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Grey's Anatomy in the Media: Incident Reporting

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If you click 'Home' it appears the site is the Australian version of TVGuide (TVWeekly) so I would think it is as reliable as TVGuide in the US. Their twitter account says "Australia's number one TV magazine".


Perhaps she's just sick and tired of hearing about it all and wants to move forward.

Edited by windsprints


If these are direct quotes, then yikes


Yikes is right! 


Perhaps she's just sick and tired of hearing about it all and wants to move forward.


Honestly, I too am just ready for the new season to start so we can all move past the Dempsey fallout.  Hopefully, this press event was the last time it will be focused on.  I get why it came up again, but it really is time to move on.

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Okay, I am just going to be very upfront when I say I am a terrible human being with an awful sense of humor, but when I looked at the bloopers windsprints posted above, I absolutely lost it when Dempsey was at the back of the ambulance waiting for it to leave.  That was clearly his last day of shooting, and one of the sequentially last shots before, well, you know, and he stood there...and they could not get the ambulance to start, you could hear the driving trying and trying to get the engine to turn over (I think he finally put it into neutral)!!!  MOVE ambulance MOVE!!..... bad things coming down the road!!

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I wish the bloopers were longer. I'm sure they could have found more than 2.5 minutes of footage.

They should have kept the "he didn't cheat" scenes in. It would have saved some of the "Derek cheated on Meredith" hate since Meredith didn't consider a kiss cheating.

The Alex-Meredith-Jo scene made me dislike the Meredith/Alex friendship even more. I'm glad that didn't make the cut. There was plenty of Meredith being rude to Jo all season long already.

There don't seem to be as many deleted scenes as usual.  I wonder if that is due to storylines having to be dropped, etc.


There's probably entire story arcs on the cutting room floor. I really hope season 12 is better about spreading the screentime and story around.

I wish the bloopers were longer. I'm sure they could have found more than 2.5 minutes of footage.

I read something a couple seasons ago that they aren't allowed to put bloopers where an actor cusses, don't know why.

But there seems to be a general consensus among the cast that they cuss a lot when they mess up, so maybe that's why it isn't longer.

I wish the bloopers were longer. I'm sure they could have found more than 2.5 minutes of footage.

They should have kept the "he didn't cheat" scenes in. It would have saved some of the "Derek cheated on Meredith" hate since Meredith didn't consider a kiss cheating.

The Alex-Meredith-Jo scene made me dislike the Meredith/Alex friendship even more. I'm glad that didn't make the cut. There was plenty of Meredith being rude to Jo all season long already.

There's probably entire story arcs on the cutting room floor. I really hope season 12 is better about spreading the screentime and story around.


Yeah, doesn't sound like it

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Another entire season surrounding Meredith. Amelia and Maggie with a side of Callie/Arizona. Great.


Shonda is obsessed with her queen and the newly-established twisted sisters´ kingdom and we will witness their shenanigans.Most likely how they fight who will get in first to the bathroom every morning and get ready for work.

We as viewers should laugh when Meredith will say she is not interested in men - oh,boy what fun being a widow. It is so sick.

Callie/Arizona fans will get some snippets, the rest is about nothing.

Jolex/Japril - non-existent.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan


I don't get why they keep expanding the cast when it means that so many characters get totally sidelined (*cough* ALEX *cough*). I'm not interested in seeing Meredith revert to childish bickering with two woman in her house... she has 3 children. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Shonda has a bad habit of trying to recreate old magic with new characters by shoving them into old situations. Making Maggie and Amelia live in the house that so many of our old favourite characters have lived in will not endear us to them. It's a boring, illogical retread. These are grown ass woman... successful surgeons, no less. They shouldn't be living in a frat house. 


I wish that in part of those 12 tidbit they'd have branched out a bit to some other characters. We literally didn't learn a single new piece of info from it. Aside from Callie getting a new romance, I'm struggling to get excited for this season. I think there's great opportunity to tell a great story for Meredith, but I'm so uninterested in Amelia being a huge part of her story, because we know she'll also be eating up screen time in her back-and-forth with Owen. 

Grey's Boss Shonda Rhimes Promises a 'Real Focus' on Alex/Jo in Season 12


They shouldn't be living in a frat house.


