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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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Just so we're clear, Regina imprisoning Maleficent under the library as a dragon for 30 years is nothing compared to what Snow and Charming did. Therefore, Snow and Charming are so much worse than Regina. Thanks, writers. Maybe you could use a bigger anvil to hit me over the head with.

Is breaking the wine glass a symbol of badness?

That scene is so cheesy. I hope we find out they're actually drinking the blood of their enemies in those glasses. 

  • Love 8
Is breaking the wine glass a symbol of badness?


That was so very campy and so very cheesy.


Just so we're clear, Regina imprisoning Maleficent under the library as a dragon for 30 years is nothing compared to what Snow and Charming did. Therefore, Snow and Charming are so much worse than Regina. Thanks, writers. Maybe you could use a bigger anvil to hit me over the head with.

Imprisoned during 30 years vs her kid being taken from her...I can see why she would think what Snowing did to her is worst.  That being said, the writing doesn't need to be so heavy handed.


Also, she was in stasis for like 28 years before being slayed by Emma then being reduced to ashes by Hook.  I'm assuming she had no clue what was going on around her until the curse broke.  


Actually, the only think I have really been wondering about is what the hell Hook who had no magic, was injured and had no real way of defending himself did to her to reduce her to dust like that (because that is sort of badass) or did that happen when everyone was sent back to the EF in season 3?

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Uh, Regina was putting it on pretty thick there..she acted like she was auditioning for the 60s TV show Batman, I guess the QOD are not the braniacs of the villain world but since everyone is Storybrooke is stupid....


I think that overlooking being turned into a dragon is a plot point, its also not like Maleficent knew what was going on, she was sleeping trapped in time, and while they never actually said it, I don't belive she started to wake up until Emma came to town, and really woke up when Emma decided to stay and took the sheriff star...remember the big earthquake that happened then and trapped dim Henry in the mine?


Anyway, that makes sense in Once's whacked out universe.


or did that happen when everyone was sent back to the EF in season 3?


Interesting...I didn't think of that...we saw that the people turned into animals...like Hook's buddy, turned back to human form when returned to the EF....I am sure the writers wont address that.


I like Maleficnet's outfit, it looks like she could be a Wonder Woman villain!

Edited by Mitch

Actually, the only think I have really been wondering about is what the hell Hook who had no magic, was injured and had no real way of defending himself did to her to reduce her to dust like that (because that is sort of badass) or did that happen when everyone was sent back to the EF in season 3?


I think it has something do with the anti-magic bracelet Gregmara gave him. Maybe Hook threw it at Zombie-Mal so it caught on her zombie horns and reduced her to a pile of dust. lol I wonder if Mal will remember that and want revenge on Emma and Hook as well.

  • Love 2

I think it has something do with the anti-magic bracelet Gregmara gave him. Maybe Hook threw it at Zombie-Mal so it caught on her zombie horns and reduced her to a pile of dust. lol I wonder if Mal will remember that and want revenge on Emma and Hook as well.

I hope whatever Hook did to her, it was pre-anytime we've seen her in the EF. Because that Ursula is kinda lame, so I hope she at least USED to be a badass goddess of the sea.

I think it has something do with the anti-magic bracelet Gregmara gave him. Maybe Hook threw it at Zombie-Mal so it caught on her zombie horns and reduced her to a pile of dust


Hook lost the anti-magic bracelet Gregmara gave him prior to facing Mal. Regina spotted the bracelet on him, recognized it as her mother's and demanded that he give it to her which he did (and he correctly predicted this was how she would behave). Then she pushed him off a cliff to dstract Mal while she got her Failsafe to destroy the town. She expected Hook to die down there and was surprised when he did not. Somehow, the show paints Hook as the villain and Regina as the victim in this entire exchange. Gregmara was able to capture her  for which she has not forgotten or forgiven Hook.


I thought Hook used the anti-magic taser on Mal. How he managed to get out of the cave prior to Regina remains a mystery. He had to kill Mal, climb the cliffs (while already badly injured from the car crash and whatever damage falling off the cliff would have done) and take the elevator all without Regina noticing (he really is Wile Coyote).


So, what Snowing did must be pretty bad. Regina trashed Mal's house, threatened her unicorn, stole from her, cursed her for 30 years (which threatened Mal's baby in the first place) and stuffed her under a library in dragon form and it is stilll not as bad as what Snowing did.

