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S03.E10: Left Behind

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I cried twice, and still this episode pretty much just left me whelmed. It doesn't help me that I cannot stand Vinnie Jones, and just looking at him makes me nauseated, so it's a huge strike against my interest in the A-plot.

I actually liked the Hong Kong flashbacks here, though. I think I legit love Maseo for real now.

Felicity and Diggle, though. OWNERS OF MY HEART.

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Random thoughts:

I really miss Oliver.


I understand Felicity and her actions. Maybe she made the wrong call, but I get it. Stop giving her emotional scenes with Ray. In fact, they should have held that off until the next episode. I appreciated the Diggle and Felicity scene. Interestingly that we didn't get Roy and Felicity since they have been buddy buddy. When Felicity finally breaks its going to be huge and I really can't wait.


The epic Diggle and Laurel scene really wasn't epic. It was alright, but it wasn't amazing.


I didn't really mind Laurel until she made her grand debut. She can work as the lawyer. Why does she have to be the Black Canary?? I also realized how bi-polar the next few episodes are going to be with Laurel. She is going to suck, but she is going to be awesome enough to jump out of a window and dangle from a helicopter. She doesn't trust Malcolm and then 

she is going to side with him in 3x12?


Tell Thea. Please Tell Thea. 

Edited by 10Eleven12
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Seeing Tatsu in present day was a surprise but a welcome one.  I know she's Katana but I still wouldn't be surprised if she ends up being the latest addition to Oliver's fridge.  Though I think her husband is much more likely.

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I didn't really mind Laurel until she made her grand debut. She can work as the lawyer. Why does she have to be the Black Canary?? I also realized how bi-polar the next few episodes are going to be with Laurel. She is going to suck, but she is going to be awesome enough to jump out of a window and dangle from a helicopter. She doesn't trust Malcolm and then 

she is going to side with him in 3x12?


Based on the previews, it didn't even seem like she was going to suck that much, honestly. She jumps out of a window onto a helicopter. She saves Roy from getting his ass beat, I mean...the struggle isn't real.

Seeing Tatsu in present day was a surprise but a welcome one.  I know she's Katana but I still wouldn't be surprised if she ends up being the latest addition to Oliver's fridge.  Though I think her husband is much more likely.


I think there's hope for this one.

GB said during the TCAs that she becomes Katana by the end of the season. Not that she couldn't die, but she at least has a while to get there, if she gets there at all.

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Well, I kept my expectations low, which probably helped. I didn't hate the episode, at least. I think I liked it, for the most part...well, certain parts. Having Stephen Amell in, although far less than he usually is, a good chunk of scenes probably helped. I expected very few flashback scenes and him only appearing at the end of the episode in present time. I'm glad he got a pretty hefty break but...yeah, I definitely wouldn't like the episode if he hadn't been in it. But his presence was still missed.


There's not much I can say that others haven't already said. So I'll try some new comments.


I don't actively hate Laurel as Black Canary? Trust me, this is just as much of a surprise to me. I mean, I hate Insta-Canary, but Katie didn't do a horrible job with it. I actually liked her in the episode, especially when she was being a lawyer. Laurel as a lawyer works extremely well and I liked her being the law side of things. I do think she still needs to leave the vigilantism to Roy and Diggle, but as for her last scene...eh, I wasn't screaming or cringing so that's a plus.


Tatsu! She's alive! Hopefully she stays alive, though.


I think Malcolm expected the worst because he knows the Al Ghuls so when he looked down to the ravine and saw nothing, while seeing the bloody blade, he probably just figured there was no way Oliver could have survived and left it at that. Seeing as he's had direct connections with the League, he knows them better than anyone and knows either way, he's screwed so might as well not take any chances!


Colton Haynes...actually moved me a bit when he was talking to Thea; he really seemed to be fighting to hold it together. And I like how he STILL wants to tell Thea about Oliver. Just do it, Roy! Don't have Diggle convince you otherwise! The one thing I like about Roy and Thea is how he's always wanted to tell her the truth but he has to weigh the pros and cons about doing so. 


Sara mention! Sara mention! 


Felicity and Diggle need no words. 


Good episode. Next week, however...I might be skipping LOL. And as much as I actually do like Roy (I know, unpopular opinion!), I am not going to wait for the scene where Laurel acts all smug for being her sister's shadow for 2.5 days. 

