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To me it continues to again showcase that they've always intended on doing Samchel


With all due respect, you seem a bit fixated with posting over and over what the show "intended" with Samchel.  Just saying.


Anyways, considering that crass and  tasteless line Sam utters to Mercedes "you still a virgin?" , feel bad for either Rachel or Mercedes, whoever gets planned/saddled/dragged down with this character.


Quite frankly I think any SL involving Sam is a "placemat" and "filler" and it's still deflating  to see Rachel shoved into something as a placemat herself.  So sad.  Never thought I'd see the  day even Glee would stoop to making Rachel one of the "pair the spares" couples, which is the placemat way they've used Sam since day one.

Edited by caracas1914
  • Love 1

With all due respect, you seem a bit fixated with posting over and over what the show "intended" with Samchel.  Just saying.


Anyways, considering that crass and  tasteless line Sam utters to Mercedes "you still a virgin?" , feel bad for either Rachel or Mercedes, whoever gets planned/saddled/dragged down with this character.


Quite frankly I think any SL involving Sam is a "placemat" and "filler" and it's still deflating  to see Rachel shoved into something as a placemat herself.  So sad.  Never thought I'd see the  day even Glee would stoop to making Rachel one of the "pair the spares" couples, which is the placemat way they've used Sam since day one.

I say it because it's the truth, this is the story they've wanted to tell since S5 and they weren't subtle and they're far from being subtle about it now. Everything that is being shown now is supporting that statement. 

What I absolutely hate is Mercedes being made to look like a jerk for not giving Sam what he wanted (making her responsible for not being able to keep her man). Her faith is such an intrinsic part of her character and all last season, Sam was understanding and considerate and wasn't going to push her to do something she wasn't ready for. Now his first concern is if he's finally going to get some from her? What's next? That he has needs and Mercedes has an obligation to meet them?


It's gross and is just being used as an excuse to justify Sam getting together with Rachel down the road. Just like how they made Quinn an uber-bitch to justify Finn wanting to leave her for Rachel while he thought she was pregnant with his baby. I hate these manipulative games when in order to make a new pairing look good they have to throw someone from the older pairing under the bus.

  • Love 2
I hate these manipulative games when in order to make a new pairing look good they have to throw someone from the older pairing under the bus.


Though only Glee would be careless enough to make Sam thrown under the bus while pairing him with someone else..


I guess Samcedes was only a placemat until Mercedes got her fabulous recording and touring  career in full gear.  My canon is the show was planning all along to have Mercedes  single and successful and not give a flying fig about it.   It was telegraphed back in Season 2 "Silly Love Songs" with her speech about how all the great Divas found success single

I guess that ends all further discussion.  Let's shut down the forum ..I mean......

...I'll stop bringing it up when I'm proven wrong. Actually I'll stop bringing it up now and just have the writers consistently shove everything in our faces that's as subtle as a stinking sledgehammer.


It's gross and is just being used as an excuse to justify Sam getting together with Rachel down the road. Just like how they made Quinn an uber-bitch to justify Finn wanting to leave her for Rachel while he thought she was pregnant with his baby. I hate these manipulative games when in order to make a new pairing look good they have to throw someone from the older pairing under the bus.



They did it with Werri and Fuinn in S1, it's always been this way.

Edited by Hookian

...I'll stop bringing it up when I'm proven wrong. Actually I'll stop bringing it up now and just have the writers consistently shove everything in our faces that's as subtle as a stinking sledgehammer.

I think the discussion it's about whether it's happening or not but about whether it's a good thing and how that affects both Sam and Rachel's relationship with Mercedes.

What I absolutely hate is Mercedes being made to look like a jerk for not giving Sam what he wanted (making her responsible for not being able to keep her man). Her faith is such an intrinsic part of her character and all last season, Sam was understanding and considerate and wasn't going to push her to do something she wasn't ready for. Now his first concern is if he's finally going to get some from her? What's next? That he has needs and Mercedes has an obligation to meet them?


It's gross and is just being used as an excuse to justify Sam getting together with Rachel down the road. Just like how they made Quinn an uber-bitch to justify Finn wanting to leave her for Rachel while he thought she was pregnant with his baby. I hate these manipulative games when in order to make a new pairing look good they have to throw someone from the older pairing under the bus.


