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Season 6: Info, Casting and Spoilers

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No, I mean WOTW.  They updated the post (you have to refresh to see it).


I don't think promo photos need to be spoiler-tagged.

took 2 refresh, they have a problem with reload lately.

I sure hope Sansa and Theon was CGI because the shock alone should incapacitate them, I bet Sophie wished she was in Spain or Croatia that week.

Yay, the recaps are leaking again this year.



This is like the "previouslies" that air before each episode, yeah? If this is the one that will air before the episode 1, then I guess we won't be seeing Bran & the 3ER, Sam & Gilly, and the Ironborn in the season premiere. Otherwise, the season premiere is going to be jam packed with all the happenings in KL, the Wall, the North, Meereen, the Dothraki Sea, and Braavos. With extra attention on Melisandre & her faulty visions.

They didn't include the S3 scene between Mel, Thoros, and Beric, so I guess it's rather unlikely Jon's resurrection will happen in this episode. Not really surprised but I was kinda hoping they'd put me out of my misery in the first episode.

Edited by bunnyblue

Emilia Clarke and Joe Naufahu talk season 6 and the new khal:


“He’s Dothraki, so he’s a bit of a brute,” Naufahu says of his new character, Khal Moro, talking to the Hollywood Reporter. “But he’s also quite loyal. He follows traditions very strictly. He’s loyal to the living, and he’s loyal to the dead as well. He’s not as much of a chauvinist as some of the other Dothraki.” Naufahu apparently confirmed to THR that this loyalty to the dead “should have viewers thinking about Drogo” and that “there’s a connection there.”


Sounds like he's less villainous than it seemed. Maybe the minor Dothraki get roasted for insulting Dany and Moro either follows her or gives her some of his warriors after she's managed to impress him?

Looking forward to inappropriate Dany/Moro sexual tension. Don't disappoint me, show!

Moro's actor's reference to a connection makes me wonder if Moro is a relative of Drogo's or something.


Updated: Screenshots from the premiere (French subtitles) are leaking and they look legit. Description under spoiler tag (be warned):


1. Ellaria in same shot from trailer telling someone (probably Doran, judging from the angle) "You would have made a lousy adventurer."

2. Nymeria telling someone "You're a fucking bitch!"

3. Ramsay and Roose strolling down a darkened Winterfell corridor with one of them saying "At any rate..."


And the biggest spoiler of all....and I'm seriously not joking when I say don't click if you don't want to be spoiled:


4. A decrepit woman who, from the background, appears to be Melisandre post-disrobing.

Edited by Eyes High



And the biggest spoiler of all....and I'm seriously not joking when I say don't click if you don't want to be spoiled:


4. A decrepit woman who, from the background, appears to be Melisandre post-disrobing.


Thank God the disrobing scene will not be Mel screwing dead Jon back to life. I saw the pic of the old woman, and, uh yeah, disturbing. I don't know if I'll ever be able to look at Mel the same way again. I guess this confirms the big, magical WTF moment in the episode will not be Jon's resurrection. Sigh.

Thank God the disrobing scene will not be Mel screwing dead Jon back to life. I saw the pic of the old woman, and, uh yeah, disturbing. I don't know if I'll ever be able to look at Mel the same way again. I guess this confirms the big, magical WTF moment in the episode will not be Jon's resurrection. Sigh.

where is the site or link?

More stuff from 4chan (via seemingly valid screencaps), which will surely be well-received among fans:


Ellaria and the Sand Snakes somehow assassinate Doran and Trystane, and seize control of Dorne.

how they do Trystane? I suspected something happens to Doran,but not total death, they have to bypass or incapacitate Areo

how they do Trystane? I suspected something happens to Doran,but not total death, they have to bypass or incapacitate Areo

The sequence of events isn't clear, but there's a crystal clear image of Trystane with a spear (or some other sort of blade) through his head.  Areo is shown reacting to Doran's death, but unclear what happens to him.



Ramsay apparently loaned out his 20 good men to the Sons of the Harpy, as they somehow manage to burn Dany's entire fleet.  Thus neatly creating an opening for Yara and Theon to enter this plot.

Edited by SeanC
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More stuff from 4chan (via seemingly valid screencaps), which will surely be well-received among fans:


Ellaria and the Sand Snakes somehow assassinate Doran and Trystane, and seize control of Dorne.


Well, that escalated quickly.