  • Love 3

Hook didn't do anything to Mal. He explained that Greg and Tamara pulled him out of the pit. They never said if they did or didn't do anything with Mal. I always assumed she was still trapped as a zombie and turned to dust when Storybrook (and magic) disappeared when the curse was reversed.

I still don't see how anything The Charmings did or didn't do can be the sole reason Maleficent was separated from her child. Regina explicitly wanted Maleficent trapped under the library as a dragon. Even if she had her baby with her when the curse hit and tried to escape, she still would have gone under the library and the baby probably would have been given to another family in SB, like Grace was taken from Jefferson.

Edited by The Cake is a Pie
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Still mulling over what could turn Emma "dark." One of the better dark hero arcs was when Wesley went dark on Angel, where something he did with good intentions (that turned out to have been manipulated by outside forces) ended up having horrible consequences, and what sent him dark wasn't so much the thing he did and the consequences, but rather the way his friends reacted. He was in a bad place, physically wounded (nearly died) and feeling bad about what happened, and his friends just shut him out because they couldn't forgive what he'd done. He was very bitter about the fact that they wouldn't even talk to him, wouldn't listen to his side of the story, assumed the worst about him, and yet they still expected him to help when they had a crisis. But he didn't go evil dark, as he did help, and he was still carrying out their mission in his own way. He was just really ruthless about doing so and did some pretty awful things to the people who'd caused the problem in the first place in order to get the help he needed to save Angel.


Sadly, on this show I could actually imagine Snow and Henry having an "I can't believe you did that, heroes don't do that, I can't deal with you" freakout and seemingly rejecting Emma. It's a little harder to imagine with David, but in the long run he'll end up siding with Snow. But you don't get that kind of "rejected by everyone" situation as long as there's a lifeline, and it's really hard to imagine anything Emma could do that would turn Hook against her. This is the guy who fell in love with her after she betrayed him and left him stranded on top of a beanstalk with a cranky giant. I also can't imagine her betraying him now unless she had a really good reason, like saving Henry, and if Henry were in danger, he'd probably volunteer to be sacrificed. So perhaps the kind of situation required to turn Emma dark might be her going through with some desperate plan that horrifies her family, but it backfires and Hook is lost in the process (put through a portal, or something like that, since I seriously doubt they'd kill him), so she's feeling to blame for the fate of the one person who did believe in her and feeling rejected by her family. But if she's already on the outs with her family, as it looks like she still is as of the Lily arrival, then would it make that big a difference if they believed the worst about her? And would they end the season with a hero gone dark, or would they have to resolve it all in a few episodes? On Angel, the process toward going dark took about half a season, the dark phase lasted nearly an entire season, and the fences were very slow to mend, with lingering consequences. On this show, I guess I could see the going dark taking an episode, lasting an episode, being resolved in five minutes at the end of an episode, and no consequences whatsoever.


Or if they drag out the Ursula reveal, like they show us the backstory but Emma doesn't find out until later, would learning that about him shake her faith in him and contribute to her going dark? But she already knows what he was like. I think to really affect her now, he'd have to do something awful that had terrible consequences in the present. We don't know how much she knows about what happened during the Frozen arc, but since Belle seems to know everything he did, I'd hope Emma knows, too, so that wouldn't feel like a betrayal to her. I guess there are all kinds of things Rumple could manipulate, but unless there's a lot that we're not seeing that would totally change the meaning of the spoilers we have, it's going to have to happen and be resolved very quickly or carry over.

  • Love 2

So, what Snowing did must be pretty bad. Regina trashed Mal's house, threatened her unicorn, stole from her, cursed her for 30 years (which threatened Mal's baby in the first place) and stuffed her under a library in dragon form and it is stilll not as bad as what Snowing did.


Where's Gepetto when you need him? I love (not) how everyone else lets it slide that Regina was the one who cast the Dark Curse in the first place.


Hook didn't do anything to Mal. He explained that Greg and Tamara pulled him out of the pit. They never said if they did or didn't do anything with Mal. I always assumed she was still trapped as a zombie and turned to dust when Storybrook (and magic) disappeared when the curse was reversed.


If that's the case, Mal should have still been in Zombie form when the QoD resurrected her, not a pile of ashes. I think the magic taser is a good explanation as to how Hook defeated Zombie!Mal before Gregmara pulled him up. I had forgotten Regina took the bracelet from Hook before they went below. 

