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“It’s Too Late” by Carole King – Sung by Kurt and Blaine – Kurt runs into Blaine and his new boyfriend, Karofsky. An awkward meeting turns into a montage of the former lovers singing “It’s Too Late” by Carole King


“Hand in My Pocket/I Feel the Earth Move by Alanis Morissette/Carole King – Sung by Santana and Brittany – What begins as Santana and Brittany demonstrating a mashup to the class, turns into a joyous sexy performance, culminating in Santana proposing marriage to Brittany! Of course, she says yes!


“Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow/Head over Feet” by Carole King/Alanis Morissette – Sung by Mason and Jane. – Jane and Mason team up for a mashup of two romantic King/Morissette songs. They sing them so beautifully, Kurt can’t help but be moved, brought back to happier times with Blaine. His heartbreak is real.

“So Far Away” – by Carole King/Alanis Morissette – Sung by Quinn and Tina – Quinn and Tina team up to help Becky Jackson with relationship troubles.

You Learn/You’ve Got a Friend” – by Alanis Morissette/Carole King – Sung by Rachel, Santana, Kurt, Brittany, Quinn, Tina, Puck, and New Directions – Kurt, Rachel and the gang wrap this puppy up.






Yeah redundant Kurt being upset about Blaine twice in the same episode.


And just what everyone want  a song sung to Becky. ???


And really like Kurt and Rachel wouldn't have demonstrated a mash up themsleves?   Please

Is anybody still interested in Becky? Her one note got old seasons ago.


As for Kurt's endless crying jag, I'm not sure it gets any better than multiple visits to pretty crying breakdown land. We've got crying, a date with Burt's contemporary, the locked in an elevator trope, the came from out of nowhere wedding, then it's back to the past to be bullied by the same jock that left Kurt those sloppy seconds. It's not a good season to be Kurt. At best they might let him return to college by the end of this.

Yeah redundant Kurt being upset about Blaine twice in the same episode.


And just what everyone want  a song sung to Becky. ???


And really like Kurt and Rachel wouldn't have demonstrated a mash up themsleves?   Please

I don't get the Becky thing at all. She is back to her old shenanigans at homecoming and continues to be an awful human being, yet ND fawn all over her. 

And yes on redundant Kurt, like all this is brand new information about him.

Edited by fakeempress

I don't get the Becky thing at all. She is back to her old shenanigans at homecoming and continues to be an awful human being, yet ND fawn all over her. 

I really don't get why it's Tina and Quinn, I sort of get if it was Artie, there's an established friendship there. I don't recall Quinn ever really acknowledging her existence except in Artie's Beckyvention, and I'm sure she was vile to Tina.

I really don't get why it's Tina and Quinn, I sort of get if it was Artie, there's an established friendship there. I don't recall Quinn ever really acknowledging her existence except in Artie's Beckyvention, and I'm sure she was vile to Tina.

It's far from the craziest thing they're doing this season. At least the girls get to sing something nice.

I'm still looking forward to how they get from 4 people in the Glee club to 12 for this invitational.  I'm sure some epic handwaving will occur, but for some reason that just tickles me.  Or maybe they'll go barbershop quartet style?


Tina and Quinn DO sound lovely together - what a stupid show to only discover that now.  

Well for Invitationals they may not need 12 since it is not a competition but for competition it will be obviously the same way as when they only had 4 people in Trouble Tones but 12 to compete.


And even if the show discovered they sounded great before doesn't mean they would have used them again.  Quinn and Rachel sounded great, as did  Kurt and Finn, Rachel and Will, etc and they never got more.   


I have been wondering have Quinn and Tina ever even had dialog between each other before?

Edited by tom87

Brad Falchuk confirmed on Twitter that Blaine actually IS in 6x09(the one set in 2009):


Maybe the characters return to the present at the end, and that 's when we see Blaine.


Some of the comments left on his account didn't seem to pleased with that information. Yeah unless they start and end with it in present time it makes no sense that he would be there. I actually thought they might have kept this to the original 5 who started the show but atlas it seems not. Oh well maybe since they did record this earlier some of the others from 2009 i.e. Naya, Heather and Dianna recorded something for it while they were still on set. If not once again the show will make a mockery of its own show and venture into revisionist history.


"In answer to a few questions - What the source said is that it is meant to be what McKinley would be like without Glee club, not just before Glee club. Which creates an actual alternate universe for the year 2009.