I was 'meh' on the Sand Snakes before, but if this is true, killing Doran will move them into my "I want them dead" category. Stupid idiots.

The sequence of events isn't clear, but there's a crystal clear image of Trystane with a spear (or some other sort of blade) through his head.  Areo is shown reacting to Doran's death, but unclear what happens to him.



Ramsay apparently loaned out his 20 good men to the Sons of the Harpy, as they somehow manage to burn Dany's entire fleet.  Thus neatly creating an opening for Yara and Theon to enter this plot.

Were is this(ese) images?

I can't find them. :(

Were is this(ese) images?

I can't find them. :(


There's also a full AMA from someone who's seen the ep.


And the Jaime/HS scene, which I think is from 6.02.


This is like the "previouslies" that air before each episode, yeah? If this is the one that will air before the episode 1, then I guess we won't be seeing Bran & the 3ER, Sam & Gilly, and the Ironborn in the season premiere. Otherwise, the season premiere is going to be jam packed with all the happenings in KL, the Wall, the North, Meereen, the Dothraki Sea, and Braavos. With extra attention on Melisandre & her faulty visions.

They didn't include the S3 scene between Mel, Thoros, and Beric, so I guess it's rather unlikely Jon's resurrection will happen in this episode. Not really surprised but I was kinda hoping they'd put me out of my misery in the first episode.

Yes, that's what it is. They used to come out every week in the past, but last year we only got one for 5.10. Bran and the Greyjoys should return in 6.02, based on the ep stills, but I think Sam/Gilly don't appear til 6.03. Edited by Lady S.
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Re: Sansa & Theon in the stream. Could be cgi, could be they are wearing dry suits underneath, could be set tricks, could be they found one of Iceland's notorious hot springs (or was this filmed in Ireland?)

Sophie said in one of her interviews for this season that it was filmed in Ireland in the middle of summer (in the context of complimenting the crew for making it look so plausibly wintery).

Edited by SeanC
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Thank you. I have thoughts about this and since I don't have a Reddit account, I'm gonna talk about it here. Folks, do not look under the spoiler tags if you don't want to know what happens in episode 1.


My hate for Ellaria & the Sand Snakes may rival my hate for Cersei by season's end. JFC, they kill Doran, Trystane, and Areo Hotah?! Oberyn must be rolling in his grave. What a waste of Alexander Siddig.


I'm a bit confused about the happenings at Castle Black. If the episode ends with Davos, Ghost, and the loyalists locked in a room with Jon's corpse, where exactly is Melisandre? The room where she disrobes doesn't look like the one where Davos is holed up in. So, while the men folk are having their showdown, Mel decides she's gonna go to bed - naked - and call it a night? Seems weird. Although, I am happy that Davos sends one of the loyalists (probably Edd) to get backup in the form of the Wildlings. I think episode 2 is when the shit really goes down.

Edited by bunnyblue

Another spoiler comment:  

Ramsay apparently orders Myranda's body to be fed to the dogs.  That makes me wonder if, of those two versions of Ramsay's death we've gotten from other spoiler sources (Jon beats him to death vs. Ramsay is fed to his hounds) the latter is the correct one, and this first incident is meant to set up a season-ending bookend.  So Ramsay feeds somebody (albeit a corpse) to the dogs in the first episode, and is eaten by them himself in the penultimate or last episode.


Honestly, most of the premiere sounds fine, except for that one troublesome region.

Another spoiler comment:

Ramsay apparently orders Myranda's body to be fed to the dogs. That makes me wonder if, of those two versions of Ramsay's death we've gotten from other spoiler sources (Jon beats him to death vs. Ramsay is fed to his hounds) the latter is the correct one, and this first incident is meant to set up a season-ending bookend. So Ramsay feeds somebody (albeit a corpse) to the dogs in the first episode, and is eaten by them himself in the penultimate or last episode.

Honestly, most of the premiere sounds fine, except for that one troublesome region.

At first I thought the latter spoiler seemed less reliable, but now it seems like they might be aiming for irony:

Sansa flees the hounds and Ramsay feeds them, but in the finale Sansa feeds Ramsay to the hounds.

Dorne keeps on being Dorne!

