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S26.E09: Total Eclipse Of The Heart


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Everything you said KerlyQ.  Just like in The Ruins (which is fresh in my mind since I just watched the entire season), Johnny kept making a big deal of everyone stepping up to take turns to do the elimination challenges.  Except he never stepped up.  Once it finally came that time that every noticed that everyone but Johnny had volunteered, he threw a hissy fit about going in.  Yet, everyone else was just supposed to suck it up and do it for the team.  He's a frakking hypocrite.

  • Love 8

I usually love Leroy but he's better when he doesn't try to play the political game. He is just bad at it, way too emotional and easily manipulated. When they realized Jordan and Sarah wanted an easier path for the final, they should have talked strategy instead of throwing a hissy fit. Isn't it pretty clear that Bananas and Nany are the bigger threat? Leroy can't swim, he has no shot at 1st. Throw in Bananas against Wes and it's win/win no matter who goes home.


Both Nia and Leroy quit the challenge, they need to put their egos aside because their misdirected anger isn't doing them any favors.

  • Love 4

I wished there was an after show because I am curious about the truth about Nia/Jordan's friendship. I don't really believe Nia I'm curious if they did really make up after Portland because if they did it's kind of shitty for Jordan to say there was no friendship in his confessional.

She is delusional.  How could he ever like her after what she did in Portland.

I usually love Leroy but he's better when he doesn't try to play the political game. He is just bad at it, way too emotional and easily manipulated. When they realized Jordan and Sarah wanted an easier path for the final, they should have talked strategy instead of throwing a hissy fit. Isn't it pretty clear that Bananas and Nany are the bigger threat? Leroy can't swim, he has no shot at 1st. Throw in Bananas against Wes and it's win/win no matter who goes home.


Both Nia and Leroy quit the challenge, they need to put their egos aside because their misdirected anger isn't doing them any favors.


That's what I was wanting to see Leroy point out - if you want a clear path to win, then take out the guy who wins like every single season.  I really think Sarah could have been talked into sending in Bananas instead of Leroy.  She wants to win.  She said she can't be "nice" if she wants to win.  And she noted Johnny's lack of loyalty to Leroy.  Yeah, Sarah could have possibly come back at him with "but you've already taken Johnny out once, so you might be the bigger threat this season," but at least try, dude.  

  • Love 3

Am I rooting for anyone?  An epoch ending asteroid, maybe?  I think it really comes down to who am I rooting AGAINST the least.


1. Jay and Jenna  He's pretty invisible, she is as dumb as a stump, they're rookies on a show that deifies veterans.  They were lucky enough to be Wes's cannon fodder team for the final - not that he didn't turn on that concept in a heartbeat.  (By the way, how does "deifies" rank on the "i before e," exception scale?  I'll put it second after weird, because? Irony.)


2. Sarah and Jordan  I pity her for the partner catastrophes she has had in the past, and Jordan is at least a self-aware dirtbag.  While I think Backpack and Wes overplay aspects of their personalities to be "good TV," I suspect Jordan is just like what we see.


3. Leroy and Nia  I am old, and don't watch Real World.  (I've seen one season, the first, when they were basically in my peer group... Did I mention, I'm old?) As such, I have minimal pre-reservations about "Hurricane" Nia.  That being said, she went over the top in her attack against Nany.


4. Wes and Teresa  I kinda like the ginger, (his comment last week about, "THIS is why we come back," really spoke to me,) and I'm ambivalent about Teresa.  I almost put them at One, but then I realized that I'd like to a new winner for a change.  And for Sarah to pick up a prize check.


5. Backpack and Nany  They were eliminated already.  (Plus, I know he's the face of the franchise, but I'm tired of him.)


Oh, and let me join the other posters with a hearty, (don't) fuck Zach.

Edited by Way Wes Jr
  • Love 4


Nia and Jordan were on decent terms but for Nia to throw the word "love" around and claim they had a true blue friendship is a straight out lie or delusion.

