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Small Talk: Cup O' Joe


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Staffer rumors heating up. Rumors say jim refused a big nda pay out but is staying silent for the kids. Another rumor joe is drinking again. The Hill and Fourth Estate love to gossip about them.

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1 hour ago, 30rockaway said:

Another rumor joe is drinking again.

That would explain the puffy face/eyes every morning. 

A relationship that starts out with this much drama and pain for family members will probably not end well. 

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Found this tweet from last November to Mika: 

no Mika. Bill Clinton did not give us Trump. We regained our integrity by electing Obama. Twice. YOU and your ilk fed Trump, shoved him down the throats of the gullible on a daily basis.. YOU gave him the platform without a challenge, Until it was too late. Own it, @morningmika

Nailed it. 

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23 hours ago, teddysmom said:

That would explain the puffy face/eyes every morning. 

A relationship that starts out with this much drama and pain for family members will probably not end well. 

Did he have a previous drinking problem?

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I can see this getting really ugly for Mika...


Morning Joe’s Mika Brzezinski Says Donald Trump Pressed Her for the Name of Her Cosmetic Surgeon

“Donald kept calling: where’s Mika? Where’s Mika? Where’s Mika? Bring her over to dinner!”

“Who’s your doctor? Who’s your doctor? I need to go to this doctor! Who’s your doctor?”

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56 minutes ago, 30rockaway said:

here's some news everyone wants to know. Scarborough the band is recording new tracks lol

Yay, because America is bored with ignoring his previous tracks. 

On another note, is Mika an opportunist, or what? Dropping her panties for Joey multiplied her salary about 10x while cutting her work week by at least half or even two thirds. Joey, LOL, seriously, you a mark and you been played. When it eventually happens (and you know it will) this is going to be one of the Best Breakups Ever.

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For all the times I bagged on Scarborough droning on about "soccer" I take back every syllable after reading through this thread.  God bless Roger Bennett and welcome to the USA.  We are thrilled and honored to have you!

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On 5/28/2018 at 6:52 PM, cased said:

I would be willing to bet that Jim Hoffer can’t believe that Mika left him for Joe. 

Nor can anyone else. 

Except that Joe has a bigger wallet (although I bet his hands are pretty small, hence all the bloviating over-compensation.  He and tRump have more in common than he'd care to admit).

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On 5/31/2018 at 7:05 PM, XOQueens said:

I can see this getting really ugly for Mika...


Morning Joe’s Mika Brzezinski Says Donald Trump Pressed Her for the Name of Her Cosmetic Surgeon

“Donald kept calling: where’s Mika? Where’s Mika? Where’s Mika? Bring her over to dinner!”

“Who’s your doctor? Who’s your doctor? I need to go to this doctor! Who’s your doctor?”

She didn't have to answer that question, it's been discussed ad nauseum, we all know the story and the fighting with Maggie Haberman, and the dragging yourself to Mar A Lago in your sweats, blah blah blah but she knew it would get out, and Trump would find out and respond. And the cycle continues. 

And she's making fun of the other women having plastic surgery? Bitch please. 

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Jesus, Mika’s Instagram posts for her daughter’s birthday are so passive aggressive. One is about how her graduation dress was so inappropriate they changed school protocol. Another about how she got her grandmother a gift and she hated it so she had someone exchange it the next day. 

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40 minutes ago, XOQueens said:

passive aggressive

I saw those Instagram posts earlier today before the comments poured in.  Didn't need to mention that protocol changed because of Carlie (who is stunning by the way).  Also didn't need to mention in the past that the wedding of the century planning had to be postponed because of her children.  In spite of all the pain that has been caused, I am glad that Joe and Mika have found each other and will continue to poke, prod and torture each other (passive aggressively of course) so they no longer inflict their behaviors on others.

