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Season 6: Info, Casting and Spoilers

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In particular, there were scenes shot with WW and wights with a background of what appear to be roots. Maybe the cave where Bran is gets attacked by WW?

Perhaps, if Bran's vision with the NK causes them to become aware of him and find a way to break through the cave's defenses. Could be related to the most mysterious part of the trailer, where Meera was being saved from a wight.


Bryan Cogman has been livetweeting his top 10 GOT episodes. When livetweeting "Two Swords," he remarked that the show did away with the Tyrell-Martell rivalry. Given the rumours about Diana Rigg being spotted in Spain in the area where the Dorne scenes were being filmed--which might have been for the queen-themed photoshoot with Margaery, Cersei, and Dany, to be fair--maybe Olenna will team up with the Martells? I also saw rumours about Conleth Hill being spotted in the vicinity as well. We know that Varys ditches Tyrion partway at some point during the season and leaves Meereen, but I'm guessing he'd be heading to KL to reenact some version of the ADWD little bird scene rather than Dorne.


If Bran's cave is invaded, I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that it takes place fairly late in the season. I doubt Bran would be bothering with visions of young Ned and such with Bloodraven if he was fleeing for his life from the WW. I thought the Tower of Joy sequence had been pegged by spoiler hounds at 6x06 for some reason, which would put any cave invasion likely later in the season than that point.


Another Reddit user, TheBuffaloHoove, emerged with alleged details of the BOTB, deleted within hours of posting on the GOT reddit. Foilers? Maybe, but the user posted a photo of a snazzy, legit-appearing GOT Season 6 Dragon Unit souvenir jacket. Could be a fake--and I don't even know whether Dragon Unit was working on the big battle--but still. Details aligned with what the other user Docmantistobogan was saying, with a few differences. In other news, Docmantistobogan deleted their Reddit account. Details from TheBuffaloHoove:

Ramsay Bolton leads the battle. Ramsay Bolton releases Rickon to run to the other side but injures or kills him with an arrow before he can reach Jon. Davos and Tormund participate on Team Jon during the battle. Boltons and Karstarks fight alongside Ramsay. Tormund fights Smalljon Umber and wins. Things look grim for Team Jon until Sansa and LF show up to save the day. Ramsay retreats to Winterfell. Wun Wun busts through the Winterfell gates and Ramsay kills him with an arrow to the eye. Jon beats Ramsay to death.

Docmantistobogan claimed that the deaths were

Ramsay, Roose, Rickon, Osha, Smalljon, and Wun Wun

, mostly the same deaths alleged by TheBuffaloHoove. So this begs the question as to whether DMT and TBH are the same poster. Maybe, maybe not. Interestingly, though, DMT claimed that the identities of the flayed cross corpses were not known to the extras, but TBH strongly implied that they were

Roose and Walda

. DMT also claimed that

it was guaranteed that Rickon would die while saying that Rickon would participate in the battle "in a way," which could align with Ramsay releasing Rickon to run to Jon only to plug him with an arrow.


Edited by Eyes High

I saw a new promo on TBS tonight, this guy has screenpics. Waiting for it to come up on youtube.

This promo clarified that Tyrion does indeed enter the dragon pit and get up close and personal with Viserion and Rhaegal, although I imagine it's going to go better for him than it did with Quentyn. Edited by Eyes High

This promo clarified that Tyrion does indeed enter the dragon pit and get up close and personal with Viserion and Rhaegal, although I imagine it's going to go better for him than it did with Quentyn.


I didn't see any pictures of Tyrion anywhere near the dragon pit. There's one of him with Varys, on a road somewhere.

Edited by Hecate7

For a long time I thought the dragonhorn was out, but having considered the apparent story developments this season, I'm now of the opinion it's probably in.  I mean, Euron is in the show, and the horn is somehow a part of his plans, and now it looks like the Ironborn mission to Slaver's Bay is still on, but with Yara and Theon instead of Victarion.  The mission can't be about ships, and it can't be character-specific as a result of the swap (Yara and Theon being rather different characters from Victarion, whose primary motivation is to marry Dany; hey, maybe that's why Yara is into girls now?), so that really leaves the horn.


Plus, if Euron is going to be a threat to Dany, he needs to have some challenge to dragonpower.

  • Love 2

Promo's finally out officially. A few changes from the aired version, interestingly, most notably a shot of the NK in front of a wall of flames.