What's even worse are so many young girls and women actually faulted Mercedes for not changing her morals and sleeping with Sam. Honestly, on AfterBuzz they went as far to say "Mercedes should have let Sam keep the dog since she wasn't going to sleep with him". Never mind that Mercedes was absolutely correct IMO about their busy work schedules and not being able to properly take care of a dog or provide it the attention it would need. No most just have to find a reason to say Mercedes is the worse even though she was being logical and saw this as another opportunity to say she was not being supportive of Sam and having to have her way. But I digress.


This scene screams of the writers using bad writing to try and undermine what happened between Sam and Mercedes in season 5. I swear these writers suffer from A.D.D. you have him approach her with this line (maybe they thought it was a funny way for him to find out if she had a boyfriend, but its a major fail) but then again a few episodes says he still loves her. It sort of also sends the message that if Sam and Rachel do get together he at least knows he's getting a girl who will put out. So yeah that's not really doing Rachel any favors, right along with the whole Sam has got to be hypnotized to even look her way, and when he's not under a trance he is still saying he is in love with Mercedes. I didn't expect Nicholas Sparks' levels of writing from this team nor continuity, consistency, or quality too much either from the show and I see within the first 2 episodes they haven't changed my opinion. 

Edited by Ann Mack
What the hell is a "placemat"? One can be a doormat and a placeholder, but a "placemat"? LOL


It's something  between a doily and a bookend, or is it candlesticks...


if Sam and Rachel do get together he at least knows he's getting a girl who will put out.


While she sings "Let it Go"..

sorry couldn't resist...

Edited by caracas1914

What's even worse are so many young girls and women actually faulted Mercedes for not changing her morals and sleeping with Sam. Honestly, on AfterBuzz they went as far to say "Mercedes should have let Sam keep the dog since she wasn't going to sleep with him". Never mind that Mercedes was absolutely correct IMO about their busy work schedules and not being able to properly take care of a dog or provide it the attention it would need. No most just have to find a reason to say Mercedes is the worse even though she was being logical and saw this as another opportunity to say she was not being supportive of Sam and having to have her way. But I digress.


This scene screams of the writers using bad writing to try and undermine what happened between Sam and Mercedes in season 5. I swear these writers suffer from A.D.D. you have him approach her with this line (maybe they thought it was a funny way for him to find out if she had a boyfriend, but its a major fail) but then again a few episodes says he still loves her. It sort of also sends the message that if Sam and Rachel do get together he at least knows he's getting a girl who will put out. So yeah that's not really doing Rachel any favors, right along with the whole Sam has got to be hypnotized to even look your way and when he's not he is still in love with Mercedes. I don't expect much from the show or the writers and I see within the first 2 episode they haven't changed my opinion.

I highly doubt Rachel's gonna put out as simply as you're trying to imply especially since she's gonna be just as sensitive and scared since this is her first real chance since Finn died.

What's even worse are so many young girls and women actually faulted Mercedes for not changing her morals and sleeping with Sam. Honestly, on AfterBuzz they went as far to say "Mercedes should have let Sam keep the dog since she wasn't going to sleep with him". Never mind that Mercedes was absolutely correct IMO about their busy work schedules and not being able to properly take care of a dog or provide it the attention it would need. No most just have to find a reason to say Mercedes is the worse even though she was being logical and saw this as another opportunity to say she was not being supportive of Sam and having to have her way. But I digress.


This scene screams of the writers using bad writing to try and undermine what happened between Sam and Mercedes in season 5. I swear these writers suffer from A.D.D. you have him approach her with this line (maybe they thought it was a funny way for him to find out if she had a boyfriend, but its a major fail) but then again a few episodes says he still loves her. It sort of also sends the message that if Sam and Rachel do get together he at least knows he's getting a girl who will put out. So yeah that's not really doing Rachel any favors, right along with the whole Sam has got to be hypnotized to even look your way and when he's not he is still in love with Mercedes. I don't expect much from the show or the writers and I see within the first 2 episode they haven't changed my opinion.


I don't really see it as undermining the Samcedes relationship because Mercedes promised Sam that if she ever decided to have sex, he will be her first call. Sam seems to be checking into that promise to make sure that he was still the only guy that she even wants to have sex with, that she hasn't find another guy out there that she wants more/love more than him since they have been a part.  It was a stupid way for him to do it but I didn't really take offense from it. 


As for people's reactions to Mercedes decision not to have sex before marriage. I think people have problem with it and don't really understand it because it is not the norm anymore. It is not something they would do themselves, therefore, they don't get how Mercedes can do it and to them it is wrong.


