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One is the Loneliest Number: Unpopular GG Opinions

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It's a plot contrivance.  If Straub and Francine aren't seriously estranged from Rory and Lorelai, it gives Lorelai a source for the Chilton money outside of Emily and Richard, likely without their strings.  It would have been an interesting situation, with competing sets of grandparents, but I suppose it would undermine the premise of the show. 


It'd probably be strings on Rory to have a relationship with the Haydens, though if they loaned the money for Chilton and then, Yale. Maybe it's how I grew up but I can't even picture relatives agreeing to hand over thousands of dollars for the betterment of their granddaughter without insisting on a relationship to go with the money. (Hence, my total lack of a problem with E/R imposing the Friday Night Dinner deal. That's just how it goes- you ask for a money favor as a family member, you need to agree to be a family member in terms of an relationship.)


Lorelai probably wouldn't have the obligation because this AU less hateful version of the Haydens wouldn't take out their dislike of the situation on their grandchild, but they wouldn't have any reason or feel any familial compulsion to see Lorelai every week. And that's why it wouldn't be the same story with the Haydens in the Emily/Richard mode of rich and snooty, but genuinely into helping family out. However, IMO, there's almost gotta be something wrong with you as grandparents to agree to fork over thousands of dollars for private school but without any demands to see the kid that you're paying for even as they attend same private school in the same town and live thirty minutes away. It'd be like coldly assholic meets doormat for Lorelai- but not a sign of anything I'd admire. 

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And speaking of Haydens and their money, I wish we were given some indication why Christopher apparently wasn't even approached to help fund Chilton - beyond the basest of plot contrivance. Yes, Straub and Francine were highly unlikely benefactors. But why not the child's father - who was in everybody's good books at the time - and was believed to be a successful businessman? 

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It'd probably be strings on Rory to have a relationship with the Haydens, though if they loaned the money for Chilton and then, Yale. Maybe it's how I grew up but I can't even picture relatives agreeing to hand over thousands of dollars for the betterment of their granddaughter without insisting on a relationship to go with the money. (Hence, my total lack of a problem with E/R imposing the Friday Night Dinner deal. That's just how it goes- you ask for a money favor as a family member, you need to agree to be a family member in terms of an relationship.)


There might be strings, but I figure Lorelai wouldn't have the same baggage with the Haydens, had they been in the picture. Also, they might insist on a closer relationship with Rory, but I can't imagine them caring as much whether Lorelai attended a dinner.   

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I don't think lorelai ever bought that Chris was a successful businessman and knew he was broke. He had a string of failed business ventures, according to him in Presenting LG, and in Christopher returns when Lorelai found out about the latest failure, her response was, "I knew it" Seems like he had been trying to strike out on his own for awhile and couldn't do it, so he later settled for a regular 9-5 in season 2.

But even if he had it, I'm not convinced lorelai would've been more comfortable asking him for money than her parents. I think she would've been equally uncomfortable because she didn't like asking for money from anyone, even for Rory.

Edited by dirtypop90
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But I loved Emily in that scene in the flashback of Dear Richard and Emily, with the

Haydens. Francine suggest sending Lorelai way remarking that aren't their places who take

girls like that? Emily immediately asks girls like what? Francine cries that Christopher is

just a baby, Emily points out that Lorelai is hardly collecting social security. Staub suggests

getting rid of the baby and Emily refuses. She does a pretty good job of defending her daughter.

I thought it was pretty clear that the Haydens blamed Lorelai for the whole thing, I mean aside

from those remarks they also wonder why Christopher's future should be ruined. But Emily was

awesome not only did she not agree she even states that Christopher was as much to blame

as was Lorelai and defends her daughter against every remark the Haydens make. There's also

a point where she tells Staub to chose his words carefully. Emily was kind of awesome

in that scene.

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But I loved Emily in that scene in the flashback of Dear Richard and Emily, with the

Haydens. Francine suggest sending Lorelai way remarking that aren't their places who take

girls like that? Emily immediately asks girls like what? Francine cries that Christopher is

just a baby, Emily points out that Lorelai is hardly collecting social security. Staub suggests

getting rid of the baby and Emily refuses. She does a pretty good job of defending her daughter.

I thought it was pretty clear that the Haydens blamed Lorelai for the whole thing, I mean aside

from those remarks they also wonder why Christopher's future should be ruined. But Emily was

awesome not only did she not agree she even states that Christopher was as much to blame

as was Lorelai and defends her daughter against every remark the Haydens make. There's also

a point where she tells Staub to chose his words carefully. Emily was kind of awesome

in that scene.