There were rumours about a big WW scene in Season 6. Judging from the trailers, it looks like it will involve an assault by the WW on the cave. I'm guessing that Bran's arc for Season 6 will culminate in the cave being invaded, Bloodraven being murdered by the WW (because he ain't going anywhere), and Bran, Hodor and Meera fleeing.south with the WW in pursuit. If Bran does wind up fleeing the cave in Season 6, that would be a fairly significant book spoiler, since it's a popular ASOIAF fan theory that Bran is not going to leave the cave.

Holy shit, Drogon is huge now.


And yeah, the two shots of the Night's King (standing in front of the flames, and then grabbing Bran's hand) are the most intriguing part of the promo. The second one in particular, because we know from the fact that Bran is standing that it has to be a vision, so does this mean that the Night's King can somehow access his visions/dreams? Bran's storyline is probably the thing I'm most looking forward to this season. There are just so many possibilities there, both in terms of what he sees and what his ultimate role is going to be. Also, of all the fantasy material in the series, the Northern stuff has always been my favourite -- from the skinchanging, to the Old Gods, to the Others, to the Children of the Forest.

Edited by AshleyN
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Promo's finally out officially. A few changes from the aired version, interestingly, most notably a shot of the NK in front of a wall of flames.


There were rumours about a big WW scene in Season 6. Judging from the trailers, it looks like it will involve an assault by the WW on the cave. I'm guessing that Bran's arc for Season 6 will culminate in the cave being invaded, Bloodraven being murdered by the WW (because he ain't going anywhere), and Bran, Hodor and Meera fleeing.south with the WW in pursuit. If Bran does wind up fleeing the cave in Season 6, that would be a fairly significant book spoiler, since it's a popular ASOIAF fan theory that Bran is not going to leave the cave.


All the clues do seem to be pointing towards Bran and Co fleeing the cave by season's end. To think, I thought all Bran would be doing this season was having visions while he chilled in the cave with an old tree guy. But if the WW do invade the cave, I hope Summer, Meera, and Hodor (in that order) manage to escape. I assume Bloodraven would be toast. If Bran does flee, hopefully it's south and not further north. I still have faint hope he will one day reunite with his siblings. 



Also, of all the fantasy material in the series, the Northern stuff has always been my favourite -- from the skinchanging, to the Old Gods, to the Others, to the Children of the Forest.


I totally agree. The further south we go, the least interesting the storylines become for me.

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Likely foiler in the WOTW comment section too good to pass up if true: Bran's visions include a vision of a future wedding that is interrupted by the arrival of the NK, and the identities of the bride and groom will supposedly make the Internet explode.

Probably bullshit, but if not...girllllll.

Jon/Meera incestuous Targaryen marriage confirmed.

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I really hope the "Dany is taken by the Dothraki" thing doesn't last all season. We all know how it's going to end anyway (Dany has all of her problems solved because dragons, and likely adds a khalasar to her army along the way) so there's no need to drag it out.


Heh, it pretty much plays out exactly that way according to the known information about Season 6 (filming reports, etc.). Dany is initially a prisoner, but Drogon torches a temple (and a number of khals as well), leading the Dothraki to bow down to Dany. I think this happens in 6x03 or 6x04. Anyway, Dany winds up leading a group of Dothraki accompanied by Daario (dunno what happened to Jorah) later in the season (6x05 or 6x06), and by the end of the season, the Dothraki are attacking Meereen, presumably to bail out Dany's supporters.

Heh, it pretty much plays out exactly that way according to the known information about Season 6 (filming reports, etc.). Dany is initially a prisoner, but Drogon torches a temple (and a number of khals as well), leading the Dothraki to bow down to Dany. I think this happens in 6x03 or 6x04. Anyway, Dany winds up leading a group of Dothraki accompanied by Daario (dunno what happened to Jorah) later in the season (6x05 or 6x06), and by the end of the season, the Dothraki are attacking Meereen, presumably to bail out Dany's supporters.

Dany's Season 6 story feels like the one where we know basically all the major plot and character beats already (indeed, it's basically what people could have guessed even without any filming info).  There are other stories we know a lot about too, e.g., Arya, but even knowing most of Arya's plot there are some things up in the air, like how exactly she comes to leave the Faceless Men.

  • Love 1

The filenames for the official GOT Season 6 pictures released had the episode numbers in them. They've since been scrubbed from several websites, but you can still find them in other places. The episode numbers show which shots came from which episodes:


6x01: Blind Arya begging; Dany by the water; Tyrion and Varys; Tyrion; Sansa helping Theon out of the water; Septa Unella standing over Margaery; the High Sparrow leaning down; Jaime entreating Cersei; Jaime on a boat, looking distraught.

