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Small Talk: Ughngnggh! Ugghhnnn!

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I saw someone post on facebook that they took a blind kid's cane away at school because it could be classified a weapon and gave him a pool noodle to lean on (could be internet hoax but some people are that stupid) and I've heard of kids getting into trouble with zero tolerance because of butter knives in lunch boxes.


I read that story as well. The kid was BLIND. Who's to say he didn't accidentally hit someone with it? Don't even get me started on the plethora of kids who got suspended over Pop Tarts shaped like guns, or turning a stick on the playground into a gun, etc. So thankful we homeschool. 


Speaking of....my eldest's handwriting book is called "Writing With Ease" and each week we deal with passages from classic literature. I remember when Charlotte's Web was the selection for the week, and the passage told of Fern and her brother grabbing their GUNS and getting on the school bus. It didn't say whether they were toy or real, but these days obviously neither would be allowed. I thought that was really funny. 

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I just realized Christmas is next week.  How did that happen?  I'm leaving town on Wednesday and I have absolutely no shopping done.  None.  Didn't send a card, didn't make a list, nothing.  I'm generally a last minute kind of person which was fine when I lived a couple of blocks from the mall but I don't live near the mall anymore and I am screwed.  I work Saturday until 2pm and have other commitments that day, so I have Sunday to shop before going back to work on Monday.  One day.  To do everything.  I am so screwed!  And everyone's getting Happy New Year cards because there's no way in hell I'm getting cards to Ireland by Christmas.  This is a new low for me.  My job is eating my life.  I have no time.  I start work at 7.30 am when the first exhausted mom drags herself in, tosses a baby in my direction and staggers off to nap.  I'm supposed to leave at some time and I do, but it's generally late and it's not like anyone's paying me overtime or anything, but I really enjoy what I do.  Then I hang out with my room mate, watch crappy TV (she's into reality and sitcoms) and drink tea.  By time I get some time to do anything for myself, it's almost 10pm and all I want to do is sleep.  Is it too late to postpone Christmas so I can catch up?

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Is it too late to postpone Christmas so I can catch up?


I'd rather cancel it, but anyway...I once did what you did and got caught short. You need to make a list of what you need, go the mall on Saturday and do not come home until the list is done. Don't browse, don't change your mind and don't wander around in a daze. Get only those items you wrote down and then get the hell out.


If you don't do this, then yeah, you're kind of screwed.


OH, how I wish!



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There is no past seasons type thread.  I am surprised it doesn't seem like anyone is watching Wednesday nights for two hours where they have started WD right from season 1. 


I of course have seen every episode several times but the re-watch is worthwhile.  


Last night was cut the baby out of Lori, shoot Lori, watch Rick lose his shit night.  I cry so hard every time I see that.


Is anyone watching this?  I get it on channel 167 WKRO? or something (my people's court channel)  8 to 10 PM Wednesday night.

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Speaking of past episodes..I'm sorry, but I just couldn't help myself:



"If Kim Kardashian Had Made it to Terminus"



Bwahahahaha! That is hilarious!!!

I laughed so hard the tears rolled down my pantleg!




There is no past seasons type thread.

There is! But it is divided into Season 1, Season 2...

When you go down the list of threads, keep going (there is a box at the bottom of each page to hit---"load more topics").

Do you guys realize we have 98 threads/topics?

the Previouslytv TWD forum rocks! I do believe we have way more than we did on TWoP; of course there's more "freedom of expression" here, IMO.

Edited by kikismom
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kikismom - I just have to say (apropos of nothing specific), because it's Christmas, and you always tell the truth ...  You are one sick fuckin' puppy - and that is just about the highest compliment I pay, next to "loopy fucking cunt" Deadwood.  :-)

Please keep the stories of your life a'coming - they often make my day, and never fail to make me smile.


I am so glad that many of our TWoP cronies found their way here, AngelaHunter, and that we have been reunited with our family and bonded with old and new fans alike.  It feels like home, here.

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I am so glad that many of our TWoP cronies found their way here, AngelaHunter, and that we have been reunited with our family and bonded with old and new fans alike.  It feels like home, here.


You're so right! I didn't really participate in the TwoP TWD forum, since I watching watch then, but I really despaired of finding a discussion forum that wasn't full of subject lines like, "who do U think is hot?" or "who wud win in a fight?/who has the best boobs?"


There's a lot of depressing shit out there.

