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S05.E05: Self Help

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Yeah I appreciate the opportunity to chime in with my own dumb question. Could someone tell me if it is okay to "snip" quoted posts here? I know other boards that require that you note you are only partially quoting another post. Thanks in advance for any replies :)

IMHO not only is it okay, sometimes it is positively required - such as when you're responding to one or two sentences in a post which rivals the Great American Novel. :)


I generally trim a quoted post down to the specific portion I am addressing/responding to, and include the quote link to the original post in case someone has a question about context.

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I'm a redhead though not the blaring bright red that Abraham is.  I do know a number of people who are so it's not distracting to me.  As for a dye job, if I were in the ZA I'd dye my hair crazy colors because why not?  It might be one of the few fun indulgences I'd have.


Reedus needs a haircut, that emo-do has to go.  I was watching some 1st season episodes and his crop cut looked rather nice.  

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  • I copy and paste sometimes because I just don't know how to truncate a post.  And I don't know how to quote a post and get the other quoted post in without going to the original post. 
  • click on the red quote marks for the post you want to take even just a sentence from.
  • now cursor in to the reply box
  • once you have hit the red quote marks on someone's post, it will hold it unless you click the "clear" option in the little black "reply to 1 quoted post:" box. It will even hold it---wonder of wonders---if you take a quote from one thread Small Talk for example, and use it in a reply to a post in Michonne A Weapon With A Weapon or whichever.
  • hit that "reply to 1 quoted post" and bingo! it is placed in your reply box. If you don't want the whole thing, cursor at end of sentence you don't want and backspace. Be careful not to delete the part you want ! :-0
  • If you want to add another person's full or partial post, now go to that one and hit the red quote marks etcetc.
  • Yes, you can just go down the thread hitting red quote symbols on all the posts you want to mention...but then when you hit the black "reply to 157 quoted posts" it will put all of them in your reply one after the other. You could still truncate them, but they won't be separated for clarity.
  • You can go in someone's quoted post and put


           or something but the answers must be numbered then, and the reader has to go back and forth, blahblah.

  • You know you can go on the Test thread and experiment?! Conveniently provided for screwing around with stuff you aren't good at, like posting images or whatev.



   I still struggle.

So does everyone else.


Unless some of the everyone else has a better way to do this? Don't be bashful, tell the rest of us so we'll all learn! :-D

Edited by kikismom
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I'm a redhead though not the blaring bright red that Abraham is.  I do know a number of people who are so it's not distracting to me.  As for a dye job, if I were in the ZA I'd dye my hair crazy colors because why not?  It might be one of the few fun indulgences I'd have.


Reedus needs a haircut, that emo-do has to go.  I was watching some 1st season episodes and his crop cut looked rather nice.  


I'm the only one in my household who is NOT a ginger, although Mr. Mouse has gone mostly gray. Since marrying me. Hm. Any-hoo, most of my cousins are also redheads so I've seen just about every natural shade there is. Abraham's is distracting to me because it is so vibrant. It just looks freshly dyed to me. As for coloring my hair any old shade during the ZA... I'm up for it too. It seems like hair dyes have vastly improved since the last time I sported blue locks back in the... uh... past. 


And ITA about NR needing a good hair cut. He looked younger when he was blonder and his hair was close cropped.

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LMAO I know the statement on its own isn't that funny but this is literally the first time I have heard ANYONE raise this objection to Abraham/Rosita at all. Which considering how many times I have seen that objection raised for Beth/Daryl is probably quadruple digits is it is downright hilarious


I had no idea there was such an age gap between the actors who play Abe and Rosita! I don't think we've been given the characters' ages have we? I guess to me, visually, there's not an obvious "wow" factor there. Also, to me they seem...pretty similar as far as personality, strength, experience etc.


Whereas for me, Beth is a very sheltered girl in her late teens (I think) and Daryl is on the opposite end of the life experience spectrum and (these days, anyway) looks fucking haggard IMO, so it makes me uncomfortable to imagine them together romantically.


I believe I've read that EK is like 30 or something to NR's 40-something, so actor-wise, there's not an 'ew' age gap for me, but Beth most certainly does not have EK's life experience and Beth is not EK's age, so...