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Okay, I actually kind of agree that Felicity was rude when she turned off the lights. BUT like I did with Laurel when she was making shitty decisions after Sara died, I'm going to give Felicity a free pass for tonight's episode because honestly, the woman is grieving and we all grieve differently. Based on the comments I've seen, people are complaining that Felicity's being too whiny and is better as comic relief. I honestly don't know what people are thinking because Felicity just lost the person she loves. It's not called being whiny, it's called grief. You don't just get over the death of someone you love, and definitely not in less than a week. And what good would comic relief do in this episode? It would be highly inappropriate. Honestly, some people... 


I for once didn't mind Laurel in this episode. I thought her moment with John was nice, not epic, but David Ramsey just knocked it out of the park with his talk with Laurel. I also think EBR knocked it out of the park this entire episode. I loved seeing how differently they were processing Oliver's disappearance then death. While Felicity breaks down in a more obvious way, John breaks down quietly. It was wonderful to see. But I wish that they were there for each other in the end. It irked me that Felicity's moment was with Ray and John's moment was with Laurel because I feel like the whole scene would've been more poignant if John and Felicity shared that scene. 


Glen Winters did a phenomenal job directing!

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I forgot to mention that I really liked John Barrowman in this episode. I mean I always like JB but I think he's really nailing Malcolm even more this season.  He's finding that space that just sits on the good side of OTT and he never really pushes over that edge. I think he's doing so well with making Malcolm an enigma. I think he geniunely felt bad that Oliver was dead despite having tried to kill him twice now.  It's not quite as enigmatic as Lionel Luther but it's damn close and I'm loving it.


Is it wrong that it far more upset me to see Laurel in the Lair o' Arrow than Malcolm whom I kind of like invading that space?

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BC could still trend during the west coast showing, but I am surprised it has been quiet on twitter. 


I really don't get the tv/lights thing. I didn't find it rude when Laurel did it and I didn't find it rude when Felicity did it (It didn't put them in total darkness any way).


Why are people calling Felicity whiny? Oliver DIED. Girl is shaken to the core.

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I really don't get the tv/lights thing. I didn't find it rude when Laurel did it and I didn't find it rude when Felicity did it (It didn't put them in total darkness any way).


This is cracking me up. "They could still see!" hahaha



Why are people calling Felicity whiny? Oliver DIED. Girl is shaken to the core.


Who's calling her whiny? 

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Oh and another thing. I actually did not mind Ray here. I liked him telling Felicity she doesn't get to say what his fiancee would have wanted. I think that is the first Routh's crazy eyes served a purpose.

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It's my fault I go into sites like IGN and IMDB :p I bring it upon myself

oh you mean other places lol. Some People on reddit were calling her the new Laurel lmao. 

Edited by ban1o
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oh you mean other places lol. Some People on reddit were calling her the new Laurel lmao. 

lmao it's like it's illegal to cry when your friend or the person you love dies. Or it makes them unlikable. SMH. I admit, Felicity was rude when she turned off the lights, but like I said before, she gets a free pass this episode. 

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lmao it's like it's illegal to cry when your friend or the person you love dies. Or it makes them unlikable. SMH. I admit, Felicity was rude when she turned off the lights, but like I said before, she gets a free pass this episode. 

yeah most of them were annoyed about letting Brick and his goons go, (and then shutting the lights off lol) but Felicity was in a really emotional place so it's understandable. She's lost so many people in a short period of time. 

Edited by ban1o
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yeah most of them were annoyed about letting Brick and his goons go, (and then shutting the lights off lol) but Felicity was in a really emotional place so it's understandable. She's lost so many people in a short period of time. 


I just do not get the big deal about turning off the lights. And yeah, letting Brick go was not a well thought out decision, but her head's not in the game AND OLIVER ISN'T THERE TO REMIND HER OF THAT 1,000,000 TIMES. GAH

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I just do not get the big deal about turning off the lights. And yeah, letting Brick go was not a well thought out decision, but her head's not in the game AND OLIVER ISN'T THERE TO REMIND HER OF THAT 1,000,000 TIMES. GAH

Ya gotta go to IGN because people aren't likign Felicity at all over there right now. They're calling her whiny and rude and blah blah blah. It's like people view her actions like it's in a vacuum or something...

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I knew this would happen with Felicity. Listen I love the character but have also found Her pretty light weight character wise and the actress is passable. But to me she's still a good character but to me she's kind of a Mary Sue.

But this episode I really liked where they took her. She was more human than ever and while I'm tired of them always tying her to a hero, I liked that she wasn't perfect or the team's shining pixie spirt.