Whatever gets her more screen time is more than likely the answer behind the status of her friendships. Just like her about face on Nany and the bff apology tour is I'm sure her way of securing herself better for upcoming Challenges. Which, good for her, but she can suck it with her manufactured tears and emotional . And please, she was just as much up Johnny's ass as anyone until her plans went awry.

I will take Ginger and Bananas at their worst any day over that one.

Thanks for the info! I'm not surprised which is why I wish we heard more of Jordan's side. I don't really believe much of what Nia has to say.

I don't get it...Nia quits without trying but is upset that Leroy didn't win. Then Leroy quits & both of them are upset with being thrown in. I adore Leroy but he's played a stupid game. He was told by Wes that Jordan & Sarah would not throw in Jay & Jenna, he knew they would not throw in Bananas & Nany too & yet he gives up & jumps in. Both of them quit but it's now Bananas fault?!?! Yes, Bananas didn't try to save him. Why should he? Leroy ran to Wes as soon as Bananas was out the door. That means all bets are off. Bananas said to Leroy "tell me you didn't team up with Wes". Of course Leroy didn't know about exile or that Bananas would be back but he didn't have to team up with Wes, he still had Jordan & Zach at that point. Remember, Leroy was going to throw in Wes but Wes talked him out of it. Leroy is too easily manipulated. Bottom line, if you quit a challenge this close to the final you should expect to be thrown in. Bananas quit after he knew he was safe & the threats were already in the water. 


Nia wants to go after Nany, like it's Nany's fault that there was an "exile" or that they came back. She wants to call out Nany for being a ho. She might be, but Nia is no angel. Let's see Nia on the RW not once but twice went to get a weapon to fight. She got a lamp to hit Jordan & even said she was going to get a weapon to hit Johnny R (hairblower). She then sucker punched Avery from behind after the fight was over. She tried to get Jordan jumped by her "dogs", She then said she had men fly her around the world & pay her bills, she offered to suck the skin off of Jordan's d*#k, said she was Cherokee & had a million dollar book deal. On the Challenge she was seen running out of the bathroom trying to hide from the cameras after getting caught with Leroy in the bathroom. She said she "drank Leroy's straw". Then the lowest thing I've see in a while, she drinks a cup of sweat for money. But she's calling Nany dirty! If you are not clean yourself, don't call out other girls for being dirty. Nany is no angel but her crime is hooking up, not doing deplorable things like Nia.

Jordan is no angel, but he's full of himself enough in that he doesn't have to lie or make stuff up. I think he actually worded the situation more nicely to her than he had to, really.

I too am not a fan of Jordan's but I thought he handled the Wes/Teresa conversation perfectly. He didn't blow up, which Wes wanted him to do. Wes is the one that turned Jordan's words around. Jordan never called Teresa a bitch. 

Thanks for the info! I'm not surprised which is why I wish we heard more of Jordan's side. I don't really believe much of what Nia has to say.


Am I rooting for anyone?  An epoch ending asteroid, maybe?  I think it really comes down to who am I rooting AGAINST the least.


1. Jay and Jenna  He's pretty invisible, she is as dumb as a stump, they're rookies on a show that deifies veterans.  They were lucky enough to be Wes's cannon fodder team for the final - not that he didn't turn on that concept in a heartbeat.  (By the way, how does "deifies" rank on the "i before e," exception scale?  I'll put it second after weird, because? Irony.)


2. Sarah and Jordan  I pity her for the partner catastrophes she has had in the past, and Jordan is at least a self-aware dirtbag.  While I think Backpack and Wes overplay aspects of their personalities to be "good TV," I suspect Jordan is just like what we see.


3. Leroy and Nia  I am old, and don't watch Real World.  (I've seen one season, the first, when they were basically in my peer group... Did I mention, I'm old?) As such, I have minimal pre-reservations about "Hurricane" Nia.  That being said, she went over the top in her attack against Nany.


