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Little Women: NY - General Discussion

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  On 4/30/2015 at 6:36 PM, bref said:

Dammit, Dawn, stop making it hard to defend you!


I actually had some respect for her position on little people in entertainment, that it can be exploitative, and her passion to do something more "respectable" for herself. She seems very smart and confident and I WANT TO LIKE HER, but man--what a bitch. (She gets half a point added back for giving up the master bedroom with minimal drama, though.)


The boyfriends seem nice overall. I actually do like this group and their chemistry. Misty can miss me with her whining, girl, you got the finale spot! Even a rube like me knows that's the crown jewel in a fashion show!

oh shit, i don't know if this is hinted at in the previews for the next episode, but I googled the dwarf fashion show and saw this. I guess changes were made re the finale spot:




also, i agree that the boyfriends all seem really nice. It's refreshing after Little Women LA.  

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Yes, Jason was definitely being very messy this episode which sucks because he makes me laugh fairly often.  That said, though, I really didn't think Misty's anger towards Jordanna was justified.  Jealousy?  Sure, I can understand that, but Jordanna, as far as I can tell, didn't do anything to stab Misty in the back.  It was the designer's decision to let her wear the money dress, it was the designer's decision to offer her to walk in the Paris fashion show.  Like Jordanna said, what was she supposed to do, say no?  It's business and nothing personal.


I have to say, I thought Misty was acting like an entitled bitch to put it bluntly.  "It was MY dress and she took it!  It was MY trip to Paris and she took it!"  Um, no, the designer told you they still had to make a decision.  Plus, maybe you shouldn't outright insult the designer's clothes either; that miiiiight be another reason why you didn't get the finale outfit or an offer to walk in Paris.  Just sayin'.  I think Misty was totally showing her age here - totally immature, unprofessional, and inexperienced.  Pouty, insulting, and unappreciative... this is NOT how you act in any field of business if you want to advance.


I was a little shocked by the designer bluntly telling Misty that she needed to lose weight, but then again, I wasn't after a moment because this is the fashion industry we're talking about.  I guess that may have been another reason why Misty didn't get an offer.


Jordanna, you're definitely pretty, but please, for the love of God, get a new hairstyle.  Super curly is one thing and absolutely fine, but the middle part that makes you look like you have Herman Munster's flat-topped head is not working.


I couldn't help but notice Dawn's huge smirk and grin when Jason and Jordanna were going at it.  She not only loves creating the drama herself, but she clearly loves any drama where people are cutting each others' throats.  What a bitch.


I'm glad Dawn actually apologized to Jazmin, but I still don't believe for a damn minute she meant it or that she learned from this.  She doesn't give a shit who she hurts or that just because she's being "brutally honest", it doesn't make it okay.  Learn some humility and boundaries, you idiot.


This episode and the previews for next week's episode have me feeling slightly disappointed because it seems like the LA cattiness has now infiltrated NY.  Some drama - believable drama, that is - is understandable and okay.  Constantly being screaming harpy bitches every episode is not necessary. Sigh.

Edited by LIGirl
  • Love 6

Dawn is just a bitch.  Plain and simple.  She is not a happy person and she does love cutting other's down to just feel better.  She is just a miserable person.  I don't believe for one minute her apology was sincere to Jazmin.

Jason was just a bitch.  I am not a big fan of Jordana but she really didn't do anything to Misty.  Jordana looked much better in the Money Dress than Misty.  I would bet Misty wasn't asked because of her attitude.  Misty was an ungrateful bitch to the designer.  I wouldn't take her to Paris.

  • Love 3

I think Misty needs to find a new occupation.  She's never modeled before, the designer thinks she's too fat, she tears up petulantly in front of the designer, then she criticizes the outfit to the designer.  In what world does this girl think she would be offered another job?  She's lucky she wasn't thrown out on her ass.  If the designer saw cute little Jazmin in the audience, maybe she would have been.  When even roommate Kristen thinks you're being immature and unprofessional, you need to pump your brakes.


I also think Misty needs to have a proper bra fitting.  Even in her bra, her breasts sag significantly.


I'm finding Lila irresistible.  I know she's a mess but she's my favorite.

  • Love 5

Misty needs to buy a clue - she isn't ready for the modeling or entertainment industry if she's getting all butt-hurt and hostile towards her co-worker/competition and boss/designer.  Jordana didn't do anything except accept an offer that was made - had she declined, the designer would have chosen someone else to replace Misty frowny face.