Given that we now know Blaine is in the episode and that Kurt seems to know him, this is actually the only thing that makes sense (a pre-Glee club canon flashback could not have Kurt knowing Blaine) - it must be an alternate universe, where they met somewhere else, and the year is 2009 with no Glee club."

Uh, didn't they already film " Glee, actually?"

Edited by caracas1914

So this seems like an episode that says this is what McKinley would have been like had Finn not been around (since he was a key reason ND got up and running) in 2009 without of course actually acknowledging he isn't there.  I am guessing, just like with "Previously Unaired Christmas," they are not going to write in his absence.  Either that or kill the character off/have him move in AU 2009 instead of "real" 2013.  Both alternatives (not acknowledging his absence or removing him from Glee early) are tacky as hell to me.


But the worst is  the point Caracas' made - we already did this story with "Glee, Actually"  with Artie's concussed dream.  The gist of that was if he had not been a paraplegic Finn would not have had to stand up for him against his teammates and thus there would have been no ND and look what happened to all of these people without ND.

Edited by camussie
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This fandom does not do well with AU.  Some people still  do not get the Christmas episode and I am always shocked how some people do not get that a lot of the performances are basically  not real or at least a portion of them are just fantasy like in someone's head.



I totally got both the AU Christmas episodes but thought one was stupid (Glee, Actually) and the other (PUC), while funny at times, tacky.


On another note here is the episode descriptions for 605 and 606


605 (1/30/15)


Sue is at it again, trying to mend relationships that she thinks need mending. Meanwhile, Kitty helps Rachel find the perfect set list to win the invitational and Sam recruits football player Spencer to join the glee club in the all-new "The Hurt Locker, Part Two" episode of GLEE airing Friday, Jan. 30.  Read more: Listings - GLEE on FOX | TheFutonCritic.com http://www.thefutoncritic.com/listings/20150107fox11/#ixzz3Oknvk9Z3




606 (2/6/15)

Brittany and Santana have some family convincing to do. Meanwhile, during a Burt Bacharach tribute week, Mercedes returns to Ohio to convince Rachel to pursue her Broadway dreams in the all-new "What The World Needs Now" episode of GLEE airing Friday, Feb 6 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (GLE-606) (TV-14 D, L)

Read more: Listings - GLEE on FOX | TheFutonCritic.com http://www.thefutoncritic.com/listings/20150113fox12/#ixzz3OkoG8A6e



So while Rachel is secretly dating Mercedes ex, Mercedes is going out of her way to try and get Rachel back on the road to Broadway.  Seriously, Glee?  No doubt Mercedes will give Sam/Rachel her blessing but do they have to have her do that and be the one to convince Rachel now is the time to go back to Broadway.  At this rate she will be finding a cute little apartment for the two of them in NY or hey maybe offer to be their roommate.


As an aside I always wished Mercedes had returned to Lima in 401 and said her back up singing thing fell through but she was headed to NY to reach for her dreams and begged Kurt to come with her.  I would have loved her to be in the NY narrative with Kurt, Rachel, and eventually Santana.

Edited by camussie
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I totally got both the AU Christmas episodes but thought one was stupid (Glee, Actually) and the other (PUC), while funny at times, tacky.


On another note here is the episode descriptions for 605 and 606





So while Rachel is secretly dating Mercedes ex, Mercedes is going out of her way to try and get Rachel back on the road to Broadway.  Seriously, Glee?  No doubt Mercedes will give Sam/Rachel her blessing but do they have to have her do that and be the one to convince Rachel now is the time to go back to Broadway.  At this rate she will be finding a cute little apartment for the two of them in NY or hey maybe offer to be their roommate.


As an aside I always wished Mercedes had returned to Lima in 401 and said her back up singing thing fell through but she was headed to NY to reach for her dreams and begged Kurt to come with her.  I would have loved her to be in the NY narrative with Kurt, Rachel, and eventually Santana.


The rumor they are secretly dating has never been confirmed.  This is the episode Sam and Rachel sing I'll Never fall in love again.


But just ick if Mercedes gives her blessing.  Just let Rachel  be like yep I want to date again but not Sam.


And in episode 1 Rachel says she wants to go back to BWay why does she need someone to come tell her that...again?


I swear glee messed Rachel up for the worse before glee she didn't need a pep talk to do everything.

Edited by tom87
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I totally got both the AU Christmas episodes but thought one was stupid (Glee, Actually) and the other (PUC), while funny at times, tacky.


