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Small Talk: Chili's

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What the heck is RLPQS stand for?  ;-)  And yes, count me as one of those who took typing class in 8th grade (? I think?) with the double-space ingrained.


Hateball:  I jump-started it last night. I've picked "Trending on Twitter"  and "Clone Club Originals" as my team names. I'm not in love with these as much as, say, "Ticking Time Bombs" or "Meat Tornadoes" or "Champion of the Sun"  ... but it'll do for now.  May have to look up some more Ron Swanson-isms.

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I learned how to type both on typewriters and computers.  I remember in second grade I had this game Typo Attack that I would play on the family's Atari 800XL and that was probably the beginning of learning to type.  But that was a game with letters or words falling from above and you had to type the thing before it reached the bottom of the screen, so it was more about learning keyboard locations than anything that involved punctuation and formatting.  But starting at that age I also had a small fascination with typewriters and my parents still had theirs from college, so I set up a typewriter and would clack away on that writing random nonsense or stories or whatever.  In terms of actual instruction, I'm sure it came from my mom.  She did all her college and graduate work on a typewriter so learned about the two-space rule and taught it to me.  I think by the time I used a more formal typing program (Typing Tutor on our home Mac when I was in fourth-fifth grade--I never took an actual class) my habits pretty well ingrained.  Although I certainly would have used two spaces while going through that program, too, so maybe it taught that method.  [basically, I was a kind of weird kid who enjoyed typing as a hobby.]


So several years ago when I first saw people railing against the double space I briefly tried to stop doing it just to see the difference, but it was a habit that was difficult to break.  And since the argument against the double space appears to be "it looks ugly" and I simply disagree, I continue to do it.  Because to me it just makes no difference.  Some software corrects for it and some software leaves it as is and it's all the same to me.  I type two spaces and if they get squished into one that's fine.  If they're left as two that's fine.  I don't do any writing that has to conform to a particular style manual, so why should I care?  

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I learned typing with Mavis Beacon after graduating college. And no, it does not make sense that I learned how to touch type after I wrote all those college papers, but I never said I made sense. I probably needed to learn keypad, too, and this way I learned touch typing and could indicate what my words per minute were for job applications. I think the writing standard in college was two spaces after a period, and it was reinforced with Mavis Beacon. I was able to unlearn it more easily than I expected. However, I read somewhere that it would make more sense to have the punctuation outside of the quotation marks. It makes complete sense but I haven't been able to adjust to that yet. Some day.

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Even though I'm left-handed, I learned to use an adding machine right-handed, since I worked as a proof operator after hours at a bank while going to business school to learn to be a legal secretary.  I didn't use it much after that job, but it did come in handy a couple times in a couple of different jobs.


I'm thinking about changing my Hateball team names, but I don't have any good ideas.  I'll have to give it some thought before draft day.

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Hey Chilli-ites. Now that Hateball is back I thought I'd check in. Formerly BeetFarmGirl from TWOP. I had a ptv account in May, but completely spaced on the name/password, so I had to start from scratch. 


This summer has been the bad kind of crazy. I've got one sister getting married, another in the middle of a pretty nasty divorce. Lots o' family drama.


I learned typing in 8th grade. We had to take it before we were allowed to take a computer class-- Which worked out great for me in college because I earned a good amount of money typing papers for others, on my Brother word processor. (damn, am I dating myself)


As for milestone birthdays, I'm hitting 40 next month, and celebrating my 10th US Open trip.

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I'm hitting 40 in February, so I'm not far behind you. My mom is also going through a divorce, though not acrimonious. I also had a Brother Word Processor though my typing was no way good enough to type papers for people.  


Way I'm not like sacrebleu former known as BeetFarmGirl--I have never been to the US Open. Have a fun! And hope that this cooler weather holds.

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sacrebleu:  A stereotypical french curse that is actually never used by real french people. Same as the mustache and the beret - something only non-french people think is typical of the French.


