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Spoilers and Spoiler Speculation: Benchmarking

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Diehard MerDer shipper here: I will not watch if he's gone. I have no desire to see Meredith grieving, nor do I have any desire to watch her move on with someone else. Ten years/eleven seasons of a constant relationship tossed away in a few episodes? No thanks.

I agree. I'm not interested by a show where Calzona or Owelia would be the main couple. And overall I think the Merder fans, who are there since the day 1 deserve better than that.

  • Love 4

Count me among the many MerDer shippers who will be done with this show if he dies! I will not watch without Derek! With that being said, I don't think he will actually die (and goodness I hope for no coma either). There is too much hye surrounding this. They are going out of their way to make us believe something happens to Derek. Too many anvils. So I think it will be someone else. A red herring. I keep thinking about Richard in that car in front of a green screen for epi 20.


Also, I think if PD breaks his contract he can count his racing career over. He has said before that the show and his racing help each other. Like it or not, his sponsors are with him because he is so loved by so many for his role on Grey's. He is loved because he is McDreamy. Take that away and I don't think he would be so appealing to sponsors, etc for racing!

The change in his Reduced number of episodes still might have been due to the divorce rather than racing. He wasn't racing during the time that he was off. I imagine he needed some personal emotional space, and time to settle things with regard to his living situation and his children.

Provided that he was aware of the divorce since October or November, which it's not sure at all.

But I agree when you say his absence in the show wasn't due to racing. There were no races during that time.

Maybe his time off was an idea of Shonda to show a Meredith alone who can deal with her life, her children and her career without her husband. Maybe it was a test too, to see how the show works without McDreamy

I shipped Alex and Izzie but didn't stop watching the show when Izzie left because I still cared about Alex.

Same. I can't really think of a time I don't think I've ever stopped watching a show when half a couple I root for leaves because I usually only root for couples where I like each individually and want to see their story.


I don't know why PD had the time off but in reality how many people take weeks off when getting a divorce? Anyone? It seems like an odd thing to me.


I think if PD breaks his contract he can count his racing career over. He has said before that the show and his racing help each other. Like it or not, his sponsors are with him because he is so loved by so many for his role on Grey's. He is loved because he is McDreamy. Take that away and I don't think he would be so appealing to sponsors, etc for racing!

I don't agree. I can't imagine his fanbase would all turn against him and stop being a fan if he decided to leave a role he's played for 11 years. Also, hasn't he been racing long enough that he a racing following?


I don't understand all the "breaking his contract" comments (all over the internet) either.  The terms that he signed for are unknown. His contract very well could have been for 1 year with the option for a second. People leave jobs, actors leave shows and its absolutely possible they worked it all out without any huge ordeal. 


Where are those interviews from when the press was on set on 3/20? There may be some hints/spoilers in those. 


I'm also hoping for some other spoilers. There's been no hints of what is coming for all the other characters.

Edited by windsprints
  • Love 2
I shipped Alex and Izzie but didn't stop watching the show when Izzie left because I still cared about Alex.

Not every fan is the same and this can go both ways. This was case A, but case B could've been someone who liked Izzie more than Alex and so on and so on. I don't believe it's necessarily a death wish to kill MD as a couple but I don't see much benefit coming from it. Perhaps it could come to a rebith, or it could come, at least for me, as a finally I can quit this show. Kinda. 


I'll move the rest of the discussion to the PD thread as it has nothing to do with spoilers anymore.


Where are those interviews from when the press was on set on 3/20? There may be some hints/spoilers in those.

My guess is that they'll be released in Thu through next week. Keep the suspense alive and shit.

Edited by AnitaM86

It's interesting reading the above posts about Patrick not being in this season as much and MerDer's season 11 arc. It reminds me of two prior situations. 