4. Wes and Teresa  I kinda like the ginger, (his comment last week about, "THIS is why we come back," really spoke to me,) and I'm ambivalent about Teresa.  I almost put them at One, but then I realized that I'd like to a new winner for a change.  And for Sarah to pick up a prize check.


5. Backpack and Nany  They were eliminated already.  (Plus, I know he's the face of the franchise, but I'm tired of him.)


Oh, and let me join the other posters with a hearty, (don't) fuck Zach.

I'm old too & I only watch the RW so I will know who is who on the Challenge. I've been watching since season 1 of the RW & the Challenges. I will say Nia is nice compared to how she was on the RW. She was deplorable on that show. She treated her roommates horribly. I cannot stand when people continue bad behavior but say sorry like it washes it away. A true sorry means you stop doing it.

  • Love 1


Am I the only one that wants to see darrell back? Im tired to hear johnny bragging about his 5 wins, every time johnny gets in an argument he always throws his wins, I wanna see darrell back to see him match johnny's record.

The sad thing is if Darell hadn't hit Brad he probably would have been on the winning team for The Ruins which would have been his fifth win. It was rumored that Darrell/Rachel and Trey/Laura were supposed to be on this challenge, but MTV wanted the AYTO kids instead.

Edited by choclatechip45
  • Love 1

I know it is not going to happen, but I would love to see Jay and Jenna win and find out at the reunion that all the governor of Ohio or whatever was a long con.

JB is a jerk on TV, and I have always remembered how really cruel he was to Evelyn until he needed her on The Island. I also remember that on his RW season when Paula passed out on the floor during a conversation with the ex-boyfriend who had hurt her so badly that she had to go to the hospital, he picked her up and put her in bed. So maybe he's a good guy in his real life.

On The Ruins, Wes was the guy who did not did not constantly tease and humiliate Tonya. (And I'm not saying anything else about that) On the other hand he did compare himself to a Greek God. On yet another hand he impersonated Prince Harry, and still did not get any action. He is almost literally the red headed stepchild of the RW/Challenge.

The slut shaming that the women on this show participate in is such a bummer. Didn't Leroy sleep with a ton of women on his season? Nothing wrong with that of course, but why isn't that the subject of tears on the patio and screaming matches in front of TJ?

Also, did you notice how he took his mic off at the end of the episode, like stuff might actually be really happening!

Edited by Gibtown
  • Love 4
 I think his attitude changed after the gauntlet 3, when he was sent in instead of Eric, and after that I think he became a jerk because he realized it was the only way to survive on these things and possibly win. It happens to the best of them (see for reference when Brad finally won a challenge and how he was kind of mean on that  cutthroat challenge).  That's why I wish when these people won a challenge and got first place that they would be done and stop coming back.


Landon and Darrell are examples of why, IMO, this theory of "you have to needlessly be a dick" rings false. They have won a combined total of 7 challenges, so unless they were both putting on nice-guy acts for the cameras, it definitely is possible to win while acting halfway decently.

  • Love 1

On The Ruins, Wes was the guy who did not did not constantly tease and humiliate Tonya. (And I'm not saying anything else about that) On the other hand he did compare himself to a Greek God. On yet another hand he impersonated Prince Harry, and still did not get any action. He is almost literally the red headed stepchild of the RW/Challenge.

Also, did you notice how he took his mic off at the end of the episode, like stuff might actually be really happening!

I've always loved Wes, ever since his original RW season.  For me, he's always been that lovable asshole.  I also like that he is always very upfront with whatever assholery he does and never hides behind anything.  He's a very "take me as I am" person and I appreciate that.  I also feel like despite being an asshole, he's a decent guy at heart (and that certainly came through on The Ruins, not only in the Tonya situation, but in the letter he left for his girlfriend after he lost the elimination).


Who took their mic off at the end of the episode?? I did not catch that.