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Mika retweeted Maureen Dowd’s Clinton’s belated #MeToo moment editorial, bashing in equal parts Bill and Hillary. I’m wondering how long it is before one Mr. Joe Scarborough has his turn under this microscope. Given the track record of his buddies on the show, and his current engagement, I can’t imagine it’s squeaky clean. 

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On 2018-06-06 at 8:41 PM, Chloesmom said:

I saw those Instagram posts earlier today before the comments poured in.  Didn't need to mention that protocol changed because of Carlie (who is stunning by the way).  Also didn't need to mention in the past that the wedding of the century planning had to be postponed because of her children.  In spite of all the pain that has been caused, I am glad that Joe and Mika have found each other and will continue to poke, prod and torture each other (passive aggressively of course) so they no longer inflict their behaviors on others.

I am sitting by the pool overlooking the water. I am starting to reread Mika’s Know Your Value book. It looks like it was published in the Fall of 2010. Weinstein Books was the publisher. Yikes! #metoo.

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Suomi, I take it this is the promo that only has people that actually work for a living.  I think I saw another one similar but when those two popped up they were like sitting on a park bench or something.  smh.

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I just realized that our two favorite goons do appear in MSNBC's "This Is Why We Do It" promo (with voiceovers from former presidents). I was wrong about them not being included in that one, mea culpa.

But they are MIA in "This Is When It Matters" (with the Chet Huntley voiceover) and the new one "This Is How We Do It."

MSNBC excluded them two out of three times while promoting their journalists so I'm good with that.

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knowing they're not *real* journalists.

How dare you!! Beaker and Screech are so too journalists!

Oh, wait you said journalists.  I thought you said egotistical monsters. 

My bad. 

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I was looking at Mika’s mother’s art earlier today and I have to say, those trees Mika is obsessed with are probably her mother’s least interesting thing out there. Carving a tree out of a tree is a little basic after doing it for a number of decades. She has these massive-scale religious sets though. Those are cool. They have this old central European dark vibe to them. Mika, if you’re still keeping up to date with us over here (lol), sign those pieces up for a show yesterday! I have some galleries in mind; message me. Xo ?

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DId we know Mika's daughter Carlie, the one who isn't the only person who ever graduated from Johns Hopkins, has a personality disorder? 

Kasie retweeted her website, calling it brave.  It's color themed pics of Carlie, and she says she uses the changes in nature to relate to her disorder.    I know it could be a private thing, but I'm assuming now it's not if Kasie is retweeting Mika's tweets about the site.   

If she suffers from a disorder that is triggered by slight changes, I cannot imagine what she has gone thru with her Mother's shenanigans. 

Yes my daughter needs me but galavanting around the country with Joe is a lot more fun. 



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Please forgive me as this is slightly off topic but I was wondering why Heilemann hasn't been on much so I wandered over to his Twitter feed.  There has been a new addition to their family and he's adorable (although his big brother may not agree with that just yet):

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Thank you, teddysmom, that was aces! I Shared that right quick. That's the morning I decided that Joey just maybe might could be domestic battery material. Was that the first hand-holding attempt? Fucking shit on her (with witnesses) and then berate and demean her defender and then (disregarding her known preference) reinforce your claim on her. On TV! 

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43 minutes ago, suomi said:

Thank you, teddysmom, that was aces! I Shared that right quick. That's the morning I decided that Joey just maybe might could be domestic battery material. Was that the first hand-holding attempt? Fucking shit on her (with witnesses) and then berate and demean her defender and then (disregarding her known preference) reinforce your claim on her. On TV! 

He makes me so uncomfortable.

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1 hour ago, XOQueens said:

He makes me so uncomfortable.

After ten years of watching these two, I just don't see the love story. I bet it's a roller coaster of mixed messages, bullying, bellowing, insecurity, vodka, icy silences, make-up sex and Ambien, all of which was launched by an imbalance of power and inappropriate boundaries. But, a rock band! And chickens! 

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4 hours ago, suomi said:

Thank you, teddysmom, that was aces!

