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Season 6: Speculation

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I've speculated that Arya will be sent by the Faceless Men to kill Roose and Ramsay Bolton, and will succeed with flying colors.  However, the twist will be that because she had "you are no one" drilled into her head for so long, she takes no pleasure in her kills and feels completely disconnected from her siblings, viewing them as almost strangers.

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Do you all believe the Stark children (including Jon) will be reunited (briefly?) in the series?


I would say definitely Arya and Sansa since they have an unresolved storyline

Jon and Arya would make sense due to the needle connection

I could also see Rickon seeing off the Starks as they go on their way to other adventures while he stays in Winterfell.

I doubt Bran ever leaves the tree.

Yest. 3:47 pm


I think that when D&D glossed over the annulment from Tyrion and Sansa by Sansa marrying Ramsay, It puts an end to the idea that Tyrion and Sansa will remain married



Was the marriage really annulled or did they just go ahead with it because they didn't give a damn.  I'm pretty sure that they didn't check on her virginity.  While the Tyrion/Sansa marriage might not be romantic, it could be one of convenience.  It makes sense for both parties. Tyrion can use the Stark name to gain support for Dany's ascendency to the throne and Sansa can use Tyrion and his connections for some much needed protection.


This is just speculation but do you think that this season might be the last for Cersei? I'm guessing that it's gonna be the end for Boltons and Littlefinger, hopefully.



It makes sense that this would be the last season for Cersei. Spend next season building Cersei as the big villain just to have her betrayed by Littlefinger who ultimately takes the throne going into season seven. I also think the Boltons will die. One will kill the other and then the surviving one gets killed by Little finger or Brienne or Sansa or Theon ( only if it's Ramsey).


cannot think of a single other reason to bring Arya and Sansa together, other than for Arya to kill Sansa by mistake



For Arya to resolve her conflicted feelings about Sansa. Other then this season, her feelings about Sansa has been one of her major character themes. It would be disappointing if they aren't resolved.


And the fate of their direwolves foreshadows that Sansa will die for Arya, either by choice or by mistake



I had a different interpretation. It foreshadowed the loss of her name. Since she's no longer a stark, she's not a wolf anymore . It represented a shedding of her old skin.


 It seems to me that Dany is definitely AA. She's the only person walking around with a weapon infused  with the soul of the husband that she murdered that also turns people into ash. I mean, yea she didn't kill the lion, but that was a pointless endeavor anyway.


I do think Jon could be the prince that was promised, though.



  • Love 3

Sorry guys, no offense to anyone, but reading about Jon hooking up with one of his sisters still disgusts me. :( That said, maybe it's just because I didn't read the books and I'm only judging from what I've seen so far. It's probably my fault. :-/


Was the marriage really annulled or did they just go ahead with it because they didn't give a damn.  I'm pretty sure that they didn't check on her virginity.  While the Tyrion/Sansa marriage might not be romantic, it could be one of convenience.  It makes sense for both parties. Tyrion can use the Stark name to gain support for Dany's ascendency to the throne and Sansa can use Tyrion and his connections for some much needed protection.



Yes, they definitively didn't check. Ramsey asked Sansa to not be lied about her virginity on their sadly infamous "first night" (which means they weren't sure). And Roose basically told Littlefinger he didn't care, because he only cared about Sansa being a Stark.

I think that, even in case Tyrion and Sansa did consummate their marriage, Littlefinger would've planned the wedding between Sansa and Ramsey anyway. They all probably think Tyrion is dead by now so, with him out of the equation, it's Sansa's (and Littlefinger's in this specifica case) word that counts.

I wonder what would happen if Sansa decided to state that she consummated her marriage with Tyrion: would her marriage to Ramsey be invalid?


I think that when D&D glossed over the annulment from Tyrion and Sansa by Sansa marrying Ramsay, It puts an end to the idea that Tyrion and Sansa will remain married.  I think that they will meet again and probably still be fond of eachother in the show.  Not married though.


This is just speculation but do you think that this season might be the last for Cersei? I'm guessing that it's gonna be the end for Boltons and Littlefinger, hopefully.


I don't know about Cersei, although Tommen has to die first. I'm pretty sure next season will be his last one. I can see the end for the Boltons, but not for Littlefinger: I feel 100% sure that he'll be the last one to die, because he's is one of, if not THE biggest villains of GoT. Very often I see people thinking about the Boltons, Cersei or Joffrey as the main villains, but they're just blatantly cruel. Littlefinger is more subtle, but he basically set in motion the whole story. He's a real strategist and, even though he doesn't like to flay people, let them execute or rape them (not directly or at least that we know of), I still see him as the enemy #1, if we exclude the WW. That's why I think he will only die in the final season, possibly even in the series finale.


I always thought though that Arya would be sent to kill Dany.  Dany has a weakness for children and that's why I thought the FM would send Arya to do the job.


This is not the first time I see this speculation, can I ask why Arya should be sent to kill Dany? So far, at least in the show, it looks like the Faceless Men are going after "bad" people (the Thin Man) or people who doesn't have any other chance (the dying girl). Why would they want to kill Dany? It is a genuine question. :)

Edited by penelope79
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Sorry guys, no offense to anyone, but reading about Jon hooking up with one of his sisters still disgusts me. :( That said, maybe it's just because I didn't read the books and I'm only judging from what I've seen so far. It's probably my fault. :-/


It's weird but I find it more creepy than Jaime/Cersei. And I have nothing against consensual incest in general. I dunno why, but this is my feeling. Plus, nothing ever implied Jon ever thinking anything romantic/sexual about his sisters, and vice versa. He and Arya did have a bond but I never saw it as anything other than a sibling one. And the only thing that could make me think of Jon/Sansa is him being in love with a redhead, which is just not enough for me to buy it, personally.


Plus, I kinda-sorta like Arya/Gendry and I've already written than I don't want for Sansa to have a romance at all (and I admit that I generally find Sansa rather boring as a character, it feels like she's on the cusp of becoming interesting and then it's taken away... rinse and repeat).


This is not the first time I see this speculation, can I ask why Arya should be sent to kill Dany?



This was a common theory pre-ADWD because, like us, people just really wondered how the hell to tie Arya's story to the main plot. So with both of them being across the sea this was the best idea fans could come up with. I actually like it because they are two of my favorite characters and I'd love to see them interact.


I don't know about Cersei, although Tommen has to die first. I'm pretty sure next season will be his last one. I can see the end for the Boltons, but not for Littlefinger: I feel 100% sure that he'll be the last one to die, because he's is one of, if not THE biggest villains of GoT. Very often I see people thinking about the Boltons, Cersei or Joffrey as the main villains, but they're just blatantly cruel. Littlefinger is more subtle, but he basically set in motion the whole story. He's a real strategist and, even though he doesn't like to flay people, let them execute or rape them (not directly or at least that we know of), I still see him as the enemy #1, if we exclude the WW. That's why I think he will only die in the final season, possibly even in the series finale.


