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Hindsight - General Discussion

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I think the show has potential. The lead actually works well- not quite as awesome as Erica in Being Erica, but still a solid choice to base a show on.


They've done a really good job of recreating the 1990's look and feel, and I liked little moments like when she asks about where the Keurig is.


I'm also shocked that this is apparently being filmed in Georgia. The whole look and feel screamed Toronto, Canada trying to pass itself as New York City to me. I couldn't tell if they're supposed to be in New York City or not. If they are, I wonder if she'll make a reference to 9/11 or not.

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   Your anachronism or props for authenticity thread!


   So far they've done a really good job of creating the mid-1990's look- especially the mock turtleneck belly tees, and the 70's retro pieces. I also really liked that Sean was wearing this suede jacket in that scene at the park- guys seemed to wear those a lot back then. Sean's hair is especially great.


   The only thing so far that made me go, "Hmm" was Becca's U. of Michigan zippered hoodie. I know hoodies were around then, but the lettering and the factor that it was zippered and fitted seemed a little more modern than it should be...weren't college hoodies generally much plainer back then?

Edited by methodwriter85

She's generally good- some line readings were a little cringey, but for the most part I think Laura Ramsey is capable of leading a show. We'll see how she grows into the role over the next couple of episodes.


I liked that similar to Peggy Sue Got Married, they picked an actress (early 30's) mid-way between the ages of the past character(early 20's), and her present (early 40's) character. That way it didn't look ludicrous when they had Becca dressed up as a middle-aged career woman, and a young woman.

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I really liked the 1990's throwback. As someone who watched Back to the Future, Early Edition and Being Erica, I am kind of for this. It wasn't amazing but it's got me for a few episodes. I wonder how knowing about the future/ missing technology will continue to affect her.

At first I thought Xavier was the one who sent her to the past but maybe he is her soulmate. He is the guy at the same bar as her, the same city and they never met until now she happens to notice him.

It's also interesting how much they put on the friendship rather than the romance. We already know her problems with both guys but Lolly is the big mystery fallout that is supposed to catch our interest.

I don't think this started out the gate amazing like Being Erica did, but it does show a lot of potential. I liked them dropping hints that things were already changing because of Becca's actions, namely when her mother gave her the bracelet. Probably because of that conversation where Becca asked her mother if she still loved her father.

Edited by methodwriter85

At first I thought Xavier was the one who sent her to the past but maybe he is her soulmate. He is the guy at the same bar as her, the same city and they never met until now she happens to notice him.

I thought the same thing. And honestly, I'm into it. I'd prefer that to her ending up with either of the other guys.


It's also interesting how much they put on the friendship rather than the romance. We already know her problems with both guys but Lolly is the big mystery fallout that is supposed to catch our interest.

I love this. I know it seems like the show is about the love triangle situation, but it came off more about Becca/Lolly's relationship. Becca seemed more concerned about that than either of the guys. I hope they continue to spend most of the time of Becca/Lolly.

Heck yeah, I'm down for this!


I just finished the pilot and its wonderful! That soundtrack was everything!


Is anyone else like me, and looking forward to the relationship between Becca and Lolly getting back on track? Or rather, staying on track? Thats the real star here.


They did a great job with the clothes, though I think the hair and makeup could have used a bit of work. I tend to remember darker eyes and lips back then. Lots of browns and neutrals. But thats really the only complaint I've got, so bravo!


I'm looking forward to the peppering of all the future knowledge from Becca...I wonder if she'll use that knowledge for good or evil in the immediate future? Will be fun to see, I think.

I didn't expect to like this VH1 being a channel I mostly ignore but the premises sounded interesting. I like the friendship between Becca and Lolly. If that is what the show focuses on and her relationship with her family (trying to save her parents marriage before it ends and helping her brother) and avoids the over used finding twuluv contrivance then I will keep this in my DVR for Saturday viewing. If the show is just another stupid

romantic comedy I won't last long.

Tne problem moving forward. She should be rich soon. She knows everything that will happen.