I was scrolling thru The Opposition clips on  YouTube. Today is their last show :( and I'm in mourning til his new show starts. Saw this one and HAD to share. 


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On ‎6‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 8:12 AM, teddysmom said:

I was scrolling thru The Opposition clips on  YouTube. Today is their last show :( and I'm in mourning til his new show starts. Saw this one and HAD to share. 


Thanks for posting this Teddysmom.  Even though you know what's coming it's still tough/shocking to watch.  I will miss The Opposition.  I was shocked when I heard it was cancelled.  :(

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2 hours ago, Chloesmom said:

anks for posting this Teddysmom.  Even though you know what's coming it's still tough/shocking to watch.  I will miss The Opposition.  I was shocked when I heard it was cancelled.  :(

Did you see last night? The bit he did about The Bad Guys Are Winning was great. 

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7 hours ago, XOQueens said:

EXCLUSIVE: Mika Brzezinski uses her new book to launch fresh attack on Trump the 'misogynist' egomaniac - not saying the previous version called him a 'legend' who 'hires a lot of women'


Xoqueens, thanks for posting this.  Daily Mail dabbling in real journalism, who'da thought?  To be honest I skipped over it because I figured it was a plant by a publicist but it's actually a very good and informative read.  Now we know they not only rewrite history on the air, they do it in print.

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18 hours ago, teddysmom said:

Did you see last night? The bit he did about The Bad Guys Are Winning was great. 

To quote something I read on a pillow at TJ Maxx . . . wow again, such a well written and delivered show.  I am so sorry they cancelled it.  Well I still have my little rascal Jim Jeffries . . . :)

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In this weekend’s edition of Mika and Joe Passive Aggressiveness:

Not too long ago Know Your Value Mika posted a Know Your Value tip about taking crucial time off to recharge on weekends, with the ever helpful former Congressmen from Florida telling everyone she is really bad at putting her phone down and she just needs to do it. Mika Know Your Value agreed. Weekend working + phone addiction = bad.

Saturday, Mika Doesn’t Know Her Value posted two photos of Joe sitting alone in various strange places on his phone supposedly working. Some caption about, if there is service he will be working.

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43 minutes ago, XOQueens said:

In this weekend’s edition of Mika and Joe Passive Aggressiveness:

Not too long ago Know Your Value Mika posted a Know Your Value tip about taking crucial time off to recharge on weekends, with the ever helpful former Congressmen from Florida telling everyone she is really bad at putting her phone down and she just needs to do it. Mika Know Your Value agreed. Weekend working + phone addiction = bad.

Saturday, Mika Doesn’t Know Her Value posted two photos of Joe sitting alone in various strange places on his phone supposedly working. Some caption about, if there is service he will be working.

If these two aren't the poster children for narcissists (besides our CIC) I don't know what is.  Do as I Tweet, not as I do . . . gross.

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On 7/1/2018 at 9:29 AM, XOQueens said:

In this weekend’s edition of Mika and Joe Passive Aggressiveness:

Not too long ago Know Your Value Mika posted a Know Your Value tip about taking crucial time off to recharge on weekends, with the ever helpful former Congressmen from Florida telling everyone she is really bad at putting her phone down and she just needs to do it. Mika Know Your Value agreed. Weekend working + phone addiction = bad.

Saturday, Mika Doesn’t Know Her Value posted two photos of Joe sitting alone in various strange places on his phone supposedly working. Some caption about, if there is service he will be working.

Monday's episode has Mika praising the virtues of Joe: "You make it look so easy...even though I know it's not".

What's that about?

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49 minutes ago, cased said:

Monday's episode has Mika praising the virtues of Joe: "You make it look so easy...even though I know it's not".

What's that about?

It’s so fun to join forces on the Social Media Watch Squad. ? 

What a weird post. “Thank you for it all, esp my Bamba and co.” Isn’t that her mother? And the co., who knows, the chickens? Is she publicly making up for something? Lol

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1 hour ago, cased said:

Monday's episode has Mika praising the virtues of Joe: "You make it look so easy...even though I know it's not".