I don't know. In any way, they'll need for him to be away from KL for shit to really hit the fan and I've no idea where else he could be, unless they do the Sansa in the Vale story (yawn).

Edited by FurryFury
  • Love 2

Sorry guys, no offense to anyone, but reading about Jon hooking up with one of his sisters still disgusts me. :( That said, maybe it's just because I didn't read the books and I'm only judging from what I've seen so far. It's probably my fault. :-/



Yes, they definitively didn't check. Ramsey asked Sansa to not be lied about her virginity on their sadly infamous "first night" (which means they weren't sure). And Roose basically told Littlefinger he didn't care, because he only cared about Sansa being a Stark.

I think that, even in case Tyrion and Sansa did consummate their marriage, Littlefinger would've planned the wedding between Sansa and Ramsey anyway. They all probably think Tyrion is dead by now so, with him out of the equation, it's Sansa's (and Littlefinger's in this specifica case) word that counts.

I wonder what would happen if Sansa decided to state that she consummated her marriage with Tyrion: would her marriage to Ramsey be invalid?



I don't know about Cersei, although Tommen has to die first. I'm pretty sure next season will be his last one. I can see the end for the Boltons, but not for Littlefinger: I feel 100% sure that he'll be the last one to die, because he's is one of, if not THE biggest villains of GoT. Very often I see people thinking about the Boltons, Cersei or Joffrey as the main villains, but they're just blatantly cruel. Littlefinger is more subtle, but he basically set in motion the whole story. He's a real strategist and, even though he doesn't like to flay people, let them execute or rape them (not directly or at least that we know of), I still see him as the enemy #1, if we exclude the WW. That's why I think he will only die in the final season, possibly even in the series finale.



This is not the first time I see this speculation, can I ask why Arya should be sent to kill Dany? So far, at least in the show, it looks like the Faceless Men are going after "bad" people (the Thin Man) or people who doesn't have any other chance (the dying girl). Why would they want to kill Dany? It is a genuine question. :)


The Faceless Men will kill anybody so long as he one ordering the hit can pay.  To kill Dany though, the person ordering the hit would probably need half the money in Essos since she is so important a figure.  I suspect it won't happen at this point but still...

I know that Tommen is gonna die before Cersei, but how is it gonna happen?  Dorne? Varys?  I can't see it actually being Dany.


Jon and Sansa doesn't really bothering me in the book or in the show.  Jon and Arya, hell no.  Jon and Sansa didn't have any real time interaction in the books, so it's hard to know how they felt about eachother based on a couple of lines.  Sansa always refers to Jon as her half brother.  Sansa would probably seem like a totally different person to Jon.  They also both been noted to say that they want children, at least in the books.  But I'm not sure what Sansa's storyline past maybe killing Littlefinger would be.  


The only thing I don't want is Dany and Jon both on the throne together.  That is way too easy.  


Also some speculation about Jamie, I'm hoping that he is the one to kill Cersei.  I'm guessing that Cersei threatens Kings Landing again by wildfire.  Jamie kills her, then goes to fight the others and dies in Briennes arm.  The whole dying in the person I love's arms quote from earlier this season.  

I cannot think of a single other reason to bring Arya and Sansa together, other than for Arya to kill Sansa by mistake. Arya never thinks about Sansa. Sansa is not even on the list of things Arya is concerned with. They have, if possible, even less in common than they did when they started out, and if they met again they might not even recognize each other.

I could see Arya being sent by the FM to dispatch Baelish and his daughter, infiltrating the kitchen, and poisoning them both, and trying afterwards to remember who it was she used to know who liked lemon cakes so much. Watching Alayne Stone die and trying to remember who it was Baelish's daughter reminded her of. Or putting an arrow through her throat from a long ways off, then turning around, never having gotten close enough to see any resemblance to Cat at all.

Arya did think of Sansa in Braavos, and she thought about her more before that, back when she wasn't trying to be No One.

The reason to bring them together is obvious: they are foils who had a rather antagonistic relationship before everything went to hell, and in Sansa's case especially, have come to be much more appreciative of the idea of the other. Ned spelled out that the two were different but would ultimately need each other in the first book (it's part of the broader theme of the separated Starks focusing on the importance of their family and Winterfell -- "a time for wolves", and all that).

The theories about Arya being sent to kill Sansa have a bunch of problems. Arya is not likely to complete her training, there's no obvious reason for anyone to hire a Faceless Man to kill Alayne Stone, and the Faceless Men extensively canvas their targets before acting.

  • Love 2

The main reason I don't mind Jon/Sansa as much as some is because if the theories pan out they aren't actually brother and sister, but cousins and cousin marriage isn't even all that rare in the real world (whereas Jon/Dany would be Jon marrying his own aunt).

Ironically, Sansa taking after her mother and keeping emotionally distant from Jon as a child works in the favor of Jon/Sansa since they don't have the sibling bond to make it quite as squicky (vs. Arya who totally thinks of Jon as her brother).

The main reason I see for such a union between Jon Targaryan and Sansa Stark though is the political dimension. The Targaryan name might give Jon the bloodright to the Iron Throne, but to rule the kingdom peacibly is going to require political alliances (dragons only go so far).

Sansa is the sister of the Lord of Winterfell (be it Bran or Rickon), heiress to the Riverlands after the gutting of House Tully and cousin to the Lord of the Vale (or heiress to the Vale should Robin not survive). With the utter destruction of House Barotheon a marriage to Sansa weds half the remaining great houses of Westeros to the crown in one fell swoop.

That's a better recipe for peace in the realm than an incestuous marriage to a foreign-raised aunt who wants to break the great houses and whose main asset is weapons of mass destruction.

It might not be 'true love', but its probably the best union someone in Westeros could hope for and be very much in line with the promised 'bittersweet' ending.

  • Love 3

The main reason I don't mind Jon/Sansa as much as some is because if the theories pan out they aren't actually brother and sister, but cousins and cousin marriage isn't even all that rare in the real world (whereas Jon/Dany would be Jon marrying his own aunt).

Marriage between an aunt/uncle and nephew/niece isn't considered incestuous in Westeros; we know of two such unions in the recent history of House Stark. It happened in the real world as well -- at the extreme end, the Spanish Habsburgs made a regular practice of it.

  • Love 4

Arya did think of Sansa in Braavos, and she thought about her more before that, back when she wasn't trying to be No One.