ETA: This is the same Sam who showed Mercedes his test result in church while grinning at her, like he was waiting for her to jump his bones right there in church.  Sam ain't shit.

Edited by SevenStars
I highly doubt Rachel's gonna put out as simply as you're trying to imply


I dunno, I think it's been telegraphed and planned out that Rachel and Sam are going to fuck each other senseless until the cows come out.   Mercedes celibacy was obviously to show that Sam needs his penis serviced and he needs it serviced NOW.


The question of Samchel's  "first time", my bet is the choir room since Ryan thinks that is the heart and soul of the show.  Any other bets?

Edited by caracas1914

I dunno, I think it's been telegraphed and planned out that Rachel and Sam are going to fuck each other senseless until the cows come out.   Mercedes celibacy was obviously to show that Sam needs his penis serviced and he needs it serviced NOW.


The question of Samchel's  "first time", my bet is the choir room since Ryan thinks that is the heart and soul of the show.  Any other bets?


Lmao, I really don't see how any can see this as being good for Samchel. 

I dunno, I think it's been telegraphed and planned out that Rachel and Sam are going to fuck each other senseless until the cows come out.   Mercedes celibacy was obviously to show that Sam needs his penis serviced and he needs it serviced NOW.


The question of Samchel's  "first time", my bet is the choir room since Ryan thinks that is the heart and soul of the show.  Any other bets?

I don't agree. You're really trying to suggest Rachel is some sort of slut or something when she likely has not had anybody since her and Finn had sex after the Wemma almost marriage wedding reception. That's well more than 2 years ago. She may as well have grown her virginity back. 


She's not gonna be as easy as you're trying to imply.

Rachel can always compare notes with Quinn, Santana, Brittany, Stripper Club cougar, Mercedes, Tina, and Nurse Penny.    Hell they can all  form a club. 


I highly doubt Rachel's gonna put out as simply as you're trying to imply



You misunderstand, the show has telegraphed that  Sam has a hard time in a relationship WITHOUT sex.  That is the sledgehammer message of Samcedes.   Out of love for Sam and his needs, Rachel will put out. 

Edited by caracas1914
  • Love 1

I know this sounds creepy but has it ever been stated if Sam is a virgin? Because Rachel isn't so if both of them are already sexually active then I don't think that the writers will feel the need to make a big plot point out of them doing it for the first time, just a suggestive scene/line like say Sam doing up his shirt in Rachel's bedroom.

And I don't think it's wrong to just assumed that two adults who are dating are also having sex or implying that Rachel is a slut.

Edited by Pink ranger

I know this sounds creepy but has it ever been stated if Sam is a virgin? Because Rachel certainly isn't so if both of them are already sexually active then I don't think that the writers will feel the need to make a big plot point out of them doing it for the first time, just a suggestive scene/line like say Sam doing up his shirt in Rachel's bedroom.

Sam says in season 3 he lost his virginity to a strip club customer. Also he dated Brittany so I assume they had sex!

I don't agree. You're really trying to suggest Rachel is some sort of slut or something when she likely has not had anybody since her and Finn had sex after the Wemma almost marriage wedding reception. That's well more than 2 years ago. She may as well have grown her virginity back. 


She's not gonna be as easy as you're trying to imply.

No-one is suggesting Rachel is a slut, if she want to have sex with Sam I'd question her standards, but if she wants to have sex with him and any one else she wants I'd say good on her, she's young she should have some fun!

And given at the end of the Wemma non-wedding El when Rachel is back in New York Brody is in her bed I'm assuming she had sex since then.

And I don't think it's wrong to just assumed that two adults who are dating are also having sex or implying that Rachel is a slut.


Well the Samcedes celibacy SL spelled out that FOR Sam, celibacy didn't seem a practical option.  So It hardly seems logical , asking Mercedes if she's still virgin that if he hooks up with Rachel , who Mercedes confessed to her the problems she was having with Sam vis a vis having relations, that it will some non sexual relationship with a 180 on Sam's POV.   Just saying.   I don't think Rachel is a slut, if screwing with her boyfriend constitutes being a slut.


Now I question her taste and good judgement fucking Sam, but that's another can of worms.

Edited by caracas1914

She's not gonna be as easy as you're trying to imply.


Rachel "shacked up" with Brody. And slept with FInn while she was involved with Brody. Not slut shaming here by any stretch, but we're not talking about a shy virgin. If Rachel is dating someone, she's more than likely going to have sex with him.


