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S05.E14: Powehiwehi (Blackout)

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While Five-0 hunts for a notorious criminal who has never been seen, Kono must fight for her life when she discovers the villain's identity. Also, Kono confesses to Adam that she's conflicted about their future together because of his ties to his formerly corrupt family business.

Original Airdate: February 6, 2015

SOURCE: http://cbspressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/shows/hawaii-five-0/releases/view?id=41771

It was nice to have a light hearted episode, well as light as the show gets.  The girlfight scene was tense and compelling. Show is NOT the same without Dano.  Boo.


Mostly I was just jaw dropping amazed to hear Jerry singing the song that I'd never heard before sounding like Frank Sinatra - fab! ending shot.  And then two commercials later it was the new Nissan's theme song?  (or some compact car)  WTH? 


It's complete coincidence?  Gosh I hope so, but it was beyond weird.  Nice song but ewww - the commercialization?!

So this Roman is the big bad and no one ever happens to notice that this vicious gangster is a woman?


5-0 has the hospital's entire floor cleared and then posts two guards? And they don't even communicate when one is leaving the floor to have crappy coffee and sentimental time on her Windows Phone?


Xzibit would have had a much easier time getting around if they had taken his wheelchair out of the elevator. Seriously, those things fold up for easy transport. It had to go about three feet. Did they think Roman was going to come through the ceiling of the elevator like the T-1000 in Terminator 2?


Also, did Kono run out of bullets in that gunfight? She didn't even consider using her gun after they got in the elevator. Hide in a laundry basket, wait until she comes around, shoot. At the very least they could have included a line about it.


Danny's back in Newark for testimony in a court case? That must be strange, considering that 5-0 executes most of their suspects.


Some very strange conversations in this one. Adam and Jerry as buddies, even though Jerry later admits he doesn't really know Adam at all. Xzibit giving relationship advice to Kono, which she follows!


Speaking of which, Kono taking issue with Adam's "corruption" was laughable considering how many laws 5-0 breaks in the course of an average day. Wasn't it just a few weeks ago that Kono used feminine wiles and a tight leather skirt to completely subvert due process?


This show does not know when to twist the knife. Jerry should have blown up at the end of the episode, in a car bombing meant for Adam. That would raise the stakes a bit.

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So this Roman is the big bad and no one ever happens to notice that this vicious gangster is a woman?


5-0 has the hospital's entire floor cleared and then posts two guards? And they don't even communicate when one is leaving the floor to have crappy coffee and sentimental time on her Windows Phone?


Xzibit would have had a much easier time getting around if they had taken his wheelchair out of the elevator. Seriously, those things fold up for easy transport. It had to go about three feet. Did they think Roman was going to come through the ceiling of the elevator like the T-1000 in Terminator 2?


Also, did Kono run out of bullets in that gunfight? She didn't even consider using her gun after they got in the elevator. Hide in a laundry basket, wait until she comes around, shoot. At the very least they could have included a line about it.


It was more than just one floor cleared. We were in awe of how they could have two patients yet no medical staff around when the bullets started flying.


I was amazed at Kono's quick thinking in the elevator. Within 5 seconds of an elevator stopping she was pulling the hand rails off to pry open the door.


Considering the basic load of modern pistol armed officers and watching Kono trying to rack the slide I think they went with her weapon jammed scenario rather then the out of ammo one


What was Decker in prison for in the first place. A second time informant "snitch" already sprung from prison and taking a bullet in an undercover can't be put back in can he. Unlike Sang Min the audience doesn't have to deal with a human trafficker running free and being charismatic.

Speaking of which, Kono taking issue with Adam's "corruption" was laughable considering how many laws 5-0 breaks in the course of an average day. Wasn't it just a few weeks ago that Kono used feminine wiles and a tight leather skirt to completely subvert due process?


But they do that for good to save the world.  Adam's "corruption" is evil, for money.

Jerry at the end singing Dean Martin gave me the warm fuzzies. Missed Danno too. Am wary of a Kono family wedding - it didn't work out so well for Chin.


It was good to see Agent Sean (tm Regina, TWOP). I'm relieved he didn't turn out to be a baddie - I was worried for a sec at the beginning when Decker couldn't remember him.


