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Season 11 Anticipation More Stabs, etc...

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Please no "Savannah is pregnant" stories. It's such an obvious and uncreative story line for female characters. Then again, Erica "Mommy Power" Messer is the type to make an unexpected pregnancy a reason why Derek might leave the BAU even though Savannah is a very intelligent woman, not too mention a highly educated doctor who undoubtedly is very diligent about birth control. She's not Bristol Palin. And when has Derek talked about how much he wants to have kids? (::crickets chirping::)


A much cooler story line is to have Savannah get offered a great gig in the Chicago area. Derek realizes this is a wonderful opportunity for Savannah, not to mention he'll be closer to mom and sisters.

Edited by Bookish Jen
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Well for me personally no pregnancy story line will ever be a greater source of irritation for me than the one they gave JJ that resulted in her miscarriage.And this was a planned pregnancy.At least if it had been an unplanned pregnancy and JJ didn't find out until after she lost the baby it would have been a heck of a lot easier to deal with. Although I still wouldn't have been much of a fan of it, because I believe MESSer was quite aware of the backlash against JJ and this was her desperate attempt to garner sympathy for the character.

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I just get the vibe that they are setting up Morgan's exit to be more emotionally driven rather than just a pragmatic life choice. Otherwise why abduct him and (likely) bring in visions of his dead father? If they wanted a simple life change exit, like Emily's final exit, it wouldn't take a big, emotional episode, like episode 16 will be. My money is on Morgan having some sort of epiphany after episode 16, and that will result in him wanting a career change. I don't think the show is going to all of these contrivances just to kill him off. This seems to want to be as "exciting" as Emily's first exit. 

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I have a (weird) idea of what's going to happen

Savannah is pregnant ... they're going forward in time to when she's 7-8-9 months pregnant (when the baby is big ) .. she dies but the baby survives . Morgan is leaving to take care of the baby :((
(I got the idea bc MGG posted something about a female character dying + 11x18 being called "Beautiful Disaster"....)


Ok.. i'm an idiot and i have really weird thoughts  I've no idea what's going to happen, but AJ recently said in an interview that season 11 is one of the most intense seasons so far, the upcoming episodes are life changing to the team. She said there's a beautiful story +what's happening just blows her mind .. well, i trust HER.

The fact she said "life changing" worries me so much. if Derek Morgan dies.......... :(

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I have a (weird) idea of what's going to happen

Savannah is pregnant ... they're going forward in time to when she's 7-8-9 months pregnant (when the baby is big ) .. she dies but the baby survives . Morgan is leaving to take care of the baby :((

(I got the idea bc MGG posted something about a female character dying + 11x18 being called "Beautiful Disaster"....)


Ok.. i'm an idiot and i have really weird thoughts  I've no idea what's going to happen, but AJ recently said in an interview that season 11 is one of the most intense seasons so far, the upcoming episodes are life changing to the team. She said there's a beautiful story +what's happening just blows her mind .. well, i trust HER.

The fact she said "life changing" worries me so much. if Derek Morgan dies.......... :(

that's another good option, thanks for sharing! I fear you may be right at this point :(

Sadly, being a single parent by death has been done too, just like the silly pregnancy, the death girlfriend and the job in another city. and the saddest thing is not they are recycling storylines because deaths, -breakups-, pregnancies and promotions are part of life, but it should happen in different ways.


I mean, JJ and Savannah got pregnant by accident and as someone else has pointed out I don't believe Savannah is that careless, still it could happen, but that stupid clue and that kind of teen approach... I don't like it. They could have examined adult issues (even JJ and Will did that in the old good days). Something like "I don't want children because I love my life the way it is" or "it's not a good momment for me I'm still focusing in my career" or even "what now? because we are never at home and I am not going to be the only one working half of the time!" or what about an accident or an illness, Savannah could be sick or involved in a car accident while she is heading home and we'll never find out what she had to say, better yet, she could have won the lottery, I don't know, things like that or maybe Morgan is let in bad shape, next episode is just a delirium and then, he wakes up tetraplegic, he doesn't need his body to work in the BAU after all... ok, sorry, that one was Denzel Washingon hahahaha

my point is killing Savannah is lazy and killing her and let Morgan with a baby would be even worse.

Edited by smoker
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Even as bad as the show has been at preserving history and continuity, I would be surprised if they went in the direction of widowing another male character.  (Not that I wouldn't have loved to have them do it to a certain female character.) So I don't think Savannah is going anywhere, except to ride on into the sunset with Morgan.  


For me, the main mystery (which I would be content to have remain so) is what Garcia will do if she doesn't have anyone with whom to share inappropriate witticisms.  Among the main characters, she is probably the one who has been most written into a corner.  The writers may not write much for some of our favorites, but that is remediable.  There's a difference between neglect and entrapment.