More spoilery stills have been released, check reddit.com/r/asoiaf 6x01 megathread pinned at top of page. Brief description:


1. Tyene looking down at something (presumably Doran's dead body).

2. A naked Melisandre with her choker still on.

3. Brienne kneeling or prostrating herself before Sansa, while Theon looks on.


Comments on spoilers:


1.Remember that mysterious "gag" or special effect the VFX people wanted to do in Season 4 (except it got scrapped) and Season 5 (except it got scrapped) and were hoping to do it in Season 6? I think that mystery may have been solved.

2. Reserving judgment on Dorne stuff until we see how it plays out this season. It seems like cutting Aegon and Arianne caused some pretty big ripples. Either that, or D&D were told that the Dorne storyline doesn't amount to a hill of beans in the books and they're just telling a gonzo show-only story for fun. With all that said, I buy that Doran and Trystane die in the books, although obviously not in the same fashion.

3. Too bad Jon isn't resurrected in the premiere. Too much to hope for, I guess.

4. Someone commented that the grill thing shown behind Sansa in one of the trailers matches the braziers shown in the corridors of Winterfell in the shots of Ramsay and Roose walking.

Edited by Eyes High

4. Someone commented that the grill thing shown behind Sansa in one of the trailers matches the braziers shown in the corridors of Winterfell in the shots of Ramsay and Roose walking.

Yeah, I saw that too.  Either they're using similar braziers for other northern locations (we haven't visited other Northern noble houses before, other than, I guess, the Dreadfort), or those shots would presumably be from episode 10.



3. Too bad Jon isn't resurrected in the premiere. Too much to hope for, I guess.

In terms of the pacing of that, it doesn't sound like Melisandre has any indication that she should resurrect him either.  Next episode is clearly going to feature Tormund and the Wildlings showing up to kick ass and take names.  Mel will have to start getting a clue then. If we assume Sansa and Brienne are heading for the Wall (I'm guessing Theon heads off on his own in episode 2, going by the title), the odds are increasing that they'll arrive pretty shortly after his resurrection (or even before it).

Edited by SeanC

More spoilery stills have been released, check reddit.com/r/asoiaf 6x01 megathread pinned at top of page. Brief description:


3. Brienne kneeling or prostrating herself before Sansa, while Theon looks on.


Comments on spoilers:


1.Remember that mysterious "gag" or special effect the VFX people wanted to do in Season 4 (except it got scrapped) and Season 5 (except it got scrapped) and were hoping to do it in Season 6? I think that mystery may have been solved.

3. Too bad Jon isn't resurrected in the premiere. Too much to hope for, I guess.

4. Someone commented that the grill thing shown behind Sansa in one of the trailers matches the braziers shown in the corridors of Winterfell in the shots of Ramsay and Roose walking.



Awwww, Brienne pledging her sword to Sansa just as she did to Catelyn gives me all kinds of feels. And I love that Theon is still holding the sword he uses to kill the Bolton soldier.


1. You think the long-delayed 'gag' is Melisandre un-glamouring herself? I don't know, I thought the gag was something bigger in scope, i.e., White Walker related.

3. I desperately wanted the Jon resurrection to happen in the season premiere, but I resigned myself a while ago that it wouldn't happen this early. Based on spoilers, there is just too much that has to happen at Castle Black before they can get around to the resurrection of the Lord Commander. I do hope it happens at the end of episode 2...no more dragging this out, please.

4. I'd been hoping that Sansa scene takes place at CB, but after comparing that scene with the still of Roose & Ramsay, it would appear those 2 braziers are the same kind. She's also wearing her new fur cloak, which I don't think she'll acquire until she reaches Bear Island. So, yeah, it's possible that Sansa scene is in Winterfell after Snowbowl. Now my questions is: what is she looking at with apprehension? 

Edited by bunnyblue

Spoiler-related speculation:


With this, I'm pretty sure there's not going to be any Dany/Dorne alliance.  Ellaria and co. have been played as straight-up villains -- much like the Sparrows, the other anti-Lannister group in the story -- and not the sort of people Dany would be aligned with.  Also, this would mean allying Tyrion with the people who murdered his niece, which is something I doubt book!Tyrion would be cool with, and show!Tyrion absolutely wouldn't be.  Conversely, the images showing the burning Meereenese fleet clear the way for Dany to gain Yara and Theon, both sympathetic characters, as allies this season.


Ramsay apparently loaned out his 20 good men to the Sons of the Harpy, as they somehow manage to burn Dany's entire fleet.  Thus neatly creating an opening for Yara and Theon to enter this plot.