I really liked that scene too. Only time you see Emily really defending Lorelai and it was great to see. :)

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I also enjoyed that scene, Emily put it all down right there and then it was Richard who broke the problem by suggestion the marriage and going from there. Too bad we never really saw that Emily again or how she had to just break up Luke and Lorelai because Christopher was a Hayden and better "suited" for Lorelai in her opinion. Yeah, we all so how great the Haydens were and not to mention the Hutzburgers. I did enjoy Emily's smack down then too. Too bad we had to get mustache twirling, pride ridden Emily after season 4. 

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Yeah, we all so how great the Haydens were and not to mention the Hutzburgers.

Which baffles me how the elder Gilmores would look past the way the Haydens and Huntzbergers treated their daughter and granddaughter and want them to marry into those families. Just because of money and position. Sure, Christopher and Logan were not like their parents, but still. 

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To me, it is important that Christopher and Logan weren't like their parents, so I am comfortable defending Emily a bit. Chris and Logan weren't the horrible ones, and lorelai and Rory actually fell in love with them on their own. It's not like the pairings were arranged in any way. So Emily wanted her daughter and granddaughter to be with the men that they actually did love and also had trust funds and a respected last name. So yea, I got her thinking. It's not like lorelai or Rory would've have to deal with the awful Haydens or huntzbergers; Chris and Logan barely did. And Emily and trix weren't friendly Those old-money families typically aren't close so I get her not caring what lorelai and Rory's potential in-laws thought of them.

Edited by dirtypop90
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I also enjoyed that scene, Emily put it all down right there and then it was Richard who broke the problem by suggestion the marriage and going from there. Too bad we never really saw that Emily again or how she had to just break up Luke and Lorelai because Christopher was a Hayden and better "suited" for Lorelai in her opinion. Yeah, we all so how great the Haydens were and not to mention the Hutzburgers. I did enjoy Emily's smack down then too. Too bad we had to get mustache twirling, pride ridden Emily after season 4. 


IMO, Lorelai's choices to run away with Rory and basically break off ties with her parents was what really sowed Emily's stronger and deeper grudge and it was at the root of most of Emily's problems with Lorelai as an adult. Emily could really forgive Lorelai getting knocked up. However, Emily never forgave Lorelai for running away for the entire series and I think that Emily had these warring impulses to both embrace and get closer to Lorelai but to also thoroughly punish Lorelai for years for running away and breaking up the family and Emily's heart. Emily does defend Lorelai in the present-day- "Christopher, I think you'd better leave." "I hardly think she's failing, Mom." "Rory, if your mother thinks this boy isn’t appropriate company for you then you need to listen to her." "Is it really necessary?....Going after Jason like this....It took us a long time to get Lorelai back into this house, and she is dating Jason." However, yeah, it's never as vociferous and pure as in the flashbacks before Lorelai ran away and Lorelai was the, however pregnant, child who needed her mother as opposed to the adult who basically told her mother to go hell. 

Edited by Melancholy
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But I loved Emily in that scene in the flashback of Dear Richard and Emily, with the

Haydens. Francine suggest sending Lorelai way remarking that aren't their places who take

girls like that? Emily immediately asks girls like what? Francine cries that Christopher is

just a baby, Emily points out that Lorelai is hardly collecting social security. Staub suggests

getting rid of the baby and Emily refuses. She does a pretty good job of defending her daughter.

I thought it was pretty clear that the Haydens blamed Lorelai for the whole thing, I mean aside

from those remarks they also wonder why Christopher's future should be ruined. But Emily was

awesome not only did she not agree she even states that Christopher was as much to blame

as was Lorelai and defends her daughter against every remark the Haydens make. There's also

a point where she tells Staub to chose his words carefully. Emily was kind of awesome

in that scene.


I guess this is a pretty popular table because I too love that scene. That is actually one of my favourite episodes.

So I have a question... what exactly did Chris do after graduating high school (which I am assuming he did)? He wasn't married to Lorelai and didn't appear to be too involved in Rory's life so why didn't he go to college? What was holding him back / derailed his life?

Hence, my unpopular opinion - I HATE CHRISTOPHER. No matter how much they try to paint him as a nice guy, pulling his life together or not, being there for Sherri and Gigi or not, successful business man or not... **rolls eyes**. I have never and no matter how much I re-watch, will never like Chris. I think he's not just a loser dad, but a loser all round.

