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S01.E10: Revenge Of The Rogues

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Cold and HW in the comics are a major threat mostly because comics cops not named Gordon are generally too incompetent to be much use with some other guy in a funny costume around to help. These cops are better off, because Joe and Eddie at least seem pretty good at their job. They are vulnerable because they were at least inconvenienced by the fact one of the cops damaged the heat gun with a bullet. As for why they didn't have snipers or unload on the thermodynamic duo with lots and lots of bullets, it's the same reason Barry doesn't zip in and take their toys away. No show. HW also made a point of Cold insisting the two of them learn everything they can about the weapons, which is how he was able to repair it, which tells me they may be able to make (or have made) their own versions since Star Labs took the originals back. 

Props for "thermodynamic duo." 


It stretches suspension of disbelief that even a very smart criminal could manage to figure out the high-level mechanical engineering behind the guns, let alone someone as one-dimensional and narrow-minded as Heat Wave is. But oh well. 

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I'm glad Barry moved back in with Joe because it was driving me crazy that Barry didn't seem to live anywhere.

The love triangle between Iris/Eddie/Barry is probably there to set up one of the reasons Eddie turns evil. (I'm convinced that he's the Reverse Flash not Wells.)

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Another dumb TV trope was Cisco running in to help Caitlin, when you just know there is a trap.    The dumb was really brought out in this ep.  I know this show is a little brighter than Arrow, but I really like Arrow better and I hope they don't continue these lame eps and bad guys.  Arrow has great bad guys. 

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Props for "thermodynamic duo." 


It stretches suspension of disbelief that even a very smart criminal could manage to figure out the high-level mechanical engineering behind the guns, let alone someone as one-dimensional and narrow-minded as Heat Wave is. But oh well. 


A lot of believability problems with this episode could've been avoided if these smart criminals had a back up team of scientists and snipers. Maybe they could've used the painting to help with the payroll. 


Another dumb TV trope was Cisco running in to help Caitlin, when you just know there is a trap.    The dumb was really brought out in this ep.


I could forgive this one because I can easily see a guy like Cisco acting rash since he doesn't have much experience with crime other than watching Barry KO metahumans from his comfy Star Labs seat. Joe was just too slow to stop him. 


I know this show is a little brighter than Arrow, but I really like Arrow better and I hope they don't continue these lame eps and bad guys.  Arrow has great bad guys.


I find Arrow pretty boring. Flash might be campy, but it's a lot of fun and that earns them higher ratings over Arrow's super seriousness.

Edited by driedfruit
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Eddie's love of The Flash grows.

One more thing that he and Iris have in common!


I just rolled my eyes when the police initially seemed skeptical about Rico's shield. So you guys would rather go up against that cold gun with no extra help and see if that works? Okay then.


The crossing streams thing had me cracking up. I kept picturing Dark Helmet and Lone Star trying to get their schwartzes untangled.


Loved seeing Linc and Michael together again. But no scenes of them shirtless? Come on, show!


Also, did anyone get the last name of the couple who bought the painting?

Their last name was Rathaway. The Heat Wave guy seemed to perk up when he heard their last name so I wonder if he knows them. On the tarmac the butler mentioned the Rathaway's son Hartley, to which Mr. Rathaway said, "We don't have a son anymore." I'm not a comic book reader so I have no idea who Hartley Rathaway is so I thought maybe that was the Heat Wave guy's original name (I know his character is Mick but hey, people can change their names!). Captain Cold later accused Heat Wave of losing his focus during the heist so it made me wonder if it was personal for Heat Wave.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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...The crossing streams thing had me cracking up. I kept picturing Dark Helmet and Lone Star trying to get their schwartzes untangled...

LOL! I was trying to think of what that reminded me of, but I only had a sister and daughters, and the ex is long gone, so thank you!

I was mildly annoyed that the $$ painting wasn't crated for moving, but I guess that was the only expedient way to convey its presence to the viewers.

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Their last name was Rathaway. The Heat Wave guy seemed to perk up when he heard their last name so I wonder if he knows them. On the tarmac the butler mentioned the Rathaway's son Hartley, to which Mr. Rathaway said, "We don't have a son anymore." I'm not a comic book reader so I have no idea who Hartley Rathaway is so I thought maybe that was the Heat Wave guy's original name (I know his character is Mick but hey, people can change their names!). Captain Cold later accused Heat Wave of losing his focus during the heist so it made me wonder if it was personal for Heat Wave.

