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I'd Like To Thank the Academy... Someday: Awards, Nominations and Recognition

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I can understand your viewpoint but I'm not gonna totally dismiss it as meaningless either.

I think Jared may have had some unintended benefit from being in the media a lot more with his discussions of mental health issues, the Always Keep Fighting campaign all happening right before the voting.

But either way it's cool if you hate it, but I'll try look at as a positive that the fans love them and we're willing to Vote for them and the producers picked them over there own property of Empire. But that's just me.

Edited by catrox14
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In 2011, Jensen won the TV Guide Fan Favorite actor award.  And honestly?  That may be more legit that TCA and People's choice.  It was the first year they restarted their awards in recent history and he won Favorite Actor - no genre modifier. 


Plus look at the media from this past weekend:

- none of the awards are actually mentioned on the Fox broadcast

- CW SPN FINALLY said congrats today (first Jared's then about an hour later, Misha/Jensen)

- BUT.... EW picked up on Jensen's tweet about being out on a lake with Misha and made the chemistry award the title of the article.  http://www.ew.com/article/2015/08/17/supernatural-jensen-ackles-misha-collins-teen-choice-chemistry They mention Jared's win in the last line.  Maybe theirs a massive Destiel/Cockles fan at EW but I think Jensen just gets more ink (digital ink that is) than Jared most of the time.  Popsugar also picked up on it.


Simple Google stats:

Jensen's name: 2.1M hits

Jared's name: 965K hits

Misha's name: 1.6M hits


That's simple popularity, not actual acting. But that's what the TCAs are about. 


To be fair, on those google stats, half of those are probably just me..


I think if stats are going to be looked at, one has to include other social media like Twitter and Facebook to gauge popularity, maybe even Tumblr. 


Jared had 3 bigg-ish articles in People, Variety and something else talking about his AKF campaign, not to mention the candle thing at Comic-Con which pushed it to the forefront again. That candlelight moment was not for anyone other than Jared, to show that support. That was then linked through and picked up by other media and the blogosphere which all happened during the voting period.


Jared is much more active on Twitter and his Facebook page than Jensen and despite what some of us here think about Jared's rants about the airlines, he has a rather large number of people that support his position if you go by the comments on his Facebook page.


Misha is very active on his FB page and the entirety of the GISHWHES went on during the Teen Choice voting period.  Maybe that had an influence on the voters as well in favor of Misha so they cast their lot with Misha and Jensen to get Misha something.


I'm not saying the Google searches are meaningless but they don't tell the whole story either IMO of how popular one is over the other.

Edited by catrox14
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Whenever Jensen becomes active on a new media platform, he immediately gets a very decent amount of followers/traffic. So, to me, the google stats track there too.


I do agree that the recent AFK campaigning has been a big PR push for Jared specifically but I also honestly believe that the two awards were decided before voting and regardless of voting. The TCAs openly admit producer`s choice is final choice. And if you only let teenagers vote on something, a show like SPN is already too old-skewing. The awards for stuff like Pretty Little Liars, yeah, those I buy as "teen choice".   

Edited by Aeryn13

One could vote between June 10, 2015, 12:00 PM PT and August 16, 2015 6:00 PM (PT) (per the Teen Choice website).


So I think there could be argument made that all three benefited from their other activities over the summer including the AKF campaign, the Comic Con candlelight moment and Misha's Random Acts GISHWHES thing which Jensen was helping both Jared and Misha respectively. 


Jensen does get a boost because he isn't particularly ubiquitous on social media. He's pretty savvy. He picks his spots and takes advantage of it which is good for him. It's like he gives us just enough to want more. So whatever discussions are happening around his tweets isn't necessarily because he's tweeting a lot but it causes conversation like the "WhereIsJensen" thing during Comic Con.  He doesn't tweet that often but when he does, he makes it count. I think Jensen and Misha working together on Random Acts promoting GISHWHES during the voting may have helped them but they didn't do it to win the award. And people think they did plan it because of Misha's totally tongue in cheek FB post


Anyway, I'm still happy they won.


Okay, It's People's Choice Nomination time again. If you care to vote here are the links . Voting began yesterday and ends on October 22


I included Drama category for Write-In because the PCAs put Gotham/Ben McKenzie in the drama category for a show that is actually the same sci-fi/fantasy genre as Arrow, The Flash, and Supernatural. Don't think I didn't see what you did there DC.


Favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy TV Actor

Favorite Network TV Sci-Fi/Fantasy Show

Favorite Dramatic TV  Actor  write-in

Favorite Network TV Drama-write in

Edited by catrox14

PCA noms are in.

Supernatural up for favorite Network Sci Fi Show.

Jensen and Misha up individualy for favorite Sci Fi TV actor.

Well they might get SPN for the Show but Jensen and Misha will split the vote and Sam H. will win actor (or Misha will repeat, as his fans made a huge effort last year and won).