Landon and Darrell are examples of why, IMO, this theory of "you have to needlessly be a dick" rings false. They have won a combined total of 7 challenges, so unless they were both putting on nice-guy acts for the cameras, it definitely is possible to win while acting halfway decently.

This is a funny comparison because Landon and Darrell did not get along because Landon thought Darrell was being a selfish asshole on the Inferno 2 for putting himself before the team and winning the life shield.  I remember on one of the after shows Landon completely trashed him I think it was during the Gauntlet 2. I do agree with your point, but I can see why it would be frustrating going on these challenges numerous times and not winning. 

Edited by choclatechip45

That's what I was wanting to see Leroy point out - if you want a clear path to win, then take out the guy who wins like every single season.  I really think Sarah could have been talked into sending in Bananas instead of Leroy.  She wants to win.  She said she can't be "nice" if she wants to win.  And she noted Johnny's lack of loyalty to Leroy.  Yeah, Sarah could have possibly come back at him with "but you've already taken Johnny out once, so you might be the bigger threat this season," but at least try, dude.  

These are my sentiments exactly. I think Jordan and Sarah made a stupid move voting in Leroy and Nia instead of Bananas and Nany. Why wouldn't you put the "master manipulators" against each other and guarantee that one of them leaves the game? Both Wes and Bananas have won already. It would be smart to get both of them out of there, and this would've been a good opportunity to guarantee that one of them goes home. Besides it would have been interesting to watch as a viewer.


Jordan and Bananas were enemies last season, and Jordan lost at the hands of Bananas on a wall challenge, so this could have been a real chance for revenge. Bananas is the defending champ and Nany came in 2nd among the women last season. Not to mention they just beasted a very weak field in the battle of the ex-ile. Of course they would've lost to Zach and Jonna in the Dome if Zach didn't have karma sabotaging him every elimination challenge. Predictably he blames it all on Jonna, but she did great. It's karma for being such a misogynistic douchebag. Anyway, it boggles my mind that a smart player like Sarah claims to be wouldn't entertain throwing Bananas and Nany into the Dome. I'd much rather have Jay and Jenna and Leroy and Nia (because oftentimes the final involves water) with me in a final than Bananas and Nany or Wes and Theresa. Jordan and Sarah said they sent Leroy and Nia in to ensure the exit of Wes and Theresa. Why can't Bananas and Nany be the ones to ensure that it gets done?


Nia can STFU. First, when her and Leroy won power couple, they didn't vote in Jay and Jenna, aka the layups, even though they would've been completely justified in doing so because Jay and Jenna voted them in a week prior. Leroy and Nia wouldn't have voted Jay and Jenna in if they would've won power couple this week either. So for her to call Jordan and Sarah on not throwing in the scrubs is ridiculous. Second, she drank Zach's sweat, so she should just stop with any slut shaming or character assassinations. She's one of the most vile people to ever appear on The Real World or The Challenge, and that speaks volumes. On her season of The Real World, she actually tried to get one of her homies to give Jordan a beatdown and she hit Reilly with a hairdryer, so who knows what she's capable of when she's in "hurricane" mode? Frankly, I don't care. I just want her out of the game. I'm tired of big talkers who are mediocre producers.


Leroy, Leroy, Gullible Leroy! That was really stupid to give up on the elimination challenge. Only the insufferable Bananas can get away with such shenanigans. That was a sad scene watching Leroy essentially ask for Banana's forgiveness for aligning himself with Wes. Leroy was basically asking Bananas for guidance even though Leroy and Nia already sent them to Ex-ile. That was really telling about who runs this game. Leroy is probably the strongest physical specimen in this game, BUT he sucks so bad at politicking and in the water that I find it hard to believe that he'll ever win a challenge. That's cool for this season because I don't want to see Nia win anything ever.