Edited by timimouse
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^ you'll be happy to know that hating Christopher isn't an unpopular opinion. After watching GG for the first time a few weeks ago and then reading up on it, I quickly found out that hating Christopher is one of the most popular opinions. People are a bit nicer to him in this thread because this is the UO thread

Edited by dirtypop90
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However, yeah, it's never as vociferous and pure as in the flashbacks before Lorelai ran away and Lorelai was the, however pregnant, child who needed her mother as opposed to the adult who basically told her mother to go hell.


I think this is spot on.  Emily very much loves her daughter, but I don't think she ever really dealt with the trauma of Lorelai leaving in the way she did.  She doesn't know how to talk to Lorelai as an adult, and really struggles in interacting with her.  I look at that Secret and Loans episode, and Emily was actually being very kind in first offering her daughter a blank check, then agreeing to co-sign the loan.  Lorelai responded to it all like an ungrateful brat.  I just wanted to be like: "Oh gosh, your mother is going to now have a regular meeting with the DAR at the Inn!  Big f-ing deal.  She just helped you save your home from collapse.  Grow up." 

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Watching Dear Richard and Emily last week I was struck by Lorelai's immaturity in some ways. When Christopher is happy to marry her, she won't let him because it will ruin his plans to travel Europe. Umm, well duh! Married or not he's the father of the baby and has no business backpacking and rough sleeping around Europe for a year or two. He needed to be doing something to help with taking care of his baby. He had plans that were important to him but then he was going to be a dad. He needed to adapt. Maybe they could have stayed together and gone to Europe when Rory was older, as Lorelai did. They could have done it together when Rory was a child, even. Lorelai's objection didn't seem to be that she didn't love Christopher or want to be with him. Just that their parents were mean to want him to change his plans.

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I agree. He did need to adapt. He was about to be come a father and whether he and Lorelai got married or

not it wasn't going to change that part. He needed to step up and be a father to his kid. I hated Lorelai

telling him that he didn't need to change his plans that he could still go to Europe almost as much as I

hate Richard and Emily and everyone else apparently letting him off the hook for raising and supporting

Rory because he did propose and Lorelai turned him down.

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He did need to adapt. He was about to be come a father and whether he and Lorelai got married or not it wasn't going to change that part. He needed to step up and be a father to his kid.


I agree that Chris should have stepped up to be a father, but I also wonder how realistic it really is to have that expectation and what it actually means when the father is still a child themselves.  I think a high school student would likely make a terrible parent, not because they are bad people, but simply because they are not in a place in their lives where they have the ability or wherewithal to handle kids. 

Edited by txhorns79
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In Lorelai's defense, she, more than anyone, lived out the sacrifices of being a new parent. She may have been all WHAT ABOUT EUROPE? to Christopher, but Lorelai lived a life of understanding that she needs to sacrifice and toil for her child and can't be a teenager anymore. I'm not sure if Lorelai was all WHAT ABOUT EUROPE? to Chris because:


(a) teenage!Lorelai actually hadn't matured yet to put kid first while she was pregnant and she needed to actually see Rory to truly become a mother OR;

(b) she was just using "Europe" as a symbol of the freedom and personal choices that she and Chris were still entitled to, even if they had to put the adventure and youthful fun that would detract from Rory aside, because there's other ways to be a responsible teen parent than being ordered to marry, live in your wive's childhood home, and work in your new father-in-law's insurance firm OR;

© a more flawed reading, this is part of Lorelai's pattern of assuming that she'll be the Single Mom and Chris should be allowed and even tacitly encouraged to continue to live out his youthful irresponsible and not step up as a father so Lorelai has the authority on how to raise Rory.


I think it's mostly option B, but I get other readings. 

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I think it would have worked better if teen Lorelai initially agreed to marry Chris but hope they could find a way to do it their way and forge their own life together. A life full of hard work but love and adventures. Then it quickly becomes obvious to her that Chris would take the path of least resistance. He'd work for Richard because it was the easiest route but become more and more detached and resentful. Lorelai comes to realise that if she marries Chris she would be left living with Rory under her parents' rules, in a marriage that has become loveless. Nobody (apart from Richard and Emily) would be happy.


So she delays the wedding until after Rory's birth so she can be sure, which immediately establishes herself as the irresponsible one in the eyes of the senior Gilmores and Haydens, as she made Rory 'illegitimate.' Then once it becomes obvious that her fears were correct she takes off. Maybe even as the wedding is being planned. The ensuing shitstorm with the grandparents is why she has so little relationship with the Gilmores and none with the Haydens. As Christopher would be overcome with relief and take off travelling with glee while looking like the heartbroken abandoned father/fiance to the grandparents.