I guessed that the woman was Roman, but then second-guessed myself when the guy held Agent Sean at gunpoint and told him he knew where he lived.


shallow pool: could we get McGarrett and Adam to go surfing - shirtless - just once? I might die.

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I was waiting for a car to pull up along side Jerry and either shoot at him or run him off the road. Especially every time they got to the "ain't that a kick in the head" line in the song.

I know they like the Kono as badass angle, but some of the fight scenes seem ridiculously gratuitous. I guess shooting is too boring.

Didn't miss Danny at all. In fact, I wouldn't miss him if they wrote him out of the show.

Why didn't they try and quietly move people out of the area at the gardens, rather than having a potential gun battle amid innocent civilians?

How did they know so much about Roman except "his" gender? That makes no sense.

  • Love 1

I actually thought the whole sequence with Kono in the hospital was pretty well done. The trail of blood was clever. Everything else was patently ridiculous of course. I mean, they didn't even try: Oh Roman was the WOMAN! ZOMG. 


Next up, Five-0 solves the case by meditating under a tree.


I thought the guest star was good though, and I thought Grover reassuring the guy was nice. But the show is insane. 

I actually thought the whole sequence with Kono in the hospital was pretty well done. The trail of blood was clever.

The trail of blood seemed to me to be stupid and took more time than its was worth. If Kono didn't waste time doing that she might have got a call through (not that it was necessary); it took Kono longer to draw the blood and plant it than it took it for Ramon to follow it and she still found her way to the laundry room where xhbit was hiding and find her way to Kono.

I love the show for many reasons, it's perfect Friday night junk food, which I'll watch at some point over the weekend.


But looking at Xzibit (excuse me: Alan Joiner's) IMDB page, I was amazed that this was his 3rd(!!!) episode of H50, including an appearance earlier this season in the Collapsed building episode. I'm sure it's mostly just laziness on my part, but the multi-episode continuity seems to be drifting out for me. Maybe with Wo-fat now dead they can get back into a bit of that, with more than just passing glances, and hopefully it doesn't have to do with the McGarrett family and Tool Box.

Oh yes.  McGarrett and Adam surfing together.... I'll be in my bunk....


Slide over on that "Oh noes!  Jerry's gonna bite it!" bench, my friends.  I was braced for it, fully expected the "KaBOOM!" during one of those long camera shots of Jerry cruising up the coastline road.  Whew!


Aaaaaaaand....Apparently I just can't be satisfied.  Wasn't I complaining in an earlier thread that the writers should explain Danny's absence by dropping in a casual "he had to go to court" or "Gracie had a thing" statement?   Well, that "Where's Danny?"  "Oh, he had to go to Jersey to testify on one of his old cases which is in appeal."  conversation was a giant clunker.  Maybe because it didn't feel like an organic part of the dialogue, and more like the writers tacked on an obligatory "the fans want to know where Danno is, so we'll tell 'em." couple of lines.


Xzibit is one bit of stunt-casting that actually is working well for me.  The episode where 5-0 confined his criminal, gun-running butt to his backyard had some really good chemistry between the regulars and the Decker character.  Probably why he's turned into a recurring character, I would imagine.  Actually, most of the stunt-casting has been pretty brilliant, except for the Pdiddy, or Sean Combs, or whatever he's going by these days episode.  If you're going to make an entire episode revolve around a guest star, it is usually best to pick a beloved personality (Carol Burnett) and not a douche bag (Combs).


Is it just me, or does Ian Anthony Dale look like Pierce Brosnan's long lost love child?  There are some camera angles where the resemblance is just striking.  It would be great if they got Pierce Brosnan to guest star as Adam's real dad or some such other thing.  As I understand it, PB lives on Kauai for part of the year--or at least he used to--so an all expenses paid trip to the islands would be appealing to him and not a hardship.

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I love the show for many reasons, it's perfect Friday night junk food, which I'll watch at some point over the weekend.


