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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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I'm forever laughing at people that somehow think that there would be conflict on who to bring back Hook or Neal. Umm let's see who are they going there for? Emma, for her happy ending.

She chose Hook over Neal. Yeah I'm sure Rumple wants to bring him back but Belle's pregnant so that's gonna be his way to move on fro Neal. Henry sure he'll want his dad back but since this is all for his mother he's gonna want his mothers happiness over his own.

Emma loves Hook, so it's a very simple choice. It's Emma's choice and she chose Hook, bottom line.


She didn't choose Hook over Neal. Neal died before there was any choice to make.


If this was a more character-driven and thoughtful show, there should be some real emotional conflict here for all the main characters. Hook should be torn between Milah and Emma. Emma should be conflicted over leaving Neal there, with or without any notion of a romantic relationship. Rumpel of course should want to try to retrieve Neal, whether or not there's another baby on board. Henry should want to get Neal back. These things are written into all of these characters' backstories; they are major emotional set-pieces going back in some cases to S1.


So, even if it ends up exactly how it ends up - with Hook escaping the Dead Is Dead clause and returning to Storybrooke to spend the rest of his days fixing Emma hot cocoa with cinnamon and running her lavender-scented baths and everyone else going back to the same hamster-wheel storylines they've been on for years now - the audience should at least feel like we got to go on a meaningful emotional ride along the way. It should be hard.


But bringing back Neal and Milah is essentially stunt-casting. It's the type of thing that most shows do in the final season, as a callback to the glory years, or to end some long-term issues before the series finale. Alas, this zombie is going to keep staggering along for another season at least, so...it's more than likely going to be sort of like a deflated souffle. Still edible, but not nearly as filling.

  • Love 6

I think that it depends on how the Underworld works. If it's a matter of unfinished business being dealt with that allows a person to move on to a better place, then there isn't a huge dilemma about "saving" anyone else. Milah, Liam, Neal, et al. would all be moving on to a great place where there is no pain. I'm also not sure why there is this belief that Emma has romantic feelings towards Neal or truthfully, why Hook would still feel the same about Milah. Both relationships were a long time ago. Hook & Milah can say goodbye each knowing that the other will be very happy in the future and be at peace. Neal can say goodbye to Henry knowing that he will be happy and move on peacefully as well.


Hook wouldn't have that luxury with Emma. Should Hook stay in the Underworld or wherever they may go beyond that, Emma would return home unhappy and given her history, would most likely never really try for another relationship again. Would Hook be happy without Emma? Would he move on knowing that he's leaving Emma alone and miserable when he could stay with her? I think that there are some big differences between Neal/Emma & Hook/Milah and Emma/Hook and I'm not sure whether the dead is dead rule is the stumbling block. Maybe Hook turns down heaven to go back with Emma while everyone else moves on to a place where they will only know happiness. That removes any guilt on the part of our living characters about leaving the dead ones behind.

Edited by KAOS Agent
  • Love 3

It's okay, Amerilla, you'll feel better once you admit that you find Hook pretty. I know you want to, do not deny yourself any longer ;)


She didn't choose Hook over Neal. Neal died before there was any choice to make.


We really do see this stuff differently, don't we? Makes the conversation interesting. I always thought she knew what she wanted in 3x11.


As far as the whole dead is dead, I actually realized that there are more characters that have already come back from the dead than I realized. Rumple which was the big one, David, Blue. I always forget about the Blue fairy...Did Zelena actually die, because I really still don't understand what happened to the character at all. That's already 4 characters, and I have the nagging feeling that I'm forgetting someone. Henry technically died in 1x22, no? And did Robin die in 5x02, or was he just saved right on time, I'm not even sure. Just like I'm not convinced Hook really died in 5x08 because how do you tether the life of someone who just died. It makes no sense.


I think one thing I'm looking forward to is if they do bring Neal back, which I think they are anyway, that he and Henry get closure. I really loathe Henry, but this is absolutely needed.

She chose Hook over Neal. Yeah I'm sure Rumple wants to bring him back but Belle's pregnant so that's gonna be his way to move on fro Neal. Henry sure he'll want his dad back but since this is all for his mother he's gonna want his mothers happiness over his own.


Emma loves Hook, so it's a very simple choice. It's Emma's choice and she chose Hook, bottom line.

