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Spoilers With Speculation

Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Bitter Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

Thank you.

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To me, it sounds like they summoned Bobby to help with something that can only be done in Heaven. I'm assuming Cass can't do it because of what happened with Marvatron back in The Hunter Games...maybe he's not welcome up there right now. So, whatever it is, it probably is something to help Dean. IMO, it's all just set up to have Dean alone in the bunker when Rowena shows up, though.


Maybe Bobby can get some reinforcements from Ash? That could be fun!



Or maybe he just doesn't have the juice.  He's probably used up a lot of that stolen grace by 1. subduing Demon Dean; and 2. searching for a cure.


What if we have a big cast in the finale because Dean is having MoC-induced hallucinations?  Symmetry!  ;-)

  • Love 2

That's a good point about Cass and his juice (sorry, had to do it.) It could also be they are attempting to do something the angels would frown upon so Cass doesn't want them to know he's involved. But, yeah, it's probably the juice thing. ;)


I'd love the finale to be full of blasts-from-the-past hallucinations. That would be cool!

Edited by DittyDotDot
  • Love 1

The more I think about it, the more it makes me smile.  They're sick of living in their own private Idahos, they want to be able to move around and visit their family and friends.  And why not?  Shouldn't Heaven be like life, only better?  They're God's favorite, dammit, they deserve some perks!


I don't know why the idea makes me laugh, it just does.  How do the angels deal with it?  How do they keep billions of souls under control once Bobby shows them a new way?  


I wish the show would do this so very much.  It might actually make the angels interesting again.  ;-)

  • Love 2

It's a very intriguing idea. Since they keep everyone segregated and most folks aren't probably aware, makes me wonder if there's ever been a revolt in Heaven before. I mean, they need the souls to power Heaven, it's not like they can just kick them out for bad behavior, right?


Oooh, oh, oh...I hope Bobby gets to kill Marvatron. That would be awesome!

  • Love 1

It's a very intriguing idea. Since they keep everyone segregated and most folks aren't probably aware, makes me wonder if there's ever been a revolt in Heaven before. I mean, they need the souls to power Heaven, it's not like they can just kick them out for bad behavior, right?


Oooh, oh, oh...I hope Bobby gets to kill Marvatron. That would be awesome!


Exactly!  I imagine God might be a little put-out if the angels started casting souls out of Heaven.  I mean, that's Lucifer-levels of rebellion against Dad's plan there.  ;-)


At this point, I don't care who kills Marvatron.  He committed the worst possible sin -- he's boring.  

  • Love 2

I still don't understand why Sam was implying this was something Dean could do if he wasn't the way he was right now.  Can someone tell me if they heard that too?


I didn't hear it as Dean could do it if he didn't have the MoC, but Sam wouldn't have asked if they didn't need it to help Dean...because Dean's in a bad place right now. It is worded awkwardly, though, or maybe it's just the way they cut it?

  • Love 2


implying this was something Dean could do if he wasn't the way he was right now.

Do what? They are looking for help from Heaven (likely Boogertron) and Dean couldn't ninja into Heaven even if he died right now.  So... I think it's just explaining that they are desperate and that Dean is getting worse.


In the Carver preview, Sam clearly hears Dean letting out a pseudo-Demonic growl in his nightmares. Which makes the whole "how did you sleep?" comment much more layered.  I suspect Sam feels they are running out of time before Dean goes Demon again. I suspect they're right.  So...desperate times...this is their next move.

I'm also guessing Cas' objection is primarily related to talking to Metatron in the first place.  I think Metatron is right next to Crowley on his Christmas list (as in NOT).  In fact, I think that if the universe said ONE of the two had to die (Metatron or Crowley), he just might pick Metatron.  Crowley is literally the devil they know.  Metatron is a full-on douchebag who could possibly make shit much worse if free.  Crowley is free now and it's pretty status quo.  Metatron gets free and it's a freaking mess again.

Edited by SueB


I'd say were looking at a very sad sad finale and I have a hard time equating that with canon Destiel.  Sure a portion (small, medium, large...take your pick) would be upset with Destiel, but "bummer", "traumatic" and "emotionally painful" don't really seem to equate. "Controversial", "keep us talking all summer", or "major story shift" would seem more along the lines of Destiel going canon.