But looking at Xzibit (excuse me: Alan Joiner's) IMDB page, I was amazed that this was his 3rd(!!!) episode of H50, including an appearance earlier this season in the Collapsed building episode. I'm sure it's mostly just laziness on my part, but the multi-episode continuity seems to be drifting out for me. Maybe with Wo-fat now dead they can get back into a bit of that, with more than just passing glances, and hopefully it doesn't have to do with the McGarrett family and Tool Box.






Xzibit is one bit of stunt-casting that actually is working well for me.  The episode where 5-0 confined his criminal, gun-running butt to his backyard had some really good chemistry between the regulars and the Decker character.  Probably why he's turned into a recurring character, I would imagine.  Actually, most of the stunt-casting has been pretty brilliant, except for the Pdiddy, or Sean Combs, or whatever he's going by these days episode.  If you're going to make an entire episode revolve around a guest star, it is usually best to pick a beloved personality (Carol Burnett) and not a douche bag (Combs).


I didn't even see it as a stunt cast. P Diidy/Puffy had that entire JLo period to crossover from star for a few years to superstar. Like many rappers he went on to work as an actor. And like most did not make it as big as Will Smith and Ice Cube (who he is closer to than Smith as a musician). Besides the MTV car makeover show this has been his level, with the most noticeable role being the assistant coach probation officer with Dwayne The Rock Johnson in The Gridiron Gang

I love the show for many reasons, it's perfect Friday night junk food, which I'll watch at some point over the weekend.

But looking at Xzibit (excuse me: Alan Joiner's) IMDB page, I was amazed that this was his 3rd(!!!) episode of H50, including an appearance earlier this season in the Collapsed building episode. I'm sure it's mostly just laziness on my part, but the multi-episode continuity seems to be drifting out for me. Maybe with Wo-fat now dead they can get back into a bit of that, with more than just passing glances, and hopefully it doesn't have to do with the McGarrett family and Tool Box.

Not for nothing but this was also the 2nd ep for Greg Grunberg's character. Agent Morrison (he's from ICE or some other Federal department I can't remember now). He was also in Lapaʻau (Healing) in S2.

That was the ep where an agent who'd worked under him was murdered via blowfish poison & a private plane crash into the waters off Oahu, which turned into Five-0's case of the week. It also involved him having worked a previous case with Lori Weston before she was part of Five-0; a cute scene where his character & Masi Oka's Max Bergman debated whether or not they'd met before being in Max's morgue together (Masi & Greg were both in Heroes, before H50, which was the genesis of this scene); a bunch of stuff about animal trafficking for stuff like bear bile & things used in other health supplements; stuff about a possible suspect, who was dying of cancer trying to kill his Dr. with chemotherapy, & Danny taking the victim of the week's dog & giving it to Gracie instead of taking it to the local animal shelter like Steve expected him to. Also Five-0 was given, by Agent Morrison, a commendation awarded to the dead agent, instead of her family or someone more expected.

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This was a fun easy episode.  I did like Michael Imperioli (spelling?) in this episode, and I like his character.  I wouldn't mind seeing him again in other episodes.  I was thrilled to see Kono and Adam, and this is one of the things I love about H5O.  These stories and relationships are five years old, and so I feel invested as a viewer.  It's not like Kono (or Chin or Steve) have a new love every other day.  We've watched Kono and Adam struggle with their relationship for four years, and count me in the camp of wanting those two to get married.  They work, and they look great together.  I only wish we could get a flashback episode at some point to show how those two hooked up to begin with because Adam was introduced as the son of the enemy, and then he was suddenly involved with Kono.  I would like to see their first (and second and third) meeting.


I missed Danny too!  I'm sorry but the Steve/Danny chemistry is a big part of what I love about H5O, and I've felt a huge absence with those two guys since after episode eight.  I am really looking forward to some McDanno this coming Friday, and hopefully much more of those two for the rest of the season.  The writers better be careful of how many episodes those two don't have scenes together because then they start messing with a huge piece of what makes the show work imo.


I thought the story itself was pretty good, and I figured out the woman before her reveal, but I still think it was well done.  I do love seeing Kono protect and save herself rather than the guys coming to her rescue.  I thought the fight scene was really good, and I enjoyed the episode.