LOL, So, are you faux French? I think I may enjoy your name change- I'll have to look up some French terms to smack you with. Oh and have fun at the US Open. Will Federer be there?

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And since the argument against the double space appears to be "it looks ugly" and I simply disagree, I continue to do it.


It matters when you're writing papers in grad school, let me tell you. I didn't even realize it was a problem until I had a professor mark the living hell out of one of my papers because she took personal offense to the double spacing. And now that I'm cognizant of it, it does break up the flow of reading to me.

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No F$#cking way!  A negative grade? Baffling. What a terrible teacher.


Last night, I walk the dog and she's pulling me, which I hate, and we're going in a direction we usually don't. So I made her stop a few times, due to pulling. But she leads me to this one house on a street nearby that we don't visit often. And I can see two turtles. I mean, the big pre-historic kind.  As I get closer I notice ... the turtles were fucking.  Grunting, the whole nine yards. I'm now reeling in the dog, she wants to go over and smell them close up.  I'm holding on the leash like a fishing pole with a shark on the end of it.


I finally pull her away, and I see two Moms walking their little kids to "see the turtles."  I don't know these people so I kinda casually said "stopping by the turtles now may not be the best time..."   Oh, and yeah. I managed to take a photo of the natural act. I'll try to post when I can.


Oh, and this morning's dog walk, and then again just tonight-- she only wants to go visit/ smell the turtle! 

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Yes it was a point for every not dotted i. So I managed to get a negative grade. The rest of the report was almost flawless.


Ugh. That's ridiculous. If it really bothered her, she should have written you a note on top asking you to make sure to dot your i's the next time. I wonder what her reaction would have been if you dotted them with hearts. (Did any of the ladies here have a heart punctuation phase? I didn't, but I always wonder how long that lasts for.)


KoB, that's an insane story. And I can't believe you took pictures. Voyeurism! Were the kids - uh. Old enough to know what was happening? I seriously didn't register animal-on-animal actions until I was a bit older. In my head, they were "playing". Or "fighting".

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And I can't believe you took pictures.

I figured "No one will believe me if I don't document this."  Right, LiberryLady?


Now, a benefit of walking my dog a lot (fitbit morning walk= 3157- which is short since we stopped for turtle time) is that I know more of the neighborhood. This morning I found out, these turtles have only been down the block for a week. And it's obviously smelling more- the dog picked up on that. This morning's stop by the turtle proves that turtle poop= very very smelly. The dog loves it. Oh, and Setlist- the Mom & kid visit didn't last long. 

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Does someone own the turtles? Or are they wild turtles? I'm so confused. California is weird, 'yo!


Only 19 more days until my vacation! I can't wait! I've already got vacation brain and I've still got 13 work days to go! Ahhh!

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I took a typing class in high school. When I went to college, a typewriter was a "must have," at least if you had any papers. It would have been a very rare person to have a personal computer at that time, and I certainly didn't know anyone that did. Toward the end of college (I graduated in '83 -- because I'm ancient), they were building a dorm that was going to be wired for computers.


I think in my senior year in high school, there was a small section of math class which was teaching computers, like a max of 3 weeks. I also took a computer class in college.


I learned two spaces after a period, but I was able to easily drop that when I learned it was no longer considered correct. I'm not sure why it was easy; maybe it was never that ingrained to begin with!

I think I'll have difficulty remembering sacrebleu is BFG and not somebody new.

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Does someone own the turtles? Or are they wild turtles? I'm so confused. California is weird, 'yo!


Since KOB is having photobucket issues, here's the tortoises "fighting." They look like desert tortoises to me; we had some that my dad picked up in the Mojave, I think, when I was a kid.  You're not supposed to do that anymore, so those are probably shady tortoises!

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here's the tortoises "fighting."


Holy crap! For some reason, I kind of imagined this story taking place when it was a bit darker outside. But - wow, you can see everything. I guess the real question is whether or not KoB will be seeing turtle eggs in his neighborhood soon. 