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EMILY THRACE, ON 13 NOV 2014 - 11:58 PM, SAID:

LMAO I know the statement on its own isn't that funny but this is literally the first time I have heard ANYONE raise this objection to Abraham/Rosita at all. Which considering how many times I have seen that objection raised for Beth/Daryl is probably quadruple digits is it is downright hilarious


I had no idea there was such an age gap between the actors who play Abe and Rosita! I don't think we've been given the characters' ages have we? I guess to me, visually, there's not an obvious "wow" factor there. Also, to me they seem...pretty similar as far as personality, strength, experience etc.


Whereas for me, Beth is a very sheltered girl in her late teens (I think) and Daryl is on the opposite end of the life experience spectrum and (these days, anyway) looks fucking haggard IMO, so it makes me uncomfortable to imagine them together romantically.


I believe I've read that EK is like 30 or something to NR's 40-something, so actor-wise, there's not an 'ew' age gap for me, but Beth most certainly does not have EK's life experience and Beth is not EK's age, so...


I agree, NoWilltoResist.  Abraham doesn't LOOK that old and Rosita doesn't LOOK that young. I would have guessed they were only around 10-12 years apart. Plus the fact that they are both adults and have been since we met them and have been since they hooked up.


 IIRC, EK is 29 and NR is 46. Still not as big an age gap as the other two, but Beth is a young 18 and Daryl is somewhere in his 40's and is experientially old. I think if Beth were being played by an actual teenager this would be less of a conversation point since the actress would look her age. EK looks to be in her 20's even if Beth acts much younger.

Edited by PunkyMouse
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Actors' ages don't necessarily gibe with their


Michael Rooker is 59

Michael Cudlitz is 49

Lennie James is 49

Melissa McBride is 49

Chad L. Coleman was in the US Army 1985–89, so he's at least 47

Seth Gilliam is 46

Norman Reedus is 45

Lawrence Gilliard Jr. is 43

Andy Lincoln is 41

Danai Gurira is 36

Josh McDermitt is 36

Lauren Cohan is 32

Steve Yeun is 31

Emily Kinney is 29

Sonequa Martin-Green is 29

Andrew J. West is 27

Alanna Masterson is 26

Christian Serratos (Rosita) is 26

Tyler James Williams is 22

Chandler Riggs is 15

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Thanks for the list, editorgrrl.


Honestly, the actors' real life age means less to me than A) the character's age and B) the actor's appearance. I'm excluding Chandler Riggs from this because he's a minor. With Abraham and Rosita, they are clearly adults and have been since we've known them. As far as Beth goes, the character has presumably turned 18 but still acts like an immature 18. She looks older than 18, though, since the actress is nearly 30, so I can understand people's willingness to ignore the character's age in their zeal to hook her up with Daryl. 

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A game I play while watching Z Nation is "spot The Walking Dead parallels." (The zombie baby, killing the Rick, etc.) Addy Carver has obviously bottle-red hair. One could handwave Abraham's hair color (some people's hair does grow that color), but there is just no way with Addy's.

Good to know that Hot Topic stores will be safe havens in the zombie apocalypse.


Age differences in the context of the show don't bother me much because there are so many fewer options, once someone gets old enough to have sex at all the important criteria are things like "not a cannibal" and "won't get me killed."

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Age differences in the context of the show don't bother me much because there are so many fewer options, once someone gets old enough to have sex at all the important criteria are things like "not a cannibal" and "won't get me killed."



Another important criteria is "does not have a communicable disease for which there is now no cure".  And maybe "will not get me pregnant".


Abe and Rosita look closer to the same age than Beth and Daryl, though we have no idea what age the characters are.  I still did not want to watch them having sex.  Eugene, I'm not.

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Age differences in the context of the show don't bother me much because there are so many fewer options, once someone gets old enough to have sex at all the important criteria are things like "not a cannibal" and "won't get me killed."


Dang. That is some serious lowering of standards! :D


Another important criteria is "does not have a communicable disease for which there is now no cure".  And maybe "will not get me pregnant".