Closing with Jerry was nice, and I do love that song.  I never thought he was going to get killed, and I couldn't help but chuckle when he told Adam that he wanted to take "her out for a spin," and then Jerry had to quickly explain that he meant the Ferrari and not Kono.  I laughed at that part. 

  • Love 1

This was a fun easy episode. I did like Michael Imperioli (spelling?) in this episode, and I like his character. I wouldn't mind seeing him again in other episodes. I was thrilled to see Kono and Adam, and this is one of the things I love about H5O. These stories and relationships are five years old, and so I feel invested as a viewer. It's not like Kono (or Chin or Steve) have a new love every other day. We've watched Kono and Adam struggle with their relationship for four years, and count me in the camp of wanting those two to get married. They work, and they look great together. I only wish we could get a flashback episode at some point to show how those two hooked up to begin with because Adam was introduced as the son of the enemy, and then he was suddenly involved with Kono. I would like to see their first (and second and third) meeting.

I missed Danny too! I'm sorry but the Steve/Danny chemistry is a big part of what I love about H5O, and I've felt a huge absence with those two guys since after episode eight. I am really looking forward to some McDanno this coming Friday, and hopefully much more of those two for the rest of the season. The writers better be careful of how many episodes those two don't have scenes together because then they start messing with a huge piece of what makes the show work imo.

I thought the story itself was pretty good, and I figured out the woman before her reveal, but I still think it was well done. I do love seeing Kono protect and save herself rather than the guys coming to her rescue. I thought the fight scene was really good, and I enjoyed the episode.

Closing with Jerry was nice, and I do love that song. I never thought he was going to get killed, and I couldn't help but chuckle when he told Adam that he wanted to take "her out for a spin," and then Jerry had to quickly explain that he meant the Ferrari and not Kono. I laughed at that part.

I'm with you. I'd like (or I wish we'd gotten) some idea of how Adam & Kono got together to start with. I mean, no matter how "hot" he is, Adam was clearly introduced as Hiro Noshimuri's son &, therefore, likely involved with the Yakuza--played as 1 of Five-0's, or at least McGarrett's, enemies on the show.

So it was a bit jarring to, out of the blue, have an S2 ep (I think the 1 when Steve returned from his search for Shelburne in Japan/Alex returned from rehab) opening with Kono in a bathrobe, in a suite at the Hilton Hawaiian Village, remembering her (apparently not the 1st) sexual encounter(s?) with Adam from the night before. I always figured, the way things were being written, Kono would end up with Charlie Fong, the lab tech; but I guess that was *too* obvious.

As for McDanno, the thing about that is it's not necessarily as much up to the writers how many scenes they do/don't have together anymore, as it is up to Scott &/or Alex how many eps each wants to actually appear in per season now. The writers can only write for the actors who are actually available for the ep involved. And yeah, I miss the McDanno too.

I don't know if Scott, primarily, just got bored with the show & took on more outside commitments he knew they'd have to/they'd be likely to let him outta filming for, or what? And, of course, there's the fact he's now got a 7 month old daughter with his girlfriend who requires at least some of his attention & who may be living (at least mostly) in LA.

The odd thing is, it feels like Scott's missed a ton of episodes but, I think, the last time I looked at the cast's IMDb pages I think they said Scott's actually (somehow) done more eps than Alex has. At the time I looked, it was something like 98 eps for Scott & 93 for Alex. Which I'd swear is wrong, 'cause I'm positive Alex only missed 3 eps when he was out with his medical thing in S2 (220, 221 & the NCIS LA half of our 221; he was back in 222) & I can't remember 2 other eps he's missed since then.

Anyway... I like that they, mostly at least, let Kono be a strong woman who can take care of herself instead of being the team's "damsel in distress" who regularly needs rescuing by her Cousin Chin, Steve, Danny, & now Lou. And I'm glad they basically established that aspect of her from the Pilot, when we met the character & she decked the guy who dropped in on her wave & caused her to wipeout in her opening scene. Although there have also been times I've thought Kono could've been stronger than she was in certain circumstances.