Theresa seemed like such a basketcase in this episode. She cried a lot. I laughed at the scene where she said something like "Jordan just called me a bitch and now I'm gonna go cry about it." I mean, really, why does she care if Jordan thinks she's a bitch? Based on what I've seen, I agree with him, and I'm sure she's called him an asshole behind his back. She's vile and doesn't seem to be able to handle not being liked. This season she hasn't been so bad other than the slut-shaming, but I found her really annoying last season. I hope she doesn't win either, but I love Wes so much that I'd be okay with it. Even though I love Wes, I also loved Jordan making the comment about Wes being roided out in past seasons. So true.


If Wes and Theresa don't win, I hope Jay and Jenna take it. But there's no freaking chance of that happening.


I like T.J. just standing there and letting Nia and Nany go at it. He was probably relieved something interesting was happening for a change.

Edited by jmonkey


Even though I love Wes, I also loved Jordan making the comment about Wes being roided out in past seasons. So true.

Random question about steroids: Wes was somewhat chubby on his Real World season would steroids really help with that? He looks smaller now than he did on RW Austin. I would suspect CT/Bananas who were both pretty scrawny on their Real World seasons  to have done steroids because they are both pretty big now. I don't really know much about steroids so I'm curious.


It really wouldn't suprise if Wes did steroids because he claims he never works out and well his body looks like someone who does go to the gym.

Edited by choclatechip45

JB is a jerk on TV, and I have always remembered how really cruel he was to Evelyn until he needed her on The Island. I also remember that on his RW season when Paula passed out on the floor during a conversation with the ex-boyfriend who had hurt her so badly that she had to go to the hospital, he picked her up and put her in bed. So maybe he's a good guy in his real life.


For some reason, I just can't dislike Johnny.   I did like him in his RW season, but he showed some cruelty to Paula.   I think she had feelings for him and it irritated him.   I remember him making fun of her for self-mutilating.   It wasn't understood as well back then, but he was a jerk.   He was an asshole on The Island, and it took a while for me to forgive him.  This season I think he's trying to be kind to Nany and kind of ignored the fact that she still has feelings for him.  It was her fault they were eliminated, yet he didn't yell at her or make her feel bad.


I like that he loves his dog and dogs in general.  Also, Diem told stories of Johnny being supportive of her, and even administering some of her shots.  He takes this show very seriously, and treats it like a job.  I don't think he has patience for people who show up to have fun.


My thing with why I like Wes more than Johnny is because at least Wes is up front about the game he is playing. He knows what he is doing and he seems to have a bit of self awareness as he's doing. Johnny plays the game the very same way but is not up front about it at all and doesn't get why people don't like him. I think if you're going to do something, be up front about it. But seriously don't act like you don't play this game the very same way. And his partner Nany is just the very same.  But I like Wes. I think he's kind of funny. I mean, I know he's a jerk at times. I get that. 


Every season I like Wes until I don't.  This last episode I started disliking him again.  I think he tries to be like Johnny, but can't quite do it.  I think a lot of his arrogance is bravado, and he lets his insecurity show at times.   The look on his face when Johnny walked back in was comical.  And he looked so silly whining that he didn't really use steroids.   And the way he let Johnny dismiss him, and he crept away with his tail between his legs.  It's so pathetic. 


I like Wes the underdog, but I don't like Wes when he's winning or whining.   He was so cocky when he threw Johnny and Nany in, and he should stand behind the decision.  I also hated him for how he treated Cara Maria - again when he thought he was running things.  He was a total dick when he was in the final with Casey.  And I greatly disliked him the season he and Ev thought they were running things.

  • Love 1

I don't know a whole lot about steroids, but I do know the 'veterans' are pushing 30+. It's been 10 years since they were on their RW seasons. I think it's safe to say they finally grew into their bodies since most of them barely qualified as adults when they made their MTV debut.


I also don't believe a word about Wes not working out. You can guzzle up steroids like candy and they won't make you lean. You still need to do cardio (get your heart rate going) to lose the fat, unless you're taking a supplement for that, which is a REALLY bad idea.


