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Small Talk: Ughngnggh! Ugghhnnn!

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I love those gifts that Santa brings other people that aid in my tv and internet habits. :) Due to one such gift, I just finished my aforementioned Gilmore Girls binge watch. Seven seasons, people! I teared up at the end. I was disappointed to discover that the GG recaps on twop only have the first page, and after that, it's all redirect errors. Boo. Ahh, and now I have that melancholy feeling what you get when you finish a satisfying (at least to me) tv series.


Where are you watching The Wire, walnutqueen? I've heard such good things about it.


I've also been reading that Zomblog book that was recommended. The humans in it are, dare I say it, worse than the ones in TWD!


That dog treat is a bully stick, yes? I've never gotten my terrier one; they are pricey!! (and, eww)

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So, my brother gave me a "Media Player." No, I have no idea what it does or how it works. Usually I'm pretty good at figuring out gadgets, but I fear my personal hard drive is full and I cannot absorb even one more technological thing. He will come back later in the week to install it and tell me how it works, I guess.

I had enough trouble deciphering the state-of-the-art meat thermometer I got. I must say, it does work very well and our roast was simply succulent.


I am SO glad it's over and the fact that tomorrow I have absolutely nothing to do excites me more than just about anything else could. Well, I guess. Reminds me of a birthday card I got for a friend a few years back. The outside of the card said, "SEX AND MONEY."


The inside said, "Name two things you're not getting for your birthday."


Sorry, I"m rambling. Too much wine and Grand Marnier...*hic*

Edited by AngelaHunter
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walnutqueen, you're the best. I got those HSN toothbrushes lurking on the Shopping channel thread when you mentioned them. I was actually able to give Christmas gifts to my co-workers and a girlfriend. I didn't think I'd be able to afford anything. Everyone loved them. I also had one left over for myself to replace my dying ancient electric plug-in one. And that $12 refund coupon I didn't notice in the box made my day!

ETA - I bought two sets of those toothbrushes so that's 5 nice gifts (plus one for me) for under $50. Sqweee!


CarpeDiem54 - Those things were so danged pretty I wanted ALL the colors.  I'd forgotten all about the magazine subscription, so finding the $12 refund was like getting a whole new gift.  I am so glad they worked out for you.  There's nothing like spending about $6 on a present that isn't total crap, eh!



Where are you watching The Wire, walnutqueen? I've heard such good things about it.


mandolin - I'm watching on HBO(S).  So far, I am really enjoying it.  The longer a marathon, the happier I am, and this is a really long one.  There's nothing like being totally immersed in another world, and I find it easier than watching once a week and trying to remember everything that happened.


AngelaHunter - I bought a VCR/DVD player YEARS ago and it never got hooked up, nor did the printer I got for Xmas 3 years ago, because when it comes to technology, I am lamer than lame.  Now you've got me craving Grand Marnier ... thanks a lot!  ;-)

Edited by walnutqueen
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The longer a marathon, the happier I am, and this is a really long one.  There's nothing like being totally immersed in another world, and I find it easier than watching once a week and trying to remember everything that happened.


I did that when someone suggested I watch "Dexter" when it was  1 1/2 seasons in. I felt like a drug addict, as at the end of each episode I said, "I'll just watch ONE more and then I'll quit, I swear!."  Well, you know how THAT goes!

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It's not often I get to walk into a store and ask 'do you have any bull penis?'


I expect most stores would throw you out for that!


What do people have for time off this week? My kids have all week off, and my husband took the whole week off. As a stay-at-home-mom, the first part means I have the week off (at least from driving people everywhere) and the second part means maybe we can tackle a home-improvement project. So, yay. :)

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I'm back to work on Friday.  Yes, Friday.  I work a day and a half, and then it's what passes for my weekend again.  As to plans for the week: this afternoon, I'm going to see Into The Woods with a friend and her kids.  Wednesday, I have a New Year's Eve dinner and I'll practice my party piece: Tarot reading for the curious.  I've been reading for a friend of mine for years and every December 31st, it's the same thing: yes, you will meet a woman and do yourself a favour by staying away from her.  And he never listens and it always ends in drama.  Thursday, I'm seeing The Five Armies.  I got two movie theatre gift cards for Christmas so I can enjoy free movies for a while.