The first is the lack of George in season 5, when Shonda stated that she purposely underused TR Knight the whole season so that viewers wouldn't notice he was gone in the finale. Not the same situation here of course as Patrick chose to be off the show, but it does seem like Patrick's absence could also have served as a sort of 'test run' for Shonda/ABC if he was leaving. A way for them to see if the show - and Meredith - could work without him. And also a way for viewers to get used to seeing less of him.


The second is the Meredith/Cristina fight storyline last year. It seems like for the both that story and the MerDer DC/cheating one [if this does pan out with Derek dying], Shonda wants to create tension and drama before Meredith's relationship with each character comes to a balanced, untroubled understanding right before they depart. It kind of reminds me of how the writers of the OC solved every Marissa Cooper issue and finally made her happy in the season 3 finale, minutes before killing her off.


Of course we could be totally wrong, but with the news that Ellen will be on Kimmel and Shonda writing the episode, not to mention Patrick's prior comments and him  shooting on a ferry (which is a very significant symbol for Derek's character) in Seattle, it really does seem possible that he could be killed off.


“I feel like Meredith and Derek are meant to be together forever, and we’re going to make sure that in the end they end up together, one would hope — unless one of them dies or something.” -Shonda, 2011

  • Love 1

Provided that he was aware of the divorce since October or November, which it's not sure at all.

But I agree when you say his absence in the show wasn't due to racing. There were no races during that time.

Maybe his time off was an idea of Shonda to show a Meredith alone who can deal with her life, her children and her career without her husband. Maybe it was a test too, to see how the show works without McDreamy

I don't know. Anything is possible, of course, but I have a hard time believing that ABC/Shonda would suggest that any actor take a big chunk of time off for any reason. PD has taken off before and I imagine that he was the one who initiated this hiatus as well. I'm sure that it was worked into his contract beforehand and that is why he agreed to re-sign for this season. As for the reason, he was gone for what, 3-4 episodes? So that is a month off, at the very, very least, and in a situation where he already probably wasn't on set everyday due to the fact that there are 87 full time cast members. So I would think that 1-2 months off would be plenty of time to take care of whatever racing and/or personal issues he needed to. Maybe the situation is fluid, in that he doesn't know when he will need time off far in advance, but if that is the case, then I could see ABC being okay with letting him out of his contract, should he request it.

I'm also hoping for some other spoilers. There's been no hints of what is coming for all the other characters.

God, me too. And considering they keep spoiling whatever hash tag "event" gets promoted to death, there is nothing coming up that interests me.

It;s all over twitter right now, but ABC just posted this promo pic for 11x21 with Meredith/Ellen in the same shirt as the BTS picture Patrick posted on instagram 2 weeks ago.  This must mean that Patrick was on set and filmed some non-location scenes, could be for 21, 22, 23, etc. https://twitter.com/JChambersOnline (Zola is adorable and so big now!)


Another theory I have (perhaps this should go in the Patrick thread), is that a condition of Patrick missing that race (Seibring?) a few weeks ago was that they would let him pre-shoot the rest of his scenes for the season so he could focus on his two WEC race.  This would go hand in hand with the misdirect theories that we know Shonda loves so much.


I don't understand all the "breaking his contract" comments (all over the internet) either.  The terms that he signed for are unknown. His contract very well could have been for 1 year with the option for a second. People leave jobs, actors leave shows and its absolutely possible they worked it all out without any huge ordeal. 



just wanted to yes 100% this.  IF it turns out Patrick is leaving the show there is no indication it would be because he "broke" his contract.  

Edited by Greysaddict
  • Love 1
This must mean that Patrick was on set and filmed some non-location scenes, could be for 21, 22, 23, etc. https://twitter.com/JChambersOnline(Zola is adorable and so big now!)

That hospital doesn't look like Seattle Grace Mercy Death Lord Why Change The Name. So, perhaps he will be home during the last few episodes? Mer is smiling (or perhaps it's just a BTS pic), so if he died, doubt she'd take the kids with her.