About the song in the closing scene... You wouldn't believe how many commercials I've seen since last Friday night which use the same song. It's a good thing I like the song too, or I'd probably be sick of it by now. It's also used in National Lampoon's Vegas Vacation & tons of other shows, movies, & commercials.

So it was a bit jarring to, out of the blue, have an S2 ep (I think the 1 when Steve returned from his search for Shelburne in Japan/Alex returned from rehab) opening with Kono in a bathrobe, in a suite at the Hilton Hawaiian Village, remembering her (apparently not the 1st) sexual encounter(s?) with Adam from the night before. I always figured, the way things were being written, Kono would end up with Charlie Fong, the lab tech; but I guess that was *too* obvious.

I thought something might happen with Kono and the lab tech too, but I do love her with Adam. That being said, I agree - we should have gotten some backstory with how those two ended up together.  I can certainly understand the attraction, but I can't get passed how Kono would want to get into bed (literally) with the son of the Yakuza mob boss.


As for McDanno, the thing about that is it's not necessarily as much up to the writers how many scenes they do/don't have together anymore, as it is up to Scott &/or Alex how many eps each wants to actually appear in per season now. The writers can only write for the actors who are actually available for the ep involved. 


Understood, but for the scenes they do have together, there could be more substance to them.  Case in point, the last episode had Steve walkign towards his car after seeing Joe in quarantine, and Steve and Danny had one exchange, barely two sentences.  Why haven't they been allowed to talk about the Wo-fat events?  My hope is that it may be coming in upcoming episodes.  


I don't know if Scott, primarily, just got bored with the show & took on more outside commitments he knew they'd have to/they'd be likely to let him outta filming for, or what? And, of course, there's the fact he's now got a 7 month old daughter with his girlfriend who requires at least some of his attention & who may be living (at least mostly) in LA.


I don't think Scott is bored.  I think it's largely to do with his newborn because Grace Park has a similar deal with her screen time for the same reason.  I have a feeling this is just a temporary thing to allow both "new parents" to enjoy their new arrivals.  Throw in the fact that they have a large episode order this year, and I can understand why they wanted an episode or two off.


The odd thing is, it feels like Scott's missed a ton of episodes but, I think, the last time I looked at the cast's IMDb pages I think they said Scott's actually (somehow) done more eps than Alex has. At the time I looked, it was something like 98 eps for Scott & 93 for Alex. Which I'd swear is wrong, 'cause I'm positive Alex only missed 3 eps when he was out with his medical thing in S2 (220, 221 & the NCIS LA half of our 221; he was back in 222) & I can't remember 2 other eps he's missed since then.


Yeah that doesn't sound right either, but I also think Danny has probably been in more episodes this year than it feels like he has.  It's just that there have been less Steve/Danny and more Steve/Grover.  I think from this coming Friday forward, there will be much more McDanno until the end of the season because from what I've read, there are a lot of strong McDanno episodes coming up.  That is certaily my hope.  I love the chemistry of those two.  Sidenote:  I had no idea that Alex and Scott were born on the same day, about four hours apart.  


Anyway... I like that they, mostly at least, let Kono be a strong woman who can take care of herself instead of being the team's "damsel in distress" who regularly needs rescuing by her Cousin Chin, Steve, Danny, & now Lou. And I'm glad they basically established that aspect of her from the Pilot, 



Same here, and although I don't mind a woman being rescued every now and then, I love that the Five O team respects her as an equal.  Even in this past episode, Steve, Chin, and the team were desperate to get to Kono to help her, but when they realized she had handled the situation, they slipped back into "cop mode."  They saw her injuries, were concerned, but they didn't fawn over her.  I like that.

I thought something might happen with Kono and the lab tech too, but I do love her with Adam. That being said, I agree - we should have gotten some backstory with how those two ended up together. I can certainly understand the attraction, but I can't get passed how Kono would want to get into bed (literally) with the son of the Yakuza mob boss.

Understood, but for the scenes they do have together, there could be more substance to them. Case in point, the last episode had Steve walkign towards his car after seeing Joe in quarantine, and Steve and Danny had one exchange, barely two sentences. Why haven't they been allowed to talk about the Wo-fat events? My hope is that it may be coming in upcoming episodes.

