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Spoilers With Speculation

Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Bitter Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

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OHHH HELLL NO to the bedroom exchange between Crowley and Dean.

Because it looks like Dean is bonding with Crowley by doing the Jerk/Bitch routine?  Just curious.


First, I have to say, it's a testament to the show & Mark Sheppard that I actually FEEL SORRY for Crowley?  What the hell is wrong with me?  When he says Dean is his best friend, it actually gave me FEELS.  Is there a support group?  I just know Dean is going to dump his ass in a Winchester minute.  At least he'll have their Flickr memories. But after listening to the commentary, I think Crowley actually wants to be best friends with Dean -- and ...help me, I feel bad for the little abomination.


Second -- so Cas & Hannah hubba hubba?  Clearly it's Cas who's full-frontal in front of Hannah and she apparently notices his...blade. I wonder is she's going to give him her grace. Sure seems to be headed that way.


So I guess we've seen the moment Sam sees Dean is a demon (via video). And Dean left Sam a note!  "Let Me Go Sammy." FEELS.  I'm so glad Sam doesn't let him go.


It looks like Dean sticks around the morning after with the blonde.  Unusual.


Cole. Jury's out for me. I'm not feeling any love for this guy.


Dean --- damn. I want him to stay a demon just for the hair. (pardon me while I swim in the shallow end of the pool). And I'm with you catrox, that biting-thing...that was a little freaky.



- Charlie - semi-yay. I don't want another Felicia Day love-fest but I would like to see what happened to her.

- PLEASE YES on Kevin and Abaddon.

- Can't wait for the Buddy Female Cop episode

- Clue/Agatha Christi. Sounds MOTW.


Generally, I'm a happy camper.


Because it looks like Dean is bonding with Crowley by doing the Jerk/Bitch routine?  Just curious.


Yes to the Jerk/Bitch thing. I am fucking pissed they would dare put that in there. Seriously. That is blasphemy. That shit is Sammy and Dean's.  Ugh. GRRRRR


SueB, I do think you might need some counseling. This is Crowley, Sue. The asshole that turned Dean into a demon against his will. I hope Dean kills him because as much as I love Mark Sheppare, Crowley deserves a slow horrible death.

Edited by catrox14
The asshole that turned Dean into a demon against his will. I hope Dean kills him because as much as I love Mark Sheppare, Crowley deserves a slow horrible death.


Not to mention he's the bastard who killed Sarah, slowly, right in front of Sam as a persuasion tactic - which was just cruel.


I hope Sam and Dean kill him together and bond over his burning corpse.

I don't think Crowley deserves to be loved.  He doesn't act in a loving way. He's utterly selfish. Sam wouldn't be his friend so instead he turns Dean into a demon.  And from the looks of that clip he did it for more than just wanting a buddy. At this point he's no better than John Winchester with using Dean as I assume his Blunt Little Instrument. 


Nope Crowley gets no love from me. I liked Crowley before he did this to Dean. This is a sick sick thing he did.

Well, that certainly looks far more promising that that absolutely crappy promo they put out previously. And, Jeremy Carver didn't annoy the crap out of me on-sight, go figure? Not too happy about the bitch/jerk moments, but I'll have to wait and see it in context I guess. And, it was nice to see that Castiel does actually appear in S10 since we've heard hardly anything about him previously. Not too interested in the angel love storyline so far though. Maybe it will be more than it appears right now.


Okay, question...why the hell doesn't Cass get his own grace back? Marvatron must have it stashed somewhere...okay, I think I just stumbled on what Cass and his new love are doing bumbling around the country in a car. Which another question...isn't Heaven opened back up? Why are they bumbling around the country in a car to begin with? Sorry, I know these will likely be answered when the show premieres, but that's what I was thinking about when watching that sneak peek. Yeah, I know it's a mess up in here, I didn't need those looks from the peanut gallery to realize I'm a nut job, thank you very much. ;)


SueB, I love Crowley as a villain, but no, I don't think he deserves to be loved. But, you know different strokes and all that jazz. I just hope you don't think your love will make him a good guy; I'm pretty sure that's just a set up for disappointment and I'd hate to see you crushed. ;)

