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Season 6: Info, Casting and Spoilers

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I still have a hard time imagining the show version of Varys orchestrating a bloody murder spree.  Though I guess this could just be an instance where there's snapback to the book character, and his leaving Meereen certainly points to his being behind it.


If Varys does go to Dorne as rumoured, and if he does enact some version of the little birds scene in KL, he's going to be a busy guy this season. I'm wondering how the little birds scene will play out with no Aegon. I guess Varys talks up Dany instead...?

Edited by Eyes High

Episode 2 is Homeward Bound


Trying to figure out Simon and Garfunkel figure into this


I'm sitting in the railway station.

Got a ticket for my destination.

On a tour of one-night stands

my suitcase and guitar in hand.

And every stop is neatly planned

for a poet and a one-man band.

Homeward bound,

I wish I was homeward bound,

Home where my thought's escaping,

Home where my music's playing,

Home where my love lies waiting silently for me.

  • Love 2

I still have a hard time imagining the show version of Varys orchestrating a bloody murder spree.  Though I guess this could just be an instance where there's snapback to the book character, and his leaving Meereen certainly points to his being behind it.


I think the scene where Varys gets the man who cut him from a box was probably supposed to set up his, let's say, darker nature.

  • Love 1

Updated length of Season 6 episodes:


6x01: 50 minutes

6x02: 54 minutes

6x03: 53 minutes

6x04: 59 minutes

6x05: 57 minutes

6x06: 52 minutes

6x07: 51 minutes


A total of 376 minutes, or about 53.7 minutes per episode. Season 5's first seven episodes totaled 390 minutes in length, or 55.7 minutes per episode.


Now we just want to know who's behind him.

Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but Littlefinger looks a little apprehensive in those shots.

Edited by Eyes High
  • Love 1

Updated length of Season 6 episodes:


6x01: 50 minutes

6x02: 54 minutes

6x03: 53 minutes

6x04: 59 minutes

6x05: 57 minutes

6x06: 52 minutes

6x07: 51 minutes


A total of 376 minutes, or about 53.7 minutes per episode. Season 5's first seven episodes totaled 390 minutes in length, or 55.7 minutes per episode.




Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but Littlefinger looks a little apprehensive in those shots.

He's concerned about something for sure, I keep watching that scene in slow mo and it doesn't seem to be Sansa, though it is possible, maybe Breinne? 

Could be ....naw that person too far from Winterfell.

  • Love 1

He's concerned about something for sure, I keep watching that scene in slow mo and it doesn't seem to be Sansa, though it is possible, maybe Breinne? 

Could be ....naw that person too far from Winterfell.


Based on the information we have, it seems as if Brienne's trajectory is as follows:


1. Rescue Theon and Sansa outside Winterfell.

2. Escort Sansa all the way to Castle Black.

3. Once assured of Sansa's safety, I'm guessing because Jon is resurrected and large and in charge again, head south.

4. Squabble with Jaime at Riverrun.

5. ??? (Potential run-in with the BWB, maybe?)


Similarly, based on the information available, it seems as if Sansa's trajectory is as follows:


1. Be rescued by Brienne.

2. Go to Castle Black with Pod and Brienne to find a resurrected Jon.

3. Head out with Davos to rally support against Ramsay.

4. Attend parlay at Bear Island with Davos.

5. Save Jon and the wildlings' asses courtesy of Littlefinger and the Vale army.

6. ??? (Reclaim Winterfell, I'm guessing.)


I'm wondering if Melisandre accompanies Sansa, since there is that episode still from 6x05 of Melisandre on horseback looking as if she's leaving Castle Black. I would expect Sansa to be leaving Castle Black no later than 6x05, and if the scrap of fabric in the corner of the 6x05 still is from Sansa's gown as speculated it makes sense that Sansa is going with Melisandre. However, it seemed from at least one interview as if Melisandre was doing her own thing ("going on a journey" or however it was put). With that said, if she's not going with Sansa and Davos, where exactly is she going?