Edited by AllyB
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^^ I think it was a combination of the three. Lorelai was immature, didn't want Chris to sacrifice his freedom, and wanted to make all the decisions about Rory.

Super duper UO: Rory and Logan is my favorite relationship on this show, easily. Perhaps I wasn't annoyed by Logan's smirk, as others were, because I watched the good wife before GG and was pretty fond of Matt before I watched him as Logan. I also liked watching how they got together. I liked watching Rory pursue a guy in a way she had never before. I also liked her trying out the friends with benefits relationship, and watching lorelai freak out over it, and Rory realizing it wasn't for her. Plus, I think Logan is the only guy she's dated that's truly on her level (looks, brains, money). I was into it. :shrugs: I actually think they got too serious too fast with Logan introducing her to his parents not too soon after they decided to be exclusive.

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Super duper UO: Rory and Logan is my favorite relationship on this show, easily.

We like the Rory/Logan pairing at our house too, dirtypop. (Hubby is a fan of the show too.) My husband is a mental health counsellor and pretty perceptive about people and he thought it was a good pairing. I can't remember all his reasoning, but he convinced me. I love Jess/Rory too...but it remains to be seen if that could be a healthy adult relationship.

I also like Logan pretty well....though I get the distaste for his smirk. He looks and acts (in his mannerisms) a lot like my brother so I was probably predisposed to like him. Plus, as much as I love Jess, it was nice to have Rory with a generally happy and cheerful person for once.

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Super duper UO: Rory and Logan is my favorite relationship on this show, easily.

While I'm a javajunkie, the Logan Rory relationship was the most mature of any relationship for the two GG. (I always felt that Lorelai was written as an eternal teenager in her relationships)

Logan had the advantage over Jess because he knew how to navigate both of Rory's worlds - high society and more modest living like SH. He was also not afraid to push either boundary.

Jess was moving from bad boy to businessman artist. It's the artist role that I think wouldn't have worked for Rory long term. She needed a mental stability that Logan had when he wasn't playing wild college student.

So, maybe marry Logan, have a fling with Jess? Not totally out of character for Rory. <grin>

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Logan had the advantage over Jess because he knew how to navigate both of Rory's worlds - high society and more modest living like SH. He was also not afraid to push either boundary.


I'm trying to think.  Did Logan really interact with the townies?  I know he was in Stars Hollow a few times, I just didn't remember him having any particular interactions with any of the regulars.  I mean, I presume Miss Patty would have propositioned him, no? 

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So she delays the wedding until after Rory's birth so she can be sure, which immediately establishes herself as the irresponsible one in the eyes of the senior Gilmores and Haydens, as she made Rory 'illegitimate.' Then once it becomes obvious that her fears were correct she takes off. Maybe even as the wedding is being planned. The ensuing shitstorm with the grandparents is why she has so little relationship with the Gilmores and none with the Haydens. As Christopher would be overcome with relief and take off travelling with glee while looking like the heartbroken abandoned father/fiance to the grandparents.


 I also put it in with the "Europe" talk as it was also a point to have Christopher say: "Forget that?" "We have a kid on the way, Europe will still be there, even if I want to run away there right now." Because that would have shown that Chris while still a kid himself, would have started to see he had a new responsibility to things. His reaction to when Rory was born was: "I guess this means we have to get married now." That told the final story with Lorelai at that point, she finally got what kind of responsibility that she now had, while Christopher was: "Guess our parents were right." Then Lorelai gets things in order with Rory a bit more, and while the timelines don't work really, Straub and Francine would have gotten to see Rory as a baby a bit more before Lorelai ran off with her causing the shitstorm of Lorelai not going with the plan. An UO for me was I don't think Emily and Richard ever got to see Chris's attitude with things the way Lorelai did at that stage. I think that would have been a major factor of how ready Chris was to be a father, when his was: "My parents and your parents have a good plan, and I have no clue as what to do, so sure." Because despite the Hayden status that Emily took into such high regard. It would have painted Chris as just being irresponsible like he always had been years later, not getting it together. Too bad Lorelai didn't see until later on that while Chris might have been Rory's father, he was horrible at decision making and what being responsible really meant. Yet, people threw him chance after chance, money here and there and yet it was Lorelai's fault for everything. I really wish Rory would have told Emily and Richard at some point: "Get fucking over it!" "Dad can't do it!" "Stop acting like he ever will." 