I've hated that since around S4+.  It was cute/funny at the very start when they were interns and finding their way but it got old for me. Once Meredith asked Derek to move in the frat house should have ended.


“We had a lot of stories we wanted to tell with them last season, and I promised the fans, ‘We’re going to tell all these Alex and Jo stories… ,'” series creator Shonda Rhimes tells TVLine. “And then we had to take a left turn because Patrick [Dempsey] was leaving. And now we want to tell a lot of those stories — except in a lighter way. So there’s a real focus on them this season.”



No surprise at this statement. It matches with the way everything played out - Shonda saying there would be story then everything changing so Alex was all Meredith, all the time. Many of us here guessed that PD leaving was what caused Jo/Alex to get cut. I'm not entirely convinced there will be a true focus on them but I'm happy they having a story is at least being written about. Alex & Alex/Jo are often never even mentioned.

Edited by windsprints
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Grey's Boss Shonda Rhimes Promises a 'Real Focus' on Alex/Jo in Season 12


No surprise at this statement. It matches with the way everything played out - Shonda saying there would be story then everything changing so Alex was all Meredith, all the time. Many of us here guessed that PD leaving was what caused Jo/Alex to get cut. I'm not entirely convinced there will be a true focus on them but I'm happy they having a story is at least being written about. Alex & Alex/Jo are often never even mentioned.


Now THIS is something I can get behind. I'm not the biggest fan of Jo, but anything that gets Alex a story makes me happy. I've warmed up to her a bit during my recent rewatch of season 9+, and I'm just eager to see Alex get some major arcs. I'm also happy to hear Shonda acknowledge what we all knew, which is that Dempsey's exist threw a big wrench into the plans for S11. 

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Motor racing-Life after death speeds up for Dempsey

"My fans are understandably (upset), it's a character that's been in their lives for over 10 years and the way it ended was very emotional. And wonderful. It's good to have finished that strongly and move on to the next chapter in my life," he said.


"I probably should have ended it two years earlier but I stayed and we came to the mutual decision it was probably best for everybody (to end it) because there was just no way to schedule everything."


Now that he's said he was not fired in 2 separate interviews hopefully this will put the question to rest once and for all.

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Motor racing-Life after death speeds up for Dempsey

Now that he's said he was not fired in 2 separate interviews hopefully this will put the question to rest once and for all.


It makes sense and it's what I thought. He was clearly not 100% committed to Grey's and wanted to be racing.. Shonda didn't want to continue writing him in and out, nor did she want to divorce Meredith and Derek. I agree that killing him off was the best option. Did it happen the best way possible? Not sure. But with Dempsey going, I agree that Derek had to die. 

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I agree with you both.  I think they agreed to accomodate his racing and Dempsey renewed, but when it went into practice, neither side agreed what "proper" accomodation really meant, leaving all involved frustrated and unsatisfied with how it was working out. Hence, it became time to move on. 

Edited by pennben
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The showrunner I'm dying to work with …


HOLLAND Shonda Rhimes

TASSLER Shonda Rhimes

ALBRECHT Vince Gilligan


HOOGSTRA Vince Gilligan … along with everyone else in the world.

LEVISON Ryan Murphy

MCCUMBER Terence Winter and Vince Gilligan

WALDEN Graham Yost

NEWMAN Judd Apatow

PEDOWITZ Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, together or separately.

HOWE Guillermo del Toro

NEVINS I'd be curious to see what Shonda Rhimes could do in a pay cable environment.


Source: THR article

Edited by windsprints

I'll call this Grey's adjacent, Shonda' production company has sold two more shows to ABC in the past week or so,  This is in addition to a new Shondaland show that will start sometime next season.  Yep, Grey's isn't going anywhere anytime soon unless Shonda agrees it is time for it to go.


I would never ever watch another of Rhimes´s shows even if Meryl Streep (who I adore) played the leading role. I hope to quit Greys for good sometime during Season 12. The sooner, the better. THE only thing that intrigues me is what Shonda does with Martin Henderson and what character he will play,basically the only thing I will tune in to find out with some kind of interest as a viewer. But Rhimes screws up all the male characters so I think he is doomed already.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
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Off the Map a short lived series produced by Shondaland and written by old Grey's writer Jenna Bans just became available to me on Amazon Instant video. It stars Martin Henderson. It's not fantastic but I liked all the cast including Mamie Gummer (Meryl Streep's daughter and Caroline Dehavernas (of Wonderfalls fame). Shonda(land) has cast Martin in at least one other pilot so they obviously like him. I wonder if they'll go for the same type of character as before, basically a McDreamy adjacent knockoff type" or surprise people and go for something different as a twist.