Edited by Eyes High

At WOTW some think Millesandre might get take Jon's body to Thoras in the RL, I don't think I by that, someone also kicked around because of reports that maybe a certain stone hearted person may breath life into Mr. Snow, and someone thinks it could be her or Sandor  in the Godswood.


Too bad we didn't get a full look at Sansa's Direwolf costume, can't find the leaked picture of her,LF,Ramsey and Jon at Winterfell at the moment.

reports that maybe a certain stone hearted person may breath life into Mr. Snow


Ha! Because if anyone would want Jon Snow back in the world of the living, clearly it would be Lady Stoneheart, the revenge-crazed, hateful revenant form of a woman who hated Jon Snow while she lived. The only reason Lady Stoneheart would want to resurrect Jon would be to get the chance to murder him herself.


I doubt Brienne would feel safe leaving Sansa at Castle Black or that Sansa would feel comfortable being left there without a living, breathing Jon in the picture, and it seems as if Brienne ditches Sansa fairly early on so that Sansa can go on wacky adventures with Davos. There is something funny about the idea of Melisandre lugging Jon's corpse halfway across Westeros through a good chunk of the season, though.


too bad we didn't get a full look at Sansa's Direwolf costume

Eh, I wasn't impressed. The embroidery on her gown was well and good, but there was some shiny multicoloured stuff on there that looked like the gown had been bejeweled.

Edited by Eyes High
  • Love 1

I'm wondering if Melisandre accompanies Sansa, since there is that episode still from 6x05 of Melisandre on horseback looking as if she's leaving Castle Black. I would expect Sansa to be leaving Castle Black no later than 6x05, and if the scrap of fabric in the corner of the 6x05 still is from Sansa's gown as speculated it makes sense that Sansa is going with Melisandre. However, it seemed from at least one interview as if Melisandre was doing her own thing ("going on a journey" or however it was put). With that said, if she's not going with Sansa and Davos, where exactly is she going?


I haven't read any Melisandre interviews, so I'd just assumed that she'd be going with Jon. She had a vision of post-Bolton Winterfell and I can't imagine her wanting to leave Jon after his resurrection, which should revive her faith. After Jon leaves the Wall he might need a named character other than Tormund to interact with and Melisandre's presence would add a little more tension to his scenes; Sansa will have scenes with Davos, the Northern lords, and maybe Littlefinger and Royce depending on the timing of the Vale army's arrival.

Is there any chance he's looking at Ghost and Ghost instinctively doesn't like Littlefinger? 


Possible, but it looked like a human figure wearing darker clothes to me. (The show seems to be leaning much less heavily on the suggestion in the books that the direwolves are good judges of character.)


I rewatched the battle scenes from Hardhome not long ago. So great! So, so great! I'm pleased that Nutter won the Emmy, but it's an outrage that Sapochnik's directing work wasn't nominated. I don't know how Sapochnik is going to top the Hardhome battle in Season 6, although I'm eager to see him try.


Directors for Season 6 are as follows with their previous GOT episodes in parentheses:


6x01: Jeremy Podeswa (5x05, 5x06)

6x02: Jeremy Podeswa

6x03: Daniel Sackheim (no previous GOT experience, has a long resume of TV work and directed seven episodes of "The Americans")

6x04: Daniel Sackheim 

6x05: Jack Bender (no previous GOT experience, also has a long resume of TV work, directed 38 episodes of LOST)

6x06: Jack Bender

6x07: Mark Mylod (5x03, 5x04)

6x08: Mark Mylod

6x09: Miguel Sapochnik (5x07, 5x08)

6x10: Miguel Sapochnik


Michael Slovis (5x01, 5x02) is sitting Season 6 out--unfortunate, in my opinion, since he had some really playful shots in his GOT episodes--as is David Nutter (5x09, 5x10). David Nutter also sat out Season 4 after working on Season 3, so maybe he'll be back for Season 7?


