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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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Thanks for giving us your thoughts, Souris.


I read on tumblr that something happens with CS that is similar to Doctor Who's "Doomsday," which was an extremely gut wrenching episode for fans of the Doctor and Rose as they were separated by seemingly impossible to overcome circumstances. So I'm guessing Hades takes Hook somewhere that Emma can't get to and the episode ends with Emma thinking she won't ever see him again. 

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So the Emma-Neal scene is romantic, Hook is there for 3 secons so I guess he doesn't even utter a line, and the episode is all about Regina. Yeah, I pass.

So I'm guessing Hades takes Hook somewhere that Emma can't get to and the episode ends with Emma thinking she won't ever see him again.

He is already dead, what is worse than that? And she can move on to dead boyfriend number two. Edited by RadioGirl27
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Well that's disappointing to hear. I wish the milestone episode was celebrating all the characters and not so focused on just one (and I'd say the same if it were a character other than Regina getting the focus). It seemed like some of the press was a little taken aback by the Regina-centricness of it all too. The premiere eps are rarely very entertaining for me and my enthusiasm isn't all that high anyway, so it's good to go in with low expectations.


I cannot tell you all how exciting it is that we're going from heavily Regina-centric early on to a mid-season arc filled with Zelena. This is going to be a very Mills heavy season, isn't it?

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So I'm guessing Hades takes Hook somewhere that Emma can't get to and the episode ends with Emma thinking she won't ever see him again.

I speculate that Emma sees his tombstone and believes he has already moved into the afterlife. Then the rest of the gang spend their time meeting dead people and figuring out a way out of the Underworld. But a larger conspiracy emerges when Hades gets involved...



I wish the milestone episode was celebrating all the characters and not so focused on just one (and I'd say the same if it were a character other than Regina getting the focus). It seemed like some of the press was a little taken aback by the Regina-centricness of it all too.

No one should be surprised. It is Once Upon a Regina, after all.

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Thanks for giving us your thoughts, Souris.


I read on tumblr that something happens with CS that is similar to Doctor Who's "Doomsday," which was an extremely gut wrenching episode for fans of the Doctor and Rose as they were separated by seemingly impossible to overcome circumstances. So I'm guessing Hades takes Hook somewhere that Emma can't get to and the episode ends with Emma thinking she won't ever see him again. 


I don't watch Dr. Who, so I can't say how accurate I think that parallel is. I will say that we don't know after the ep exactly what Hook's circumstances are, except that he seems to have had a rough time of it physically. Where he is, who roughed him up -- no clue.

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Sorry to say otherwise!


Seriously? Wow...that seems...weird. Like, why bother writing a romantic scene like that when there's absolutely no chance Neal is going to come back to the series? Just to throw those fans another bone? Was the baby name not enough? And why would they begin the search for Emma's True Love with Emma confessing her feelings for another love? It just seems in poor taste. I could picture a bittersweet conversation where Emma confesses that she still thinks about his death and would rather have him alive than dead, and then Henry could walk in and finish his unresolved business with his dad. But anything beyond that? Distasteful. (Although, I hold out hope for this scene since it could be the scene Jen said was her favorite to film.)

Edited by Curio
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So the writers really are that tactless as to open an arc of Emma saving Hook with a scene between Emma and Neal. 


Not really surprised that we barely see Hook. But I wonder why he looks "beat-up". 

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Okay, see, THAT I can live with. Another fan who viewed the screener said that, in the Neal scene, you can get a vibe for how much Emma loves Hook because of how desperate she is to find him. Is that true?


That's probably subjective, so I'll let people decide that for themselves.


I think I've said about all that I feel I should. 

Edited by Souris
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Reading the spoilers and I'm just "meh". Neal can have all the types of feelings for Emma it ain't like she came for him. Mean while if we get this big Regina episode this early on then we have to deal with her and Zelena chances are she'll probably have less to do the rest of the way.

I'm buying alcohol for this episode.

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Colin wasn't seen filming for the first several episodes, so it's not surprising at all. But pushing a Save Hook Captain Swan storyline and then not delivering will drop some fans enthusiasm. I think Regina can maintain the audience, but the Zelena focus later isn't going to work. She isn't strong enough to hold the audience's attention, especially if we get an episode that has none of the other core characters featured. 

