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S01.E09: In My Heart There Was a Kind of Fighting

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I was bored of this episode, I'm sorry. I get that Liam and Eleanor have just had the most life-altering news, but... nothing freaking happened. Liam got drunk, Eleanor didn't (surprisingly) and Ophelia is still boring as hell. I do have to admit that Liam drunkenly doing karaoke to "I Just Can't Wait To Be King" was actually kind of hilarious. 


Ted still isn't fired?! Ugh, way to tease show. Now it's been mentioned twice and I'm still waiting!


I'm still not totally convinced that Liam and Eleanor are actually illegitimate, because that seems to go against the whole premise of the show. Helena is definitely the queen of scheming!


Next week looks interesting, though.

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I'm still not totally convinced that Liam and Eleanor are actually illegitimate, because that seems to go against the whole premise of the show. Helena is definitely the queen of scheming!


That was, what we like to call, filler.  I agree with the above sentiments. And this time as not royal kids will give Elenore and Liam new purpose when they are restored to the throne.  But I cannot tell exactly what is going on. If Helena fixed the tests and that comes out, she would be done as queen.  I still think this "scheme" is hair-brained. Helena would still be queen? Huh?  At what cost Helena... geeze. I can't see much of a way out for her. Her kids hate her, she seems to be a suspect in the stabbing of the king...


I can't tell what is going on with Robert. Accident, suicide, murdered? That all leads me to think he isn't dead. But I also wonder if there isn't some greater plot going on here. With Ted in charge, god help them all.

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I can't tell what is going on with Robert. Accident, suicide, murdered?


I"m guessing that guy saying he "killed" him maybe means he helped him pretend to be dead???  But then why creepy stalk the castle?  I'm afraid this is leading up to another big letdown of, this could never possibly happen.  Something similar (the makes no sense explanation) happened this season on Castle.  Super annoying.  I also hate cliffhangers between 'seasons'...mostly because hello, if your show is any good, of course I'll come back next year. 

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Three things kept me interested in this one: the drunken karaoke, because nice musical choice and horrible warbling. Ophelia being able to not only duck into this "security" room AGAIN (it doesn't look like any security room the way it's dressed with those lights and screens, it looks like it should be a secure room) and run a trace on Liam's phone. And thank God for the twit daughters of Cyrus, because they made the whole episode for me. From those ridiculous dresses to the spitting in the decanters of booze to the "And by field, she means her vagina" to the "I'm next in line and hopefully you die soon." 


I actually liked Gemma a little more this episode than I ever have, especially with her dressing down of Ophelia. Unfortunately, it brought forth a third and unexpected facial expression from Ophelia. Angry Squirrel Face became Sad Squirrel Face. 


The Queen starts to grow a heart? Whatever, it'll be gone by next episode. Cyrus was dull this week. The Queen's staffer being a dominatrix gave me a giggle, as improbable as that could be. Ted should still be fired. 

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I kinda love sober badass conspiracy-solving Eleanor. I also like that she immediately called out the queen for faking the test results and being responsible for Robert's death. Usually that level of on-screen insight doesn't come until many weeks have passed with me screaming at the TV, 'connect the dots, dumbass!'

That said, I'm not sure that the queen's motivation makes any sense here. So she dethroned her own family (and herself by extension) to put Cyrus into place? Is she planning to borrow from Hamlet and marry the king's brother? How does any of this help her?

Liam and Ophelia can both go take a long, boring vacation off screen. They're boring and pointless separately and together. Go away.

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No Jasper?? Really? I hope he makes an appearance soon. I hope we see him before Season 2. How is he going to get out of jail? Will he still work for the Royals in anyway? Will Eleanor forgive him?


Loved Rachel as a dominatrix.


I died when Ophelia's dad told her to go to New York. Even he doesn't want her around.


I usually think Liam is a terrible actor but he did pretty well this episode.


There was something off about this episode. If felt like 50 stories chopped together.


Missed Gemma. She really brings sparks whenever she's around. Why would she be interested in boring Liam? She deserves better. 

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Did Gemma bang the older son when he was around? Why do I feel like this is not Gemma's first ride at the rodeo with Helena?


Here's what I took away from the Cyrus/Helena plot- she ended it with the anti-monarchist guy that when Cyrus dies, she is named queen regent rather than the twits. Here's where I think that goes; remember when Joan Collins told her that marrying Simon was to do something for her family? Maybe this is been a 25 year con. Marry the king. Have some kids. Ad then 25 years into it, kill off the first kid, illegitimize the other two, king gets stabbed, brother takes over. Why would she do that? It makes her look bad. She has always taken pains to not look bad. An then put HER family in succession, thus screwing over the anti-monarchist guy. Wewondered a few episodes ago why Joan Collins had the Grand Duchess blah blah and assumed it was a courtesy title. Maybe it was a real (in made up land) title and Helena's family has a claim to the throne.


And I'm having to reach to come up with that one.

Hoodie Guy was hot and could have some fun with Eleanor.