A lot of these contestants are gym rats and they are notorious for filling up on supplements and fake food, like protein shakes. Even if they aren't using steroids, the processed protein can throw off your testosterone/estrogen balance and makes them irritable, especially under the cramped conditions they're already in.



I don't know a whole lot about steroids, but I do know the 'veterans' are pushing 30+. It's been 10 years since they were on their RW seasons. I think it's safe to say they finally grew into their bodies since most of them barely qualified as adults when they made their MTV debut.

That's true about Wes since he was 18 or 19 when he was on RW Austin, but guys like CT and Johnny were around 22 and 23 when they made their Real World debuts. I recently watched the Inferno 2 and CT was pretty lean, but he definitely wasn't as big as he was on The Duel.  Plus the whole reason Bananas got sent home on the Gauntlet 3 was because besides Adam he was the next smallest guy.


I remember watching Fresh Meat 2 and thinking Landon might be using steroids because his skin was pretty awful looking.

Edited by choclatechip45

Sarah makes it impossible for me to like her.  I keep trying, and she keeps screwing it up.  She wants to win, and she wants to make the best move to help her make money in the final, and she thinks the best strategy to do that is to not only save the one guy who has proven time and again he can win and screw over his alliances to do it, she's even going to take the fall for him sending in his friend.  This whole strategy of everyone throw it so S&J can win just reeks way too much of the Kenny and Evan years.


Do these people drink so much at their promo appearances that they don't remember previous seasons?  Every single year he manipulates people into saving him, then walks over them to the end.  Every single year they come back and suck him off like they're getting paid overtime for it.  It doesn't matter if he's a nice guy in the off season, or that they hang out on the weekends once in a while.  He does the show in game mode, and expects all of his friends to stay in off season mode.


As for Nia vs Nany, Nia being annoying doesn't make her wrong.  And Jordan did call Teresa a bitch.  If he hadn't said it in the first place, the whole bigger asshole than she's a bitch conversation wouldn't have happened in the first place.  He failed to quit talking when he should've, and now he wants Wes to take the blame.  Again, I question the drinking in the off season, because he knows Sarah and Teresa (and everyone else in the house) are going to see and hear that word come out of his mouth.

  • Love 2

Random question about steroids: Wes was somewhat chubby on his Real World season would steroids really help with that? He looks smaller now than he did on RW Austin. I would suspect CT/Bananas who were both pretty scrawny on their Real World seasons  to have done steroids because they are both pretty big now. I don't really know much about steroids so I'm curious.


It really wouldn't suprise if Wes did steroids because he claims he never works out and well his body looks like someone who does go to the gym.

I personally don't believe Wes ever took steroids. He seems too smart for that. However, I think that he definitely took supplements and other non-steroid performance-enhancing drugs to get the physique he used to have. I'm pretty sure most of the cast members with huge muscles do the same. I know Bananas made it a point to "train" harder after getting "backpacked" by CT and he got bigger after that. Some of these contestants want to win so bad that they do train very hard, but it would be foolish to attribute all their muscles strictly to diet and exercise. I believe they've got to be taking something to assist them even if it's not steroids per se. I do think CT took steroids only because I think CT did every drug on the table in his bad boy days. Also, some of his behavior on previous challenges screamed roid rage to me. The only confirmed steroid user on these challenges was Eric Nies from the very first season of The Real World who admitted to taking steroids in high school.


After Wes won a challenge, he let himself go, and I believe him when he says he no longer works out. He probably still swims though. In his words, he uses this game to test "his social prowess." Of course there's way more to this game than big muscles and a lot of the guys with big muscles, i.e. Zach, Bananas, and Wes, have had issues with cramping during endurance challenges in past seasons. Being ripped is definitely a plus in this game, but it's equally important to have endurance, to make strategically intelligent decisions, to be able to solve puzzles, and to be lucky like Bananas.


