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Undercover Boss - General Discussion

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They are pressuring these people for money on the spot at the free "seminars" to come to the paid "seminars". Asking what they can do to get them to attend the paid ones.

This is absolutely disgusting.

I agree.

Now he is expecting them all to know who the blonde mumbling fool is in their office.

This episode just makes me mad, because of his damn ego.

  • Love 2

So the customer who paid 46K is getting 36K back to fund her sister's living expenses and 100K$ loan for her first flip (no interest).  He still made money off her.


I really think there must be a show budget paid by the producers and then the boss can add their own money on top.


I bet Armando thinks sales will go up after this airs.

  • Love 4

I wonder how much the shows pay the boss so they can dish out these gifts at the end. No way is Armando parting with real money from his own pocket.

I have wondered the same things while watching other episodes though.

I believe this is the first time I haven't teared up watching. I was too mad at Mr. Mememe.

Edited by lilacgirl
  • Love 2

What happened to Veronica?  Did she wise up and leave him? 


Armando's even fatter and he has long fluffy hair.   His girlfriend, a low rent bottle blonde stripper looking chick. travels with him along with 3 other bleached blondes and a former Navy Seal as security.  He's still a douche.

When they were showing them all go into that building , as if they were in some B rated spy movie, I couldn't stop laughing. I also told my husband "Now he has to have a bodyguard too? How low did CBS just go?"

  • Love 2

What did I just see?!?!? I can't believe they featured such a shady business. Lowest rating from BBB. Hard-sell tactics. I was shocked when the woman he had lunch with said she spent $46,000 for a 3 day event. His disguise, his body double -- so fake. More fake than normal. I used to watch his house flipping show with wife Veronica (Victoria?) and their little boy. He was over-bearing on that, but not nearly so full of himself as he was on this show. I hope she got a decent deal in their divorce. This show tonight almost seemed like a parody of itself.

Edited by Tink
  • Love 5

Top 5 worst episodes ever

Being a lowly call center worker, I totally felt for the team lead. I totally get feeling like the bottom of the totem pole department. But I get the feeling with this company all departments are the bottom of the totem pole.

Did you ever see his Reality show, years ago? That is how he treated people then too. I remember lots of yelling at hard working people, whom he hired, for mistakes that were his fault in the beginning.

He has followed the Kevin Trudeau way by calling it a "System".

  • Love 3

What did I just see?!?!? I can't believe they featured such a shady business. Lowest rating from BBB. Hard-sell tactics. I was shocked when the woman he had lunch with said she spent $46,000 for a 3 day event. His disguise, his body double -- so fake. More fake than normal. I used to watch his house flipping show with wife Veronica (Victoria?) and their little boy. He was over-bearing on that, but not nearly so full of himself as he was on this show. I hope she got a decent deal in their divorce. This show tonight almost seemed like a parody of itself.

CBS might get a few calls after showing this episode. Hahaha

I totally forgot he had a Son with V. I too thought it was a spoof at first.

Loved when he said "we live together" about the bleach blonde in the car.

Edited by lilacgirl
  • Love 2

This episode made my blood boil. I wanted to attack my TV with a baseball bat. Usually I welt up while watching this show, but there was just anger and no sympathy for anyone tonight. The employees featured on UB are in on the scam, so their sob stories didn't resonate with me at all. I couldn't even muster sympathy for the students who pay up to $40 K to attend these seminars/bus tours. They should know this is a "get rich quick" ponzi scheme. These are the same type of folks who send money to a Nigerian prince after reading an email from him. It's a sad commentary on society that people are so desperate to improve their financial situations that they will give Armando their life savings. No one is getting rich off this EXCEPT Armando. The information he provides is likely available for much cheaper or free, and these naive people are being hoodwinked by the high-pressure, predatory sales tactics used by Armando's employees.


What a despicable scumbag Armando is! What irks me the most is that this douche had the gall to go on UB and essentially rub his wealth and scam in the public's faces. If I were running this scam, I would enjoy my millions and lay low. I certainly wouldn't go on UB bragging about my great life and showing the innerworkings of my scam to everyone. That just invites further investigation to a company that already has an "F" rating with the BBB. But no, this pompous ass gloats about how great it is to be him and seems proud of the scam he has created and the lives he has ruined.


