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S25.E10: Smells Like Dirty Tube Socks

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More concerning is does Bethany own a bra with some support?

I was impressed the wrestlers banged out that fishy dirty water challenge. Those buckets looked heavy and unwieldy and then the next challenge was slogging thru deep mud steering an ox. Long day! I don't care for them but am impressed at the endurance.

Shocked that the dentists are in their 30s. I thought they were in their 50s talking about their grandkids! Misti's hair and cake up screams aging.

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My mother says that if you are going to lie about your age, you should say you are older than you are rather than say you are younger, as most people who fake their age do.  If you arte 60 and tell everyone you are 70, they all think you look amazing and marvel at how good you are physically.  If you are 60 and say you are 50, everyone thinks "wow, she sure looks bad for 50."  I guess it is the same theory with people having cosmetic work done too early, or maybe just having it done at all.  I don't know for sure if Jim and Misty have had any cosmetic procedures, but they give impression that they have. And if you give off the impression that you have done something to look younger, people will automatically add years to how old they think you look. Plus, I think most people naturally assume that you don't get that sort of work done until you hit at least 40, so we guess their ages to be in their forties.  Actually, if I saw them n real life, I might have put them in their early 50s - but if they were that old, it would get mentioned on the race a lot.


Racers should be fined every time they tell a cabbie or any other minimum wage worker - Hurry I'm in a race for a million dollars!!  If I was the cabbie I would be letting off the gas and stopping at every red light  - stopping at the green ones too, perhaps forgetting how to use my gas peddle.  I would forget the most famous attractions in my city or how to get to them, take a 10 mile detour....  Shut up about the race for a million already!!  


I have never been a cab driver, but I would think that when someone gets in your cab and immediately talks about how they are in a hurry and how important it is to them to get somewhere as quickly as possible (in this case,the reason is to win a race), if you get them there quickly, you get a better than average tip.  The passengers have mentioned that they are racing for a million dollars and it is not farfetched for a cabbie to hope "maybe if I help them win they will tip me big when the race is over" - there are people there with cameras filming, it wouldn't be difficult to track down the cabbie after the race is over and reward him for his help. 


Then again, there may be plenty of cabbies that purposely go slower because they find the "I'm in race for a million to be obnoxious, we just don't know they are doing it (they probably wouldn't make it obvious if they are being filmed - they don't want to lose their jobs.  Maybe some of the instances of bad taxi luck are really cabbies getting revenge.


I don't recall hearing the "fat girl's socks" simile before.  I'm going to start using that one!


I guess I am not as overweight as I thought - my socks aren't tight at all.  I think it would have been funnier if Jim said, while his eyes were bulging, "it is as tight as my face."

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I am not overweight and my gym socks always seem to look tight. I just had my physical and my Doctor confirmed that I am not overweight. I did not ask her why my socks look so tight...


On the Taxi's, I think it would work better if you got in and told the driver that quick, reliable service gets a tip that is equivalent to a days pay. In many of the countries that they are travelling to, that is not a lot of money and the racers can afford it. In my limited travel to second and third world countries, I found that five bucks goes a really, really, long way.

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The discussion of "fat girl's socks" reminds me of the time on Friends when Ross was making a list of pros and cons between Rachel and the other girl and one of Rachel's cons was "she has thick ankles".  Never mind the other horrible stuff that was on the list... it seems that when she saw the list, "thick ankles" was the thing that most offended her.  So I guess maybe talking about a "fat girl's socks" is supposed to be some kind of intense insult.


I guess it is the same theory with people having cosmetic work done too early, or maybe just having it done at all.  I don't know for sure if Jim and Misty have had any cosmetic procedures, but they give impression that they have.
I am glad that other people are finding them old looking, from the start I thought they were about 45 and was very surprised to see they are both supposedly 37.  I think they look really bad for their age.  Too much time spent in the tanning booth, too much steroids (wouldn't be surprised if she's taken some as well, she was Mrs. Galaxy), too much cosmetic surgery (she's a cosmetic dentist, it would stand that she is in favour of procedures).  Personally, I don't really get why they are such a slave to their own vanity.  He's an orthodontist, it's not like he needs the overbulked body and blindingly white straight teeth (probably a lot of caps/crowns involved) to get patients.  As for her?  Seems like a very vain and shallow person.  I don't get at all why she was supposedly so concerned about the children when she seems so concerned about the superficial.
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Do we know for a fact there weren't Road Blocks? Because sometimes there are but they just don't get shown, for whatever reason.


