saddest moments on the show. 3 stick out in my mind right now.

1. Seeing little Nico's mom reaction when she saw his body in the morgue in Lost Traveler

2. Seeing Josh Stanton not being remember anything on the stand and  then his suicide in Spiraling Down.

3.Elliott having to kill Jenna Fox in Smoked. I know he had no choice but to shoot but still it was sad because that 16 year old girl had just lost her mother to murder and was not in her right mind. It also had to be hard for Elliott shoot a girl who was close to one of his kid's age.

Edited by Redskinsfan
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Emma Brooks from Wet. Her grandmother was always just about the victim Ellen. I thought she was actually going to be there for Emma when she showed up at the hospital but instead she nastily said will take your hand off me and then took Emma's necklace so she could give it to Ellen's 9 year old daughter. When Emma said she always wanted a mother she said well she died. That really bothered me Emma should have said well you should say the same thing to Ellen's kid..

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On 11/29/2015 at 6:20 PM, AntiBeeSpray said:

Robin Williams (Merritt Rook) in "Authority". I felt sorry for how he had faith in the doctor who ended up killing his wife and son and how that faith was misplaced. What Merritt did was wrong, but what he brought up about how people can be sheep, is so very true imo.

ITA with this.

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