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They do need something to bring people back in Feb tho. What that is, and if they maintain it, is the question. Even the diehards can only take so much

Castle cheers himself up and gets a dog. Kate comes over to kiss and fuss over it occasionally oh and Castle...heh

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The idea that Beckett and Castle would celebrate a wedding anniversary for a marriage that she walked away from whilst they are STILL BROKEN UP, is just all types of crazy and insulting.

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Off topic but since these guys like pulling from S 3-4 so much, do u think we will see Beckett get shot again a la S3 finale? Just a thought.


I have been assuming at least one of them will be shot, kidnapped, tortured etc to finish off the break up. With those plot summaries they just revealed who knows if this will be happening before or after the hiatus. It’s just not an episode of Castle for me if they aren’t using a life threatening event to push the plot forward. Heaven forbid they talk and work on things together.


I’m split 50/50 between who gets it. I believe Beckett has already been shot twice to Castle’s once (If you exclude his being shot in the vest. Also, does it count if you can't remember shooting #1?!?!). So if you are going by pure numbers, I’d say Castle is in the crosshairs. Plus shooting Castle would certainly show Kate the error of her ways. Heh.


Maybe Verdana is right, shoot them both for double the “fun”! I never imagined the word fun could be so twisted and misused. Particularly by people who write for a living. :)

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Guilty. I don't care about the relationship, just provide simple entertainment please. I just want the MOTW (misery of the week) to end, whatever it takes. If the pre-hiatus eps do that, I'm in. If Nielsen sends me a recording box, I might take a stronger stand. For now, just no more fart jokes, but more happiness. Thanks showruiners*.

*That last word was autocorrected into the text. Apparently my tablet is a Castle fan, but, like me, preferred other seasons and felt a need to voice it's feelings, LOL. So I left it.

I am absolutely in love with the new term your tablet invented. “Showruiners” is a perfect title for the Castle showrunners.** It’s going to be hard for me not to type that out instead of showrunner.

I too like the lighter stuff and actual fun, but part of that for me has always included them together. Now that they are married, a split breaks the spell for me and sucks the fun right out of it.

I know I'm alone once again in my beliefs. But I get all the cookies at the naive optimist table to myself! And they are chocolate chip! I also know that I'm a disappointed person waiting to happen, but feeling anything but hopeful that the showrunners don't have self-destructive tendencies, is just going to make me miserable.

You are not alone. I still naively hope/wish that things will resolve sooner rather than later. Despite what has happened, I still want my old show back. But S8 (and years of TV viewing) have made me cynical enough to expect the exact opposite.

**ETA: I should add that I don't genuinely believe they showrunners set out to ruin the show. I imagine they want to do good work etc. Whether it is their own hubris, bad writing, BTS issues or who knows, someone made a serious miscalcuation on S8.

Edited by GoGiants
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As much as I want things to be resolved I really don't think they are in a hurry to do so and not just because they think their story is awesome.  I have always believed they are working within a certain set of parameters that are unchangable therefore I don't think the story is due to change anytime soon.  My beliefs were further strengthened when I came across the Twitter feed of Eric Heisserer on the weekend.....fascinating little exchange where he vented his frustrations and worries about the future of show running.....it just so happens that he is a friend of AH as well....just saying.

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As much as I want things to be resolved I really don't think they are in a hurry to do so and not just because they think their story is awesome.  I have always believed they are working within a certain set of parameters that are unchangable therefore I don't think the story is due to change anytime soon.  My beliefs were further strengthened when I came across the Twitter feed of Eric Heisserer on the weekend.....fascinating little exchange where he vented his frustrations and worries about the future of show running.....it just so happens that he is a friend of AH as well....just saying.

Eric saying this "Two leads hate each other, and refuse to work more than 1 or 2 days together per episode. None of this is publicized, natch." is clearly referring to Castle in my eyes.