And because of it, because she isn't the geek fantasy girl they've come to love, but someone who has feelings outside of lifting up our hero or protecting our hero, they turn on her. It's a problem when crafting a character like that, so I blame it on the writers but it's also fans that force a female character to be complicated and flawed without going down their throat.

It happens all the time with shows with male leads.

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Ya gotta go to IGN because people aren't likign Felicity at all over there right now. They're calling her whiny and rude and blah blah blah. It's like people view her actions like it's in a vacuum or something...


Oh, god. People suffering the devastating, unexpected loss of a person they love and never got the chance to tell how they feel about them are such whiny rude a-holes. The worst!

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The people picking on the fabulous Ms Smoak don't like her, think she's a Mary Sue(which is so laughable) and find any reason to hate on her it's ridiculous and very irritating

actually people on reddit generally love Felicity. i think it is more what Xtremeone1 said. They are turning on her because she showed some emotion and made one understandably wrong decisions for once. Comic fans are misogynistic that way lol. 

Edited by ban1o
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I knew this would happen with Felicity. Listen I love the character but have also found Her pretty light weight character wise and the actress is passable. But to me she's still a good character but to me she's kind of a Mary Sue.

But this episode I really liked where they took her. She was more human than ever and while I'm tired of them always tying her to a hero, I liked that she wasn't perfect or the team's shining pixie spirt.

And because of it, because she isn't the geek fantasy girl they've come to love, but someone who has feelings outside of lifting up our hero or protecting our hero, they turn on her. It's a problem when crafting a character like that, so I blame it on the writers but it's also fans that force a female character to be complicated and flawed without going down their throat.

It happens all the time with shows with male leads.

Felicity has never been a Mary Sue. This episode was more proof. The woman lost a man she loves and she is seriously being called whiny and rude for God forbid mourning for Oliver by people who probably never liked her.

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I *loved* it that Felicity turned off the lights on Diggle and Roy. I don't think she was being rude by leaving them in the dark, because that to me implies that she wasn't thinking about them. But I think she was *making a statement* *to them* by leaving them in the dark: she believes there's no mission without Oliver, and she turned symbolic on the guys. Loved. It. Hard.

Edited by dancingnancy
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actually people on reddit generally love Felicity. i think it is more what Xtremeone1 said. They are turning on her because she showed some emotion and made one understandably wrong decisions for once. Comic fans are misogynistic that way lol.

I'm talking about other people I've seen who bash Felicity and act like Laurviver isn't a toxic relationship. That's really sad and Pathetic if people are turning on her for showing emotion. Morons

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What area of reddit are you looking on? The GA reddit? Because that has not been my experience, haha.

just the "arrow" reddit for the tv show. I don't go there that often but usually people go on about how awesome Felicity is lol. I was kinda surprised how quick a lot of people turned on her. 

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just the "arrow" reddit for the tv show. I don't go there that often but usually people go on about how awesome Felicity is lol. I was kinda surprised how quick a lot of people turned on her.

Bangs head on Desk. I just can't stand stupid lol

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I don't actively hate Laurel as Black Canary? Trust me, this is just as much of a surprise to me. I mean, I hate Insta-Canary, but Katie didn't do a horrible job with it. I actually liked her in the episode, especially when she was being a lawyer. Laurel as a lawyer works extremely well and I liked her being the law side of things.


I infinitely prefer Lawyer Laurel to Insta-Canary, but as a lawyer myself, I was cringing at those courtroom scenes. Laurel's courtroom demeanor is awful and would be ineffective and off-putting IRL. In my current job, I get to meet with jurors at the conclusion of trials, and one thing they always, always mention is how much it turns them off when the attorneys get strident and hostile towards the opposing party. KC probably thinks she's showing how passionate and kick-ass Laurel is, but I wish she'd take it down a thousand.

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Am i the only one totally confused by Merlyn. It felt he just kept popping up randomly. And why does he have to leave town? Was that explained? 

Edited by ban1o
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Am i the only one totally confused by Merlyn. It felt he just kept popping up randomly. And why does he have to leave town? Was the explained? 


I guess he thought if Oliver managed to kill Ra's he'd be off the League's kill list, so now that Oliver failed, and the League is aware he's been in Starling City, he needs to get away so they won't find him.

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I guess he thought if Oliver managed to kill Ra's he'd be off the League's kill list, so now that Oliver failed, and the League is aware he's been in Starling City, he needs to get away so they won't find him.