Off the Map a short lived series produced by Shondaland and written by old Grey's writer Jenna Bans just became available to me on Amazon Instant video. It stars Martin Henderson. It's not fantastic but I liked all the cast including Mamie Gummer (Meryl Streep's daughter and Caroline Dehavernas (of Wonderfalls fame). Shonda(land) has cast Martin in at least one other pilot so they obviously like him. I wonder if they'll go for the same type of character as before, basically a McDreamy adjacent knockoff type" or surprise people and go for something different as a twist.

I watched the series quickly  -  I only focused on Henderson´s character´s story to see what he is like and he made it quite interesting with what he got to act, I liked him in the role and Caroline Dehavernas as Lilly- what a lovely actress,talented,so I´m curious what they do with Martin on Greys - I posted earlier, too  that I do wonder who he will play,the same character from off the map or similar, or sb totally different or Mcdreamy´s metaphorical  twin brother. I´d rather see him  - if he must be - paired with Maggie than Meredith. However, Shondaland writers are illogical,they pair actors who have no chemistry 8 out of 10 times, they also did it in off the map - Ben was paired with that female surgeon and not with Lilly although they had natural awesome chemistry, plus actors´ chemistry was awesome,too. Logic is not welcome in Greys writers room obviously.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan



Hitting stands on Friday, Entertainment Weekly’s Shondaland issue features four different collector’s covers: three highlighting each show, while the fourth features Rhimes and leading ladies Ellen Pompeo (Grey’s Anatomy), Kerry Washington (Scandal), and Viola Davis (How to Get Away With Murder) — all of whom sat down for a candid and revealing roundtable.


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I'm glad to see that the article says there will be something for each cast member too:

And if that weren’t enough for #TGIT obsessives, the cast shot is curated with scoop about each character for the shows’ upcoming seasons. Here’s a little tease for Scandal’s Cyrus Beene (Jeff Perry) to whet your appetite: After being fired from the White House, Cyrus is “a monster on the loose,” Rhimes says. “He had an arena to play in before, and now the monster is out, and that is a dangerous thing.” (For more teases, follow @EW on Thursday, and check out Spoiler Room on Friday.)

There's a party/event too, so maybe some cast photos: http://www.broadwayworld.com/bwwtv/article/Shonda-Rhimes-Casts-of-Hit-ABC-Series-Set-for-Cross-Title-Editorial-Event-20150902

Time Inc.'s Entertainment Weekly, ESSENCE, and PEOPLE are partnering for the first time in a star-studded event and cross-title editorial package honoring television's preeminent creator and producer, Shonda Rhimes, and the casts of ABC's hit shows --Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, and HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER - in celebration of the season premieres of the network's TGIT lineup. The three Time Inc. brands and ABC will co-host a celebrity event presented by Toyota in Los Angeles on Saturday, Sept. 26.
Edited by windsprints
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People and Essence will also have #TGIT features/covers:

In addition, both EW and ESSENCE will roll out multiple covers featuring various Shondaland cast members, which will be revealed exclusively each Thursday on ABC’s Good Morning America, kicking off on Sept. 3 and leading up to the Sept. 24 TGIT season premieres:

· Entertainment Weekly: Four (4) covers hit newsstands 9/4

· ESSENCE: Six (6) covers hit newsstands 9/10

· PEOPLE: Feature story hits newsstands 9/4


“The powerful collaboration of EW, ESSENCE, and PEOPLE provides an audience reach of more than 116 million to celebrate the TGIT season premieres of the incredibly popular Shondaland programming. Like these three Time Inc. brands, the high-quality storytelling of Shondaland is a cultural force,” said Norman Pearlstine, Chief Content Officer, Time Inc.



Edited by windsprints
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Ellen Pompeo on the sexist response to McDreamy’s death: “All of a sudden, ­Patrick [Dempsey] leaves, and it’s like, Oh my God, ­Meredith’s gonna get killed with Alzheimer’s! The show couldn’t possibly go on ­without the man!”