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Were we expecting any different really?

I know I wasn't. ...thanks so much for the head's up, Souris...you are a deadset legend! Now I know for me that 5b begins the week after and that i can look at the scene where Cora explains the rules as a sneak peek. Because it sounds like watching the opening scene will just make me vomit....I owe you a coffee for saving me from that :o))
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Historically, Regina has NOT been able to retain the audience -- 2B, 3B & 4B spring to mind. But it feels from spoilers like Zelena will ultimately have more of the focus -- and I'm pretty sure SHE won't be able to retain the audience. I think the other characters did film some for the Oz ep, but seemed like just a very little. 


My advice is to tune in about three minutes late if you hate Neal. You won't miss anything. (PixiePaws, I like caramel macchiatos. ;-)

Edited by Souris
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I'm starting to feel really sorry for all the users of the "#SaveHook" hashtag. It won't bear as much meaning as they believe it will.

I don't understand why people is surprised. The arc was never going to be about Hook. Saving him is, at best, the D arc of the season, with a ton of angst and a couple of kisses in the background to keep the less exigent shippers happy.

Edited by RadioGirl27
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Darn it! I wanted Neal to chastise his father for not letting the darkness be destroyed. All he ever wanted was his papa to be free from the darkness. Yuck that he his making Googly eyes at Emma when he totally treated her badly in real life, until he knew his fiancé sucked and Hook was interested in Emma.

If Hook is being punished for his "sins", why the hell are Cora, Pan and others not being flayed for their sins?

It bums me out that this half season will be sold as Save Hook and it will fail because once again it is All Regina All the time, but people will blame Hook.

Edited by kitticup
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I'm sad that Hook will be tortured. I guess since Hooks body wasn't cursed we had to see him die twice and now he'll be tortured.

I will say no one can honestly call it Once Upon A Hook. I do wonder if Hades let Hook be with Emma and Co but then in 520 he challenges Emma thus why she has her UnderBrook clothes and Henry's sweatshirt.

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If Hook is being punished for his "sins", why the hell are Cora, pan and others not being flayed for their sins?


My guess is it isn't about the'infernal eternal punishment but more because there is likely a host of Hook's piratical victims lining up to beat hell out of him (yes..yes...pun ). Now i am thinking that Cora and Pan's victims were pretty much good people and less likely to have ended up in the UW ready to get some payback.

Hades is probably seriously unhappy that Hook kept on surviving so he's more than happy to let Hook get beaten up.

Souris..if i could get your favorite beverage to you from down here. .i certainly would :o)

Edited by PixiePaws1
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Thank you for the info, Souris! Honestly, I'm chill about this. Yes, it's disappointing, but kinda expected. CS just had that huge Camelot arc and, to be honest, if I had to choose I'd pick the Camelot arc with the horseback riding and the field of flowers for them, instead of that Underworld which looks, well, ugly. This is probably a 3B situation where the lack of CS in the arc will culminate in the final two-parter being focused on them. Episode 20 will be CS-focused to conclude the Save Hook arc. Then I expect 21 will be Regina/Zelena centric to conclude their storyline. And then 22-23 will be the big adventure, which will clearly end in a wedding or engagement. So, cheer up! We won't get anything right away, but I'm sure there will be something to look forward to later.

And, uhh, isn't episode 100 technically the 5A finale? Like, if we count using human logic and not A&E logic? So, actually, the REAL 100th episode IS CS-centric!

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I'll be interested in the response to the premiere. There are an awful lot of excited fans being told to lower their expectations if they aren't huge Regina fans or are mostly interested in other characters -- and that advice is coming from people who raved about Lana's performance and loved all the Regina.

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I'm wondering why A&E would choose to go down that road for the 100th episode. I'm guessing that the Regina scenes and the awesome birthday present have to do with Snow? Does the past inform the present in any way? Guess we'll have to wait and see what the clues are for the finale.

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I'll be interested in the response to the premiere.


