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Thanks McManda.


Only Beckett could make a space suit like that look cool but then she looks great in anything really.

I sense whatever trauma they both went through over events with 3xk has been put to rest.


Nathan looks HUGE in comparison to the rest of them LOL. I know he's a big tall guy any way but it's seriously noticeable in those bulky suits. 

Edited by verdana
iRarelyWatchTV36, Amann teased about it would make Castle reflect on the time - I'm guessing more on the lines of when he disappeared how the others reacted since he's in the same situation in reverse of not knowing where Beckett is, etc.


I'm calling it now that after the dust has settled and she's back safe and sound about one minute before the credits roll, they'll be back in the loft with a glass of wine and Castle tells her how all this has made him think again about everything to do with his disappearance and she'll reassure with him and they'll head off to bed.


Mythology has been "touched" on as they promised and the fans are still none the wiser about what happened. 


The writers can then breathe a sigh of relief job done and the story can be pushed to one side again. 

Edited by verdana
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Looking at those promo pics those spacesuits are interesting. Alfred probably has so much fun design the sets when they go all out on some of these themes.

Alfred Sole is amazing and I'm looking forward to seeing what the production team come up with. 


At least I know that we won't be getting any sexytimes in those, Marlowe must be a happy man, no making little Castle babies this episode for Castle and Beckett. 

I'd be okay with them decide to try for the future, or maybe not trying and just letting things happen, but I don't think they need a pregnant Beckett to keep the series going.

The way some fans are already pressing and obsessing about it after almost every episode I'd say the TPTB know they have to start having them do more than talk vaguely about babies. I can't see them avoiding it and the show not suffering ratings wise because this is not going to go away but some of the viewers might if they don't see them with a baby.  Back in S5 there was pressure bearing down with fans wondering when Rick was going to pop the question (and I thought they rushed into that), then of course all the wedding build up and now the baby pressure will start up inexorably and that will be just as bad as the wedding and whilst I'm not baby obsessed I think I'm in the minority on that - at least based on what I see on tumblr LOL.

According to the prop guy, those spacesuits are from Firefly.  Very cool.  Or shiny, rather. :P  I'm just relieved that Luke didn't get to design spacesuits, although they kind of look different from when on Firefly so I think adjustments were made.  I guess it's an excuse to put them all in spacesuits but you'd think a real life murder would put an end to any simulation.  Did they murder the guy by pulling him off his vent?


I'm calling it now that after the dust has settled and she's back safe and sound about one minute before the credits roll, they'll be back in the loft with a glass of wine and Castle tells her how all this has made him think again about everything to do with his disappearance and she'll reassure with him and they'll head off to bed.

Mythology has been "touched" on as they promised and the fans are still none the wiser about what happened.


Lol, spot on.


I'm looking forward to an emotional reunion scene but it's Marlowe so I fear Castle's emotional reaction in the promo to (not Beckett?) may be the most emotion we get. ;)  We might just get to see her waking up in hospital with him beside her.  No hug, no kiss, no touching.  Just a "hey Castle" and "I'm so glad you're OK", and then cue verdana's scene lol.


At least I know that we won't be getting any sexytimes in those, Marlowe must be a happy man, no making little Castle babies this episode for Castle and Beckett.


Heh, the thought crossed my mind too.  No kinky anti-gravity sex for these two. ;)


Oh, and the height difference is really obvious between Castle and Beckett in their spacesuits. Kind of cute.  Not missing space heels. :P

Edited by madmaverick

From that article it seems that there is no way Tyson and Neiman won't be back again in future episodes, which is annoying to me. I guess Marlowe and Amann can't live without having a Big Bad in their pocket for later.

What that interview tells me is that they're all out of ideas so why not keep them around to beat the story to death to the point the fans are sick of hearing abut them like they're done with all the rest.


Also in agreement. I mean you look at shows like Bones and The Metalist where they stretched the Big Bag of the series out so much that it has become cartoonish. Now, they are saying: "Tyson and Nieman will be again because they are evil."