LOL, I guess Ellen read her tweets after the finale.


  • Love 3

Hey I need your help! I'm from Italy and obviously I can't buy EW tomorrow. Would someone send it to me? Of course I'd pay everything.

Pretty please :)

you can buy them here http://backissues.ew.com/storefront/2015/Shondaland-bundle-of-4/prodEW20150911SET.html?xid=shondaland&tcmid=Shondaland+&link=1031783&fpa_oc=EW+Back+Issue+Store


maybe they will ship to Italy?

Photo shoot pictures from People:



ET photo shoot clip: https://t.co/u7VWWevFsm


Gpp - you may want to try eBay. The sellers are all setup for payments and you may be able to find someone with a copy in your country (will save you quite a bit on shipping costs).

Edited by windsprints

From EW: 


Pompeo pointed out that she was personally offended by the idea that Grey’s couldn’t continue without McDreamy. After all, the show was named after Meredith Grey. Wasn’t this supposed to be her story? “Let’s keep it really real for a second and say this is really difficult for my ego,” Pompeo admitted. “It’s okay! We all have one!” She looked around at Davis and Washington, who were sitting right next to her. “It’s like, Annalise Keating carries the show, Olivia Pope carries the show,” she said, referring to the characters Davis and Washington play on How to Get Away With Murder and Scandal. “But somehow, Meredith Grey needs someone. Why can’t I just be the lead of the show the way Annalise and Olivia can? Why can’t I be on that poster by myself?”



I really appreciate Pompeo's honesty. 


Someone shared scans of the EW magazine on tumblr.




I am really irritated over the diminishing of Patrick/Derek.  I acknowledge that Meredith/Ellen is the star and think that's great, but Derek was a major character on this show for 11 years, even aside from being Meredith's husband.  Yes, over the course of the 11 years there is no doubt he could have been developed/featured more outside of his relationship Meredith, but to act like he was barely on the show is just so strange.  I really hate that since he left, the show and Shonda are just casting him aside as if he was some secondary character, but I guess that's what happens when piss off Shonda Rhimes.  


ETA: For clarity I am talking about this quote 

RHIMES: If you look at what we've been doing over the past 245 episodes, for 180 of them this women [points to Pompeo] has been in 90 percent of every minute.  Patrick has not.  He has not been a major character.  Cristina and Meredith--that was the Olivia/Fitz romance. 
Edited by Greysaddict
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So I'm supposed to believe that there have only been 65 episodes in which Meredith wasn't in 90%? Have they seen the show?

Regarding Pompeo's quote, for a good chunk of this run, she simply hasn't put in the same hours as Washington or Davis. Meredith's NOT in 90% of most episodes. That's why she doesn't seem like the lead for many.

As for Dempsey, the lack of screen time is a truth, although his presence has always been important for the show, and I agree that to diminish that fact weakens Rhimes' self-awareness, and thus, her likability.

  • Love 4
I really hate that since he left, the show and Shonda are just casting him aside as if he was some secondary character, but I guess that's what happens when piss off Shonda Rhimes.

Or what happens when you leave your contract early? She's never said a single decent thing about Katherine Heigl or Izzie after she left.


I think Ellen is defensive largely due to the way fans treated her on twitter after Derek was killed off last year. She was blasted with tweets from MerDer fans telling her how she didn't matter. I am not surprised they are downplaying Derek's role in the show now that he's gone. The actor choose to leave and the show is moving forward. Of course Patrick was part of the show's success (I think the entire cast was) but they aren't going to focus on that now.


Shonda saying Mer/Cris were the love story of the show is nothing new. She said that a few times over the years when Patrick was still on the show & that Cristina was Meredith's soul mate. I agree that there's no way Meredith is in 90% of the majority of the episodes. As a non-fan I wouldn't be watching if she were. I found it odd that Kerry answered the question about twitter backlash after Derek died. I guess it was to change the topic.

Now that Alex & Jo have moved into their own place, "we're watching Alex being more of a man," Rhimes says. "There's a lot of romance going on there. They're really cute together and going to be struggling through the problems of any relationship." Especially since Alex still "feels a responsibility for Meredith".

And here I was hoping that Meredith would cling to Maggie and Amelia now instead of Alex. Maybe she'll at least stay out of Alex & Jo's bed this season.