That is one of the issues with these kinds of things that needs to be hand waved because this isn't real life. In real life most of us would use our knowledge for either good or ill. Become rich. Famous. Rich. Hell we might even stop a catastrophe or two...becoming rich. (Yes I know I used rich a few times. But this isn't real life and this isn't a gritty drama. Its a comedy so....hand wave. Don't expect more then the occasional mention of iPhones, netflix, and random hot actors that were once one thing but became something else. "Hey did you know Ellen Degeneres is gay? And Michael J Fox has Parkinsons." " Etc Etc Etc".

Well assuming time travel was possible of course.

Edited by Chaos Theory

It was good, no Being Erica which I think struck an emotional cord better. But the lead is good, as is Lolly and their scenes together are top notch.

All three love interest(future husband, past husband, random guy) are terrible actors so I hope none are her soulmate. They're all pretty cringy(with future being the best of a rotten bunch).

I wonder how she'll use hee knowledge. With Erica there were rules she couldn't break, even if she tried. Be this one has no rules. So why can't she make money? And I know this is going to a big place but what about things like 9/11? She's in NYC! That has to be a thought for her.

Changing the future by making me rich wouldn't change the world or this country much, but if I stopped 911 from happening, wow, the repercussions from that...who knows what would happen then?


Would the terrorists try again and maybe even something worse happen and how about all the people that would still be alive?  All the newly single people who married again and had babies with someone else...the babies wouldn't exist....

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if I stopped 911 from happening


That's assuming people would believe you in the first place. I think that can explain a certain amount of stuff that Becca won't be able to change—why would anyone think she knows? Yeah, she could prove herself by being right about predictions for other situations, but I'd think it would still be hard for people to think the really big stuff, like 9/11 would happen. IRL, the government knew a terrorist attack was imminent and didn't do anything. (A gross simplification, but the point remains.)


And I wouldn't be surprised if the show has Becca return to the present day long before 2001 to avoid this very issue. The show isn't about Becca changing the world at large, it's about her changing her part in the world.

Not sure the show is going for political realism, but I think if she tried to warn the government about 9/11, she'd be arrested herself.


I'll spoiler this in case, but the summary for episode 2 seems to indicate that

she's back in modern day again: "After Becca calls off her wedding to Sean, her parents are angry, Sean is distraught and she is less-than-thrilled with her new position."

I actually really enjoyed the show which I wasn't exactly expecting.  The premise was interesting but I wasn't sure what to expect from VH1.



I liked the lead and most of the story.  Didn't like her waiting till the ceremony to call off the wedding.


One problem moving forward.  She should be rich soon.  She knows everything that will happen.


Honestly I doubt it.  I was thinking about this type of situation for myself what exactly I'd remember (I was only 11 in 1993).  Sure she might end up rich in say the late 2000's but anything stock wise would take a while to actually earn her money (especially with the bubble burst which I would have to look up to know exactly when that happened).  So I'd say it's pretty "realistic" what we see here.  And as discussed above, any attempts to warn about 9/11, the World Trade Center bombing, etc would easily be dismissed.

I really don't expect this show to touch 9/11. (Also, the WTC bombing happened in 1993, so it's already in the past of Hindsight.)


I did like Becca advising Sean to buy his building because the land values are about to skyrocket. I wonder what neighborhood it was supposed to be? My first thought was Williamsburg, but it seemed like they were supposed to be in Manhattan. Maybe Tribeca? Were there still starving artists there in the mid-90's?


The only thing Becca can do that would result in a pretty immediate payout would be sports betting, but unless she's a walking encyclopedia of sports knowledge, that won't help. The bull stock market doesn't happen until 1997, and the tech boom is more like 1998-1999, and she'd need to be in San Francisco to really take advantage of it.

Edited by methodwriter85

I actually really enjoyed the show which I wasn't exactly expecting.  The premise was interesting but I wasn't sure what to expect from VH1.




Honestly I doubt it.  I was thinking about this type of situation for myself what exactly I'd remember (I was only 11 in 1993).  Sure she might end up rich in say the late 2000's but anything stock wise would take a while to actually earn her money (especially with the bubble burst which I would have to look up to know exactly when that happened).  So I'd say it's pretty "realistic" what we see here.  And as discussed above, any attempts to warn about 9/11, the World Trade Center bombing, etc would easily be dismissed.

