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Small Talk: Ughngnggh! Ugghhnnn!

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22 hours ago, Pixiebomb said:

What's the deal with the Red Handled Machete?  Is that a mini episode series like the airline and desert one in FTWD?  I missed what CH said about it.  But I think it might be potentially interesting. 

Here you go, dialogue from Episode 501, "No Sanctuary":

Gareth: We saw you go into the woods with a bag, and come out without it. I had to pull my spotters back before we could go look for it. What was in it?
(Rick stares at Gareth, says nothing.)
Gareth: You hid it, right? In case things went bad. Smart! Still, we’ll find it, but it’s too dangerous to go out there right now. (Grabs Bob and holds a knife near his eye) What was in it? I’m curious. And...it was a big bag.
(Rick stares at Gareth, says nothing.)
Gareth: You really going to let me do this? (Indicates the knife near Bob’s eyes)
Rick: Let me take you out there. I’ll show you.
Gareth: Not gonna happen, but this might.
Rick: There’s guns in it. AK-47, .44 Magnum, automatic weapons, night scope, there’s a compound bow and a machete with a red...red handle. That’s what I’m going to use to kill you.
Gareth: (smiles, then laughs) Thanks. You’ve got two hours to get them on the dryers.

Edited by Raven1707
Why not?
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11 hours ago, Pixiebomb said:

What's the deal with the Red Handled Machete?  Is that a mini episode series like the airline and desert one in FTWD?  I missed what CH said about it.  But I think it might be potentially interesting. 

So do I - but where the hell *is* it?

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Yeah. I know what the Red Handled Machete is. I thoroughly enjoyed Rick fulfilling his promise to Gareth. But what is the new mini episode series?  That's what I'm talking about. Maybe I miss it because I FF through the commercials. 

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I thought they only did mini episodes for FTWD? I could be wrong and I never cared much about them either. It's 5 minutes of characters that are not on the show, like there is a storyline about bicycle girl, from one of the earliest episodes, Rick walks past her in a field and she's missing her bottom half. They show how she got there/walker-ized.

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I had a day off yesterday and, since I really wanted to see Thor Ragnarok, I thought a Monday 12:45pm showing would be quiet. I was wrong. By no means full, the theatre still had a crowd. I was thrilled to see the majority of said crowd were elderly, presumably retirees. It was so great to see I can hang onto my nerdiness well into my old age. And even if I have to push a walker to get there I can still go to the latest Marvel release and check out the hot guys. The woman in the row below me had to be close to eighty and she just loved Chris Hemsworth!

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I'm not huge into Chris hemsworth, however, if throwing myself on him naked would save the world, I could make that sacrifice. I'm seeing Thor on Sunday because they have convinced me it's gonna be good. I adore Taika Waititi, I'll save the world with him too. 

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I loved Thor Ragnarok! It took me a few minutes to get my head around the comedy (Ragnarok being the end times and all that), but once I got over that I really loved it. 

The movie was so much fun...and yet the director managed to make the character relationships quite moving (Thor and Loki have never been better together. A real brotherly relationship...extreme, but brotherly) :)

I hope you enjoy it nachomama! 

And, @Irishmaple, I am nowhere near retirement, but I am older and I have retirement-ready friends. We are the biggest geeks going, so never worry that you have to lose your nerdiness. In fact...it feels like  age enhances it!  ;)

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So, I see ol' Charlie Manson finally kicked the bucket. So many bad things happen to good people, and that POS lived for 83 years. I can only imagine what it cost the taxpayers to feed, clothe, house and provide him with any medical care he needed for the last 40 years, and it's especially galling when you think that the families of his victims have had to chip in for his support.

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I am so sorry to hear about your dad, Nashville, I know he's had a rough go recently.

I will never understand how somebody like Charles Manson just keeps on keepin on, every day we hear of somebody (David Cassidy at the moment) who may not be the saintliest person, but with Charles Manson still teepling over on one side, why can't they take Manson? I'll even throw in Marylin Manson.

And what in the ever-livin fuckity-fuck is up with every man on the planet being a molester? Some you can just tell are always creepsters, Bill O'Reilly, never doubted for a moment that he was icky. Fucking Charlie Rose????????!!!!