I'm sorry, as much as I generally agree with your point, it's incorrect to say she chose Hook over Neal. She never did. Did it look like things were leaning that way? Sure. But she never chose to be with Hook when Neal was in the picture, which is why I will always hate that they killed him off when they did. I strongly dislike Swanfire, it's one of my top NOTP's of all time, but for some reason this show never wanted to have Emma tell Neal it would never happen. The last time Emma had to make a romantic choice about Neal, before everyone was reset to their respawn points in Going Home, she stood him up at the diner, yes, but she was still on her way to see him after having to be talked into it by David. Not exactly my idea of grand romance, but it wasn't exactly saying she would never give him a chance again.  


I want Neal to appear in the Underworld. I want closure and I want someone besides Emma to acknowledge what a crappy thing he did to her, and I want Neal to stop insisting he didn't have a choice when he clearly did, but it's probably not going to happen.

  • Love 4

It's okay, Amerilla, you'll feel better once you admit that you find Hook pretty. I know you want to, do not deny yourself any longer ;)





We really do see this stuff differently, don't we? Makes the conversation interesting. I always thought she knew what she wanted in 3x11.


As far as the whole dead is dead, I actually realized that there are more characters that have already come back from the dead than I realized. Rumple which was the big one, David, Blue. I always forget about the Blue fairy...Did Zelena actually die, because I really still don't understand what happened to the character at all. That's already 4 characters, and I have the nagging feeling that I'm forgetting someone. Henry technically died in 1x22, no? And did Robin die in 5x02, or was he just saved right on time, I'm not even sure. Just like I'm not convinced Hook really died in 5x08 because how do you tether the life of someone who just died. It makes no sense.


I think one thing I'm looking forward to is if they do bring Neal back, which I think they are anyway, that he and Henry get closure. I really loathe Henry, but this is absolutely needed.


I think August died too, and that's why he had to be turned back into a kid. Not sure though, because coming back from the dead is kind of like portals. Impossible and rare, except every other week.

  • Love 1

I'm sorry, as much as I generally agree with your point, it's incorrect to say she chose Hook over Neal. She never did. Did it look like things were leaning that way? Sure. But she never chose to be with Hook when Neal was in the picture, which is why I will always hate that they killed him off when they did. I strongly dislike Swanfire, it's one of my top NOTP's of all time, but for some reason this show never wanted to have Emma tell Neal it would never happen. The last time Emma had to make a romantic choice about Neal, before everyone was reset to their respawn points in Going Home, she stood him up at the diner, yes, but she was still on her way to see him after having to be talked into it by David. Not exactly my idea of grand romance, but it wasn't exactly saying she would never give him a chance again.  


Replying in Relationships.

Ha YaddaYadda, it would be easier if I did find him pretty. But he leaves me completely cold. Sorry. I'm imperfect. :-)

In terms of Henry getting "closure," that really sucks narratively. Characters need some sort of drive, and leaving Neal as an open wound for Henry is something a better writing team could leverage in any number of ways as the series continues.

Edited by Amerilla
  • Love 1

If this was a more character-driven and thoughtful show, there should be some real emotional conflict here for all the main characters. Hook should be torn between Milah and Emma. Emma should be conflicted over leaving Neal there, with or without any notion of a romantic relationship. Rumpel of course should want to try to retrieve Neal, whether or not there's another baby on board. Henry should want to get Neal back. These things are written into all of these characters' backstories; they are major emotional set-pieces going back in some cases to S1.


But bringing back Neal and Milah is essentially stunt-casting.

I think it's pretty obvious on the show that Hook, while he undoubtedly will always hold a place in his heart for Milah and will remember her fondly, has officially moved on with Emma as his One True Love. Colin basically confirmed as much in a recent interview, so I doubt there will be any love triangle emotional conflict between Milah/Emma/Hook and no one will be torn. Now Milah/Rumple/Hook, Milah/Neal/Rumple, Rumple/Neal/Hook, Neal/Henry and Regina/Cora/All-of-Regina's-innocent-victims are important character-driven conflicts that are begging to be explored, but like you said, the Underworld is just an opportunity for stunt-casting and nothing more. 


As far as the whole dead is dead, I actually realized that there are more characters that have already come back from the dead than I realized. Rumple which was the big one, David, Blue. I always forget about the Blue fairy...Did Zelena actually die, because I really still don't understand what happened to the character at all. That's already 4 characters, and I have the nagging feeling that I'm forgetting someone.

Don't forget Anastasia from the Wonderland series. Hook's death arc seems to be very close to hers, where they both "unfairly" died, so the universe will allow a mulligan and revive them because their deaths "weren't supposed to happen that way." And also, I'm a bit fuzzy with the Wonderland canon, but didn't Cyrus's mom cheat death for a bit, too? 