That hospital doesn't look like Seattle Grace Mercy Death Lord Why Change The Name. So, perhaps he will be home during the last few episodes? Mer is smiling (or perhaps it's just a BTS pic), so if he died, doubt she'd take the kids with her.

The name of the hospital is on the door, behind Meredith : Ballard medical center. It's located in the northwestern part of Seattle,

 I guess it's the hospital where Derek is

I wouldn't be shocked if Shonda reused the same thing they did with Dell on PP. Derek saves car crash victims' lives all day, is a huge hero, goes to the hospital with victims where Ballard doctor forces him to get checked out. Meredith shows up happy with the kids to see her hero husband only to find out he had internal injuries and is dead.


Of course the ferry scenes kind of disprove that theory.

  • Love 2

I think the sides for 21 and 22 are mixed between the episodes because there was shooting overlap and because so much of the episode 21 (by descriptions) appears to be Derek at the accident site. The number of days they spent on location also indicate there will be a lot of scenes there.


With this new picture of Meredith at another hospital I think Derek may be one of the following from the sides (credit to calzona-ga tumblr for all sides info below):


NURSE – Kelly groggily wakes up in a hospital bed. A nurse walks in. Kelly? Kelly? Your husband is here. And Jack walks in. Kelly looks up, as the nurse ushers him forward, smiling.

NURSE – The patient is on the table. It’s startling, tense as the surgeons furiously work. Dr. Thomas is shouting to page Neurosurgery right now. They did. Do it again. The nurse pages again.

LATER, the OR team stands, still waiting. And waiting. It’s agonizing. Any word? The neurosurgeon was at a family function…A family function? She said she’ll be there in 30 minutes. Dammit!

One of the patients with Dr. Cohn or Edie


Genders, conditions, living, dying are all easily changed from the sides.

I have no idea if Derek will skip away 100% healthy, linger in a coma for a year or die and I'm out of guesses. Posting the info here for anyone interesting in guessing.

Edited by windsprints
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I am completely terrible at interpreting sides, so I'm not even going to try. But, I just had another thought:

The supposed time jump takes place in 11x22 and then 11x23 is called "Time Stops". I wonder if they jump forward and then jump back? Again, I am not good at sides or titles, any one else have a guess on this so we can move on past Derek dying/not dying? :)

It seems very odd to me that he would pre-shoot his scenes and be done with the season already when his next race is not for another 3 weeks. Heck, they will all be done shooting for the season by then! Does not make much sense to me. He does not need the next 3 weeks to prepare.


I think it's more likely that those scenes on the ferry boat are for epi 21 (MAYBE 22 since they were shooring it simulateously) Also he is wearing the same blue shirt that he had on in the last episode. I really don't get why they spent the money to fly him all the way to Seattle to shoot on a ferry boat when they could have done it with a green screen. It must be a big scene and important to the episode.


I also wondered if that pic of Mer and the kids was a BTS pic or it is just before she finds out he is in bad shape when she goes to visit him. She sure does look happy but something tells me Shonda is messing with the fans. She just better not kill Derek that's all I have to say! For the sake of the success of the show I hope she knows that is not in her best interest! I still think he might be hurt but to me there is just way too much hype around something happening to Derek, for him to be the one who is in major trouble.


I still think he might be hurt but to me there is just way too much hype around something happening to Derek, for him to be the one who is in major trouble.

Normally, I'd agree that this is misdirection, but... IF Derek is to be written out, then hype is called for. (SO leaving the show was hyped for a whole season.) During the first seasons of GA — and still, for the many MerDer shippers — EP and PD carried the show. (Despite Shonda constantly insisting that the most important relationship was Meredith and Cristina.)


But Derek can't die suddenly, like, say, Will Gardner on The Good Wife. That would NEVER fly. It would have to be drawn out over a number of episodes (to the finale?). We could be looking at a Mark Sloan-type exit, where PD is shown in the last episodes in a hospital bed, with tons of flashbacks, until they turn off the machines. (We know the writers love to recycle.)