So perhaps the kind of situation required to turn Emma dark might be her going through with some desperate plan that horrifies her family, but it backfires and Hook is lost in the process (put through a portal, or something like that, since I seriously doubt they'd kill him), so she's feeling to blame for the fate of the one person who did believe in her and feeling rejected by her family


Emma could douse Hook in gasoline and burn him alive on Main street for sport and Henry & Snow would still automatically be on her side.  They are here for Emma and still don't much care about or trust Hook.  They would just assume he deserved it. Charming is the only one who might object.


I think the only way Emma is going dark is in an Annikan Skywalker way - she is conivinced she has to do something evil to save Henry. We even have the groundwork for that. In Season 1, she didn't ask any questions about whether or not she should be killing Mal. She just did it to save Henry. Then, in Season 3, she supported the taking of a heart to try to save Henry. I think she could be tempted to the dark side to save him. She will do what it takes to save him. Snow has sometimes been able to convince her to try the "harder" way, but she won't be listening to Snow in the latter half of this season.

  • Love 3


Emma could douse Hook in gasoline and burn him alive on Main street for sport and Henry & Snow would still automatically be on her side.  They are here for Emma and still don't much care about or trust Hook.  They would just assume he deserved it. Charming is the only one who might object.

Yeah, Emma is the only one who cares about Hook. Her family would never abandon her for hurting him, accidentally or on purpose. But if something that she does hurts Charming or Regina, that's another story. Snow would never talk to her again and neither would Henry.

Edited by RadioGirl27
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In Season 1, she didn't ask any questions about whether or not she should be killing Mal. She just did it to save Henry.

In Emma’s defense here, she didn’t know what or who she would be facing when she went down into the mines to get the egg. Regina and Gold were really super vague about it. The most that Emma knew was that Gold “hid [the egg] with her” and then Gold gave Emma a sword case. Emma didn’t know what or who “her” was. They didn’t tell Emma anything else. Basically, Gold told Emma to go get the egg, and oh by the way you might need this sword.

When Emma gets down there she comes across the dragon, it wakes up and attacks her. Emma at that time didn’t even know that was Maleficent or that was anything other than just a dragon that was trying to kill her and that she needed to slay it first to get the egg to save Henry. So it’s not like Emma went down there with malicious intentions of specifically killing evil villain Maleficent, who just so happens to be in dragon form. Since Emma was left in the dark about what was really going on and didn’t know who everyone was, what she did is akin to Charming's backstory when he first impersonated his twin, James, and killed that dragon, and no one thinks Charming is even a little bit dark because of that incident.

Edited by FabulousTater
  • Love 4

I think the bottom line is Emma is that character who doesn't have a problem crossing that line to protect someone she loves.  Maleficent as the dragon being slayed leaves me very meh because it was a bloody dragon who was trying to roast her which I'm sure is not a very pleasant experience.  We can ask the three guards if they hadn't been so utterly incinerated that there was nothing left of them.


I don't really remember her doing anything in season 2, but season 3, there was the lost boy and the whole heart ripping thing, crossing the town line with Pan where I'm pretty sure she was going to just kill him if he hadn't turned out to be Henry.  She wanted to do away with Zelena after Neal died but Hook went on about how revenge wasn't all it was cracked up to be, but when she used her magic to free Henry from Zelena, she actually burned her with it (maybe that's what light magic is supposed to do to someone like Zelena, so who knows).  And she didn't have a problem going there with Ingrid, it was Elsa who didn't want her to be harmed.


When push comes to shove, Emma will cross that line and I don't think any of us should be surprised or shocked by that since she has toed it but never gone there because something happened every time where she did not have to do anything deemed drastic.  The writers already have their "built-in" darkness for Emma.  I guess all that's needed is a shove in that direction.


If she had a problem with any of this, I don't think she would be with someone like Hook who has a laundry list of shit he has done, no matter how changed he is and no matter how many times he does the right thing (I refuse to use the words hero or villain anymore), she would not have gone near him.  

  • Love 3
Emma could douse Hook in gasoline and burn him alive on Main street for sport and Henry & Snow would still automatically be on her side.