He can quite easily be talking about quite a few shows/situations to be fair to him, but the whole 1-2 days together per episode, is pretty much what we are seeing with NF/SK Castle/Beckett.


That's why them getting back together won't change too much in terms of the structure of episodes. They'll just have to find a new reason/way to keep them apart. They can 100% do a better job at explaining it than what we are currently seeing with Beckett's rationale though. They don't have to be broken up either.


That (the break up) is their creative choice, and it is one they didn't have to make even when required to split up the two leads as much as possible. Hopefully it gets better in the last half of the season.

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It will be interesting to see if ending 'the hiatus' in their relationship makes any difference to the 3.5 minutes of screen time they have together because you are right, Chado, they didn't need to go the break up route.   I think someone upthread suggested that Mr and Mrs Castle will see Beckett spilling the beans to Castle and they will decide to go the "undercover" route and maintain the guise of a breakup??  My head is already spinning LOL

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It will be interesting to see if ending 'the hiatus' in their relationship makes any difference to the 3.5 minutes of screen time they have together because you are right, Chado, they didn't need to go the break up route.   I think someone upthread suggested that Mr and Mrs Castle will see Beckett spilling the beans to Castle and they will decide to go the "undercover" route and maintain the guise of a breakup??  My head is already spinning LOL

I've been getting this funny/bad vibe that Castle and Beckett won't get back together at all unless there is 100% confirmation that the show is ending this season prior to them having to write the end of season story arc.


I think if there's any ambiguity at all to the show's future. We won't see Castle and Beckett together in a relationship again. I really do think this permanent, and they will just keep throwing obstacles in front of them to prevent them ever being together again.


The show's cancellation will be what gives us a happy ending in my opinion, I don't think we are getting one until that confirmation happens. I think this break up is 100% permanent until that happens.

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I've been getting this funny/bad vibe that Castle and Beckett won't get back together at all unless there is 100% confirmation that the show is ending this season prior to them having to write the end of season story arc.


I think if there's any ambiguity at all to the show's future. We won't see Castle and Beckett together in a relationship again. I really do think this permanent, and they will just keep throwing obstacles in front of them to prevent them ever being together again.


The show's cancellation will be what gives us a happy ending in my opinion, I don't think we are getting one until that confirmation happens. I think this break up is 100% permanent until that happens.

For the sake of everyone's sanity, I sincerely hope you are wrong. I too get the vibe that the breakup isn't going away anytime soon. The naive part of me hopes for a resolution before the hiatus. S8 has taught me not to hope for such things.

If they push this through all of S8 and into a hypothetical S9, I will likely be done. Whatever good feelings I have for the show have been pushed to the limit by the first five episodes. What was once fun and entertaining is now a weekly exercise in frustration. If your speculation pans out correctly, I'll be headed back to the position that S7 was the end for me. Or I may just be done with the show period. A permanent breakup will spoil it for me for good.

I hope there's a clear end to the show in sight so they can wrap things up somewhat happily. I do not want to see this play out over multiple seasons. Five episodes has been bad enough. Sucker that I am, at this point I still want to see them together and happy.

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I realize with the show's accelerated slide into hell, motives and BTS talk will be inevitable.


With that said, gang, it seems to have spread into every topic and has become less about the actual episodes/show - as depressing as some find it now - and more about the actors and show runners and nefarious motives.


I am not about to command that all talk of it cease; it would be impossible. With that said, I think - if it must go in circles and be driven into dust - the past show runners thread is likely the best spot for further spitballing.


Let's try to keep the spec/spoiler thread, as well as the other remaining threads, within the context of the actual show.


Thanks, everyone!

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They'll try and find some way to keep them separated as a couple most of the season, it's a gut feeling I have and that's been cemented by the showrunners comments about how boring they are together and that separating them recreates the spark. They'll be a brief reunion obviously at some point but they'll quickly split them up again if there's another season and as another poster mentioned there's the senator route they could go down which would create further new pressures on their union and options of more angst ridden (and separate) storytelling. 