So fandom has gone a little crazy. Apparently jared said that their are parallels between Cas and Colette re Dean and Cain. And then jared said it was a very traumatic finale, looks over at Jensen who just about died laughing. Rumor mill in fandom iss that they are going to make Destiel canon.



I find the Dean/Cas spec very interesting. As far as I'm aware, the Destiel fans have believed the Cas/Collette parallel since Cain first revealed their love story, and this belief was further cemented when Cain said that Dean would live his life in reverse and then slid killing Cas into Collette's place-marker. For Jared to now officially state that the parallel is intentional is...curious.


There's a lot of chatter about "destiel" and "canon" and I think the sticking point will simply be: how are we defining destiel and what is canon? For some, it's referencing Dean and Cas loving each other, and many argue that that's already canon. If we're talking about Dean and Cas being IN love with each other, that's something else. If we're talking about Dean and Cas being IN love with each other and also interested in sexy times, that's another level.


I don't expect the third level to ever happen. As for the second? If it doesn't happen now, I'll find Jared's comment annoying as hell since he's indicated that putting Cas in the role of the lover/romantic partner for the Mark-afflicted individual was intentionally done by the writers. Granted, the show is not responsible for following through on what Jared states at a con, but I suspect he/they will still be slammed for baiting if the expectations he raised do not come to fruition.


I would totally expect TPTB to have Cas verbalize loving Dean just before he's killed or dies, thus giving the fans what they both want and fear all at once.


I am also curious about Cas' borrowed grace. The first one seemed to expire quickly; I don't recall Cas using angel powers much and shortly thereafter, he's weak as a kitten and looking like shit. Then, Crowley fed him that other angel's grace and he's been blasting doors and Cain and whatnot and looks totally fine. Did he get another grace re-up and I've just totally forgotten? Or did the female angel have more powerful grace or something?


Do what? They are looking for help from Heaven (likely Boogertron) and Dean couldn't ninja into Heaven even if he died right now.  So... I think it's just explaining that they are desperate and that Dean is getting worse.


As DittyDotDot said the wording was awkward so I don't think my being confused by it is so out of left field. I like DDD's point that it could be the editing of the promo which is why I said initially that maybe it's awkward because it's out of context.  That's all.


I didn't get any kind of demonic growl from whatever Dean was experiencing.  That just seemed like Dean was having a nightmare or some kind of fever dream. I'm starting to think Sam is making a lot of assumptions about Dean's condition which he may or may not be right about. But because it's SPN, someone will do something incredibly stupid because Sam and Dean don't talk to each other.


What I cannot understand is why is Cas not talking to Dean about all this


I think Cas used up his Angel grace more after his first power-up than he has since his second.  I think he's kinda hording it.  I don't have an exhaustive list but he healed Sam, he had to kill a few Angels, he smited the dude who's Grace he took, etc..  OTOH, since repowering, he's held onto a raging Demon!Dean and blown down two doors.  I think that's it.  



Like Death & Taxes:


But because it's SPN, someone will do something incredibly stupid because Sam and Dean don't talk to each other.

This is a guarantee.

Edited by SueB

I think Cas used up his Angel grace more after his first power-up than he has since his second.  I think he's kinda hording it.  I don't have an exhaustive list but he healed Sam, he had to kill a few Angels, he smited the dude who's Grace he took, etc..  OTOH, since repowering, he's held onto a raging Demon!Dean and blown down two doors.  I think that's it.  



I've said it before and I'll say it again: I need a chart explaining how many units of grace the average angel has and how many units of grace x activity uses. :)


I really don't understand this element of the SPN universe. Angels have been able to heal themselves and others using grace; they have been able to boost their grace with an assist from a human soul; they have also been shown to be able to replenish low grace via rest (unless I'm totally misremembering...but I think this was the case after Cas zapped Dean and Sam to the Wild West for the Colt).


So, why can't Cas regenerate the borrowed grace? I would have accepted "because it's not his own grace" except that the show has equated grace with batteries, not the essence of Cas (Cas was still HIM even when his grace/power was gone).


Why does borrowed grace burn out while one's own can be restored?

Edited by NoWillToResist
  • Love 1

I think Cas used up his Angel grace more after his first power-up than he has since his second.  I think he's kinda hording it.  I don't have an exhaustive list but he healed Sam, he had to kill a few Angels, he smited the dude who's Grace he took, etc..  OTOH, since repowering, he's held onto a raging Demon!Dean and blown down two doors.  I think that's it.  