Jason couldn't wait a hot minute to spread gossip - he's worse than all the hens combined.


Dawn still strikes me as an insincere beyotch.  Jazmin seems to be a sweetie, and (sorry but) Lila looks old & busted down desperate.

  • Love 5
  On 5/7/2015 at 9:38 PM, RedheadZombie said:
I also think Misty needs to have a proper bra fitting.  Even in her bra, her breasts sag significantly.




Amen. The reason Misty didn't get that money dress wasn't because she was fat, but the fact that it accentuated her horrible cleavage. That dress had no built in support so it needed a model with a relatively flat or, at least, a much smaller chest. When Misty had it on, it looked like she had a hole in her chest because of her cleavage. The second outfit looked much better on her. She is far too young to have cleavage that droopy so it's all the fault of a terrible bra. And, to be fair, I have a large bosom so I know what I'm talking about. I couldn't have worn that money dress, either.

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I wanted to see Jordanna beat the shit out of Jason. He is the biggest two faced pot stirer diva of the bunch.

Misty was way out of line. The designer decided who would wear the money dress and go to Paris, it wasn't Jordanna's fault she got picked for both. And Gee, Misty, next time you want a job maybe it would be a good idea not to insult the person who might hire you.

Jordanna does look fit, great abs. She needs to get a new hairdo. The fried perm look is not flattering at all.

I think Jazmin is cute, she'd make a good model. I don't think Dawns apology was sincere but these two are family so it's better they get along rather than fight.

I think Kristen and Lila look a little old-ish. I like Lila though, she's funny.

Edited by Straycat80
  • Love 4

When the fashion designer told Misty "Lose some weight." I thought "Eek. Welcome to the fashion world honey." Funny thing is Misty pooh-poohed the comment & claimed she loved her curves.

The whole Misty / Jason / Jordanna jealousy over the money dress / going to Paris crap felt very manufactured to me.

I find Lila funny & entertaining

All the ladies looked very pretty at the fashion show all dolled up.

  • Love 3

That was just ridiculous. Misty, you and your gummy smile won't be walking in Paris. Get over it. No one "stole" the gig from you because it wasn't yours to begin with. Jordana is much cuter, despite the crunchy perm. I adore Lila, have since she first popped up on the LA show. I would totally watch a show just based on her!

Edited by kitten59
  • Love 1
  On 5/10/2015 at 11:16 PM, RedheadZombie said:

I'd watch a Lila show, too. I love when she called LA Joe a beedy-eyed bastard.


I thought Lila was going to be the center piece of the show, but it truly appears to be an ensemble with story lines that don't directly involve her. If Lila were to ever receive a spinoff I'd tune in.

  • Love 1

In Dawn's own words about the "little people burlesque show", all I have to say about her charity event is, "That... was a joke!"  The nonprofit is called Distributing Dignity and yet, there was nothing dignified about that so-called charity event.  Not by the way Dawn put it together.  I'd be downright insulted if I was the founder of that charity.  I mean, according to the way this show portrayed it, Dawn threw that shit together like she truly didn't give a shit.  I mean, first, she found the venue a mere 3 days before the event.  The venue holds 100 people.  So she wants 100 people to show up when she finalized the location only 3 days prior?  Yeah, send out an invite and see how many people can drop everything they're doing and run to a nonprofit charity function with 3 days notice.  Jeez, she really would need Jason or someone standing out there like the Salvation Army Santa at Christmastime ringing the bell to get peoples' attention (and donation) to come in.


Then she expects her non-artist friends to paint vaginas... um, excuse me, "a woman's essence", and expects people to buy that lame crap?  Sorry, but no.  And I guess many of the paintings were really bad not only because of the peoples' reactions to some of them, but because the editors had to freakin' blur out several of the pictures!  Seriously, Dawn?  We're not auctioning off Georgia O'Keeffe pieces here.


I don't really give a crap what the surrounding area of the venue looked like because I know there are lots of beautiful spaces in NYC that, on the outside, look really sketchy until you go inside.  But Misty and Kristin did have a point only because it was totally hypocritical for Dawn to criticize their place in such a way when this venue could by criticized the same way.


Why would the goodie bags have tampons?  I thought the sanitary products were supposed to be donated to those in need, not given in a goodie bag to those who came to donate to the charity.  Am I missing something here?