What's that about?

I only watched the first 15 minutes of the show.  Did she actually say this because I just saw this tweet/Instagram:

Since they have been in the DC studio I was thinking maybe something was up with her mom (Bamba).  Apologies in advance for sounding like a crank but this is what couples are supposed to do, especially in a time of need.  If there is something up with her mom, the last thing that would be on my mind was making sure I mentioned it in public let alone a tee vee show and social network.  He's supposed to be supportive, that's on the list of qualifications for fiancé.

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8 minutes ago, Chloesmom said:

ince they have been in the DC studio I was thinking maybe something was up with her mom (Bamba).  Apologies in advance for sounding like a crank but this is what couples are supposed to do, especially in a time of need.  If there is something up with her mom, the last thing that would be on my mind was making sure I mentioned it in public let alone a tee vee show and social network.  He's supposed to be supportive, that's on the list of qualifications for fiancé.

The ass kissing and social media fawning is nauseating. I also notice it with Kasie Hunt's tweets.  She was blathering on about Mika one day, and then Andrea Mitchell, and somebody said "are you paid to kiss ass this much? Is it in your job description?"   Better watch out Mika.  This is starting to sound like "All About Eve".  Kasie's all ice cream and puppy dogs til she sticks the knife in your back and takes your job.  

Edited by teddysmom
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22 minutes ago, Chloesmom said:

I only watched the first 15 minutes of the show.  Did she actually say this because I just saw this tweet/Instagram:

Since they have been in the DC studio I was thinking maybe something was up with her mom (Bamba).  Apologies in advance for sounding like a crank but this is what couples are supposed to do, especially in a time of need.  If there is something up with her mom, the last thing that would be on my mind was making sure I mentioned it in public let alone a tee vee show and social network.  He's supposed to be supportive, that's on the list of qualifications for fiancé.

No, she did not say it on the show, I was referring to Monday's episode of Mika's social media blatherings. 

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33 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

The ass kissing and social media fawning is nauseating. I also notice it with Kasie Hunt's tweets.  She was blathering on about Mika one day, and then Andrea Mitchell, and somebody said "are you paid to kiss ass this much? Is it in your job description?"   Better watch out Mika.  This is starting to sound like "All About Eve".  Kasie's all ice cream and puppy dogs til she sticks the knife in your back and takes your job.  

Thanks for the reminder Teddysmom as I meant to swing by her Twitter account but forgot.  Based on all the lightning bolts on it I am assuming she is fine with that awful intro and that is hilarious about her job description.  She smells blood in the water for both Mika and/or Andrea and is readying herself to step in.  Blech.

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15 hours ago, Chloesmom said:

Based on all the lightning bolts on it I am assuming she is fine with that awful intro and that is hilarious about her job description.  She smells blood in the water for both Mika and/or Andrea and is readying herself to step in.  Blech.

The other day she stated that she read Charles Krauthammer all her life, that he was a touchstone for her.  So that, and the asskissing, and the copying Mika's wardrobe on her show, and I'm done with her.    

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10 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

The other day she stated that she read Charles Krauthammer all her life, that he was a touchstone for her.  So that, and the asskissing, and the copying Mika's wardrobe on her show, and I'm done with her.    

She’ll make a perfect Mrs Scarborough IV. 

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10 minutes ago, XOQueens said:

She’ll make a perfect Mrs Scarborough IV. 

That's assuming that the current Mrs. Scarborough-to-be goes through with it....

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1 minute ago, arejay said:

That's assuming that the current Mrs. Scarborough-to-be goes through with it....

Not to mention the current Mr. Kasie DC . . . I am just very disappointed in Kasie.  I always used to look forward to seeing her on MJ and was always angered when Joe would blab all over what she was trying to report but after her transformation/ass-kissing that has taken place I too am just done.

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