And that's exactly what it will amount to when 3XK and Nieman come back for another outing in S8. Amann's interview made me laugh, where do they intend to go with this now they've established the cliched "serial killer after revenge" motivation? Or are they going to have them forget all about Castle and Beckett next time around and have them involved in some plot to destroy the world? Frankly all they can do with this story now is recycle the same tired thing over and over again, Kate was rescued this time and they got away until the next time!  Mmwahaha! Yawn.

Chad L Coleman @ChadLColeman  ·  7h 7 hours ago

With the amazing @Stana_Katic on the set of #Castle.



I want that purple sweater she has on. 

Chad L Coleman @ChadLColeman  ·  8 hrs 8 hours ago

With @NathanFillion, visiting the set of #Castle.



I wonder if that shirt is going to make an appearance on the show, haven't seen him in plaid for a while. 

Andrew Bikichky @AndrewBikichky  ·  13h 13 hours ago

Spot the ham Ep714 #Castle



Edited by verdana

According to the prop guy, those spacesuits are from Firefly.  Very cool.  Or shiny, rather. :P  I'm just relieved that Luke didn't get to design spacesuits, although they kind of look different from when on Firefly so I think adjustments were made. I guess it's an excuse to put them all in spacesuits but you'd think a real life murder would put an end to any simulation.


It looks like they took the armor part off the suit and added the silver leg part, the stripes on the suit/helmet and different design oxygen pack. Hey Castle didn't get his space wedding but he gets to walk around in a simulation. Quick google search and apparently the original spacesuit was used in Kurt Russell's Soldier movie and the suits are rented out by Global Effects.

Not sure if we've seen all of these but here's some screenshots of BTS filming on 7.16
7x16 The Wrong Stuff

Karin Klinczak® ‏@karinzoca  10 mins10 minutes ago
#Castle BTS 7x16 ...Nathan shouted to us "don't put it in the internet" ooops (my pic)

Edited by verdana



vedana: I sense whatever trauma they both went through over events with 3xk has been put to rest.


I dunno...in one of those pictures Beckett had her head tilted to the side and the effect of the space suit visor was to make her look not just in space but "spaced-out", and I though she looked like a puppet. But on the whole, I'm sure you're right, just by the very fact that she's along on the investigation and not in a locked ward.

Edited by Cyranetta

Oh wow, NF in that first link...


He was so hot back then. *sigh*  I'd happily volunteer to go on a mission to Mars if it meant spending five years cooped up in a rocket ship with a guy looking like that. 



I'm looking forward to an emotional reunion scene but it's Marlowe so I fear Castle's emotional reaction in the promo to (not Beckett?) may be the most emotion we get. ;)  We might just get to see her waking up in hospital with him beside her.  No hug, no kiss, no touching.  Just a "hey Castle" and "I'm so glad you're OK", and then cue verdana's scene lol.


Heh, the thought crossed my mind too.  No kinky anti-gravity sex for these two. ;)


Oh, and the height difference is really obvious between Castle and Beckett in their spacesuits. Kind of cute.  Not missing space heels. :P

Height difference is adorable never get tired of seeing it.   


I was just thinking about the reunion given the very real possibility of a "fake" Beckett in that promo and I can't help but agree that it would be something Marlowe and Bowman would find amusing. If I get a repeat of the tepid hospital scenes we've had in the past (both this season and last with the Dreamworld one) I'll have to strongly resist the urge to throw something at my computer. 

Edited by verdana
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He was so hot back then. *sigh*  I'd happily volunteer to go on a mission to Mars if it meant spending five years cooped up in a rocket ship with a guy looking like that.


Only if you can take your spacesuits off, right? :P


NF kinda looks hotter when he looks more intense.  So I'm hoping for some of that in the next episode.