Edited To Add: The file name is also hilarious. 

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Thanks for posting LL!


Does someone own the turtles? Or are they wild turtles? I'm so confused. California is weird, 'yo!

I don't have the low-down on the tortoise issue. Since Tuesday night, when I took the photo, the people have now put up a small fence to keep the turtles in. HAS to be that, since dogs and humans can easily get over the fence.

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I hope they are legal turtles, maybe rescues? Scientific interest? (and not smuggled). Turtles are pretty amazing. They can live very long lives and I find them fascinating. Maybe there will be more turtles soon! I wonder if turtles stay fertile their entire lives. If there are eggs or baby turtles the next time you go by there, I want more pictures.


I actually read a book about how to get ones dog to not pull at the leash. but I never tried it because I don't have a dog. The author was Turid Rugaas, and I can't remember the exact title. Something like: How to get your dog to not pull on the leash. I was taking care of someone else's dogs for a little while, which is how I got interested. But by the time I got the book, the dogs were already gone back home. Still-- I remember it was interesting. There are also harnesses that discourage pulling (they secure around the dog's chest instead of the neck, so you have more control and they are less prone to throat injury when things get yanky). I think one kind is called "gentle leader" but there are a few other kinds, also. I know this because a friend of mine is a dog trainer, and I sometimes used to get to pick her brains for free before she got too busy. There's this sweet spot in the beginning of a career, where someone knows a lot of stuff but hasn't built up a rep for knowing it, so they don't have enough clients to be burned out or too busy to want to share their knowledge for free with anyone who asks.


I never dotted my "i"s with hearts, but I did for a short while dot the "i" in my name with a smiley face. I look back at this with a fair amount of horror. I never got downgraded for doing the smiley thing (I only did it on my name, though, not every single "i" on the page), but I did get in trouble at that age for not having my handwriting be uniform enough. They used to give us handwriting drills where you had to write the same sentence 25 times and I would get bored and try to make it more fun by writing some lines bigger, some smaller, some with flourishes, etc. I guess I missed the point of the drill.

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My dog was pulling a lot when I rescued her, but we did training and she got much better.  That is, until the scent of The Tortoise ensnared her! It's like catnip for her (right? catnip makes cats crazy?) About two years ago when I first got her, she was obsessed with a rabbit that was a few blocks away. Every day, we'd do a walk and she always wanted to go check out the rabbit in the fenced in yard and "chase" it. The end to that- was the rabbit eventually escaped the confines of the fence and it took a good 6 weeks of still "checking for the rabbit" before the dog gave up the idea that it was still there (still alive?)  For that Christmas, as a joke, a friend got me this as a gift for the pup-- and she LOVES it. I still pick up a package every so often.


I just realized tonight- there is a Gilmore Girls meet market "coffee at Lukes" here on PTV. Should we go crash it?


Chili's movie talk: LUCY. We only use 10% of our brains?  .... I think I know a few people where it may just be about 2%.  Amiright, huh?

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Scent of a tortoise... I guess I think it's only fair to let the dog lead sometimes?


I hate that stuff about how we only use 10% of our brains. Anyone want to volunteer to have 90% of their brain surgically removed? Just to see how well that works out? I didn't think so.


I think Rugaas used a different method than stewedsquash for keeping the dog from pulling, but it's no use because I can't remember what it was.


Is the PTV Luke's busy?


ETA: Elon Musk briefly discussed jetpacks on The Colbert Report last night. He is not an enthusiast, and basically said they'd be difficult to engineer, and would be very noisy. But he suggested a fan-powered (air pressure) system, which I think would be less rough on the back of the knees than one based on shooting flames.

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First of all, I went to urban dictionary to look up "gas lighted" and secondly - How. Dare. You!  Jetpacks ARE the future! 


Thanks for that link. Not sure I want to read the Lehto book, but "Jetpack Dreams" sounds right up my alley. 