I didn't mean they'd be upset with her because something happened to Hook. More like Emma comes up with desperate and kind of ruthless plan to defeat Rumple. Snow protests because there has to be a better way. Emma doesn't see a better way and figures that Rumple's already had multiple chances and they just need to deal with him once and for all, no matter what that takes (only on this show would that be considered "dark," but it is this show). Hook, of course, is all-in. Emma goes through with the plan with Hook's assistance, but it somehow backfires, doesn't defeat Rumple, does something to Hook that makes Emma think she's lost him, maybe has some other bad consequence. That's when Snow and Henry would be all "I can't believe you did that! Heroes don't do that! You could have found a better way!" with Henry adding the "I can't believe you tried to kill my grandpa! He's family!" and that's the last thing Emma needs to hear when she's grieving and guilt-stricken and needs her family more than ever, and with Hook gone, she feels like she has no one in her corner. And that's when she might be lured in by the QOD, telling her they also want to defeat Rumple, and now Emma wants revenge. Of course, the whole thing was a setup by Rumple to turn Emma dark, as he was the one who planted the info for the desperate plan and made sure something would happen to Hook (he can't kill him until he can do the hat ritual again) so it would drive Emma over the edge.

I think the bottom line is Emma is that character who doesn't have a problem crossing that line to protect someone she loves. [...]

But that's the thing. I don't see it as "crossing a line" when essentially all those instances were cases of self defense (the lost boy heart ripping not withstanding). I mean, it's not that I don't think extreme use of force should be taken lightly but it's not like she was bored and decided to kill people. 


The incidences that you mentioned were cases of an active and direct threat to Emma and those that she loves. All those people were trying to kill Emma and/or her family and had made several attempts to do so. I consider stopping bad people who are actively trying to kill you, even if it comes to their death, self-defense. And the writers are implying the opposite. It's not self defense to protect yourself, and even it were, well, self defense = bad (Snow's dark spot, anyone?). That's a sticking point for me. I just don't equate protecting yourself and others from people who are actively trying to kill you as bad or "dark". That's why I can't equate Emma going "dark" to when she's protecting people from those that are trying to kill her and her family.  

Edited by FabulousTater

Yes, they are ALL bad people, so technically, yeah, I agree with what you're saying.  


It's this show, so I'm not expecting anything that makes real sense or any justification that would make sense regarding Emma.  Honestly, at this point, I love my hair too much to keep tearing at it because this show makes me so angry at times.


Just bring on "dark" Emma already so that we can see what's going on with that, already.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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I don't really remember her doing anything in season 2

Well, she was talking about leaving Hook tied to a tree so he'd be helpless when the ogres came for him, which doesn't exactly count as self defense. And she left Hook chained up on the beanstalk, going back on their deal, because she couldn't take the chance of trusting him. That's borderline, since he wasn't an immediate threat to her or her loved ones. She was just taking action on the basis that he could possibly have been a threat. But that's more "common sense" than "dark." Except maybe on this show.

I wish the show had the guts to have Emma go dark. We already know she is willing to get her hands dirty in ways that Snow isn't, and that she has a lot of pent up anger. She blew open the side of the sheriff station without really trying and that was still white magic. It would be incredibly intriguing for Emma to decide to fight fire with fire, go dark to destroy/defeat the Queens and Rumple, but then for Hook and the Charmings to have to pull her back from the brink and essentially save the town and her from herself.


I posted this back in January, before we got the dark Emma promo. Since now they actually ARE going to go there, this is still the only "dark" version of Emma I want to see. One who will get her hands dirty and do what is necessary to protect her loved ones, even if it's "not what heroes do" and not fighting fair. 

  • Love 1

Well, she was talking about leaving Hook tied to a tree so he'd be helpless when the ogres came for him, which doesn't exactly count as self defense.

She and Team Princess thought Hook had played a part with Cora in killing the villagers of Haven, so I guess in their minds leaving him tied to a tree was more like justice. Definitely not nice or self defense, but again, it's not like Emma and Team Princess just came across him on the road and randomly decided to tie him to a tree for no good reason. Which is, you know, what Regina probably did for fun between breakfast and mid-morning tea.


And she left Hook chained up on the beanstalk, going back on their deal, because she couldn't take the chance of trusting him. That's borderline, since he wasn't an immediate threat to her or her loved ones.

And she had Anton let him go free after 10 hours or so. So that's not dark as much as I guess dirty but smart poker. I know Colin is pretty but I would not have trusted Hook at that point either. All Emma and Team Princess knew about him was that he was a ruthless pirate out for revenge against Rumpel and he had allied himself with Cora (their enemy). That kind of rep doesn't exactly scream "trustworthy ally".

Edited by FabulousTater
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Filming Spoiler: Henry standing in the middle of the street, shouts something and then runs to a car parked haphazardly in the middle of an intersection (library/gas station/storybrooke hardware intersection). Car looks empty. Another empty looking car at the end of the street (near they Storybrooke Savings and Loan). Town becomes a ghost-town? Or people to be added to the cars later?  Nightmare of Henry being left alone if everybody else goes back to the EF?