On another note here is the episode descriptions for 605 and 606





So while Rachel is secretly dating Mercedes ex, Mercedes is going out of her way to try and get Rachel back on the road to Broadway.  Seriously, Glee?  No doubt Mercedes will give Sam/Rachel her blessing but do they have to have her do that and be the one to convince Rachel now is the time to go back to Broadway.  At this rate she will be finding a cute little apartment for the two of them in NY or hey maybe offer to be their roommate.


As an aside I always wished Mercedes had returned to Lima in 401 and said her back up singing thing fell through but she was headed to NY to reach for her dreams and begged Kurt to come with her.  I would have loved her to be in the NY narrative with Kurt, Rachel, and eventually Santana.


This right here is some seriously stupid crap. I really hope more than ever now that there is NO Rachel and Sam getting together. How horrible can they make both Rachel and Sam be if they are together and especially Rachel if she says nothing to Mercedes. Talk about the ultimate betrayal. Shaking my damn head.

Edited by Ann Mack

I think there is a big difference between her saying I want to go back to Broadway and her actually taking that chance.  She could very well be gun-shy given her epic flame-out on TV and tarnished reputation on Broadway so I have no issue with her friends encouraging her to try again.  That is what I wish Will had done in 601 instead of trying to tell her her TV show wasn't that bad.  I just wish it wasn't Mercedes being the one to do it considering Rachel ends up dating Sam.  


Good to know the secretly dating thing may just be a rumor but by I hope before she dates Sam, secretly or not, she actually talks to Mercedes about it.  Same with Sam.  That is what friends do when they think of dating a guy a friend used to live with.

Edited by camussie
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I think there is a big difference between her saying I want to go back to Broadway and her actually taking that chance.  She could very well be gun-shy given her epic flame-out on TV and tarnished reputation on Broadway so I have no issue with her friends encouraging her to try again.  That is what I wish Will had done in 601 instead of trying to tell her her TV show wasn't that bad.  I just wish it wasn't Mercedes being the one to do it considering Rachel ends up dating Sam.  


Good to know the secretly dating thing may just be a rumor but by I hope before she dates Sam, secretly or not she actually talks to Mercedes about it.  Same with Sam.  That is what friends do when they think of dating a guy a friend used to live with.

Who knows the time line  but this could be just  4 weeks later.  So something must trigger Mercedes to come back to talk to Rachel.


But frankly as a Rachel fan I am a bit tired of everyone having to give her a pep talk.   She didn't seem to need pep talks before glee now she needs one to tie her shoe.

Edited by tom87

So there's still absolutely zero confirmation of a triangle between Sam/Rachel/Mercedes.


I'm expecting Mercedes to do two things. One, tell Rachel she's over Sam and she met someone else and two reveal to certain someone that she's not a virgin anymore.



This is also the episode with the 2nd Sam/Rachel duet: "I'll Never Fall in Love Again". 


You would think if there was a triangle, it would be starting to develop the episode she returns but that doesn't seem to be the case. Watch Mercedes be okay with it and support them, which I believe is something people in here said would happen.

I totally got both the AU Christmas episodes but thought one was stupid (Glee, Actually) and the other (PUC), while funny at times, tacky.


On another note here is the episode descriptions for 605 and 606





So while Rachel is secretly dating Mercedes ex, Mercedes is going out of her way to try and get Rachel back on the road to Broadway.  Seriously, Glee?  No doubt Mercedes will give Sam/Rachel her blessing but do they have to have her do that and be the one to convince Rachel now is the time to go back to Broadway.  At this rate she will be finding a cute little apartment for the two of them in NY or hey maybe offer to be their roommate.


As an aside I always wished Mercedes had returned to Lima in 401 and said her back up singing thing fell through but she was headed to NY to reach for her dreams and begged Kurt to come with her.  I would have loved her to be in the NY narrative with Kurt, Rachel, and eventually Santana.


They're not dating in this episode, that's evident by the fact they sing their duet. I do think that Rachel might feel guilty because she does have feelings for Sam though.


Yeah I'm expecting Mercedes is gonna be okay with it.

Who knows the time line  but this could be just  4 weeks later.  So something must trigger Mercedes to come back to talk to Rachel.


But frankly as a Rachel fan I am a bit tired of everyone having to give her a pep talk.   She didn't seem to need pep talks before glee now she needs one to tie her shoe.


I think this is different because before Glee she totally believe she would make it and keep her success. So she didn't need anyone to convince her that she make it because she already had that belief and no failure that tell her she might be wrong. But now that she had taste failure, it's probably harder for her to convince herself that she can actually go back and fix these mistakes she had made and become the success that she dreamed off. Everyone need support to go back and try after they have fail.