6x02: Missandei on a chair, looking unimpressed; Ramsay and Roose looking at something offscreen; Balon in front of the fireplace; Jaime and Tommen standing over Myrcella's body; Yara at the waterfront, looking out; Ramsay standing in the Winterfell courtyard, looking pensive.

6x03: Sam and Gilly on a ship

6x04: Davos looking at something outdoors.

6x05: Brienne indoors; Melisandre rides out from Winterfell.


So it appears that whatever Melisandre does involving Jon, she survives it.

  • Love 3

The filenames for the official GOT Season 6 pictures released had the episode numbers in them. They've since been scrubbed from several websites, but you can still find them in other places. The episode numbers show which shots came from which episodes:


6x01: Blind Arya begging; Dany by the water; Tyrion and Varys; Tyrion; Sansa helping Theon out of the water; Septa Unella standing over Margaery; the High Sparrow leaning down; Jaime entreating Cersei; Jaime on a boat, looking distraught.

6x02: Missandei on a chair, looking unimpressed; Ramsay and Roose looking at something offscreen; Balon in front of the fireplace; Jaime and Tommen standing over Myrcella's body; Yara at the waterfront, looking out; Ramsay standing in the Winterfell courtyard, looking pensive.

6x03: Sam and Gilly on a ship

6x04: Davos looking at something outdoors.

6x05: Brienne indoors; Melisandre rides out from Winterfell.


So it appears that whatever Melisandre does involving Jon, she survives it.


I saw the post on WIC and that's some good detective work. I really hope we see Bran in 6x01, eventhough his picture isn't labeled and isn't included in the summary.


Very interesting that Davos is still at Castle Black in episode 4, and Melisandre's still there in episode 5. Generous of the Night's Watch to allow them to hang around long after their King died. *grin* Since it seems like a lot of stuff goes down at CB, 6x05 sounds about right for JS to mobilize the gang & head south to WF.


I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that that's Sansa in the lower left side of the pic with Mel and that she's marching with them. If that Brienne pic is from 6x05, is it possible that that's also at CB? It would mean she actually managed to deliver Sansa to safety and maybe is given a mission by Sansa that requires her to be in the Riverlands by season's end. Perhaps a mission to find Arya?? I really should stop getting my hopes up.

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I could have sworn we didn't know, re: Jon. In fact, the only "rumour" I heard was that

he would come back in a Jack Bender episode, so either 5 or 6.

It's possible Mel hasn't done anything yet in this picture.


As for Brienne,

she has to be at Riverrun by Episode 7 or 8, judging by leaks

. That would be quite the leap, to have her go from Castle Black in Episode 5 to RR by Episode 7. It's not unheard of, seeing as Littlefinger has made such long journeys before, but I still think it's rather unlikely.

I thought it was 6 x 04 when Jon is supposed to be resurrected or have something happen to him.

Javi thought it would be 6.05 or 6.06, but that was just because the ToJ flashback is in one of those. We don't actually have much definitive info about Jon's rebirth, but judging from the trailer I don't think there's going to much delay. The action should start up right away and I don't see why there'd be a pause after Davos, Ghost and Wun Wun kill the murderers.

6x01: Blind Arya begging;

Huh, colour me surprised.  I figured given the comparatively short run-time that Arya was likely to miss another premiere.


According to this interview, Alfie Allen more or less blabs the entirety of the early Sansa/Theon plot.  If this is legit, the show really needs to staple Alfie's mouth shut.


SECOND EDIT:  This is legit, apparently?

Edited by SeanC

Yeah, if legit and tied to some other things like Brienne appearing to be at Castle Black in episode 5 and the shot of Littlefinger being identified as being in Winterfell's Godswood, I think we can map things out pretty well.


- Brienne rescues Theon and Sansa, probably in the first episode.


- Theon probably leaves at this point, possibly to draw any additional pursuers off and ends up back at the Iron Islands in time for the Kingsmoot then goes along with Yara on the mission to get Dany.


- Sansa almost certainly goes with Brienne and Pod to Castle Black and then sends Brienne to go find Arya (last seen near the Riverlands). Its a fast trip, but heading out in 5 and arriving in 7 is not unreasonable for the show.


- Jon is almost certainly back among the living by the times Brienne and Sansa arrive at Castle Black or I can't see Brienne agreeing to leave Sansa under the protection of the Nights Watch and the Wildlings. Sansa being in the company of Jon and Davos accounts for Liam's comments about Sansa's storyline this season.


