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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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in the music links for Firebird....heard a lot of the CS theme from the Neverland kiss....only it sounds even more romantic ...at least to my ears.....


Definitely. And this part sounds so beautiful. Mark Isham tweeted this clip with the comment:This scene u guys... It sounds rousing, hopeful. This could be the True Love pedestal scene. Chiils. 


Apparently the cameraman accidentally pointed the camera at the TV screen at one point. lol  It was a scene with Emma in a ponytail. 


I'm also feeling really bad for her, thanks to Mader's performance.


I too am finding her sympathetic, quite against my will. :-p I think it's becasue she is no longer just a cardboard cut out. She is getting better development in two episodes than Robin in all of his!

Edited by Rumsy4
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Like, there's an unequal balance of sorts like the imbalance CS had due to the 1 yr timeskip where Hook's love for Emma was cemented while Emma didn't have that opportunity due to the memory loss. So another CS parallel o sorts :P [...] I feel bad for Zelena a little. She's so stressed out. She's so worried that if she makes another wrong move Regina will snatch Pistachio away from her forever.


There was also CS/True Love parallels with the "let me guess, stay here with you" and "we make a good team" lines. Also, Regina shouldn't have much say in whether or not Pistachio gets taken away from Zelena considering she's not even the biological parent, nor should she judge a villainous parent after all the crap she put Henry through for years and no one punished her for it.

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I'm a little confused just how much Zelena is redeeming herself. Is she at the point where's just willing to play nice to see her daughter, or is she legitimately attempting to change? She grinned in 5x17 when she saw Hades' gift, but in the sneak peek she's very apprehensive. 

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KingOfHearts, on 12 Apr 2016 - 9:54 PM, said:

I'm a little confused just how much Zelena is redeeming herself. Is she at the point where's just willing to play nice to see her daughter, or is she legitimately attempting to change? She grinned in 5x17 when she saw Hades' gift, but in the sneak peek she's very apprehensive. 


I'd say we'll have to wait and see but I guess the spoilers point to Zelena making a legitimate attempt at changing.

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I'm a little confused just how much Zelena is redeeming herself. Is she at the point where's just willing to play nice to see her daughter, or is she legitimately attempting to change? She grinned in 5x17 when she saw Hades' gift, but in the sneak peek she's very apprehensive. 


She grinned because it's evidence someone loves her, which makes her happy, but that doesn't mean she isn't still apprehensive about actually joining Hades or being in a relationship with him, she's still very insecure about it.

Edited by Mathius
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Regina is friends with Red now? Or I guess Zelena thinks she is, at least. They've barely interacted since Red was hanging out with Charming while Emma and Snow were gone in Season 2. Maybe they became buddies in the missing year, but not enough to keep Red from wanting to go back to the EF.

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Will the general audience even remember who Claude is?

I hate to say it, but I don't even remember who Claude is. Can anyone tell me what epi to re-watch so that I can jog my memory? Edited by Jul 68
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Will the general audience even remember who Claude is?

Regina: You remember Claude?

Hook: Can't say that I do.

Regina: You killed him in the cell block.

Hook: Ah, yes. I didn't recognize him without my hook in his neck.


If Hook can't remember after 5 minutes, I'm not sure the audience will after 72 episodes.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Yeah, Hook didn't remember poor Claude either.


I honestly think Claude is there for Regina, as her only named Dark Knight, excluding Graham who they obviously can't get. I will be pleasantly surprised if he interacts with Belle or Hook.

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InsertWordHere, on 13 Apr 2016 - 1:41 PM, said:

Yeah, Hook didn't remember poor Claude either.


I honestly think Claude is there for Regina, as her only named Dark Knight, excluding Graham who they obviously can't get. I will be pleasantly surprised if he interacts with Belle or Hook.


Given recent events, it might be in his best interest to stay away from Belle... It would seems that so far, characters from the Underworld have fared a lot better when they came in contact with Regina or Hook.

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I've seen rumblings on Twitter that Robin doesn't die. One Tweet quotes Sean saying this in a recent interview: "We've just wrapped & are on a break until July which gives us the time to do other projects, travel and have family time". Of course, this could just be subterfuge.

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Why would her pack be in Oz? Are they were-monkeys now? I hope they're going to explain how Mulan and Ruby got to Oz. 


I can't believe they ruined that awesome bit of continuity with Mulan remembering her conversation about movies with Neal by using the wrong timestamp. Any chance it can be corrected before the episode airs? 

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First the error in the "Nimue" flashback, now this.  Whoever does the flashback dates needs to be fired, pronto.


