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Small Talk: Ughngnggh! Ugghhnnn!

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I had to take a break from forum posting for a bit to let the grief subside, but I am glad to be able to discuss this show with someone other than my husband. Especially since his work schedule has kept him from watching anything past the midseason finale.

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October is far away, but the July 4th marathon and "sneak peek" just might tide me over.  Although I cringe at the marathon watching I'm going to have to do to keep up with my DVR space.  At least half of my storage is stuff I'm saving for my Mum's next visit and I can't erase it or she'll die.  :-)

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TWoP refugee who just binge-watched 3 seasons of this show over the Dead, White, and Blue weekend at AMC.  I had to go back to work so I've had to kick the habit and watch Season 4 with less gluttony.  I'll look forward to this forum as soon as I get caught up - this show is a mind screwer for sure and I'm not really sure how I feel about things so far.


I actually started watching this show after seeing all these "If you kill Daryl we riot" posts on Facebook and I must say that while I'm not sure how I feel about anything so far that I totally agree with that!

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I have to share this somewhere,. And hopefully you all won't make fun of me here in this forum...I'm taking my mom on a Walking Dead tour this summer for her birthday. We live in Georgia, and we are doing Woodbury as well as the town where Rick found Morgan in Clear.

I went to Woodbury, Rick's house, and the quarry last year, so I'll get to see some new stuff this time. Yay.

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mandolin:  Why would we make fun? Get jealous, sure! But I hope you have a great time, and I think it's so cool that your mom wants the Walking Dead tour for her birthday, she sounds like our kind of chick!

oooh--lucky you! :-D

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Anyone remember my plan to hide out durning the ZA in the Villages (Florida retirement community)?

My first thought was you and the SBK crew hiding out waxing nostalgic for the Real Radio days. (a little central Florida inside radio talk -:)

Edited by Watcher0363
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mandolin:  Why would we make fun? Get jealous, sure! But I hope you have a great time, and I think it's so cool that your mom wants the Walking Dead tour for her birthday, she sounds like our kind of chick!

oooh--lucky you! :-D


Agree, that sounds like an amazing time! If I was closer and didn't have three youngins, I would love to take a tour like that myself. 

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Agree, that sounds like an amazing time! If I was closer and didn't have three youngins, I would love to take a tour like that myself.


My two kiddos are staying with mr. mandolin as he has no interest in the tour (whaaat?).

I will be sad if the show leaves the area and I don't recognize stuff anymore!

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Haha! Hi kikismom. :D I'd forgotten I'd posted any links to the zombie tarot. I bought that two years ago, this month. I might try using them to predict what happens in the show, at least for myself. That was one suggestion for learning how to read the cards, nine years ago, when I got my first deck. Someone said she ruined a show for herself, when doing that, though.


I can't remember what else I was going to say. I'm glad this place is here - TWOP wasn't the only place to close for me. I'm a member of a goal-setting site, that has been around for almost ten years, and I signed up in the second month in 2005. They're closing this month, and I wouldn't have known if I didn't have friends from the site on facebook - only a handful of us received confirmation of its closing, when we emailed the people who used to run the site. Some have moved to another site, but others are just closing their accounts.


I was Anela at TWOP, although I started out with a different name in 2005 or 2006, when I lurked on the Lost, and Grey's forums.

Edited by Anela
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Okay I am watching TV and a commercial comes on for Tampa bay Comic Con. Two of the featured guest stars are Brighton Sharbino (Lizzie) and Kyla Kenedy (Mika). Eight and five episodes respectively. Commanding $30 per autograph photo ops TBA. Man get a minor role on a scifi/fantasy show and eat for a lifetime. Man how Entourage of them.

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I've already posted on this site a few times but thought I would introduce myself.  I was JstaPwn on TwoP but decided to change my name here because I'm a nurse and my nickname is Gigi (yeah, I'm imaginative like that).  I'm particularly fond of apocalyptic type shows and books and scifi.  I just finished binge watching Season 2 again, thinking maybe it was better than I remembered but, no, it was just as slow in some points as I remembered.  I liked watching Shane's downward spiral, though.  I always found the character to be interesting.