The scene where he yelled at the low-wage employees at the call center really pissed me off. His face turned red when he found out about the computer system malfunctioning and he just had to blow his cover and let the employees have it. How dare they cost him money? His tantrum wasn't because the employees couldn't meet their quota or make their bonuses. He didn't want to pay those anyway. He was mad because it was costing him money from prospective students.


Newsflash, bud! These people are making like 8 bucks an hour. They just make their calls and go home. It's your job to make sure the computer system you provide them works properly. They don't have to contact IT, you, or anyone. That would be above their pay grade. In fact, the supervisor lady didn't even know she could do that. So you failed them just like the BBB failed you.


The analogy where Armando compared his seminars to college was illogical too. His 3-day seminars cost $1500 (and $40,000 if you sign up for the bus tour). An expensive university costs $40 K for an entire year. If Armando seminars lasted an entire year, they would cost $182,500. While college is a rip off and can be a scam, at least a graduate can receive a degree upon completion that might be attractive to a potential employer. There are no credentials that students get for taking Armando's seminars. There's just information that's already readily available on the internet and from other sources for much cheaper.


Hopefully this UB shined a light on this company, exposed Armando for the fraud he truly is, and disclipinary action is taken.

Edited by jmonkey
  • Love 8

According to court records in San Antonio, Veronica filed for divorce in 2003.  Which is odd since the show was filmed after that.  Maybe they reconciled and then split again?


There are a couple of interesting blogs about dear old Armando including one that claims he filed for chapter 13 bankruptcy in 2007 claiming he was on disability.  His younger brother David (on the show) also filed in 2007.  He has an older brother that did not appear on the show (smart).






Armando's sister-in-law Melina had a website and radio show for a little while:  http://www.flipthislawsuit.com/2006/09/melina-montelongo-of-sa-casts-website/

  • Love 2

Okay, this show has to have the worst makeup jobs ever and Armando especially looked bad. How dumb are we supposed to be to have this hot mess heeped on us? It is hard to imagine any of the employees going for any of this. More producer driven content? I watched Armando every single time his show came on when he was Flipper. Especially remember when Veronica had a mural painted on the wall of one of the houses.

  • Love 2

This guy pissed me off to no end, just like so many of y'all have said.  This is clearly a ponzi scheme and there's probably something in his records that could send him to jail.  But what really irked me was the woman who was a "student" who laid out all the money to take the bus tour program.  I can suspend disbelief from week to week, when the producers find the "sob stories" among employees.  After all, the producers/the featured company can comb through leave applications and whatnot to find people who are sick, have other family obligations, etc.  But how in the world did they legit find this woman and have Armando sidle up to her and her to agree to be on camera?  Yeah, okay, the company could have searched the records and found the rube who paid nearly $50K to go on a bus tour, but really?  And she just happened to have hair and make up done nicely, well dressed, and with a sob story?  I don't buy it for one second, especially after Armando's "I'll finance you interest free" BS.

  • Love 3

This episode made my blood boil. I wanted to attack my TV with a baseball bat. Usually I welt up while watching this show, but there was just anger and no sympathy for anyone tonight. The employees featured on UB are in on the scam, so their sob stories didn't resonate with me at all. I couldn't even muster sympathy for the students who pay up to $40 K to attend these seminars/bus tours. They should know this is a "get rich quick" ponzi scheme. These are the same type of folks who send money to a Nigerian prince after reading an email from him. It's a sad commentary on society that people are so desperate to improve their financial situations that they will give Armando their life savings. No one is getting rich off this EXCEPT Armando. The information he provides is likely available for much cheaper or free, and these naive people are being hoodwinked by the high-pressure, predatory sales tactics used by Armando's employees.


What a despicable scumbag Armando is! What irks me the most is that this douche had the gall to go on UB and essentially rub his wealth and scam in the public's faces. If I were running this scam, I would enjoy my millions and lay low. I certainly wouldn't go on UB bragging about my great life and showing the innerworkings of my scam to everyone. That just invites further investigation to a company that already has an "F" rating with the BBB. But no, this pompous ass gloats about how great it is to be him and seems proud of the scam he has created and the lives he has ruined.