Oh, you forgot something so simple.  I know who will win every Super Bowl, World Series, Stanley Cup and many other sporting events.  I would be wealthy really quick.

A person could send anonymous warnings about 911, maybe even call a fake bomb scare on that morning to clear the WTC.


There would be ways to do it, but it would take finesse for sure.

Oh, you forgot something so simple.  I know who will win every Super Bowl, World Series, Stanley Cup and many other sporting events.  I would be wealthy really quick.

A person could send anonymous warnings about 911, maybe even call a fake bomb scare on that morning to clear the WTC.


There would be ways to do it, but it would take finesse for sure.

I watched every Superbowl but off hand I can't remember who played or won any of the games.  I was 11 at the time but honestly I still can't remember who won the Superbowl like 5 years ago let alone 20 something (and that's assuming she played much attention to those things, at best she'd remember when the Giants won like I remember when the Ravens won). 


I am surprised I didn't mention betting though (I though I had, but must of forgotten).  That said though after sports betting there's not any real get rich quick that she'd be able to pull off with "future knowledge".  Although I kind of hope Lolly asks.

I absolutely loved the underlying tension of the episode- Becca is a 40-something woman with a lifetime of experiences and knowledge, but that's all been wiped out and she's being treated like a 20-something fresh in the field. And that she didn't see the proposition coming, because again, she doesn't think of herself as a young piece of ass, but the guy who hit on her did.


I liked that she tried using her knowledge of the future, but it didn't work out the way she wanted.


I also like that Becca's got this very dismissive attitude towards Lolly, because she's a 43-year old reacting to 23-year old Lolly's antics. And that her disapproval is basically pushing Lolly and Jamie together.


Another great touch is that I like Becca's kind of fuzzy about things- like when Lolly got her purple Doc Martens. That feels realistic. And I loved the look on Lolly's face when someone offered them to her- like "Oh my god, Becca IS really telling the truth!"

Edited by methodwriter85
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I watched every Superbowl but off hand I can't remember who played or won any of the games.  I was 11 at the time but honestly I still can't remember who won the Superbowl like 5 years ago let alone 20 something (and that's assuming she played much attention to those things, at best she'd remember when the Giants won like I remember when the Ravens won). 


I am surprised I didn't mention betting though (I though I had, but must of forgotten).  That said though after sports betting there's not any real get rich quick that she'd be able to pull off with "future knowledge".  Although I kind of hope Lolly asks.

But, if she remembered any sports, she wouldn't need to know anything else.  Although, one can bet on other things.  The Presidental election can be bet on too.  Plus, many others. 

Love the two leads of Becca and Lolly.  Sharing the future with Lolly is fun too.  Although, Lolly would have a lot more questions about the future.  And it's hard to imagine that Becca wouldn't soon mention 911.


And they're still avoiding the topic of Becca benefitting financially off of her knowledge of the future.

Well, one, I don't think Lolly REALLY believed Becca til the predicted purple Docs showed up at the end there. So we may get some questions from Lolly coming up.

And Becca WAS trying to benefit from her future knowledge by hitching her wagon to that writer guy. But that backfired because, sadly, she was the only one in the world who didn't figure out that he just wanted to get in her pants.

There were a couple of touches I really loved: Becca absently digging around in her purse before she realizes that no, she no longer has an iPhone. And the granola fad of that era that Becca likened to tasting like driveway. And then asking if it's gluten-free. "What's that?" "I don't know, it's just what everybody's doing now."

I'm really enjoying this. I was exactly 20 in that year, so the music and clothing and... well, everything is just fun to see again. Like that razor! The Gilette sensor excel! I totally had one of those!

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I was talking more about making a lot of money with her knowledge.  Her possible job with the author would still be a job and not pay close to what she could make betting on future events.


I too liked the gluten free reference because it's a running joke with me...when my friends mention gluten free, I comment that I like extra gluten with my food.

I was talking more about making a lot of money with her knowledge.  Her possible job with the author would still be a job and not pay close to what she could make betting on future events.

The thing is, unless one can think of a really good long shot bet that'll have fantastic odds (and nothing comes to MY mind), betting on future events would still take time and a good bankroll to start. Might as well just invest in Apple and bide time.