So not only has the vile Ramsay become a military genius capable of outwitting and defeating everyone he's come up against in Westeros, but now he's able to destroy an entire fleet half a world away with only a handful of men? This is getting ridiculous! NO ONE in this world is that capable, and certainly not Ramsay. Why on earth would the Sons of the Harpy ever need Ramsay's help (or trust his men) to get this done?


Although I have to say that I am definitely looking forward to the Melisandre scenes.

I can't wait to see the looks on all my male friends' faces when they see her old wrinkled body, after they've been drooling over her for three seasons. I will laugh and laugh!

Edited by Cherpumple


So not only has the vile Ramsay become a military genius capable of outwitting and defeating everyone he's come up against in Westeros, but now he's able to destroy an entire fleet half a world away with only a handful of men? This is getting ridiculous! NO ONE in this world is that capable, and certainly not Ramsay. Why on earth would the Sons of the Harpy ever need Ramsay's help (or trust his men) to get this done?

That part was a joke.

Soap opera watchers used to have a phrase for certain female characters who started out as bad girls, but became heroines after being subjected to sexual assault: "Redeemed by rape." If Sansa suddenly starts making wise decisions, it will be a shame that that's what it will have taken.

Sansa needs no redemption, and there are plenty of RL examples of men and women rape victims overcoming a horrendous incident and becoming stronger, they basically always had it in them just like Sansa does.

  • Love 4

Speculation about the direction of the season:


It doesn't appear that any real progress is made toward resurrecting Jon in the premiere, even conceptually (i.e., Mel doesn't think it's something she should try to do). Considering that episode 602 is probably going to have at least eight different plots in it (Winterfell, Sansa/Theon/Brienne, King's Landing, Meereen, Iron Islands, Bran, Dany, Castle Black), him being resurrected by the end of that episode also seems questionable.

Interviews: Nairn, Williams, Portman, Bradley.


I had no idea Pod is played by Rodrik's son.


Jon speculation:

maybe the 6x04 still of Davos with what might be smoke in the foreground is from Jon's funeral pyre/resurrection? 6x03's name, Oathbreaker, seemed like it could refer to Jon leaving the NW, but if Melisandre starts thinking about the resurrection in 6x02/6x03 and Sansa arrives in 6x03, maybe it's as (relatively) late as 6x04 and witnessed by all the major Northern characters on the Stark side?


Sansa needs no redemption, and there are plenty of RL examples of men and women rape victims overcoming a horrendous incident and becoming stronger, they basically always had it in them just like Sansa does.


There are well-written rape storylines (IMO, the Naevia storyline on Spartacus is a good example - we got to see her initially fail to rekindle her physical relationship with her lover, then work to recover her confidence and sexuality, and even in the season after she'd killed the first man to rape her it was clear that she continued to struggle with memories of her time in sexual slavery so her trauma hadn't magically vanished with a bit of revenge), but the negative stereotype that was mentioned is the one where a (usually female) character is raped as punishment for being uppity and shallow. In those cases, it doesn't really matter if her "sins" have been incredibly minor stuff compared to the things that anti-heroes have done, she's still been judged disproportionately for them and rape is used as a way to break her and make her ashamed of her former confidence, beauty and sexuality. After she's been humbled it can be argued that she didn't really deserve it so we can start liking her, but it's still treated as necessary so that she can grow and accept the love of a good man now that she doesn't think so highly of herself; it's very "you see how good you had it with him, bet you regret being a bitch", punishing the victim and elevating the male character who hadn't raped her. A soapy, badly-written "redeemed by rape" storyline tends to be about how the victim misused her sexuality by being a temptress or not wanting to have sex with the "right" man. Essentially, she knows better now that she got what was coming to her and turns into a good person: in such storylines the focus, sadly, isn't on the strength required to overcome trauma but on how the victim learns to regret past behavior and triumphs over rape by getting rid of troublesome arrogance and independence.

Edited by ElizaD
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Jon speculation:

maybe the 6x04 still of Davos with what might be smoke in the foreground is from Jon's funeral pyre/resurrection? 6x03's name, Oathbreaker, seemed like it could refer to Jon leaving the NW, but if Melisandre starts thinking about the resurrection in 6x02/6x03 and Sansa arrives in 6x03, maybe it's as (relatively) late as 6x04 and witnessed by all the major Northern characters on the Stark side?

