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Small Talk: Cup O' Joe


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  ON 10/9/2018 AT 2:47 PM, WHINEANDCHEEZ SAID:

Tune in tomorrow to have Joe explain that Nicki Haley is leaving her job because of the Clintons, (while Mika nods supportedly.)

Although not discussed, my guess....Trump/Haley 2020


EWWWWW!!!  The interview between her and Trump was puzzling.  Haley's saying something like, "Why gee golly, I sure will be supporting this one here (gesturing at Trump) in the election!!" She seems bright enough, can she say this with a straight face of do some of these syncophants actually believe he's doing a good job???  Mike Pence would be like the longsuffering girlfriend who waited for the guy to leave his wife....and he leaves his wife but marries someone else!!

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, WhineandCheez said:

EWWWWW!!!  The interview between her and Trump was puzzling.  Haley's saying something like, "Why gee golly, I sure will be supporting this one here (gesturing at Trump) in the election!!" She seems bright enough, can she say this with a straight face of do some of these syncophants actually believe he's doing a good job???  Mike Pence would be like the longsuffering girlfriend who waited for the guy to leave his wife....and he leaves his wife but marries someone else!!

I’ve heard the rumor Sessions will be out and replaced by Graham, and Graham will be replaced by Haley. What have they said about Haley stepping down on the show? Joe’s crush on her is simultaneously weird and totally on point. I wonder if he watches her speeches late at night in bed while Mika sleeps  


I also think Joe will run again (and I also fully believe he has no idea how thoroughly everyone hates him). 

Edited by XOQueens
  • Love 4
11 minutes ago, XOQueens said:

I’ve heard the rumor Sessions will be out and replaced by Graham, and Graham will be replaced by Haley. What have they said about Haley stepping down on the show? Joe’s crush on her is simultaneously weird and totally on point. I wonder if he watches her speeches late at night in bed while Mika sleeps  


I also think Joe will run again (and I also fully believe he has no idea how thoroughly everyone hates him). 

Haley is allegedly over a cool mil in debt so I think she is hightailing it to much "greener" pastures as she has gotten her use out of that nut job.  Geez, I think you're right xoqueens and that must be why they moved to FL.  He's running!  And boy is he in for a big surprise!  And it will be Hillary's fault!

Every once in a while I check in on the ticket sales for KYV SFO and either they got a ton of cancellations or have opted for a larger venue as the available tickets went from 66 to over 120 (they have also added Kamala Harris (what is she thinking, yikes but it would explain the boosted ticket sales).

  • Love 3

Geez, I think you're right xoqueens and that must be why they moved to FL.  He's running!  And boy is he in for a big surprise!  And it will be Hillary's fault!

IF that happens one of us has to somehow raise money, hire people and produce a TV show about it, so that it can become a Forum here, and we can all go merrily along running Joe and Mika into the ground!!

  • Love 5
39 minutes ago, WhineandCheez said:

IF that happens one of us has to somehow raise money, hire people and produce a TV show about it, so that it can become a Forum here, and we can all go merrily along running Joe and Mika into the ground!!

Maybe they'd let us rent their bunkers and Oakville could host!

35 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

If he announces he's running for office I will LMAO for a year. 

What office? Not House again. And Rubio isn't going to give up his Senate seat in 2020, Joe wouldn't dare try to primary him.  We don't think that idiot thinks he can run for POTUS do we? Jesus Mary & Joseph, how drunk are those two? 

Drunk -vs- delusional

Bi-Polar -vs- sleep deprived

All sorts of crazy going on today.

  • Love 4

I wish they were filming that KYV thing in CA just so I could see Kamala Harris try not to break her neck from rolling her eyes at Mika. 

There is no reason for her to be involved with this nonsense other than she wants to reach out to women and float that 2020 balloon a little. 

I pray to Baby Jesus in a manger she doesn't think Mika would be of any help if she does run.  She can see thru bullshit a mile away, just watch her question people in hearings,  she certainly realizes what a dipshit Mika is. 

  • Love 6

Drawing on her own experiences in the working world, Mika Brzezinski has turned these experiences into valuable tools and resources to help women assess and recognize their own worth along with the inspiration necessary to advocate for themselves.

$570 gets you booze, lunch a teeshirt and a photo with Mika.

$0 gets you peace of mind that comes from knowing you didn't blow $570 on this bullshit.  

Edited by teddysmom
  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

Drawing on her own experiences in the working world, Mika Brzezinski has turned these experiences into valuable tools and resources to help women assess and recognize their own worth along with the inspiration necessary to advocate for themselves.