- Littlefinger probably shows up at Winterfell after Sansa has fled and probably continues to play both sides (if its not the Umbers who betray the Boltons to ensure a victory, it will almost certainly be the Vale forces who turn on Ramsey in the Battle of the Bastards). This also solves the logistical issue of Roose and Ramsey only really having each other to interact with during the season. Putting Littlefinger into the mix gives them someone else to play off of and I could totally see Littlefinger sowing discontent between father and son. It is also one of the few places that Littlefinger could learn of Rickon's survival and take steps to remove that variable from his plans (I think Littlefinger will be at least partly involved in Rickon's death and that discovery of this by Sansa is what will lead to his ultimate downfall).


- Mel departing Castle Black also in Episode 5 (and people think they see Sansa's dress down in the corner of the shot) could also be an indication of everyone not of the Watch (including Jon at this point) departing on their respective missions. Brienne to find Arya while Jon leads the Wildlings towards Winterfell and Sansa and Davos probably go to rally Northern allies. That then gives them three episodes to build up to the Battle of the Bastards in episode nine... which fits well with some of the reports that various actors rumored to play Northern lords only appear in 1-2 episodes.

Edited by Chris24601
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- Littlefinger probably shows up at Winterfell after Sansa has fled and probably continues to play both sides (if its not the Umbers who betray the Boltons to ensure a victory, it will almost certainly be the Vale forces who turn on Ramsey in the Battle of the Bastards). This also solves the logistical issue of Roose and Ramsey only really having each other to interact with during the season. Putting Littlefinger into the mix gives them someone else to play off of and I could totally see Littlefinger sowing discontent between father and son. It is also one of the few places that Littlefinger could learn of Rickon's survival and take steps to remove that variable from his plans (I think Littlefinger will be at least partly involved in Rickon's death and that discovery of this by Sansa is what will lead to his ultimate downfall).

I don't think Littlefinger will be in the North prior to Snowbowl, or at least definitely not interacting with the Boltons.  The Arryn army just sitting around causes all kinds of story problems.


The way at least some of the supposed set spoilers suggest that Sansa arrives with the Vale soldiery makes me wonder if her part of the actual battle episode will be traveling to link up with Littlefinger and convince him to bring his men (assume that the Starks get word of Valemen showing up somewhere in the North).  This would give her something to do other than stand around.


Also, relating to the Northern lords, the new Lord Karstark is in three, the most of any of the lords, and from the trailer he's on Ramsay's side.  Apart from scenes he might have with Ramsay, I've been wondering if the show isn't going to do a setpiece on the Starks' recruitment drive where Sansa and/or Jon go to the Karstarks to seek their help and they try to apprehend them.  It would add a bit of jeopardy/action to that part of the story, which we know the show is very concerned about.

Edited by SeanC
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I've been trying to give season six the benefit of the doubt, give it a chance but everything I've read so far about it is so unattractive.

The stories seem way more complex than they need to be. It's like they're adding more and more to the story(and I have no idea how the story is continuing since the books haven't been finished)just for the sake of doing it. There seems to be no substance to the stories and the characters I really don't know what to say about the characters it's weird, they're weird.

There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the stories that's being told. It's giving me a headache.

I don't get it at all.

What in particular strikes you that way?

Things like having Sansa in Winterfell for some reason and needing a Bolton to take back what is her families' who've had the North for 8000 years and never needed to marry a Bolton to keep it.

Or Littlefinger bringing the Vale army North to take it back when Littlefinger knows nothing about the North and it would be nearly impossible for any army to make it North without a Northmen and survive.

Making Roose some unstoppable character.

The writing just seems weird.

Things like having Sansa in Winterfell for some reason and needing a Bolton to take back what is her families' who've had the North for 8000 years and never needed to marry a Bolton to keep it.

That was unquestionably dumb, but that was a Season 5 thing, not Season 6, which was what I was wondering about.


Or Littlefinger bringing the Vale army North to take it back when Littlefinger knows nothing about the North and it would be nearly impossible for any army to make it North without a Northmen and survive.

Prolonged campaigning in the North, particularly in winter, would be problematic, but the sort of decapitation operation that Littlefinger is planning is quite doable.  Besides which, he's no doubt planning on receiving the support anti-Bolton Northerners, which is different from invading a place that is uniformly hostile.


Though that's another reason why giving away Sansa was a stupid move.

I don't think Littlefinger will be in the North prior to Snowbowl, or at least definitely not interacting with the Boltons.  The Arryn army just sitting around causes all kinds of story problems.


The way at least some of the supposed set spoilers suggest that Sansa arrives with the Vale soldiery makes me wonder if her part of the actual battle episode will be traveling to link up with Littlefinger and convince him to bring his men (assume that the Starks get word of Valemen showing up somewhere in the North).  This would give her something to do other than stand around.