Edited by DittyDotDot



Okay, question...why the hell doesn't Cass get his own grace back? Marvatron must have it stashed somewhere...okay, I think I just stumbled on what Cass and his new love are doing bumbling around the country in a car. Which another question...isn't Heaven opened back up? Why are they bumbling around the country in a car to begin with? Sorry, I know these will likely be answered when the show premieres, but that's what I was thinking about when watching that sneak peek. Yeah, I know it's a mess up in here, I didn't need those looks from the peanut gallery to realize I'm a nut job, thank you very much. ;)



I was wondering the same thing. Hey maybe Metatron threw Cas' grace to earth and they're driving around looking for a stupid tree. The whole angel conflict bores me to tears and I could care even less about angels in love.

ETA: I just thought of how they could make the grace quest entertaining for me. Remember on Survivor how they used to that funny montage with Jeff Probst taking various modes of transport to deliver the final jury results, they could do that. We could have Cas on a plane, on train, in a boat, jet skiing in that damn coat.

Edited by trxr4kids
  • Love 1

SueB -- I am right there in Crazytown with you, because I'm FEELING SORRY for Crowley, too!   Yes, yes, I know he's done many bad things, but ever since he started with the human blood he's acquired just enough humanity to make himself miserable with human afflictions like loneliness and unrequited affection.  And this is making me pity him.  Pity Crowley!!!  Agh, Mark Sheppard, such is your evil, nefarious, hellish power!!!

  • Love 2

Oh I won't pity Crowley at all. I will enjoy Mark Sheppard's performance but IMO I do not think for one minute he actually wants to be human.  And I don't care that he just wants to be loved. He fucking turned Dean into a demon.  I will never forgive him for that.  I barely forgive Soulless Sam for letting Dean be turned into a vampire.


John used Dean as bait, Soulless Sam used Dean as bait. Crowley doesn't just want Dean to be his best friend. He wants Dean to be Crowley's Blunt Little Instrument. It makes me sick really because Crowley knew exactly what he was doing or he knew enough to know that it was possible what would happen to Dean.  Geez where is the sympathy for Dean here? 


I really do hope that Dean has a plan of his own and that he is using Crowley for his own purposes. That would make me very happy. 


I'm very confused about how I feel about demon!Dean.  As much as I hate the idea that Dean would murder someone, as a demon he really should have done at least one truly heinous thing, like MegSam and Soulless Sam did to make it have teeth. If all he's doing is beating up people for insulting his lady friend that's gonna be kind of weaksauce.


He also needs to terrorize someone to be truly Deanmonic not just defend the honor of his ladyfriend or be jealous over some guy. But I guess he'll be terrorizing Sam in the bunker.  I have to say those little snippets are making that episode look AWESOME. I hope that is not all the good stuff.  And if it's not all the good stuff, extra kudos to Jensen, because that whole growling thing by Dean was freaky as hell.

I know exactly what you mean . I am so messed up over this LOL.  I am really excited to see what Jensen will do, but based on the snippets I we have now, I am already really impressed with what he has done. He's still Dean but not quite. Just like Future!Dean.  I loved Jared's work as MegSam and Samifer but he was playing different characters completely. Of course there was Soulless!Sam but he always seemed way different than regular!Sam too.


I think it must be really difficult thing to create a new character that is not so dramatically different that you think it's not Dean anymore or that he won't be exactly like Future!Dean or Shapeshifter!Dean or Leviathan!Dean or Dremon!Dean.  But all of them still had the essence of Dean but were still different. That's just some seriously specific shit that I love.


I swear if Jensen doesn't get a lifetime Emmy or something for his work on Supernatural....oh who am I kidding :(:(.

  • Love 2


Oh I can get it, Crowley isn't your normal villain, you hate, you love him and you want to see him suffer.  Yellow Eyes, I just wanted to see how they got him, but with Crowley, he's always thinking he's got it where he's on top only to get crushed once again, Cas anyone?