Justin and Ellen filmed at St. Luke's hospital in Pasadena today

(credit to @JustinChambersOnline for tweeting it).


ETA. more info. Maybe Meredith is "Kelly" and they think Alex is her husband.


@JChambersOnlineAlso, apparently, they're shooting at a hospital in "San Diego"

@JChambersOnline btw, they're the only ones here. Justin is wearing regular clothes, but Ellen is wearing hospital clothes (as a patient)

Edited by windsprints

Speaking of crazy speculation: Remember when Grey's would use the season premiere of an episode to map out the stories of the season? In the premiere, there's the hiker who thinks his family is still out in the desert, and whose family thinks he is dead. Could this be where they're heading with Derek/Meredith? Am I delusional (don't answer that...)


ETA: I'm bouncing this off of you all to see if I'm delusional. I know many of you here don't doubt it.


Think of all the focus on cell phones. There's been a lot of focus on Derek's phone. Of course the phone with Renee. The morning of last episode, Meredith found it in the pocket of his coat. That same morning Amelia left her phone with Owen, Also, at the airport episodes ago, Derek on the phone, "Meredith, I'm losing you...."


So: Derek is at accident scene, puts his coat with his ID & phone on a man, explosion happens, man is unrecognizable and has Derek's ID, they think it's Derek and Derek "dies" - remember premiere, the hiker who thought his family needed him and his family thought he was dead.


I wonder if Derek has amnesia (oh dear God please no) or Derek is a John Doe, injured somewhere. Remember the hiker thought it was days since he'd seen his family, but was months.


I have to rewatch the premiere.

Edited by LakeLover
The name of the hospital is on the door, behind Meredith : Ballard medical center. It's located in the northwestern part of Seattle

Oh, thank you. I hadn't seen it.


I believe you are right, windsprints. It would make sense given the picture and the other hospital and everything. 


My guess is that if Derek wasn't involved in the accident, perhaps he had a stroke or similar. Or if they changed the department (Neuro), he could've had a heart attack. I doubt he'll leave this season in clean health but not dead. 


@JChambersOnline btw, they're the only ones here. Justin is wearing regular clothes, but Ellen is wearing hospital clothes (as a patient)

Why would she be a patient? Are they shooting 22?

  • Love 1
So: Derek is at accident scene, puts his coat with his ID & phone on a man, explosion happens, man is unrecognizable and has Derek's ID, they think it's Derek and Derek "dies" - remember premiere, the hiker who thought his family needed him and his family thought he was dead.

I think it could be anything at this point. Along the same lines as your idea, it could be like Meredith at the ferry. She put her coat with her ID on the man then fell over into the water and the little girl then helped Derek find her. Something could happen with Derek and they need one of the people he helped to help find him.


But, I don't think that matches up with the sides from the accident. The sides have a fireman calling him a hero, shaking his hand and telling him to go have a drink because he's earned it. I think there's a chance that whatever happens to Derek (if anything) happens after everyone is helped and everyone leaves the accident scene but that's just a guess. The phone/id idea could still come into play. He could leave it at the scene and then when whatever happens he has no id on him. ID being a lengthy issue doesn't seem likely because Meredith and the kids are at the hospital going by the picture. 

Why would she be a patient?

Why is she in San Diego? 

Are they shooting 22?

Yes, they had the table read for 23 today so they would be finishing 22.  Its possible its for another episode though because they seem to be filming all the location scenes out of order/overlapping.

Edited by windsprints
Why is she in San Diego? 