The scene where he yelled at the low-wage employees at the call center really pissed me off. His face turned red when he found out about the computer system malfunctioning and he just had to blow his cover and let the employees have it. How dare they cost him money? His tantrum wasn't because the employees couldn't meet their quota or make their bonuses. He didn't want to pay those anyway. He was mad because it was costing him money from prospective students.


Newsflash, bud! These people are making like 8 bucks an hour. They just make their calls and go home. It's your job to make sure the computer system you provide them works properly. They don't have to contact IT, you, or anyone. That would be above their pay grade. In fact, the supervisor lady didn't even know she could do that. So you failed them just like the BBB failed you.


The analogy where Armando compared his seminars to college was illogical too. His 3-day seminars cost $1500 (and $40,000 if you sign up for the bus tour). An expensive university costs $40 K for an entire year. If Armando seminars lasted an entire year, they would cost $182,500. While college is a rip off and can be a scam, at least a graduate can receive a degree upon completion that might be attractive to a potential employer. There are no credentials that students get for taking Armando's seminars. There's just information that's already readily available on the internet and from other sources for much cheaper.


Hopefully this UB shined a light on this company, exposed Armando for the fraud he truly is, and disclipinary action is taken.

Spot on! I really wanted to turn the channel, yet I was so pissed I couldn't believe CBS would even follow this man, that I had to watch the whole hour THINKING there was going to be some voice over saying something like, "After this, Armando Montelong has been arrested for....."

  • Love 2

Okay, this show has to have the worst makeup jobs ever and Armando especially looked bad. How dumb are we supposed to be to have this hot mess heeped on us? It is hard to imagine any of the employees going for any of this. More producer driven content? I watched Armando every single time his show came on when he was Flipper. Especially remember when Veronica had a mural painted on the wall of one of the houses.

I am think Armando used his power(bulling personality) and TOLD the show that he would only let somebody he knew put that wig on him. It was awful indeed.

We have seen the makeup artist do some amazing work to other people wanting to be on UB

  • Love 2

Loved his obsession with money the whole time. "It's been said I'm worth a hundred billion dollars." Great, it's been said I'm able to levitate, doesn't make it true, especially if I'm the only one saying it. Then he asks every single person about "that Armando guy" being rich, cuz, you know, they want to be around him because he's a millionaire. Also loved that he thinks he's so dynamic that his UB alter ego has to act like the walking dead to throw them off. I did watch his reality show before and while he was always an ass, he's managed to hit giant douche levels almost unreachable by the average human. I'd love to know how many of the morons who actually pay him $50,000 for this crap ever even make that money back, let alone make a living. And I'm not understanding his pyramid scheme… does he somehow get part of the money if these seminar buying suckers actually succeed in selling something? Or is he just scamming idiots into buying his "wisdom" and then running the other way before he gets arrested? 

Edited by Fostersmom
  • Love 5

Loved his obsession with money the whole time. "It's been said I'm worth a hundred billion dollars." Great, it's been said I'm able to levitate, doesn't make it true, especially if I'm the only one saying it. Then he asks every single person about "that Armando guy" being rich, cuz, you know, they want to be around him because he's a millionaire. Also loved that he thinks he's so dynamic that his UB alter ego has to act like the walking dead to throw them off. I did watch his reality show before and while he was always an ass, he's managed to hit giant douche levels almost unreachable by the average human. I'd love to know how many of the morons who actually pay him $50,000 for this crap ever even make that money back, let alone make a living. And I'm not understanding his pyramid scheme… does he somehow get part of the money if these seminar buying suckers actually succeed in selling something? Or is he just scamming idiots into buying his "wisdom" and then running the other way before he gets arrested? 

Bwhahaha.  I liked how he compared his business to Disney, saying he had less complaints (in order to defend his F rating with the BBB).  A Forbes writer followed him around a couple of years ago.  He couldn't even hide his douchiness long enough for the interview.



  • Love 1

I remembered Armando from his douche bag ways on the flipping show, and I knew the minute I saw him, he had ascended to even greater heights of douchiness.  Oh, that hair.  I hope his ex made out well in the divorce.  I feel somewhat for the people he scams, but I just can't understand someone laying out 46K to get to and attend one of his three-day seminars.  They could have bought their first flip for that.  No common sense.