Well, yeah, that we've seen.  Wasn't he supposed to be out there, looking for a cure for Dean?  Who knows what he's been doing in that search?

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I need a chart explaining how many units of grace the average angel has and how many units of grace x activity uses. :)

I really don't understand this element of the SPN universe. Angels have been able to heal themselves and others using grace; they have been able to boost their grace with an assist from a human soul; they have also been shown to be able to replenish low grace via rest (unless I'm totally misremembering...but I think this was the case after Cas zapped Dean and Sam to the Wild West for the Colt).

So, why can't Cas regenerate the borrowed grace? I would have accepted "because it's not his own grace" except that the show has equated grace with batteries, not the essence of Cas (Cas was still HIM even when his grace/power was gone).

Why does borrowed grace burn out while one's own can be restored?

IMO the need for grace and how it gets regenerated or used up permanently is directly proportional to the how close the writers are to killing off Cas.

If it doesn't happen now, I'll find Jared's comment annoying as hell since he's indicated that putting Cas in the role of the lover/romantic partner for the Mark-afflicted individual was intentionally done by the writers.


I always assume that whatever Jared and Jensen say at the cons is their opinion, unless it's about some sequence they've actually filmed.  I doubt Jared actually talked to the writers about that parallel.

  • Love 1

Just watched the Carver preview:  I think it seems pretty clear that Dean is going to kill Rowena, and this is what will "forever change his relationship with Crowley."  Which makes me kind of sad.  I like the Crowley/Dean frenemance (**hides from thrown shoes**)!

I think that's exactly what Carver WANTS you to think.  But...I bet the twist is that he DOESN'T kill Rowena.  First off, Rowena is still alive for "The Werther Project" (EP.19, based on her thanking the director Stefan Pleszczynski about bringing treats to set on March 6th). Second off, we're kinda expecting it.  So, if Dean spares Rowena for Crowley's sake...what does that mean?  Does it mean Dean is trying to avoid going head to head with Crowley (to avoid Cain's prophecy?)?  IDK.  And it's possible that Crowley stops the killing blow but knows Dean would do it (which would also be a reason to change their relationship).  But IDK.  Rowena's clearly sitting there with a magick'd dude who is not going to make it because he's bleeding from the eyes.  That's pretty much a smoking gun in terms of not only has she easily killed in the past but she's actively killing now.  It's a lot to ask for Dean to just give her a pass as he's still a hunter.  So it's not like Crowley doesn't know she has it coming.  She does.  But... we'll see in a few hours!



I've said it before and I'll say it again: I need a chart explaining how many units of grace the average angel has and how many units of grace x activity uses. :)


Well, I'd start with the Weibull distribution for Angel Grace failure for your regular run of the mill Angel.

f(t) = dF(t)/dt = (β/αβ) tβ-1exp{-(t/α)β}


And then suggest that Cas' recharging ability is akin to a frequency mismatch.  As they are multidimensional beings of celestial intent, I think their individual frequencies do not align.  So, Cas can still provide some Angel-function but he has limited/if any recharge ability.  Thus the in the above equation, while most angels have a β >4, Cas actually has a β <1, which means he's going to have what is considered an "infant mortality" issue.  He might get a little recharge, but it's not enough to match the outgoing charge of just existing.  So, eventually, even without using any powers, Cas wears out.  But rather than explain Weibull distributions, he just says he doesn't recharge. 


As for how much does Angel juice cost each time?  That's not linear, more likely logrithmic, depending on the type of task performed.  For Angels with a β>1, no problem in recharging if the task is small enough.  At β >4, most every task is par for the course and recharging isn't observable.  Some tasks, like time travel and banishing 4 angels to whereeverthehell using your own body...that takes a toll and recovery is again, a function of the power expended.


Or...just multiply the number of angels banished by .85 to get the drain on the Angel juice.


This math geek moment brought to you by knowledge of Battery Life distributions http://ijesat.org/Volumes/2012_Vol_02_Iss_05/IJESAT_2012_02_05_06.pdf and April Fools.