An extra posted a picture of the inside of the hospital




It makes me think at a mental hospital : soft lighting, no medical supply in the hallway, the color of the scrubs

I think Meredith has a mental breakdown after the death of Derek

An extra posted a picture of the inside of the hospital




It makes me think at a mental hospital : soft lighting, no medical supply in the hallway, the color of the scrubs

I think Meredith has a mental breakdown after the death of Derek



I think you're on to something, but I don't think Derek really dies. My updated theory:


I wonder if Meredith initially thinks he is dead and has a psychotic break or tries to commit suicide - I go for psychotic break, with her PTSD. Then, his "death" could be in her head, and Derek "shows up" episode 23 when we find out either that he was injured and unable to get to her, or she imagined his death.


really don't think he's really dead. Read this from Camilla Luddington: "This season is so crazy, I don’t even want to tease anything because I don’t want fans to even try to get ideas of what’s going to happen. But this season is blowing my mind. And everyone will understand by the end of it."

Alex just can't get away from the crazy chicks, can he?

Anyone know if the "San Diego" hospital is the same creepy one that Camilla and Jerrika were filming in?

I'm beginning to wonder if at least one of these episodes is some kind of dreamy/AU/Twin Peaks kind of thing. Personally I would be happy if the whole season was a dream and S12 opened with Cristina still there and no Amelia or Maggie.

ETA - apparently someone has some inside scoop about the last episodes and says they are freak out worthy. Take that with a lot of salt probably.

Edited by Deanie87
  • Love 1

Someone  (I think it's the person who summarizes the sides) say she had the opportunity to read the 5 last scripts of the season



Guys you think you are prepared/ready for what’s next but I can tell you this, YOU are NOT.

I’m officially warning you all to start freaking out about the things that are going to happen in the last five episodes of Grey’s. You can really see that Shonda is more involved with Grey’s this season.

Can’t believe I am sitting on information about what is going to happen next and I hate the fact that I can’t tell anybody about it. You all know that I love spoilers but this is to much for me to handle.

I can’t wait to see how people are going to react. I will not give away any spoilers, you all have to wait and see.

Keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times because the ShondaLand roller-coaster is freaking real.


Anyone know if the "San Diego" hospital is the same creepy one that Camilla and Jerrika were filming in?

No it isn't the same.


The old hospital was : Robert F. Kennedy Medical Center, at 4500 W. 116th Street, in Hawthorne, CA.

Edited by BoaGreys
Someone  (I think it's the person who summarizes the sides) say she had the opportunity to read the 5 last scripts of the season

Sorry, not buying it. The cast hasn't even read the final script of the year. Sounds like the annual claims of knowing what will happen that are never true.

I'm beginning to wonder if at least one of these episodes is some kind of dreamy/AU/Twin Peaks kind of thing

At this point I'm sure people are wishing for this but I will be really annoyed. There's only a few episodes to go and there's half the cast who barely got a story this season. It will suck if they waste an episode on an AU/dream instead of moving characters ahead. I'm all for them trying new things and usually enjoy episodes like that but not at the end of the season when there's so much that was skipped all year long.

Personally I would be happy if the whole season was a dream and S12 opened with Cristina still there and no Amelia or Maggie.

Amelia and Maggie arrived at the end of S10 so you'll get them either way. Getting Cristina back would be so worth the whole season being a complete waste though.


I'm going to guess rehab facility and not mental institution. I go back to Meredith calling Amelia a junkie and Amelia's last speech to Meredith about not having walked in her shoes. I know Grey's recycles and all but Meredith already tried to passively kill herself in season 3.


I still have a difficult time believing Shonda would ever kill off Derek but doubts are creeping in.


ETA: Earlier reports of JKL being a closed set were false.

Edited by windsprints
I wonder if Meredith initially thinks he is dead and has a psychotic break or tries to commit suicide - I go for psychotic break, with her PTSD. Then, his "death" could be in her head, and Derek "shows up" episode 23 when we find out either that he was injured and unable to get to her, or she imagined his death.

I'd honestly be more interested if Derek was the one with the psychotic break. I mean, Meredith has had enough with everything and the pending Alzheimer's. Although this show with mental illness? I really rather them be magically cured.


Yes, they had the table read for 23 today so they would be finishing 22.