$570 gets you booze, lunch a teeshirt and a photo with Mika.

$0 gets you peace of mind that comes from knowing you didn't blow $570 on this bullshit.  

I swear if I was awash in money I would go just to see who would buy into this b.s. and how they act throughout the event (especially after the hooch starts to kick in).  I keep envisioning a Mary Kay Cosmetics rally with Meeks giving away that 25k prize as opposed to the pink Cadillac.

  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, Chloesmom said:

inspiration necessary to advocate for themselves.

Which it also helps if your boss dumps a cool million in your bank account and then you start having an affair with him and he's buying you shit all the time and goes to TPTB behind your back  and demands they give you a raise, but don't tell her I told you to do it, she likes to think she can do this on her own.. 

  • Love 7
5 hours ago, teddysmom said:

If he announces he's running for office I will LMAO for a year. 

What office? Not House again. And Rubio isn't going to give up his Senate seat in 2020, Joe wouldn't dare try to primary him.  We don't think that idiot thinks he can run for POTUS do we? Jesus Mary & Joseph, how drunk are those two? 

The next governor's race in FL is 2022. ??? 

  • Love 1

Not a great weekend for our favorite morning cable hosts: 

Just happened to flip past C Span Saturday night they were covering a book event in Wisconsin. Rebecca Traister was reading passages from her new book "Good and Mad" http://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Good-and-Mad/Rebecca-Traister/9781501181795

she read two passages mentioning Joe & Mika's rude comments regarding women. Joe said re HRC "smile!  You just won", and Mika said of Elizabeth Warren when she was upset about something "she leads with anger, she sounds shrill", etc.  The book is about how women over the centuries have been punished for getting upset, to the point that their heads were placed inside cages to punish them if they showed anger toward men. 

Then last night on John Oliver, his closing segment was on the idiotic Instagram feeds of cable/news anchors, and he went after Mika picking up that poor pig while it screeched "like a banshee" and it appeared he threw up a little, probably because she's squeezing his stomach AND HE DOESN"T LIKE IT, and she thought it was funny.   In one of her posts, when the pig was very small, Mika sits down and says "I'm going to make a GIF", and then she repeatedly picks the pig up and sets it down as it squeals in terror.

Oliver loses it, "that's not how a GIF works!" 

All in all, the world is very aware of what dipshits these two are.  And Mika should be reported to ASPCA. 

  • Love 7
15 hours ago, teddysmom said:

Our actual fave MSNBC host is freaking out over Royal Baby Watch 2019. She and Katy are planning their next trip to London. 

Seriously, they should organize a tour.  I'd love to hang out in London with them (I know their value and more importantly values).

Thanks for posting about how popular they are with folks outside their immediate orbit.  I'm sure that's why they have the same people on all the time or it's someone looking to promote something.  It must be a nightmare to work on that set/on their teams.

And YES she was awful with that poor pig, thank goodness she's safely tucked far away in that animal sanctuary.  Awful, awful woman.  Maybe she could try and terrorize one of those feral pigs that are so prolific in FL, let's see how that works out for her.

  • Love 1
14 hours ago, teddysmom said:


Here's the piece on Mika and her pig.  

Oh God teddysmom this clip . . . this is when I miss having HBO (I don't know which part was funnier, Oliver's line about Mika stepping away from the pig and for once not meaning Joe or David Muir looking like Ross from Friends).  Thank you so much for my early morning laugh out loud!

They did. And Mika's glib "they love me" comments. 

No they don't.  

Chloesmom wtf is up with David Muir?  I used to like him. 

And Chris Cuomo? what a jackass. 

Oliver posted a video of him with a pig on his new IG account, refusing to touch it.  And I have photos of my niece with the pigs at the farm where my sister keeps her horse, the pigs are happy and smiling because my niece isn't trying to pick them up and drag them around like a sack of potatoes for her own amusement. 

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Ok I finally got around to watching them on Colbert.  Good Lord she's annoying no matter the setting/time/channel.  She only perks up when she's babbling about her KYV dog and pony show (better grab your tickets ladies as I am sure after this appearance they are going to be flying off the shelves).  They did mention Chris so I am assuming he helped get them the gig as Colbert didn't seem too interested in them being on.  His next guest was the woman that plays Melania and it's like he shot a Red Bull down during the commercial break as he is so much more animated.  They must be a heavy lift to be around.

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On 10/20/2018 at 6:03 PM, Chloesmom said:

His next guest was the woman that plays Melania and it's like he shot a Red Bull down during the commercial break as he is so much more animated.  They must be a heavy lift to be around.