Here's a long game: Robert marries Gemma, becomes king. Helena becomes Dowager Queen or Queen Mother. Eleanor and Jasper become whatever they do and Hoodie Guy becomes the new Ted.

Edited by justawatcher

There were a few good lines this episode

The cousins:  “I would like more in my field” “By field, she means vagina”
Rachel:“I’m a dominatrix”
Cyrus: “Well. as honorable as one can be when sneaking around & having sex with a married man. These things are always a little....sticky. Should I spell fellatio for you?”


Cyrus stopping Eleanor from seeing the King is cold. 


I wish they would clue us in as to what the big picture is, none of the plot is making sense.

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I'm so bored of Ophelia and Will. They are the world's most boring couple.

Gemma at least was entertaining ripping into Ophelia and being blunt with the Queen.

As for Eleanor. Way to make baseless accusations and destroy stuff to achieve nothing. I'm over her.

As for Ophelia's father, you're a sucky head of security for letting the King wander about at night unprotected. At the very least there should have been some skilled MI5 agents doing some discreet surveillance.


This show is circling the drain for me. I don't really care about any of these people. At least Cyrus as King is mildly amusing.

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I think that scene alone has ensured I'll watch this show till the bitter end.  And that I'll now always hear Cyrus as Jeremy Irons doing Scar.


I loved the karaoke scene, as well....and, last week, when Cyrus was all "You are not fit to be King", the first thing I thought of was Scar and The Lion King....

I actually like this show - it's camp-y, mindless fun.  


I really like the over the top characters of Queen Helen, Eleanor, Cyrus and his daughters, and the juxtaposition of the understated characters of King Simon, Liam and Ted.  I get that the actress playing Ophelia is not the best, but even she doesn't bother me, except I see no spark or connection between her and Liam.


My feeling is that Robert is really not dead...even with the mystery guy telling Eleanor that he killed him.  


And, I really hope that King Simon will come out of his coma next week - I don't want a stupid "Dallas-style" cliffhanger.

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To me the Queen is playing a long covalooted  game to get what she wants. She asks the one diplomat to support her in getting rid of Cyrus.  She uses Cyrus's two girls as why u don't want him to become the next king.  If this happens and she can become the Queen Monarch ( queen sole rule with out a King husband)  either after Cyrus or by eliminating Cyrus than her children will re inherit  the thrown. I know she says she will " be the last  monarch" but think about it.  If she is the sole Monarch than wouldn't her children be next in line to be king/queen.  This not only allows her son " whom i think she believes is still the only one alive" to have more time to grow up.  Also it's a way to make sure liam ( who is not the kings son) becomes the legitimate heir to the thrown.  Granted this is convalooted because this requires the current King to die,  and a lot of political allies either abolishing Cryus before or after he gets to the thrown.  The Queen does have somewhat of a chance here as she has been queen for years now and done the " Queenly"" duty to make the people feel like she wants the best for them.  granted we know better but still appearances are everything sometimes. 

I don't mind Liam that much and thought the karaoke scene was great. Ophelia's the worst.


They have delved way too much into the abolish the monarchy stuff. I understand that it's this show's Ewing Oil, but the show hasn't done a good enough job of demonstrating why being monarch is important to these people. Because they have no real power, this is like watching people squabbling over an inheritance rather than real stakes. With both Helena and Cyrus, they tried to create "love to hate" characters when it needs to be more organic.


Between Jasper, Robert's married friend, and Robert's military colleague, Eleanor does quite well for herself (and deservedly so).

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I agree that I mind Liam so much less than Ophelia.  I think it's because while not a talented actor he is charismatic.  I really hope it's not just because he's a guy and I'm being unfairly biased or something.  He's not even my type.  With the right love interest (Gemma, Literally Anyone Besides Ophelia) maybe he could be a bit more interesting.  I liken him very much to Serena and/or Nate from Gossip Girl.  Neither of them were good actors either, but I didn't want them replaced.


I kinda love sober badass conspiracy-solving Eleanor. I also like that she immediately called out the queen for faking the test results and being responsible for Robert's death.


Can you actually elaborate on this?  I'm as slow as the characters on the other television shows you watch.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay

Random Thoughts on the episode:


* I really really want King Simon to live. I really like him and I want to see him wake up and lay the hammer down on everything. 

* The king was moved to the palace? Oh boy, that is not going to bode well. I feel like someone is going to fuck with his life support (i.e. Cyrus)

* I love Sober Eleanor. She's such a badass and a lot more fun than hot mess Eleanor.

* Ted is the worst security head ever. He needs to be fired. 

* Ophelia is immensely boring, though I feel like she's at her best with Eleanor which only makes me wish that it was Eleanor who was next in line and she was in a relationship with Ophelia. I mean how interesting would that be?! Far more interesting than Liam and Ophelia, that's for sure.

* I love Marcus. He is the best. 

* I'm one of the few people who actually likes Gemma and I find her more multi-faceted and interesting than Ophelia. I think she legitimately loves Liam. She may have gotten into the relationship for all the wrong reasons but she grew to love him. Hell, I wouldn't mind her and Marcus getting together because he seems to know how to call her out on her bullshit. 