Yes these "interventions" for Rachel have worn out their welcome.


Plus why?   Rachel use to be able to pump herself up .  I still do not see how glee club in the end has been so great for Rachel.  She  now needs constant positive reinforcement,  they never let the lessons stick and now she is using it as a safety blanket.

Edited by tom87

Exactly.  The key is support not coddling.  That is where I felt they missed the boat in 601.  It came off as more coddling to me instead of you screwed up but you are talented enough to get back to your dream, only this time a little older and a lot wiser.  Hopefully that is the way Mercedes approaches it.


I still do not see how glee club in the end has been so great for Rachel.



Taking this to the all episodes thread.

Edited by camussie
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I think this is different because before Glee she totally believe she would make it and keep her success. So she didn't need anyone to convince her that she make it because she already had that belief and no failure that tell her she might be wrong. But now that she had taste failure, it's probably harder for her to convince herself that she can actually go back and fix these mistakes she had made and become the success that she dreamed off. Everyone need support to go back and try after they have fail.

No since she join glee they have been doing it.   Before certain competition  they always seem to have to have Finn give her a pep talk.  Before her opening night the whole crew had to give her a pep talk etc.

Mercedes returns to Ohio to convince Rachel to pursue her Broadway dreams.

Well, of course she does. Of course she does. Next she'll volunteer to be the nanny to Sam and Rachel's kids.

Why will Mercedes get up and travel to give random pep talks, doesn't she own a phone and know how to Skype? Or why Mercedes at all, they can't think of anything else to give the character except be a Rachel /Samchel prop, doesn't Rachel have Will, Blaine and Kurt there to do this job? 

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Even if Will had absolutely no current or past connection to Rachel/ND/WMHS, his total incompatibility with and eventual departure from VA were foreshadowed at the awkward, uncommunicative conclusion of his rehearsal. His problem is fundamental and insurmountable. Like the Warblers (and the vast majority of all organizations of every kind everywhere), VA operates on the basis of a long-standing performance tradition that is written in stone, and which perpetuates itself in the students who self-select to apply and the admittance criteria that enforce the required uniformity. ND works on exactly the opposite principle: their performance style is dictated by the collection of its members at any given time. Will's personal artistic talents and aesthetic vision are antithetical to those of VA, and he does not have the personality to enable him to change them. His misery there, as he evinced and Rachel observed, will only increase until Emma (and/or Rachel) recognizes the existential danger and rescues him.

VA is, and always has been starting with "Rehab", a show choir parody, involving musically tone-deaf performances by a collection of over-age, conformist, joyless automatons. (At least the Warblers seem to be having campy, girl-friend-bearded fun.) Everything VA does is fake, right down to the ersatz romantic dance pairings and pasted-on smiles. If I were in Will's position, and everything else had failed, I wouldn't hesitate to tank a knock-out competition so as to shake up the institutionalized rigor mortis and establish grounds for a complete overhaul of the program. VA NEEDS a reconstituted ND, not merely to provide competitive incentives, but even more so as a role model.

Lea's most emotionally powerful dialogue scenes and duets on Glee have been with the two men she slept with. Do they teach this at NYADA?

Why will Mercedes get up and travel to give random pep talks, doesn't she own a phone and know how to Skype? Or why Mercedes at all, they can't think of anything else to give the character except be a Rachel /Samchel prop, doesn't Rachel have Will, Blaine and Kurt there to do this job? 

This is the f*ckery this season is shaping up to be. Everyone is propping up Rachel like their lives and careers don't matter. Hell its like none of them can exist if they don't make sure that Rachel is taken care of first. I hope they are not trying to do another contrived love triangle. Mercedes deserves so much better than to be there encouraging the woman who gave no regards to her feelings while trying to get with her ex-boyfriend. The writers of this show SUCK and that's the best way I can describe them. I really don't want to see Mercedes hurting over this crap or another triangle for goodness sake. If you have no story line for her that's independent of making sure Rachel is okay then just let her fall to the wayside like the rest. They should have just called season 6 "The Rachel Berry Comeback And Friends" cause to date all we know is a. Rachel has failed b. Beiste will get a transgender story c. Brittana/Klaine will get married d. Sue will continue her same story line since season 1 and most or all of this will some how involve Rachel. But nothing solid on Mercedes, Artie, Will or the other members that made up the Glee club. It's the final season and Glee still can't do right by anyone else who's name isn't Rachel.