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As you all probably noticed, I did not succeed in having Christmas postponed; however, I have lucked out in several ways and kicked shopping's ass today.  Amazon UK handled the overseas stuff so well my family never even suspected it was a last-minute job.  One of my friends pushed Christmas brunch back to the 27th so I can shop for her and her two kids that morning.  Another friend reminded me she and her family were out of town until the 28th so they're also off the list for a few days.  All of the teens in my life requested cash so another stress-free gift right there.  I didn't even bother with the mall today.  I hit the bookstore, the Baby Gap, the fancy chocolate place and the pet store (yes, I buy gifts for my friends' pets) and then the ATM.  A few cards and a roll of wrapping paper, and I was done.  I'm still not feeling the Christmas spirit but at least it's not hanging over me like a thundercloud anymore. 


While walking, I passed a collectible store and noticed The Walking Dead action figure display in the window.  They had several of Rick with his rifle on his shoulder and I was seriously tempted.  Fortunately, common sense reasserted itself and I kept going.  I am not a collectibles person.

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Continuing this from the Coda thread where we were talking about Abraham and sexually aroused dolphins...


Oh my. I had to google that. Saw the video with the frisky dolphin and female scuba swimmer. Of course that reminded me of this hilarious video of the frisky canine and older lady


That is hilarious!  The lady looks like she's enjoying it a little too much.  (And yes, the Guile Theme does go with everything.)

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the fancy chocolate place and the pet store (yes, I buy gifts for my friends' pets)


I made the mistake of buying the fancy chocolates last Monday. Unfortunately I ate them all, so must return for more.


I buy gifts for pets too!


I am trying to ignore the video of a  woman being vigorously humped by a dog. :p

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I made the mistake of buying the fancy chocolates last Monday. Unfortunately I ate them all, so must return for more.

I buy gifts for pets too!

I am trying to ignore the video of a woman being vigorously humped by a dog. :p

My pug humps the holy hell out of my 7 year old. My boyfriend never had dogs and got quite freaked out. Asa, my boy, lays there and said, "it's ok, he'll wear himself out!"

So Asa is laying there watching tv while Loki is giving it what-for, completely unbothered. My boyfriend ended up realizing we are weird, embraced it and is now a part of the weird. I mean, we have 7 kids total and Sunday nights are walking dead nights.

Edited by JadedNobody

My computer did go to be with his father Steve jobs I. Heaven so I'm on my phone. Auto correct gonna make me look like an embicile but here I is. I'm avoiding busy work like cleaning around the office or gathering trash. We aren't busy Anyway.

I'm glad you didn't have to postpone Christmas irishmaple. I gave up many years ago trying to do any cards. I assume the chocolate was for me and I'm watching my mail. :D I enjoy toffee. Please write that down.

I was a refugee from twop also but I hung out in much more demented threads than this. Lhotp <<-- those in the know will know the sickest people on the planet dwell there

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So, while I was patting myself on the back, relieved to have this whole Christmas thing solved, I had a grim realization at 8pm last night.  My nephew.  I have one in the entire world.  And I forgot him.  I'd like to give a shoutout to Mastermind Toys who dispatched my panic gift this morning and a thank you to my SiL who did not call me any nasty names when I emailed her to give her a heads-up that the world's worst aunt might be late with the gift.  I'm writing this with an infant sleeping on my shoulder but there's nothing like forgetting your own nephew's Christmas present to make a person feel even smaller than someone who weighs less than 10lbs.  I swear, I will be more organized next year.  And if you all see a post like this next Christmas, feel free to point and laugh!

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  I'd like to give a shoutout to Mastermind Toys who dispatched my panic gift this morning and a thank you to my SiL who did not call me any nasty names when I emailed her to give her a heads-up that the world's worst aunt might be late with the gift. 

Your nephew will be thrilled that after everyone else has opened all their presents, he still has another one coming!



"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

Maya Angelou


He will feel great that it meant so much to you to get this to him as fast as you could and he will be excited to get a special "extra" present.

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Yes little house on the prairie. Oh my you think wholesome family entertainment. There were mime rapists and people dying all over the place.

One year I got Barbies for Christmas and there was a note from Santa saying she didn't make it on the sleigh but she could be picked up at the western auto store in town the next time mommy went. So the nephew will probably be fine.

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You want to clean the toilet? Get one of those cherry-bombs with a waterproof fuse, fill one cup with glue and one cup with buckshot. Dip CB in first cup, then the second cup, clip fuse to a line to dry. Then light the fuse, drop in toilet bowl, press down lever, and flush your troubles down the drain!