Edited by SueB
  • Love 4

I always assume that whatever Jared and Jensen say at the cons is their opinion, unless it's about some sequence they've actually filmed.  I doubt Jared actually talked to the writers about that parallel.


I tend to agree, but I got the impression from Jared's comment that it was less his opinion and more something that he knew was the case. Since they've filmed almost all of remaining eps, perhaps there's a reason why he said it was intentional and congratulated the fan for picking up on it. The latter part is what makes me think that it's not just his opinion.


Well, I'd start with the Weibull distribution for Angel Grace failure for your regular run of the mill Angel.

f(t) = dF(t)/dt = (β/αβ) tβ-1exp{-(t/α)β}


And then suggest that Cas' recharging ability is akin to a frequency mismatch.  As they are multidimensional beings of celestial intent, I think their individual frequencies do not align.  So, Cas can still provide some Angel-function but he has limited/if any recharge ability.  Thus the in the above equation, while most angels have a β >4, Cas actually has a β <1, which means he's going to have what is considered an "infant mortality" issue.  He might get a little recharge, but it's not enough to match the outgoing charge of just existing.  So, eventually, even without using any powers, Cas wears out.  But rather than explain Weibull distributions, he just says he doesn't recharge. 


As for how much does Angel juice cost each time?  That's not linear, more likely logrithmic, depending on the type of task performed.  For Angels with a β>1, no problem in recharging if the task is small enough.  At β >4, most every task is par for the course and recharging isn't observable.  Some tasks, like time travel and banishing 4 angels to whereeverthehell using your own body...that takes a toll and recovery is again, a function of the power expended.


Or...just multiply the number of angels banished by .85 to get the drain on the Angel juice.


This math geek moment brought to you by knowledge of Battery Life distributions http://ijesat.org/Volumes/2012_Vol_02_Iss_05/IJESAT_2012_02_05_06.pdf and April Fools.


*stares at this post*

*has panicked flashbacks to high school mathematics and physics*

*curls into fetal position*


  • Love 5

Oh, it was awesome, SueB, just... humbling. Hee.


It really is interesting to me that people are often such specialists. We can know what looks like an impressive amount about one thing and be completely clueless about something else even if those two things are supposed to go hand in hand. How often do we hear "Math and Science" said in the same breath?  But even though I consider myself fairly science savvy for some things - at least enough to wing it - give me math beyond pre-Calculus, and I'd be curled up in NoWillToResist's aforementioned fetal position. And differential equations? I'm definitely in the above mentioned "aim lower" corner with Sam on that one.

Edited by AwesomO4000
  • Love 2

I adore that angel math thingie by SueB.  I don't know what any of it means (I'm a writer!  I can barely balance my checkbook!).   But it made me laugh out loud, and that's the first time math has ever had that effect on me.  Bravo!


On topic:  Jensen does sound enthusiastic about the finale in that fangasm report.  So I expect it to be heavy on the brotherly love/brotherly sacrifice themes, because Jensen is always saying that's his favorite element of the show.  If they are really planning on making Destiel canon or quasi-canon, I'm not sure Jensen's response would be quite so enthusiastic (not that he'd be against it, but IMO it wouldn't make him quite as happy as a strong Sam/Dean finale).  Also, all of the final episodes' scripts have been written, read, and (mostly) filmed.  If something that big was happening, I would be shocked -- SHOCKED -- if something about it wouldn't have leaked already.  

  • Love 1


It really is interesting to me that people are often such specialists. We can know what looks like an impressive amount about one thing and be completely clueless about something else even if those two things are supposed to go hand in hand. How often do we hear "Math and Science" said in the same breath?

Oh yeah. I run in fear of chemistry. And I also draw like Dean in "Dead In The Water" plus my daughter picks out my clothes that have any sense of style. 

I adore that angel math thingie by SueB.  I don't know what any of it means (I'm a writer!  I can barely balance my checkbook!).   But it made me laugh out loud, and that's the first time math has ever had that effect on me.  Bravo!


On topic:  Jensen does sound enthusiastic about the finale in that fangasm report.  So I expect it to be heavy on the brotherly love/brotherly sacrifice themes, because Jensen is always saying that's his favorite element of the show.  If they are really planning on making Destiel canon or quasi-canon, I'm not sure Jensen's response would be quite so enthusiastic (not that he'd be against it, but IMO it wouldn't make him quite as happy as a strong Sam/Dean finale).  Also, all of the final episodes' scripts have been written, read, and (mostly) filmed.  If something that big was happening, I would be shocked -- SHOCKED -- if something about it wouldn't have leaked already.  