Littlefinger doesn't need the Vale army at his side to go to Winterfell early in the season. He's ostensibly an ally of the Boltons and could simply be "checking on his investment" after hearing that Stannis had been soundly defeated (because his original plan to bring the Vale army north hinged on being able to earn favor by supporting the stronger side in the conflict) only to learn that Sansa has fled Winterfell and, more than likely, that Rickon Stark is STILL ALIVE.


While Stannis' defeat is probably common knowledge, everyone who knows about the other two also has every reason not to share with someone they don't trust so unless Littlefinger heads even further North to Castle Black, the only way he'll learn of Sansa's escape and Rickon's survival is through the Boltons and we've got a shot of Littlefinger in the Winterfell Godswood in the trailer. He looks apprehensive but not terrified and is alone, unarmed and unarmored which suggests this scene takes place well away from any situation where a battle is near (episodes 6-8) or just over (episode 10).


I also think Littlefinger's visit is going to be necessary because Roose and Ramsey on their own are not enough to carry the story at Winterfell proper (Fat Walda is more a prop or McGuffin than a character). Last season they had Sansa, Reek/Theon and Myranda to mix things up, but there's only so many variations on Ramsey is insecure in his position as Roose's heir or Roose and/or Ramsey interact with a minor character who only appears in one scene you can run before it gets tedious. By the same token, Littlefinger only interacting with minor characters for most of the season isn't going to be all that gripping either.


I also think someone is going to have to give Ramsey the final push to actually kill Roose (I think Roose would be able to reassure him without another voice counseling him otherwise) and it'll have more power if its coming from a main character known for his manipulation than a minor character.


Littlefinger paying an early visit makes sense in the story... likely he stops at Winterfell to make sure things are going as planned (early episodes), then heads to where the Vale armies are assembling (middle episodes) and heads North with them, arriving in time for the Battle of the Bastards (late episodes).

Littlefinger doesn't need the Vale army at his side to go to Winterfell early in the season. He's ostensibly an ally of the Boltons and could simply be "checking on his investment" after hearing that Stannis had been soundly defeated (because his original plan to bring the Vale army north hinged on being able to earn favor by supporting the stronger side in the conflict) only to learn that Sansa has fled Winterfell and, more than likely, that Rickon Stark is STILL ALIVE.

No, his original plan was to attack the winning side.


He looks apprehensive but not terrified and is alone, unarmed and unarmored which suggests this scene takes place well away from any situation where a battle is near (episodes 6-8) or just over (episode 10).

Littlefinger isn't a soldier; he wouldn't wear armour.  If that is in the Godswood, most likely it takes place in Winterfell after the castle has been retaken.  No reason to wear armour.


I also think Littlefinger's visit is going to be necessary because Roose and Ramsey on their own are not enough to carry the story at Winterfell proper (Fat Walda is more a prop or McGuffin than a character). Last season they had Sansa, Reek/Theon and Myranda to mix things up, but there's only so many variations on Ramsey is insecure in his position as Roose's heir or Roose and/or Ramsey interact with a minor character who only appears in one scene you can run before it gets tedious. By the same token, Littlefinger only interacting with minor characters for most of the season isn't going to be all that gripping either.

That's really a judgement on how much screentime you think these characters need.  Ramsay and Littlefinger have appeared in as few as 3-4 episodes a season in the past.  With at least one episode of Littlefinger in the Vale and the final two episodes, you're already at three.  After the initial escape, Ramsay killing Roose and the accompanying buildup (I don't personally think he needs a push to do that), then the buildup to the final battle, seems like enough of a story for just the villains.


I really don't see what Littlefinger would gain from visiting Winterfell.  If anything, having gone there it would be extraordinarily implausible if the Boltons let him go.

Edited by SeanC

Huh, colour me surprised.  I figured given the comparatively short run-time that Arya was likely to miss another premiere.


According to this interview, Alfie Allen more or less blabs the entirety of the early Sansa/Theon plot.  If this is legit, the show really needs to staple Alfie's mouth shut.


SECOND EDIT:  This is legit, apparently?


I don't think he's giving away that much more than was given away by the promotional pictures and the trailers. It wouldn't be the first time Alfie Allen's blabbed, though.


Docmantistobogan is back on Reddit suggesting that something bad happens to Wun Wun immediately after the promo shot of Wun Wun charging through the gate.

This could align with TheBuffaloHoove's claim that Wun Wun dies immediately after storming Winterfell. Of course, TBH and DMT could be the same person. Or they could both be lying. We'll see.

Edited by Eyes High

Things like having Sansa in Winterfell for some reason and needing a Bolton to take back what is her families' who've had the North for 8000 years and never needed to marry a Bolton to keep it.