Before Hal disappeared I could have sworn they said there was no reconciliation in Mr and Mrs Castle and that it was a good episode. That fits totally with Hawley's comment in TV Line, they'll leave things on some positive note because they can't possibly maintain this dynamic where Castle and Beckett are not addressing anything but I'm willing to bet they'll throw some further obstacle in the way to prevent them living together come February time.  It's the old bait and switch tactics again. 

Edited by verdana
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It will be interesting to see if ending 'the hiatus' in their relationship makes any difference to the 3.5 minutes of screen time they have together because you are right, Chado, they didn't need to go the break up route. I think someone upthread suggested that Mr and Mrs Castle will see Beckett spilling the beans to Castle and they will decide to go the "undercover" route and maintain the guise of a breakup?? My head is already spinning LOL

I can see their current levels of screentime remaining the same. It would be much better if they did go down that road which is what many were first hoping for when the news came out they were splitting them up. Beats me why they didn't, at least it would allow me to enjoy their romantic exchanges again and we could have them both in this fighting together.

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Let me say that I don't actually think there is any UST or WTWT element to this season at all to begin with, but the showrunners keep talking about it and how they want to go back to it.


But if you assume that there is now UST and a WTWT element to the show, doesn't making them hook up in secret (or secretly be back together) completely destroy everything they are trying to do, to begin with?


I guess I just don't see the whole "undercover" idea being something the showrunners would go with, given everything they are saying in interviews.

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Let me say that I don't actually think there is any UST or WTWT element to this season at all to begin with, but the showrunners keep talking about it and how they want to go back to it.

I can't see it either although I've seen others say the sexual tension and longing is now back with a vengeance. This weird, sad dynamic works for some obviously but it's not even close to what they used to have - how could it be? They've moved on and fallen in love and got married and I've moved on with them too. I don't know what Hawley and Winter were smoking when they thought regressing the characters back to the early days by splitting them up was the best idea they had. Doesn't say much about their creativity as writers.

Every week I get sad and frustrated watching Castle and Beckett circle each other in this increasingly uncomfortable looking dance. It's certainly not rekindling any fond memories of those times when there was glorious banter, copious eye sex and genuine fun, vulnerability, heat and sweetness between them. I also didn't need to be hit over the head every week about how they felt about each other either.

All the writers needed to do was bring back the very things they stopped doing as soon as they hooked up, it was bizarre because if anything the sexual element should have stoked the fires up even further but instead they pulled back.

The writers eventually made Caskett boring by refusing to allow the characters to breathe and using the natural chemistry between Fillion and Katic and letting that bubble over on screen but this time with the added bonus the characters were both aware of their feelings and had embraced them.

I don't see why this has proved so difficult to implement, they had everything there plus a likeable secondary cast to add a bit of flavour but not overpower the main event.

Edited by verdana
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The showrunners probably just assumed that as long as they made it clear there would be no divorce and if they kept showing how much the two "love" each other, then (most) fans would accept them being broken up....


It's hard to tell what the reception as a whole would have been like if they executed Beckett's reason for 'leaving' better.

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They just turned Beckett into a selfish bitch who doesn't give a monkey's behind about Castle, his feelings or their marriage. All that counts is the freaking case and apparently she is the only one who can bring down the Big Bad. So screw stupid little love sick Castle. He is gonna wait anyway. Why bother. She shoots it all to hell but here we are week after week: oh poor Beckett. She is missing Castle sooooooooooooooooo much. Boohoo.


Oh please. If she loves him like they tell us week after week in their statements of fun, she would have at least had the decency to tell him the truth. With her wishy-washy behavior she gets him into trouble. At this point I don't even mind if they kill her off by the end of the season. Apparently those two can't and don't wanna work together and this storyline gets rid off one of the problems. It kills the show but who cares about that......other than the fans of course but they don't know what's FUN.....SUPER FUN.