  • Love 1

Filming Spoiler: Henry standing in the middle of the street, shouts something and then runs to a car parked haphazardly in the middle of an intersection (library/gas station/storybrooke hardware intersection). Car looks empty. Another empty looking car at the end of the street (near they Storybrooke Savings and Loan). Town becomes a ghost-town? Or people to be added to the cars later?  Nightmare of Henry being left alone if everybody else goes back to the EF?

It's the raaaaapture!  *flails around*

  • Love 3
Previous scene was apparently Regina, Emma, and the Apprentice walking down Main Street towards Gold's.


Gold's store had "Closed" sign on it if that means anything.


But that's the thing. I don't see it as "crossing a line" when essentially all those instances were cases of self defense (the lost boy heart ripping not withstanding).


Yes, but they show that she is willing to do something a little more extreme to save Henry.  They actually showed us a debate where Snow was opposed to ripping the heart and Emma held her back. And the heart ripping yielded very little result.


These issues aren't always black and white, but live along a continuum. If it is okay to rip out a heart of a child in order to give your child hope, maybe a step a little bit further down the continuum isn't all that bad either. It's the old slippery slope. Annikan doesn't start out evil either. His motives are good ones, but he gradually does worse and worse things to protect those he loves.


I'm not saying the Emma is evil or her actions are evil, just that we've seen her toe the line of what is acceptable a few times, so if she steps a little further over the line or considers it, they actually have some continuity there. It's not out of left-field.


That's why Snow being EVIL is so hard to accept because the woman has been so far on the side of goodness that it smells like retcon.  How can they make her do something that is so bad and keep it consistent with what we've seen?


I don't think Emma is going to start slaughtering villages, but a little torture, heart stealing or preventative maiming is something she might do if she thinks it might save Henry. And if she can do that, maybe she can be convinced to take another step over the line. Regina eased over the line too and Rumple had to cook up an entire fake Frankestein charade in order to give her her first push to true evilness.

  • Love 1

Things are getting even more weird:


They are filming a scene where Henry gets into the bug, drivers side.

If Henry ends up alone in Storybrooke while everyone else is sent back to EF, I can see Emma doing whatever it takes to go back to him, even going dark. Maybe the season cliffhanger is that half the characters are in Storybrooke and the other half in EF (with at least CS separated, and Emma and Regina together).



Ugh. It sounds like an SQ version of the CS movie from last season.

Yeah. At first I thought the finale was going to be a two-hours Outlaw Queen movie, but now I fear it's going to be a two-hours Swan Queen movie.

Edited by RadioGirl27
So that's not dark as much as I guess dirty but smart poker.

That's why I said it was common sense. It's also the closest parallel I can think of to Snow refusing to work with Maleficent. Both Maleficent and Hook may have been totally sincere, but they'd been untrustworthy enough in the past that it made sense not to trust either of them in those circumstances. I don't consider either of those instances to be all that dark, or even anything to be ashamed of, so there better be a lot more to the Snow story than just Mal being separated from her baby because Snow didn't help her.

They are filming a scene where Henry gets into the bug, drivers side.


There are actually two yellow bugs there today. One was parked on the street and the other was parked beside the library behind the line of filming. IDK if that is relevant either. Maybe one of the crew is a fan of the yellow bug.


I wonder who did all the repairs on the bug after Chernabog chewed it up? Did Gusgus have a partner?

Filming Spoiler: Henry standing in the middle of the street, shouts something and then runs to a car parked haphazardly in the middle of an intersection (library/gas station/storybrooke hardware intersection). Car looks empty. Another empty looking car at the end of the street (near they Storybrooke Savings and Loan). Town becomes a ghost-town? Or people to be added to the cars later? Nightmare of Henry being left alone if everybody else goes back to the EF?


This is legitimately the first spoiler from 4B that has me excited for this back half. I hope this means everyone has been transported to another world or alternate dimension. (And can this please lead up to an entire half season without Henry?)

  • Love 1

It sounds to me like an SQ fantasy/wet dream -- just Regina, Emma and Henry alone together, with the Apprentice there as ... the priest to marry them? LOL. I expect Emma and Regina are trying to #SaveHenry and be reunited with their son. Clearly I've lost all emotional attachment to the show, because instead of being furious at the blatant fanservice pandering, I'm just rolling my eyes, snarking and LOLing.