If Dawn is truly in charge of organizing charity events for her job and this entire thing wasn't a total setup by this show's producers, I'd either fire her ass (especially since this has now been "publicized" on national TV) or, at the very least, strip her of that responsibility.  It was pretty embarrassing on several levels. 


I'm really, really disappointed with the direction this show has taken within the last couple of episodes (and also, judging by the previews for next week's episode).  I honestly thought it was going to be less trashy and bitchy than the LA series, but it's quickly become the screechy, backstabbing, harpy bitches show.  No, thank you.

  • Love 5

Jason and Misty can bite it--for all the reasons that have been mentioned. If it hadn't been Jordanna it still would not have been Misty. Jordanna didn't steal shit.

I like Jordanna's hair--except when she does the middle part/flat top thing. I think her curls are different, and when styled just-so, I think her hair is lovely.

The apology between Dawn and Jazmin felt like real emotion; let's see how long it lasts.

I can't believe these so-called friends argue and fuss all the time! It's exhausting.

Shallow moment: In the opening montage, I crack UP every time Kristen comes up eating that damn olive off the toothpick. Everything about that shot is so wrong that it makes me, LOL.

Edited by Scorpiosunshine
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  On 5/14/2015 at 4:48 PM, radishcake said:

Actually tampons and other menstruation products are a HUGE deal for the homeless. That stuff is rarely donated to shelters and it's freaking expensive. Especially since you need it every month. 

Yea, but they were in goodie bags......

I guess the theme of this mess is to get into a huge fight with one of your closest besties, then next episode kiss and make up like nothing ever happened. Misty/Jordanna and Dawn/ Brianna) next it will be Jason/ Jordanna). Lila's the only one I like at this point. 

  • Love 3

I think Dawn said the goodie bags were going to be given to the homeless.  Hopefully they were just on display to show what the organization does.


I freaking hate Jason now more than I hate Dawn.  What a bitchy little a-hole!  I don't agree with Jordana calling him a coward, but how much is he going to try and torture her?  I also am really starting to like Lila which is weird because I thought she was horrible on the LA show.



  • Love 2


Did Jason know which painting for Jordanna's ?  I'm wondering how her's was the last one to be uncovered, making it convenient for Jason to do what he did.


He 100% knew, and it's getting painfully clear that the series is scripted lol. (I mean, it's no surprise since most reality tv is "strongly guided," including the Little Women LA version.) I'm sure producers pulled Jason to the side and instructed him to unveil Jordanna's painting last and auction it for pennies to rev up the drama.  The problem is that even if the producers orchestrate the fights, real feelings get hurt.


I can still sense that Dawn is a bitch in real life though lol.

Edited by JoJoPowerRanger
  On 5/15/2015 at 1:13 AM, JoJoPowerRanger said:

He 100% knew, and it's getting painfully clear that the series is scripted lol. (I mean, it's no surprise since most reality tv is "strongly guided," including the Little Women LA version.) I'm sure producers pulled Jason to the side and instructed him to unveil Jordanna's painting last and auction it for pennies to rev up the drama. The problem is that even if the producers orchestrate the fights, real feelings get hurt.

I can still sense that Dawn is a bitch in real life though lol.

Totally agree. When anybody does a TH head interview it sounds like they are reading from a script. Especially Jordanna.

It wasn't right for Jordanna's painting to go for such little money, the money was for a charity so the charity had a loss because of some stupid, immature fight. All these people fight and make up too fast which in the real world is not usually normal. I'll bet Jason and Jordanna make up by he end of this season.

Edited by Straycat80
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  On 5/15/2015 at 3:26 AM, Scorpiosunshine said:

I cannot tell you how happy I am to read others snark on the olive shot; I feel validated, lol! I can't believe she and the producers think that is a good look.


I think the main problem is they chose the largest olive in the world for that shot. If they had chosen a smaller type of olive, it would have looked less awful. But I agree, it makes her look terrible to be shoving that thing into her gaping maw.

  • Love 3
  On 5/15/2015 at 2:57 AM, Straycat80 said:

I'll bet Jason and Jordanna make up by the end of this season.


They will probably make up by the end of the next episode. What this episode made clear to me is that I obviously don't understand what "best friend" means. Jordanna claimed Jason is her best friend, and he claimed the same, but in the same episode Misty said Jordanna was her best friend. But wait, wasn't Kristen Misty's best friend a few episodes ago? And Lila claimed Jason as best friend, and vice versa, in episode one. Yet they all treat each other like crap.