  • Love 3

Bwhahaha.  I liked how he compared his business to Disney, saying he had less complaints (in order to defend his F rating with the BBB).  A Forbes writer followed him around a couple of years ago.  He couldn't even hide his douchiness long enough for the interview.




From the article... “There’s this little company called Google-..." LITTLE? in 2013?? Hahahaha

  • Love 1

Loved his obsession with money the whole time. "It's been said I'm worth a hundred billion dollars." Great, it's been said I'm able to levitate, doesn't make it true, especially if I'm the only one saying it. Then he asks every single person about "that Armando guy" being rich, cuz, you know, they want to be around him because he's a millionaire. Also loved that he thinks he's so dynamic that his UB alter ego has to act like the walking dead to throw them off. I did watch his reality show before and while he was always an ass, he's managed to hit giant douche levels almost unreachable by the average human. I'd love to know how many of the morons who actually pay him $50,000 for this crap ever even make that money back, let alone make a living. And I'm not understanding his pyramid scheme… does he somehow get part of the money if these seminar buying suckers actually succeed in selling something? Or is he just scamming idiots into buying his "wisdom" and then running the other way before he gets arrested? 




When they meet up at the end, I ask my Husband "Where are they meeting up at?" I first thought it was some hotel. "That's his house." Hubby answers. Aaaaah of COURSE it's his house. He had to flaunt it one more time.

Has there been another "boss" who has brought their employees back to their mansion, like he did?

  • Love 1

Greasy, fat pig with a get-rich-quick scam. Makes the "breastaurant" pig look like a prince.  As someone once said, "money can't buy class."

My guess is that he PAID CBS for the advertising time because I just can't believe CBS sought this DB out.


I kinda already figured they all pay CBS to be on the show and that's why the gifts wildly fluctuate business to business. If not, why would CBS give $5000 to one person and $200,000 to the next. Plus, I highly doubt CBS is seeking out all these businesses most of us have barely heard of, if we even have. But now I just realized maybe that's why there are so many episodes that we get a new one on both Sunday and Friday. Apparently no matter how bad they look, some national coverage is better than none.

  • Love 2

Oh, I'm so glad to log on here & see we all agree. I have never hated an UB episode like I did this one!!!! What an douche bag he is!!


Didn't he say something about the reason people want to take his course is so they can touch him??? And, seriously, wow what a favor he did that one lady . . . loaning her money -- OMG, I just am beyond livid w/this guy and w/CBS for showcasing him

  • Love 3

I loathed Armando from Flip This House and couldn't believe he was on UB when I saw the listing on my program guide.  My DVR recorded it, but I came here first to see if it would be worth watching. Thanks to those of you who did the time and talked about it here.  Delete unwatched!


The only thing I'm happy about is that Veronica wised up and kicked his oily carcass to the curb. It looks like he's on bad terms with his brother and SIL too.  Hope that money keeps you warm at night, Armando, it's the only friend you've got left.

  • Love 3

I haven't watched UB in a few years and was shocked to see Armando on the show. I followed the complaints and stories of those scammed after watching him on flip that house. I remember he had a big call center in Utah. Recently 2 Utah Attorney General's were brought up on charges by the FBI. Both of these AG's took lots of money and perks from several different coaching service call centers in exchange for protection. Yes, Armando gave big contributions to these men. I always thought something like an FBI investigation could bring him down. There have been so many people obviously ripped off by Armando that have never been able to get a penny back. I can't imagine how all his $1500 and $40-50k VIP customers feel seeing him on tv flaunting  his wealth.


I also wondered how they picked the one women from the 40k seminar to talk to Armando. I wondered why a good looking women at a 40k seminar would want to go out to lunch with the gross looking undercover Armando? Wouldn't she want to go to lunch with a well dressed business man? a respected contractor? anyone that she could network with or maybe learn something from? Instead she goes out with Armando. Also what about the over 100+ people that paid 40k for the bus tour. They all didn't get interest free loans. It still baffles me that anyone would pay 40-50k for 3 days on a bus tour and not spend it on buying their first property. The bus tours are all in southern California. How is that suppose to be relevant to someone from Detroit , Boston, Billings... it isn't, rental markets, populations, and contractors all work so differently in different regions of our country.