Also, how can one even prove that they don't have an STI? Unless they got tested before everything went to hell and they've been celibate ever since...it's not like they can get tested NOW and prove they're good to go. Objectively, from the safety of my couch, I can look at some of these guys and be all "dang, competency is hot; I'd be all over that". But if I actually put myself in the ZA with them, I have trouble imagining that my hormones would override my concerns with hygiene, disease and pregnancy. If you catch something, you're fucked. If you get pregnant, you're fucked. Hell, you're likely going to be DEAD. Not sure an orgasm via penetration is worth it; not when there are plenty of other ways to scratch an itch without worrying about that stuff.


Thinking of Abe and Rosita though...how long do those contraceptives via injection last? I'm guessing it's not as long as the ZA has been going on, but perhaps if someone got their hands on some from a doctor's office or pharmacy they could inject themselves? That said, I'm not sure of the shelf life of the drug. Maybe Abe and Rosita have a supply of condoms? Or perhaps Rosita has had her tubes tied or has had a hysterectomy. Who knows?


I appreciated, back in an earlier season, Glenn mentioning the dwindling condom supply but even that would make me worry; they don't last forever and they're not 100% effective anyway. I honestly think I'd be too scared of the consequences of having intercourse!!



Abe and Rosita look closer to the same age than Beth and Daryl, though we have no idea what age the characters are.  I still did not want to watch them having sex.  Eugene, I'm not.


...or Tara, apparently. ;)

Edited by NoWillToResist
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...or Tara, apparently. ;)


This little exchange on Reddit cracked me up:

Didn't tara take a quick peek too before leaving? It was hard to tell what was happening.



[–]Khaeven04 33 points 2 days ago

Yea she did, hoping to catch a peek at Rosita's sweet behind. She shook her head cause she saw Abraham's hairy elmo ass.



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I wish writers of fanfiction would follow your lead. Dear god...

Thank you! After all these fan-fic posts, I thought i would take a look and just Googled TWD fan-fic...

OH MY GOD. I don't care about descriptive sex...I don't want even the fantasizing over Carl but even worse the real-life CHILD ACTOR Chandler Riggs and fantasies of him and AL or Carl and Rick....NO I don't want any character and a child including their own child! I'm usually against censorship, but sexualizing children is not freedom of expression it's child abuse.  The old saw about where does freedom of speech end/ you can't yell fire in a crowded theatre is the premise that should be followed here: Use the internet but not to arouse molesters of other people's children (or their own children for that matter). I wish TWD would step on those sites it isn't fanfic because imagining abuse and violence against a cast member is not the behaviour of a fan!



 If you catch something, you're fucked. If you get pregnant, you're fucked. Hell, you're likely going to be DEAD.

Except when the survivors realize 2 years have gone by and about 90% of the human race has died, and very few of them died of pregnancy or syphilis.

When odds are very high every single day that you will be ripped limb from limb like a ragdoll by a rotting corpse or a living sociopath, you should bet you're all going to be dead soon, chaste or not. Just choose your poison.

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...I don't want even the fantasizing over Carl but even worse the real-life CHILD ACTOR Chandler Riggs and fantasies of him and AL or Carl and Rick....NO


I'm a person not bothered at all by the smuttiest smut - in fact I like some of it if it's well written about consenting adults only...there's one about Daryl/Beth that is beautifully written and hotter than...where was I?


Oh, yes. I came upon what you mentioned (where CR wanted to give AL a bj for his birthday and god I feel so dirty and queasy writing that) and was so apalled and disgusted I emailed the site admin to complain. In return I got a pompous, condescending answer, informing me that if everyone thought the way I did, Romeo and Juliet would not exist.


I admit I haven't read Romeo/Juliet for many a decade, but comparing it to amateur smut - usually riddled with errors and bad grammar -  containing graphic pedophilia and parental incest with a minor just left me saying WTF?


The worst part of all of this? The huge number of comments on these stories, praising them.

What goes through some people's minds frightens me. I just hope the boy's parents never see this filth, or maybe they should and sue the site.

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I have never thought myself a prude, and you can read into that what you want and probably not be wrong.  But what the two of you are talking about is wrong.  I also believe in free speech, and freedom of the press, and freedom of expression, so forth and so on, and I don't believe in censorship.  But what AngelaHunter found is just wrong.  People (parents, websites, what have you) need to self-censor.