So yes I do love to hate him and I do enjoy him  but he must I'm sorry he must pay for what he's done to Dean.  I'd love to see Dean twist it around and just when Crowley believe he had it all, find himself waiting hand and foot on...now my twisted mind comes up with him being a PA to the worst director ever in a show called Supernatural and he can't escape no matter how he tries.    What ever he orders to eat, it is the one thing he can't stand and only Dean can set him free and Dean's forgotten where Crowley is, so he's stuck....oopsy... me bad I know.  Crazy, possible I teach middle school so blame my students!  ;)

Some cool BTS shots from a scene they are filming this week.  Gods... I just love BTS stuff with Jensen. You can just see how much love and work he puts into his craft.   I swear I think he's my favorite actor/performer now just because you can see that he loves what he does. 



  • Love 1

I just want to point out the wonderful cinematography on this shot from Jensen's episode.  From everything he said in the cons he had every single shot storyboarded well ahead of time and he just had to hand it over to the AD to make it happen when Jensen was not behind the camera.  IMO this particular shot is cinematic. Look at the looming shadow just as Dean is rounding the corner and all we see is the hammer/axe. That's freaking beautiful and frightening. IMO



Edited by catrox14

It definitely looks like the Demon!Dean hair is gone in those spoiler pictures from the recent BTS shoots.  Good news for those who want human Dean back.


I can't help thinking the show might jump back in time to make Dean human.  There was an interview with one of the head honchos (Jeremy Carver?) that insinuated we might see both Kevin and Abbadon again.  One way that could happen is to reset time somehow.  

I've been speculating that ever since King of the Damned. I don't think they floated that if you change one thing you change everything for nothing.  And I still harp on Dean not remembering Crowley had a son.  I think it's possible that they wipe it out that way, which seems cheap.


Maybe Crowley will have to make a choice between Dean and his own son. 

I think Jensen has this tweeting thing down pat. Also they are funny guys

Jensen Ackles ‏@JensenAckles 2h

A lonely #HumpDay on set. Picture courtesy of our camera department. #enjoyyourdayoffjared @jarpad pic.twitter.com/QfbOxUehJhU42xCxl.jpg




ared PadaleckVerified account ‏@jarpad

.@JensenAckles. Dude. I'm LITERALLY right beside you. #DayOffMyAss #HumpDay





Edited by catrox14
  • Love 2

I've been speculating that ever since King of the Damned. I don't think they floated that if you change one thing you change everything for nothing.  And I still harp on Dean not remembering Crowley had a son.  I think it's possible that they wipe it out that way, which seems cheap.


Maybe Crowley will have to make a choice between Dean and his own son. 

 I agree with your speculation, it would actually make sense if time was altered and maybe Crowley was given a choice of which timeline to follow, 1 being save his son, 2 being demon Dean, they could even bring back the Fates for that. My fear is that it's just that they forgot cannon, again!


ETA: Sorry for sounding bitter and disgruntled, I can't remember who mentioned it in which thread but ITA, if only those damn kids would stay off my lawn!

Edited by trxr4kids
  • Love 1

so it seems Jensen may have spoiled the demise of demon dean at Dallas con. Either that or he's trolling. someone asked if dean is getting a hellhound and he said no that ended too soon for Dean to get a hellhound. crowd was like what??. he said he might be talking. about the fact that he's read through 9.13. He seemed kind of flummoxed. But IMO he seemed a little diaappointed. Later they were were talking about the 200th and it was a nod to the fans and it stays true to S amd D and that it bends the rules of the t universe as far as they can.

So I'm calling time reset and demon dean never happens.


he said he might be talking. about the fact that he's read through 9.13.


That would strike me as odd. So many times, they have said they only know one episode in advance,  with the only exception being pre-Season at Comic Con where they usually know 3-5 at most.


Right now I think they finished shooting 7 so would have read 8, possibly 9. Now I know the writers have broken down stories much further into the Season but I doubt polished enough scripts to read even exists beyond maybe 10ish. The writers often cut it very close in handing them in.


At best he would have read an outline or the writers would have told him but there have been other storylines where it might have been beneficial for the actor to know farther in advance and yet, they have never been told. I don`t see why it would be different now.