Whoever posted the bad lip synching video needs to be chastised for giving me a tummy ache.  That was pretty funny.


And please NO to Jon Hamm.  Just no.  Uh uh.

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Good to see ya, NurseGiGi.

I'm going to take a look at Quest which start july31st. Because October is taking forever to get here.

Previously already has a show site for Quest, a couple threads for the forum, so a brand new show to snark on!

But it does sound like a guilty pleasure....Fantasy AND Reality.  Game of Thrones mixed with Survivor sorta?  It will be fun, or schadenfreude-fun; but either way I'm in for the first episode.

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Haha! Good to see you're still alive and kicking. Literally. I cannot wait for October either. It's been way too long! I started marathoning on Tuesday, but only made it two episodes in. I really want to try and and watch all four seasons before the show returns. 

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I marathoned before season four and I just finished Beside the Dying Fire today. I love it! I've been known to marathon all the way at the mid season break, and I like to watch while walking on the treadmill. Ha. There really aren't that many eps in the first two seasons. :p I always get such a sense of how much they've all changed when I binge watch like that.

And yes, the diaries will be fun!

Edited by mandolin
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I wonder if Andrew Lincoln looks at his face in the first episode and thinks ohmygod this show ages you like four years in the White House.


It's fun to see how short CR is standing next to the others, and how tall he is now.

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I wonder if Andrew Lincoln looks at his face in the first episode and thinks ohmygod this show ages you like four years in the White House.


Right?! Oh my, the change in him, especially, has been so profound. 

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What bothers me in that the change is not so much in others.

I believe Rick looks like someone should after 4 years of this. Maggie--I don't believe. Sometimes her hair gets dirty but it still looks salon-cut. She looks better after all this time in a ZA than I ever looked!

If they're so hungry why do Tyreese and Eugene still look hefty?

The farther the story goes, the bigger the difference and some of these actors should get a little method and lose some weight, and stop looking like a quick comb-out and a shower and they could go back to normal life.

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Is there such a thing as a perfect mullet? A perfectly awful mullet, sure.


If I were in a zombie (or any other kind of) apocalypse, I'd cut my hair quite short, like Carol. I don't think I'd care that much about looks, but when you can't wash your hair on a regular basis, short hair is probably going to feel better -- less greasy and not as prone to creepy-crawlies. :(

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Is there such a thing as a perfect mullet? A perfectly awful mullet, sure.


If I were in a zombie (or any other kind of) apocalypse, I'd cut my hair quite short, like Carol. I don't think I'd care that much about looks, but when you can't wash your hair on a regular basis, short hair is probably going to feel better -- less greasy and not as prone to creepy-crawlies. :(

Good point about short hair.

I'd also add that short hair is harder for the dead and the living predators to grab in a fight.


Also, in threatening situations such as wartime, sometimes women would adopt short hair and unisex clothing to be less obviously female at least from someone spying on their group.

If you insist on walking around in Daisy Dukes and midriff-tied blouses, or lace-up skin-tight vests etc., you take your chances. There must be lots of clean unworn clothing around. It's not like the walkers are changing outfits.

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Yea, and I always thought that either Ed made Carol dress like that to avoid other men looking at her, or she did it in hopes that he would leave her alone or others would - because you know SHE would get blamed if any man made a pass at her. 


Finished season one last night. I miss Jim. Also, I wish they would have left the title alone in the intro. In the first two seasons "The" and "Dead" came up first, then "Walking"...with the sound effect. Loved that. I don't care for how the entire name just comes up altogether now. Yes, I'm a nitpicker.

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When I saw the name DJ Qualls, I thought :Is this supposed to be a comedy?

He is usually in comedies; but he has lymphoma and is very skinny so maybe they thought he would look hungry? and maybe he wants to branch out into drama?


If they're going across the country, I want to see how they explain where the gasoline is coming from.