* Rachel is a dominatrix? That is both the most and least surprising thing at the same time. It's like "Wait what?!" then you think about it and think "...that actually makes perfect sense" I wonder if her night job will play a part in the way of getting to

* I think the Boone guy was blackmailed into killing Robert. As to why...maybe he had something shady in his past? Maybe he and Robert were lovers and someone found out and it made its way to the palace where Cyrus and company used this to their advantage because they knew he would be next in line to the throne and forced the Boone guy to kill Robert as a result. Or maybe Boone was brainwashed all Manchurian Candidate style. Who knows?

* This also makes me think that Jasper was the one who attacked Simon because he was also blackmailed into the matter. It also explains why he was absent for that period of time.

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* I think the Boone guy was blackmailed into killing Robert. As to why...maybe he had something shady in his past? Maybe he and Robert were lovers and someone found out and it made its way to the palace where Cyrus and company used this to their advantage because they knew he would be next in line to the throne and forced the Boone guy to kill Robert as a result. Or maybe Boone was brainwashed all Manchurian Candidate style. Who knows?


I don't think he meant he killed Robert literally, I think he was responsible for arranging it to appear that Robert was dead, which brings me to the fact that I don't think Robert is dead.

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Poor Liam & Eleanor. Thanks to Helena & Cyrus, their lives have been turned upside down against their will. However, instead of caring about whom they hurt, Helena & Cyrus did even more damage, whether it was Cyrus' basically declaring himself King in record time, banning Eleanor from visiting Simon in the hospital, moving Simon from the hospital and bringing him back to the palace Helena's condescending attitude towards anti-monarchist leader Nigel just because of his first name or just being their usual shitty selves, without thinking that their own shit stinks. Simon is one of the few bright spots in Liam & Eleanor's lives. Simon is Liam & Eleanor's real father, no matter what the (likely rigged) DNA tests say. Simon's giving the kids ghostly pep talks is sweet, but I'm gonna need him to come out of his coma stat so that he can clean house, as in kicking Helena & Cyrus' asses out of it.


  Another character who's working my last nerve is Gemma. Like I've said before, Ophelia's not one of my faves, either, but at least she cares about Liam. His world is coming apart at the seams, but Gemma couldn't care less. Chances are Gemma hasn't even called nor texted Liam since Liam's non coronation, much less looked for him. As for Gemma's claim that she "let" Liam & Ophelia be together, news flash, bitch: you are Liam's ex-girlfriend. He dumped your stalker ass for a reason. You aren't Liam's current girlfriend nor his wife and Heaven willing, you'll never be the latter. You aren't even Liam's fuck buddy, for fuck's sake. That Helena likes you because you're just like her is reason enough why Liam shouldn't take you back. The last thing Liam needs in his life is another spoiled, lying and selfish bitch who takes him for granted, when she's not trying to control him. Kicking you to the curb is one of the smartest things Liam has ever done, as far as I'm concerned.





Missed Gemma. She really brings sparks when she's around. Why would she be interested in boring Liam? She deserves better.


  I'm one of the few people who actually likes Gemma and I find her more multi-faceted and interesting than Ophelia. I think she legitimately loves Liam. She may have gotten into the relationship for all the wrong reasons but she grew to love him. Hell, I wouldn't mind her and Marcus getting together because he seems to call her out on her bullshit.


  I totally disagree. Gemma would "deserve better" if she was a better person who truly loves Liam, but when it comes to Liam, as Gemma has proven time and time again, she's not even close.  Gemma's idea of loving Liam isn't love at all. IMO, Gemma doesn't love Liam, she just loves what she thought he represented, as in the throne, but now that that doesn't seem to be an option anymore, she couldn't kick him to the curb fast enough. Looks like all of Gemma's post-breakup stalking and harassing Liam has been for nothing. As for Gemma getting with Marcus, my vote: "No way." Marcus deserves better. Much better.


  Re Boone, the guy who claims to be Robert's killer, after hearing his confession to Eleanor, I'm more convinced than ever that not only is Robert not dead, Boone is his lover, not his killer and Robert faked his own death so that they could be together. About Ted, while he's not "perfect," if he was fired, Helena and/or Cyrus would replace him with someone way worse and given how Helena & Cyrus have treated Simon and what's happened to him since, it's not worth the risk.


  About Rachel's being a dominatrix, whatever.

Edited by DollEyes
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I am FINALLY catching up on this show. I forgot how engrossing it is. Total TV junk food. Anyway, I'll settle over here as being the one person who really enjoys Liam and Ophelia. I do think the writers missed the mark by putting them together so soon, though. I'd have liked it better if they'd never met before and slowly got together.


I like Gemma too because the actress is at least trying for some nuance in her performance; it wouldn't surprise me if she actually does care for Liam. I think she's actually the more realistic character between her and Ophelia. Most princes DO cheat, they do date lots of women, and it's expected that his eventual wife will turn a blind eye and wait for him. Sad, but it's how royal circles tend to work.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
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