  • Love 2

I think Dawn had already begun planning the event and had secured the location and was just checking the space again the day she and whoever went there. But the whole let's paint our vaginas and auction the "art" for charity was very bizarre and she definitely should have had some finger foods to go with the champs. Did she even have ginger ale for Lila?


Jason is a complete asshole and the questions he asked about tampons and their shape were insanely idiotic. Is he unaware of basic anatomy? He also should have insisted on a different storyline because this acting like a huge bitch thing over being called a coward is making him look like a complete pussy. There are far worse circumstances under which to be called a coward. He already explained his culture's traditions, that he isn't going to go bankrupt to prove a point, so why is he giving a fuck about what Jordanna said and her poor choice of words. He clearly must really be a coward, otherwise he wouldn't be acting like such a crazy shrew. Not a good look at all, dude. He's a weirdo.

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  On 5/15/2015 at 4:20 PM, politichick said:

I think Dawn had already begun planning the event and had secured the location and was just checking the space again the day she and whoever went there. But the whole let's paint our vaginas and auction the "art" for charity was very bizarre and she definitely should have had some finger foods to go with the champs. Did she even have ginger ale for Lila?


Jason is a complete asshole and the questions he asked about tampons and their shape were insanely idiotic. Is he unaware of basic anatomy? He also should have insisted on a different storyline because this acting like a huge bitch thing over being called a coward is making him look like a complete pussy. There are far worse circumstances under which to be called a coward. He already explained his culture's traditions, that he isn't going to go bankrupt to prove a point, so why is he giving a fuck about what Jordanna said and her poor choice of words. He clearly must really be a coward, otherwise he wouldn't be acting like such a crazy shrew. Not a good look at all, dude. He's a weirdo.

To your point about an alternative drink for Lila, so true, I didn't even think that! You're probably a very thoughtful person IRL


Re your point about Jason, I don't know, I'm always surprised how dumb/unaware my bf is about monthly cycles. TMI story: Once when we were apartment hunting, I had to leave my bf alone with the realtor because I had an appointment with different one, and I made a quiet exit. Later my bf told me that he told the first realtor I had to leave because I had cramps. I was like, so you told this random guy I was on my period? you couldn't come up with a less TMI excuse for me? He was like OHHHH that's what "cramps" mean?? He had no idea that cramps were a symptom of periods. 


So yeah Jason's oblivion doesn't surprise me

  • Love 2

What are champs??


I know costs have to be kept low so the charity gets more money but that was sad.  I think people are more likely to give if they see some effort put into the event.  Those paintings were ridiculous so good on the people for still bidding so much for them.  It really is a good cause.  When we donate to the food bank we always give things like toilet paper, toothpaste, etc.


Jason was a real jerk.  I'm not sure if the auction drama was producer driven...he was having too much fun with it.  I haven't liked him since episode 1.



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I've hated the way it's so obvious everyone is reading their lines in their TH's.  I said it at the beginning that if that's how they sound reading lines and they're pretty much all in the entertainment business (besides Dawn, obviously), then it's no wonder they don't seem to get much work.  Yikes.


  On 5/15/2015 at 5:18 PM, JoJoPowerRanger said:

To your point about an alternative drink for Lila, so true, I didn't even think that! You're probably a very thoughtful person IRL


Yeah, but we've already seen how unthoughtful and self-centered Dawn is, so I'm not surprised that she didn't include anything non-alcoholic, especially since she's already shown that she doesn't give a damn about Lila's sobriety or doing anything to encourage her to stay on the wagon.

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  On 5/14/2015 at 8:03 AM, Scorpiosunshine said:

I can't believe these so-called friends argue and fuss all the time! It's exhausting.


Best Friends!!!


They toss that around to the point that I don't think it means what they think it does.




Shallow moment: In the opening montage, I crack UP every time Kristen comes up eating that damn olive off the toothpick. Everything about that shot is so wrong that it makes me, LOL.




You guys are killing me with this olive talk.

Edited by jonesingjay
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  On 5/7/2015 at 5:36 PM, iluvobx said:

Dawn is just a bitch.  Plain and simple.  She is not a happy person and she does love cutting other's down to just feel better.  She is just a miserable person.  I don't believe for one minute her apology was sincere to Jazmin.

