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Ratings and Scheduling: Hail to the Gods

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A raise is only going to come when the contract is up and the negotiations happen so probably only if Arrow goes past season seven.  Even then she could just get a few perks, like the chance to direct rather than a big payout.  At least that's the way it worked on Smallville.  Popularity does matter then, a lot.  Allison Mack has talked about how she was able to point to a fan made and paid for commercial about her character at the end of season 9 to demand a good deal for her return in season 10.   

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A raise is only going to come when the contract is up and the negotiations happen so probably only if Arrow goes past season seven.  Even then she could just get a few perks, like the chance to direct rather than a big payout.  At least that's the way it worked on Smallville.  Popularity does matter then, a lot.  Allison Mack has talked about how she was able to point to a fan made and paid for commercial about her character at the end of season 9 to demand a good deal for her return in season 10.   

If the contract doesn't require a raise or a bonus, that doesn't mean they can't do it anyway. Studios have been known to give talent cars, etc., when they're happy with the talent, not because they have to, but bc they want to. (Not out of the goodness of their hearts, but to keep valued talent happy.)

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The contracts usually stipulate a % raise for every season. The dudes on SPN are making something like 175K per episode now, because the show's been going on so long.

Sure, of course. I meant a big change to her base salary rather than anything incremental. 




If the contract doesn't require a raise or a bonus, that doesn't mean they can't do it anyway. Studios have been known to give talent cars, etc., when they're happy with the talent, not because they have to, but bc they want to. (Not out of the goodness of their hearts, but to keep valued talent happy.)

I think I might be more cynical than you on this point.  :D  Hard to believe!  Lol. 

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According to the Programming Insider Arrow and Flash tied in the male 18-34 demos. (The 18-49 numbers for Arrow seems to be wrong because they dont add up to the rating. Probably mistakenly copied from the SPN ratings. The 18-34 seems to be accurate according to the press release from the CW on Wednesday). Also LOT demo breakdown for comparison.






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Do demos still reflect accurately who watches?  I noticed that the 18-49 demos are higher than the 18-34 ones in most categories but isn't that more a reflection of the fact that younger viewers don't have cable?

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Can anyone suggest an alternative to Topsy for Twitter analytics? 


I've been using Keyhole but it's crap compared with Topsy. Haven't really found a free alternative that offered comparisons like Topsy did.


As for the ratings, considering the meager promotions CW did for Arrow throughout the hiatus were all about whether Felicity was dead or alive, IMO, there's no way the suits are interpreting the numbers as anything other than "They really love Felicity!" 

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There is a strong argument that more people tuned in for FSs fate. It will be interesting to see what ratings do now that the people know that FS is not dead both in present & in the future.

My prediction is they will drop to the usual number, maybe a few dips after BM drama plays out.

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I'm curious about the pattern. Olicity had that great 'for better or worst' moment (positive) but the episode ended with the no-ring limo ride (negative).


I read that they were going to expand ratings to include Tumblr, FB and I think at one point YouTube was mentioned as well. Does anyone know how that would work or if/when it would be happening?


I was thinking about the impact that losing Felicity or Diggle would have on the ratings. Arrow seems to have a pretty steady viewership so I'm not sure just how much it would effect the actual ratings, but I think the social media traffic would take a big hit. 

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Yeah, Arrow will always have an audience no matter who dies. But I do agree that social media buzz would take a huge dive. I mean, Arrow was number 1 in the Nielsen TV twitter ratings for 410. That never happens. 

Edited by Angel12d
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I read that they were going to expand ratings to include Tumblr, FB and I think at one point YouTube was mentioned as well. Does anyone know how that would work or if/when it would be happening?


There are two separate things --


Nielsen is gonna start tracking Facebook alongside Twitter:


1. http://www.nielsen.com/us/en/press-room/2016/nielsen-to-launch-social-content-ratings-with-measurement-across-twitter-and-facebook.html


2. http://sites.nielsen.com/newscenter/nielsen-to-measure-total-program-related-conversation-across-twitter-and-facebook/


A company called ListenFirst tracks what they call Digital Audience Ratings for TV, in partnership with Variety. They track Facebook, Google+, Instagram, Tumblr, Wikipedia and YouTube [but not Twitter]:



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Columbia is #77 in Top 100 Markets and has about 400K households. 




I seriously doubt it will have any noticeable impact on Arrow's ratings; t's not like NY, LA or Chicago were preempted.  Also, if the episode aired same day (before 2AM) it still gets counted in the Finals.  So was the episode delayed or was it to be aired at a later date (weekend?).

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You know, I thought Roy's return would be a bigger draw but when I looked at my sheet, all of the Roy episodes scored a 0.9.  The only exception being Tremors in S2 which scored a 1.2 but that also featured the return of Bronze Tiger.

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I was trying to figure out the promotion of the episode and it was kind of all over the place.


The previews felt very VOW with a guest appearance by Roy. KL was doing the interviews talking up LOA and Malcolm. And then post- interviews are focused on Felicity's father.

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I feel like last year was a special case. Arrow rode that crossover high for quite awhile and 3x12 featured Oliver's return from the dead.


The previews on this one felt like filler.


I'm curious if it would have done better if they sold it more on Felicity's father and Nyssa/Thea storyline.

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