They've made a huge deal last season about Sam and Mercedes working out this conflict in their relationship when it came to sex. For Sam to have this fixation on sex now does give the impression that he's tired of waiting and the feeling is that if Mercedes isn't going to give him what he wants, then he'll get it from someone who will. Because unless Sam truly falls in love with Rachel, that's what this attraction seems to boil down to - Rachel being available where Mercedes is away and when she is around, not inclined to give Sam what he wants.


Now let me say this - if Sam finds that his understanding with Mercedes isn't working for him and that he can't be in a relationship with someone, however much he loves her, without sex then he should end things with her before moving on to someone else. Not do this behind Mercedes back.

Well the Samcedes celibacy SL spelled out that FOR Sam, celibacy didn't seem a practical option.  So It hardly seems logical , asking Mercedes if she's still virgin that if he hooks up with Rachel , who Mercedes confessed to her the problems she was having with Sam vis a vis having relations, that it will some non sexual relationship with a 180 on Sam's POV.   Just saying.   I don't think Rachel is a slut, if screwing with her boyfriend constitutes being a slut.


Now I question her taste and good judgement fucking Sam, but that's another can of worms.

But Just because Mercedes believes in celibacy before marriage doesn't mean that Sam has to or has to do so in relationships with other women who also don't hold those same beliefs.

Different relationships have their own dynamics.

Edited by Pink ranger

Rachel "shacked up" with Brody. And slept with FInn while she was involved with Brody. Not slut shaming here by any stretch, but we're not talking about a shy virgin. If Rachel is dating someone, she's more than likely going to have sex with him.


They've made a huge deal last season about Sam and Mercedes working out this conflict in their relationship when it came to sex. For Sam to have this fixation on sex now does give the impression that he's tired of waiting and the feeling is that if Mercedes isn't going to give him what he wants, then he'll get it from someone who will. Because unless Sam truly falls in love with Rachel, that's what this attraction seems to boil down to - Rachel being available where Mercedes is away and when she is around, not inclined to give Sam what he wants.


Now let me say this - if Sam finds that his understanding with Mercedes isn't working for him and that he can't be in a relationship with someone, however much he loves her, without sex then he should end things with her before moving on to someone else. Not do this behind Mercedes back.


Well this is Glee so they will of course try to make it a love story of epic proportion whether it is believable or not. Those who want to see this as a "love story" for all times will and some others may be like well it was just a matter of time Rachel is the only Glee club "original" girl he hadn't got with. I think that is why some reviewers are saying it's a logical move even they know Glee can't come up with anything original than pairing the heterosexual spares who happen to be in the same geographical area if you are a regular cast member.

I'm not sure I agree about this showing that Sam is fixated on sex because the show made it a point to have Mercedes be the one uncomfortable with being in a relationship with Sam and making him wait. She point blank told him that she knew he would wait for her if they stayed together. That she had no fear that he would cheat on her. But she didn't think it was fair to do that to him, so she thought it was best they went their separates ways and if she ever decided to have sex, she would call them.


Now 6 months later, Sam is still single and not even dating. Unless the show says otherwise, that means he hasn't had sex in maybe a year, because he was with Mercedes in the previous months.


Since Mercedes made sex something she is only willing to do with the guy she is ready to spent her life with, Sam is just checking in to make sure she hasn't find that guy yet. 

But Just because Mercedes believes in celibacy before marriage doesn't mean that Sam has to or has to do so in relationships with other women who also don't hold those same beliefs.

Different relationships have their own dynamics.


And I'm okay with that. If Sam absolutely cannot manage to be in a relationship with someone that does not believe in sex before marriage, then he should end things with her and find someone more compatible that he can be with in the manner that he wishes. Or if he's sincerely in love with Mercedes and wants to spend his life with her, propose and move your relationship to the next level where sex might be an option.


What I'm not okay with is sneaking around behind Mercedes's back with someone else. If he loves Mercedes, he owes her honesty, if nothing else. Tell her outright that he not going to wait until she's ready and move on.


Totally agree that pairing up Sam and Rachel is less about a storyline that actually makes sense than just matching up the at loose ends straights.

  • Love 3

Sam/Rachel is terrible. Telegraphed, not telegraphed, that is not the question. The question is whether it's a good idea and will make for good TV and do service to Rachel's character (don't care about Sam), and for me the answer to that is a big fat no. Plus bonus blech for shitting all over Mercedes.