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Even as bad as the show has been at preserving history and continuity, I would be surprised if they went in the direction of widowing another male character.  (Not that I wouldn't have loved to have them do it to a certain female character.) So I don't think Savannah is going anywhere, except to ride on into the sunset with Morgan.  


For me, the main mystery (which I would be content to have remain so) is what Garcia will do if she doesn't have anyone with whom to share inappropriate witticisms.  Among the main characters, she is probably the one who has been most written into a corner.  The writers may not write much for some of our favorites, but that is remediable.  There's a difference between neglect and entrapment.

If this is pertaining to Lewis, which I am pretty sure that it is,you and I are of the same mindset in that regard.To me this show already has 2 highly annoying females.I greatly fear Tara Lewis's being added to the cast full time will make it 3.

Edited by MMC
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The thread is locked so I hope no one minds if I post my comments here. Does anyone know why its locked?

Did anyone else notice that Derek had a different phone at the start of the episodes? Or at least different settings. Not a complaint, just something I noticed. 

I burst out laughing when they asked the unsub for his credentials and again when Derek starting getting beat up. Something about the man with the beautiful face made the situation funny. I was watching at 1.28 speed though so maybe it being faster makes it less dramatic.

I wonder if this has anything to do with when Derek was undercover.

I definitely had a a new screenshot to add to my Reid screenshot folder after his disgusted face in the car. 

I don't think it was random, I think they would choose someone not on the phone if it was going to be random or maybe they like hard targets and just pick the strongest guy they see, but what could they want from Derek? 

I wonder who will replace him and when we get to meet them.

I don't really care if he dies. I haven't read anyones comments in a while so maybe it's confirmed and posted somewhere above but I'm still hoping that another character leaves and they've just set it up to make it seem like Dereks leaving so when another character leaves/dies it's unexpected. 

that would be great, past coming back to bite his ass.

I think next episode should be a rush hour, the writing and the acting should be good, by the glimpses they are showing us Morgan could be hallucinating so it will need a very good acting and SM is very limited, let him be unconscious most of the time would be a good strategy.


call me selfish, but next episode is directed by TG and I want to watch something good, kind of Lockdown or Gabby I don't care about Morgan and my best wishes for SM, But if the storyline is not going to be original (and some people is saying it's similar to 200 :S) at least let it be entertaining. 

Edited by smoker
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If this is pertaining to Lewis, which I am pretty sure that it is,you and I are of the same mindset in that regard.To me this show already has 2 highly annoying females.I greatly fear Tara Lewis's being added to the cast full time will make it 3.


While I'm not a huge fan of the Lewis character, I was referencing JJ.  We most definitely don't think alike about her.  But I would have liked to say goodbye to Will in Hit/Run. It might have made those two episodes salvageable.  

  • Love 3

While I'm not a huge fan of the Lewis character, I was referencing JJ.  We most definitely don't think alike about her.  But I would have liked to say goodbye to Will in Hit/Run. It might have made those two episodes salvageable.  

Amen to that hahaha

although I have to say, I'm not a fan of that finale, but Hotch is so hot in those I always watch them when there are reruns xD

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If any character is going to die it really has to be Hotch, Rossi or Reid.

Tara Lewis is the best thing going for this show. I know I had quit the show until she signed on. I prefer it if she had been a full time regular this season but there are only 24 hours in a day and she's a busy woman. At least she's in the episode with Paget, someone (the dude that plays Hotch) post an Instagram of Tara, Emily and JJ.

How do you figure it has to be Hotch, Rossi or Reid?

Imo those are the three least likely characters to die, though I think Garcia dying is highly unlikely as well.


I still can't stand Tara when she's onscreen. However, when she's not in an episode, I literally don't even notice her absence, that's how little importance I give to her character.

  • Love 1

While I'm not a huge fan of the Lewis character, I was referencing JJ.  We most definitely don't think alike about her.  But I would have liked to say goodbye to Will in Hit/Run. It might have made those two episodes salvageable.  

OOPS! my bad JMO.Even though I read the part about widowing another male character for some reason when you mention not minding it happening to a certain female character I thought it was in reference to them possibly being killed off.

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I believe what MGG said was that a regular would leave, not that a female character would die. Unless you can point me to another post of his that said that?


Look at the sketches & read the captions (it's difficult to read it :/ )

Someone is dying in slow mo. lol

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Droogs, I slowed down the fist punching into the pic of Morgan, and it looked like Morgan's muscular arm and slightly darker skin. So I think all that stuff is part of his manly struggle against all those bad, bad men who mean him harm ("Please, Let me Live My Life!!!")