That's because they've never LOST Winterfell before. Robb Stark LOST Winterfell. It belongs to the Boltons by right of conquest, for taking it back from Theon Greyjoy. It also belongs to them by royal appointment--the crown gave Winterfell to the Boltons if they could take it, which they did. 


Finally, Sansa is a girl with no army. Most of the Stark loyalists perished at the Red Wedding. What Sansa had, when she married Ramsey, was a promise from the Vale. What she needs is an army, and the Boltons have that.


I think if you go back 8000 years, you will not find another Wardeness of the North.

  • Love 2

What she needs is an army, and the Boltons have that.

She wasn't marrying into the Boltons to get their army.  Indeed, the marriage is actually completely superfluous to the plan.


Roose noted in the same season that they needed Sansa to keep the rest of the North on their side.  The fact that the Boltons were given Winterfell by the Lannisters means nothing to the rest of the North, who know it properly belongs to the Starks.

Sansa marrying the Boltons seems to be a bastardization of Martin's original plan to have a Stark child marry into her enemy's family (which she did with Tyrion but that was quickly resolved so the show is doubling down on it).  Of course Martin also planned for her to have a child with that husband I believe and I do fear that because of the rapes, Sansa will end up pregnant but I really hope not.


I wanted this story to led to Sansa rallying the Northern lords and demanding that one of them make her a widow.  I can see the scene in my head and it would have been beautiful.  I don't think we will get anything so strong or inspirational.  Probably she will remain Littlefinger's unwitting pawn.  But seeing her and John together again might be some compensation.

Sansa marrying the Boltons seems to be a bastardization of Martin's original plan to have a Stark child marry into her enemy's family (which she did with Tyrion but that was quickly resolved so the show is doubling down on it).  Of course Martin also planned for her to have a child with that husband I believe and I do fear that because of the rapes, Sansa will end up pregnant but I really hope not.


I wanted this story to led to Sansa rallying the Northern lords and demanding that one of them make her a widow.  I can see the scene in my head and it would have been beautiful.  I don't think we will get anything so strong or inspirational.  Probably she will remain Littlefinger's unwitting pawn.  But seeing her and John together again might be some compensation.


Outline Sansa having Joffrey's child seemed more like a plot device to ensure that Sansa's loyalties would be divided when she betrayed her family in the outline. Sansa's baby is murdered by Outline Jaime in any event, and ASOIAF Sansa's "betrayal of her family" (if you want to call it that) happened back in AGOT. Furthermore, since ASOIAF Sansa appears to have been aged down somewhat, no marriage to Joffrey and no baby were in the offing as of AGOT. If Sansa does get pregnant in TWOW/ADOS, I don't think that will have anything to do with the outline.


I don't think the Sansa/Tyrion marriage in ASOIAF traces to anything in the outline. Outline Tyrion befriends both girls, but it's Arya he falls in love with (which sparks the "deadly" rivalry between Outline Tyrion and Outline Jon, although it can't be all that deadly if all three members of the triangle are supposed to survive the series). There's been speculation that GRRM is going to swap one girl for another and have ASOIAF Sansa take Outline Arya's place in the love triangle, and some have pointed to Tyrion and Sansa's marriage in ASOIAF as laying the groundwork for Tyrion falling in love with Sansa, but Jon and Arya have the extremely close relationship in ASOIAF, not Jon and Sansa. There's also been speculation that what was a romance between Jon and Arya in the outline has been downgraded to a platonic relationship in ASOIAF, and GRRM has scrapped any plans for Stark/Stark romance. It remains to be seen.


With all that said, if there is anything to the anonymous claim made recently that Bran has a vision of the future wedding of two characters that will make the Internet explode, I wouldn't be surprised if Jon were marrying Arya or Sansa. 


On Sansa's storyline for Season 6 being great...I don't trust Sophie Turner's descriptions of her upcoming arcs, given what she's said about past seasons before they aired, but Liam Cunningham seems very enthusiastic about Sansa's Season 6 storyline.

Edited by Eyes High
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If the show was going to pair Jon with a Stark girl - I would think it would have to be Sansa.  I have learned a few things by following this show with international viewers and first among them is that most places don't consider a first cousin marriage to be that off-putting.  It's considered rather "back water" is many parts of the US.  And since both books and show have done a decent job of establishing that cousin marriage is common in this story while brother/sister is frowned upon - I think Martin could indeed go there and the show will follow.