I'm amused at the thought that Mark Salling had to shlep to the studio (twice? I think?) to sing 10 words.

Well if you go back through to Season 2, Samchel has been telegraphed and planned, not for Rachel, but for Sam ,, for the express purpose of checking off he's hooked up with all the ND girls. It has been as subtle as a sledgehammer ponted against glass. The writers have been planning thus for nearly four years and countless episodes, it's so clear to see. It's truth.

From Quinn all the way to Rachel.

So Rachel is a prop for the Sam journey, she's being used in his storyline.

Sam and Mercedes are broken up there isn't any more romantic intent explanations between them any more. If either want to more on that's their right.

Absolutely agree. The fact that people are like oh he should be honest with Mercedes. Uh no he shouldn't they're broke up. She broke up with him, he doesn't owe her any explanations.

Plus I think people will do anything to try to pass Sam and Rachel as a fling when it's clearly not the case. We even have confirmation from sources that it's not a rebound they have feelings for each other but neither have said the three words. Which they shouldn't yet though I have no doubt that they will by the end of the series. Shoot to me its healthy Sam isn't professing undying love or proposing 2 episodes after. It's healthy and its development. Heck save the I love yous till the series finale along with a promise that it isn't over between them.

The fact that some think Rachel is gonna put out quickly is an absolute joke. She's probably not had sex in 2 years especially with all the flash forwards going on. I highly doubt she'll be as easy as some are implying she will be.

Samchel is not a rebound nor is it a fling no matter which way you try to twist it. I'm not gonna say the thing that I've said for the past 3 pages but hey if you know what I'm saying fill in the blank.

Not to mention the breakdown of a literally 5 second sequence which was a throwaway line the writers used to make fun of the couple that they've clearly shown they do not like is pretty hilarious. I mean maybe the reason samcedes fans are so angry is because they look way too much in depth when they really shouldnt. Glee is not one of those shows where you have to interpret every single thing to understand what the writers are doing.

Edited by Hookian

Maybe she puts out quickly becasue it has been 2 years.  :)


Not sure why is matters how long before they have sex or what is to "quick" anyway. 


So is Sam easy too or it that just something you equate with girls?


She wouldn't be doing it alone I assume so if this is a issue for some unknown reason he should be held at those same arbitrary standards.

Edited by tom87

I just think Samchel is sneaking around and not telling Mercedes is messed up, at least in the sense of Rachel who I'm guessing will still consider Mercedes a friend. Why do they feel the need to sneak around? Can't they just tell people? Sneaking around is just stupid if they really like each other and I would hope Rachel would want to talk to Mercedes. She owes her a conversation. Sam does too, if he still considers her a friend. But hey, thats just me.

But we do not even know what has or hasn't been said to Mercedes.


The  person who said they were keeping it a secret has pretty much been discredited I think.

I said this up thread but I added it on. I don't know why some people are trying to break down a literally 5 second interaction between Sam and Mercedes into something deeper then the writers throwing a line about their relationship and using it for laughs. How many times have they done this in the past with all the ex couples. Way more than would be considered normal. Plus given the fact they've shown on more than one occasion that they don't like samcedes this line doesnt come as a shock.

Maybe this is why samcedes shippers get consistently disappointed, you look way too much in depth.

Like the insistence that samchel wouldn't have ever happened if the hypnosis plot did not happen. That very well may be the case but doubtful since we know samchel share moments in all the upcoming episodes even before the hypnosis plot line. But by trying to downplay samchel and the hypnosis you're downplaying the parallel they're sharing with klaine. I don't see anybody downplaying that or trying to say something bad about it in regards to klaine.

Sue has literally become a cartoon villain, just look at the sneak peek for episode 1. Her plans come straight out of a looney tunes cartoon. Sues plan for klaine is just as ridiculous as the hypnosis plot with samchel. She literally parodies jigsaw and has them get stuck in an elevator.

Do you guys think that if it wasn't for sue meddling with klaine then perhaps they would not be where they are now in regards to spoilers? So why if you're trying to downplay samchel hypnosis plot aren't you doing the same for the parallel storyline with klaine?

Bottom line is Sue is being used to really start getting the samchel/klaine plots rolling.

You say that like there would be something wrong if she was.

Honestly, I prefer the idea of a lust driven romance between Sam and Rachel than it being played as 'twu wuv'. The latter doesn't just make Mercedes look like a placeholder it makes Finn look like one too.