Edited by Curio
  • Love 1

I was rewatching Hercules, and Hades actually incinerates the white flower. So he destroys it both in the animated movie and on Once, apparently. I'm wondering if either Zelena loves Hades or Zelena has a deal with him and got Stockholm Syndrome. 



And also, I'm a bit fuzzy with the Wonderland canon, but didn't Cyrus's mom cheat death for a bit, too?

They gave her forbidden water to cure her deadly illness, then her sons were all turned into genies as punishment. Later Jafar turns her into a snake staff and toward the end of the series she gets turned back into a human. After that she sacrifices herself to free her sons.

Edited by KingOfHearts


in those musical score snippets there is something reminiscent of a tolling clock....and a feel of time running out...but i am given to flights of fancy where music is concerned. ..

I'm wondering if one of them (https://twitter.com/markisham/status/691836701027737600) is Hades' or the Underworld's theme.

This is the episode with Ruby. I think they are just using a play on words and working around the copyright. 

Yeah I agree, even though in the original there are silver slippers. MGM added Ruby slippers instead.


I think it's a play on words. Third party coming with Mulan and Ruby could be Dorothy.

Edited by Hookian

So the mid-season section of the show contains a Belle-centric, a Zelena-centric and now a Ruby-centric? That's not filling me with confidence about 5B. If they add a Robin-centric after that one, this could be a time when I quit watching because I'm just not interested enough in those characters (maybe Belle excepted if the story is about her and not Rumpel) to make it through four episodes of filler and baby drama. Hades better be awesome if I'm stuck watching our heroes spinning their wheels in the Underworld during that time.

  • Love 2

I have no problems with the centrics as long as they move the story. If I'm getting another 5x09, then no thanks! One of my knocks against 5x09 is that they didn't bother connecting Mulan and Ruby to the main cast. It was very much a stand alone episode that advanced absolutely nothing.


My biggest wish for 5B is that we don't have so many holes in the story, and whatever holes they left in 5A, they try and answer in 5B to wrap the whole thing up. I mean there are holes, then there's Once.

So general consensus is that yes to Team Princesses, but say no to Merida? I'm down with that. I don't say that often about characters that aren't Henry, but I kind of hate Merida. There isn't a single thing I enjoyed about her. 


I'm hoping 5x18 is the episode everyone is coming back. At least so far with David and Hook filming with Ruby, it doesn't look like it's an episode that will be contained within its own WTF bubble.


I actually loved Team Princess, but that was because two of them were regulars whose relationship I was invested in, and the other were interesting characters. So, not Merida.

I loved Team Princess in S2, but 5x09 ruined it for me. Even if Merida isn't involved, Mulan and Red are tired characters. I really don't want to see another tangent. It's already shaping out to be 4B with all the random spotlights and centrics. If Merida comes, that just adds to the meh factor.



Why would Ruby get a centric when we haven't really seen her as any kind of player since S2? And enough with these centrics....just tell a story involving the whole cast..some weeks some characters are lighter and some characters are heavier..but please, every "centric," just screws up the timeline more.

Amen. I don't mind getting a centric about a new character (5x04, 5x07), but flashbacks every episode is very tedious. Centrics tend to quarantine characters off with one or two buddies while the rest of the cast does nothing productive.

Edited by KingOfHearts

Even if Merida isn't involved, Mulan and Red are tired characters. I really don't want to see another tangent. It's already shaping out to be 4B with all the random spotlights and centrics. If Merida comes, that just adds to the meh factor.

I kind of agree. A lot of people said Maleficent would be a great addition to the show because she technically already had an appearance in Season 1, but look how that turned out. We got the egg baby nonsense. So at the very least, Mulan, Red, Dorothy, and Zelena just have to do better than the egg baby plot and Operation Mongoose to be better than 4B.

So the mid-season section of the show contains a Belle-centric, a Zelena-centric and now a Ruby-centric? That's not filling me with confidence about 5B. If they add a Robin-centric after that one, this could be a time when I quit watching because I'm just not interested enough in those characters (maybe Belle excepted if the story is about her and not Rumpel) to make it through four episodes of filler and baby drama. Hades better be awesome if I'm stuck watching our heroes spinning their wheels in the Underworld during that time.


Including the main storyline(s), that's what makes it a cluttered mess.  In S1, centric storylines worked when they had an ongoing ensemble cast going in SB and we were actually learning about the characters and storylines.