Well, it doesn't seem like the producers mind if teams talk about tasks that don't make it to air (that's how we know about previous unaired tasks).  FWIW, Kym and Alli recapped each of their legs in YouTube videos and never once mentioned unaired RBs.


I do think it was just a matter of the Producers saying, "hey, this punting and this sheep-herding look too exhausting for members of some of our wimpier teams."

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And I've finally found a chink in my admiration of Bethany. It's fine if you want to leave any particular traditionally "male" task to your male partner. I have no problems admitting that I do not barbecue, and leave that task solely to my husband. But don't make it because he's a man, and you're just a little girly-girl who couldn't possibly do something that required the mechanical aptitudes only bestowed by a y chromosome. I think I found it extra annoying because she's kind of an amazing role model for girls, and I just hate that she said something like that. They're still my favourites, but I did not love that.

I wouldn't take Bethany's comments to heart. This is a woman who at age 13 was back in the water re-learning how to surf (I imagine one armed surfing is much harder due to balance issues amongst other problems) a mere 3 weeks after having her arm bitten off by a shark. Three weeks!  That's a strong woman. A strong human being.   The simple day to day tasks we take for granted, she has to do one handed. Even putting her hair in that cute little bun has to be a nightmare.  From my reading on Bethany and watching her on this race, I really can't imagine there is anything Bethany wouldn't do  unless it was impossible due to her handicap (such as working with tools requiring two hands as in this challenge).  She does not strike me as the "helpless woman needing a man" type  in any way.   

Edited by Molly by golly
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i could be wrong but i'm pretty sure any taxi they get is there to drive for the show--meaning it's a choice to drive for the amazing race teams.therefore,i doubt they're that bothered even if it's rude

Edited by tds444
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i could be wrong but i'm pretty sure any taxi they get is there to drive for the show...


I'm not sure I understand.  Do you mean that taxis provided by production for use by racers?  If so, I disagree.  On occasion, a car with driver is provided, and this fact is specifically declared.  Usually they add that the driver will not help the team, and will only drive as directed.  I can't remember the last time they did this. 


Otherwise, if they hail a taxi or grab one from a taxi stand, or ask someone to phone for one, they get a regular taxi with a regular driver, who they have to deal with just like any regular fare.  They might get a jewel, or a turd, all by random chance.

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There are certain things every racer should know about and prepare for: 


  1. how to swim
  2. how to drive a stick shift
  3. how to read and follow a map
  4. how to say please and thank you
  5. how to #READTHECLUE
  6. and how to never Never NEVER invoke bad taxi karma
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i could be wrong but i'm pretty sure any taxi they get is there to drive for the show...

I'm not sure I understand.  Do you mean that taxis provided by production for use by racers?  If so, I disagree.




Yeah, I kinda doubt that Moscow driver who drove off with James and Abba's stuff was helpfully provided by TAR. The whole idea is probably a lawsuit waiting to happen.

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to clarify I meant that with the cameras there,they know they're driving for people on a race/show and therefore probably get that emotions run high vs people who are just tourists. Not condoning being rude however.

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Do cabbies in Manila get The Amazing Race on tv?  Do they have tvs?  

Yes, they do get to see it via AXN Asia.  Also, they've even had their own edition.


Edited to add:  I see I'm not the first person to address this.  :)

Edited by Minerette
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I'm afraid of spoilers in the other threads, so will ask here if tonight is the finale of this season?  I thought they got down to three teams for the finale (seen every season, you'd think I would know).  Next week seems really close to Christmas and the rerun season...

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Many thanks, fishcakes!  I could not imagine getting from four teams to the finish line in one hour tonight!  And I still long for the two-hour finales.  (I watched online last week, so thought I might have missed "Next week, on The Amazing Race, who will win one million dollars?!") 

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