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On ‎11‎/‎21‎/‎2017 at 4:55 PM, icemiser69 said:

One of the neatest websites to go to, is:  www.metv.com

I get that channel with my old antenna and it's purely a delight. Not all of the old shows hold up, but many of them do and I like watching them, knowing at least that I'll never have to look at any bare asses on them.

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Nashville, you have outdone yourself.

That card is truly a masterpiece and a wonderful relief from the plethora of dolphin-smooth, washboard-abbed, generic underwear models who seem to be cloning themselves with frightening speed.

I never see Bill Murray now without thinking about "Zombieland" - one of the best movies I've seen in fifteen years, or maybe ever. If anyone here hasn't seen it, I insist they do so immediately.

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13 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I hope he is wearing pants.   Anytime I see a picture like this, I tend to wonder if the person is completely nude.  That is, except for that red thing a round his neck (tie, sock, bow?).

This is Bill Murray; of course he's not.  ;>

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New Year's Eve I was all good. Literally overnight I became a huge drippy mess. My left eye and nose are super leaky. Little bit of throat action. I believe I know who to blame either the children at the party or the mother of said children. She was coughing. It's super cold for us, we might even get snow so I'm just gonna snivel in my cocoon for a bit.

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I'm just now getting unclogged myself - primarily because I spent the majority of New Year's Eve in the upper deck of Nissan Stadium in mid-teen temps, shouting like crazy for the Titans to make it into the playoffs.

And what the hell - it worked.  :>

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I've somehow managed to avoid getting sick, despite being in a really bad way emotionally (stress usually triggers a cold + the germs that are spread around). I think turmeric in food, helped me to avoid my dad's cold a few months ago. I keep talking about it - it's the new coconut oil for me. My dad saw turmeric paste help my dog, at least until he lost the ability to walk (disc problems), but he won't take the paste in anything himself. 

We were at the movies at midnight on New Year's Eve. We saw Star Wars, but dad wasn't that into it, and I had no idea who some of the people were, so we should have gone to see All the Money in the World. It was fun last year, though, so we did it again this time. Two New Year's without mum, and we didn't want to be in the house, slumped on the couch - although I think dad would have been happy to go to sleep this year. I felt bad for dragging him out, but I slept really well afterwards. 

Edited by Anela
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I've never seen the Land of Giants. I liked Land of the Lost. I would tune in just to see how horrible things are in reality compared to how awesome I thought they were as a kid. I once tried to watch an episode of "Dukes of Hazzard" and it was so bad I couldn't sit through it.

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1 hour ago, nachomama said:

I liked Land of the Lost. I would tune in just to see how horrible things are in reality compared to how awesome I thought they were as a kid.

ITA.  Omigawd, those Sleestaks were SO frikkin’ bad.  And I’m pretty sure all the greenscreen shots were done in somebody’s garage.


1 hour ago, nachomama said:

I once tried to watch an episode of "Dukes of Hazzard" and it was so bad I couldn't sit through it.

I was a 16yo male when DoH (ha ha!) originally aired - and believe me, the short shorts helped.  Thank god for Daisy Dukes!  ;>

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7 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Thank god for Daisy Dukes!  ;>

So I guess the first appearance of Rosita summoned happy memories for you?;)

While watching MeTV once in awhile, what strikes me is how different tv was then. If you watch an ep of "The Twilight Zone" or "Alfred Hitchcock" or even the ancient "Perry Mason", e.g. you see how incredibly slow the stories were. Audiences now, accustomed to non-stop action, violence, explosions and all that stuff necessary to keep the viewers' attention would never be able to watch these shows of yesteryear.

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33 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

So I guess the first appearance of Rosita summoned happy memories for you?;)

Oh hell yes.


33 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

While watching MeTV once in awhile, what strikes me is how different tv was then. If you watch an ep of "The Twilight Zone" or "Alfred Hitchcock" or even the ancient "Perry Mason", e.g. you see how incredibly slow the stories were. Audiences now, accustomed to non-stop action, violence, explosions and all that stuff necessary to keep the viewers' attention would never be able to watch these shows of yesteryear.

I know, right?  When I was a kid, I was the biggest Perry Mason fan you ever met; read every Perry Mason book Erle Stanley Gardner ever wrote, even, on account of my love for the series.  TV back then knew how to BUILD a story.

