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Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Bitter Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

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I don't get any soulless vibe from Dean.  He's had plenty of introspective, soulful moments during this season that he simply wouldn't have had without a soul.  Just the last episode and his response to the dying crew members was full of soul and heartfelt compassion. I don't think Amara stole his soul.  But they certainly made it look like she was about to, and then that morphed into their kiss.  I think Dean definitely kissed her back, but then was angry with himself for doing so.  But because I get the same confused feeling from Amara that I get from Dean, it does't bother me.  It just doesn't feel lecherous to me.

  • Love 1

I have posited that Dean is soulless or partly so, but I don't really think that is ever going to be revealed as being the case, but devil's advocate, if that is what Amara did and they are holding that reveal until later, well I'll be both smug and surprised LOL.

I really want you to be right.  I always thought an interesting direction to take this story is if Amara, didn't have Dean's soul but a piece of it.  (I know its not supposed to be able to be split, but LOL!canon)  After all, Amara had to be born and that first soul had to come from somewhere. 


I got a tiny amount of hope that they might really be linked when Amara got woozy after Dean did in 11,9.  The only way I'd be okay with Sam taking the lead in attempting to kill Amara is finding out that due to the link if you kill Amara, you kill Dean because she has a bit of his soul in her.   At least that way, Dean's still an active participant in things. 


I really want you to be right.  I always thought an interesting direction to take this story is if Amara, didn't have Dean's soul but a piece of it.  (I know its not supposed to be able to be split, but LOL!canon)  After all, Amara had to be born and that first soul had to come from somewhere.


There is actually a canon excuse for that now, with the Grigori that was cutting pieces of Claire's mom's soul out to feed on.

Edited by catrox14

I don't have an issue with whatever the pull is between Dean and Amara.  Neither one of them seems to be able to control it, so I never got an "ick" factor from it.  She's shown to be as confused about the attraction as he is.  Yes, ultimately she has more power than he does, but she's hardly tried to overpower him in that regard.  Amara and Dean?  The writers are going to have to work hard to come up with some plausible reason for the connection to make this storyline not be a complete bust for me.

IA that I see her being confused why this human has a hold on her.  She didn't have trouble with the other humans, but Dean creates a different reaction.  I could also see the kiss as she was determined to take his soul and then changed her mind and kissed him.  Did he want it...no.


Now this could have been interesting but I also don't see the layers of it being planned.  Hence the reaction from the fans being upset about it.  So some of the things that people have gotten really upset about I could see them just thinking it was a cute joke and not really thinking very  deep about it's interpretation.    More of  the response they have joked about in eps, this fandom sure does complain alot...type thing.


I think Jensen has done a great job in trying to make what he has been given work.  It's the actor's job.  Sometimes it sucks when the writers go down a rabbit hole.  But at least we have one thing different this time.


Neither brother feels betrayed and perhaps that will be something they will use.  Sam's weakness for Luicfer isn't Dean's and vice a versa Dean's weakness isn't Sam's. 


Last season ended my expectation of them having some great plan.  I suspect that they will throw in something crazy at the last ep an then go if renewed what should we do now?  How do we get out of this mess?  Would I rather believe there is a plan, sure.  but I don't see the evidence for it.  It looks like the last 3 seasons.  JMV

I think they've known how Amara/The Darkness will be defeated from the beginning of the season -- maybe even the end of the last -- but not the journey.


I was saying to a friend yesterday that in the early seasons, the myth arcs were like a staircase.  In order to get to the top, you had to take each step because you never knew when they would throw in a piece of needed info.  And I, personally, love that.  It felt like the staircase was already built, we just had to climb.


But now?  It feels like we know what's at the top of the staircase, but steps are missing.  And it's easy to skip those missing steps because they're meaningless, anyway.  Not a great way to build a staircase, IMO.


Hey!  Look!  It's a tortured metaphor!  Yay!