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I use the term "gaslighting" on a relatively regular basis (usually at work, when people are recounting things I supposedly gave them permission to do or told them how to do).  Example, "I never told you you could do that. Are you trying to gaslight me?".  Unfortunately, even I am too young to belong to the age group for whom that is a recognizable reference, and nobody ever knows what the hell I mean when I say it.  I always have to exasperatedly explain that I feel like they are trying to make me think I'm crazy.


I hope I'm not going to get bashed by dog lovers, but these collars are great for training dogs. http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=herm+sprenger+prong+collar&tag=googhydr-20&index=aps&hvadid=32991540625&hvpos=1t1&hvexid=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10335362053538828232&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=b&hvdev=c&ref=pd_sl_52hghtkm9k_b


Before anyone yells at me, these collars are perfectly humane when used appropriately. They are meant for training sessions, and possibly for actual walks if you have a particularly stubborn dog. They are NEVER meant to be left on a dog at any other time.  We used a collar like this to train our very stubborn West Highland Terrier, and it worked like a charm. The place from which we learned to use the collar loves animals and is very clear on the safe use of these collars. When used appropriately, they are humane and work very well. It only took my dog about 10 times to stop jumping on people and to learn to heel. After that I used the collar sporadically just as a reminder.


ETA: For some reason I was unable to make that link a short little thing.  Hmm.

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Squash, I'll be 47 Monday. I think of people who are familiar with Gaslight as being more my mother's age, unless you happened to grow up in a house (like I did) that favored classic movies.

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I've never seen the movie either, but know the term from general exposure, and maybe because I went to school for film.

Thanks, Squash! And happy late birthday to you!

For those who really don't know, Gaslight is a movie starring Charles Boyer and Ingrid Bergman, in which a guy tries to drive his wife insane (or convince her she's crazy).

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I know about gaslighting, too, even though I never saw the movie. I don't think I learned it in school, but I can't remember where I picked it up. However, I used the term with a friend the same age as I am, and she had never heard it before. I think it's one of those things that is not so much age dependent as just varies based on... not sure what. Maybe how many people try to drive you crazy?

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Ha, maybe. Or maybe it just depends on the well-roundedness of the people you're exposed to? I'm one of those who is an expert in nothing but knows a little about everything and tends to pick up on things I hear around me pretty frequently.

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I'm one of those who is an expert in nothing but knows a little about everything and tends to pick up on things I hear around me pretty frequently.


Ha, I'm the same way, Pixel! I think it might be from reading a wide variety of genres ... and while I only heard about the movie Gaslight, I become aware of its popular meaning from a TWoP recap:  Don Draper was trying to convince Betty Draper she was crazy!  CRAZY! if she thought he was fooling around.


Speaking of TWoP recaps -- the forums might be gone, but since I'm just now watching season one of Masters of Sex via dvds, I've been reading the recaps there. I wonder how long they'll really keep all that online?

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We've talked a lot about YA books, but did any of you read The Boxcar Children books when you were younger (elementary school)? I loved those books when I was a kid, until the ones that were written by a different author. Gertrude Chandler Warner wrote the first 19; after that, I didn't like the because the children were at times in actual danger -- a whole different tone. :(


Anyway, there's going to be a Boxcar Children movie. According to IMDb, it comes out August 5th. Unless I hear that it's awful, I'd like to go. Also, D.B. Sweeney is in it as the baker; I loved him in Strange Luck. Any Strange Luck fans?

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I read them, but I had no idea there were so many! I think I read three or so. I would be afraid to see the movie because I'm afraid it would interfere with my memories. Sometimes movies are not as good as what I imagined.


I wonder how long they'll really keep all that online?

I wonder, too. I keep hoping something good will happen, like this site will get the rights somehow, or some library, or something, that will guarantee longevity. But I don't know. I think it's good you (and hopefully others) are keeping traffic up. That will probably help keep things available. If it starts to be a ghost town, I can see TPTB deciding they can pull the plug without too much angst.