Edited by maasa
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RHIMES: If you look at what we've been doing over the past 245 episodes, for 180 of them this women [points to Pompeo] has been in 90 percent of every minute.  Patrick has not.  He has not been a major character.  Cristina and Meredith--that was the Olivia/Fitz romance.


quote provided by greysaddict


I do not like Rhimes. She is a powerful woman in this TV industry but the way she thinks and talks is disgusting,the way she punishes actors for whatever reasons with the fate of their characters or the way she talks about actors who wanted to leave the show for whatever  reasons because they dared to either criticise her or just leave her wonderland is disgraceful, she holds a grudge.  I strongly dislike her manners and attitude.

I have to ask myself why I continue to support her by watching the show. 

The only reason she did not kill off Cristina is for Meredith/Cristina to be back in the end together old and grey in Mer´s house.

I find it SICK to compare Meredith and Cristina to Olivia/Fitz romance, why didn´t she make them a leading lesbian couple on Greys then? 

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

I am really irritated over the diminishing of Patrick/Derek.  I acknowledge that Meredith/Ellen is the star and think that's great, but Derek was a major character on this show for 11 years, even aside from being Meredith's husband.Yes, over the course of the 11 years there is no doubt he could have been developed/featured more outside of his relationship Meredith, but to act like he was barely on the show is just so strange.  I really hate that since he left, the show and Shonda are just casting him aside as if he was some secondary character, but I guess that's what happens when piss off Shonda Rhimes.  


I totally agree, everyone has to see that both Rhimes and Pompeo are so so disrespectful to an employee/colleague of 11 YEARS who has helped to make the show what it is, who put his effort for the success of the show. You always have to show respect for the work. I hope Patrick is off racing and could care less about these two desperate women trying to diminish his bare existence.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
As for Dempsey, the lack of screen time is a truth, although his presence has always been important for the show, and I agree that to diminish that fact weakens Rhimes' self-awareness, and thus, her likability.

I agree. None of this is new for Shonda though, she's always been like this even going back years.


I wish the media would just let it go and stop asking about it. They've asked the same questions over and over and aren't getting any new information. (I really doubt Shonda or Ellen would be bringing up in every interview if not asked). 


At this point its unlikely whatever happened will be made public but given how everything has transpired I believe there's some really bad blood there. Not just between Shonda & Patrick but also between Ellen & Patrick. JMO based on interviews.

Alex still "feels a responsibility for Meredith".

Here's another thing I wish they'd let go. I hope he feels it from afar and he's not around the girl's club 24x7. I am glad that it appears there will at least be some balance, where Alex will have some storyline with Jo and not 100% stuck with Meredith.

Edited by windsprints
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At this point its unlikely whatever happened will be made public but given how everything has transpired I believe there's some really bad blood there. Not just between Shonda & Patrick but also between Ellen & Patrick. JMO based on interviews.

I agree, windsprints. It looks like something bad happened between Ellen and Patrick. The way she talks about him is very strange, imo. She used to be so friendly when talking about him, now she's always diminishing him. I find it very weird.

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As Meredith wants to be the sun not McDreamy, so does Pompeo. She wants the spotlight for her not to share it with Dempsey, she wants to be the primary focus, the only star, to pose solo for magazine cover pages, etc....


Somebody´s ego is getting bigger and bigger. JMHO


Just to compare for instance X-Files actors Duchovny and Anderson - what  a powerhouse together, promoting the show,supporting each other which is in this business admirable.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
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I think the Dempsey thing is sort of being taken out of hand. Just days ago EW posted quotes from Shonda praising Dempsey's work in his final episode. She acknowledged his impact and importance to the show. I agree with her and Ellen, though - he was NEVER a major focal point on the show, certainly not more so than Izzie, George, Cristina, etc. and especially in the past several years. Rewatching season 9 and on lately has driven that point home even more.


I don't think Shonda had any choice but to kill him off given his desire to be elsewhere, and I don't think Ellen is wrong to be a bit jaded with the twitter backlash. It's true that his show has always been Meredith's story, at the heart of it. Actors come and go; I respect her point that when a man goes, it doesn't automatically mean a woman's life is over. It's a rare story for a show to be able to tell, especially since Derek and Meredith were together for so long. Ellen has stuck it out, and I respect that she's still excited to tell new stories and keep the show moving forward. 