The costumes look good. 


So, are Mulan and Ruby in Oz, or is Dorothy in the Enchanted Forest? Neither option makes sense. lol


Probably in the Enchanted Forest, and I'm thinking it's a fairly recent flashback.


I'm saying the EF because if the writers did not forget about it, there is an actual portal/door between Oz and the EF from when they did "Heart of Gold". Travelling to and from Oz doesn't require a magic bean or anything like that.


I could see Zelena just crossing into the EF.


The reason I'm saying that it's probably a recent event is because Ruby was in scenes with David and Hook the previous day.

  • Love 1

I kind of agree. A lot of people said Maleficent would be a great addition to the show because she technically already had an appearance in Season 1, but look how that turned out. We got the egg baby nonsense. So at the very least, Mulan, Red, Dorothy, and Zelena just have to do better than the egg baby plot and Operation Mongoose to be better than 4B.


It's the writing that's the problem, but having more characters is also problematic because it's clear that they can't handle it properly.  I expect a rehash of 5x09, filler side quest again.

  • Love 1

Ha YaddaYadda, it would be easier if I did find him pretty. But he leaves me completely cold. Sorry. I'm imperfect. :-)

In terms of Henry getting "closure," that really sucks narratively. Characters need some sort of drive, and leaving Neal as an open wound for Henry is something a better writing team could leverage in any number of ways as the series continues.

I used to have a coworker who was allergic to chocolate. Sometimes I didn't know if I was jealous, or if I felt sorry for her. Personally, I've long had a thing for that Black Irish look, since I was a fan of Pierce Brosnan and Remington Steele back in the day. Plus, I love his accent and the sparkle in his eyes.

  • Love 4

that True Love music piece has a very sad...sad....feel to it.....and it is absolutely beautiful.

It may be the composer's 'signature' but it seems to have a sadder variation of the CS theme from the Neverland kiss...

To me it is saying 'sad aftermath'...rather than leading up to something. ...


Super nerdy orchestra me recognized that violin theme immediately, and it sounds like Isham is giving off some major Ralph Vaughn Williams vibes here.

Listen to the initial violin part by Isham and compare it to the violins playing around 2:41 during Vaughn Williams's Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis. They're literally the exact same notes. It sounds like it's even in the same key, and the cello/viola parts are eerily similar. This song is one of my all-time favorite Vaughn Williams pieces, but it also happens to be a very popular song to use at funerals because of how beautiful and somber it sounds. The two musical clips aren't identical but the styles are very similar, almost as if Isham is paying homage, so you might actually be onto something PixiePaws1 with thinking this is for a bittersweet scene.

I'm not necessarily sure this counts as "spoiler" sleuthing, but it's hiatus so I guess we'll dig for anything at this point. (Also, if anyone with an Instagram account wants to ask Isham if he did in fact think about Thomas Tallis when he wrote that piece...I would be eternally grateful.)

Well this sounds really beautiful and makes me regret abandoning violin when I was in the 5th grade.

At least you got to play in 5th grade. A lot of music programs have been cut entirely out of grade schools. Also, if you enjoyed the Isham clip, I highly recommend listening to the entire Vaughn Williams piece. It's 16 minutes long, but totally worth it.

Edited by Curio

I'm just really hoping it won't be wasted on a Rumbelle scene or something...

More likely in a Megara-Hercules scene.


The music is for episode 13, the one with them. Emma and Hook are not going to have a TLK in the second episode of the half season. If the TLK Leanne hinted is for them (something I doubt), it's not happening so soon.

  • Love 1

I thought the true love theme snippet was beautiful and I found it hopeful. Obviously, they're on a journey in the darkest of places and I think the music reflects that. I can hear elements of the Captain Swan theme, but really this could be for any of the couples, perhaps Zelena and Hades?


It reminds me of the music in 5x08 when Emma yells "that's not enough for me." It's not exactly the same, but similar, and that whole thing was a different version of CS' theme. 


Victoria Smurfit is headed back to Vancouver. I'm assuming she will be in 5x18. I enjoyed Cruella, but if she's in 5x18, that means we're still in the Underworld.


It's sad, 5B hasn't even started and I'm looking forward to the the characters being out of there and back to normal Storybrooke.

Victoria Smurfit is headed back to Vancouver. I'm assuming she will be in 5x18. I enjoyed Cruella, but if she's in 5x18, that means we're still in the Underworld.