I've seen rumblings on Twitter that Robin doesn't die. One Tweet quotes Sean saying this in a recent interview: "We've just wrapped & are on a break until July which gives us the time to do other projects, travel and have family time". Of course, this could just be subterfuge.


Who knows?  The death blind item last month turned out to be about Abbie from "Sleepy Hollow", after all.

Edited by Mathius
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Why is Ruby yelling at Mulan? Why is she even looking for her pack? Hasn't she seen Child of the Moon? Sigh...

Didn't Ruby use "finding her pack" as the reason she was heading back to the EF with a magic bean she just happened to have some time in Season 4 or early Season 5 or something? There was a blink-and-you-'ll-miss-it scene in Grannies to explain why Red wasn't sticking around. She was talking to...Snow? There was definitely a bean involved because it was totally random that she had one.


How she and Mulan got to Oz? Maybe Red has more beans? I'm sure they will just hand-wave the magic.


A week ago, it was so impossible to enter the Underworld that it had never been done by the living before. Now, we've had the living show up three times (first group to get Hook, Zelena/Belle/Pistachio and now Red). Pretty soon we'll find out that there is a train leaving hourly from Paddington Station.


Is Dorothy always angry?

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I've seen rumblings on Twitter that Robin doesn't die. One Tweet quotes Sean saying this in a recent interview: "We've just wrapped & are on a break until July which gives us the time to do other projects, travel and have family time". Of course, this could just be subterfuge.

I can care less if Robin dies or not. But what did they expect Sean to say? "I'm not in the show anymore"? We know that someone is dying, that there is a funeral in episode 21 and that he was in LA while everyone else was filming the finale.

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At this point Sean fans probably hope he DOES die. I mean, the alternative is that they value him so little that they have decided - other than having him randomly disappear during an arc where he could have least been present in the background, like Charming - to completely leave him out of the finale. What actor wants that?

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Many years ago is more like a few days ago, especially since I'm pretty sure that's the twister bringing Zelena back to Oz right before Hook dies.

This show is ridiculous. I'd rather they stop trying with the timeline.

Also sneak peek does nothing to up my excitement for this episode and Dorothy always looks pissed.

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Also sneak peek does nothing to up my excitement for this episode and Dorothy always looks pissed.


Ugh, yes.  I found myself actually looking at the clock wondering when the clip would end because I was that bored.  I don't care one iota about any thing related to this trio (as it relates the main cast and getting out of the underworld), and now I'm going into the THIRD week of dull episodes.  When will this mid season lull be over?!  For some reason, this one is feeling especially long and boring to me.  

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Yeah, that time stamp should be only reading "a week ago" at most. And I'm still don't understand why Ruby's looking for her pack. Like, they're all dead, aren't they?

And yeah, looks like Dorothy's permanently grumpy; just like Merida. :(

Ruby's become quite the expert at realm hopping. She's been to all the realms the main gang have except Neverland.

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When will this mid season lull be over?!  For some reason, this one is feeling especially long and boring to me.  


It'll be over after this one.  5x19, "Sisters", will pick things up again, with Cora, Pan AND James all returning.


And yeah, looks like Dorothy's permanently grumpy; just like Merida. :(


It's not that she's "grumpy" that's the problem. Emma used to be permanently grumpy and she was fine. Grumpy was permanently grumpy, and he was fine. Dorothy (like Merida before her) goes beyond "grumpy", she's just flat-out PMSing.


I doubt it can be fixed before it airs though.


It can still be fixed for the Itunes/DVD/Blu-ray release, though, like the similar mistake in 5x07 was.

Edited by Mathius
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Ugh, the sneak peek.  Dorothy is totally unlikable and bitchy, and Red is all sweet and let me help you.  I'm getting visions of the awful and random Regina / Emma dynamic in 4X05.  My interest in this episode plummets by the minute.

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There's one thing I'm really curious how Dorothy ends up in the Underworld after being put under this "unbreakable curse". Is it like dying, and that's why Ruby is in the Underworld looking for her? I find the situation very confusing. And I'm sure it will be even more confusing after the episode is in the bag.


The only insight it might offer is how to break Killian (and everyone else) out of the Underworld, because the following episode looks like Hades doubling his efforts in wooing Zelena by taking her out for a drive in his car. He's really working hard for that kiss, isn't he?

Edited by YaddaYadda
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In the Wizard of Oz book, Kansas is portrayed as an unforgiving place that sucks the youth out of people. (Mostly Auntie Em.) Dorothy was also much poorer than in the MGM film - her house has only one room. Living in that kind of setting for years could make someone very abrasive. Dorothy, I believe, has more reason to be that way than Merida. That being said, I hope she gets to feel something else besides anger.