Based on what we know, 602 looks to/may have:


1.  Meereen - promo photos show Missandei, so there'll be some sort of scene here.  Perhaps them sending for the Red Priests, which we know they do from the Kinvara casting sides?

2.  Winterfell - promo photo of the Boltons.  Presumably this is them learning that Sansa eluded their hunting party, and things starting to break down between Roose and Ramsay.

3.  King's Landing - promo photo of Jaime and Tommen near Myrcella's corpse.  Probably the Jaime/High Sparrow scene is also here; depending on whether we get a look at Myrcella's body in 601, Nell Tiger Free may collect two episodes' worth of corpse money.

4.  Iron Islands - promo photos of Balon and Yara.  Balon's death, assuredly.

5.  Dany - James Hibberd said that the Dany clip labeled as being from 603 (her at Vaes Dothrak) is actually from 602, which fits with the episode title.

6.  Castle Black - the end of episode 1 pretty clearly sets up the NW loyalists vs. NW traitors fight, with the Wildlings arriving to save the day.  Perhaps we'll see some movement from Mel regarding Jon here, though all things being equal I doubt it'll go from zero to sixty in one episode.

7.  Bran - just because he wasn't in the premiere, so presumably he'll be here (though it appears Sam & Gilly aren't appearing until 603).

8.  Sansa/Theon/Brienne - I would ordinarily say that they could skip an episode and be 'in transit', but I suspect that, going by the episode title, Theon decides to go home to the Iron Islands in this episode.

Edited by SeanC

I learned the Pod, Rodrick connection last year I like tidbits like that.

Speculation about the direction of the season:


It doesn't appear that any real progress is made toward resurrecting Jon in the premiere, even conceptually (i.e., Mel doesn't think it's something she should try to do). Considering that episode 602 is probably going to have at least eight different plots in it (Winterfell, Sansa/Theon/Brienne, King's Landing, Meereen, Iron Islands, Bran, Dany, Castle Black), him being resurrected by the end of that episode also seems questionable.

What ever episode it is, I feel it be either just before Sansa gets there or shortly after she arrives.


Also this is the 2nd longest 7 hours in my life, only our children’s births beat it.



ETA: this is after watching the five year catch up video twice.

Edited by GrailKing

Also this is the 2nd longest 7 hours in my life, only our children’s births beat it.


At least you get to watch it at a decent hour and have some time to sleep before Monday.  I'm in the UK and they are going to show it at the same time it airs in the US.  The problem is, that'd be 2:00 am for me!  So, we'll be done at 3:00 am, at which time, I will probably not be sleepy and come to the forums to discuss. 


Then it's up at 6:30 am to walk the dog before getting ready for work.  Monday is going to be a horrible day! :-S

  • Love 2

What ever episode it is, I feel it be either just before Sansa gets there or shortly after she arrives.


I wouldn't have predicted this last year, but it feels like Sansa/Brienne are going to be so close to the Wall that having them arrive after the resurrection would be a missed opportunity. So now I hope they get there in time to witness it.


About the Bran/Bloodraven photos

: I've seen the first one, where they seem to be in Winterfell for the littlest Ned flashback, grouped with 6x02 photos and another one, where they seem to be outside but the background looks stony rather than snowy, placed in 6x03 with the Sam/Gilly photo. And Bran on horseback is the only photo in 6x10: it'll be interesting to see if that'll really turn out to be the earliest available photo from the finale


At least you get to watch it at a decent hour and have some time to sleep before Monday.  I'm in the UK and they are going to show it at the same time it airs in the US.  The problem is, that'd be 2:00 am for me!  So, we'll be done at 3:00 am, at which time, I will probably not be sleepy and come to the forums to discuss. 


Then it's up at 6:30 am to walk the dog before getting ready for work.  Monday is going to be a horrible day! :-S

I'm in bed at 3am, up at 6:30 to take wife to work as I have a doctor appointment at 9 tomorrow, but after that I can go back to bed, which I won't.

  • Love 1

I learned the Pod, Rodrick connection last year I like tidbits like that.

What ever episode it is, I feel it be either just before Sansa gets there or shortly after she arrives.


Also this is the 2nd longest 7 hours in my life, only our children’s births beat it.



ETA: this is after watching the five year catch up video twice.

What video do you speak of?

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