Rest assured, Mick Rory is not Hartley Rathaway. But, if you remember how they snuck in a mention of Snart's sister back in his first episode, and now here she is....

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I guess I am out on a limb here but I just don't care if Barry and Iris get together or not. I am so darn tired of these tired and overplayed angsty love triangles. Of course, Barry had to wait until Iris met a great guy before he revealed his feelings when he had years and years to do so with no competition whatsoever. And of course, Iris suddenly seems to realize that she kinda has feelings for Barry too (after years of seeing him only as a brother/friend) but, of course, continues to proceed with her relationship with Eddie hence another "love triangle." I find the whole thing annoying on this show and on Arrow. I much rather the other aspects of the show other than the awkwardness that is Barry and Iris. The relationship that they had before was so great... a really great friendship, now... not so much. 

Edited by Bandolero
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We're discussing this more on the relationship thread but - awkwardness is kinda what happens when one friend expresses love for another (romantically)... speaking sadly from experience, lol.

I think at the very least it's being written realistically and it's not taking over the whole show... since the show is so entertaining in other ways and so good at giving us balance with the characters, I love it.

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That FIRESTORM acronym was a bit much

It was a LOT much.


There wouldn't be much of a show if Cold and HW showed up and Barry took their guns away and threw them in jail in the first thirty seconds of the episode.

Well, there's a balance though, because IMO the best superhero comics have the heroes and villains not act like idiots. I mean, by the same token, a master tactician like Snart would have laid traps for Barry, kinda like what Ollie did a few episodes ago. In general, I really hate the "but then there wouldn't be a show" argument. We wouldn't accept everyone having cell phones but never thinking to call in important situations "because it would make a better show". In fact, it wouldn't. Violating the internal logic of the show's universe for cheap drama is bad writing.


I agree with KirkB: Heat Wave and Capt Cold will build their hot/cold guns. That said, if they do this, I want to pre-register my nitpick that they should sell the plans on the black market. Arms dealing is way more profitable than bank robbery. But it does track with Snart being good at tactics and bad at strategy...

On a more general "why are they doing this besides because the comics did it" nitpick point, why would Snart entrust the super-flamethrower to an unstable, unreliable pyromaniac when he could easily have held both guns himself and been, I don't know, "Captain McDLT"?


Agreed with Gregg247; the "crossing the streams" stuff was cute but very silly and totally unnecessary when the [second] fastest man in the world could just disarm them before they even realized he'd arrived.


My least useful nitpick is that I feel like Dominic Purcell's character didn't commit enough to his side of the villain duo. Drab olive green for a heat themed supervillain career? Lame. If you're a heat-themed villain and you aren't at least wearing all red, you really don't have your heart in it.


Speaking of Purcell, has he always been such a phenomenally bad actor? Or did the director tell him to chew scenery, employ a weird and occasional accent, and generally be ridiculous? I get that they want Snart to seem cold (sorry) and calculating, and Heat Wave to be a hothead (sorry again), but really, come on.


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Speaking of Purcell, has he always been such a phenomenally bad actor? Or did the director tell him to chew scenery, employ a weird and occasional accent, and generally be ridiculous?


Heh. I think he was probably directed to act over-the-top. However, I can't argue with you about his accent, that was a problem on Prison Break too. (Purcell is Australian.)

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However, I can't argue with you about his accent, that was a problem on Prison Break too. (Purcell is Australian.)

I've known of him since John Doe, so I should have known that. D'oh.

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My favourite example of fanservice so far is the appearance of McSnurtle the Turtle, aka the Terrific Whatzit, onscreen for the first and perhaps last time. MIght be my favourite example of fanservice ever.

That one went way over my head, tbh... but I did love the Space Ghost Coast-to-Coast comic in the Geek Survival Kit.

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I'm sorry, maybe I'm 5, but I can't take a villain named "Snart" seriously at all.  (Because "snarting" is when you fart when you sneeze)


I love that this show invests so much in the non-romantic relationships on this show-Cisco and Caitlin, Joe and Barry.  It makes all of the stakes for everyone so much higher.

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