My personal theory is that Demon-Dean is gonna be in some "dormant". Not gone but out of the way enough that normal Dean is back for filler and meta episodes. And voila, when they need a gimmick for an arc episode, Demon-Dean who didn`t make so much as a peep during those fillers and meta eps suddenly burst free. For no reason. It`s Supernatural, it`s how they pace their stories.


For all intents and purposes Demon-Dean would be "gone" during that period because it wouldn`t be a big difference if Jensen didn`t have to act him because he is gone or because he is "asleep".If he is speaking from this reference point, I can see the logic in what he said.


As for the 200th, they already said (I think Jared? spoiled that it was a "story within a story") that it would be meta-ish, based on Chuck`s books and much like the convention episode. Well, the books are, lets say, semi-serviceable as the truth. Chuck knew the truth but he still wrote it in purple prose. Which distorts things. And now there is a musical? based on that. I`m sure they`ll "bend the rules of their universe" beyond recognition with it. 

I think the early part of the season the scripts are further along and they are more episodes ahead, but the closer they get to the finale the scripts come in closer and closer. I wouldn't be too shocked if they were five episodes ahead at this point in the season, but I am surprised that the actors have read them already. It could bode for better storytelling though, It could mean that Jared and Jensen have a clue to what's coming and can seed some of that in earlier. Or maybe they are just outlines that have been given to them for this purpose. Maybe they're finally trying to figure out a way to make things go a bit smoother from episode to episode.


I agree that Dean will be--I keep saying cured, but that's not exactly what I mean--mostly regular Dean by the 200th episode. But I think he will still have the MoC and it will influence him someway. I'm also betting that the mid-season cliffhanger will be about removing the Mark altogether. And the second half of the season will be dealing with the fallout more.

I thought they had already spilled the beans about the 200th episode starting with Jared's interview where he basically states the entire case. And then they keep saying that everyone will be represented in some form. And then Jensen was talking about it at the Jersey con too. He already mentioned how it pushed the boundaries and was very zany in the same form as The French Mistake. I'm not at all surprised by that.


And I think they've already spoiled that Demon Dean is gone by the 200th episode because at the Jersey con it was obvious that Jensen's hair was back to regular Dean length and Jensen made an off-hand comment about Demon Dean having a little more hair on top. But maybe it just fit into my speculation so it seemed more obvious. I'm sure he's not supposed to give the gag away yet, though, and probably regrets spoiling anyone that didn't want to be spoiled. I do find it funny how they've said that TPTB never tell them anything because they would just tell all of us and ruin it. They're so funny.

I know. This just seemed liked a fairly specific rumination. I'll post the video and y'all can decide for yourselves. As to Jensen's hair, I don't think that means much because Dean could have been wearing his hair long during his initial carousing period but then cuts it later just because he wants to. Jensen is a good enough actor that having the longer hair might have helped him find Demon Dean but once he's found that thread I don't think he'd need the hair anymore to tap back into that part of him. I mean for me the face and the attitude of Demon Dean was clear in the sneak peek regardless of his hairstyle.




Okay he said "If the Demon Dean thing had lasted longer than it did".  Oh Jensen. You little blabbermouth.




And this one talks about the 200th. 

Edited by catrox14

Oh, no I meant the nature of Jensen's comment made me think that Demon Dean was no more. He used the past tense ..."Demon Dean had more hair"... and his manner was like it was a thing of the past. I'll see if I can find the video tonight when I get home. It did line up with my own speculation, though, so maybe I read more into it than was really there.


Thanks for the links, the cons are always fun. And the Dallas ones usually have Jared and Jensen's family in attendance which can lead to some goofy moments.

Since Jensen mentioned a lot about introducing a new character with Demon-Dean, I think he talks specifically about the version we`re going to see in episodes 1-3. And I agree, that guy will be gone by episode 4 probably.


However, it would still make perfect sense for Jensen to talk in past tense, the shorter hair and all that, if the demon part was just dormant. Jensen wouldn`t act as "demon-Dean" and in terms of the question of getting a hell-hound, of course if stuff like this didn`t happen during the fun days with Crowley aka eps 1 and 2, they won`t happen at all. 