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Just to compare for instance X-Files actors Duchovny and Anderson - what  a powerhouse together, promoting the show,supporting each other which is in this business admirable.


My recollection is that Duchovny/Anderson couldn't stand each other by the end of the original run of the X-files and barely spoke.  It's only after a decade apart they are having fun again playing in these roles.

Edited by pennben
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I think the Dempsey thing is sort of being taken out of hand. Just days ago EW posted quotes from Shonda praising Dempsey's work in his final episode. She acknowledged his impact and importance to the show.

I agree. I also hold the seemingly UO that Shonda and the cast do not have to praise Patrick at every press event. They were there for a photoshoot celebrating the new season of #TGIT, one which Patrick decided not to be part of (he states in 3 of his interviews that he was not fired).  

I agree with her and Ellen, though - he was NEVER a major focal point on the show, certainly not more so than Izzie, George, Cristina, etc. and especially in the past several years. Rewatching season 9 and on lately has driven that point home even more.

I partially agree. I think in the early seasons Derek was far more prominent. The McDreamy persona exploded and there's no question he was associated with Grey's more than any other (to the masses, even people who didn't watch the show). On the show Derek had relationships with both Addison & Meredith, was a teacher to the interns, rival to Burke (and later Mark), a history with Richard and colleague to Bailey and others. As the seasons went along he became Meredith's guy, Mark's friend and a friend to Bailey or Callie a couple of scenes a season and the official "look a man holding a baby!" mascot for Grey's. I definitely viewed him as more supporting in the later seasons than the earlier ones.

I don't think Ellen is wrong to be a bit jaded with the twitter backlash

I don't either and I believe her comments in the article were relating specifically to that. Today she was called every name in the book for her comments. In the article, these are her 2 comments:

"Also, let's keep it really real for a seond: This is really difficult for my ego. Because its like, Annalise Keating carries the show. Olivia Pope carries the show. Why can't I just be the lead of the show? Why can't I be on that poster by myself?"


"All of a sudden, Patrick [Dempsey] leaves, and it's like, Oh my God, ­Meredith's gonna get killed with Alzheimer's! The show couldn't possibly go on ­without the man!"

I can't blame her for being offended that "fans" believed Meredith should just die off because Patrick choose to leave and that how Meredith moves on isn't a story worth telling. She didn't come across as diminishing Patrick to me but as defending her belief that there is still interesting story for her to play on the show.  

Edited by windsprints
  • Love 4

I agree. I also hold the seemingly UO that Shonda and the cast do not have to praise Patrick at every press event. They were there for a photoshoot celebrating the new season of #TGIT, one which Patrick decided not to be part of (he states in 3 of his interviews that he was not fired).  

I completely agree with you actually.  I don't care if they praise him or don't even mention him at all, but to deny that he was a major character is just trying to rewrite history.  Ellen Pompeo had a quote at the TCA I believe where she said something along the lines of "many people lose their spouses suddenly and unexpectedly and I'm excited to tell that story".  Which to me is a much better way to express that the show goes on.  Patrick left, Derek is dead and I am fine with the show moving past that.  


My thoughts on what was said about Patrick have nothing to do with the decision to kill Derek and Ellen wanting the show to move forward.  I am completely 100% on board with that and praise Ellen for standing up to those who think the show should end without Derek.  I am truly looking forward to this season and to see where they take it.  I agree that it's exciting new territory.  


 I agree with her and Ellen, though - he was NEVER a major focal point on the show, certainly not more so than Izzie, George, Cristina, etc. and especially in the past several years. Rewatching season 9 and on lately has driven that point home even more.

I'll agree with you about season 9-11, but I believe that corresponds to when his racing went from hobby to career and he started racing more seriously and frequently.  I am not trying to say Derek was the "star" or most important or vital to the show.  In the early season the five interns were definitely on par with him.


I don't really want to get back into the behind the scenes drama, but given that Patrick has said he left on his own, I am guessing the perceived tension between Pompeo and Dempsey is due to him quitting/asking to be let out of his contract early.  Considering how much she bashed Heigel for doing that same thing, I can't imagine she'd be pleased with Dempsey after that.  

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