I used a bunch of my Indigo gift cards to restock my To-Read pile.  I committed to the entire series of The Parasol Protectorate because it came in a box of five and I was in an optimistic mood.  It's a quirky blend of urban fantasy, steampunk and a reimaging of the British Empire.  The first two books were fun so I'm not regretting it yet.  I bought Karin Slaughter's Fallen and then realized I'd read subsequent novels in the series and wondered how I'd missed this one.  My sister recommended Slaughter a few years ago and I love the Will Trent/Sara Linton characters.  Finally, I found a zombie thriller called Patient Zero, by Jonathon Maberry.  I saw there was a second book in the series so I'm giving the first one a shot because, honestly, how bad can a zombie thriller be?  In case you were curious as to why I have no plans on Tuesday, that's why.  I'm getting some chocolate, making some tea and spending the day with zombies. 

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inally, I found a zombie thriller called Patient Zero, by Jonathon Maberry.  I saw there was a second book in the series so I'm giving the first one a shot because, honestly, how bad can a zombie thriller be?


I loved Patient Zero - got it LAST year for Christmas. I think there are a total of three books in the series? The second one was okay, and I thought the third one was just dumb. Only the first one actually deals with Zs, though - it's more a series about the guy than the undead. 





When it comes to books I'm a huge fan of mysteries, crime thrillers, police procedurals, etc. I'm currently on my third book in The Dublin Murder Squad series by Tana French, Faithful Place. She is amazing and the first two books were so, so good. 


I'm a SAHM and we homeschool, so today was our first day back to regular school, instead of Christmas-themed crafts and activities. It's always hard to wrangle the kids back into a routine, but I personally prefer it. Except, I'm annoyed at our science curriculum - they have digging up worms and studying them in different types of soil, etc. on the agenda....and where I live it's currently 9 degrees. Whoever put this stuff together must live somewhere in the south. 

I went to see Into the Woods over Christmas, I liked it.


I believe that's the movie that has been recently (2013) remade as "The Evil Dead."


I just saw the latter - well, some of it before I turned it off in disgust. Steer clear of it. It's the usual stomach turning "gore porn" that passes for horror these days, with the mandatory scantily clad and heavily abused young women.


Sadly, the production of  true horror is a lost art.

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Into The Woods was weird.  I don't mind musicals but this one had a bit more than its share of those big, show-stopping songs that I find annoying.  Captain Kirk was an interesting choice for Prince Charming and he nailed that line about being 'charming, not sincere'.  I had no idea he could sing.  The last time I saw Emily Blunt was in Edge of Tomorrow with Tom Cruise so I think I was waiting for her to roll up her sleeves and start kicking ass.  I loved her scene with Rapunzel's hair.  I also liked the way the show tied together the stories of Rapunzel, Cinderella, Jack & the Beanstalk, and Little Red Riding Hood.  It seemed like it was going to be too random but the script made it work.  Rapunzel's storyline was a bit insipid, but I really liked Red Riding Hood's.  I've wearied of Johnny Depp doing his thing but he was brilliantly creepy as The Wolf.  I'm not sure what to say about Meryl Streep.  I've never been a huge fan of hers and this movie did nothing to change my mind.  She did what she could with an overblown role though, I'll give her that.


Damn, ghoulina, it sounds like Patient Zero follows the same path as Mira Grant's Newsflesh trilogy.  I loved the first one, thought the second one was okay and didn't care for the third one at all.

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I have a New Year's Eve dinner and I'll practice my party piece: Tarot reading for the curious.



Irishmaple, I read the Tarot too. And we both have "maple" in our names. Cue the twilight zone music. 


Into the Woods is a movie I'm curious about but after years of not going to the movies, it would take the film of the century to lure me into a theater. I saw a play two years ago and the experience was undermined by endless bright smart phone screens in the audience. This is the era of short attention spans. It's hard for people to sit still. Do so many people have to tweet their every movement, experience and passing thought? Okay, middle aged grumping over. Continue with your day. 

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I went to see Into the Woods over Christmas, I liked it.

I believe that's the movie that has been recently (2013) remade as "The Evil Dead."


I just saw the latter - well, some of it before I turned it off in disgust. Steer clear of it. It's the usual stomach turning "gore porn" that passes for horror these days, with the mandatory scantily clad and heavily abused young women.


Huh?  I can't tell if you are confused or I am confused.  It might be me because I just saw a dolphin show (actual dolphins) that was more musical than dolphin show and its screwing with my head. Anyway.  The Evil Dead is a remake/reboot of The Evil Dead.  Into the Woods is a musical about fairy tales.


I've never seen the remake of Evil Dead.  I've only seen clips of the original.  I probably should go watch it (the original)  because Bruce Campbell is in it.  I do remember seeing one of the sequels when I was a kid, 'Army of Darkness' and I loved it.  I recall 'Army of Darkness' being comedy horror.

I can't tell if you are confused or I am confused.



