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Supernatural Obsession: Quotes, Memorable Moments, etc

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I love everyone's lists and realize that, despite my complaints about this show, narrowing it down to just 20 favorites is surprisingly difficult! In chronological order:


1. Pilot (Even if we had to cut the list to just five most rewatchable favorites, this would make my list!)

2. Scarecrow

3. Benders

4. Hell House 

5. Tall Tales

6. Born Under a Bad Sign 

7. Bad Day at Bad Rock

8. A Very Supernatural Christmas 

9. Mystery Spot 

10. It's a Terrible Life (for reasons I can't begin to explain, I find this one even more rewatchable than the stellar What Is and Never Should Be)

11. The End

12. Sam Interrupted 

13. Appointment in Samarra (I just find this one weirdly fascinating!)

14. Slash Fiction (despite my mixed feelings about later seasons, I seriously LOVE this episode beyond reason)

15. Fan Fiction 


The other five spots would be filled with all S1-S3 episodes, but my favorites tend to change and somehow I can't choose among them! 


I think the biggest surprise of my list is that I didn't include more of S2, which used to be my very favorite season by a fairly wide margin. It just doesn't hold up quite as well for me with rewatch as S1 and S3 do...or maybe I just let myself watch it way too many times. I'm also surprised that later seasons were represented on this list---there was a time when I would have sworn that ALL of my top 15-20 favorites would come from S1-S3, but somewhere along the line that changed. I think with time I put aside my disappointment about overall seasons enough to appreciate some of the individual gems they contained. 

Edited by amensisterfriend
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It would take far too long to rank by preference (ranking each episode per season, then comparing the #1s, #2s, etc., trying to figure out if a lower ranking episode from one season might be better than a high-ranking from another, and so on and so forth), so I'll go chronological as well.


1.  Faith  (One of the best musical moments.)

2.  Hell House  (Richardson, Texas.  Ha!)

3.  In My Time of Dying  (What's not to love?)

4.  Nightshifter  (Probably the best musical moment for me.)

5.  Hollywood Babylon (Love Dean's enthusiasm.  Plus, a good ghost story.)

6.  Folsom Prison Blues  (Another good ghost story, plus a great musical moment at the end.)

7.  A Very Supernatural Christmas  (Love the mix of horror and humor.)

8.  Mystery Spot  (Again, what's not to love?)

9.  Lazarus Rising  (Incredible introduction for Castiel.)

10.  Changing Channels  (I'm one of the few that, I think, liked the change from Trickster to Gabriel.)

11.  Dark Side of the Moon  (Dean looking at Mary when she cuts his sandwich gets me every time.)

12.  Weekend at Bobby's  (My best non-Sam-and-Dean episode.)

13.  The French Mistake  (Way over the top, but I love it.)

14.  Hunteri Heroici  (Great guest star, great gags, such a sweet ending.)

15.  Dog Dean Afternoon  (Love the guest star, also way over the top, but Dean's puppy dog eyes are just too damn adorable.)


I think my list shows I like a nice mix of the humorous and the emotional stuff.  What I find even more interesting is that I didn't include any S7 episodes.  This might show that I'm not fond of S7, but that's not the case.  :-)  Actually, of the post-Kripke era, S7 is probably my favorite.  It was a very even season for me.  While there were episodes that I really enjoyed (Slash Fiction, for example), I don't know what I would remove to add it in.

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1. Pilot

2. Bloody Mary - The Rolling Stones moment, and our first glimpse of a Not!Sam and the awesome reveal of "You dreamt it would happen!"

3. Home

4. Faith - "I'm not gonna let you die period." "Don't Fear the Reaper"

5. In My Time of Dying - The ending that broke my heart.

6. Nightshifter - I almost typed "Renegade" as the title.

7. Born Under a Bad Sign - My absolute favorite. "My daddy shot your daddy in the he-ead." Awesome use of Bobby.

8. What is and What Should Never Be - Why is Jess in all my favorite episodes?

9. All Hell Breaks Loose Part 1 - Best Winchester death ever

10. A Very Supernatural Christmas

11. Lazarus Rising

12. The Monster at the End of this Book - "They do know we're brothers, right?" scene. I believe we're the first fandom to scare fictional characters for life.

13. Lucifer Rising

14. Free to Be You and Me - Jessica appearance, Lucifer trickery, "Simple Man," Dean and Castiel time. What's not to love?