That would suck so much but of course it is highly likely. It would be nice if Jensen got a nod, too. Misha already has a PCA, Jared got the TCA. Now only Jensen doesn`t get appreciation.


And that the show wins an award over him? The thought alone makes me want to punch something. Crap gets rewarded and talent overlooked, what a world.

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That would suck so much but of course it is highly likely. It would be nice if Jensen got a nod, too. Misha already has a PCA, Jared got the TCA. Now only Jensen doesn`t get appreciation.


And that the show wins an award over him? The thought alone makes me want to punch something. Crap gets rewarded and talent overlooked, what a world.

Honestly, I think Jensen's arc and acting was much more substantial than Mishas in 2015. But that's not what this is about.


 Every indication I've seen is that for many Misha voters it's 'keep Misha on the show'.  Personally, I agree with Jared, there is no Supernatural without Cas.  He's going NO WHERE.  But internet fandom being what it is, the "we only need the bros" crowd gets in a shouting match with the "Misha saved the show" crowd on a daily/weekly/monthly basis.  And many "bro's fans" also have split loyalties (Sam fans and Dean fans).  So many Sam fans won't vote (in protest).  Finally, those Dean fans who are simply appreciating his performance are not likely to spend hours voting up his name.  It's a popularity contest for him as well.  And he doesn't have the on-line fandom (apparently) that Misha does.  Thus... completely regardless of performance of the last year, the PCAs are (IMO) survival of the fittest in terms of fandom voting.  


Here's what I really think:

- Misha is going no where - he will be on SPN until SPN is not on

- Short of Misha getting an Emmy (which he doesn't even submit for, neither does J2), his storyline will get marginally better or marginally worse but it's never going to be on-par with the two leads

- There is zip that will change the opinions of any firmly entrenched fan group, so voting is going to continue along non-performance-based motivation (i.e. popularity contest)

Edited by SueB
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I know it`s a popularity contest. And, most likely, everyone else knows it, too. Which is why Jensen continues gets the message that he comes behind both Jared and Misha on an interest level for fans. No matter how silly it might be, this just saddens me considering how much effort he puts into the show still. Even if he doesn`t care that much, noone really feels bad about being appreciated once in a while when it actually happens. 

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LOL.  These two crack me up.



GISHDrone ‏@GISHDrone 1m1 minute ago

GISHDrone Retweeted Misha Collins

Be fair..Cast vote by last name in alphabetical order. ;-) #LifeTip #SPNFamily @mishacollins http://goo.gl/4DbtxJ


Misha Collins Verified account ‏@mishacollins

Guys! Thanks for the nominations! Now, for the love of chuck, make sure one of us SPN boys win! http://goo.gl/4DbtxJ


LOL. Tumblr can be such a ridiculously nasty place sometimes but man there are some creative souls on there too. I love this one showing Dean voting for Jensen on his cell phones with the PCA app.  Pretty clever and funny.





Edited by catrox14
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Watch this adorable acceptance speech from Jensen and Misha. I'm so happy for him, I refreshed the page about 100 times before I found out he won!

The thumbnail of the vid only showed Misha, so I assumed he'd won again. I did a happy dance when I saw Jensen pop up.

Edited by thesupremediva1
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Did the show win its category? I hope we eventually get a photo of Jensen with the actual award. I'm kind of bitter he didn't get to accept live on the show - especially since we'd have seen him looking all dapper in a tux!

After 11 years of hard work, I can't think of anyone besides Jared who deserves it more. Congrats Jensen!

And I'm glad I'm not the only person staying up late just to get these results. ;)

Edited by thesupremediva1
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So, Jensen won the PCA for Favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy TV Actor...


This just made my day, week, and month! What terrific news to wake up to this morning!! Finally. Way past due and so long deserved, big Congrats to The Man(and I absolutely LOVE! that that's how MC referred to him in that hilarious video).

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I don`t think it`s even that. The 100 fandom is currently a perfect storm, in a lot of different ways. I knew Bob Morley would be a hard opponent who might even win this thing this year. And he is doing really good work as the showrunner is kinda needlessly destroying the character he plays. Even reviewers went WTF. So there is a lot of sympathy and kudos for the actor right now.  

I'm gonna be honest, I can't figure out why this was selected over The Vessel or Safe House which involved time travel and time anomalies that fit much more with a typical Hugo nominee, like BSG or Doctor Who or Firefly or even The Flash.   Don't get me wrong, I think it's cool, but peculiar. 

Here's a little background on the award.


Kind of interesting what it's up against.


Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form (2219 nominating ballots)

Doctor Who: “Heaven Sent” written by Steven Moffat, directed by Rachel Talalay (BBC Television)

Grimm: “Headache” written by Jim Kouf and David Greenwalt, directed by Jim Kouf (Universal Television; GK Productions; Hazy Mills Productions; Open 4 Business Productions; NBCUniversal Television Distribution)

Jessica Jones: “AKA Smile” written by Scott Reynolds, Melissa Rosenberg, and Jamie King, directed by Michael Rymer (Marvel Television; ABC Studios; Tall Girls Productions;Netflix)

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic: “The Cutie Map” Parts 1 and 2 written by Scott Sonneborn, M.A. Larson, and Meghan McCarthy, directed by Jayson Thiessen and Jim Miller (DHX Media/Vancouver; Hasbro Studios)

Supernatural: “Just My Imagination” written by Jenny Klein, directed by Richard Speight Jr. (Kripke Enterprises; Wonderland Sound and Vision; Warner Bros. Television)

I don't see how it wins against Jessica Jones (which is freaking awesome BTW and y'all should watch it). But the Jessica Jones episode is one seriously messed up creepy episode but was really good. If I had a vote I would go with:

1)Jessica Jones-brilliant, terrifying, creepy.

2)Supernatural- Even though I'm not a big fan of the episode and wonder why it's included over The Vessel or Safe House, it's better than the others below

3)Doctor Who - This was almost my 2nd place because Peter Fucking Capaldi is amazing throughout but I hated the episode for the content because Clara reasons LOL

4) Grimm - I LOVED Grimm in s1 and s2. I still watch it but I'm not sure why anymore LOL. I'm invested in Nick, Hank, Monroe and Rosalee, I guess. But I cannot fathom how this show got a nomination when there is Orphan Black and some other FAR BETTER shows. I mean the lack of Orphan Black makes me question the entire category. But that's just me.

5)My Little Pony - for all I know this is best of the lot but I haven't seen it so I can't say

On 4/27/2016 at 4:13 PM, catrox14 said:

I'm gonna be honest, I can't figure out why this was selected over The Vessel or Safe House which involved time travel and time anomalies that fit much more with a typical Hugo nominee, like BSG or Doctor Who or Firefly or even The Flash.   Don't get me wrong, I think it's cool, but peculiar. 

Here's a little background on the award.


Kind of interesting what it's up against.

Ooh ooh ooh, I got this...

Both "The Vessel" and "Safe House" aired in 2016, whereas "Just My Imagination" aired in 2015. So it was the only one of the 3 which aired in the year of eligibility. The information says that they can grant extensions for stuff in 2016, but I'm guessing that that might be more for serial stuff or stuff early in the year 2016 and "Safe House" especially was aired way in March so that would be stretching it. There's something about the  WSFS business meeting being able to extend the time, but I don't know when that was or if they would do something like that. More likely they would be eligible for 2017's awards. That's the technical explanation.

Now some opinion. Technically overall I preferred "Safe House" to "Just My Imagination," though not by a large margin and I did love them both, but I can still in a way see "Just My Imagination" over "Safe House" if they were up against each other, and I think that would be for the imagination element. "Safe House" had a little more of a traditional story/monster in a soul-sucker... which is something we've seen before even in SPN. And the soul-sucker itself didn't really get any backstory or history or anything. It just was. However, the zanna in "Just My Imagination" were original and realized characters that seemed like something new to me. I've never seen something quite like them before on TV... which doesn't mean that there hasn't been as I don't watch a shit ton of genre TV. But Sully was an interesting original character to me and written so that even though I probably shouldn't like him and should find him to be at least stupid for getting Reese's sister killed, I loved him anyway. I found him to be a perfect combination of child-like and wise at the same time. His playing "Ever think of..." with adult Sam and getting right down to the issue of it is a good example of that. And the rest of the zanna had similar interesting character to them. Sparkle for example gently guiding the little girl to go to dinner anyway, the mermaid getting the little girl to go to her lesson... in such a short time period of the one episode, I could imagine and understand what the culture of these creatures was... and I think that's where the episode excelled - in creating these new and interesting characters that I hadn't seen before, and I could see why that might earn it a place on the shortlist.

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Both "The Vessel" and "Safe House" aired in 2016, whereas "Just My Imagination" aired in 2015. So it was the only one of the 3 which aired in the year of eligibility. The information says that they can grant extensions for stuff in 2016, but I'm guessing that that might be more for serial stuff or stuff early in the year 2016 and "Safe House" especially was aired way in March so that would be stretching it. There's something about the  WSFS business meeting being able to extend the time, but I don't know when that was or if they would do something like that. More likely they would be eligible for 2017's awards. That's the technical explanation.

OHHH that makes sense. I didn't even think about the year of eligibility. 

I gotta say, I'm not too much of a fan of Dick Speight,Jr because of these comments he made to Variety about Jared's work in this episode.