I might watch James Franco and Seth Rogen take a road trip in a zombie apocalypse.

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Eh, it's hard to say from that 30 second trailer. From the zombie baby, it almost seems like they are going for shock rather than substance. But I can't say for sure. I might watch the first episode and see where it takes me.


And I agree about the gas, kikismom. If this were right at the start of the ZA, it would be one thing. But the description says it takes place three years in. 

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With my interest in all things apocalyptic and doom-laden, I had to watch the late late late show (early morning) broadcast of the 1959 nuclear war movie On The Beach.

I found this comforting, only because it proved that TWD is not the only production with clunky dialogue and inappropriate behavior.


  • Gregory Peck (and his submarine) return  Down Under having failed to find any surviving human life elsewhere, and Ava Gardner runs across a field with her arms open wide like Melanie in Gone With The Wind when Ashley comes home. She falls into his embrace and Peck greets her with the immortal line :

"Is that invitation to spread my fertilizer still open?"

  • A young couple euthanize their beloved infant daughter with a cyanide pill; the mother whispers

"May God forgive us for what we've done! May God forgive us!"....one beat...two beats..."Well I think I'm ready for a cup of tea!"  She looks brightly at husband, who responds to this by plunging in for a deep tongue kiss.

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I believe Rick looks like someone should after 4 years of this.


Hope I'm putting this in the right place!


I just have to say how impressed I am with the makeup artists on this show. It really hit me how good  they are when Rick got his ass beaten and choked nearly to death by the Gov. From seeing his face swell and turn blue during the strangling, to the look of his facial injuries afterwards, it was all so realistic in appearance I had a hard time looking at him.


Very well done.

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I'm also a refugee from TwoP although I had been out for a while before it closed. I'm thankful to find this because in my uber-geek way I'm seeking Walking Dead obsessed weirdos. (In the nicest possible way) Like Mandolin, I live in Georgia and I just got tickets to Walker Stalker Con in October. First thing like this I've ever done and now I'm seeking peeps to come with me. Obviously I will aim closer to home but if there was anybody going that I could meet while there, it would be awesome sauce. So I'm trying to find peeps for viewing parties, marathon before new season starts and hopefully recurring. And other than places like this I have no idea where you find people. Craigslist might get me a little more weird than I'm comfortable with. I don't know how to make a facebook group that anybody would ever find outside my list of friends or people I invite. Anywho, hello and I can't wait for October. 

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I'd have loved to go to Walker Stalker Con, but we are at Disney that weekend! Boo. Where in GA are you? You might be able to meet some people on Atlanta Zombie Tours or the like (or head to Woodbury/Senoia, Haralson (Clear) for a tour there). No one close to me loves the show like I do, though my husband will watch with me. It's so fun to geek out in person. Lol.

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I'm South Georgia, practically North Florida, you know I was aiming at you...HER! I'M KIDNAPPING HER TO TAKE TO WALKER STALKER CON. Kidding. I would totally go on those tours and my goal is to find people local to hang out with and watch. I'm addicted to every Sunday night show, Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, Dexter and so on. Those are like my sports seasons and I have to be quiet and not spoil people at work or my friends who haven't watched yet. I need geeks to gush with. 

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I usually do too, I currently don't have amc, I'm up and down with my channels. whenever they offer me free packages I take them then cancel. Yes I'm cheap. You're about 3 hours west of me. I've booked my hotel for Walker stalker, still holding out hope for somebody who can ride with me or meet up. Looks like Friday is the duds (Minka, Lizzie) the good peeps don't show up til Saturday. It's looking more and more like I'm skipping my friend's wedding to stalk Maggie and Michonne. I know this is gonna be a dumb question, I know the "vip" stuff costs extra and I know they want money for autographs etc. But if I have my passes to get in, what else are they charging me for? Ya'll may not know but in a general sense, I've never attended comic con or any con. I'm winging it and I pray that each panel isn't a different cost. I know the vendors are all their own thing.

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