Jason was just a bitch.  I am not a big fan of Jordana but she really didn't do anything to Misty.  Jordana looked much better in the Money Dress than Misty.  I would bet Misty wasn't asked because of her attitude.  Misty was an ungrateful bitch to the designer.  I wouldn't take her to Paris.

After having watched the shows available OnDemand, I can't get over Dawn.  Wow, she is such a hateful and bitter person.  Her anger and unhappiness flows off of her in waves.  She is mean and cruel and she enjoys seeing other people in confrontations and unhappy.  She is a miserable excuse as a person and I found myself wishing one of the other cast members would slap her in the face.  

  • Love 2
  On 5/7/2015 at 7:18 AM, LIGirl said:

Yes, Jason was definitely being very messy this episode which sucks because he makes me laugh fairly often.  That said, though, I really didn't think Misty's anger towards Jordanna was justified.  Jealousy?  Sure, I can understand that, but Jordanna, as far as I can tell, didn't do anything to stab Misty in the back.  It was the designer's decision to let her wear the money dress, it was the designer's decision to offer her to walk in the Paris fashion show.  Like Jordanna said, what was she supposed to do, say no?  It's business and nothing personal.


I have to say, I thought Misty was acting like an entitled bitch to put it bluntly.  "It was MY dress and she took it!  It was MY trip to Paris and she took it!"  Um, no, the designer told you they still had to make a decision.  Plus, maybe you shouldn't outright insult the designer's clothes either; that miiiiight be another reason why you didn't get the finale outfit or an offer to walk in Paris.  Just sayin'.  I think Misty was totally showing her age here - totally immature, unprofessional, and inexperienced.  Pouty, insulting, and unappreciative... this is NOT how you act in any field of business if you want to advance.


I was a little shocked by the designer bluntly telling Misty that she needed to lose weight, but then again, I wasn't after a moment because this is the fashion industry we're talking about.  I guess that may have been another reason why Misty didn't get an offer.


Jordanna, you're definitely pretty, but please, for the love of God, get a new hairstyle.  Super curly is one thing and absolutely fine, but the middle part that makes you look like you have Herman Munster's flat-topped head is not working.


I couldn't help but notice Dawn's huge smirk and grin when Jason and Jordanna were going at it.  She not only loves creating the drama herself, but she clearly loves any drama where people are cutting each others' throats.  What a bitch.


I'm glad Dawn actually apologized to Jazmin, but I still don't believe for a damn minute she meant it or that she learned from this.  She doesn't give a shit who she hurts or that just because she's being "brutally honest", it doesn't make it okay.  Learn some humility and boundaries, you idiot.


This episode and the previews for next week's episode have me feeling slightly disappointed because it seems like the LA cattiness has now infiltrated NY.  Some drama - believable drama, that is - is understandable and okay.  Constantly being screaming harpy bitches every episode is not necessary. Sigh.



I don't know if I can continue to watch because the constant drama is too exhausting.  Dawn especially is hard to take because she is bitter and angry.  What she calls brutal honesty is passive aggressive hostility.  She's manipulative and has used her size to get away with insulting anyone and everyone.  She is a miserable and unpleasant person.  I will have to fast forward through any Dawn material if I do dare watch again. 

  • Love 2

I saw Side Show on Broadway last fall. The show is based on the lives of Daisy and Violet Hilton, conjoined twins who became very popular Vaudeville era performers. When they were young they were trotted out as circus side show attractions, and Jordanna was a part of that ensemble. She and a male little person portrayed "The World's Tiniest Cossacks". As she referenced when she took the singing lesson on the show, Jordanna was primarily a dancer in Side Show, though she did sing with the ensemble.

As a person with a physical difference myself, I really appreciated the show. The Hiltons, along with anyone who was considered physically "different" back in those days, were exploited and treated as freaks. It's the harsh reality. And the show makes that clear. But it portrayed them as women of great strength and character throughout all their hardships. The musical itself was not done in a way that exploited or made fun of those who are different, but rather drove home the idea that those who were doing the exploitation were far greater "freaks" with severe character flaws.

  • Love 1

It sure the hell is. He acts like an over-the-top bitch because she called him a coward for not moving out of his family home and then cries like a little bitch after the boat incident. I detest him. Also, did he ever say whether or not he's gay? I can't imagine anyone wanting to be in a relationship with him -- man or woman.

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