But IF it did happen - I would believe it's Jon and Sansa specifically because they didn't have a close sibling type of relationship.  Not only is show Ayra too young for show Jon - she actually seems like his little sister. That would be a tad on the disturbing side of things.  Since Sansa and Jon were never close there is no "ew, she's my sister" logic to overcome and it becomes more feasible.  Honestly, I can't even remember how many times we even saw them on screen together - ever?  Plus they have such different looks - the audience won't be visually reminded that they grew up as siblings.  If anything, it continues Jon's pattern of being interested in red heads.  And finally, from a story point of view - Jon is what Sansa has been looking for all along.  I can see them having her fall for him once she sees the man he has become.

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With all that said, if there is anything to the anonymous claim made recently that Bran has a vision of the future wedding of two characters that will make the Internet explode, I wouldn't be surprised if Jon were marrying Arya or Sansa. 

King Jon Targaryen marries Sansa and Arya, giving viewers a double-dose of Starkcest!  Just like that one fanfic I'm sure somebody has written.

Edited by SeanC
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I agree with you that if there is a Stark/Stark pairing it would be Jon/Sansa (if true, I also suspect that Sansa was moved up north much sooner than her book counterpart so she can interact more with Jon and ease the American audiences into it).

As to how many scenes Jon and Sansa have previously shared the answer is ONE. They stood together in the group waiting for King Robert in the pilot. They didn't have any lines with each other or even look at each other.

From an audience perspective they're virtual strangers

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On Sansa's storyline for Season 6 being great...I don't trust Sophie Turner's descriptions of her upcoming arcs, given what she's said about past seasons before they aired, but Liam Cunningham seems very enthusiastic about Sansa's Season 6 storyline.


Alfie's interview: "We’re running through and we come to a river and Sansa is just too scared basically to get into the river. So I get in. Don’t believe the press shots! It looks like she’s trying to get me out of the river, when I’m actually trying to be the strong one and get her in the river. Makes me look weak." So Sansa is still an idiot who exists to make male characters look better. She'll jump off a wall to escape Ramsay after Theon saves her, but moments later she's back to being a weakling so Theon can be the hero again. All the season 5 controversy, and the showrunners still choose to present Sansa as too stupid to live, someone who won't even brave a river to escape further rapes. Even that is asking for too much. A season of sexual slavery, and they can't even throw us this little bone of Sansa trying to escape and showing a tiny bit of courage instead of, once again, inviting the viewers to mock her for deserving nothing but pity at best and contempt most of the time? Sansa is a lost cause.


The wedding claim seems less credible than most of the Snowbowl claims, but Jon/Stark girl or Dany/Tyrion or even Jon/Dany in the R+L=J sense of "guessed it, but now it's real" would be the only things big enough to make the internet explode. Cersei/Euron, Dany/Euron and other ships I can think of would lead to talk, the way everything does, but "explode" would be an exaggeration.

King Jon Targaryen marries Sansa and Arya, giving viewers a double-dose of Starkcest!  Just like that one fanfic I'm sure somebody has written.


Jon/Arya appears to have been GRRM's original endgame couple in the outline, which all but said that they would be tormented by their love until Jon's parentage was revealed. Whether that translates to anything in ASOIAF remains to be seen. I have to laugh at all the pearl clutching over the prospect of an incestuous cousin/cousin raised-as-siblings POV couple, given that the series is constructed around a ruling dynasty practicing incest and features a sibling/sibling POV couple that, as NCW has pointed out, is the central love story of the books to date. Do people not realize which books they're reading, here?


So Sansa is still an idiot who exists to make male characters look better.

Alfie seems to have had his tongue planted firmly in cheek. Sansa not wanting to get into freezing water doesn't make her a coward; it makes her sensible.


The wedding claim seems less credible than most of the Snowbowl claims, but Jon/Stark girl or Dany/Tyrion or even Jon/Dany in the R+L=J sense of "guessed it, but now it's real" would be the only things big enough to make the internet explode.

I don't think Dany/Tyrion would make the Internet explode.

Edited by Eyes High

As to how many scenes Jon and Sansa have previously shared the answer is ONE. They stood together in the group waiting for King Robert in the pilot. They didn't have any lines with each other or even look at each other.

From an audience perspective they're virtual strangers

Unrelated to romance (which I don't personally believe is going to happen; though the release of that outline seemed to really push both Jon/Sansa, which I think was previously just a fic crackship, and Jon/Arya, which I don't think was a thing at all, into semi-mainstream fan discussion), the whole "virtual strangers" thing is unfortunately the case for so many of the "reunions" we're probably going to be getting over the next few seasons.


