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Small Talk: Behavioral Gabbing Unit

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I love her in SitR too, Jen. I have to say my favorite movie of hers came later in her career. A comedy with Albert Brooks called "Mother". She's hilarious, as is he. It's not a perfect film, and falters once in a while, but it's really so funny. My ex-hub and I quoted lines from it for years, and would call it up to watch frequently. 

While I'm no expert, I'm sure that Carrie's passing hastened Debbie's. What a horror to lose a child, no matter her age.

Rest In Peace, fierce Reynolds women. Your light on this plane of existence has gone out, but your legacies will shine forever. 

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I love fashion but most fashion bloggers make my teeth itch. But this faux fashion blogger is a riot! However, I do love the robin's egg blue flats she's wearing in one pic and the cupcake dress is so cute (I can totally see Garcia wearing it). As for vagina pants? I triple dog dare Matthew to wear them. Hmm, Vagina Pants? Spencer, Hold My Earrings next opening act?


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I am so sorry guys, politicians suck in my country too :(

I don't understand why they want banning muslims, more laws like this and American women will be as confortable in their own country as women in middle east.

why women (of any race) always have to take the worts part?  


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2 hours ago, smoker said:

I am so sorry guys, politicians suck in my country too :(

I don't understand why they want banning muslims, more laws like this and American women will be as confortable in their own country as women in middle east.

why women (of any race) always have to take the worts part?  


WTF? Seriously, please excuse my language, but what the fucking fuck of a fuck? That just... It's so asinine... I think my brain is on fire!


This is a guy who is PRO death penalty and who supports gay conversion "therapy" which is pretty much torture and violates human rights on so many levels.

The whole get-pregnant-without-fear card? WTF? Since when are women supposed to fear pregnancy? Oh wait, I guess since he stripped down planned parenthood and there will likely be little to no neonatal care and no support for the children after they are born, they should fear not being able to support the babies.

But the most offensive thing--- suggesting that women would get raped on purpose just so they could get an abortion and have a few days off work? Uh, last I checked, pregnancy usually leads to more time off work. Oh wait, he probably thinks women shouldn't get maternity leave. WTF is going on inside that festering hamster wheel inside his head to make him think these things?

There are just no words for this kind of stupid! Whether someone believes in abortion or not, this shit is just offensive. I have several friends who are victims of rape.  UGH!

And he doesn't believe in abortion for ANY reason-- so, if the mother dies and the baby dies that's cool? GAH!!!

Sorry, it just really really really pisses me off.

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The first statement was true, but then they added the extrapolation about trolling to get pregnant. As much as I don't like Pence, I don't like these trolls who make shit up to (justifiably) upset people. There is fake news out there and it does a horrible disservice to all of us who want to hear the truth, and nothing but.

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It's tough when your country lets you down and when it turns out not to be quite the place you thought it was. My country, the UK, really let me down recently, too. Because of the bad choices of my countrymen, my immigration status is currently all up in the air now and my life is very uncertain. So all my sympathies, to any who feel it.

And yes, smoker, politicians suck everywhere.

Edited by Lebanna
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Thank you normasm, me too. There are about five million of us EU and UK immigrants whose lives have now been made very unstable because of Brexit. Everything is up in the air.

But really I'm thinking today of all those green card and visa holders across the world who can't go home to the US, who can't see friends and family. Of a former classmate who is a Spanish-Iranian citizen, but whose whole family all live in the US. With the immediacy of their problems, they make my situation seem positively secure. Any policy which arbitrarily separates a family for no good reason, has got to be wrong.

And really, I feel for anyone who feels like their rights are being taken away. It seems to be a constant thing now. They're just disappearing.

Edited by Lebanna
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I do hope things get sorted out with BREXIT. I think a huge part of the problem is that the bigots in power have duped the general public in to hating on other groups so they don't see just how corrupt and manipulative they are. Classic divide and conquer tactic. By focusing the rage about things not going well on foreigners/Muslims or such groups, they evade the wrath and can get away with doing stuff that they should not be doing.

They are trying to justify treating innocent people as criminals by proclaiming them the enemies and the cause of their woes.

It happened during the times of the Black Plague (the Jewish people were blamed for it and were slaughtered), it's happened with the Hutu and Tutsi tribes (Belgium turned them against one another so they would not realize they were being oppressed by the Belgians), and it happened again to the Romani and Jewish people in Germany under Hitler's reign. I'm sure there are other historical examples as well.