I mean if these people don't learn boundaries, then it's going to be a real messy world.  Of course a big part of the problem is the Internet.  (And, yes, I sound like a fuddy-duddy -- and the fact I would use that word confirms it, I guess.)  It's just too easy to write crap and put it out there nowadays, and too many people (the websites) are too afraid of censoring or imposing standards.

Edited by JackONeill
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Oh, yes. I came upon what you mentioned (where CR wanted to give AL a bj for his birthday and god I feel so dirty and queasy writing that) and was so apalled and disgusted I emailed the site admin to complain.


Okay, that is fucking vile. Some fanfic can be good, but when these people write the ACTORS doing certain things, I get so skeeved out it's not even funny. I've seen fanfic for another show I watch where they have the ACTORS having raunchy sex. No, no, NO! What the hell is wrong with people!! WHY is this appealing? And the above...my god...


And AngelaHunter, that Site Admin should lose his/her "job."


Please, can we move on from this topic... (This is not being said in my Mod voice, just being totally grossed out here...*shudder*)


If you catch something, you're fucked. If you get pregnant, you're fucked. Hell, you're likely going to be DEAD.


This is my thing about the Apocalypse, the pregnancy aspect. Before "modern medicine", woman dying in childbirth, and the baby itself surviving was very low odds. Those same conditions now exist again. No easily accessible drugs for infections, little help during childbirth complications, and access to food is scarce. So that scene with Rosita and Abe, the first thought in my head was I hope they are using some protection, because the consequences always end up hurting the woman. I get that life is short for these people, and they have little joys, but damn, life might be a bit shorter if a woman gets pregnant.


That said, in times is distress, humans do not stop procreating and in fact, birth rates may increase.

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Don't be sorry; you aren't the wrong-doer.

I wish there was some kind of petition we could do to send the site ---from TWD fans---calling for boundaries: no incest, no child involved in sexual service etc.


If that offends anyone, all I can say is these people get away with it because better people don't want to know. We won't keep talking about it. But I wish I was going to a fan convention and could get people to send complaints


I apologize to anyone who was grossed out, disgusted and outraged by my post. There's no one else who would know what I was talking about, so I vented here.




to those sites about cast members---especially child actors---being subjected to this.

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No need to apologize.  We all need to vent from time to time, and this place makes a pretty good place to do that.  We seem to have been given some pretty wide latitude here.  Which is a good thing.  We are our own Woodbury!!!!!!

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I apologize to anyone who was grossed out, disgusted and outraged by my post. There's no one else who would know what I was talking about, so I vented here.




No worries, Angela Hunter! You did us a public service, TBH. I mean we all probably already know this, but if not, it's a heads up to everyone looking for TWD fanfiction. Be careful what you actually search for because there is some dicey stuff out there.


Yeah...let's mosey on back to discussing the episode -->  and Abe's unusually red hair! :') And the fact that he can maintain a handle mustache?

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Yeah...let's mosey on back to discussing the episode -->  Abe's unusually red hair!


Much better topic! I have red hair too It was pretty bright when I was a child and then darkened to auburn, but I've never seen anyone's hair get redder as they age, well, except maybe Ronald McDonald. Mine certainly has dimmed over the years.


And the fact that he can maintain a handle mustache?


Priorities, folks! We already saw that Axel was not only able to his handlbar trimmed while being locked in a prison store room for 10 months, but even keep the tips waxed!

Edited by AngelaHunter
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Here's something else that someone can do: Come up with the number of vehicles that our team has wrecked or had fail on them.  I bet it's more than the A-Team went through. And it's all been in a five-mile circle.  You'd think by now, our crew would be walking along the road somewhere and someone would yell out, "Would you look at that Chevy Van over there.  Don't you all remember us driving that right after the farm fell?"

Edited by JackONeill
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Maybe Abraham didn't inherit his startling hair color from Irish ancestors, but from a Viking way back in the family tree. I could see him in a metal cone-head with horns. Easily.

Here's something else that someone can do: Come up with the number of vehicles that our team has wrecked or have fail on them.  I bet it's more than the A-Team went through. And it's all been in a five-mile circle.  You'd think by now, our crew would be walking along the road somewhere and someone would yell out, "Would you look at that Chevy Van over there.  Don't you all remember us driving that right after the farm fell?"