The reason to bring them together is obvious: they are foils who had a rather antagonistic relationship before everything went to hell, and in Sansa's case especially, have come to be much more appreciative of the idea of the other. Ned spelled out that the two were different but would ultimately need each other in the first book (it's part of the broader theme of the separated Starks focusing on the importance of their family and Winterfell -- "a time for wolves", and all that).

The theories about Arya being sent to kill Sansa have a bunch of problems. Arya is not likely to complete her training, there's no obvious reason for anyone to hire a Faceless Man to kill Alayne Stone, and the Faceless Men extensively canvas their targets before acting.


Well, there's no obvious reason for anything in this story, but there could be reasons why if someone wanted Baelish dead, they'd also want Alayne dead. There's no obvious reason for anyone to want to kill him, either, but it could happen.


I'm interested in your angle on the Faceless Men. Can you remind me of some targets who were extensively canvassed before the hit? I don't disagree, I just think I may have read more carelessly than you. The whole "give me three names" thing with Jaq'en H'gar seemed very spur of the moment to me. I suppose Arya could show up someplace where Sansa is, to kill some irrelevant character, and Sansa wouldn't ever know it was Arya because it wouldn't look or sound like her, and Arya would be gone before they found the body. Anyone else I can think of Arya might be sent to hit can more or less be trusted to die on his own pretty soon. Arya's really got no other reasons to go places, other than to do training or make a hit.



Sansa is the sister of the Lord of Winterfell (be it Bran or Rickon), heiress to the Riverlands after the gutting of House Tully and cousin to the Lord of the Vale (or heiress to the Vale should Robin not survive). With the utter destruction of House Barotheon a marriage to Sansa weds half the remaining great houses of Westeros to the crown in one fell swoop.

Sansa is an heir to the Riverlands, but can never be one to the Vale because she's only related to the Aryns through marriage.  The only way the Vale could go through her line is if she married Lord Robert or Harry the Heir and had issue.

If Arya survives, I kind of see her becoming a wandering King's Justice, traveling Westeros and Essos handing out justice to those who deserve it.

Like a lawful version of Wenda the White Fawn ? *wink, nudge*. Seriously, I would love it and it would be the most fitting her temper and aspirations in my eyes.

[fairytale/] Especially if she has the same companion as she dreamt. Oh, and Hot Pie, and Brienne, and Jaime, and Bronn, and Davos. I'd watch a freaking spinoff about their merry gory adventures.[/fairytale]


I wonder what an Arya/Sansa meeting would be like. They expressed fondness for each other once, imo, both in S3 IIRC: Arya acknowledging to Jaqen that she stayed in Westeros for her, too ("and my sister") and Sansa's "Arya is alive" relieved/happy face at Baelish's reveal.

I wonder if they can find newfound appreciation for each other, or fall back in their old pattern...but I could see the latter only if things were back to "normal" and each of them ended-up holding for dear life on their childhood personas in order to deal with that unusual normalcy. The only thing worse in my eyes than Jon paired with any of the Stark sisters would be a triangle involving the three of them. No, no, no, hell to the freaking naw. 

I don't think that Sansa is someone that "powers" would want to put a hit on imo; she isn't a big enough player in the game (no army etc.) at least not yet, and the others want her womb because it's key to the North, as S6 unfortunately showed. She'd be of no use dead then, and the North only more difficult to win/tame. No merit, as far as I can say.

Aside from Cersei who'd want her dead out of hatred, but who doesn't have the money to pay for zilch anymore, the only kind of character I could see gain from Sansa's death would be...a House claiming that Arya married their heir/head. Since as long as Rickon/Bran are supposed dead she's the only Stark child who'd need for Sansa to be dead in order to have a valid claim on the North.


There are just so many ways that Arya could be back.

She could be sent to kill anyone, anywhere.

Maybe as speculated upthread, she could end up in Euron's camp. Euron, who's supposed to invade the Reach, IIRC. The Reach, where Samwell will be on the show. Samwell, who happens to be a character Arya crossed paths with in the books. And it could lead her all the way to KL if Euron invades Westeros so far, or back to the Wall if Samwell finds something that makes him go back ASAP.

Maybe she could escape the HoBW and chance encounter Dany, herself escaping from/trying to win over the Dokhtraki horde. I'd love to see one of the show's famous travelling duos consist of two female characters, and those two especially -since I didn't get Brienne/Arya. Then, back to Meereen and to Westeros in Dany's camp. (I don't take any time/distance in consideration whatsoever because the show doesn't).

I don't think that Arya will end her training if it's supposed to be years. I hope not, at least, because she knows how to change faces, she knows how to lie, she knows how to kill. Her little stunt with Meryn Fucking Dead Trant was convincing enough for me. Time for her to be back in business, in early S6.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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I'm interested in your angle on the Faceless Men. Can you remind me of some targets who were extensively canvassed before the hit? I don't disagree, I just think I may have read more carelessly than you. The whole "give me three names" thing with Jaq'en H'gar seemed very spur of the moment to me. 

"Extensive" is, of course, a relative term, but we see a lot about how the Faceless Men operate from Arya's training and the ways they conduct operations.  They follow their targets around to learn a lot about their movements, select their methods based on what they see, they have a "zero collateral damage" rule, and they favour undetectable methods.  They've never used ranged weapons like bows.  So I find the idea of Arya just showing up and killing Alayne Stone without ever seeing her highly inconsistent with what we've seen of them, quite apart from the improbability that they would ever be hired for the job to begin with.


Conveniently, there is a fabulously wealthy organization right there in Braavos...

I've speculated that Arya will be sent by the Faceless Men to kill Roose and Ramsay Bolton, and will succeed with flying colors.  However, the twist will be that because she had "you are no one" drilled into her head for so long, she takes no pleasure in her kills and feels completely disconnected from her siblings, viewing them as almost strangers.


 Who would have the money for that and why would the Faceless Men send Arya? It would make no sense for the FM to send Arya on any big kills. Roose, Ramsay, Dany etc.... Seem's like more of a job for Jaqen H'ghar or some other more seasoned assassin.

Edited by J----av

 Who would have the money for that and why would the Faceless Men send Arya? It would make no sense for the FM to send Arya on any big kills. Roose, Ramsay, Dany etc.... Seem's like more of a job for Jaqen H'ghar or some other more seasoned assassin.


On some level, it doesn't make sense.  But then, it doesn't make sense for her to be sent to kill any big bads.  If she isn't sent to kill someone, though, then why is she there?


On some level, it doesn't make sense.  But then, it doesn't make sense for her to be sent to kill any big bads.  If she isn't sent to kill someone, though, then why is she there?