We already had that with Sansa and Theon last year, two characters who theoretically knew each other but had never interacted at all (in the books, I don't think she's ever even thought his name).  But there's also, well, any interactions Sansa might have with her three brothers, none of whom she's ever spoken to.  Arya has only spoken to Jon, and that was one scene (albeit a great scene).

Edited by SeanC
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Alfie's interview: "We’re running through and we come to a river and Sansa is just too scared basically to get into the river. So I get in. Don’t believe the press shots! It looks like she’s trying to get me out of the river, when I’m actually trying to be the strong one and get her in the river. Makes me look weak." So Sansa is still an idiot who exists to make male characters look better. She'll jump off a wall to escape Ramsay after Theon saves her, but moments later she's back to being a weakling so Theon can be the hero again. All the season 5 controversy, and the showrunners still choose to present Sansa as too stupid to live, someone who won't even brave a river to escape further rapes. Even that is asking for too much. A season of sexual slavery, and they can't even throw us this little bone of Sansa trying to escape and showing a tiny bit of courage instead of, once again, inviting the viewers to mock her for deserving nothing but pity at best and contempt most of the time? Sansa is a lost cause.

I've made more than my share of criticisms of the show's handling of Sansa, but I think that's overstating the case.  I don't think it's inherently a problem to play her as not being as ready to do physical stuff like that (she had to be talked/talk herself into scaling down that cliff in ASOS, for instance)


Now, maybe the scene will in execution be really bad (never bet against that).

I don't think Dany/Tyrion would make the Internet explode.

Eh, I could see that prompting an explosion.


Though I'd call that less likely than Jon marrying one of the girls raised as his siblings.

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I think there would still be an "ew, she's my sister" reaction to Sansa (and an "ew, he's my brother" for Sansa) even though they weren't close, or there should be if this was the real world. I think if we took a poll nearly all siblings who were never close would still be disgusted at the idea of hooking up with their sibling even if it were discovered that they weren't blood related. Of course this is GRRM's world where siblings sometimes do find each other attractive so it's entirely possible that Jon and one of his siblings could end up together. I doubt it will be Arya but not because they had a close relationship—that hasn't been a deterrent in this world before and it wasn't a deterrent in the original outline—but because of Arya's age and where her storyline has taken her. Also, I think D&D would have made a different casting decision has they known it was coming. The only reason I can't completely discount the remote possibility is that it was Martin's original intention.

If that spoiler is true then Jon/Arya would be the most likely to make the audience explode in a bad way. I'm not sure about Jon/Sansa because I've spent so much time on this forum where that pairing seems to be generally accepted as a possibility although not universally liked. I could see the larger audience exploding though. It could also have nothing to do with Jon although I'll admit that's where my mind went first. I didn't see the original comment so I don't know if it could possibly be interpreted as exploding in a positive way. I know of several shows where the audience exploded when a popular paring finally got together.

"Make the Internet explode" could be "OMG yay!" (SanSan, maybe?) or "OMG noooooo!" I think Jon/Arya would gross out viewers more than Jon/Sansa, but that's just my opinion.

This supposed spoiler has no confirmation. People in the know like Javi over at L7R haven't hinted at anything like a surprise future wedding. The manner of posting this particular information, as well as a mention of WW effects filming by prt at WOTW was odd, too: no follow ups, no explanation as to how they came by the information, just boom and gone.

I think it is confirmed that Bran will be having visions of the future, although I can't remember where I read that. An apocalyptic vision of a future wedding invaded by WWs would deliver the kind of big shocks D&D love, but so could any number of alternatives. Besides, if there is a wedding, unless it's a Robb/Talisa-type private affair, wouldn't the identity of the wedding guests be inherently spoilery as to who's going to live or die in the near future?

I think it is confirmed that Bran will be having visions of the future, although I can't remember where I read that. An apocalyptic vision of a future wedding invaded by WWs would deliver the kind of big shocks D&D love, but so could any number of alternatives. Besides, if there is a wedding, unless it's a Robb/Talisa-type private affair, wouldn't the identity of the wedding guests be inherently spoilery as to who's going to live or die in the near future?

Well, it may be a "you have to stop this from happening" sort of scenario.


Though I think that whole wedding thing is probably a foiler, anyway.

I agree Jon/Arya would gross the audience out more than Jon/Sansa I'm just saying they're no less or more likely because of their more distant relation, at least in the books.

It doesn't seem like there are that many rootable ships on this show. The only super popular pairing I can think of will never get married (and Bran would not be having a vision of them even if they did) and that's Jamie/Brienne. The only plausible one I can think of is Jon/Dany. Otherwise I imagine the explosion will not be a positive one. If this is true and I'm doubtful. Still fun to speculate.

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