I'm just glad I checked out of the show emotionally during that boring season 6 wedding crapfest.

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Before Hal disappeared I could have sworn they said there was no reconciliation in Mr and Mrs Castle and that it was a good episode.

I remember that too.

On a note unrelated to speculation, who else misses Hal? I always appreciated reading the perspective of someone with industry experience. It was obviously very different than that of the typical viewer. I imagine Hal lurking periodically to have a chuckle at our rants and frustrations.

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..............................................Every week I get sad and frustrated watching Castle and Beckett circle each other in this increasingly uncomfortable looking dance. It's certainly not rekindling any fond memories of those times when there was glorious banter, copious eye sex and genuine fun, vulnerability, heat and sweetness between them. I also didn't need to be hit over the head every week about how they felt about each other either.

All the writers needed to do was bring back the very things they stopped doing as soon as they hooked up, it was bizarre because if anything the sexual element should have stoked the fires up even further but instead they pulled back.

The writers eventually made Caskett boring by refusing to allow the characters to breathe and using the natural chemistry between Fillion and Katic and letting that bubble over on screen but this time with the added bonus the characters were both aware of their feelings and had embraced them.

I don't see why this has proved so difficult to implement, they had everything there plus a likeable secondary cast to add a bit of flavour but not overpower the main event.

There is an alternative TV marriage to what persists with the forced separation on Castle presented with arrogance by the new producers. Invest in Elizabeth and Henry on 'Madam Secretary'. Their marriage presents as happy and healthy. They have their bumps in the road, but they trust each other and respect each other, and that comes through so easily in all of their scenes together. This is the show that the Castle writers need to study if they want to fix the sad state of the marriage between their two leads. There doesn't have to be manufactured drama between the married couple in order to keep the show interesting and 'Madam Secretary' proves it. It is amazing to compare the CBS writers approach to storytelling of marriage life onscreen versus what ABC has allowed with this contrived and twisted ("But how do you celebrate when you're having this weird 'time out'? Well, they find a way.") portrayal of a love story on Castle.  

Edited by VinceW
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From Ask Matt at tvinsider.com:

Question: I'm sure you've gotten lots of e-mails on Castle and the season so far. So I know my complaints about the contrived separation between the leads aren't new. But what strikes me as interesting is that the Nikki Heat book series written by Castle and which exists in the real world is doing a better job with the storyline. In the latest book, Nikki Heat, who's based on Beckett, just became Captain and is dealing with the realization that she can't be in the field working cases anymore and must instead delegate the investigatory work, go to meetings, do budgets, handle other administrative duties, etc. If the TV show wanted some tension between Castle and Beckett, why don't they explore that more plausible story line? For example, if Kate isn't in the field, what does that mean for Castle helping on cases? So far, aside from calling her Capt. Beckett, Kate's job doesn't seem to have changed all that much. — Robin


Matt Roush: True, I could fill a column each week with the gripes I'm getting about Castle's ongoing storyline. But your perspective makes sense to me, as would this storyline. And bravo for cracking a book, even one based on a TV character written by a fictional author.


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I only just saw this.


Toks Olagundoye ‏@ToksOlagundoye   10 hours ago
As opposed to the other season 8?...... #ImJustAsking #SorryNotSorry #Bandwagon #NoFunBusTicketForYou #TrueFan


I'm trying to get the 4 month guest of the show to confirm for me what a true fan entails.

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I don't know what sparked that off from Toks, may be she's getting more abuse which is unfortunate but it's irritating when people use the term "true fan", we are all fans of the show and just because some people aren't currently in love with a particular storyline or the direction the show is going in does not make them them any less of one.  

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MaryM47. I'm not surprised to hear poor Matt's inundated with negative comments about the current storyline, he doesn't like it much either from what I've gathered looking at his previous comments on twitter and on this column. I also agree with Robin, the Nikki Heat books are handling things far better than the TV showrunners but that's nothing new, they've been doing better on the relationship in every way. Aside from her new title I've seen precious little attempts to show how Captain Beckett's new job has impacted on her working life. 