 To get the skills so she can leave on her own to get revenge and start taking names off her list. I thought pretty much everyone had come to the conclusion that Arya will always be Arya Stark of Winterfell and would leave before her training was up. Especially after the "Mercy" chapter. Pretty much everything in the books and the show has pointed toward Arya leaving the FM. Possibly because she hears of Jon's "death" 

Edited by J----av
  • Love 1

What's in the Mercy chapter that looks like she'll leave the FM? Just because she does a murder of her own? She nonetheless goes back to the temple after, so I don't see the logic here.


Yes, she will always love her sword, Needle. She'll probably always have a soft spot for Jon Snow. But she chose Braavos over the Wall, when she had the choice. An alternative future to killing Sansa would be one in which she puts on Sansa's face in order to kill Tyrion, feeling faintly sad for a minute that Sansa is dead, but finding wearing her face an interesting adventure.



So far, at least in the show, it looks like the Faceless Men are going after "bad" people (the Thin Man) or people who doesn't have any other chance (the dying girl). Why would they want to kill Dany? It is a genuine question. :)


Who has more money than the Lannisters, is looking at sour investments with the Lannisters, just switched horses to the recently deceased Stannis Baratheon, and shares an island with the Faceless Men?

Edited by FemmyV
  • Love 1

What's in the Mercy chapter that looks like she'll leave the FM? Just because she does a murder of her own? She nonetheless goes back to the temple after, so I don't see the logic here.


Yes, she will always love her sword, Needle. She'll probably always have a soft spot for Jon Snow. But she chose Braavos over the Wall, when she had the choice. An alternative future to killing Sansa would be one in which she puts on Sansa's face in order to kill Tyrion, feeling faintly sad for a minute that Sansa is dead, but finding wearing her face an interesting adventure.


 Are you being serious? She wont give up needle, she warges with her wolf all the time, she constantly thinks about Jon and her family, she is using her learned skill to kill her enemy's on her list (something someone wanting to be a faceless Man would never do). Its ridiculously obvious once she is skilled enough she will leave (or try) the FM. She goes back to the temple because she NEEDS TO LEARN MORE SKILLS. She obviously won't just leave before learning as much as she needs. She may be a little conflicted but chances are at some point she will abandon her training. "Mercy" and the show, when she killed Meryn Trant, showed she will put revenge over becoming a FM every time. That and on the show she said "I'M Arya Stark". She jumped at the first chance to get revenge and she will do it again and you really don't see the logic? I don't see the logic in you thinking she will kill Sansa. Arya is YEARS away from completing her training (like books would be over far away). She would not be chosen to kill a freaking Stark and a Lannister even if she was fully committed to becoming "no one", which she is clearly not.


 Also how did Arya choose Braavos over the Wall? She wanted to go to the wall, but had no way of getting there, and as her and The Hound pointed out several times, she would not last traveling on her own. She went to Braavos because she had no where else she could go and because she wanted to learn how to kill people like Jaqen H'ghar does so she could take revenge. Are you really missing all the heavy foreshadowing? 

  • Love 1

GRRM will probably surprise me when it comes to Ayra a wrapping her back into the main plot, but I have believed it would happen like this....


Dany has a lot of enemies in the books and I believe she is about to acquire a new khalasar before she goes back to Meereen.  While she seems to be in a position of weakness at the end of the last book/season - she can't ride to Westerous as a defeated queen.  She has to go from a position of power (or at least I think she does) so I think she will spend the next book becoming powerful again and suring up her legacy in Slaver's Bay before she leaves (which means she needs to appoint people she can trust to rule in her place). If this is the case, her enemies might make one last attempt to kill her and pay the FM for that deed.


As to why Ayra will be sent, perhaps it will be her knowledge of dragons (IIRC she is the only other person in the books as interested in dragon legends as Tyrion).  Or perhaps they think a young girl is the best to send.  Or perhaps Tyrion is the target instead.  I don't know, but for whatever reason - I believe it will be Ayra and she will sneak needle and have it with her when she goes.


I believe she will travel with them for awhile before ultimately coming to believe in Dany, then she will reclaim her birthright and declare to help Dany take the Iron Throne.  I think it is very likely that Dany will end up with two members of her enemy's houses (Tyrion for the Lannisters and Ayra for the Starks) in her service when she returns to Westerous - it will make her claim stronger and transition the other houses to support her faster.


I might have some of the details wrong, but I really believe that when Dany makes her claim or the Iron Throne AND when Jon calls on her to defeat the White Walkers, Tryion and Ayra will be at her side and will convince her to support Jon.

  • Love 2

 Are you being serious? She wont give up needle, she warges with her wolf all the time, she constantly thinks about Jon and her family, she is using her learned skill to kill her enemy's on her list (something someone wanting to be a faceless Man would never do). Its ridiculously obvious once she is skilled enough she will leave (or try) the FM. She goes back to the temple because she NEEDS TO LEARN MORE SKILLS. She obviously won't just leave before learning as much as she needs. She may be a little conflicted but chances are at some point she will abandon her training. "Mercy" and the show, when she killed Meryn Trant, showed she will put revenge over becoming a FM every time. That and on the show she said "I'M Arya Stark". She jumped at the first chance to get revenge and she will do it again and you really don't see the logic? I don't see the logic in you thinking she will kill Sansa. Arya is YEARS away from completing her training (like books would be over far away). She would not be chosen to kill a freaking Stark and a Lannister even if she was fully committed to becoming "no one", which she is clearly not.


 Also how did Arya choose Braavos over the Wall? She wanted to go to the wall, but had no way of getting there, and as her and The Hound pointed out several times, she would not last traveling on her own. She went to Braavos because she had no where else she could go and because she wanted to learn how to kill people like Jaqen H'ghar does so she could take revenge. Are you really missing all the heavy foreshadowing? 


No, I just think it foreshadows something other than what you think it does. I don't think she has to be fully committed to being "no one" to get to the next level, or to be sent to kill important people. I don't think ANY of the people working there are really committed to being no one. I think they all sneak and do what they want on their own time. They just get very, very good at hiding it. Jaquen H'gar clearly had his own agenda when he was first working with Arya. Who had he been sent to kill? What was he doing in a cage? Why was he even captured? Either they are less careful and professional than we think, or there is a larger plan that has always involved recruiting Arya Stark, and we just don't know any of the details. 


Yes, Arya will always choose revenge first. But that doesn't mean she won't accidentally (or even deliberately) kill someone she loves. It doesn't mean that the story is going to drop Cersei Lannister in her lap. It's a lot more likely in fact to drop Tyrion in her lap. She's practicing wearing faces of young women. That has to be leading up to something. I suppose she could wear Myrcella's face and kill Tommen. The Hall of Faces is there for a reason.