Oh, and I do think they're drugging him, I think they say to him "You want another hit?" OK, maybe this does belong in the spec thread

I can't do anything cool like slow it down, but that changes things, if it isn't Reid. I didn't see his silver watch but the way the sleeve was rolled up looked like a Reid-ism.

And drugging him? Oh good grief. I seem to remember that being done as well. Who wrote this episode? I find that I'm not troubled enough to go look.

If they're going to the trouble of giving SM a three-episode exit arc, I would think they'd try hard to be original.

Not gonna lie: wasn't into the gratuitous shirtless scene in the preview. I found it funny that TG went that direction. And at first glance, I will admit that I thought SM had on <whispering> nipple clamps (OK, no firsthand knowledge, in the interest of full-disclosure, but I do know they exist!), and I threw up a little in my mouth. A closer look revealed them to be electrodes or something along those lines, I think.

And that "Why are you doing this to me!?" scream was just... eyeroll-inducing, frankly. I might have to watch this whole episode through my fingers.

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If your mind is in the gutter, than so is mine. I was thinking "This is suppose to an awful torture scene, but it's like they also want to show of Morgan's body for the viewing audience with naughty nipple clamps."


Why yes. I read fanfiction.


But reading and seeing are different things and I had to look away.

Edited by Snow Apple
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Whether or not they're electrodes or nipple clamps, it's still the same effect. I hate to go all "SJW" here, but there's an air of sexual exploitation with that scene- and this whole story- that I don't like. Morgan has never been defined on this show as anything other than a "sexy beast" (like far too many black characters), and this seems to be a continuation of that.

I know that Reid is the brain, but Morgan is supposed to have one too. Why couldn't that be on display in this storyline? Furthermore, why does his torture have to be sexualized? Could we not have a simple kidnapping storyline where his captors only punch him when he doesn't give them answers? His resiliency could really be on display here.

Instead, it seems like they took Morgan's stereotype and ramped it up to eleven. That makes me sick.

  • Love 3

Whether or not they're electrodes or nipple clamps, it's still the same effect. I hate to go all "SJW" here, but there's an air of sexual exploitation with that scene- and this whole story- that I don't like. Morgan has never been defined on this show as anything other than a "sexy beast" (like far too many black characters), and this seems to be a continuation of that.

I know that Reid is the brain, but Morgan is supposed to have one too. Why couldn't that be on display in this storyline? Furthermore, why does his torture have to be sexualized? Could we not have a simple kidnapping storyline where his captors only punch him when he doesn't give them answers? His resiliency could really be on display here.

Instead, it seems like they took Morgan's stereotype and ramped it up to eleven. That makes me sick.

That's a really interesting take and one I hadn't considered. Yet more evidence I guess that TPTB are equal-opportunity offenders, what with the increased number of male victims and now the somewhat gratuitous possible sexploitation of Morgan.

I'm in agreement insofar as I don't need to see any of that. I follow SM on social media and I see enough photos of him shirtless. My feeling about this particular episode is that he doesn't mind being "used" in this way. I remember (with a cringe) the scene where he emerges from Garcia's shower all greased up, so I think this trope is something that Shemar Moore is definitely comfortable with. Whether it's what we want for the character of Morgan is another issue entirely.

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Considering Shemar markets himself on his social media to highlight his physical attributes, I doubt he has a problem with it on the show. He has a very sexual/physically fit personal image, so I imagine he is comfortable with that on screen. 


I will reserve judgment on the story FOR NOW. Breen wrote "Derek", so it is likely to veer from pretty freaking good to god awful. But at first glance, this just seems like another opportunity to abduct and torture one of the team members. The only two team members that it had happened to organically (meaning the story supported it, and it wasn't just wholly created for the express PURPOSE of torturing them) was Reid and Hotch. Both of their ordeals made sense in the story, but JJ's was stupid and it looks like Morgan's will be as well. 

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I was checking imdb and SM is still part of the main cast in episode 20, maybe SM took some time off like MGG did

Of course, I'm no expert, but I don't really think that's a good indicator that he's not the one leaving. For all the good IMDB does, it's often slow in updating. Also, CBS seems to be tight lipped (for now) that someone's leaving so until episode 18 airs, the future episodes will probably include him as being there.

But you have great observational skills in realizing his name was still on future episodes. :)

  • Love 6

Of course, I'm no expert, but I don't really think that's a good indicator that he's not the one leaving. For all the good IMDB does, it's often slow in updating. Also, CBS seems to be tight lipped (for now) that someone's leaving so until episode 18 airs, the future episodes will probably include him as being there.

But you have great observational skills in realizing his name was still on future episodes. :)

I know it means nothing hehe, but I really want this storyline finished ;P

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