  • Love 1

I get that Amara kissed Dean without his consent, but I just don't see that as some huge violation.  I think he was far more put off by the fact that he responded to her, and not by the kiss itself.  After all, she is the freakin' Darkness, and he's not supposed to want to kiss her back...but he did, in the moment.


I am loving the much more open relationship the brothers are having this season.  It's been refreshing.  The constant secret keeping had really gotten annoying.  It's not like it didn't backfire on them EVERY SINGLE TIME!  I hope they keep it up.  The only fear I have is that one of them is going to do something stupid to save Cas, and that's going to involve Lucifer, and there's no way that's a good thing.  

  • Love 1

I think they've known how Amara/The Darkness will be defeated from the beginning of the season -- maybe even the end of the last -- but not the journey.


I was saying to a friend yesterday that in the early seasons, the myth arcs were like a staircase.  In order to get to the top, you had to take each step because you never knew when they would throw in a piece of needed info.  And I, personally, love that.  It felt like the staircase was already built, we just had to climb.


But now?  It feels like we know what's at the top of the staircase, but steps are missing.  And it's easy to skip those missing steps because they're meaningless, anyway.  Not a great way to build a staircase, IMO.


Hey!  Look!  It's a tortured metaphor!  Yay!


Aw...you did that just for me, right? ;)

  • Love 2


Honest question to those not bothered by what is happening to Dean; If this was God in male form doing this to a female character would it be so easily dismissed and not considered a violation?


From my experience, sexual harrasment in shows is more easily overlooked if the participants are hot. A guy gets excused more easily the hotter they are and a woman doesn`t even get accused when she is hot because what objections can the guy have in that case? Even future Superman over on Smallville married his stalker and almost rapist. She was hot, plain and simple. Over on Grimm the main character is getting quite chummy with a character who had sex with him under very false pretenses. She, too, is hot. That`s why the audience can go with it easier. The entire show of Vampire Diaries takes a blind eye on Damon raping a regular cast member during Season 1 because he needed to be a viable romantic main lead later. And I say that as a fan of the character,  Them`s the breaks. .


Personally, I do consider the kiss in episode 9 non-con but I`m not bothered by it either. Amara/the Darkness is technically the villian of this year. She hasn`t done much carnage but she is nominally the Big Bad. She also doesn`t work by human morality or ethics or any of those understandings. So if she takes a "want, take, have" stance, that makes sense.


It simply doesn`t look physically overpowering so that removes a visual component it would have with a reversed gender dynamic. Doesn`t really make the situations different, I agree. But I still adore their scenes together because it`s actually about Dean and the mytharc then. And I doubt they will be going to full-blown sex. Maybe another kiss but unlikely there will be more.      

  • Love 1

A non-con kiss? With some argument for it being dub-con? On a sci-if show. Not losing sleep over it. Still a violation but not grounds for a rage quit IMO. Mind whammy is a standard sci-if trope for questionable sex. I think SPN has done a good job of showing Dean is not on board and has made that clear to Amara. IF something happens and the show says 'this is wrong', then the show is servicing the material. Now the argument can be made 'why even go there?' But this is a show steeped in Free Will arguments and a sexual non-con by a deity is pretty much in line with demonstrating the issue.

I think we are supposed to see it as gross. So it's gross.

What is ISN'T likely to be is Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler. Where Rhett basically rapes argumentative Scarlett and it was 'romantic'. Unless Amara forces sex on Dean and then Dean legitimately falls in love with Amaea, I don't see any condoning of behavior.

Edited by SueB

What makes it different for me is that she's as confused about their attraction as Dean is.  The kiss just didn't feel predatory to me, because it wasn't something she set out to do.  And maybe part of my reaction is based on Dean himself, because if Amara weren't the Darkness, Dean would have totally been into that kiss...unsolicited, or not.  That's who he is.  I don't think he felt violated, I think he's freaked out by his attraction to her.  Is it nice to go around kissing people without their consent, no, but on a scale of 1 - 10, this is about a 1 to me.