I can't believe how lucky Bananas always seems to be. He got eliminated and, of course, this is the season where those who get eliminated get to compete in the Battle of the Ex-ile. He's given a weak field to dominate and predictably gets back in the house. And then somehow when he comes back, instead of getting thrown in again (which should've happened), the whole house seems to want to play his game and targets Wes instead. It also seems like whenever he gets into a challenge that the game seems to favor him in some way i.e. the wall challenge against Jordan or a puzzle against CT. To his credit, he keeps winning, but it just seems like the producers and cast cater to his whim and do whatever it takes to keep him in the game. Certainly he has made a career out of this game, but it's the people he's played with who are responsible for his career. That's why I find him insufferable, and I hope to he doesn't win again.

Edited by jmonkey
  • Love 6

I don't know who does or doesn't take steroids, either.  I think to some players' detriment, they focus on big muscles and neglect cardio - see CT crapping out on the first Exes season.  He and Diem would have won if he hadn't sucked so badly.


Everyone remembers CT and Bananas backpack, which was certainly crazy impressive.   But I remember being shocked that Kenny easily threw a cramping and screaming Wes over his shoulder, and hauled him quickly for quite a distance.  That's when I realized Wes lacked self-esteem.  He had no problem letting Kenny haul his ass around.

Honestly I would be shock to hear who hasn't done steroids at one point on the challenges, maybe landon and darrell could be the only ones, the wes rumor has always been around, and I remember that jek used to shit on ct bad about steroids when they were doing that podcast with derrick, with ct is hard to tell because the guy has always been impressive from his very first challenge, he was always coordinate and showed athletic skills, but his brother was involved at one point on steroids too I believe, so Its hard to say that ct didnt do it at one point.


I also believe JEK did too, mainly evan and johnny, johnny start getting big after the island, and then after cutthroat he got huge, he was always pretty lean and he didnt have muscle on his very first challenges, and all of the sudden on rivals he got all big, he was easily to notice because he is small but his arms look huge.

  • Love 1

I did laugh when Wes walked in and calmly stated to Jordan, "For the record, I have never been on steroids."

Wes is an athlete.  Although he may not be swimming competitively anymore, I'm sure he still swims regularly, and that alone is enough to keep you in good shape.  I don't know shit about whether any of them take steroids, but if I had to guess, I wouldn't be shocked to learn that CT did.  



I personally don't believe Wes ever took steroids. He seems too smart for that. However, I think that he definitely took supplements and other non-steroid performance-enhancing drugs to get the physique he used to have. I'm pretty sure most of the cast members with huge muscles do the same. I know Bananas made it a point to "train" harder after getting "backpacked" by CT and he got bigger after that. Some of these contestants want to win so bad that they do train very hard, but it would be foolish to attribute all their muscles strictly to diet and exercise. I believe they've got to be taking something to assist them even if it's not steroids per se. I do think CT took steroids only because I think CT did every drug on the table in his bad boy days. Also, some of his behavior on previous challenges screamed roid rage to me. The only confirmed steroid user on these challenges was Eric Nies from the very first season of The Real World who admitted to taking steroids in high school.


After Wes won a challenge, he let himself go, and I believe him when he says he no longer works out. He probably still swims though. In his words, he uses this game to test "his social prowess." Of course there's way more to this game than big muscles and a lot of the guys with big muscles, i.e. Zach, Bananas, and Wes, have had issues with cramping during endurance challenges in past seasons. Being ripped is definitely a plus in this game, but it's equally important to have endurance, to make strategically intelligent decisions, to be able to solve puzzles, and to be lucky like Bananas.


I don't think anyone did "steroids," as in anabolic steroids. Nowadays, bodybuilder guys and pro athletes are using HGH to get big.


This is my opinion:

I do not think Wes, Bananas, or Landon used anything.

CT and Zach, to me, look like they take HGH.

CT wearing the Bananas backpack definitely to me looks like someone on HGH. Then on Exes I, he had no endurance on the mountain, which people said was because he was a smoker but I also think his muscles contributed to that, burning up tons of energy. Zach had no endurance on Free Agents.

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