By now surely you've noticed that when people in this story get what they want, it's at a cost. You end up saying, "OMG not like THAT!" Arya wants revenge. She wants it more than money, love, or safety. It has become her real family and her only love. Moreover, Arya has become a kind of de factor angel of death. She was there when Ned died, and since then, whenever she's gotten near someone they've died. Revenge has to cost her something, and I'd rather it cost her Sansa than say, Jon Snow or Rickon.


I thought "Mercy" demonstrated that Arya really does not give a crap. Here was a girl she quite liked, someone who died so recently her friends don't even know she's dead yet--ie, the FM took her, or Arya did, to take her face. Either way, she's not shedding any tears over it. In fact she just sings the girl's name. It's creepy and I think it foreshadows 1) Arya's attitude towards actual mercy, which is that it's a joke, and 2) Arya's attitude towards other females her own age or a little older, which is that they are commodities for her to use.

Edited by Hecate7

No, I just think it foreshadows something other than what you think it does. I don't think she has to be fully committed to being "no one" to get to the next level, or to be sent to kill important people. I don't think ANY of the people working there are really committed to being no one. I think they all sneak and do what they want on their own time. They just get very, very good at hiding it. Jaquen H'gar clearly had his own agenda when he was first working with Arya. Who had he been sent to kill? What was he doing in a cage? Why was he even captured? Either they are less careful and professional than we think, or there is a larger plan that has always involved recruiting Arya Stark, and we just don't know any of the details. 


Yes, Arya will always choose revenge first. But that doesn't mean she won't accidentally (or even deliberately) kill someone she loves. It doesn't mean that the story is going to drop Cersei Lannister in her lap. It's a lot more likely in fact to drop Tyrion in her lap. She's practicing wearing faces of young women. That has to be leading up to something. I suppose she could wear Myrcella's face and kill Tommen. The Hall of Faces is there for a reason.


By now surely you've noticed that when people in this story get what they want, it's at a cost. You end up saying, "OMG not like THAT!" Arya wants revenge. She wants it more than money, love, or safety. It has become her real family and her only love. Moreover, Arya has become a kind of de factor angel of death. She was there when Ned died, and since then, whenever she's gotten near someone they've died. Revenge has to cost her something, and I'd rather it cost her Sansa than say, Jon Snow or Rickon.


I thought "Mercy" demonstrated that Arya really does not give a crap. Here was a girl she quite liked, someone who died so recently her friends don't even know she's dead yet--ie, the FM took her, or Arya did, to take her face. Either way, she's not shedding any tears over it. In fact she just sings the girl's name. It's creepy and I think it foreshadows 1) Arya's attitude towards actual mercy, which is that it's a joke, and 2) Arya's attitude towards other females her own age or a little older, which is that they are commodities for her to use.


 Clearly? How was that clear? It could have just been an assassination gone wrong, or some plan by the FM. I don't think its clear that had his own agenda.


  Not sure i agree with the FM doing whatever they want in their own time. They legitimately seem committed to what they do, and thats why i think Arya will never be one of them. She is probably there to get some skills and resume her revenge list. Will that come at a cost? Probably, but it likely wont be with the FM.



" In "Mercy" Arya makes her first (i think) kill on her list. Thats HUGE! No way GGRM didn't put that chapter in to get people excited for Arya to get back to trying to cross people off her list. Does it have several different meanings as well? Yeah, but thats what people will take away from it and GRRM knows that.

Edited by J----av
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Either the FM SENT Jaquen to recruit Arya, (why?) or he failed to assasinate someone in the capital, (who?) or he succeeded in the assasination and we just don't know who it was, (unlikely), or there is more to the FM's rules and regs than meets the eye.


What was Jaquen doing? And what level was he? He may have been wearing his first face, and not much more skilled than Arya is now. Or he could be ancient and his "failure" calculated. The bargain he gave Arya, the coin he gave her, and the instructions he left with her, don't make a great deal of sense. Are the FM eagerly recruiting all over the Seven Kingdoms? Why do we not see any others being solicited to join? Do you have to be a certain age? Do you have to be below a certain age? Are some of them slaves? How much choice is involved?


ooh, wait ... here's one way to send Arya for a hit on Sansa:


Littlefinger is moving to gain, and consolidate, power. A lot of us are assuming he intends to load Sansa up with another title or two, and marry her. What if he imagines he can manipulate Dany or some other to-be-named female with strategic use? He won't have use for Sansa at that point, and will need a convenient way to get rid of her. And he has the money and connections, I'd bet, for a FM hit.


It would be a good point in the arc for the tables to finally be turned on LF, with Sansa emerging from Pawn to Playa.

Edited by FemmyV
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Avaleigh, I've also considered the idea of Arya killing Lady Stoneheart.  While Arya would like the whole "hang them all" approach, I think she would be horrified to see what happened to her mother.  Maybe it might help to snap her out of her ruthless killing.


I always thought though that Arya would be sent to kill Dany.  Dany has a weakness for children and that's why I thought the FM would send Arya to do the job.


If Arya survives, I kind of see her becoming a wandering King's Justice, traveling Westeros and Essos handing out justice to those who deserve it.


I've always thought that Arya would end up killing Lady Stoneheart but I can see Arya maybe almost killing Sansa but ultimately not being able to go through with it. I feel positive that Arya would have a total meltdown if Jon and Sansa ever hooked up.



1. I don't trust GRRM to send Arya anywhere that will make any of us happy. I agree that she probably will defect from the Faceless Men at some point, but I will just be grateful if she doesn't re-kill Jon Snow. Seriously. That's the kind of thing that happens in these stories.


2. I don't expect Arya to ever run into Lady Stoneheart, who seems mainly to haunt the Riverlands and areas near them. I don't think Lady Stoneheart wants to go across the ocean and I don't see Arya coming home unless she is SENT. And she will not be sent to kill Lady Stoneheart. You don't need an assassin to foxily assassinate Lady Stoneheart. You need Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth with Valyrian steel. Arya is no match yet for an undead woman with an army. Nobody is going to hire an assassin to rub out a monster.


3. The reason I expect her to kill someone she loves, is that that is what happens when you become an assassin in a crapsack universe. Sooner or later you end up having to kill someone you really don't want to kill. At bare minimum she will have to kill a fan favorite.


4. Arya is an assassin, not a fighter. Although she has killed a dozen or more people, most of her killings until recently required the help of an adult man, or the element of surprise, or a child opponent. She probably could not have taken out Meryn Trant in a fair fight. But she can slip in somewhere disguised as a maid or a prostitute or a girl selling wares, and dispatch someone. She's already ready for that, and her organization knows it. Her next victim needs to be someone who isn't expecting it, someone smallish and not a very well-trained fighter. Yes, I know she killed a king's guard with an oyster knife, but he wasn't expecting it, and what if someone had walked in? Her next target has to be someone the guild thinks she can take on.