  • Love 2

Yeah, I'm with MysteryGuest: if the genders were reversed, but the almost-deity played it just as confused (and gentle) as Amara seems, I don't think there would be outrage. Still the squick-factor, yeah, and it might be amped up a bit because of people's personal experiences.



Amara has the power to suck out his soul. Just because she seemed to choose to NOT exercise her power in that moment, apparently, doesn't mean she won't the next time. I have no reason to trust Amara or believe she has Dean's best interest at heart. I think her keeping him safe will only last as long as she wants it to.


I think she's only confused by why she was woozy. But I don't think she's confused by her fascination with Dean. She clearly wants something from him. I think she sees Dean as a toy. I think she plays with him but at some point when she is done playing with him, he's in big trouble.

Edited by catrox14

I couldn't help but glom onto Dean saying 'I was just a witness'.  I think that's more than him witnessing all the deaths on the submarine...


Now, in Sleepy Hollow SPOILER ALERT....Abbie and Ichabod are thought to be the Two Witnesses for the Apocalypse,

which started me wondering....maybe Dean and Sam are going to be the Two Witnesses or Dean at least,


I have to do a little more noodling about what Dean, The Witness might mean beyond the submarines and the hand of God in use because the Two Witnesses could be used to stop the apocalpyse again.


Anyhoo, just some 1 am musings. 

I really don't care about the Dean/Amara kiss.  If anything, I think it solidified what Dean was feeling.  Prior to that, I think he was confused about the "connection" between them.  But after the kiss, everything changed.  He knew it was attraction, that he was drawn to her, and I think it's when he started to feel shame about that.  The shame tells him that it's wrong.  That she needs to be dealt with.


I'd be surprised if Sam and Dean were relegated to the role of witness in a fight between God and Amara.  

  • Love 3

DD, I like that take on how the kiss effected Dean. I believe she knew he had to be dealt with but I think the kiss made him realize how out of control he is around her. He may rationilzed some hesitation with teen Amara but his last interaction was not hesitation but an unwanted action. I think it freaked him the hell out. Goes back to the whole powerless vibe they are building. And no, I don't think his character arc is all about how he's a powerless person. That's the antithesis of Dean Winchster. This is leading to something else.

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I think the arc suffers from "tell vs show" again. I always got some weird, if not attraction, than at least a vibe from their scenes, starting with the Season Opener.


However, it hasn`t played out like he is completely under her thrall. He made an attempt at her twice already. Sure, both times was unsuccessful but it took little enough for him to shake himself out of it and try. And yet suddenly we`re hearing a lot about how he struck out both times. Heck, they put the freaking scene where Dean`s knife shattered on impact with Amara`s body in the previouslies and still go with "couldn`t do it" in dialogue.


Couldn`t do what? Kill her. Sure, he couldn`t. Because he didn`t have any means to do so If he had the emotional fortitude or not wasn`t the question in those instances. If Dean had Godlike powers or a Godlike weapon and either purposefully didn`t use those against Amara or found himself incapable to do so, THEN we would be talking about striking out. If Sam had had a shot with that knife, it would still have shattered. It`s not like the weapon was only useless because Dean and Amara talked a bit beforehand. But five seconds before, it TOTALLY would have worked. 


And yet that is roughly the dialogue the writers are giving us. 

  • Love 2

Re the Two Witnesses thing...


Being a witness in this situation may not just mean standing by and watching the world burn. They could be active participants but they don't know it. 



According to wikipedia (for the quickest reference) there are a few interpretations.

They are described as two olive trees and two lampstands who stand before the Lord of the earth. Both are able to devour their enemies with fire that flows out of their mouths. Also, they have power over the sky and waters and are able to strike the earth with plague. After their testimony, the Beast overcomes the two witnesses and kills them. For three and a half days, the people of the earth celebrate the death of the two witnesses who have tormented them for three and a half years. Then God resurrects the two witnesses. This strikes fear on everyone witnessing their revival and the two witnesses ascend to heaven. In the next hour, a great earthquake occurs and kills 7000 men, destroying a tenth of the city.[1]




Now I'm not saying the above is on the agenda but a variation on a theme with Dean.