IA.  I think "Brother's Keeper" being the title is enough to guarantee this is a heavy Sam/Dean episode.  


I adore that angel math thingie by SueB.  I don't know what any of it means (I'm a writer!  I can barely balance my checkbook!).   But it made me laugh out loud, and that's the first time math has ever had that effect on me.  Bravo!


On topic:  Jensen does sound enthusiastic about the finale in that fangasm report.  So I expect it to be heavy on the brotherly love/brotherly sacrifice themes, because Jensen is always saying that's his favorite element of the show.  If they are really planning on making Destiel canon or quasi-canon, I'm not sure Jensen's response would be quite so enthusiastic (not that he'd be against it, but IMO it wouldn't make him quite as happy as a strong Sam/Dean finale).  Also, all of the final episodes' scripts have been written, read, and (mostly) filmed.  If something that big was happening, I would be shocked -- SHOCKED -- if something about it wouldn't have leaked already.  



I think we get demon!Dean back.  Jensen hasn't been that excited about a storyline for Dean since Purgatory!Dean and both he and Jared have expressed in no uncertain terms their disappointment with how quickly that ended. So I think they would both be happy if demon!Dean came back and Sam had to really hunt him again.

Edited by catrox14

Well I was swigging wine during the episode...


Soooo....LUCIFER! Look, I still have a hard time seeing it, but if Sam decides somehow contacting Lucifer is the way to go...a bunch of you get to say a big "I told you so".


I'm looking forward to Book of the Damned.  I'd love to see the prop.  Okay, so skin pages written in blood is BAD. Still, it'd be hella-cool.  (my inner biblophile is seriously excited about that episode).


Also, Cas & Marv roadtrip.  Cas punching Marv is really not going to get old.  But it sure seems to me that the bit of grace is leading us back to Claire.  Again...claim your "I told you so!" for those who called it already.

I find the Dean/Cas spec very interesting. As far as I'm aware, the Destiel fans have believed the Cas/Collette parallel since Cain first revealed their love story, and this belief was further cemented when Cain said that Dean would live his life in reverse and then slid killing Cas into Collette's place-marker. For Jared to now officially state that the parallel is intentional is...curious.


There's a lot of chatter about "destiel" and "canon" and I think the sticking point will simply be: how are we defining destiel and what is canon? For some, it's referencing Dean and Cas loving each other, and many argue that that's already canon. If we're talking about Dean and Cas being IN love with each other, that's something else. If we're talking about Dean and Cas being IN love with each other and also interested in sexy times, that's another level.


I don't expect the third level to ever happen. As for the second? If it doesn't happen now, I'll find Jared's comment annoying as hell since he's indicated that putting Cas in the role of the lover/romantic partner for the Mark-afflicted individual was intentionally done by the writers. Granted, the show is not responsible for following through on what Jared states at a con, but I suspect he/they will still be slammed for baiting if the expectations he raised do not come to fruition.


I would totally expect TPTB to have Cas verbalize loving Dean just before he's killed or dies, thus giving the fans what they both want and fear all at once.

I honestly don't think Jared even understood what that girl was inferring with her question and if you watch the video he mostly just talks about parrells on the show in general and then starts talking about Sam and Dean parellels. Then basically says that if she noticed one, it's probably intentional. But Jared isn't a writer. He politely answered her question, but I don't think he had any idea what she was really asking. I really don't think it's fair at all to say he was "baiting" in this instance.

This whole thing has gotten blown out of proportion. With all this intense stuff happening on the show, I just don't undertsand how anyone could think they're actually going to make Dean/Cas happen. Jensen has made it clear that he's not comfortable with it and for that reason alone I don't see it happening. I think Dean and Cas love each other like family. I don't need or want that to ever change to something different.

  • Love 3

Mark's girlfriend posted a pic of him going to work last night.  So, that means Crowley is in the finale.  Which I think is good news.  



and...Holy Shit.  Jensen laughing WAAAAAAAYYYYY to much when Jared mentioned the finale was traumatic.   *checks to J2 Gold Panel at SeaCon*


As Sam would say, 'check this out',;

At about the 9 min mark in the J2 panel, the conversation was about how to stay upbeat with all the negative emotions they sometimes play.