  • Love 3

Oh, to have been a fly on the wall at CBS Legal.  There is no doubt they vetted this ep frame by frame.


I didn't see a Ponzi scheme.  The legal issues would boil down to fraudulent representations to the "students" and/or homeowners and contractors.  I can well imagine what a desperate boiler room caller would tell a mark to get them to part with $1500 to attend the seminar.  But, I didn't see any evidence that other investments in Armando's company were demanded with guaranteed cash returns.


As much as I hated the ep, the rewards were among the best, empowering, and relevant I've seen.  Seed  money for Angel to grow his biz and for the lady to flip a property were really great incentives with continued payoffs for life, if the recipients followed through well.


I was also shocked that dude was clueless about the IT issue.  How is it possible that this was never communicated to him?  How many heads rolled?  I'd guess at least two.


200 calls/day with about 10 callers.  There is no way that all of those calls were from opt-in leads (folks who asked for information).  Cold calls all day.  No doubt.  Boy, would I hate to take such from anyone at this company.  


Does anyone have any info about dissatisfied homeowners who bought from this turd?  There have to be a ton of them, right?

  • Love 1

I had never heard of this Armando clown before this episode. Based on the episode, though, he's a slime ball and his company is a scam to separate the naive from their money. His obsession with money is disgusting, right down to his gross trophy girlfriend who wouldn't have said two words to him if he didn't have money.

Add me to the list of posters who are upset that CBS would allow this to happen. What's next? A time share selling company?

That student was a plant. There's no way a pretty lady like that was eye fucking a guy that looked like he did. She wouldn't have even agreed to lunch.

The call center lady got a 20% raise? So she's making 9.60 an hour now? If I were her, I'd take the $20k he gave her, use it for some career training, and get the heck away from Armando. I guarantee you Armando knew they called the call center the ghetto. Hell, he probably was the one who started doing so.

  • Love 5

I do not think the call center they showed on UB is the main call center. The main one is in Utah and Armando was shown visiting it during an episode of flip this house which I think they gave him a birthday cake? Unlike the run down Texas location, The location in Draper Utah is full of good looking clean cut Utah men who IMO (from hearing stories of people who have worked there) are returned missionaries or recent college grads with young families that are hungry for fast money to get the middle class dream by 25. They sell coaching and mentoring on top of the 40-50k bus tours. There are actual people who are out well over 100k between the bus tour and then getting coaching/mentoring by the Utah center. The base salary is low $10-12 an hour but if you can close there is big bucks for employees. 


My daughter came in and saw Armando's UB and was laughing at his body double. I explained to her the episode and then she said, "Did Armando make like 5 million dollars for that 3 day seminar?". She tried to count the people and I would guess there was 100 or more people at 45-50k+ each so that is 5 million or more for 3 days. Granted he rents a space, pays some employees, and taxes but he must make at least 2.5 million or more for 3 days!!


I think Armando went too far showing his girlfriend last night. One of the reason's some people were drawn to him was he was a "normal guy" with a wife and kid that started poor with no college education. I think dropping the wife and kid for a blond sex toy will be one downfall for him. In his head he thinks people want to be around him because he is rich and cool. I think he has gotten so far from reality. A & E and FYI should stop rerunning flip that house. As long as they rerun the show, viewers will still be drawn to the hardworking family Armando they see(acting) on the show and may not realize that was 5 years ago.  

  • Love 2

I still feel dirty and icky after watching last night's UB. This show started to disappoint me more often then not after season 3 and this season has been worse then any of the episodes I had issues with during the previous one. They are really scraping the bottom of the barrel for "bosses" now apparently.

Edited by Jaded
  • Love 4

I still feel dirty and icky after watching last night's UB. This show started to disappoint me more of then not after season 3 and this season has been worse then any of the episodes I had issues with during the previous one. They are really scraping the bottom of the barrel for "bosses" now apparently.

Remember when Les Moonves was in control of things shown on CBS?

  • Love 1
 Does anyone have any info about dissatisfied homeowners who bought from this turd?  There have to be a ton of them, right?

According to documents posted on the flip site, most of the homes that Armando bought never sold.  The lender who held the hard money loan took them over and sold them at auction.  The few that did sell, sold at lower prices, mostly to other flippers.

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