I really don't want to see a repeat of what happened to the Japanese Americans during WWII. Or what happened to the Native Americans when Andrew Jackson decided to ignore the Constitution and force them out of their own lands. Unfortunately, we are facing history repeating itself in some ways with the persecution of Muslims and the violation of the rights of the people at Standing Rock.

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I hesitate to blame the leaders alone. They push their own agenda -  as political leaders always do - but it is the people's responsibility as voters to decide for themselves what path they want to follow. In this case, the two options were laid out very clearly.

That is part of why I don't understand this whole "Russia rigged the election" debacle. Russia may have released information that the democrats wanted hidden. They did not (as far as we know) hack into electronic polls and alter the votes. The people still voted based on the information they had at the time, and one could argue that a democracy is stronger when the people (voters) have more information to better make an informed decision. The information available was hardly unbalanced - both candidates had flaws that were exposed numerous times. What the Russians did not do is take away the free will of the voters, or the ability of people to actually go out and vote.

Same deal with Brexit - there was a big disparity in terms of age affecting how people voted, but at the end of the day a slim majority of people who thought it worth getting out to vote also thought Brexit was best for the country. Whether they didn't properly think through the consequences or just have different values, Brexit was the result of a democratic process and therefore the people's choice.  

I know plenty of people voted against Trump and against Brexit, but a democracy is based on everyone getting a say. If enough people think one way, then majority rules. 

I do share in the frustration whereby a candidate can win the popular vote but not the election - it happens nearly every election in Canada. One can win a majority government with 30% of the popular vote. In our case, we voted to change this system to make it more democratic. Whether that actually happens and how is a whole other story, but people do want it changed. And no matter the system, the biggest problem is people not caring enough to actually vote. 

Fwiw, the leaders of these parties or movements also only get one vote, the same as everybody else. 

Hi all. I'm not very sure if this is the proper place to ask this, but I'm getting desperate.
So, I recently started watching Criminal Minds and in the end scene of season 3, episode 13 "Limelight" ( where Rosi walks towards his car, while the FBI agent gives an interview) there is an epic soundtrack. Can someone tell me whats the name? I looked a lot for it but I couldn't find it. Also, I'm pretty sure that I have heard it in previous episodes.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards, Vlad!

5 hours ago, qwerty said:

Are blank boxes showing up for anyone else? This is what I see ( I zoomed out for the screenshot, that's why there's some overlapping texts but it's unrelated)


Is this something to do with the new style of the forum? Anyone know how to get rid of the boxes?

Not happening for me, but yes, could be the new style. Do me a favor?  Post this screenshot and your OS & Browser versions in the Bugs forum.


Being a redhead I wear red every day. But I'm currently wearing a vintage silk scarf with red in it, a red rosebud ring, and carrying an Isaac Mizrahi totebag I got for a song.

1 hour ago, Willowy said:

Today is International Women's Day! Wear red in solidarity, sisters!


As head of the alternative BAU-Bad Accessories Unit, I profile this as a, "Bad Ass Look!"

Edited by Bookish Jen
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I want to share a link, it has nothing to do with Criminal Minds just yet (I would love if that changes soon enough).

I hope I am sharing it in the right thread.

It's a place where we can find "The director's commentary" of good amount of films and a few TV series:


Edited by smoker
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Daughter sprained her ankle at the Greenbelt today! 

Three hours in the ER waiting, waiting... then an x-ray... then more waiting! Finally the poor dear overworked Doogie came out and said "Sorry about the wait, we're so crazy busy I haven't eaten all day."

Why he chose to share that with me I don't know, but there's a Mickey D's like two minutes away from the hospital. Willow and I talked about it and she wanted a cheeseburger anyways so I hightailed it up there and got our adorable doc a grilled chicken salad, figuring that was safe. HE HUGGED ME! 

Ever since they turned that place into a trauma center and closed the hospital further South, it's been like a war zone. I fear it's only gonna get worse with all the "changes" proposed within the medical community. 

Anyway, Willow's gonna be pulling a 'season 5 Reid' for a while, on crutches for the next two weeks. I guess we're lucky she didn't break her ankle. Thank goodness for small favors. 

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