Then Jared said they just started filming the finale and it was pretty intense, like probably the most intense since filming 5 (think he means season 5).

At this point Jensen starts muttering something and I swear I think he says the word "fired" (as in stop talking Jared).

Then Jared said it's really traumatic and Jensen nearly does a spit take he's laughing so hard


So....although I'm NOT a fan of Lucifer coming back...I certainly would support the interpretation of a call back to S5 and Lucifer being what Jared alluded to.  And Jensen apparently is not going to be spoiling ANYTHING this year (based on his ruefulness at the M&G regarding last year's 'eye opener' comment, per Fangasm), So, I could see Jensen's spit take as Jared just casually mentions S5 in association with the finale.  

Link to J2 vid, courtesy of Sherry Schuderer, who apparently goes by the name Nikolashika -- given it's 82 font in the middle of the entire video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzE2sCiufP4

Edited by SueB

Also, Cas & Marv roadtrip.  Cas punching Marv is really not going to get old.


Someone made a gif of that clip and put it on a loop. Someone applauded it and said it was like that looped gif from GoT with Tyrion slapping Joffrey into infinity. I concur. It's very satisfying. :)


He politely answered her question, but I don't think he had any idea what she was really asking. I really don't think it's fair at all to say he was "baiting" in this instance.


Oh, I made no claims that such accusations would be fair...I merely indicated that I suspected that would be the result.

Someone made a gif of that clip and put it on a loop. Someone applauded it and said it was like that looped gif from GoT with Tyrion slapping Joffrey into infinity. I concur. It's very satisfying. :)



Oh, I made no claims that such accusations would be fair...I merely indicated that I suspected that would be the result.

Two very good points about the SPN Fandom. Gotta take the good with the bad I guess.

I floated an idea months ago that it would be love that saved Dean, but I rejected it because it's so clichéd.  Now I wonder again.


When talking about the Mark, Marvatron called it "old magic; God magic; Lucifer magic."  I think we may have gotten another Harry Potter reference which gives us a clue to the finale.


In Goblet of Fire, Voldemort (the Dark Lord, the embodiment of evil on Earth), when explaining how baby Harry survived his killing curse, called it "old magic".  Lily Potter sacrificed herself to save Harry.  It was love that saved Harry.


It was love that compelled Cain to make his deal with Lucifer.  He sacrificed himself to save his brother from becoming Lucifer's pet.


In his haste to kill Abbadon, Cain killed Collette when Abbadon was possessing her.  (Voldemort tried the same thing, but Dumbledore didn't fall for it.  Instead, he gave Harry the tool to force Voldemort out -- love.)


So which brother will sacrifice himself to save Dean -- the biological or the adopted?  Whose love will save Dean from the Mark?


(Cheesy as hell, ain't it?)

  • Love 2

I floated an idea months ago that it would be love that saved Dean, but I rejected it because it's so clichéd.  Now I wonder again.


When talking about the Mark, Marvatron called it "old magic; God magic; Lucifer magic."  I think we may have gotten another Harry Potter reference which gives us a clue to the finale.


In Goblet of Fire, Voldemort (the Dark Lord, the embodiment of evil on Earth), when explaining how baby Harry survived his killing curse, called it "old magic".  Lily Potter sacrificed herself to save Harry.  It was love that saved Harry.


It was love that compelled Cain to make his deal with Lucifer.  He sacrificed himself to save his brother from becoming Lucifer's pet.


In his haste to kill Abbadon, Cain killed Collette when Abbadon was possessing her.  (Voldemort tried the same thing, but Dumbledore didn't fall for it.  Instead, he gave Harry the tool to force Voldemort out -- love.)


So which brother will sacrifice himself to save Dean -- the biological or the adopted?  Whose love will save Dean from the Mark?


(Cheesy as hell, ain't it?)


Both? Wouldn't that be a kick? Cas depletes his grace to buy more time for Dean, and Sam makes some kind of deal with Lucifer?


The title for the finale is Brother's Keeper, so...maybe the younger brother decides to take on the older brother's burden? Neat little twist on the Cain/Abel tale...

Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Bitter Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

Thank you.

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