5. Most likely to have a Faceless Men sent after them, in order, IMO:

a. Tyrion Lannister, by either Cersei or Littlefinger, as soon as they figure out where he is. Cersei because of Joffrey and Tywin's murders, Littlefinger because he wants Sansa free and brownie points with Cersei.

b. The Boltons, for harboring Sansa, by Cersei.

c. Sansa, for the murder of Joffrey, by Cersei.

d. Danaerys, by anyone who considers her a threat to their plans for the Iron Throne. Cersei, Stannis if he were still alive, whoever considers themselves next in line after Tommen.....


6. Anybody who has money, and a lot of people who don't, can hire a FM. They are more expensive the more money you have, and as the Waif told us, the fee isn't always money. Sometimes you can sign up and put in a life of service, and that pays for it. Sometimes you can give them someone else.

  • Love 1

ooh, wait ... here's one way to send Arya for a hit on Sansa:

Littlefinger is moving to gain, and consolidate, power. A lot of us are assuming he intends to load Sansa up with another title or two, and marry her. What if he imagines he can manipulate Dany or some other to-be-named female with strategic use? He won't have use for Sansa at that point, and will need a convenient way to get rid of her. And he has the money and connections, I'd bet, for a FM hit.

Why would that scenario require him to get rid of Sansa? And especially, why would he need a Faceless Man to kill Sansa, who is completely in his power, when he killed a king and two Hands of a King without using one?
  • Love 2

I really don't see a point to killing off any more Starks.

Ned and Cat are dead. Robb, his wife and unborn child are dead. Bran is most likely a tree from here on out. Jon may or may not be dead, but even he survives some people are saying he should die in the final battle. Then to top it off some think Arya needs to lose her identity (a spiritual death if not a physical one) to the point where she murders her own sister, Sansa?

Are people seriously suggesting that Rickon, a kid who was barely in the story and hasn't been seen nor heard from since the end of season three, be the only surviving Stark?

People keep saying GRRM loves pointless deaths, but that's not what I've seen on the screen. Sure, lots of random people have died at random, but amongst the main characters most of the deaths have come at dramatically appropriate points (Stannis only dies after he has lost everything due to his own actions) that helped move the story forward.

The point being, I don't see what sort of story element would be advanced by killing off Sansa (using Arya or anyone). Her story arc has been one of survival and endurance of hardships beyond her control. If she goes through all of that misery only to be assassinated before finding any happiness then the entire story was just an exercise in misery/torture porn with no point or purpose.

Similarly, Arya subsuming herself by becoming just another faceless apendage of the Many-Faced God to the point she doesn't even recognize or care that she's murdered her own sister isn't any sort of satisfying ending to her story. There are fates worse than death (as Sansa put it, she'd rather die while there's still something of herself left) and becoming a Faceless would be one of them.

GRRM promised a bittersweet ending and there are only three Starks of narrative consequence left (four if Jon survives, back to three if you don't count those likely to become trees). Every Stark dead except the narratively unimportant one (ie. Rickon) does not a bittersweet ending make.

At this point I just really don't see any more Stark deaths... we've seen Jon, Sansa, Arya and Bran suffer through five seasons now and while I expect more perils to come, there really must come a point where the tide is turned and they finally earn their happy endings (the definition of a bittersweet ending is the protagonist getting their happy ending, but only at a great cost... All the Starks qualify as having paid a great cost at this point).

The point of any Sansa/Arya reunion as I see it would not be for one to murder the other without realizing it, but for the two to reconcile and grieve all their shared losses. I really think the emotional payoff of all this is going to come in the remaining Starks FINALLY being reunited in a way that is stronger than it was before this story began.

Dany and Tyrion may play a role in bringing that about, but at the end of the day this story started with the Starks and so, by rights, needs to end with them as well.

  • Love 6

I think Arya is totally going to die. She'll go partially FM, but still retain her Aryaness. Then things or stuff happens and she ends up dying either because she failed to make a kill, she sacrifices herself for family, something like that. Some tragic, semi-heroic, emotionally poignant death, possibly in Jon or Sansa's arms, but she ends up taking a dirt nap.

I mean, where else do you go with a revenge-fueled child assassin if not poignant death? She grows up to be what? A roving assassin? *yawn* Killing her off is more dramatic.

Edited by BlackberryJam
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I feel like Arya is too damaged to ever be quite "right" in the head. I can't see her ever being happy so I keep thinking back to the quote where Jon says that he imagines her lying dead with a needle in her arm. At the same timeshe's such a fan favorite with people that I feel likeshe's 95% safe.

I think the other remainng Starks are all safe.

Hecate, I think a key area where I disagree with you is over the idea that Arya has to be sent to Westeros. I see her choosing to go there when she sees the opportunity. Either that or she's maybe sent to kill Dany but she goes rogue and decides she doesn't want to.

As for Arya and Lady Stoneheart-- I think this is the one thing that could maybe snap Arya out of wanting to be a person who isn't interested in anything other than killing people. If Arya isn't the one to kill Lady Stoneheart I can see it being Nymeria. I really feel like Arya would be the best choice. It would be an insanely emotinal kill and I feel like it would have so much meaning.

Another scenario I can see is a situation where Arya has to make a difficult choice where she ultimately chooses to help or save Sansa as opposed to doing something the FM want her to do.

I agree with you that Arya will kill others we know.

It's also fairly obvious to me that show!Arya is *probably* going to take out Tommen assuming Jaime kills Cersei. Melisandre told us she'd be killing a green eyed person and there are only three characters left to choose from.

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Lady Stoneheart would kind of be like "The Ghost of Christmas Future" for Arya.  It's hard to imagine circumstances that would make Arya exactly like Lady Stoneheart but if unchecked, Arya is heading towards a future where killing those who deserve it is the only future for her.  I hope Arya is able to make some kind of peace with herself when the story ends but she's on the precipice. 

Edited by benteen
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I think each of the Stark kids that we're focusing on (ie. not Rickon) is going through a literal or metaphorical death. Jon's is quite literal. Arya and Bran are both metaphorically dying by giving up their existance as they understand it to either merge with a god-like (Bran) or completely erase her own existance (Arya). Sansa's death is metaphorical in the books (getting lost in her false identity as Balish's bastard daughter) and was more literal in the show with her rape/torture at Ramsey's hands that culminates in her taking a leap to possible doom before there's nothing left of her.