Judging from what we know about Season 6 from set leaks and such, 6x06 is looking to be a very busy episode with at least two big, flashy set pieces: Jaime and the Tyrell forces have the big confrontation at the Sept of Baelor, and Arya is chased through the streets of Braavos by the Waif.


NY Times did a feature on Iwan Rheon. Of possible interest (although not telling hardcore fans anything they hadn't already assumed):


In the new season, the show’s sixth, Ramsay deepens further, Mr. Rheon suggested, even approaching something like human emotion in mourning a girlfriend killed in the Season 5 finale. “That surprised even me,” he said. Of course, it also finds him seething over last season’s escape of his captives Sansa and Theon (Alfie Allen) — the young nobleman he castrated, forced into servitude and renamed Reek — and sets up who may be his most appalling victim yet: an as-yet-unborn stepsibling who could be a competing heir.


Nice knowing you, Fat Walda.


On another note, one thing that occurs to me about Season 7 is that D&D made their 13 episodes comment pretty recently. Based on what they've communicated about past seasons' production schedules, by this point in the year they've finished their mapping of the next season's episodes and are writing scripts. So if they are going to do seven or six episodes in Season 7 as opposed to the usual 10, wouldn't that decision already have been made months ago?

Edited by Eyes High

Judging from what we know about Season 6 from set leaks and such, 6x06 is looking to be a very busy episode with at least two big, flashy set pieces: Jaime and the Tyrell forces have the big confrontation at the Sept of Baelor, and Arya is chased through the streets of Braavos by the Waif.


On another note, one thing that occurs to me about Season 7 is that D&D made their 13 episodes comment pretty recently. Based on what they've communicated about past seasons' production schedules, by this point in the year they've finished their mapping of the next season's episodes and are writing scripts. So if they are going to do seven or six episodes in Season 7 as opposed to the usual 10, wouldn't that decision already have been made months ago?


Though I can't remember what exactly it was, there was something that made online detectives identify 6x05 or 6x06 as the Tower of Joy episode since they're the ones with that director.


I believe the showrunners have had a rough idea of their preferred episode count since they started planning season 6 and announced that there would be eight seasons, and if they'll add extra episodes to the 7+6 that were mentioned it's probably going to be in season 8 so that it doesn't only have 6 episodes. Maybe it's a negotiation tactic with HBO, maybe they announced 13 episodes so that it looks like a win for the viewers when a press release confirms that there will be 14 episodes?

Though I can't remember what exactly it was, there was something that made online detectives identify 6x05 or 6x06 as the Tower of Joy episode since they're the ones with that director.


I believe the showrunners have had a rough idea of their preferred episode count since they started planning season 6 and announced that there would be eight seasons, and if they'll add extra episodes to the 7+6 that were mentioned it's probably going to be in season 8 so that it doesn't only have 6 episodes. Maybe it's a negotiation tactic with HBO, maybe they announced 13 episodes so that it looks like a win for the viewers when a press release confirms that there will be 14 episodes?

I agree, TOJ is definitely 6x05 or 6x06. Forgot about that one.


Those shots of Dany on horseback leading a group of Dothraki through a patch of rocks accompanied by Daario was also from 6x05 or 6x06.


One of the premiere reviews stated that a lot of the trailer shots are from the first episode. It looks like the Jon corpse scenes, Sansa/Theon, Jaime/Cersei, and a lot of the Varys/Tyrion stuff is all from the premiere. Blind Arya and Euron on the bridge are also possibilities.


It's hard to know what will happen since D&D talked up seven seasons for a few years only for HBO to come out later and say 8+. With that said, the Variety interview stating 13ish episodes was a few weeks ago. If D&D have been planning on seven episodes for Season 7, the scripts and such have likely already been mapped out, and I'd say there would be a real scramble if they had to up the episode count to 10 at this point.

Edited by Eyes High

If it's 13 I like it all in one year, split it like Outlander, just keep them in the same year.