Last year, Dean got the Mark of Cain and then for an entire string of episodes, nothing whatsoever happened with it. No physical effects, not even rubbing his arm occassionally. Zilch. But it was of course stll there and waiting to be used once the next arc episode came around.


Same could be happening with the demon. You don`t see him, you don`t hear him and if you didn`t watch an episode, you might not even know he was still there. Then the writers need some "drama" for an episode and bam, he is back again.


Dean hasn`t had much in the way of storylines to compare. If it were Sam, they would work it in even the filler episodes, just like they did with the stuoid trial sickness but Dean-stuff is more easily ignored unless they need or even want to adress it.


I wouldn`t even put it past those mofos to have Dean "cured" aka the demon just suprressed and then act 18 episodes as if the demon is gone and then pull it out of their ass in the Finale.


Or, they might just easily cure him and have it go the way of Purgatory. That is, ignore everything about it and introduce a storyline designed to pimp Sam as the most special and wondrous being ever on a quest from God down our throaths. It`s not unlikely by any means. Unfortunately, after the demon-thing, Dean might even be let himself demeaned enough to take up the mantle of inconsequential 50s housewife again.   

Okay I see where you guys are coming from. As much as I hated Demon!Dean I don't want it given short shrift either.  But I wouldn't be at all surprised to see Sam's "I Know What You Did Again Last Summer" re trying to find Dean will be given more attention than what being a demon means for Dean.  I just want the reason for Dean not being demony to be more than "because Dean can suppress it" because I won't buy that at all. I would think if his demonity is still there it's going to have to be some kind of deal that he won't kill humans if he can't yet be cured.  UNLESS and this would be kind of awesome-ish. Dean has already learned how to control himself like Cain did and is just sitting on all his power until later.  I could live with that.

Edited by catrox14

Lynn from Fangasm once again has some good scoop:



I think Demon!Dean is gone at this point (and that script comment I personally believe was a misdirect...bless his heart, Jensen doesn't hide shit well).  The Mark is still there but he's not a demon anymore.  I don't know what that means.



Episode description has been floating around all afternoon.


“Reichenbach”, “Crowley (Mark Sheppard) notices Dean (Jensen Ackles) is becoming more and more aggressive. Dean tells him that’s the side effect of being a demon, but Crowley knows it’s something more – the Mark of Cain needs to be fed. Meanwhile, Sam (Jared Padalecki) is captured by Cole (guest star Travis Aaron Wade), an angry man who blames Dean for his father’s death years ago and wants revenge. Cole tortures Sam, hoping he’ll tell him where Dean is hiding. Hannah (guest star Erica Carroll) sees how weak Castiel (Misha Collins) is becoming as his grace continues to fade, so she makes a bold choice and asks Metatron (guest star Curtis Armstrong) for help.”


Episode is written by Andrew Dabb and directed by Thomas J. Wright. Other Supernatural eps (per IMdB) for Thomas J. Wright:

- Episode #10.2 (2014)
- Do You Believe in Miracles (2014)
- Meta Fiction (2014)
- Holy Terror (2013)
- Clip Show (2013)
- Goodbye Stranger (2013)
- Bitten (2012)
- Repo Man (2012)


Erica Carroll tweeted a cute pic:


Edited by SueB


Surely the episode title means something. SPOILER ALERT In The Riechenbach Fall Sherlock Holmes "dies" by faking his own death. Who is Holmes and who is Watson here?


Good question.  I'll posit a theory:

- If Cole thinks he's the hero and Dean is the villain, then Cole is Holmes and Dean is Moriarty.  Of course that makes you think Crowley would be Watson what with the boys not yet on literal speaking terms.

- Now lets add in a few spoiler tidbits: We know that Sam is in distress. We have a clip of Dean threatening to kill Cole (must be in first 3 eps based on having it now). Finally, we have an alley fight with Dean and Cole in EP 7.

- Mix in some interview-based attitude: Dean doesn't care about 'anything.' So if Dean doesn't care, why would he be upset if Cole kidnaps Sam?  Territory?  Perhaps he will claim he doesn't care if Sam is dead but he doesn't like Cole kicking sand in his face so he'll put him down anyway? 