I'm probably confusing YOU. My brother was talking about the original "Evil Dead" with Bruce Campbell, and when I looked it up on IMDB, this is what I saw:


The Evil Dead (1981)

aka "Into the Woods"


Not sure why it's named that way, that's why I thought...well, I better stop. Now I'm confusing myself. .

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Into the Woods is a movie I'm curious about but after years of not going to the movies, it would take the film of the century to lure me into a theater. I saw a play two years ago and the experience was undermined by endless bright smart phone screens in the audience. This is the era of short attention spans. It's hard for people to sit still. Do so many people have to tweet their every movement, experience and passing thought? Okay, middle aged grumping over. Continue with your day.


Haha, go on with your grumpy self! I have not been to a movie in 6 years (went to see Julie and Julia with my mom for her birthday) and before that it was another 2. So one movie in 8 years - yea, I hate the movie theater. It's always too cold, I can't get comfortable, and YES - all the other people are so distracting. They're on their phones, snickering with their mates, etc. I'm not one of those people that needs total silence through the entire movie. My husband and I have been known to chat and snark throughout a flick....but we know the appropriate times. The damn teenagers in the theaters these days just talk and talk and text and text throughout the entire thing and you cannot even connect with the film because they're so distracting. Yes, seeing the new Hobbit movie might be more exciting on the big screen, but my flat screen is big enough and at least then the only annoying kids I have to deal with are my own. 

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I believe that's the movie that has been recently (2013) remade as "The Evil Dead."



Huh?  I can't tell if you are confused or I am confused.

This Evil Dead/Into The Woods/Who's on First?  just reminded me of my grandma.

When she needed Christmas stamps to mail her cards with, I said " You've got a choice: snowman, tree or madonna" and she said "Oh! Not Madonna! I hate that tramp!"

Well, the postal clerk liked it!

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When Madonna's naked pics showed up in magazines my mom was very curious so she went out and bought the magazine. She did let us see them (we are not calling her a good mother) and then she was going to throw the magazine away but gave it to a homeless guy. This is sooooooooooo pre internet it's hilarious. This is also the same day she ran a cop off the road because she thought she could pass a little navajo man doing 35 mph on the frontage road but she wouldn't shift out of 5th gear to get the fire power to zoom around him. She went immediately to pay the ticket that way there was no evidence of the magazine or the ticket. She had a very naughty day.


My computer is all set up, programs installed, internets working, I can email (and goof off, clearly) but I can't print anything. Omg 2015 can't get here fast enough. I'm done. kerblewy. plonk. thunk. 

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I've been immersed in the gritty REAL horror of The Wire mega marathon for days, and when it ends tonight, I will be ever so ready for some nice comforting post apocalyptic zombie fare and my TWD marathon, which is now recording.  Because holy fuckballs, Batman, Georgia zombies and the Termites seem like sugarplum fairies next to what happens on the mean streets of Baltimore right about now.  (How I did I manage to miss this show when it was airing?  Must've missed the first few episodes and decided "Fuck It" and then it fell off my radar screen.  Ah, the joys of watching stuff ONLY on the TV).  :-)


Here's hoping y'all have as great a New Years Eve as I will, cuddling my cat and making toasts to you and TWD.  :-)

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 I was disappointed to discover that the GG recaps on twop only have the first page, and after that, it's all redirect errors. Boo.


I had the same problem when I tried to read the recaps of the early Amazing Race years. I ended up going to Wayback Machine website and that has the webpages archived. I'm not entirely sure how I got to the page that listed all of the recaps for TAR, but I keep that webpage close to me now. (I think I put the web address for the recap page in the search bar. I don't really know, I played around for awhile on that site). So that site might have them.

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with the different song called This Is War by 30 Seconds To Mars:


Love that. I swear, many of these fanvids are better than the show.


This one - also called "War" by Poets of the Fall -  actually teared me a up little bit. When did I get so maudlin?







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I've never seen the first 2 seasons of the Wire. I missed them, picked it up somewhere in the middle of 3 I think. I saw the season that focused on the kids and the election. You do have to put your mind aside to get into it. We are used to a different kind of narrative. It's a cop show, no it's a newspaper show, nope it's elections. 


But at my weekend job when the manager is making his rounds to inspect, we whisper OMAR COMING. To get everybody on their toes.

Edited by nachomama
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Caught a wee little bit of marathon last night. Saw Maggie and Glen's first hookup, Lori dumbass crashing the car and Daryl fighting with Lori and lmfao when he shouted "Look Olive Oyl I looked for Sophia more than anybody" I didn't remember he called her that. And it's been such a long time since I watched the early seasons that everybody's accent was really cheeseball. 