Had the opportunity to catch a few PM episodes (on MeTV, IIRC) a year or so back, and I have to say I was somewhat surprised; I hadn’t realized how little screen time Perry actually got.  In most one-hour episodes, Mason doesn’t even show up until about halfway in at the earliest; the first half-hour or more is invested purely in story exposition and development.  Production would freak out if you tried that nowadays.

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1 hour ago, Nashville said:

 Production would freak out if you tried that nowadays.

I know. Audiences now don't want all that "boring talking". I don't know about tv, since I don't watch any shows anymore, but movies now are mostly comic book stuff with non-stop action, ka-booms and minimal dialogue and story. Every show or movie has to have music blaring over that minimal dialogue or the audience can't focus. Watch the original (and only, IMO) "Hawaii 5-0". Lots of talky stuff, which seem to have gone the way of the dino. Not all old shows hold up today, but many do, like "The Big Valley",  "Combat" and "The Virginian" - really adult drama - before "adult" meant foul language and naked buttocks -  great stories, intelligent scripts, awesome guest stars and stellar acting. Now? CGI, gore and high-school toilet humour (and Garbage People, X-rated Fonzie - "Ooh, look at us! We're so daring and edgy, letting the Fonz mention his dick and balls constantly!" and gunfire)has replaced all that. Don't bother setting a scene or let us get to know and care about any of the characters or find out why they do anything. That takes too long and we have the attention spans of gnats.

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15 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

I know. Audiences now don't want all that "boring talking".

Count me in with modern audiences then cause I sure don't like all that boring talking on this show ;)

If they had made Negan the strong silently menacing type, we could have shortened all of last year's episodes and improved them immeasurably. 

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1 hour ago, rab01 said:

Count me in with modern audiences then cause I sure don't like all that boring talking on this show ;)

Funny thing about talking, though - it’s not boring if, you know, it actually has something to do with shit.  :>

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1 hour ago, rab01 said:

Count me in with modern audiences then cause I sure don't like all that boring talking on this show ;)

Nashville said it. I watched "Conspiracy" not long ago - a movie where nothing happens. We watch a bunch of men in one location, doing nothing but talking and eating for the whole movie. But yeah, what they had to say was utterly riveting. Not one of them bragged that his nutsack is made of steel or that he just rubbed one out, either.

Listening to the talking on TWD can very nearly put me into a semi-coma and I'm unable to remember any of it later. Boring monologues and speeches that are repetitive, meaningless babblespeak can do that.

1 hour ago, rab01 said:

If they had made Negan the strong silently menacing type, we could have shortened all of last year's episodes and improved them immeasurably. 

Right. High school braggarts/bullies aren't really very frightening.  The two or so times he was menacing, I perked up but it was over in a flash. Back to Fonz-Mode. All Rick's "I'm gonna kill you" should have been deleted too, because threats get incredibly annoying and dreary when there's no intention of actually doing it, even when the object of the threat gives every opportunity. "Yeah, well - I'm gonna KILL you. See ya tomorrow? Maybe I'll do it then, 'kay?"

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So, two major items of note today:

  1. My sister and I went to court and got swore at.  Now we’re co-executors of my father’s estate.
  2. Stopped by Pa’s grave to find they still didn’t have his marker in place - or any kind of marker, for that matter.  The memorial garden folks had told us 6-8 weeks and it’s coming up on three months, so I went up to the office to find out what the deal was.  Turns out the lady who’d written up our order “no longer works here” (I gather her departure was less than amiable), and the order had never been placed - it fell through the cracks of her departure.  Took them 3/4 of an hour to even find the paperwork.  So the order is in place now, with a rush put on it.  Glad I stopped by.
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29 minutes ago, nachomama said:

Who was doing the swearing?

“Getting swore at” = the judge swearing us in as conservators of the estate.  :)


29 minutes ago, nachomama said:

Today is half price candy day, I welcome all donations of chocolate.

Today (Feb. 15) is also International “That’s What She Said” Day.

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6 hours ago, nachomama said:

I considered the swearing in then I thought maybe your sister swore at you because she didn't think you should be the only executor. That's how it works in my family. :D

My sister and I apparently get along better than most; considering we’re both in our 50s, it’s not like we have a hell of a lot of choice.  :)


6 hours ago, nachomama said:

You know March 14 is steak and bj day.

March 14th just became my favorite day of the year.

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