. I cleaned toilets!

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If you want to trade misery, I had to get my transmission fixed today. Oh joy.



You guys gotta talk.


All right...last night I'm thinking where are all the turkey vultures(buzzards) on this show?


They did circle over Beth and Daryl (symbolism!) but otherwise---in a land of death---not so much.

Now animals aren't affected, and we have seen dogs nibbling walkers, so wouldn't they feast on downed ones? Not to mention that the more rotten something is, the more appealing it is to a vulture.


This would all be off topic so far, but I'm bringing it home with a boring personal story:


We had wild and some domestic animals but also served as a wildlife rescue for injured creatures brought in; often by deputies because vets tended to just put them down (Nobody's going to pay me for this? Are you shittin' me?) We had fawns and grown whitetails, raccoons, etc etc. But one time a state trooper brought in a vulture.

Which is kinda/sorta like saving a sewer rat with a broken leg, but I don't want to be judgmental. We fix the vulture, he gets better, but he unexpectedly got very attached to us. We worked outside all day and he would follow us everywhere.

The bad part came when I would leave work; the vehicle I had at this time had a luggage rack and the vulture would fly over my car really close to the roof and when I came to a stop he would perch on the luggage rack. I got a lot of side-eyes at intersections.


Also one time my boss had left a note on the door when we came in that said the cops had brought in a lion cub (we're thinking mountain lion right?) and it's in the green barn. I open the door and it's an African lion! Looked full-grown, but because he only had a little mane the boss man considered him "a cub".

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Never knew anyone who had a pet vulture before.

Yes I can definitely wait til late. I'm not after any traditional Christmas items. I don't like all that. And I come back day after Christmas for the marked down crap. I love the lotion soap baskets really smelly good things. I get em half off day after and the candy.

Who hates self check out?

Oh booze too. Need the booze for the holidays. There's no edit post on phone.

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Here's a festive Christmas story. My mother bought my father art one year for Christmas. Dude found a tree that looked like a deer sitting in the forest. We could call it a sculpture. Trimmed it up buffed it. Nice wooden deer with a rack. Oh daddy didn't like it. He was not an art guy. He rely woulda crapped his pants if he knew mom spent like $1000 on it! (Her money from my gramma). So it sat in our living room for long time with no love. So I hung Christmas ornaments from his antlers and named him shotgun. I would sit on him sometimes and give a royal wave. So when we moved we loads him in the truck and I kept referring to him as shotgun and my friend (who didn't see us "load" shotgun only heard us refer to having loaded shotgun into the truck) got very worried as we drove down a very bumpy road. She says "I hope that shotgun doesn't go off"

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 Dare I dream you have a picture?

Sadly, no---this was before I ever had a phone in my pocket that actually took pictures! (1980's)

And we didn't bring cameras often because they got wrecked.

But I've been trying to find a video clip from a time they made me go on a local news station with rattlesnakes and give a snake safety lecture.


I didn't want to do it.

When the camera went live. as I talked I opened the boxes (which were wood and lexan with screened air holes and locks) and I let the snakes loose

. They were just on the floor, they weren't going far, and I had a snake hook, I'd worked with them for a few years.

But the show news-host lady got up on her chair and then got up on the desk and then she got really mad because the crew all went in the control room and locked the door.

The camera was just still on me next to this lady in a station blazer having her screaming fantods and no commercials or station breaks till someone finally remembered to go to break.

The best part was that the viewers liked it and they had to replay it several times by viewer demand.

Nobody liked that TV news lady.

Edited by kikismom
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I'm leaving early tomorrow morning so Happy Christmas to all because there's no Internet where I'm going.  Should the ZA strike over the holidays, I'll already be in place: the middle of nowhere with horses, shotguns and people who know how to use them.  The former neighbours were hoarders who just abandoned the place so there's lots of junk that can be used as improvised weapons still lying around.  Best of all, I'll be with my friend's son, and he and I have been planning our survival since the kid was old enough to appreciate a good zombie movie or even a bad one.  I might have been a bad influence there!  I'm away through Boxing Day and then have another week of vacation.  You cannot believe how much I'm looking forward to sleeping past 6.30am.  Have a great holiday, guys, whatever you're doing.  I'll be eating too much, drinking too much, sleeping too much and feeding carrots to horses.  And then sleeping some more.

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