In essence each in at the stage of a Hero's journey where they are descending into the netherworld to be reborn in some fashion on the other side.

My guess for Arya is that something will happen that will pull her back from her endless vengeance quest... perhaps a choice between vengeance or actually protecting the family she still has left where she pulls back from the abyss and starts to embrace life again.

For Sansa, I think its to finally lay her childhood fantasies to rest so she will judge her future relationships practically rather than the prospect of being saved by some prince or being able to tame/change a beast into a prince.

  • Love 3

GRRM is fundamentally a romantic ("disappointed romantic", as Steve Attewell once put it). He makes the lows low so that the highs are higher.

I think that's a pretty good description and I think part of the perception that its nothing more than torture porn is that GRRM started padding the story (thus delaying those planned for highs with even more lows) and then got a horrible case of writers block so we've been stuck at very nearly the lowest of the lows and a cliffhanger to boot for years with no relief in sight.

The good news is that, one way or another, the story MUST advance next year and unless some of those cliffhangers are resolved positively there's not going to be enough of a cast left to even tell a story with.

Frankly, we've been dragged down so far that just the news that Jon comes back to life will probably be greeted with cheers akin to Times Square on VE-Day.

  • Love 6

Why would that scenario require him to get rid of Sansa? And especially, why would he need a Faceless Man to kill Sansa, who is completely in his power, when he killed a king and two Hands of a King without using one?


Let's say LF comes in to WF, Ramsey dies and LF marries her, gaining her legitimacy as heir of WF. Or, as a next moves, goes after the Dreadfort and does the same. LF can marry her then, and pick up two estates. But then, suppose someone who comes along and has dragons, and LF decides to set his site even higher?


By hiring an confidential pro assassin who doesn't know who they're working for, 1: LF can be genuinely surprised when the deed is done 2: As he moves up in the ranks of society, there are less people he can play with, so to speak. Every time he gets his own hands dirty, he more risks losing more for being exposed.

Edited by FemmyV
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I think Arya is totally going to die. She'll go partially FM, but still retain her Aryaness. Then things or stuff happens and she ends up dying either because she failed to make a kill, she sacrifices herself for family, something like that. Some tragic, semi-heroic, emotionally poignant death, possibly in Jon or Sansa's arms, but she ends up taking a dirt nap.

I mean, where else do you go with a revenge-fueled child assassin if not poignant death? She grows up to be what? A roving assassin? *yawn* Killing her off is more dramatic.


Arya is Paris Martin's favorite character. She is the ONE character in the story guaranteed NOT to die, we have word of God on that one. Since she can't die in their arms, I postulate they will die in hers.

  • Love 1

GRRM is fundamentally a romantic ("disappointed romantic", as Steve Attewell once put it).  He makes the lows low so that the highs are higher.

This article from a few years back describes him as "the world's most cynical romantic", which I think is kind of perfect.



I’ve said this over and over when writing about Martin’s work. What he does better than any author I’ve ever encountered—what defines his writing for me—is his masterful skill at exploiting the tension between the desire for justice and the availability of that justice. But that doesn’t mean there is no justice, just that it’s always hard-won and thoroughly earned.

  • Love 5

Arya is Paris Martin's favorite character. She is the ONE character in the story guaranteed NOT to die, we have word of God on that one. Since she can't die in their arms, I postulate they will die in hers.

I've read that Arya is her favorite but I've never totally taken this to mean that it's impossible for Arya to die. I just think she's safe until late in the last book.

Edited by Avaleigh
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If the next book/season doesn't involve some bad guys dying and some good guys triumphing, it's going to be really hard to care if the Others get over the Wall.  I don't know if the author or the show runners realize that next season needs to full of some serious high notes - but I think it does or no one is going to give a fig after that.  I mean really, why am I supposed to care if the Others break through and kill the NW who killed Jon?  Why am I supposed to care if they march south to Winterfell and destroy the Boltons?  Why am I supposed to care if they make it all the way to King's Landing and wipe out the Lannisters and the Faith Militant? 


When there is a huge looming threat, the only reason it matters is if your audience cares enough about the people being threatened that you want them to survive.  If you create a cast full of despicable people and kill off or destroy all the good characters, why would anyone bother to read your ending?  I don't know if GRRM is a romantic or not, but I think he and the show runners have brought us to a point where the bad shit needs to stop happening. 


I honestly thought they were going to be smart enough to toss us a bone in the finale and advance someone's plot in a positive way into book six territory - like have rather than end with Sansa and Theon jumping - have them meet up with Brie and Pod and have Sansa say "I'll be holding you to your vow of protection now."  Or show Drago land beside Dany and scare the crap out of the Dothraki or anything else that didn't leave everyone depressed and mopey and with no hope that anyone likable was going to make it through this mess.  But what do I know?  What do they do instead of all that?  They have Stannis burn Shireen, lose the battle of Winterfell, and (presumably) die.  What utter crap lol. 


The first episode of season six better be spectacular!  Bran with a vision of the Tower of Joy and Jon's true parentage.  Mel resurrecting Jon.  Brie gutting Ramsey while he tries to hunt down Sansa and Theon and Sansa asking Brie to help her find her brother, etc....

  • Love 3
GRRM is fundamentally a romantic ("disappointed romantic", as Steve Attewell once put it).  He makes the lows low so that the highs are higher.


I definitely feel it with the few fist-pumping moments they do give us. Most of them belong to Dany, currently. Like Dany getting her Unsullied, Dany riding the dragon, Dany "giving birth" to dragons, etc. A half-time example not involving Dany would be when Jaime went back for Brienne in the bear pit at then actually jumped into the thing with her. It was a standard act that heroes tend to do in other stories, but because it's Game of Thrones I 100% did not expect it (being unsullied at the time) and my reaction was pretty emphatic. With this season, they've really reached a point of tension where the payoffs from any highs whatsoever could potentially be so strong the audience might collectively orgasm. Again, I hope the storytellers don't waste this opportunity.

When there is a huge looming threat, the only reason it matters is if your audience cares enough about the people being threatened that you want them to survive.  If you create a cast full of despicable people and kill off or destroy all the good characters, why would anyone bother to read your ending?


I actually do think it would be pretty unique and funny to have some of the most despicable characters be the last ones standing, just in time to be made into icicles or be BBQed by dragons. I'm thinking the most scheming, conniving of them, that have been so entranced on their chessboard moves that they haven't seen the bigger threat coming at all. Like, at all, at all. (hi Littlefinger!) But I still think the ending will involve some "good guys" getting victories. 


People keep saying GRRM loves pointless deaths, but that's not what I've seen on the screen. Sure, lots of random people have died at random, but amongst the main characters most of the deaths have come at dramatically appropriate points (Stannis only dies after he has lost everything due to his own actions) that helped move the story forward.