All day I was having trouble staying awake. I disciplined myself to not surrender, in hopes I would actually sleep tonight. And now it's night and I can't fall asleep. Why can't the world sleep during daylight and be active at night? I'd do so much better in that society.

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I haven't heard of them. The only series I really remember reading as a kid was the Faraway Tree series by Enid Blyton. I used to love those books.. I used to always giggle about Dick and Fanny though :D  It makes me wonder when Fanny because a word for Vagina in British slang.

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Also, D.B. Sweeney is in it as the baker; I loved him in Strange Luck. Any Strange Luck fans?


I did like Strange Luck, but I always think of him in Cutting Edge.

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Why can't the world sleep during daylight and be active at night? I'd do so much better in that society.


Possibilities is a vampire, pass it on.

  Very sorry to hear- you're a daysleeper.  I had some terrible insomnia about 10 years ago. Or worse, I'd crash for two hours, and then wake up and not get back to sleep. Eventually, I got back to "normal."

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I keep hoping something good will happen, like this site will get the rights somehow, or some library, or something, that will guarantee longevity.

I feel like I read somewhere on this site that they did originally offer to buy the recaps when it was announced TWOP would be closing, but then it didn't matter since it was announced they'd stay up.  I would hope if its announced at some point that the recaps will be taken down, this site might snap them up.

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That Jacob recap was before my time- it was for Casino Night, correct?


Okay, I've gotten way over-involved with the fitbit. I did just under 3 miles this morning and while I was cooling down, I reached into my pocket to see what my "count" was up to. And the fitbit wasn't there! I left it on my desk before getting on the treadmill. I'm adding AT LEAST 5000 steps to my count today. Pisses me off. This is not the first time I've forgotten it. I have to see if I can manually add some approx numbers.


ETA: Most Common Cause of Death That "THEY" Keep Covering Up.

Edited by King of Birds
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I'd crash for two hours, and then wake up and not get back to sleep. Eventually, I got back to "normal."

I've been doing that, too! Did it just stop on its own, or did you do something to change it? Did it seem to have a specific cause, or it just came and went for no reason?


I almost didn't read the spoiler, but then it occurred to me it probably wasn't about a TV show, so I took a peek.But I love garlic!


Most Common Cause of Death That "THEY" Keep Covering Up.

The one for MA cracked me up. We've had some massive battles here about wind farms, and it isn't exacty the thing you'd expect of us, but there it is.

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You're on the list @King of Birds.


I floved Guardians of the Galaxy. Normally the trailers show the best parts--not in the is instance. Looking forward to seeing it again hopefully as part of SB's birthday. And then Ghostbusters Labor Day Weekend. It's been an excellent summer for movies this year: Winter Soldier, Days of Future Past and Guardians of the Galaxy. I feel spoiled.

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Yeah, you'll all have to watch your step around here with all us mods floating around.  Especially you, KOB!  Since I haven't actually started giving the smackdown anywhere yet, consider this a grace period. :)


Guardians was so fun!  I'd say it's one of my favorite Marvel movies now.

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You're on the list @King of Birds.

    Especially you, KOB!


I laugh in the face of moderation! Ha-ha!  Ya think I got nothing better to do with my life, than to pass the time with you?


Guardians was good. I'm laughing that LiberryLady is buying the soundtrack cd.

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Guardians was good. I'm laughing that LiberryLady is buying the soundtrack cd.


Those are my tunes, Birdy! I was a teenager in the seventies -- I graduated high school in '79.  Misheard lyrics confession:  the 10 CC song, "I'm Not In Love"? When the lady whispers, "Big boys don't cry... big boys don't cry..." I heard it as, "Requesting Clyde... requesting Clyde." I DON'T KNOW, OKAY?


Also, the soundtrack has Hooked on a Feeling, AND Spirit in the Sky, AND I Want You Back!!  Like, the BEST SONGS EVERRRRR!  I think I'd see Saw Eleventy-Nine if it included those tunes on the soundtrack.

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