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I only just saw this.


Toks Olagundoye ‏@ToksOlagundoye   10 hours ago

As opposed to the other season 8?...... #ImJustAsking #SorryNotSorry #Bandwagon #NoFunBusTicketForYou #TrueFan


I'm trying to get the 4 month guest of the show to confirm for me what a true fan entails.

I actually read the entire Twitter conversation.    IMHO Toks handled herself very well considering that she was dealing with people that got her confused with someone else with the show, and were venting at her as if she is solely responsible for the direction that Season 8 is taking.   Yes, she's been on the show for 4 months....which is 4 months more than me.    She actually works with all the people that put on the show, which again is more than me....so even if I disagree with her opinions,  she has a right to them, and definitely has a perspective that I don't have.  

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And bravo for cracking a book, even one based on a TV character written by a fictional author.

And coming from someone who recycles press releases for a TV gossip site, that means something.

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Yep, but then Stana might've not signed up this season if she had to spend a season behind the desk like Gates was when she was in eps. It would've probably led to Castle PI starting Castle and Alexis with occasional appearances by Martha, Ryan and Espo. I also wonder if this season could survive a little better if it followed the books more. Castle has his PI business, Beckett running the office, and Ryan/Espo out at the crime scenes/interrogations. Castle could hire Ryan to do some extra work for him as a season long arc. Even if Beckett and Castle aren't spending all there time solving crimes together in person we could still have them get each other opinions over the phone/skype but have them together at home for the end of the day loft scenes instead of the depressing sad Castle at the loft scenes. They could even introduced a different big bad where the two of them working together over the season to defeat the villain and show those scenes like every 3rd or 4th ep. The lead actors still get the time off since the bulk of COTW is done by Ryan/Espo. I would've like see that type of scenario try to make it work than this bizarre separation storyline.

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From ew.com:


After a recent report surfaced speculating the loss of a co-lead on a well established drama, EW is hear to quell Castle fans’ fears: Beckett and Castle are safe.

As far as the rumors pertaining to their show, Castle showrunners Terence Paul Winter and Alexi Hawley assured EW that it’s not true. As Winter put it, “We killed off Montgomery in season 3. We’re not killing anymore people off.”


Hawley joked: “[if it were true], I can’t imagine we’d be sitting here saying you’re going to be excited to see what happens in January. ‘Beckett’s dead, but dont worry about it, it’s still going to be fun!’ No, we’re not. It’s absolutely not true.”

We know, we know. You’re welcome.


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MaryM47.Thanks for the link, what is genuinely funny is that TV Line create the blind that causes the fuss and then ET create another article with an interview from Hawley to deny it, more clickbait!


That said, I wouldn't put it past them having a cliffhanger with her looking as if she might be dead for the S8 finale. I don't trust these showrunners at all. 


ZingerCaskett. Thanks for checking it out, so glad I'm not on twitter I can't face the pettiness and vitriol on both sides of the debate, it's exhausting.  Why can't everyone just be friendly, polite and agree to disagree. 

Edited by verdana
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I need to start approaching Castle like I do Nashville -- as cotton candy.

Maybe Castle could benefit from musical numbers. There are certainly a number of angsty ones, and it would at least make a change.

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The leads in MS are involved in a well publicized romantic relationship off screen. I imaging this makes the writers jobs easy when it comes to the relationship aspect of the show.



Henry has been putting his hands on Bess a lot more in home life scenes this season while hiding those moments from the kids which I doubt is part of the script. He does not have a no-shirt clause as well in bedroom scenes.