Totally agree. With almost all the dead main characters I could see their fully completed arcs. Ned, Robb and Catelyn, Stannis (and by association, Shireen, though damn if it wasn't the most painful one - she was a victim of someone else's arc). The only that makes "no sense" as a current standalone death is, of course, Jon Snow. And I mean, I liked Robb way more than Jon but his death made sense where Jon's doesn't. So I will re-evaluate my opinion if and when it is shown that Jon is just plain ole dead dead and that's all they wrote, but since the internet is collectively holding hands for the next 10 months waiting for his resurrection that makes his arc actually make sense (or the not as good, but acceptable option that he's really dead, but his death makes something really goddamn significant happen) I'm going to agree in the meantime that most of the deaths have made sense in the story and have helped move that story forward.

Edited by Audreythe2nd
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I've read that Arya is her favorite but I've never totally taken this to mean that it's impossible for Arya to die. I just think she's safe until late in the last book.


Perhaps I'm misunderstanding or misremembering what I've read, but I thought he had promised not to kill her off. I think she really is well and truly off the list of characters who can die. That doesn't mean every other rotten thing can't happen to her, but she'll be among the characters who survive.

If the next book/season doesn't involve some bad guys dying and some good guys triumphing, it's going to be really hard to care if the Others get over the Wall.  I don't know if the author or the show runners realize that next season needs to full of some serious high notes - but I think it does or no one is going to give a fig after that.  I mean really, why am I supposed to care if the Others break through and kill the NW who killed Jon?  Why am I supposed to care if they march south to Winterfell and destroy the Boltons?  Why am I supposed to care if they make it all the way to King's Landing and wipe out the Lannisters and the Faith Militant? 


When there is a huge looming threat, the only reason it matters is if your audience cares enough about the people being threatened that you want them to survive.  If you create a cast full of despicable people and kill off or destroy all the good characters, why would anyone bother to read your ending?  I don't know if GRRM is a romantic or not, but I think he and the show runners have brought us to a point where the bad shit needs to stop happening. 


I honestly thought they were going to be smart enough to toss us a bone in the finale and advance someone's plot in a positive way into book six territory - like have rather than end with Sansa and Theon jumping - have them meet up with Brie and Pod and have Sansa say "I'll be holding you to your vow of protection now."  Or show Drago land beside Dany and scare the crap out of the Dothraki or anything else that didn't leave everyone depressed and mopey and with no hope that anyone likable was going to make it through this mess.  But what do I know?  What do they do instead of all that?  They have Stannis burn Shireen, lose the battle of Winterfell, and (presumably) die.  What utter crap lol. 


The first episode of season six better be spectacular!  Bran with a vision of the Tower of Joy and Jon's true parentage.  Mel resurrecting Jon.  Brie gutting Ramsey while he tries to hunt down Sansa and Theon and Sansa asking Brie to help her find her brother, etc....

I agree with you that we need some good stuff to happen but I disagree that about the bit in bold. I don't want bad stuff to just stop happening. For me that would feel unnatural, abrupt, and unrealistic.


As far as caring whether or not the Lannisters, Boltons, NW, etc have to deal with the Others--the villains are the main ones I'm interested in seeing react to the Others to be honest. It still kind of bums me out that we'll never know what Tywin would have done and how he would have reacted if the Others were essentially on his doorstep. Roose, I'd love to see how he'd react to the Others and dragons. Cersei too. Littlefinger? Hell to the yes. 


I really want episode six to open with a bang but most of the things that I want to see happen would likely be deemed depressing by some. I don't necessarily need characters to be happy or see good things happen to them in order to be entertained. It depends. In order for the action to pop off in King's Landing I feel like House Tyrell finally has to take some hits even though they're considered to be mostly "good" characters. It's also likely better story wise for Cersei to win her trial even though she's considered to be a villain. 


If Sansa only has good things happen to her from here on out, I'm not sure how exciting that will necessarily be.


I agree though that it sucks that they couldn't have at least indicated that Sansa and Theon survived their fall. That has to suck for an Unsullied viewer on top of all of the other bad things that happened. I also agree that it would have been better to fast forward Dany's story so that Drogon was with her and protecting her rather than us getting a set up where it looks like Dany is going to have to be rescued by Jorah and Daario. 


Hecate, I might be the one who isn't remembering it right. I thought that he just promised not to kill her early on but that towards the very end that most bets are off save for a character like Rickon and two or three others. 

  • Love 2

Arya is Paris Martin's favorite character. She is the ONE character in the story guaranteed NOT to die, we have word of God on that one. Since she can't die in their arms, I postulate they will die in hers.

I believe the quote on that came from one of the Ds and Evil Santa later denied making any such promise or telling them of any such promise. But he has she'd very mad at him if Arya ever died, so this is one where I believe D&D more and think Martin is just covering because he probably told them that in confidence not expecting them to spill it.

  • Love 4

Agreed about Littlefinger and it goes well with my preferred S6 plot path as well.


I fully expect Jon to return and then I want the actual "heroic" types in the North to start uniting. That means Jon, Davos, Brienne, Pod, Sansa, Theon (provided he keeps on a legit redemption arc) and the Wildlings. We'll probably be stuck with the Red Witch too until the crew takes Winterfell, but then she can let something slip about having burned Shireen to Davos and he can gut her like a trout.


Basically I want the 'good guys' to retake Winterfell next season so they have a safe place to hole up (I've got a theory that something about Winterfell... perhaps the Godswood/Hot Springs combo makes the equivalent of 'holy ground' the Walkers and their Wights can't enter) while the Walkers bring down the Wall, slaughter the traitorous Night Watch and then sweep south all the way to King's Landing so that Cersei, the High Sparrow, Littlefinger and all the other pompus "Players of the Game" can see how utterly petty and futile their schemes and betrayals have been because Winter. Is. HERE!


I gotta admit, the thought of Cersei mercy killing Tommen like she almost did at the Battle of Blackwater only to have Wight Tommen rise up and strangle her to death (making him technically the younger family member who kills her, thus fullfilling the prophesy) would be extremely entertaining. So would watching Littlefinger try to run from the Wights and run smack dab into a Walker, try to bargain with it, only for it to backhand him across the room where a pack of Wights tears him apart.


Bonus points too if 'holy ground' of the Seven offers no protection from the Walkers (especially after seeing the effect that the sanctuaries of the Old Gods do work).


The only danger here is that people have been waiting for some of these character to "get theirs" for so long that such a scene of them being ripped apart by Wights and Walkers risks being unintentionally hilarious rather than the horror that it was at Hardhome.

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