15. Changing Channels - Herpexia

16. Live Free or TwiHard - The Soulless Sam reveal, Vampire Dean, Twilight mocking

17. Clap Your Hands if You Believe - Soulless Sam is hilarious. "It would be in the dark!"

18. The French Mistake - Self-deprecation at its best

19. Fan Fiction - So we've had a pretty long gap in favorites.


I've been a very casual fan the last few seasons. Other shows kept getting prioritized over the boys. But dang, the musical hit me in right in the feels. And I'm shocked at how many season 6 episodes I picked. I knew seasons 1 and 2 were my favorites. The first season was actually scary sometimes, and I miss the simplicity of a demon being the big bad. Plus, I want Sam to be my favorite and he's at his best in the early years.

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Plus, I want Sam to be my favorite and he's at his best in the early years.


I also really liked him in season 7 (starting from the soul return mid season 6). It's one of the reasons I really like that season.


Bloody Mary - The Rolling Stones moment


I loved that entire scene that played through that song.

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We are just now starting season 6, but I took our top 3 from each of the survival game votes.  I wondered what we would vote off first if you had to compare season to season.  The list only includes the top 3 that survived in the survival game. 


I wonder how many would agree they all belong on the top 30 out of 200 eps.  So I guess once we finish the seasons the game could be the top 30 from the list of winners, Just wondering how we as a group would decide the fate.  I know I'm evil aren't I?  Also see how I'm avoiding creating my own list of the top 30.  :)


1.  Pilot
2.  Scarecrow
3.  Faith
4.  In My Time of Dying
5.  What Is and What Should Never Be
6.  Hollywood Babylon
7.  Mystery Spot
8.  A Very Supernatural Christmas
9.  Bad Day at Black Rock
10.  Lazarus Rising
11.  The Monster at the End of This Book
12.  Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester
13.  The End
14.  Dark Side of the Moon
15.  Changing Channels


The list is not the order of the top 15, just in order of the top 3 from each season 1 - 5, in case that wasn't clear.  I love too many that are on this list.

Edited by 7kstar
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In My Time of Dying

What Is and What Should Never Be


These are, IMO, easily two of the very best episodes of the series...but yet somehow I find myself not wanting to rewatch them all that often!  


I totally agree with this. While What Is And What Should Never Be didn't make my list in the end, I still regard it as one of the very best episodes they ever made. I think there are some episodes I hold so very dear so I try not to watch them too much. I like to keep them new and shiny and kinda special rather than spoiling them with over-watching.

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These are, IMO, easily two of the very best episodes of the series...but yet somehow I find myself not wanting to rewatch them all that often!

A health sense of self preservation of your mental health? Cause these kinda rip your heart to shreds and leave it puddled on the floor?

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Looking at some of the recent lists I've realized that I somehow managed to leave "Faith" off my list. How I made that egregious error, I don't even know. I may be redoing my list in the near future. ;-)

I wonder how many would agree they all belong on the top 30 out of 200 eps.  So I guess once we finish the seasons the game could be the top 30 from the list of winners, Just wondering how we as a group would decide the fate.  I know I'm evil aren't I?  Also see how I'm avoiding creating my own list of the top 30.  :)

I love this idea -- I think it would be fantastic.
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Lynn from Fangasm once again has a delightful little article from the Jensen Ackles M&G from Burcon this past weekend. While there are always a TON of reports, Lynn's is particularly insightful regarding Jensen's feelings for fandom. I think it's spoiler-free although it does indicate how Sam and Dean are feeling about each other post the 200th episode.


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This is just something lighthearted that you guys might find funny. On Saturday, I spent too much time on here when I was supposed to be doing my makeup/etc and ran late meeting up with people, so SPN was still on my mind when I was finally on my way to the bar, and this came on the radio:
2 Chainz's $300 Hamburger
So of course I thought of Dean, but figured that I needed to stop obsessing (plus, everyone likes hamburgers, right? that's pretty generic). But then the next song on was this:
Bone Thugs N Harmony's "Tha Crossroads"


Which I thought was funny. And when I was getting the youtube of the Bone Thugs-n-Harmony song just now, this is what was happening in the video:
Uncle George gets touched by the crossroads demon/devil and goes black-eyes




And is that seriously a black Chevy Impala? I don't know enough about cars to tell, but it looks like it to me (albeit not the same year as Baby).