I also thought more about Michael!Dean.  Remember back when he stabbed Zachariah and he looked in his eyes and the light didn't bother him? He similarly did not look away when Delphine blew up.  He was able to look into the Light from the Hand of God.  And IMO he looked a bit awestruck. Perhaps he saw something else in that Light that will matter later hence A Witness.

Didn't they already do their version of the witnesses in S4?


They weren't witnesses in s4. They were vessels to be used by Lucifer and Michael.  IMO this would be different because as Witnesses they may have more knowledge than they did back in s4. 


But even so, this season has been re-purposing so many things from s1-5 I can see them going that way again. 

Yes, that's what I was referring to, Omegamom. I meant what they did with the witnesses in Are You There God? It's Me, Dean Winchester. Sure it wasn't just two witnesses and such, but then they always twist these things around to suit their needs anyway.


Not that doesn't mean the show would now say what they did before wasn't really the Witnesses or that they wouldn't repeat themselves, but since that's what S4/S5 what supposed to be and Amara/The Darkness is supposed to be pre-Biblical, I'm not expecting to see Revelation this season, myself.

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So in the interest of research related to a question in the WTF thread, I watched First Born again....



And man... that episode was so damn good.  Listening to Cain explain that the Mark had a great cost a great burden....oh boy. Which set me to thinking..we don't REALLY know what happened to Cain. Theoretically, Dean killed him but where did he go?  So I'm thinking Dean should try to summon Cain since he's a damn demon to ask him about the Mark....


I mean his demon soul had to go somewhere right? Oh.....I wonder if he's inside Amara now....hmnmm

Edited by catrox14

Where do demons go when they die?  That's always sort of puzzled me on this show.  When they smoke out and leave a vessel, I figured they just went back to hell until the next time they felt like possessing someone.  But when they're exorcized, isn't that the end of them?  Do they actually go back to hell then?  Inquiring minds, and all that...


I wish I had a clue what their end game was for this season.  Or at least I wish I felt more confident that they will come up with a satisfying ending to the season.  I'm not ready for the show to end, so where do we go from here?  Once God returns (which we have to assume by the return of Chuck), what else can they possibly do to top that?

Where do demons go when they die?  That's always sort of puzzled me on this show.  When they smoke out and leave a vessel, I figured they just went back to hell until the next time they felt like possessing someone.  But when they're exorcized, isn't that the end of them?  Do they actually go back to hell then?  Inquiring minds, and all that...


I was under the impression when demons are exorcised they're sent back to Hell. That's how it was the first couple seasons: Phantom Traveler there were two parts to the exorcism, one to expel it from the host and a second to send it back to Hell; Devil's Trap they exorcised Meg and sent her back to Hell until she climbed back out in S5. That's why I thought they stopped exorcising demons to save the host. It doesn't stop the demon and sends it somewhere they can inform on Sam and Dean. Not to mention if the host body actually survives possession, that person would be so traumatized it might be a mercy to be dead.


The only way to "kill" a demon in the first few seasons was with the Colt or the Knife-That-Could-Kill-Anything. Now they can kill them with demon bombs and angel blades and just about everything the writers throw out there.


I've decided they just don't exist anymore once they're "killed". They don't go anywhere.

  • Love 1

However, it hasn`t played out like he is completely under her thrall. He made an attempt at her twice already. Sure, both times was unsuccessful but it took little enough for him to shake himself out of it and try. And yet suddenly we`re hearing a lot about how he struck out both times. Heck, they put the freaking scene where Dean`s knife shattered on impact with Amara`s body in the previouslies and still go with "couldn`t do it" in dialogue.