I'm not. It's going to be an onslaught of, "See everyone? We complained about Once Upon a Hook and now we got a Regina-centric and he only got 3 seconds of airtime! We won! And look, the ratings skyrocketed for a Regina episode. This is proof that no one liked the Captain Swan focus in 5A. OMG did you see that super romantic conversation between Neal and Emma? That totally proves Emma would have chosen him if he were still alive! Aww, did you see that scene where Rumple did something fishy again and Belle gave him googly eyes? He's not a monster after all! Let's keep bitching at Adam and Eddy because clearly they listen to us!" But let's just ignore the fact that the writers had all of this planned out since the summer, the B-arc has always been Regina-centric, and the ratings always tick up for premieres and big milestones.


I'm wondering why A&E would choose to go down that road for the 100th episode.


Because they love writing for Regina. A good majority of their scripts heavily feature her. They couldn't even resist the temptation to not use her in "Swan Song", even though it made no sense for her to be in the flashbacks or to be the one to try and talk Dark Hook down.


Does the past inform the present in any way?


I'm going to guess they try to awkwardly parallel Regina's birthday situation to something that's happening to her in the Underworld, but it's going to come off extremely clumsy and we'll be left thinking to ourselves, "Really? Did we seriously need to see that flashback for the 100th? At all?" 

Edited by Curio
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I'm not. It's going to be an onslaught of, "See everyone? We complained about Once Upon a Hook and now we got a Regina-centric and he only got 3 seconds of airtime! We won! And look, the ratings skyrocketed for a Regina episode. This is proof that no one liked the Captain Swan focus in 5A. OMG did you see that super romantic conversation between Neal and Emma? That totally proves Emma would have chosen him if he were still alive! 



Wow, really? The episode hasn't even aired yet; how do you know the ratings are going to skyrocket?  They didn't add more Regina because you complained, the writers LOVE Regina, and I'd say probably almost more so than Hook.  Emma got a bit more focus in 5A but Regina has had plenty of air time on the show.


When Neal was alive, she rejected him and it had nothing to do with Hook.  Do you remember when she left him at the diner?  Also, who knows if he'll be back later in the season, but I'm guessing this new scene is just to throw his fans fans a bone.  Does she listen to him when he tells her to turn around?  No, she keeps going to find Hook.  This shows her dedication to him.  


You honestly only sound like a bitter Hook hater that despises any minute he has on screen.  Sorry to remind you that you'll be watching his face until the end of this show.  

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You honestly only sound like a bitter Hook hater that despises any minute he has on screen.


Hee. That's the first time I've ever heard that about myself. :) (I think many of the posters here can concur that I can be obnoxiously pro-Hook at times.)


Sorry, kelz. I think my sarcasm wasn't laid on thick enough in my post. What you quoted was me doing an impression of all the annoying comments I'm going to have to filter through on Twitter and Tumblr. I was merely poking fun at them for their over-the-top reactions.

Edited by Curio
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So I just saw the bit about Hook being bloodied, battered and burned. Does this happen to everyone who arrives in the UW that has not been great during their lives, or is it reserved only to villains turned heroes.


Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


There are quotes in this synopsis thingy if anyone wants to play.


You won't find anything unless I want you to -- Let's go with Hades 

No, but your description is pretty accurate -- No clue

I don't care what they are. They're disgusting -- Regina in the flashback about Snowing

Killed is a relative term down here -- Cora?

You played with magic you didn't understand -- Rumple to Emma perhaps? Or Hades to Emma

We're not leaving until we find Hook -- I don't think this is Emma

Edited by YaddaYadda
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"You won't find anything unless I want you to" — Hades
"No, but your description is pretty accurate" — Neal, possibly to Emma when she asks if he's been to the Underworld and describes it
"I don't care what they are. They're disgusting" — Regina or Cora describing the dwarves
"Killed is a relative term down here" — Cora
"You played with magic you didn't understand" — Rumple to Pan?
"We're not leaving until we find Hook" — Emma

Regina is faced with a difficult choice: complete the mission or risk the life of someone she loves.

Does this mean saving Hook = Robin is put in some kind of peril? Are we seeing the baby steps to antagonistic Regina vs. Emma again? Please?

So I just saw the bit about Hook being bloodied, battered and burned. Does this happen to everyone who arrives in the UW that has not been great during their lives, or is it reserved only to villains turned heroes.

Who knows, but I'm all for it. What good is a villain redemption story if they aren't put through the ringer and physically/mentally tortured? The more they suffer for their past crimes, the better their final redemption will be. (We'll see if Regina and Rumple get the same lovely treatment in the Underworld or if they miraculously get away without a scratch.)