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Then once it becomes obvious that her fears were correct she takes off. Maybe even as the wedding is being planned. The ensuing shitstorm with the grandparents is why she has so little relationship with the Gilmores and none with the Haydens. 


Huh.  You know, it has never once occurred to me that there may have been actual wedding plans being made, but I'm thinking that if there were, that clears up a lot of the confusion (from the fans) over the attitudes the characters have had over the years.  I'm going to have to spend some time thinking thru possible scenarios for this one.  Hmmmm......

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Huh.  You know, it has never once occurred to me that there may have been actual wedding plans being made, but I'm thinking that if there were, that clears up a lot of the confusion (from the fans) over the attitudes the characters have had over the years.  I'm going to have to spend some time thinking thru possible scenarios for this one.  Hmmmm......

Yes, because that makes even more sense back in season 1 when Richard said they had a plan and only Lorelai didn't want to go with it. She figured it out right there when Chris said: "I guess we have to get married now." That he really didn't get it and she did and while she let things play out a bit after Rory was born, she realized her instincts were true. The problem was,  it lead to everyone being so pissed off and her growing up the rest of the way going: "My family sucks and rich people suck." "I'm turning my back for good and they can all suck it!" 

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I'm trying to think.  Did Logan really interact with the townies?  I know he was in Stars Hollow a few times, I just didn't remember him having any particular interactions with any of the regulars.  I mean, I presume Miss Patty would have propositioned him, no?

I'm basing my opinion primarily on Hay Bale, where he seemed perfectly comfortable in the middle of town insanity. He might have interacted with Sookie and Jackson there?

Also with the interaction with Luke who would technically be a townie in the S7 hospital scene.

It's debatable how nice he was to Marty when he met him with Rory the first time, but I count it as friendly if drunk.

Both the Jess interaction and the Marty Girlfriend interaction I write off to jealousy more than general jerkitude.

Finally, he definitely had social skills that he could turn on and off at will. I'm thinking he also got along with the newspaper staff when he was there, as well as with Doyle and Paris.

Oops. There was also Rory's 21st party with Zach and maybe Lane?

In summary, it's a thin body of evidence, but I am convinced he wasn't an Emily.

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In summary, it's a thin body of evidence, but I am convinced he wasn't an Emily.


That's interesting, because I think the only townie who Emily really had issues with was Luke, and that was less about him and more about Lorelai.  She obviously didn't get the full assortment of crazy that were some of the townies, but I don't recall her being snobby with the ones she did interact with. 

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Emily did seem perfectly fine with the Townies, especially when drunk. Heck she didn't hate early season Luke, just the prospect of her daughter dating him. Later season Emily just treated him like trash.

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Emily took an attitude when Kirk was describing how Luke put gummy worms in the chocolate "mud pie" so it was like you were eating real mud- but then again WHO WOULDN'T. LOL. Of course, Emily hated Jess- but that's very understandable because Jess was very rude at the dinner and I thought Emily showed great restraint and forbearance at the dinner itself. She liked Mrs. Kim and Sookie, even though Emily interpreted rudeness out Sookie's inviationless last minute invite to her wedding but then again, I really get that. Emily actually really reliably liked Sookie. Like the moment in the tasting in An Affair to Remember where Emily was solicitous of how Sookie shouldn't carry trays back and forth from the kitchen when she's like eight months pregnant but Lorelai wasn't- even though of course, some of Emily's solicitousness stemmed from wanting to mess with Lorelai. And in general events like the Bachelorette party or the Bracebridge Dinner, Emily and Richard mixed up nicely with the townies. 


Not to bang a drum, but Chris was really the worst at interacting with the townies. 

Edited by Melancholy
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Emily took an attitude when Kirk was describing how Luke put gummy worms in the chocolate "mud pie" so it was like you were eating real mud- but then again WHO WOULDN'T. LOL. Of course, Emily hated Jess- but that's very understandable because Jess was very rude at the dinner and I thought Emily showed great restraint and forbearance at the dinner itself. She liked Mrs. Kim and Sookie, even though Emily interpreted rudeness out Sookie's inviationless last minute invite to her wedding but then again, I really get that. Emily actually really reliably liked Sookie. Like the moment in the tasting in An Affair to Remember where Emily was solicitous of how Sookie shouldn't carry trays back and forth from the kitchen when she's like eight months pregnant but Lorelai wasn't- even though of course, some of Emily's solicitousness stemmed from wanting to mess with Lorelai. And in general events like the Bachelorette party or the Bracebridge Dinner, Emily and Richard mixed up nicely with the townies.