Just saw Camilla tweet that they're starting to shoot 23, with KMK directing. They're going fast.


I go back to Meredith calling Amelia a junkie and Amelia's last speech to Meredith about not having walked in her shoes.

I hope Amelia doesn't relapse. That poor girl deserves a break. Not sure if sides for this episode have been released but hopefully no. 


ETA - apparently someone has some inside scoop about the last episodes and says they are freak out worthy. Take that with a lot of salt probably.


All the salt in the world. Every time it's going to be super shocking, it ends up being a huge disappointment. As usual. 

Justin and Ellen filmed at St. Luke's hospital in Pasadena today

(credit to @JustinChambersOnline for tweeting it).


ETA. more info. Maybe Meredith is "Kelly" and they think Alex is her husband.

I was coming here to post this. lol  It is across the street from me and they've been filming for the last couple of days.

@stillcrazy Have you seen Ellen?  I am curious what that other fan meant by "patient clothes".  Was she in a hospital gown or just regular street clothes?  I find it really strange that any of them would be patients at a "San Diego" hospital, whether it be surgical, psychiatric, rehab, etc.  Their entire lives are based in Seattle (the only other places typically mentioned are DC or Boston).  I have this feeling the speculation wheel is on a rampage and Meredith/Alex could be there for a simple transplant or something.  Any insights?

But this whole thing gets more confusing by the minute. 

 Can you tell we are nearing the finale?  lol.  But you are absolutely correct.  I feel completely lost as to what could possibly be happening in the final 5 episodes.  


Someone  (I think it's the person who summarizes the sides) say she had the opportunity to read the 5 last scripts of the season

eh, this sounds like just buzz/fluff.  I enjoy that blog/site, however I don't believe anyone who has "I have information but I can't tell you".  


Just saw Camilla tweet that they're starting to shoot 23, with KMK directing. They're going fast.

They kind of have to!  Don't they normally wrap at the end of April?  They just started 23 and still have 24 to go.  Seems like they will be filming into May at this point.  



LakeLover- I like this theory....sounds plausible to me!

Speaking of crazy speculation: Remember when Grey's would use the season premiere of an episode to map out the stories of the season? In the premiere, there's the hiker who thinks his family is still out in the desert, and whose family thinks he is dead. Could this be where they're heading with Derek/Meredith? Am I delusional (don't answer that...)
Edited by Greysaddict

I was coming here to post this. lol  It is across the street from me and they've been filming for the last couple of days.

How cool! Did you get to see them? Come on now, spill anything you've seen that we don't know please ;)

I have this feeling the speculation wheel is on a rampage and Meredith/Alex could be there for a simple transplant or something.  Any insights?


If Meredith needed a transplant why would she need to go to San Diego? We've seen organs being flown into Seattle over and over. Could be though, really could be anything.

But this whole thing gets more confusing by the minute

It does. I admit, I'm actually really curious to see the story. Its the first time since around early S3 that I've been interested in a MerDer story. I'm sure I'll be let down but hey, at least the spoilers have been interesting. I'm kind of hoping we don't get much more information.

Edited by windsprints

If Meredith needed a transplant why would she need to go to San Diego? We've seen organs being flown into Seattle over and over. Could be though, really could be anything.

ack, sorry I am really not good at communicating through words lately!  We've seen the docs fly to many hospitals to retrieve organs for transplants many times,  or even flying to other hospitals to help with a surgery (hello plane crash).  So they could be doing just that.  Meaning they are there to DO a transplant, not be the recipient of one.


just to be clear, I don't think there will be another plane crash!

Edited by Greysaddict

ack, sorry I am really not good at communicating through words lately!  We've seen the docs fly to many hospitals to retrieve organs for transplants many times,  or even flying to other hospitals to help with a surgery (hello plane crash).  So they could be doing just that.  Meaning they are there to DO a transplant, not be the recipient of one.


just to be clear, I don't think there will be another plane crash!