I don't understand why he'd think they wouldn't be coming for him anyway. They know he's there. Sara was tracking him and Nyssa's seen him. That was what, two months ago? Yeah, he sent Oliver off to settle his blood debt or whatever, but why is he just now getting worried? He should've been worried two months ago!

Edited by apinknightmare
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Felicity and Laurel actually have a very similar problem with their detractors. Felicity is generally shown to be lighter and always with the answer so detractors want her more human and more background. But when they introduce more backstory its suddenly too much and when she breaks (even understandable) 'she's whiny.'


Laurel is all over the place and generally shown to be incompetent. But when she is competent, its eye-rolly and when she is consistent (like with anger), people want something soft. - I include myself in this section.

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I am okay with Laurel hugging Dig because John needed a hug, and Laurel would have been torn to shreds if she hadn't. Hell, I wanted to give John Diggle a big ol' bear hug!. John can grieve with Lyla and Sara. DR just about broke me with his "I still feel like I'm Oliver Queen's bodyguard" speech, though.


Glad it was Maseo and not Malcolm. Malcolm deserves to be in the dark about, well, lots of things. Happily surprised to see Tatsu; I hope that Akio (?), their son, is okay and quietly badass like his folks.  If Cynthia Addai-Robinson was playing a hard-ass ARGUS head not named "Amanda Waller", I'd have lower blood pressure during the flashbacks. Also? Oliver's love of planting trackers on everyone everytime is shown for the first time!


Love fern! Still there. Maybe it is still holding out hope in Felicity's stead?


I hope against hope that Thea is playing Malcolm. That she decides to rebel after he thinks he's somewhere safe, but the way the writing seems to go? Mal will have planned for that contingency and has a couple of back-ups in place.


Felicity? Gah! I wanted to give her a big ol' hug too. I hold nothing she did/said this episode against her. If Ray is supposed to be as big brained as the writing has told us, this should confirm to him that Felicity knows The Arrow. Why else would he bring the prototype to this city? Because there is a limited amount of vigilante room the cops are giving. If Palmer is half as good as he thinks he is, then he'll be an asset to Starling.


But my gal needs time to grieve and I hope she gets more than equally gutted John and Roy trying to help. Now is the time for Lyla to share her experiences with Felicity. More than Angry/Revenge-fueled Laurel standing pat on Oliver being erroneously called dead before. While I am glad that Laurel seems to be trying to work with the gang, I am unsure of how I feel about her grieving with them.


The green suit really does look good on Dig!  The Diggle/Brick fight was great and gritty. I enjoyed that Brick was impressed that he had a proper foe in Diggle, with the headshot. I hope that this is personal with John and Brick's downfall becomes his reason.  Not due to his family and potential harm to them, but because monsters like Brick need to be stopped. (Which, if she was so badass? Why didn't Laurel take the evidence truck? Oh, right; the pithy one-liner. Because she can only have one or the other-- evidence or "clever" quip? Smh for the writers about that.)


What the hell was the freaking captain doing in a high-speed chase? Captain Furrillo ( Hill Street Blues) didn't do that much, if at all.


#Tell Quentin!


Comic fans are misogynistic that way lol.


Not all. Signed A long-time comics fan

Edited by Actionmage
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Felicity has never been a Mary Sue. This episode was more proof. The woman lost a man she loves and she is seriously being called whiny and rude for God forbid mourning for Oliver by people who probably never liked her.

I said she was at her best this important but sometimes I think she is a mary Sue. She rarely shows too many flaws besides non-flaws like "gets scared at approiate times" "can't fight" "adorkable". Here she was emotional, she wasn't always supportive or right, she was human. And I liked her more then I have all season. That's the Felicity I want but that's a Felicity many aren't willing to see as it's the female's Job to be pretty and supportive! Hence why they turn on her

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Welcome back from hiatus show. I missed you…well most of you.


Diggle dressing up as Arrow. "This suits too tight."  Yes, of course it is that is why you need your own suit.  


Bwahahahaha! Roy/Felicity about using Oliver's motorcycle.  "I love this bike"  "Yeah you wait to see what Oliver does to you when finds out you took it."  


Poor Felicity running down the stairs when she thought Oliver was back, only to see Malcolm.  I loved Dig pointing a gun at Malcolm.  Malcolm makes a smart comment and Dig points two guns at him.  


Finally someone says they need to change the locks to the lair.  Yeah you do Felicity and while you're at it, maybe you could install some security cameras in there so peeps like Malcolm and Laurel can't just stroll in and out any time they want.