Not to bang a drum, but Chris was really the worst at interacting with the townies.

You're so right about Chris! He didn't even try to get to know them or get on with them. Or maybe the townies didn't want to get to know him out of loyalty to Luke?

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Emily did seem perfectly fine with the Townies, especially when drunk.

Sure, she got along with them fine for short periods of time, especially when she was drunk.  But if forced to live among them I doubt she'd get on with them any better than Christopher did.  And even though Logan made an effort during Hay Bale Maze I can't see him being any more comfortable with the townies than Rory was with the group of "rich trust fund kids" at his pre-launch party.


Logan had the advantage over Jess because he knew how to navigate both of Rory's worlds - high society and more modest living like SH.

I felt like Logan sometimes steamrollered right over Rory's objections instead of finding out how she really felt (e.g. at Paris's in I'm OK, You're OK).  And, despite what he said about factoring her in during Hay Bale Maze, he accepted the job in SF and asked Lorelai for permission to propose without any discussion with Rory. To me, those two tendencies could be a factor in outgrowing a relationship in the long term, not to even mention the public proposal and refusal to compromise afterwards.

Edited by shron17
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But if forced to live among them I doubt she'd get on with them any better than Christopher did.  And even though Logan made an effort during Hay Bale Maze I can't see him being any more comfortable with the townies than Rory was with the group of "rich trust fund kids" at his pre-launch party.


I honestly thought the townies' problems with Chris was less about wealth v. middle class, and more about Chris not understanding the town's admittedly eccentric ways, with the townies not being thrilled with an outsider. 

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You're so right about Chris! He didn't even try to get to know them or get on with them. Or maybe the townies didn't want to get to know him out of loyalty to Luke?


Or possibly the townies had no interest in wanting to get to know Christopher  because he wasn't a presence in Rory's life. Showing up for the first time when she was sixteen. And in light of her early home in Stars Hollow, it seemed unlikely he had been financially supporting her.

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Or possibly the townies had no interest in wanting to get to know Christopher because he wasn't a presence in Rory's life. Showing up for the first time when she was sixteen. And in light of her early home in Stars Hollow, it seemed unlikely he had been financially supporting her.

True! And he doesn't really make an effort himself. You'd think if he really wanted to be with Chris, he'd at least make an effort in the town that Lorelai and Rory loved. He just acted like they were all crazy.

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Or possibly the townies had no interest in wanting to get to know Christopher  because he wasn't a presence in Rory's life. Showing up for the first time when she was sixteen. And in light of her early home in Stars Hollow, it seemed unlikely he had been financially supporting her.


Wouldn't shunning Lorelai's husband and Rory's father only end up hurting Lorelai and Rory?  What kind of people would actually do that to them?  Besides, we already saw in Christopher Returns that none of the townies really care, or at least gave no sign that they cared.  Hell, Miss Patty acted like she was going to sex Chris up right there in the middle of the street.     



True! And he doesn't really make an effort himself. You'd think if he really wanted to be with Chris, he'd at least make an effort in the town that Lorelai and Rory loved. He just acted like they were all crazy.


You are right that he should have made more effort, but in fairness, they are all kind of crazy. 

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Sure, she got along with them fine for short periods of time, especially when she was drunk.  But if forced to live among them I doubt she'd get on with them any better than Christopher did.  And even though Logan made an effort during Hay Bale Maze I can't see him being any more comfortable with the townies than Rory was with the group of "rich trust fund kids" at his pre-launch party.


Yes, I don't think Emily would fit in at Stars Hallow if she lived there. However, Chris bashed Stars Hallow even on his short visits and he often acted like he was above them and too glamorous to make conversation or indulge them for even a conversation here and there. 


Like in Christopher Returns, when Andrew and Jackson were just trying to figure out what movie star he looks like which isn't *cool* or anything, but it's not offensive or even that weird. 


CHRISTOPHER: [tugs at Rory as they go down an aisle] Ok, I’m kidnapping you and getting you out of here.

RORY: They all mean well.

CHRISTOPHER: Yeah, I’m sure all lunatics have the best intentions.


Or after Kirk's short film which yes, WAS, weird but it was just Kirk doing it and it was frankly, *Lorelai* who chose to air it for the town. 


CHRISTOPHER: This town is like one big outpatient mental institution.


Chris is just generally stuck up about Stars Hallow, long before he lived there. Emily and Richard are snobs- but even they had enough bonhomie and social grace and interest in others to be fun in Stars Hallow.