Couldn`t do what? Kill her. Sure, he couldn`t. Because he didn`t have any means to do so If he had the emotional fortitude or not wasn`t the question in those instances. If Dean had Godlike powers or a Godlike weapon and either purposefully didn`t use those against Amara or found himself incapable to do so, THEN we would be talking about striking out. If Sam had had a shot with that knife, it would still have shattered. It`s not like the weapon was only useless because Dean and Amara talked a bit beforehand. But five seconds before, it TOTALLY would have worked. 


And yet that is roughly the dialogue the writers are giving us. 


Out of curiosity, has a weapon in anyone else's hand not worked against Amara? I'm just wondering whether any weapon in Dean's hand wouldn't work against her due to their 'bond' or whateverthefuck. So, in that sense, Dean *can't* kill her; not due to lack of motivation, but actual inability to harm her?


Out of curiosity, has a weapon in anyone else's hand not worked against Amara?


Well, so far noone has a weapon they felt confident about trying out. Even Lucifer isn`t running towards the confrontation. Crowley was easily overpowered when Amara wanted it. I guess the only ones besides Dean who tried where the angels en masse via smiting. And that failed as well.


What this tells me is that so far it is for lack of means, not lack of trying. If Dean has a perfect God-killing weapon, I`m sure he could physically strike the death blow. And if Sam had wielded the little butter knife, it wouldn`t have done anything either.

Out of curiosity, has a weapon in anyone else's hand not worked against Amara? I'm just wondering whether any weapon in Dean's hand wouldn't work against her due to their 'bond' or whateverthefuck. So, in that sense, Dean *can't* kill her; not due to lack of motivation, but actual inability to harm her?

Yeah I posited this theory way way back. I wonder now, if Dean would kill himself if he killed her. So like their bond makes it impossible for them to actually kill other one without dying themselves. I know Jensen said they didn't have that kind of bond but things change and he trolls.

IMO it would be interesting if Dean is willing to die to save humanity from her, but it would require Sam or Cas to do the deed themselves. I think Cas will die before he would have to kill Dean leaving only Sam and whether or not he could really do it.

IMO it would be interesting if Dean is willing to die to save humanity from her, but it would require Sam or Cas to do the deed themselves. I think Cas will die before he would have to kill Dean leaving only Sam and whether or not he could really do it.


Heh. And now I'm imagining the show ending with a giant 'circle jerk' of death, with Team Free Will killing each other all at once so no one has to live without the other. ;)

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They have left a lot up to interpretation.  Dean has been able to attempt to kill Amara on two occasions, and failed each time.  But I don't think anyone else would have succeeded with those attempts, either.  The idea that he doesn't think he's strong enough to kill her, based on those attempts, doesn't make sense to me.  He's been hunting things long enough to know that sometimes a more powerful weapon is required.  She is the sister of God after all, and supposedly the most evil presence out there, so why would he think some  run-of-the-mill knife would work?  That makes no sense and makes him look like a novice hunter, which he certainly isn't.


Now if he's thinking he can't kill her because of their special bond, then the writers shouldn't have had him make those prior attempts.  Sadly, I don't think this mystery is a plot device, I think it's just bad writing...again.  

I think Death could have but I`m not really convinced he would have. He operated by the "when it is your time" manual. And I got the distinct feeling that he wasn`t deciding who died when. So even if he wasn`t personally okay with having Amara let loose, I don`t think he would have killed her unless her name came up in the big black book or something. Just like God.


However, I do agree that for a supernaturally-themed show, to pull something as monumental as killing off Death, it is downright insane that there is no follow-through. The only consequence is that the Reapers plan to permanently end the Winchesters. When it is their time of course.


Other than that, diddly squat on the cosmic order. Doesn`t surprise me, though, They just did that as a plot device for the Season 10 Finale. And after that just had no more interest in it. The idea that you simply can`t just use that as a plot device for one episode and then forget about it because you can`t be bothered to do your job and come up with a storyline didn`t even register with them. I knew that at Comic Con when the question was answered with basically "whatever". On what grounds are these writers being paid? Can`t be the job of writing scripts IMO. 