That's Laura Bernanti, she's a Broadway star won the Tony for playing Louise in Gypsy she's now in My Fair Lady. Stephen has known her for years, I think they did some Sondheim thing years ago, it was a collection of all his stuff and Stephen performed in it. 

I didn't even watch past  J&M walking out on stage.  

  • Love 1
38 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

Stephen has known her for years, I think they did some Sondheim thing years ago, it was a collection of all his stuff and Stephen performed in it. 

Stephen Colbert was in Sondheim's "Company" a few years back. It was a one-weekend only performance benefiting the New York Philharmonic (I think).

Such is my love for both Stephen Sondheim and Stephen Colbert that I flew to NYC and bought way-overpriced tickets to sit in the nosebleed section of Avery Fisher Hall just to see the show. It is my favorite musical. If you've never seen it, do!

The show was taped and is available online. There's quite a bit of stunt casting, and I've seen better versions of "Company" (no one will ever be a better Bobby than Raul Esparza), but this one is worth watching just to see Colbert. Oh, and Patti LuPone.

And, BTW, Stephen Sondheim is probably the most famous (or maybe just the most talented) alumnus of Williams College. I think we all know who is at the other end of the spectrum.

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8 hours ago, suomi said:

Oh goodness I can still remember watching this live.  I do love me some Sam Stein (that and the time he snotted off to Mika that he didn't care if they called on him or not as he got paid either way.  Her face was priceless).

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I voted yesterday. I was hoping to be able to provide some insight into the mood, the energy, etc., but, alas, I live in a red county in Florida. The line of voters was about 95% white and about 85% old. 

Granted, it was a weekday, and younger people were probably at work. But I'm not expecting this county to turn blue. 

We waited maybe 15 minutes in line. I didn't hear any politics discussed. Probably the most interesting exchange I heard was between a woman in front of me and one of the voting officials. The woman asked about the early voting hours. She then asked the guy about the voting hours on election day.

Official: 7 to 7
Woman: Sunset Strip!

Yup, it's Florida. 

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Mika is tweeting nasty comments about Ivanka and there is something truly unhinged about the whole thing. I mean, I think Ivanka is a twit and a hypocrite, but I feel like something really ugly and personal must have happened between the two of them. I remember when Mika went to Trump Tower to meet with her after the election and was raving about all the "great things" Ivanka wanted to do for women. Does Mika just feel let down and foolish that she fell for the schtick? Or is something deeper going on? Inquiring minds want to know!

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Listening to Mika excoriate DHS Secretary Kirstin Nielsen today, (“Take off your Ray Bans and go back to Washington”), it struck me that she reserves an unhealthy amount of vitriol for female targets that she doesn’t heap on males in the same scornful way. I’m no fan of Ivanka, Nielsen, or Kellyanne, but the scorn Mika shows for them, when there are male officials who deserve just as much if not more, is truly weird.

  • Love 6
20 minutes ago, Eliot said:

Listening to Mika excoriate DHS Secretary Kirstin Nielsen today, (“Take off your Ray Bans and go back to Washington”), it struck me that she reserves an unhealthy amount of vitriol for female targets that she doesn’t heap on males in the same scornful way. I’m no fan of Ivanka, Nielsen, or Kellyanne, but the scorn Mika shows for them, when there are male officials who deserve just as much if not more, is truly weird.

Oh phooey I missed this, I have to make sure I catch the rerun but even without seeing it I can imagine it as you can almost set your watch to it.  It's like something comes over her when another high profile female comes on the scene.  Agreed, truly weird.

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, Eliot said:

Joe got into it with Hugh Hewitt (UGH) over a Twitter yesterday for remarks HH made equating the MAGAbomber to constituents yelling at Mitch McConnell in a restaurant. I don’t think Hugh will be appearing on MJ any time soon.

Wow, walk about a race to the bottom but I do thank Joe for rightfully dunking on the odious Hewitt and ensuring his lack of presence on MJ.

Hey, here's a little MJ gossip . . . with Megyn getting a permanent time out, guess who's in the top three to take over her timeslot?  The Geist-meister!  Goodness who's going to take over for Meeks when she mangles the teleprompter?

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, Chloesmom said:

Wow, walk about a race to the bottom but I do thank Joe for rightfully dunking on the odious Hewitt and ensuring his lack of presence on MJ.

Hey, here's a little MJ gossip . . . with Megyn getting a permanent time out, guess who's in the top three to take over her timeslot?  The Geist-meister!  Goodness who's going to take over for Meeks when she mangles the teleprompter?

Maybe Meeka will take over the slot.  I can imagine her pushing KYV with guests.  

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