I don't think Scott is bored. I think it's largely to do with his newborn because Grace Park has a similar deal with her screen time for the same reason. I have a feeling this is just a temporary thing to allow both "new parents" to enjoy their new arrivals. Throw in the fact that they have a large episode order this year, and I can understand why they wanted an episode or two off.

Yeah that doesn't sound right either, but I also think Danny has probably been in more episodes this year than it feels like he has. It's just that there have been less Steve/Danny and more Steve/Grover. I think from this coming Friday forward, there will be much more McDanno until the end of the season because from what I've read, there are a lot of strong McDanno episodes coming up. That is certaily my hope. I love the chemistry of those two. Sidenote: I had no idea that Alex and Scott were born on the same day, about four hours apart.

Same here, and although I don't mind a woman being rescued every now and then, I love that the Five O team respects her as an equal. Even in this past episode, Steve, Chin, and the team were desperate to get to Kono to help her, but when they realized she had handled the situation, they slipped back into "cop mode." They saw her injuries, were concerned, but they didn't fawn over her. I like that.

I still totally agree about Kono & Adam. I mean, she had to know it was "wrong"--& she obviously did, 'cause we saw her being really mysterious about it the 1st few times Adam called her at work. But she got involved with him anyway; eventually with Five-0's sort of "blessing".

She's really close to Chin, & she never even confided in him about it initially (I'm presuming it's 'cause she thought he'd--rightfully--tell her what a monumentally STUPID idea it was, 'cause it could ruin her career, etc.); not until Ep 222, I think, when Adam tied her up, gagged her, & locked her in a closet or something when he went after Wo Fat--who was being escorted from Japan by Steve--for killing & dismembering his father, Hiro the Yakuza Boss. When Chin came looking for her & "rescued" her, she then admitted she knew Adam well enough to have his private cellphone number. Which apparently led Chin to understand something was going on between them.

I guess Alex & Scott finally sat down 1 day & figured out just what their age difference really is, & which birthday they'd actually share (I'm guessing Scott's, since he's older, for some reason), what with the International Dateline & the resulting time difference between Canberra (or wherever Alex was born--which isn't coming to me right now, if it's not Canberra) & LA, & whatever else figures into it. I thought I heard it was actually 6 hours difference between their birth times, but whatever. It's just the pesky International Dateline that makes their birthdays a technical day apart. I totally believe if that wasn't involved they'd have the same birthday, whether it's the 23rd or 24th.

Yeah, I love that the team treats Kono like an equal, without real regard to her gender vs. theirs, too. The only thing they do (or did, early on) to distinguish her from them is call her something like "Kid" or "Rookie", to note her junior professional status among her peers & cousin.

I loved that ep in S1, I think it was the 1 where the ex-SEAL with PTSD took the USS Missouri tour group hostage, after being suspected of his wife's murder, when Kono said--without prompting--that she was gonna go interview/hang out with the SEAL's kid at the Children's Home, or wherever she was staying, during the hostage crisis & that she was gonna do it 'cause it's "a woman's job" & she figured they'd order her to do it for that reason. Then Danny said no, they weren't gonna order her to do that (presumably if she hadn't already volunteered) 'cause it's "a woman's job"; they were gonna order her to do it 'cause she was the Rookie of the team.

I loved that ep in S1, I think it was the 1 where the ex-SEAL with PTSD took the USS Missouri tour group hostage, after being suspected of his wife's murder, when Kono said--without prompting--that she was gonna go interview/hang out with the SEAL's kid at the Children's Home, or wherever she was staying, during the hostage crisis & that she was gonna do it 'cause it's "a woman's job" & she figured they'd order her to do it for that reason. Then Danny said no, they weren't gonna order her to do that (presumably if she hadn't already volunteered) 'cause it's "a woman's job"; they were gonna order her to do it 'cause she was the Rookie of the team.

LOL, I remembered that scene.  Danny told her she had to do it, and Kono said "Let me guess, it's because I'm the woman," and Danny said "No, it's because you're the rookie."  I liked that.  Low man/woman on the totem poll gets the crap assignments until the next rookie arrives.  Well, at this point, they are all vets of the team - no rookies.

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