So OK, maybe some of it is just me being obsessive, but COME ON that reminds you of SPN, too, doesn't it? :P

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Oh gosh. I can't even count the number of times I've watched


1)Dean mourning Sam from AHBL2

2) On the Head of a Pin all of it

3) Heaven and Hell last 10 minutes

4) Dean vs Samifer  and Dean vs Dean

5) Dean going to Hell in NRftW

6) Dean and Cas reunion in s8

7) Dean dying and resurrecting as a demon because I apparently have a serious problem 

8) Errything about Demon!Dean

9)All of First Born

10) Meg!Sam


blah, blah, blah, blah.  ALL THE SCENES LOL

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I think I've watched Mystery Spot enough times to set a (very scary) new record. And I always pause and rewind the Dean/Sam hug at the end a good 7-8 times for good measure :) 


And the Pilot just...guys, don't get me started. Whether it's introducing the series to a newbie, a vague plan to watch the whole show from the beginning (which never happens, but whatever!) or just an urge to see an episode that's still one of my very favorites, I must have seen the Pilot about 50 times. I REALLY wish I were kidding. 


And then there's Benders (I adore Kathleen and just have a thing about this episode!), Born Under a Bad Sign, Tall Tales, Slash Fiction (don't even make me defend why I'm so obsessed with this one!), the scene where Dean holds StabbedSam at the end of AHBL Part 1... 


I need a life. :) 

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I've only watched the pilot twice.  It's a great pilot but I just don't think it's as good as many of the subsequent episodes.  


Now there are some pilot episodes of shows that still remain the best of the series which I tells me that SPN figured out exactly what makes the show tick early on.  So glad they got better over the years.

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I tend to re-watch the whole thing, one right after another. I don't like watching it out of order and it really warps my sense of reality if I watch certain scenes over and over again--learned my lesson on that one the hard way. But, I'm sure the amount of times I've seen the whole series would not be considered a healthy number.


So, if we're throwing out things that remind us of the show, for me these two songs always make me think of Supernatural when they cycle around on my iPod. There are others too--especially some of the music that was in the show--but these two have nothing to do with the show, but get me thinking about it every damn time.


Son of Dave: Devil Take My Soul...



The Frames: Angel At My Table...

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A couple of months ago, while running, I was listening to My Chemical Romance's Black Parade album.  Frankly, I've listened to it an unhealthy amount of times, but this time, I accidentally synced it up with TNT playing Supernatural.  (I wish I could remember which episode.)  The lyrics to Welcome to the Black Parade about knocked me over:


When I was a young boy,
My father took me into the city
To see a marching band.

He said, "Son when you grow up,
would you be the saviour of the broken,
the beaten and the damned?"
He said "Will you defeat them,
your demons, and all the non-believers,
the plans that they have made?"
"Because one day I'll leave you,
A phantom to lead you in the summer,
To join The Black Parade."


When I was a young boy,
My father took me into the city
To see a marching band.
He said, "Son when you grow up,
would you be the saviour of the broken,
the beaten and the damned?"


Sometimes I get the feeling she's watching over me.
And other times I feel like I should go.
And through it all, the rise and fall, the bodies in the streets.
And when you're gone we want you all to know.


We'll carry on,
We'll carry on
And though you're dead and gone believe me
Your memory will carry on
We'll carry on
And in my heart I can't contain it
The anthem won't explain it.


A world that sends you reeling from decimated dreams
Your misery and hate will kill us all.
So paint it black and take it back
Let's shout it loud and clear
Defiant to the end we hear the call


To carry on
We'll carry on
And though you're dead and gone believe me
Your memory will carry on
We'll carry on
And though you're broken and defeated
Your weary widow marches


On and on we carry through the fears
Ooh oh ohhhh
Disappointed faces of your peers
Ooh oh ohhhh
Take a look at me cause I could not care at all


Do or die, you'll never make me
Because the world will never take my heart
Go and try, you'll never break me
We want it all, we wanna play this part
I won't explain or say I'm sorry
I'm unashamed, I'm gonna show my scar
Give a cheer for all the broken
Listen here, because it's who we are


I'm just a man, I'm not a hero
Just a boy, who had to sing this song
I'm just a man, I'm not a hero
I! don't! care!


We'll carry on
We'll carry on
And though you're dead and gone believe me
Your memory will carry on
We'll carry on
And though you're broken and defeated
Your weary widow marches on


Do or die, you'll never make me
Because the world will never take my heart
Go and try, you'll never break me

We want it all, we wanna play this part (We'll carry on)

Because the world will never take my heart (We'll carry on)
We want it all, we wanna play this part (We'll carry on)

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Demented Daisy, on 22 Dec 2014 - 9:50 PM, said:

A couple of months ago, while running, I was listening to My Chemical Romance's Black Parade album.  Frankly, I've listened to it an unhealthy amount of times, but this time, I accidentally synced it up with TNT playing Supernatural.  (I wish I could remember which episode.)  The lyrics to Welcome to the Black Parade about knocked me over:


I'm thinking In My Time Of Dying might work especially well with it. But, I can think of at least three others too--Lazarus Rising, The Pilot and maybe Devil's Trap? I love this song, BTW.