- And the Mark is still having an effect... per the write-up. So, Dean wants to kill?


IDK. I just struggle with Dean being Sherlock Holmes in this scenario.  If Cole "dies" and then comes back in EP7, then he's still the Sherlock Holmes of his little world trying to take out a major villain (Dean) in his world view. 


But that does leave us kinda Watson-less. It doesn't feel like Crowley would be it, Sam is sort of in the wrong position.  Don't know. But if both Dean and Cole go over the equivalent of the "falls" where both should die --- then I could see how Dean being alive is rationalized by his demoness and Cole seems gone.


I also got the impression that Cole gets thrown thru a car window and comes back out.  What if Cole is not a human? What if he's a vampire or other superpowered monster pretending to be a human but actually survives EP2's confrontation because of something other than luck?

ETA: Kinda puts another spin on the 'who's the real monster' thing too.


Just spit-ballin'.

Edited by SueB

I'm still trying to work out who would be Holmes and who would be Watson in this scenario, but I keep waffling. The thought did occur to me that possibly Dean is Holmes in the fact that he was supposed to be dead and is found not to be. Which would make Sam Watson because he was the witness to Dean's death, but was really an unreliable witness in the end. In the original books (jeez, that takes me back more years than I'd like to admit too) Sherlock doesn't "fake" his death exactly, he simply didn't go over the cliff as Watson thought he did--am I remembering that right?


And, the other thought occurred to me that they called the episode "Riechenbach" because they are going to try and do their own "homage" to the British series Sherlock. That show opened their third series with an episode where they threw out a bunch of different theories; presenting each as truth that were later shown to be different individual character's theories on how Sherlock survived rather than actual truth. Which would fit right in Supernatural's wheelhouse in that they do like to take a concept and build an episode around it. In that case Dean would still be Holmes and Sam would be Watson, too.


I guess I'm not waffling anymore.


ETA: I'm now wondering if Cole is Moriarty or if that's supposed to be Crowley's role here?

Edited by DittyDotDot

I was thinking about the Sherlock series when I posited my musing, only because Dean's death is a deception to a degree. I can't decide if Cas or Sam is Watson or Mycroft. Surely Crowley is Moriarty.

I am so not interested in this Cole character. I mean its going to be a matter of his father died because of a case Dean and John worked back in the day or maybe it was Dean's first solo hunt and mistakes were made, someone died. BLAH BLAH Do not care. The only way I will care is if Dean doesn't give a shit that Sam is in peril just to show demon Dean is a dick. The only way it would be shocking is if his father was John Winchester. No wait been, there done that. I don't want time wasted on that because it is so not shocking that someone died because saving people, hunting things, family business. Snooze.

Edited by catrox14

There have been many titles before that referred to (relatively) well-known movies or fictional stories and in the end, the episode had nothing to do with those stories. The writers could simply attempt to be "clever" and play a bit on the motiv of Cole on the quest to kill Dean, like Holmes was on a quest to at least get Moriarty behind bars.


And they meet in a fictional town called, you guessed it, "Reichenbach". So, Holmes-fans would get the little wink and others would not.


Or, since we know Dean is tied up in the bunker in episode 3, to Cole it looks like he "dies" here because Sam somehow does something to imply this. Since Dean is apparently getting more ouf of control, Crowley very possibly betrays his new "best friend" and helps Sam. 


It would also make for a more powerful story if whatever happened with Cole`s father wasn`t Dean`s fault. I mean, he could have been killed by an angry spirit and Dean simply arrived to late to stop it. They`ve had civilian deaths like that during hunts. But especially with a spirit, if Cole saw something back then, the only one he WOULD see is Dean. 


Imagine you see this guy fleeing the scene, then run to take a look and find your father dead. No further context. No wonder you would assume "killer".


And while Cole may reasonably could have been convinced of this once they showed him the supernatural world exists, it would be hard to convince him right now if his only mano-a-mano (or telefono) interaction is with the demon version of Dean. 

Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Bitter Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

Thank you.

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