The problem appears to be that according to D&D they could only manage 10 episodes a year before, and now they're trying to do bigger and crazier things to top previous years' offerings, so they can't even manage 10 (according to them). Also, GRRM when hyping a possible movie a few years ago mentioned things coming up in the books that would need a movie-level scale (sea battles, for example).

A disturbing possibility is D&D filming all 13 episodes at once over an extended production season and releasing them in 2018 as one unit. I doubt they would do that, though: lost buzz, missed awards season, etc. etc.

Edited by Eyes High

Those shots of Dany on horseback leading a group of Dothraki through a patch of rocks accompanied by Daario was also from 6x05 or 6x06.

Dany's story in the back half of Season 6 is pretty mysterious at this point.  It seems like the Vaes Dothrak stuff is resolved by the midpoint, and she's presumably back in Meereen by 610, but what about in between?  I think Book Dany is probably going to be on an Essos-changing rampage that will topple many of the other powers arrayed against her, but that doesn't seem like stuff the show would include.

Dany's story in the back half of Season 6 is pretty mysterious at this point.  It seems like the Vaes Dothrak stuff is resolved by the midpoint, and she's presumably back in Meereen by 610, but what about in between?  I think Book Dany is probably going to be on an Essos-changing rampage that will topple many of the other powers arrayed against her, but that doesn't seem like stuff the show would include.


Didn't Javi or someone else in the know say that that shot of the Dothraki charging at something in the first trailer was from 6x10?


As for Dany's arc, it seems that it goes roughly like this:


1. Captive Dany is brought before the Dothraki. They are unimpressed.

2. Dany is marched to Vaes Dothrak and arrives in 6x03. Drogon flies overhead but doesn't do shit. At Vaes Dothrak, Dany is stripped of her Meereen gown. 

3. Daario and Jorah track Dany to Vaes Dothrak. Drogon burns the temple (and a number of Dothraki inside). Dany wins the Dothraki's respect. (I thought this was in 6x03, but I'm not sure.)

4. ??? 

5. Dany leads a group of Dothraki on horseback. Daario is with her but Jorah isn't.

6. ???

7. Dany meets with Tyrion, Missandei, Grey Worm and Unsullied outside Meereen (filmed at the Mesa Roldan location). This happens in 6x09 or 6x10. A dragon head puppet was spotted at the filming location. 

8. A group of Dothraki charge at...something. Meereen?


I dunno what the interludes are. I thought I saw a casting bit about a young widow many assumed would be interacting with Dany, and there was a bit from a production featurette showing Dany speaking with a young woman at a Dothraki encampment, but judging from the 6x03 clip of her still marching to Vaes Dothrak, it seems like there doesn't seem to be much time between her arrival in Vaes Dothrak and her ascension back to a position of power.

Ha! Because if anyone would want Jon Snow back in the world of the living, clearly it would be Lady Stoneheart, the revenge-crazed, hateful revenant form of a woman who hated Jon Snow while she lived. The only reason Lady Stoneheart would want to resurrect Jon would be to get the chance to murder him herself.


I doubt Brienne would feel safe leaving Sansa at Castle Black or that Sansa would feel comfortable being left there without a living, breathing Jon in the picture, and it seems as if Brienne ditches Sansa fairly early on so that Sansa can go on wacky adventures with Davos. There is something funny about the idea of Melisandre lugging Jon's corpse halfway across Westeros through a good chunk of the season, though.


Eh, I wasn't impressed. The embroidery on her gown was well and good, but there was some shiny multicoloured stuff on there that looked like the gown had been bejeweled.

As far as LSH, the talk with Talisa about not keeping her promise to the gods to love him and asking Ned to make him a Stark.

The costume is embroidered blue roses.

One of the premiere reviews stated that a lot of the trailer shots are from the first episode. It looks like the Jon corpse scenes, Sansa/Theon, Jaime/Cersei, and a lot of the Varys/Tyrion stuff is all from the premiere. Blind Arya and Euron on the bridge are also possibilities.