Or she hitched a ride back to the land of the living. I would be disappointed if Hook was the only character to be revived.

Edited by KingOfHearts

So the mid-season section of the show contains a Belle-centric, a Zelena-centric and now a Ruby-centric? That's not filling me with confidence about 5B. If they add a Robin-centric after that one, this could be a time when I quit watching because I'm just not interested enough in those characters (maybe Belle excepted if the story is about her and not Rumpel) to make it through four episodes of filler and baby drama. Hades better be awesome if I'm stuck watching our heroes spinning their wheels in the Underworld during that time.

I'm a little nervous about the Underworld.  I like Greg Germann.  I really do.  But he plays a type.  In everything.  So I think its pretty clear from his casting exactly what the vibe of the Underworld will be.  And I'm not sure how much I'm going to like that or how quickly it will get old. 


But there is also nothing that I dislike more than Storybrooke as a setting so Underworld should be better than that for me.  So upside.



I have no problems with the centrics as long as they move the story. If I'm getting another 5x09, then no thanks! One of my knocks against 5x09 is that they didn't bother connecting Mulan and Ruby to the main cast. It was very much a stand alone episode that advanced absolutely nothing.


Wasn't this another case of the network adding an episode late?  So I took 5x09 with an attitude of 'at least I didn't have to watch an extended episode of Snow promoting the virtues of infidelity to Regina.'  Actually, just joking.  I figured out that none of the main cast was in it early enough to skip it entirely.

So tween Regina & Zelena? Oh, good, finally some Regina backstory! I was wondering when they'd finally get around to doing that. [/sarcasm]


I'm getting serious 3B & 4B vibes for 5B. That is not. good.


Seriously, the dire stretch of post-Jones Brothers eps seems to have gotten even more dire: Zelena centric, Belle centric; Ruby/Mulan/Dorothy; now Regina/Zelena.

  • Love 2

Casting notice for 10-year-old Regina and 12-year-old Zelena.


Regina: Neglected and lonely, longs for companionship. Still many years away from becoming the Evil Queen, she has no interest in the royal duties her mother’s so engaged in. Determined to fill the hole in her heart somehow, Regina puts it all on the line for a chance at family.


Zelena: Has not yet transformed into the evil, Wicked Witch of Oz. Wretchedly poor and despised by her father for her magical gifts, Zelena only wishes to escape her terrible fate. And then, one day, she discovers that the key to that escape may actually be in the magic he loathes so much. Giving her a chance to prove her worth, and change her life forever.


Call me crazy, but haven't we already seen these exact same flashbacks before? We've already seen Regina neglected by her mother and not interested in her royal duties. We've already seen Zelena's poor past and her terrible father. What new, non-retconned information could they possibly tell us that we haven't already seen and heard before on the show? At least with young Hook, we never actually saw on screen what happened to him in his past—it was only told briefly as a verbal aside. But we've already seen flashbacks for both Regina and Zelena describing these exact same scenarios. Were the writers sad because they realized they never gave their precious villains childhood flashbacks with child actors like Snow, Emma, Hook, and Rumple, so now they're trying to even the playing field?


How many flashbacks will this put Regina at now? 20-something?

Edited by Curio


What new, non-retconned information could they possibly tell us that we haven't already seen and heard before on the show?

Maybe how Regina managed to play hooky on all her dancing lessons?


I've wanted a young Regina flashback (one that required a different actor) for a long time. If they wanted to whitewash or make use feel sympathy for Regina, they should have shown us her abusive upbringing with Cora. Sadly that boat has long sailed.  The Zelena flashback sounds so throwaway, though. Maybe they're trying to build a sisterly bond by showing us they grew up in similar situations with abusive parents? I haven't clue.


A&E are currently laughing at all the people who thought 5B was going to be about #SaveHook.

Edited by KingOfHearts

I wanted a Regina flashback where she's a kid but I feel like they'll just use it to make the sisters bond. I'm kind of ok with that because maybe it will be more believable than whatever her friendship is with Emma and Snow.

And seriously, so much for Once Upon A Captain Swan or Hook. I did like Once Upon A Emma Swan though. Hee.

I don't know if I have it in me for another Regina flashback. I feel like they've explored what needed to be explored with her.


I guess it's going to be a kumbaya moment for Regina and Zelena, because you know, they have so much in common! Whatever.


A&E are currently laughing at all the people who thought 5B was going to be about #SaveHook.

They wanted to go to the UW, and Hook was who they used for that. End of story!!!

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