Edited by Ann Mack
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They should have just called season 6 "The Rachel Berry Comeback And Friends"



I will never understand people that get upset when a LEAD character on a show gets a major story line.  Also, by your own words, 2 of the major things you listed don't involve Rachel very much at all.  


Also, I think it's laughable anyone thinks any of the writing does any character justice on this show.  Just saying.

  • Love 1

Why will Mercedes get up and travel to give random pep talks, doesn't she own a phone and know how to Skype? Or why Mercedes at all, they can't think of anything else to give the character except be a Rachel /Samchel prop, doesn't Rachel have Will, Blaine and Kurt there to do this job? 


Mercedes is the only one that can kill two birds with one stone in regards to being a prop for both Samchel and Rachel.

I will never understand people that get upset when a LEAD character on a show gets a major story line.  Also, by your own words, 2 of the major things you listed don't involve Rachel very much at all.  


Also, I think it's laughable anyone thinks any of the writing does any character justice on this show.  Just saying.


I'm not upset that she is having the "lead" story I'm saying everyone else's story shouldn't have to only serve the purpose of propping up or supporting her story. They can write 30 minutes for Rachel I don't care and dedicate 10 minutes to giving a concrete story about something/anything to the other characters is all or at least. 


It would be laughable if the writing did do anyone justice but instead its just quite pathetic. The writers don't know how to do anything good for anyone else and then whenever they do it still some how comes out that it's for Rachel's benefit and not their own.

If Samchel is going to be so epic and true love, why ever would they need a prop?

I personally don't have a problem with Rachel having the main story. Glee has mainly been about her journey (even though when it started it was kind of Will's journey as well). The thing is, they then gave us glimpses of the journey's of some of the other characters along the way. I think there is just a hope that they can have some type of satisfactory resolution as well. I just don't want Mercedes (or anyone else for that matter) only story at the end to be about servicing Rachel's story. If they can just throw in a few lines somewhere that are about her I'd be happy. I'm not expecting a story line.

  • Love 3
I'm not upset that she is having the "lead" story I'm saying everyone else's story shouldn't have to only serve the purpose of propping up or supporting her story. They can write 30 minutes for Rachel I don't care and dedicate 10 minutes to giving a concrete story about something/anything to the other characters is all or at least.



Well I'm not sure how a Klaine/Britanna wedding or Bieste's transgender story have anything to do with propping or supporting Rachel's story, but ok.  


Mercedes was always a supporting character so it makes sense that she's being brought back to support a main character's story. Btw, I think none of these stories are any good, including Rachel's.  The writers totally blew up Rachel's character arc to force her back to the town she vowed to leave and never look back.


If they can just throw in a few lines somewhere that are about her I'd be happy. I'm not expecting a story line.



That's a fair sentiment, but it stands to say we don't actually know all the details of the remaining episodes yet.  I'm not saying the result will satisfy, but again, we don't know yet.

Edited by dizzyizzy01
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I don't mind any of the supporting characters, including Mercedes, being supporting characters.  I mind it when they are props  To me there is a difference.

  • Mercedes encouraging Rachel to go back to her Broadway dreams?  Good use of the character since she is someone who had a professional setback but is now in a better place.  
  • Mercedes being all nope it doesn't bother me at all that you are dating the guy I was just declaring my love to 6 months ago and that you encouraged me to break up with?  Stupid use of the character to prop an insipid romance.  Again if they thought they were going to do Sam/Rachel this year then it was absolutely a brain-dead move to spend so much story on Sam/Mercedes last year because in order for it to work, without Rachel ending up looking like an absolute horrible friend, Mercedes has to react like a emotionless robot who has no history, let alone recent history, with Sam.


Everything VA does is fake, right down to the ersatz romantic dance pairings and pasted-on smiles. If I were in Will's position, and everything else had failed, I wouldn't hesitate to tank a knock-out competition so as to shake up the institutionalized rigor mortis and establish grounds for a complete overhaul of the program. VA NEEDS a reconstituted ND, not merely to provide competitive incentives, but even more so as a role model.



Don't buy any of that.  Will is plain wrong to get his show choir to tank just to build up ND's, well really Rachel's, confidence.  If he can't connect with the kids that is on him.  Not them since he is the one being paid to do exactly that - connect with them. If he is miserable there he should quit and run back to McKinley rather than not give it his all.    


Also it appears nothing is failing with VA.  With the exception of 2013 they have been first or second in every nationals competition this show has had since it began.  Not to mention as far as we know they don't have members trying to give each other eating disorders, etc.  Why would a program like that need to be overhauled?  

Edited by camussie
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