Edited by Curio
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Does this mean saving Hook = Robin is put in some kind of peril? Are we seeing the baby steps to antagonistic Regina vs. Emma again? Please?

But since it says "complete the mission or risk the life of someone she loves.", doesn't it mean that if she DOESN'T complete the mission, the life of someone she loves is in danger? So she HAS to complete the mission, if she doesn't want someone she loves to die?

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The description of Hook sounds gut wrenching. I wonder what's going on with Hook happened to Rumple before Neal stupidly saved him.

Looks like it, from the way Rumple described it. Is that a special Dark One Hell, and should Emma be worried for her own self too? Or is Hades torturing Hook because Emma is here to save him? Or does Hook's heroic sacrifice not count because Rumple took the D'DO back, and he is punished as a villain? Why is he the only "villain" punished like this, when Pan and Cora seem to be doing just fine? There ya go, Hook haters--he is literally being tortured in Hell. Satisfied now??

(We'll see if Regina and Rumple get the same lovely treatment in the Underworld or if they miraculously get away without a scratch.)

Rumple plans on never dying ever for this reason, I'm sure. Regina will invoke her Exception Clause, no matter where she is.

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But since it says "complete the mission or risk the life of someone she loves.", doesn't it mean that if she DOESN'T complete the mission, the life of someone she loves is in danger? So she HAS to complete the mission, if she doesn't want someone she loves to die?

Hmm, you're probably right. I automatically assumed the mission they were referring to was #SaveHook, but they could also be talking about an entirely unrelated mission.

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So Pan can leave the Underworld if he can find somebody to trade with. The scene with Zelena and the bag over her head makes a lot more sense now.


But why would Rumple want to help him out with that?

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But since it says "complete the mission or risk the life of someone she loves.", doesn't it mean that if she DOESN'T complete the mission, the life of someone she loves is in danger? So she HAS to complete the mission, if she doesn't want someone she loves to die?


That was clunkily written & not especially accurate. The "complete the mission" part is misleading.

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Souris, you're going somewhat viral on Tumblr this morning.


In terms of Neal, it doesn't really "throw the fandom a bone" to remind them of what they aren't going to get. It actually just pisses them off. I would guess it's about checking other boxes: if the 100th is about bringing back old guest stars and cast, Neal is a) clearly dead, thus plausibly in the UW; b) an ally of the Heroes, so the best dead character to give a truthful warning in contrast to Pan/Cora; c) unlike Jamie Dornan, still affordable. 

Edited by Amerilla
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In terms of Neal, it doesn't really "throw the fandom a bone" to remind them of what they aren't going to get. It actually just pisses them off.

Yeah, I could see this just making his fans more upset in the long run. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the Nevengers will ultimately be successful, Hook will be rescued by the end of the arc, and Emma and Hook will end up together in the long run. So Neal giving Emma a message like, "Turn around...don't do this...this will only end up bad for you," could sound a bit like Neal discouraging Emma from pursuing her happy ending and not believing in her and her mission in hindsight. But I'll wait to see how the scene plays out.

I'm actually excited for Neal's appearance because I like Michael Raymond-James, but I wish Henry was involved with his scene, too.

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Neal discouraging Emma in doing something she believes in sounds like something he'd do. You'd think the writers would actually have him for once believe in her but it doesn't sound like a good scene for his fans.

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So Pan can leave the Underworld if he can find somebody to trade with. The scene with Zelena and the bag over her head makes a lot more sense now.


But why would Rumple want to help him out with that?


Question is, why would Rumple EVER want Pan to be released back into the world unless he's planning on double-crossing him in the end.


I think we also know for sure that 5x20 is when Hook is resurrected. I hope we get to hear Henry's reasoning behind the name (even if it's sort of obvious). I am looking forward to 5x20.

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"Operation Firebird" isn't just/really about Hook.

I hope someone notices all the souls who have unfinished business, and on top of saving Hook, they decide to help all the innocent trapped souls move on.


The clock tower is smashed. I wonder what that's all about.

Interesting. Maybe they realized they were running out of time, so in order to give themselves a little more time in the Underworld, they destroyed the thing keeping track of it. Or it's just a visual of the Underworld being defeated when the heroes go back home.

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