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I also wonder if this season could survive a little better if it followed the books more. Castle has his PI business, Beckett running the office, and Ryan/Espo out at the crime scenes/interrogations. Castle could hire Ryan to do some extra work for him as a season long arc. Even if Beckett and Castle aren't spending all there time solving crimes together in person we could still have them get each other opinions over the phone/skype but have them together at home for the end of the day loft scenes instead of the depressing sad Castle at the loft scenes. They could even introduced a different big bad where the two of them working together over the season to defeat the villain and show those scenes like every 3rd or 4th ep. The lead actors still get the time off since the bulk of COTW is done by Ryan/Espo. I would've like see that type of scenario try to make it work than this bizarre separation storyline.

This sounds great and it is the kind of scenario I hoped they would create for the new Season. It would have fitted the interviews before the start of the new Season. Captain Beckett, Castle's PI business, changing the DNA of the show and making it a bit more serial.


The obstacle might be the COTW though and the large amount of time that has to be spent solving the murder. The past years revolved around the specifics of the case rather than serial elements. I fear that hasn't changed, so there isn't enough room for any B and C stories. Or to state it the other way around, the murder never takes the B story. I don't see much room for possibilities to make the story above work. Castle and Beckett taking turns in helping Ryan and Esposito solve the murder so there is time for one of them dealing with office politics, a B case for the PI office and some progress on their work of the Big Bad case? (Would that make Dever and Huertas to number 1 and 2 on the call sheet? :-)  

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Hawley joked: “[if it were true], I can’t imagine we’d be sitting here saying you’re going to be excited to see what happens in January. ‘Beckett’s dead, but dont worry about it, it’s still going to be fun!’ No, we’re not. It’s absolutely not true.”

We know, we know. You’re welcome


Well he said the break up was fun, so nothing would really surprise me.  But I'm pretty sure it's not going to happen.


It's kind of lame when the promo photos are all the same scene. They didn't even change angles of the photographer. I hope Beckett shows up at least minimally in the actual episode.

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I don't know what sparked that off from Toks, may be she's getting more abuse which is unfortunate but it's irritating when people use the term "true fan", we are all fans of the show and just because some people aren't currently in love with a particular storyline or the direction the show is going in does not make them them any less of one.  


Word. I just saw that term being used in regards to the X Files and it is really irritating. You hit the nail on the head.

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I've been around the Internet for a long time (I feel like a dinosaur sometimes, lol), and watched/been involved in several other passionate fandoms, and I still say Castle isn't the worst behavior I've ever seen from fans. That's still reserved for the XF fandom. Though sometimes it's...close. 

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I've been around the Internet for a long time (I feel like a dinosaur sometimes, lol), and watched/been involved in several other passionate fandoms, and I still say Castle isn't the worst behavior I've ever seen from fans. That's still reserved for the XF fandom. Though sometimes it's...close. 


I can agree there. Some of the stuff I've seen on Twitter is just eep. From both fandoms. Tumblr is ok in that area at least most of the time.


One thing that bugs me at times are the anti-relationship fans, both Castle and XF. Nothing like treating shippers like they aren't able to think for themselves or are children. *ugh*

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Well he said the break up was fun, so nothing would really surprise me.  But I'm pretty sure it's not going to happen.


It's kind of lame when the promo photos are all the same scene. They didn't even change angles of the photographer. I hope Beckett shows up at least minimally in the actual episode.

The way Hawley keeps on saying "fun" about everything (when very often it's not) is annoying and instantly undermines anything he's saying even when he's trying to set the record straight but the fact that they even bothered over some blind item was kind of interesting though.


I'm expecting Beckett to appear very briefly, they must have filled at least a couple of insert scenes, may be they'll have her phone him.

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The way Hawley keeps on saying "fun" about everything (when very often it's not) is annoying and instantly undermines anything he's saying even when he's trying to set the record straight but the fact that they even bothered over some blind item was kind of interesting though.


I think it shows they are worried and are in full damage control mode. Just like using the phrase "weird time out" to try to lessen the seriousness of the siuation. It is all just part of the spin to placate the viewers.