I'm sorry, I misunderstood. I thought you meant she was getting a transplant since the people who saw her said she was dressed as a patient.


ETA: The new guy cast (see media thread) is likely Mitchell the intern in the sides for 23.

Edited by windsprints


Anyone know if the "San Diego" hospital is the same creepy one that Camilla and Jerrika were filming in?

The creepy hospital setting that Camilla/Jerrika were filming at is where they shoot the hospital basement scenes.

And I think the ladies were filming for 20 or 21 at the time those pictures were taken. I think there are promotional photos with Jo and Stephanie hanging out down there.

Edited by funnygirl

I'm reading all this speculation, here, over there...twitter etc.

And I think Shonda is taking advantage of the fact that PD is not filming now, using redirection, smoke and mirrors to spice up the show and keep us guessing.  Shonda will go full soap opera and give him some MIA explanation, maybe the first episode theory..


I was convinced Patrick was gone, but really...nobody at Grey's is acting like he has left the show.

Jcap and Camilla making cute tweets copying the Derek? tweet by Stacy.

We will know what happened to him by season's end, probably nothing.

A few new interns show up at the end.  We have seen it before.

Not sure what is going on with Calzona,

  • Love 1

@stillcrazy Have you seen Ellen?  I am curious what that other fan meant by "patient clothes".  Was she in a hospital gown or just regular street clothes?  I find it really strange that any of them would be patients at a "San Diego" hospital, whether it be surgical, psychiatric, rehab, etc.  Their entire lives are based in Seattle (the only other places typically mentioned are DC or Boston).  I have this feeling the speculation wheel is on a rampage and Meredith/Alex could be there for a simple transplant or something.  Any insights?

Unfortunately I haven't been able to see much of anything.  They have been filming inside and mainly what I've been able to see is just production .  I was hoping they would do something I could actually see but no such luck.

Apparently they're also filming the show in Miami? According to this tweet: https://instagram.com/p/1eKz6YiF-I/

I really don't know what the hell is going on for the first time in a long time.

I have some doubts about this video

The girl says : "they r filming the new season or at least a part of the season in Miami. I saw them (the cast) but they were in the middle of filming. It was the main actors there too"


We know EP and JC were in Pasadena for 2 days. And yesterday it was the table read

The speculation is that it's a groundbreaking Alzheimer's clinical trial or test for Meredith.

I think Sarah and Jesse might have been the ones filming in Miami.

Sarah tweeted with the hashtag #GreysHitsTheRoad so it could be. So - we have Derek somewhere unknown/dead/coma/whatever, Meredith and Alex in San Diego for some surgery or trial and now April/Jackson off in Miami or somewhere. I'm so confused.

  • Love 2
I'm so confused.

Welcome to the club. I'm having some wine.


Why would they need to even go to Miami for? However, given the amount of time that they've spent on location, I think they're really going big on the last five episodes. What the hell is happening? And why am I so interested to find out.


Gah. Just when I think I'm going out, you pull me right back, show. 


Isn't Callie / her family from Miami?

Yes. Still doesn't make sense why Jackson and April would be there instead.

Isn't Callie / her family from Miami?


Maybe April and Jackson are elsewhere. Anyone know where Sara is since people are all over the place?

What the hell is happening? And why am I so interested to find out.


I'm interested too and I think its because it not all predicable. I'm not interested enough to watch live though. Maybe if there was something coming for Alex I would but that picture of him ruled that right out. Seems he'll end the year as he started, with Meredith again.

Sara was filming an OR scene with Jerrika in their regular GSM scrubs earlier today.


Justin was back from Pasadena/"San Diego" to film a scene with Camilla at GSM as well.

Thanks. I still don't think Jesse and Sarah are in Miami. Look at the coats they have on - it was in the mid-upper 80s there today. They'd be sweltering. I guess they could be on a sound stage though, with climate control.

Edited by windsprints

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