TIhere are some beautiful moments between Nate and Jared that I think is as fine a performance as I’ve seen on the show ever. I’ve seen on the show ever. I think Jared does landmark work in this episode; he brings so much heart and pathos to Sam Winchester in this episode, and his connection with his imaginary friend is absolutely one hundred percent real and genuine and heartfelt. We were so blessed to have Nate there, because that enabled Jared to be the best Jared he can be. He’s a super-talented guy, but you can only play tennis at a high level if you have another great tennis player on the other side of the net, and we had that in Nate, and it made for some really dynamic scenes.

Look, I get that he has to play up the episode but wow, that's quite a swipe at the rest of the cast, particularly Jensen considering thats who Jared shares most scenes with. Especially from a guy who's been in like 5 episodes Please no, Dick, Jared's best work was Samifer  with Jensen.  That really bugs me

1 hour ago, catrox14 said:

I gotta say, I'm not too much of a fan of Dick Speight,Jr because of these comments he made to Variety about Jared's work in this episode.

Look, I get that he has to play up the episode but wow, that's quite a swipe at the rest of the cast, particularly Jensen considering thats who Jared shares most scenes with. Especially from a guy who's been in like 5 episodes Please no, Dick, Jared's best work was Samifer  with Jensen.  That really bugs me

I get why you think it's a slight on Jensen but to quote Shakespeare 'He jests at scars that never felt a wound'.  In other words, I don't think Jensen would see it that way. I think he sees a Director praising the lead who is the focus of the episode and his guest star. Making it a global statement is promotion hype. And maybe from Dick's POV this is the best he's seen Jared.  But Jensen would have his own opinion (or maybe he has 3: one as a co-star, one as a director, and one as a show fan).  


It's a highly subjective statement  Rich's job was to promote the episode. One comment in one article is not the same as if he repeats it to every interview in the future  and even then, he means it as praise for Jared's guest star, not for a disrespect for Jensen.  

So while I get your POV, I think, relative to everything else, this is not a defining statement about the episode. 

  • Love 2
Just now, SueB said:

I get why you think it's a slight on Jensen but to quote Shakespeare 'He jests at scars that never felt a wound'.  In other words, I don't think Jensen would see it that way. I think he sees a Director praising the lead who is the focus of the episode and his guest star. Making it a global statement is promotion hype. And maybe from Dick's POV this is the best he's seen Jared.  But Jensen would have his own opinion (or maybe he has 3: one as a co-star, one as a director, and one as a show fan).  


It's a highly subjective statement  Rich's job was to promote the episode. One comment in one article is not the same as if he repeats it to every interview in the future  and even then, he means it as praise for Jared's guest star, not for a disrespect for Jensen.  

So while I get your POV, I think, relative to everything else, this is not a defining statement about the episode. 

I'm not defending Jensen's honor. He doesn't need it.r. I don't care if Jensen's bothered by it or not.I'm bothered by it as a viewer.  I think it says more about Rich than it does Jensen or Jared. Just my opinion IMO if someone who didn't really KNOW the show or is not in fandom, I would read that as being all about how the guest actor got so much more out of Jared than the other actors he's normally paired with. And frankly, it doesn't given Jared much credit either.

I didn't say it was a defining statement about the episode. The episode itself did that and that is a totally separate opinion that has nothing to do with Rich's comments that I quoted above. Those can and do exist as separate opinions in my mind.

What he basically said was that Jared was super-talented but he is normally hobbled by the mediocre actors he has to deal with on the show. Every single one of them but finally, finally in this episode they got a good enough guest star worthy to play against Jared. Not like Jensen, Misha, Mark Sheppard, Jim Beaver or any of the other actors who played against Jared before. Including apparently Richard Speight himself. Eff you, dude. 

I hated the episode for its content. I hated it even more after the interview. Granted, there is no episode this Season I would nominate for any kind of award but it still rankles that this one was picked. Oh well, 

I would nominate Baby for the cinematography and if there is such a category, somewhere, best stunt sequences with Jensen fighting in the backseat with two people at one point and stunt driving. That was just as good as the overly choreographed fights in Daredevil and Arrow. Arrow's fights used to be SO MUCH better. 

Personally, I'm not a fan of the episode and don't really understand why it would be up for an award...but what do I know? I'm glad it is, though, only because it's nice to see the show get some recognition. I would've preferred something like Baby to get some recognition though simply because they stepped outside their usual format and pushed themselves harder on that one. And no, I'm not saying they didn't work hard on Just My Imagination, either.

However, I also don't think Speight was making a slight against Jensen or anyone else. I thought he was just saying it's nice when someone new comes on set to push the actors differently and produce something unexpected. It doesn't have to mean Richard thinks Jensen doesn't also push Jared, but since they work together so much and know each other so well, it's nice for them to get something different to work off too. 

It certainly could be read as a slight, but I really don't think that was Spleight's intention, so I'm going to read that in the spirit I believe it was given. YMMV.

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