If we do get a fake Beckett (a fakeout would be Marlowe's kind of thing ;)), then sorry, but I hope she's dead otherwise that would really create a whole lot of issues. Read some fanfic where they don't figure out it's not the real Beckett until Lanie does her stuff at the morgue, which would make sense if Nieman's so good at her work.  Unless Castle can tell it's not his wife at first glance?  Which would be romantic, but again, if Nieman's so all-knowing she probably knows every intimate identifying mark on Beckett that Castle knows. ;)  There's a fanfic which explores the possibility of Beckett getting a permanent new face courtesy of Nieman.  Now that would be a really challenging direction, not that I think they'll go anywhere truly dark.  Nieman's going to threaten to cut Beckett's face I'm sure but she won't get to do it.  

madmaverick.I saw that manip on tumblr and laughed like hell but also shuddered at the same time. Our work is having a Fifty Shades of Grey movie night next week for the girls in the office, I deleted the email and pretended I never saw it. I must be one of the few women in the world who hasn't read any of the books and has no wish to see the movie either, one of the secretaries said "okay I'll go but I know it's going to be utter crap!".


I read one newspaper review and they're calling it a "flaccid flick" heh and another one called it "mommy porn" I'd never heard that term before LOL. 


Molly C. Quinn @MollyQuinn93  ·  Feb 11
“@Mou1901_: @MollyQuinn93 how do you think Alexis would feel if she has a little brother or sister?”
Alexis would LOVE having a baby sibling



Molly dodges a bullet there, if she had dared say anything else she'd be castigated like hell. 


I guess I had better get used to the fact that this is how it's going to be as time goes on with constant talk about babies - how will she tell him, when it will start, where she'll give birth, what will happen afterwards etc. Stana, Nathan and the rest of the cast (and crew) will get pestered about it on twitter and during interviews too no doubt. 

Edited by verdana

The thing that makes the nonsense-bells go off about any kind of appearance of a created-Beckett or altered-Beckett is that, unless they're willing to assume an absence for her somewhat akin to Castle's, how do they account for all the healing time that would be required? Even the most skillful surgical scars don't seal themselves over like Silly Putty!

Damn, seems like they're released yet another screener, boy must they must be desperate. I don't they've ever released two consecutive ones. I wasn't expect that I wish they hadn't, I think it would have been better to leave well alone.

Well ABC can't even bother promoting the ep. Usually I was seeing a promo during Agent Carter, one during Forever and one during Nashville but so far none. We'll see tonight if a promo is shown during HTGAWM otherwise it probably won't happen until Sunday with whatever ABC is planning to show.

Edited by turnitwayup

Well, the reviews seem generally positive.  Far too much hyperbole and adjectives in some as usual. ;)  Less is more!  The last episode wasn't very edge of the seat for me so taking everything with a grain of salt and we'll see how this one matches up.  What I really care about is the juicy emotional character stuff rather than any machinations, which I expect to be rather predictable.

Haven't read anything but that link Hal posted and I'm trying desperately hard not to (over) spoil myself by avoiding tumblr, I fear the extreme hype yet again since I didn't find the first part that incredible. It's the same people time and time again reviewing these screeners so I should have learnt by now to take whatever they say with extreme caution given all the superlatives that get uttered some of which are so OTT it's more extreme fangirl than anything else.


Same here madmaverick when it comes to the story, it's the emotional aspects that I care about. I want to feel a kick in the gut over Castle's pain and misery over losing her and the team's frantic efforts to find her and I had better that decent heartfelt and tender reunion between them because if not then this has all been a waste of time since I strongly suspect the various plot twists I'll see coming a mile away and this conclusion is going to be just as predictable as the first part. 

Edited by verdana
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All I wanna know is if Neiman and Tyson make it out alive and M.I.A again. I know! lol. I root for the serial killer couple. Sue me. 


I don't pay much attention to certain reviewers. I.E: the Caputo chick. Every episode is wonderful, amazing, beautiful bestist episode ever in her book. I rather like Luciana's reviews and I trust that they're not all fluff pieces loaded w. hyerbole.

Edited by Samantha84

Honestly?  First reaction was that Marlowe's dialogue was quite cringeworthy.  Typical B-movie predictable dialogue.  Maybe it's a personal preference and a minority opinion, but I generally find more restrained scenes to be more powerful (including in terms of badassness) both when it comes to Castle and Beckett.  So just based on the clip, I found the equivalent scene during Alexis' kidnapping arc to be more powerful.  Showed less but was more.  Hopefully I'll like the scene better in the episode. 