Edited by Souris
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They are filming a scene where Henry gets into the bug, drivers side.


No. I was in Stevenston for lunch and had to park down the street because of the filming. On the way back to the car, they ordered the street cleared (and keep those people in the bank this time!) so we ended up in an alley while Henry was shouting. It was just for a minute and they released everybody to reset. Sorry, I didn't notice much because we were busy chatting while we were walking  (of course, we were quiet during the filming) and we were only briefly on Moncton.


Isn't Tom or whatever his name was (Hansel and Gretel's dad) a mechanic?


You are right. Didn't he come out to the town line to fix the car when it suddenly developed car trouble. He'll have some work to do on that bug.

Edited by kili
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No scenes with Ariel sorry.


Then why is Ariel even here...?


So that door page from the Author is one of the doors in the Mad Hatter's portal room. I wonder if everyone is going there if they're leaving to another world? I guess being sucked back to EF would make more sense, but I would find that boring unless there was some imminent threat to make it different.

I've been thinking about this spoilers about Henry. What if this is Regina's (not so) happy ending. The Author takes her back to the tabern and she chooses Robin, making the new page real, so there is no curse and everybody goes back to EF to be who they should have been: Snow and Charming are Queen and King, Emma is a princess, Hook goes back to drunken pirate, etc., and Henry is left behind. But, somehow Regina remembers Henry and tries to go back to him, and we have a finale with Regina being a hero, saving everybody.

  • Love 2

Well, it would kind of make sense to have Henry alone since he was the only one not born in the EF. I wonder if it has something to do with them going to Gold's shop. Perhaps Gold is pissed off about something and somehow sends them all back. Or maybe this is finally where Will comes in. I keep wondering if he's dating Belle for ulterior reasons like he's trying to find something in Gold's shop that can get him back to Ana. I hope that doesn't mean a return to Wonderland since that was the whole point of the spinoff but maybe it could mean a return to the EF somehow for everyone who was born there. Pulling Will in would explain Barbara Hershey's return as well and justify making Socha a regular if this was the plan at the start of the season, which I'm assuming it was.

I've been thinking about this spoilers about Henry. What if this is Regina's (not so) happy ending. The Author takes her back to the tabern and she chooses Robin, making the new page real, so there is no curse and everybody goes back to EF to be who they should have been: Snow and Charming are Queen and King, Emma is a princess, Hook goes back to drunken pirate, etc., and Henry is left behind. But, somehow Regina remembers Henry and tries to go back to him, and we have a finale with Regina being a hero, saving everybody.


Or maybe the Apprentice is sort of like The Ghost of Christmas Future showing her what it would be like. Though of course they have to include Emma along for the ride to create the SQ fantasy.


Though I don't know why Henry wouldn't just cease to be in either case, since Emma and Neal wouldn't have met if the curse wasn't cast. They'll hand wave it somehow. (Pay no attention to the plot hole behind the curtain!)


And, of course, they will show that Regina was actually a HERO for casting the curse and should be celebrated for it, since she made everyone's lives better, doncha know. The kingdom has probably overthrown Snowing for being crap rulers. Ruby has eaten a string of boyfriends. Archie fell prey to a hungry toad in his cricket form. That sort of thing.

Well, it would kind of make sense to have Henry alone since he was the only one not born in the EF


Baby Do Over was not born in the EF either.  There's a lot of kids, babies who would be left behind.


Then why is Ariel even here...?

Wanna hear my theory?  Just because I've been thinking about this for a week or so now.


Is there any chance Hook "summons" her?  We have seen it done in Neverland by Rumple and Regina because they needed her to retrieve something.  Maybe he does the same because he needs her to retrieve something for him back in the Enchanted Forest that has to do with Ursula?  


We know from A&E and those three "clues" that one of them is voice which clearly identifies Ursula and I believe RadioGirl is the one who came up with the maybe Hook stole Ursula's voice.  In the Little Mermaid movie, when Ursula took Ariel's voice, she put it in a shell or whatever that thing was and wore it around her neck to lure Prince Eric to her.  What if we're getting a retread of the movie, but starring Ursula instead.  Hook takes manages to take her voice somehow, puts it in something and has it stashes somewhere, maybe on the Jolly Roger or some island where he buried his treasure.  He asks her to help him and Ariel being Ariel, she probably does especially since she was grateful that Ursula gave merfolk legs once a year where they can go on land.  I don't see her turning him down and since he is repentant of his past sins, I can see him being all apologetic.  She wouldn't turn him down.

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