Well judging from spoilers that's not what is happening. Edited by Hookian

Another thing I wanted to bring up. Do you guys honestly think sue is just gonna randomly pick Sam out of the blue to distract Rachel or is she gonna see something between them and the wheels in her head will start turning based on what she saw? I'm thinking it's gonna be the latter and to me it echoes something very similar sue did in season 1 to distract will. She noticed a spark between him and Emma and knowing that she told terri and then suggested Terri become the school nurse.

Edited by Hookian

Another thing I wanted to bring up. Do you guys honestly think sue insist gonna randomly pick Sam out of the blue to distract Rachel or is she gonna see something between them and the wheels in her head will start turning based on what she saw? I'm thinking it's gonna be the latter and to me it echoes something very similar sue did in season 1 to distract will. She noticed a spark between him and Emma and knowing that she told terri and then suggested Terri become the school nurse.

I think she'll use Sam because he's single and spare. Just like that's the only reason he's with Rachel. And frankly the writers think a man like Sam is out of Mercedes league long term.

Samchel is not a rebound nor is it a fling no matter which way you try to twist it. I'm not gonna say the thing that I've said for the past 3 pages but hey if you know what I'm saying fill in the blank.



What does it matter to you if people believe that this Sam/Rachel whatever it is comes across as forced and shallow?  You seem to be arguing a point few are disagreeing with you on.  Most of us agree they are going to try and sell Sam/Rachel as  something more than a fling but that doesn't mean everyone will buy into it.  If the writers wanted me to buy into that there are a lot of things they should have done differently starting way back in season 2 (like not have Sam date his way through the glee club and not bringing Sam on as Finn 2.0) but especially last season.    That isn't me "twisting" anything but rather me simply not buying what TPTB are going to sell because they haven't earned that.  


Hell as a Finn/Rachel fan I can say that, even though I wanted them to reunite in the last 5 minutes of Glee (if that was all I was going to get), I wouldn't have bought they would have made it long term no matter what the implication was in that last scene.  Why?  Because they writers wouldn't have earned that ending.


To make this as clear as possible I won't EVER believe Sam/Rachel are some deep romance no matter what they tell me this season.  Given the writing, it will always come across to me as the writers taking a look around shortly after Cory passed and saying well Sam is the only able bodied white male left and bonus we already laid the groundwork for him being Finn 2.0 way back when we introduced him so we should pair them.  Oops it was too soon so let's try again next season.  Oops it is next season.  Let's use some dumb Sue plot to kick start this thing.  I really don't think any more "planning" went into than that,  

Edited by camussie
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Well, I guess even writers as shitty, lazy and craptastic as these still manage to please some viewers.


That said, the only reason for Samchel is that Finn (Cory) died. That alone makes it distasteful to me, especially considering that Sam has been pushed as Finn 2.0 from the start. Although Finn only ever hooked up with three of the Glee girls...can't beat Sam's grand total of (all) 6. It'll be fun. At Rachel's wedding, they can all have a discussion about Sam's kissing prowess. And who he deeply, undyingly loved the most (hint: it's always the one available).

  • Love 2

I think she'll use Sam because he's single and mspare. Just like that's the only reason he's with Rachel. And frankly the writers think a man like Sam is out of Mercedes league long term.

Well here's the deal. He's single and spare, that absolutely has no plot relevance to why sue uses him as a means to get to Rachel. This is sue we're talking about. You don't think she might notice a spark between them and use it to her advantage? She's done it multiple times. She did it to Wemma in season one in the episode Vitamin D. She saw them eat lunch together, saw a spark and from there she formulated a plan.

Edited by Hookian

Well here's the deal. He's single and spare, that absolutely has no plot relevance to why sue uses him as a means to get to Rachel. This is sue we're talking about. You don't think she might notice a spark between them and use it to her advantage? She's done it multiple times. She did it to Wemma in season one in the episode Vitamin D. She saw them eat lunch together, saw a spark and from there she formulated a plan.

Who else is she going to use? Kurt? She could use Artie, but this show will never have its special snowflake with someone who's not an able-bodied white man.

  • Love 1

I just hope we get some spoilers soon about Rachel finding a love for performing again (versus being a star) which sets her spine towards NY because really, given where we left off with her, that should be the focus of her story this season.  Her being open to love again should be a secondary focus, of course, but her getting back to the stage again should be the primary focus.  So far it seems like they don't focus on that much at all and that is a shame because even as someone who has become ambivalent about Rachel, that is what I want to see for her.

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