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Didn't Ruby use "finding her pack" as the reason she was heading back to the EF with a magic bean she just happened to have some time in Season 4 or early Season 5 or something? There was a blink-and-you-'ll-miss-it scene in Grannies to explain why Red wasn't sticking around. She was talking to...Snow? There was definitely a bean involved because it was totally random that she had one.

Yes. But she killed her mother. So I don't see that pack welcoming her back. She hasn't belonged to any orher pack. Maybe that's why she is in Oz. The werewolves of Oz would know nothing about her history.

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The actress who plays young Zelena is posting on Instagram pictures of herself with Lana, Jen and Colin, saying it was nice to work with them. I think it would be odd if she was in a scene with them, but who knows with this show. Maybe she just meant it was nice to work on the same show as them.

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Yes. But she killed her mother. So I don't see that pack welcoming her back


Since when is killing your parents on this show treated as something unforgiveable?

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The timeline marker in the sneak peek has been fixed. It now says "Oz, Some time ago..." I found the fixed version on Once's Facebook page. I love how vague they kept it, even though it's about a week.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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^ well good for them, at least.

I was hoping they'd put a less vague time stamp though, because I want to know how long the gang has been in the underworld. Although one can already guess about a week (plus or minus a few days) if Snowing are considered regulars.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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The actress who plays young Zelena is posting on Instagram pictures of herself with Lana, Jen and Colin, saying it was nice to work with them. I think it would be odd if she was in a scene with them, but who knows with this show. Maybe she just meant it was nice to work on the same show as them.

Wait - she's green as a kid?   I thought she didn't turn green with envy (of Regina) till she was older?

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It seems pretty clear from the spoilers that the LGBT couple is Ruby/Dorothy and that they get a TLK to free Dorothy from the curse.


I do not understand why they dropped the obviously set up Ruby/Mulan. People were already invested in them as a couple because we knew them and rooted for them individually. Is ANYBODY invested in Dorothy? Do they actually think people will be invested in Ruby Slippers as a couple in one ep? Really foolish IMO.

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Definitely. And this part sounds so beautiful. Mark Isham tweeted this clip with the comment:This scene u guys... It sounds rousing, hopeful. This could be the True Love pedestal scene. Chiils. 


Apparently the cameraman accidentally pointed the camera at the TV screen at one point. lol  It was a scene with Emma in a ponytail. 



I too am finding her sympathetic, quite against my will. :-p I think it's becasue she is no longer just a cardboard cut out. She is getting better development in two episodes than Robin in all of his!


LOL..I don't find Zelena particularly sympathetic, as even Belle can figure out she will screw anyone over to get her way...but Mader seems to be having so much fun playing her that it is infectious and you just kind of want her to win...I love Regina but her quips come off as a big grump where Zelena just seems to be having fun being bad, er wicked.  I guess that is why Cruella works too... both Rump and Regina have become so morose they aint fun anymore.


As for the upcoming episode.. gay Dorothy and Red sounds like fun, as long as there is no Merida to be seen. Zelena could redeem herself by killing Phillip so Aurora can run off with Mulan..finally.

Edited by Mitch
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Hopefully 5x18 will make Dorothy a little more sympathetic. Her introduction in 5x16 was less than stellar. That Auntie Em casting is a good sign. If she doesn't get to slow down or get any real characterization, she's just another Merida.


Didn't A&E say that they were introducing the LGBT couple in 5x09? I thought Mulan Rouge was intended to become canon. They could have always changed their mind, of course.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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It seems pretty clear from the spoilers that the LGBT couple is Ruby/Dorothy and that they get a TLK to free Dorothy from the curse.


I do not understand why they dropped the obviously set up Ruby/Mulan. People were already invested in them as a couple because we knew them and rooted for them individually. Is ANYBODY invested in Dorothy? Do they actually think people will be invested in Ruby Slippers as a couple in one ep? Really foolish IMO.


Wait, which spoilers are we going by?  Just the stills with the flower?  That still doesn't prove it...Dorothy may very well be gay, but that might end up just being a catalyst for Ruby to come out and admit her feelings to Mulan.  


IF they go with Dorothy/Ruby rather than Mulan/Ruby, then I'm blaming Disney, because you cannot convince me that Mulan/Ruby wasn't the plan, but maybe Disney wouldn't allow one of their precious Princess characters to be in an out-and-out gay relationship in any media. Non-stated bisexual feelings for another Princess, sure, actual gay relationship, no.

Edited by Mathius
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