I think Death could have but I`m not really convinced he would have. He operated by the "when it is your time" manual. And I got the distinct feeling that he wasn`t deciding who died when. So even if he wasn`t personally okay with having Amara let loose, I don`t think he would have killed her unless her name came up in the big black book or something. Just like God.


I dunno.  He was willing to reap Godstiel.  Had they bound him again, he might not have had a choice.  Assuming the writers remembered that, of course.  *snort*

Killing Death is huge and the lack of attention given to that matter seems so out of kilter that I still come back to Death not really being dead (or nothing is as it seems)

Since the show has given an omniscient self-realized entity a sister, could Death have a sibling, too? Maybe Billie is Death's sister. I never bought Death just randomly telling his reapers that he thought bringing back Sam and Dean time after time was 'funny'. That just doesn't seem like something Death would ever say to his minions.

But he might say that to his sister. Or maybe Billie is Death in a new meatsuit and it's Death saying he thought it was funny but it's not funny anymore. And it's Death saying someone else will make a mistake and toss them into the Empty but Death won't bring them back this time.

Edited by catrox14
  • Love 1

It does seem bizarre that the killing of Death would have so few repercussions.  He'd been around since before God, and yet his death doesn't even cause a blip on the radar?  Reapers must be a very self-sufficient group.  God goes AWOL and the angels are in a perpetual state of chaos.  Crowley goes missing, and the demons just flounder around with no direction.  But literally kill Death, and the reapers don't miss a beat.  


I really thought the introduction of Billy was going to be a big deal this season, but so far...nothing.  I don't know why she was even in that last episode.  I expected her first meeting with Dean to be a bit more dramatic than what we got, which was pretty much nothing.  I'm sure we'll see her again before the end of the season, but I really thought there'd be more fallout.

Edited by MysteryGuest

It does seem bizarre that the killing of Death would have so few repercussions.  He'd been around since before God, and yet his death doesn't even cause a blip on the radar?  Reapers must be a very self-sufficient group.  God goes AWOL and the angels are in a perpetual state of chaos.  Crowley goes missing, and the demons just flounder around with no direction.  But literally kill Death, and the reapers don't miss a beat.  


I really thought the introduction of Billy was going to be a big deal this season, but so far...nothing.  I don't know why she was even in that last episode.  I expected her first meeting with Dean to be a bit more dramatic than what we got, which was pretty much nothing.  I'm sure we'll see her again before the end of the season, but I really thought there'd be more fallout.

I wonder if they shot more scenes but cut them for time.

It does seem bizarre that the killing of Death would have so few repercussions.  He'd been around since before God, and yet his death doesn't even cause a blip on the radar?  Reapers must be a very self-sufficient group.  God goes AWOL and the angels are in a perpetual state of chaos.  Crowley goes missing, and the demons just flounder around with no direction.  But literally kill Death, and the reapers don't miss a beat.  


That just goes to prove how smart and awesome Death really was! 

  • Love 2

On another other show, I couldn`t believe my eyes if they ignored the killing of Death. This one, since Dean did it, I knew it wouldn`t matter as soon as it happened. So while I do find it horrible writing, it is also very expected.


Now, if they do suddenly pick it up as a plot point and address it, noone and nothing can convince me that it was planned. They will only address it if and when it becomes convenient for them to do so. And how long. I think Carver even made a vague mention about it coming up. So if they want to introduce cosmic consequences for one filler episode, never before and never again seen, they will do it.

  • Love 1

LOL how meta is that scene? How many times do you think fans have done that with Jensen and Jared? And they have said they much prefer fans come up to them directly rather than take creeper pics. 


Also, I find it interesting that in the two occasions we've seen Dean fan-boy over someone it was (male)Dr. Sexy and (male)Gunner Lawless.   I'm not sayin...I'm just sayin'.....

  • Love 2
Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Bitter Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

Thank you.

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