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The word "fun" is starting to feel a little bit like a "gaslighting" technique. 


Yep I could say the same with the XF sometimes. At least in regards to CC and Fox. Been just laughing my butt off about some of the more recent interviews. Only bit of fun has been David's stuff. Even if it's spin, at least it's not putting fans down and the like.

I think it shows they are worried and are in full damage control mode. Just like using the phrase "weird time out" to try to lessen the seriousness of the siuation. It is all just part of the spin to placate the viewers.


Exactly. Whenever a show doesn't do well, it's a bit interesting to see how they deal with it. A lot of times, not very well.

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Is Your Favorite Show In Danger? at TV Guide 


Castle (ABC)
Mondays at 10/9c
The good news: ABC clearly wants to keep Castle around, as it fought hard to renew the contracts of stars Nathan Fillion and Stana Katic. And though the aging show's live audience seems to be dwindling, it routinely gets a solid lift from DVR playback.
The bad news: The Season 8 premiere hit a series low (6.8 million viewers, 1.1 in the demo), and it's fallen even further since the show's creative team decided to separate Castle and Beckett. Overall, it's down about 26 percent in the demo from a year ago and is regularly getting thumped by NBC's Blindspot. This one will really depend on ABC's patience.
Photo by: Jordin Althaus/ABC


I can see Castle being saved because of the failure of any of ABC's new shows to take off sufficiently to consign Castle to the scrap heap. I also expect both stars ultimately to sign on again if they get chance, a regular pay cheque will be too tempting to resist. 


Blindspot is also started to fall in the ratings so it's not quite the juggernaut it used to be. 

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I think it shows they are worried and are in full damage control mode. Just like using the phrase "weird time out" to try to lessen the seriousness of the siuation. It is all just part of the spin to placate the viewers.

It's sad though that they had to come out and deny something like this, it just goes to show you how much has changed when some fans were actively getting worried about it. By their recent actions the new showrunners have managed to create serious doubt and mistrust in some quarters to the point that such an article that previously would have been instantly laughed off by everyone is something that requires a denial for TPTB to calm the nerves. Even with this denial, I'll no longer be stunned if they went there eventually, literally anything is possible so their promises and reassurances feel meaningless at this point.

I'm glad the only show I'm seriously into is Castle, I don't think I could cope with the antics of another fandom, suffering the crazy and bad behaviour in certain quarters on this one is bad enough.

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valemaldonThat's a wrap on @abccastle !! So fulfilled and so humbled at how beautiful this experience was. I couldn't have asked for a kinder, warmer, more fun cast and crew. I'm really beyond words. Thank you Castle and will be cheering you on now with a full heart! Stay tuned for an incredible episode, you'll be surprised! @abcnetwork #castle #sograteful#humbled #thankyou #bestinthebiz#quixotetrailors

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Is Your Favorite Show In Danger? at TV Guide 


I can see Castle being saved because of the failure of any of ABC's new shows to take off sufficiently to consign Castle to the scrap heap. I also expect both stars ultimately to sign on again if they get chance, a regular pay cheque will be too tempting to resist. 


Blindspot is also started to fall in the ratings so it's not quite the juggernaut it used to be. 


Yea. But the question is, if they do get another season, can they be able to salvage the show?

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Jon Huertas ‏@Jon_Huertas  17 hrs17 hours ago

Great day on #Castle "squaring off" with @CorbinBleu - any guesses to who won? What a gr8 sport and gr8 guy!


Andrew Bikichky ‏@AndrewBikichky  1h1 hour ago

#Castle Ep810

Dir. Bill Roe

Script @OldManWinter14

Erik Altstadt ‏@EAkorn  4 hrs4 hours ago

We start 810 today!!! There was some really fun stuff in 809. Only so many more eps to go! #Castle #EriksTeases



I know what I'd like to do with #EriksTeases meh and what is it with the word "fun", can the crew please think of expanding their vocabulary lol.

Edited by verdana
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