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Yes, I don't think Emily would fit in at Stars Hallow if she lived there. However, Chris bashed Stars Hallow even on his short visits and he often acted like he was above them and too glamorous to make conversation or indulge them for even a conversation here and there.

Like in Christopher Returns, when Andrew and Jackson were just trying to figure out what movie star he looks like which isn't *cool* or anything, but it's not offensive or even that weird.

CHRISTOPHER: [tugs at Rory as they go down an aisle] Ok, I’m kidnapping you and getting you out of here.

RORY: They all mean well.

CHRISTOPHER: Yeah, I’m sure all lunatics have the best intentions.

Or after Kirk's short film which yes, WAS, weird but it was just Kirk doing it and it was frankly, *Lorelai* who chose to air it for the town.

CHRISTOPHER: This town is like one big outpatient mental institution.

Chris is just generally stuck up about Stars Hallow, long before he lived there. Emily and Richard are snobs- but even they had enough bonhomie and social grace and interest in others to be fun in Stars Hallow.

I agree. Chris just wasn't interested in getting along with them which is probably why the townies couldn't be bothered with him. Even when Lorelai and Rory defended them, he still just insulted them. It was actually nice to see Emily and Richard interact with the townies. It obviously wasn't natural for them but they made the effort which the townies reacted to. You can see that in The Bracebridge Dinner.

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I agree. Chris just wasn't interested in getting along with them which is probably why the townies couldn't be bothered with him. Even when Lorelai and Rory defended them, he still just insulted them. It was actually nice to see Emily and Richard interact with the townies. It obviously wasn't natural for them but they made the effort which the townies reacted to. You can see that in The Bracebridge Dinner.


Very true.  Chris didn't appear to have much interest, while Emily and Richard at least made an effort. 

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While Richard and Emily were snobs, they were just living life in the way that they had been taught was proper. Beneath all their social classism they were nice people, especially Emily. At least in the earlier seasons when the characterisations were consistent.

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I love how Emily treats Jess in that dinner when he has the black eye.  Inside she is seething but she was so polite.  LOL.  Too bad she had her mind all made up after that that he was a hoodlum and that he belonged in jail. What if the bruise was the result of an innocent accident (which it was) or , much worse, some domestic violence thing?

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Hell, Miss Patty acted like she was going to sex Chris up right there in the middle of the street.


Patty acts like she's going to sex up anyone with a Y-chromosome in the middle of the street. Even underage Dean. Ugh.

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Chris and Logan come from the same world, got kicked out from the same boarding schools, were raised by similar parents, and yet, I see them as different in their ability to juggle the Gilmore girls' two worlds.


Chris just wasn't interested in getting along with them which is probably why the townies couldn't be bothered with him.

That is very true. And that's how you can see the difference with Logan. His minimal interactions with "normal" people were very respectful. Even in Hay Bale Maze, he was super sweet to the kid who didn't want to go in the maze and was complaining about the lack of activities. Logan joked with the kid and helped him get into a better mood. You know that Chris would have made a sarcastic comment about how he totally agreed with the kid and that the maze sucked.


Finally, he definitely had social skills that he could turn on and off at will. I'm thinking he also got along with the newspaper staff when he was there, as well as with Doyle and Paris.

Another instance where Logan and Chris differ. Logan always got along very well with the Daily News staff, treating them as equals, even if he didn't really want to be there most of the time. But for Chris, the only time he showed up, he throw his money at their face, inviting them to an expensive restaurant with expensive food and drinks. He even invited them to go skiing for god's sake! And yes, he did blame this behavior on feeling like a loser in front of other Yale parents, but where those parents talked about helping their kids with science projects and getting up early on Sundays to drive them to lacrosse games, he figured his best parenting move would be money!

Edited by marineg
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^ the daily news at Yale? (I'm asking because I skipped around a lot near the end) those were Logan's peers. He worked with them and was in the same age group. Why wouldn't he treat them as equals? Chris was just a parent so he was trying to be the cool dad by treating his daighter's friends to a good time. I don't know why he would show up at the daily news often.

Chris didn't stand a chance is star's hollow. That was Luke's town. They didn't want him there.

Edited by dirtypop90
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Yeah, the Yale Daily News. Sure, it's a different situation for Christopher than for Logan, but you can see the difference in behavior. It's not just a question of age. Logan could have treated the other students like he treated Marty when we first met him. But he didn't. Chris did though. He believe that his money made him better than the rest of the world. At that point, it's not even a question of education. He showered the kids with expensive food to get them on his side, he paid for the bridge in Knit, People, Knit, without even thinking about the consequences. Logan could have used him money and position time and time again with the other people on campus but didn't.