The music was way too over the top.  I'm hoping it's just for the clip and not this way in the episode.


After watching the scene, I found myself wondering if Castle should have his own black turtleneck of doom heh.  Kind of like NF's twitter profile pic.  But then I can't imagine Luke ever putting Castle in a turtleneck considering his wardrobe choices for him. ;)   Let's see if Castle will be wearing the same clothes throughout as if they're thinking about the story, he should be in mood to change!  I'd wish for scruff, but he remembered to shave even when Alexis was missing. ;)

Edited by madmaverick
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Kill this dude and you'll never find your wife, Castle! I want Tyson to say this to him w. that creepy ass grin and tell Castle just that. Kill me and she's dead for 100% certainty. I should be cheering b/c Castle is doing whatever it takes for his wife but eh! I'm rooting for Tyson and Neiman. 

Edited by Samantha84

Spoiler Room: Scoop on Castle, Once, Following and more at EW


Any Castle scoop? — Sandra
The second hour of the two-parter will see Castle get a taste of what Beckett went through for the months he was missing … and he’s not going to handle it well. Being personally targeted by 3XK brings out a new, more violent side of Castle, and his temper might just land him in handcuffs


Edited by verdana

CASTLE: David Amann Teases the ‘Fantastic’ ‘Reckoning’ at GMMR (also posted on the media thread)

As the team searches desperately for her, viewers will also be made to wait a bit to find out what has happened to her. “Much like the first episode of the season, we are focused mainly in the episode on the search for Beckett, [so] her whereabouts and condition are unknown for a better part of the show,” Amann previewed. “So we don’t really have as much a chance to access what is going on with her [mindset], initially.”


generally find more restrained scenes to be more powerful (including in terms of badassness) both when it comes to Castle and Beckett.  So just based on the clip, I found the equivalent scene during Alexis' kidnapping arc to be more powerful.


I generally find the more restrained scenes better too, but I am in the minority that I didn't like some of Castle's scenes when Alexis was kidnapped.  The one where he tortured the guy came off as ridiculous because he seemed not even remotely threatening or distressed enough to reach that point.


I didn't actually watch this sneak though, so I can't judge it though.  Hopefully it's not too much in the opposite direction.

After that sneak quite a few fans on twitter are already clamoring for Nathan to get an Emmy, I haven't watched the clip to make a judgement on his acting performance or the quality of the writing but they shouldn't waste their time and energy because it's never going to happen. 


madmaverick.I prefer the more restrained scenes too I have to say rather than any OTT badassery. Not that I get to see much of it in Castle's case of course, although that is about to change by the sound of things.  


black turtleneck of doom 



Edited by verdana

Heh femmefan1946.

So I see some people are having a meltdown with the tidbit Matt M posted about 7.17. But that's not unusual in this fandom.

I think Amann's tease in the EW interview the other day pretty much confirmed that the Beckett arc is going to be professional vs. personal life (career/family). So I'm not sure why some people on the net have their knickers in a knot anytime a storyline pops up that doesn't involve Castle and Beckett together (attached to the hip 24/7). But that's purely my own opinion.

Edited by Nadine
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Regarding that spoiler, I think some just saw the "better than Beckett" descriptor and had visions of Marlowe's "take Beckett down a peg" comments from the end of last season flash before their eyes. 


I'm thinking/hoping it'll play out a bit like Jordan Shaw (renowned investigator with her cooler toys). And as Nadine indicated, it should lay down more groundwork on the Beckett thinking about her life/future storyline, which I'm actually looking forward to seeing. 


New tweet from Jim Adler (BTS pic at link):


Jim Adler ‏@jimadler  56 seconds ago
Who's going for a night on the town? #Castle #ep718 #itsryantime


So 7.18 is the Ryancentric episode. That's about all we know about this ep so far, is it?

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