It felt authentic to me that Sean would be angry at Lolly as well. I liked that he mentioned her laughing and hightailing it out of the church, because she sure did.


I thought the publishing company (or managerial agency or whatever it is) would have been an excellent place for Becca to bring her future knowledge to bear. But I'm interested to see what direction she takes with her job now. I'm also hoping she goes on the honeymoon trip, although the show certainly wants us to believe she missed the plane.


Was glad to see some progress in Becca trying to create a better/different relationship with her mother.


On an unrelated note, Lolly was my mother's nickname for me as a small child and it's kind of freaking me out to hear it again.

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They did a really good job of making Becca look younger this episode. I thought she looked particularly young in the scenes with Anton.


I also really like that they're subtly showing every episode how Becca is changing things by what she's doing, like Andy going back to kiss her or Lolly deciding to actually take her job seriously. I'm guessing that Jamie is also being more dogged in his pursuit of Lolly than he was in the original timeline.


Did anyone else catch that Becca says her break-up with Sean happened ten years ago, which is about when her friendship with Lolly breaks up as well? I wonder if Lolly slept with Sean, Becca confronted her about it at New Year's '04, and that's why they never spoke again.


I'm kinda surprised that her marriage with Sean lasted ten years...if it's as bad as she described it as being.

Edited by methodwriter85

Sarah Goldberg, as Lolly, totally reminds me of some other actor, and it's driving me batty.


Oh, man, same. She looks SO much like some actress and I can not figure out who it is. Actually I know who it is, but I can't for the life of me think of the actress' name or anything she's been in. It's making me crazy!


Did anyone else catch that Becca says her break-up with Sean happened ten years ago, which is about when her friendship with Lolly breaks up as well? I wonder if Lolly slept with Sean, Becca confronted her about it at New Year's '04, and that's why they never spoke again.


My first thought in the pilot was that it had something to do with Sean in some way and the scene between Sean and Lolly in this ep made me really consider it. I didn't catch the 10 year reference in regards to Sean, but that makes me wonder even more.

I think it was supposed to be a gradual thing. She said his art never took off, and she threw herself more and more into work. It sounded like they just gradually drifted apart. Ten years DOES seem like a long time though, I'll agree.


I liked that she tried to use her future knowledge and it didn't work out perfectly...its such a cliche that if one could just go back in time, that they could use their future knowledge and things would work out perfectly for them. I'd like to think if I woke up in 1995 that I'd get hard at work inventing Google, or Amazon, or Netflix or something...but I probably wouldn't, lol.


And the criticism about not mentioning/talking about 9/11...what would she even say? "Oh yeah, in six years or so, terrorists fly planes into the Twin Towers. We should totally stop that!" she'd be written off as a lunatic. There'd sadly be no way she could prove it, Lolly only really believed her when the purple Docs came into her life.

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(Lesley)... "I liked that she tried to use her future knowledge and it didn't work out perfectly...its such a cliche that if one could just go back in time, that they could use their future knowledge and things would work out perfectly for them. I'd like to think if I woke up in 1995 that I'd get hard at work inventing Google, or Amazon, or Netflix or something...but I probably wouldn't, lol."


Oh, I don't think anyone has said everything would work out perfectly, but there is no reason to not be rich.  Once a part of your future is changed, then you wouldn't know exactly what is going to happen.  And besides sporting events, there are a lot of things that Vegas takes bets on.  Even if someone was ignorant of who won the big sporting events, almost everyone would know pop culture and could clean up there.


[Lesley)  "And the criticism about not mentioning/talking about 9/11...what would she even say? "Oh yeah, in six years or so, terrorists fly planes into the Twin Towers. We should totally stop that!" she'd be written off as a lunatic. There'd sadly be no way she could prove it, Lolly only really believed her when the purple Docs came into her life. "


Lolly has generally believed her and the WTC was already attacked in the early 90's.  So, not that hard to believe.  And, as far as alerting authorities, no one would be stupid enough to call the FBI and tell them.  But, there are other ways to get that info out.  Anonymous calls, internet, etc.  Plus, she has 7 years to figure it out.

Edited by Jordan27

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