Malcolm, you are the worst.  You lie to Thea, you show up at the lair and make Team Arrow sad and then you try to skedaddle out of town because Oliver had the nerve to die instead of releasing you from your blood debt.  You suck, you magnificent rat bastard!  Ah but that Felicity/Malcolm scene was worth the price of admission.  "It's your fault he's dead.  You did this."  "Yeah well since Oliver lost, Ra's will kill me." "Good!"  Could I just have more Malcolm/Felicity scenes show? Bonus points if Thea and/or Oliver are in them as well.  I swear I'll eat my vegetables and since I'm a vegetarian, you know I'm good for it.


Speaking of horrible human beings.  Amanda Waller, you're the worst, part 2.  Your wife was taken, Maseo whatever.  Do I look like I care because I don't?  Now, go break into a top secret military facility for me.  


I like the Hong Kong flashbacks much better than the island stuff from last year.  Maseo and Oliver's relationship works for me past and present.


Poor Felicity, she was just getting bombarded with grief all the way around.  Dig kneeling down by her chair after getting the news about Oliver broke my heart.  And oh the hand symbolism.  It  may not have been subtle, but I loved it so much.


"My friend is gone.  Well he is more than a friend."  "I'm not sure what we were, but he's gone."  Did you hear that Ray?  She's got more important things to deal with than you or your exoskeleton suit.


Roy since you believe Oliver is dead, just tell Thea the truth. She deserves to know.  Besides maybe knowing would help get her away from Daddy Crazypants before he brainwashes her into doing something else stupid like challenging Nyssa to a duel or something.


Oliver's ALIVE!!! Really happy they didn't drag his "death" out. I knew Maseo would save him.  So glad they did not kill Tatsu.  

Edited by MsSchadenfreude
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I don't understand why he'd think they wouldn't be coming for him anyway. They know he's there. Sara was tracking him and Nyssa's seen him. That was what, two months ago? Yeah, he sent Oliver off to settle his blood debt or whatever, but why is he just now getting worried? He should've been worried two months ago!


I forgot about this. Maybe the writers did too? I can't remember; did the League actually care that Malcolm was under Oliver's protection? There's always the possibility that Malcolm is afraid of someone else (which is a longshot), or he's lying to Thea to get her out of town with him quickly.

Edited by manbearpig
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Also im not sure where insta-canary.

She did a couple moves, but it was mostly thanks to her sonic device she took out low grade thugs. They've confirmed she'll get beat up a lot.

Plus she's been training for a few months now, and had some basic training before that. A few high kicks a super hero doesn't make.

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She told Nyssa she was MIT class of '09 3x23. So she had to be 19 or 20.

she may have meant her Undergrade degree. and still had a year or two of masters.

Most of the people i know jumped straight to a Phd so they don't really bother with graduating year for their undergrad. is it plausible that someone who did a master will giver her undergrad graduation?

Also i can believe it that she Graduated so young, because my guess has always been that she also started college at a younger age. there are plenty of examples of geniuses with one or two college degrees that were earned at a fairly young age.

Edited by foreverevolving
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Roy seems like he wants to tell Thea so maybe he will tell her next episode. Or she finds out herself. I think it's one of the two. 


I just really hope Thea finds out because I'm tired of clueless Thea. 

Edited by ban1o
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Is it ok to think something is rude and yet appropriate??? My 1st thought when she shut the lights off, was "that's rude", but yet I totally got it... She is grieving it makes sense.  I think people are also right when they say its symbolic that she shut the lights out on 1 chapter of the story. And so a new one begins.


The show was good, I felt emotionally connected through most of it. I have to admit that I kept looking the clock and wondering how much more story they could tell. Every moment seemed jam packed.


I was very surprised that they revealed Oliver alive as early as they did, but hey I'm excited it wont be drawn out when we all know OQ was not gonna stay dead. Loved all the beautiful shots and framing the hands still get me.


Also, Laurel didn't bother me that much... I sorta realized that she is the only one of them that has been thru this scenario before. So as much as I don't see her as being an emotional leader or touchstone for Team Arrow, it is sorta logical that she might be the one to help them through since she's been there before. I keep waiting for a comment like I've already buried Ollie and grieved him, the man who returned is not my Ollie, but I will show u the way to properly get over the loss.


I hope people give Felicity a break, she just lost Sara & Oliver within a few months of each other of course she does not want to lose Roy & Diggle, As for her comments to Ray I thought they were spot on. Sorta glad she said what she said to him, someone has to tell him.

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