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Everyone also looked 10 years younger! I know the ZA has a nasty habit of aging people but Daryl looked so much better in the first season. To see his transformation from then to now is quite shocking to my eyes. When Glen and Maggie first hook up I felt like I was watching 15 year olds go at it. And of course, Carl, well he was a baby but now he looks like a full fledged adult!

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Daryl fighting with Lori and lmfao when he shouted "Look Olive Oyl I looked for Sophia more than anybody" I didn't remember he called her that.


Daryl calling Lori "Olive Oyl" was the very bestest thing about Se02, IMO.  His "Stupid bitch," muttered at Carol comes in second.


He was so much more interesting before he turned into a Care Bear.

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Now I wish the marathon ran backwards. Cuz the days I will have off from work will be the most recent seasons. They start the marathon Tuesday when I can't watch! And Yay though I walk through the valley of the overflowing Dvr, I can't squeeze the first 3 seasons on! And I just binge watched stuff I hadn't gotten around to over Christmas, only got me up to 25% free space.

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Caught a wee little bit of marathon last night. Saw Maggie and Glen's first hookup, Lori dumbass crashing the car and Daryl fighting with Lori and lmfao when he shouted "Look Olive Oyl I looked for Sophia more than anybody" I didn't remember he called her that.



Daryl calling Lori "Olive Oyl" was the very bestest thing about Se02, IMO.  His "Stupid bitch," muttered at Carol comes in second.


He was so much more interesting before he turned into a Care Bear.

I liked Herschel's line: "there are people here who have not been in their right minds"


Also, yes yes yes the show was so much more fun when I spent every episode yelling at the TV screen. I looked forward to every verbal blast from Daryl (or Merle); now I fear they have verged dangerously close to A Very Special Episode with Coda and Gail Hurd telling viewers to have their tissues handy. Oh retch.


It was fun wanting to see someone haul off on Carl ! It was fun to see people lose their tempers with each other like Rick/Shane/Lori or Andrea/Lori or Daryl/Lori or Carol/Lori or Maggie/Lori or Dale/everybody else.

These new characters just can't cut it. They are only mildly annoying to each other boring to the rest of us. I don't have a dog in that fight.

Bring back assholes!!

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I caught a few moments last night too - the Glenn/Maggie hook-up and the Sophia barn reveal. Poor Dale. I know everyone hated him, but you might turn into an annoying old man if Lori kept using you as her glorified babysitter. I swear, if I took a shot every time Lori told Dale, "Take Carl to the ____" (house, RV, etc.), I would not be typing this right now....I'd be dead. 


Also, Herschel - "You people are a plague" for the the win!

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Happy New Year. Spent the day inside. Could not bear to go out. There's almost no snow on the ground but the wind has been howling. A braver member of my household went for a walk, returned and confirmed that it is frigid outside. It's amazing to look outside and see squirrels going about their business without regard to weather. I gotta get me a squirrel jacket. Either that or fatten up on acorns.

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Happy New Year. Spent the day inside. Could not bear to go out. There's almost no snow on the ground but the wind has been howling. A braver member of my household went for a walk, returned and confirmed that it is frigid outside. It's amazing to look outside and see squirrels going about their business without regard to weather. I gotta get me a squirrel jacket. Either that or fatten up on acorns.

I always love the way squirrels use their tails as umbrellas when it rains. I think we need to grow luxurious tails to help keep us warm. I'm fat enough.

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The umbrella thing is cute. I get caught between admiring squirrel cuteness and wondering how they would cook up in a ZA. 


Makes me think of this short video I saw about a mostly subsistence rice growing village somewhere in South East Asia. A rat herd got into the village rice storage and devoured the harvest. Villagers were grief stricken. Then they came up with a brilliant idea. Villagers captured the rice grain fattened rats and sold them as meat by the roadside and in other communities. They raised money to buy rice. Can't remember where or when I saw it (You Tube?) but it was an inspiring story of making the most of a situation. 

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The umbrella thing is cute. I get caught between admiring squirrel cuteness and wondering how they would cook up in a ZA. 


Makes me think of this short video I saw about a mostly subsistence rice growing village somewhere in South East Asia. A rat herd got into the village rice storage and devoured the harvest. Villagers were grief stricken. Then they came up with a brilliant idea. Villagers captured the rice grain fattened rats and sold them as meat by the roadside and in other communities. They raised money to buy rice. Can't remember where or when I saw it (You Tube?) but it was an inspiring story of making the most of a situation.

They made rataide from rats!

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