ETA: I'm now having flashbacks to my college days and some experimental watching of The Wizard Of Oz.  I didn't inhale...REALLY!

Edited by DittyDotDot
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The show needs to incorporate this or surely there is a fanvid with this.  Damn DD. That's fantastic


You think that's bad?  From the same album, these are the lyrics to Sleep:


[Voice recording rewinds and plays certain parts, speeds up and slows down:]


"...Like last night, they are not like tremors, they are worse than tremors,

they are these terrors. And it's like, it feels like as if somebody

was gripping my throat and squeezing and..."


Some say, now suffer all the children

And walk away a savior,

Or a madman and polluted

From gutter institutions.

Don't you breathe for me,

Undeserving of your sympathy,

Cause there ain't no way that I'm sorry for what I did.


And through it all

How could you cry for me?

Cause I don't feel bad about it.

So shut your eyes,

Kiss me goodbye,

And sleep.

Just sleep.


The hardest part is letting go of your dreams.


A drink for the horror that I'm in,

For the good guys, and the bad guys,

For the monsters that I've been.

Three cheers for tyranny,

Unapologetic apathy,

Cause there ain't no way that I'm coming back again.


And through it all

How could you cry for me?

Cause I don't feel bad about it.

So shut your eyes,

Kiss me goodbye,

And sleep.

Just sleep.


The hardest part's the awful things that I've seen.


[Voice recording:]

"...Sometimes I see flames. And sometimes

I see people that I love dying and... it's always..."


Just sleep.

Just sleep.

Just sleep.

Just sleep.

Just sleep.

Just sleep.


[screaming:] Wake up!


[Voice recording:]

"And I can't... I can't ever wake up."

Edited by Demented Daisy
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Figured that since I've got it bad for SPN, I might as well make things official by making it a mixtape. So here's a playlist of my head!canon version of the characters' theme songs.


For Sam:

What Makes a Good Man - The Heavy


For Dean:

Folsom Prison Blues - Everlast


For John:

Henry Nearly Killed Me (It's a Shame) - Ray LaMontagne


For Bobby:

Born Under a Bad Sign - Nina Simone


For Kevin:

Party Up - DMX


For Castiel:

One Day - Matisyahu


For Garth:

New Soul - Yael Naim


For Charlie:

Hotel California - The Eagles


For Ellen & Jo:

Born Under a Bad Sign - Jimi Hendrix


For Lisa & Ben:

Daydream in Blue - I Monster


For Team Free Will:

Good Day - Nappy Roots


For Ruby:

Black Balloon - The Kills


For Lucifer:

Whole Damn Year - Mary J. Blige


For Yellow Eyes:

Lonesome Road - The Heavy***


For Meg:

Someday Baby - R.L. Burnside


For Crowley:

Back to Black - Amy Winehouse


***I didn't want to use the same band for any two characters! But this song is just too good.

Edited by rue721
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Which scenes/episodes do you guys watch with the most frequency? And, since we're all among friends here...how many times have you watched them?! You won't be mocked ;)

I might have mentioned it before, but the scene with Sam, Dean, Audrey, and the teddy bear got me through a long stretch when I was constantly sad/depressed for various reasons. Every time I would lay in bed and not want to do or think about anything I would watch that scene and it would just cheer me up. I really have no explanation why, but it did. It might be my favorite comedic scene of the whole show.


I also watched the first half of "Mystery Spot" a lot too. And the first half of "Faith". And the Ouija scene in "In My Time of Dying." And their argument at the beginning of "Are You There God,..." And Sam relocating Dean's shoulder in "I Know What You Did Last Summer." And the intro scene of "Dark Side of the Moon". And Dean's snarky off-the-rails attitude in "Point of No Return." And Dean talking Sam of the ledge in "Hello, Cruel World."

And Sam getting visions. And Dean's single tears. And them talking in unison. And them yelling each other's names.


So basically, the whole show.

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Reading through this thread makes me realize that y'all are my people, my tribe. No one in my real life gets my supernatural obsession the way you guys do. It may just be my sentimentality from the holiday season seeping through but I want to wish the merriest of Christmases to those who celebrate it and a wonderful new year to everyone.