I expect 6.02 "Home" will include Euron returning home to Pyke. Wasn't the Yara on the beach still from 6.02?

  • Love 1

I don't think people pay enough attention to the fashion of Sansa, in the books we get into her mind, we see what she sees, we know what she wears and why.

It's not me saying all this, it's GRRM and the wardrobe people on the set, what she wears in clothing and jewellery is Sansa and George and wardrobe telling us about her and her feelings, and this is important per George and wardrobe.

It's all symbolism, just as I mentioned in the wardrobe thread.

Recapped.com, the accurate nudity spoiler website (everything it's ever reported on GOT is dead on), reports that Carice van Houten has an "interesting nude scene" in 6x01. Melisandre fucking Jon Snow back to life? Melisandre deglamouring to reveal an old woman's body?


Oh Gods, please let it be Mel revealing her old woman's body. Partly because it would be nice to have that theory confirmed, but mostly because I DO NOT want her fucking Jon Snow's corpse. If they wanna do the beast with two backs when he comes back, fine, but please let's not introduce necrophilia into the show.

Recapped.com, the accurate nudity spoiler website (everything it's ever reported on GOT is dead on), reports that Carice van Houten has an "interesting nude scene" in 6x01. Melisandre fucking Jon Snow back to life? Melisandre deglamouring to reveal an old woman's body?

I'd been wondering if they'd have anything to say about this season.


Weirdest spoiler source I can ever recall consulting.  Especially since they clearly have excellent sources, but only report on one thing.

Oh Gods, please let it be Mel revealing her old woman's body. Partly because it would be nice to have that theory confirmed, but mostly because I DO NOT want her fucking Jon Snow's corpse. If they wanna do the beast with two backs when he comes back, fine, but please let's not introduce necrophilia into the show.

been waiting for it ever since Carice let that one slip.  LOL

Carice said that Melisandre feels cold for the first time in 6x01, coinciding with Jon Snow's death. If her magic is hinky due to his death, maybe she has difficulty maintaining the glamour?


I thought I saw a reference to a "lurid" Melisandre scene, or at least a lurid scene at the end of the premiere, in one of the premiere reviews. Necrophilia and/or Melisandre revealing a naked old woman's body would certainly qualify.


The EW premiere teaser said something about twists that would shock even "hardcore fans." I'm wondering if there will be something genuinely shocking for hardened book readers in the premiere. I don't think any hardcore fans would be shocked by Melisandre having an old woman's body or fucking Jon Snow back to life.


A potential shocker could be a character's death. On average, 1.8 named characters die every episode (as opposed to unnamed soldiers and other redshirts). I imagine some of the NW conspirators might bite it in the confrontation between Jon loyalists and his betrayers.

Edited by Eyes High

The EW premiere teaser said something about twists that would shock even "hardcore fans." I'm wondering if there will be something genuinely shocking for hardened book readers in the premiere. I don't think any hardcore fans would be shocked by Melisandre having an old woman's body or fucking Jon Snow back to life.


A potential shocker could be a character's death. On average, 1.8 named characters die every episode (as opposed to unnamed soldiers and other redshirts). I imagine some of the NW conspirators might bite it in the confrontation between Jon loyalists and his betrayers.

I don't think the death of the mutineers would really be shocking; most people are expecting that.


I think media publications tend to understate or be ignorant of how much theorizing and analysis hardcore fans do, so if she is losing the glamour, that's probably what they're talking about.  Though Mel looks fine in that promo still for 605, so clearly she gets her mojo back.

Edited by SeanC


Bring on the hot Dothraki!


It will be an interesting contrast to see Dothraki groups, encampments, etc. compared to Season 1, since the budget has skyrocketed since the time Season 1 was made. Instead of seeing a few tents, we're going to be seeing whole cities.