Chris not being accepted by the town was more than because it was Luke's town. SH was always very accepting of Lorelai's boyfriends. They through a secret engagement party for her and Max in Season 1. Yes, that was before she ever dated Luke, but everybody knew that Luke loved her. What I mean is that SH loved Lorelai and only wanted her to be happy. If they saw that Chris was a good match, a good person, and a good neighbor, they would have accepted him.

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^^ I never got the impression that Christopher thought he was better than the people at Yale daily news. Most of the people at yale come from money. I honestly never felt that chris thought he was better than anyone because of his money. He thought the people in star's hollow were weird back when he was working a regular 9-5 in season 2 because well...they are weird. lol JMO And even his comments re their weirdness never sounded mean or nasty.


 And we don't know that logan didn't use his money or position to get what he wanted at yale or anywhere else, in fact, I actually thought he did and liked him in spite of it. Logan's the same boy who stole items from people's homes and sat quietly while the help got blasted over it.


And I do think it is significant that Max happened before Luke. If Chris and Lorelai got together in season 3, I think their response would've been different. After watching Luke and lorelai get together, I don't think they would be too welcoming to any man lorelai dated after, unless luke had too moved on with someone else. They loved lorelai but they loved luke, just as much (if not more). He was one of them, firmly in their world. They would always root for lorelai, who was already sorta stuck between two world, to choose him over an outsider.

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I don't agree that the townies were harsh on Chris because they were still rooting for Lorelai to choose Luke. Luke and Lorelai were well-liked and important in town- but it didn't really seem to add up to actively shipping both of them- except for Sookie whose not really a townie but Lorelai's non-Rory best friend. The town friggin' had a meeting to consider banning their whole relationship. They put gas on their break-up and encouraged divisiveness with the ribbon campaign. I don't know if Liz/TJ were supposed to be speaking for the townies when they analyzed that Luke and Lorelai should have broken up because they were never right for each other. None of the busybodies in Stars Hallow like Babette or Miss Patty try to get them together or mediate their conflicts post-Wedding Bell Blues or post-April. Instead as they admitted during the town meeting about keeping them apart, that they've all feared that the day would come that Lorelai and Luke would realize their feelings together. (Admittedly, the town elders seemed to ship Luke/Lorelai by selling them the Twickham house at a lower price- but that was it and it was a surprise mainly coming from the most powerful guy on the board.)


Generally, the townies liked Lorelai and Luke- but wanted them to be with other people because they thought that Luke/Lorelai relationship carried too much danger for the town and they valued the gossipy entertainment factor of their relationship as a rollercoaster more than rooting for a happy ending. They would have embraced Chris if Chris fit in and didn't act so stuck up. This whole "The town is being MEAAAN to Chris because they don't want Lorelai to pick her own guy but instead get locked into a perfectly Stars Hallow romance with Luke" really felt a self-serving fiction that Lorelai told herself to partly project how she was still love with Luke and felt Luke was a better man than Christopher but was lying to herself in this ill-advised marriage on the town. 

Edited by Melancholy
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They would have embraced Chris if Chris fit in and didn't act so stuck up. This whole "The town is being MEAAAN to Chris because they don't want Lorelai to pick her own guy but instead get locked into a perfectly Stars Hallow romance with Luke" really felt a self-serving fiction that Lorelai told herself to partly project how she was still love with Luke and felt Luke was a better man than Christopher but was lying to herself in this ill-advised marriage on the town.

Exactly what I think. Chris wasn't meant to live in Stars Hollow. And just the fact that he wanted to move out of town after they get married shows that. Lorelai does dissuade him from doing so, but he did want to. Even Luke understood right away that she loved her house and agreed to move in with her. Even Emily knew that living IN SH was important to her when she wanted to buy her a house and was willing to bride Taylor to get her address to be a SH one.

Chris never understood her love of the town, or her love of the people. The townies knew that he wasn't right for Lorelai, and therefore didn't make an effort to like him.

Edited by marineg
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Chris wasn't meant to live in Stars Hollow. 


Chris never understood her love of the town, or her love of the people.




Bingo.  I believe the townies picked up on the vibe that Chris would never be 'one of their own' right away.  Encouraging a relationship with him would be encouraging him to take Lorelai away from them, which was unacceptable.

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