And in regards to the Favorite scene question, will it this moment it has to be the closing scene of a very supernatural Christmas. When Sam and Dean give each others presents and have yourself a Merry Little Christmas start playing and then the camera pulls out so you can see the Christmas lights gleaming on the Impala's hood, I never fail to get something in my eyes. So sweet and sad and happy all at once.

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You know you're obsessed when you are watching It's A Wonderful life and twice you think about SPN when they mentioned Clarence. I thought of Meg calling him Clarence and how annoying it was that Dean didn't know who Clarence was.

Edited by catrox14
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My Supernatural Obsession moment of the day: Everytime I watch Guardians of the Galaxy (which I LOVE), I can envision Jensen in the lead role and I die a little that he didn't get the chance.



And I want a Groot.  Maybe they could get a dancing Baby Groot for the Bunker.  I'd like that.  

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See, I haven't seen the movie, but it seems I find a role that I think Jensen would be awesome in most things I see lately. This show, I tell ya, will I ever be able live a normal life ever again? ;)


I am so far down the rabbit hole, I think I might need therapy.

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We haven't done this in awhile and have some new posters (and old posters whose minds may have changed with rewatches and the passage of time!), so:


1) How would you guys rank the seasons 1-9...no ties allowed! :) 

2) If you could save just 10-15 episodes to watch over and over (...and over!), which would they be?! 

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I'll go with my admittedly odd order:


1. S1 (I know it's not objectively the 'best' season. It may not even be the second or third best season. But it's become by far the most rewatchable to me. It's comparatively less excessive with the bleakness and angst, it's got (again, comparatively speaking!) a sense of hope, joy, fun and adventure that I really miss in later seasons, it features (IMO) Sam at his most likable, it's got many of my favorite brotherly moments, we get tons of vibrant, life-embracing Dean, and I love many of the myths/urban legends.) 


2. S3 (Mystery Spot! I'm in that minority who really enjoys Bela. Dean's imminent death gave the season a tension and structure that made it tighter than a lot of the other meandering, aimless arcs IMO. It's got at least 2-3 of my personal top 8-9 episodes. It's got a few clunkers and I can't stand Ruby, but overall I always love this season more than expected) 


3. S2 (for much of my time as an SPN watcher, I would have ranked this first. Somehow I overdosed on this season to the point where it's lost a bit of its awesomeness for me, though, and I find myself really not liking the 'grief' arc, the ultimately unrewarding psychic kids stuff, the road house, etc. And for whatever reason, while it's got a greater number of really good episodes than S1 or S3 does for me, it also contains fewer of my personal all time favorites than S1 or S3. It's still got a ton of great episodes, though, and countless great moments.) 


4. S7---I love the partial return to MotW and the relative lack of "I can't stand you but am drearily stuck with you anyway" stuff between the brothers as compared to other post-S3 seasons. It's got a few surprisingly awesome episodes IMO and relatively few that I dislike. 


5. S5


6. S6 


7. S8


8. S9 

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You know you are obsessed with Supernatural when you see R.I.P Dean Smith on Twitter trends and think of our Dean Smith instead of the longtime excellent basketball coach who was a real person that passed away....

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OK I was about to go for a run but a police chase just ended (with the fleeing guys crashing their car and getting chased down by the cops on foot) right across the street. NEVER MIND. I think that staying in here and futzing around on the internet for a few more minutes would probably be better for my health. All things considered.

Edited by rue721
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OK I was about to go for a run but a police chase just ended (with the fleeing guys crashing their car and getting chased down by the cops on foot) right across the street. NEVER MIND. I think that staying in here and futzing around on the internet for a few more minutes would probably be better for my health. All things considered.


Wow!  That is scary!  Yes, it is better to stay inside in that case!  Once, I was driving my son and his friend and the SWAT team was out blocking the street,  Needless to say, I took a detour to avoid it because I didn't want to have to deal with it, let alone the fact that the SWAT team was there because someone was holding hostages and already took a shot out the window at the police.  

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Since my husband has been complaining to me that today is Tuesday, I sent him one of the gifs that shows Sam saying "Yesterday was Tuesday, but today is Tuesday, too!"  He replied that if tomorrow is also Tuesday, he'll have to stake someone, preferably someone having strawberry syrup.  Then he sent me the gif of Castiel saying "Hey, Assbutt!" and said the next coworker who annoys him is getting a Molotov of holy oil.  We have a strange relationship. 

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