Of interest is Ramsay looking at someone on a bed. Given Iwan Rheon's comments, it sounds as if Ramsay has something approaching a normal human emotion regarding Myranda's death, so this is likely Myranda.


Is there really that much that's unknown about 6x01 for the spoiler fiends? We can pretty much guess what happens based on what is known.



Arya: I'm blind!

Jaqen: Get used to it.

Arya: *angst*

Waif: Fuck your angst.



Dany: I'm the queen!

Dothraki: You're the queen of fuck-all. You're going to join the Dosh Khaleen.

Dany: ...But I'm the queen!



Tyrion: So how bad are things in Meereen?

Varys: Pretty fucking bad.

Tyrion: Right, then.

Varys: Let's get the Red Priestesses on board!

Tyrion: Sure, that's never ended badly for anyone.



Jaime: Myrcella is dead.

Cersei: I hate you.

Jaime: Let's get revenge!

Cersei: I love you. 



Alliser: Busting down a door to try to kill a bunch of armed NW Jon loyalists and a pissed-off direwolf sounds like a solid plan.


Alliser: I've made a huge mistake.

Davos: *reenacts Weekend at Bernie's*

Melisandre: My magic is fading and my visions were wrong. This is the most tragic thing that's ever happened!

Davos; Didn't you say Stannis and Shireen are dead?

Melisandre: BUT STILL.

Horny Fanboys: Awwwww yeah, Melisandre's gonna strip!


Horny Fanboys: Dear God whyyyyyyyy.



Theon: Cross this ice-cold river with me to escape the hounds!

Sansa: I don't wanna. I'm scared!

Theon: You're supposed to be a badass this season, remember?

Sansa: Oh, sorry, forgot.

Brienne: I'm here to fulfill my sacred oath and rescue you!

Sansa: You couldn't have fulfilled it a little earlier?

Brienne: My promise to your mom actually had a Stannis exemption clause.

Edited by Eyes High
  • Love 2

Bring on the hot Dothraki!


It will be an interesting contrast to see Dothraki groups, encampments, etc. compared to Season 1, since the budget has skyrocketed since the time Season 1 was made. Instead of seeing a few tents, we're going to be seeing whole cities.


Of interest is Ramsay looking at someone on a bed. Given Iwan Rheon's comments, it sounds as if Ramsay has something approaching a normal human emotion regarding Myranda's death, so this is likely Myranda.

I'm not so sure, the face is in too good of shape, Myranda went face first, her face would be unrecognisable,  shows stubble and this close up doesn't look like her.


Edited by GrailKing

WOTW updated with more photos, and which are specified to be from the premiere, meaning 601 has:


1.  Castle Black

2.  Winterfell

3.  Sansa/Theon/Brienne

4.  King's Landing

5.  Meereen

6.  Dany & Dothraki

7.  Dorne

8.  Braavos


Quite a roster.  Castle Black will obviously have the most screentime, following by King's Landing.  At a guess, I wouldn't be surprised if Meereen's is a fairly quick check-in, amounting to Dinklage's smallest-ever role in a season premiere. I used to think Bran would be in the premiere, but at this point, no way.  So the MIA for the first episode:


1.  Bran

2.  Iron Islands

3.  Sam/Gilly

Edited by SeanC

WOTW updated with more photos, and which are specified to be from the premiere, meaning 601 has:


1.  Castle Black

2.  Winterfell

3.  Sansa/Theon/Brienne

4.  King's Landing

5.  Meereen

6.  Dany & Dothraki

7.  Dorne

8.  Braavos


Quite a roster.  Castle Black will obviously have the most screentime, following by King's Landing.  At a guess, I wouldn't be surprised if Meereen's is a fairly quick check-in, amounting to Dinklage's smallest-ever role in a season premiere. I used to think Bran would be in the premiere, but at this point, no way.  So the MIA for the first episode:


1.  Bran

2.  Iron Islands

3.  Sam/Gilly

You mean WIC?, I checked WOTW their photo's didn't change but WIC shows





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