Love it. They should have seen some of their own wrecks by now!

That may be how Morgan is tracking Rick...CDB leaves trashed vehicles like breadcrumbs.

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Love it. They should have seen some of their own wrecks by now!

That may be how Morgan is tracking Rick...CDB leaves trashed vehicles like breadcrumbs.


When the bus rolled over in this episode, I couldn't help by roll my eyes! I'm thinking here we go again, they cannot drive a car for one kilometer if their lives depended on it (and it does). I've never seen such poor drivers unable to navigate terrain in my life. BUT then Eugene admitted to putting glass in the gastank, so that made sense. But what a waste of a perfectly functional bus. I hate it when they waste resources all to support their own drama.


What also annoys me is that no surviving mechanic has managed to cobble together a really good off-road truck - with spare tires and gas and protected windows, and head to safety (that we've seen). I realize no one in CDB can do that. I guess I am thinking of Zombieland and the big Ford F350's they had. That, and having a truck with a snow plow in the front would be very useful, but you are not going to get that in the south.

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You know, if I HAD to go through a ZA, I hope it'll be in Wyoming.  First of all, there are only 12 people who live there.  Secondly,  all they have there are big trucks with snow-plows on the front of them.  I'd be set.  In fact, I might be a little bored.

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We watched Z Nation the other night (slumming it) and it was surprising how many nitpicks were addressed in the first ep: zombie-proofed vehicle, check; tower with every kind of radio receiver rigged to it, check. Stuff and thangs like that.

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Except when the survivors realize 2 years have gone by and about 90% of the human race has died, and very few of them died of pregnancy or syphilis.


Lori died as a direct result of her pregnancy via unprotected, life-affirming (irony!) sex. :) And she'd successfully had a child in the past! Considering the small size of their group, that should leave an impact...

Edited by NoWillToResist
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What also annoys me is that no surviving mechanic has managed to cobble together a really good off-road truck - with spare tires and gas and protected windows, and head to safety (that we've seen). I realize no one in CDB can do that. I guess I am thinking of Zombieland and the big Ford F350's they had. That, and having a truck with a snow plow in the front would be very useful, but you are not going to get that in the south.

Well, half the folks around me have big cow-catchers welded on the front on their trucks, winches that run off the battery, and I know one man who removed his windshield and had it replaced with chain-link fencing. Welded. Refreshing. No one says a word to him (we don't have vehicle inspections---good lord if we did nobody here would be allowed to drive.)

Of course, the chain-link truck is---like about 1 out of 10 local trucks---a monster truck. No chance of getting stuck in a pile of dead meat like Daryl on the way to the Veterinary School. Nobody did this for a ZA. this is just how people like to drive. Mud-bogging is popular, and MT drag-racing ( in residential neighborhoods--that sanctioned track stuff is for weenies).

Yeah I don't think the Gov. would set up here, and Gareth would just open his mouth and say one sentence and he'd have a bulls-eye on his back.

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Lori died as a direct result of her pregnancy via unprotected, life-affirming (irony!) sex. :) And she'd successfully had a child in the past! Considering the small size of their group, that should leave an impact...

She successfully had a child in the past...by needing a Caesarean to have Carl. It is mentioned by Carol.


Considering the small size of Lori's jeans--size 00 hips--I'm not surprised, but she would have died without surgery in a hospital before the ZA.


Considering the small size of the group, consider it used to be a lot bigger---14 people more at the quarry, 5 more at the farm (not counting people in the barn who died before CDB got there), count the prison dead and their people on the RR tracks and woods and on etc.


Anybody near Rick is living on borrowed time, they have literally lost the majority of people in the group after he showed up :-) and that's with adding more and more---the number keeps dropping. Only one dead by natural causes? Crap. Having a baby--if you knew you weren't built like a stick that needed a C-section last time--would have statistical odds of much greater safety than say...sitting down eating a fish fry, walking through a field, catching a cough, etc. 


People are worried about having sex, but do people say...Michonne should stay indoors? Because she got kidnapped by Merle with Andrea, fighting to keep from being kidnapped again by Merle later, fighting for her life against the governor...yet she goes out, alone, to look for the Governor...and all anybody's worried about is how she's wasting time in denial.


If people don't do it because they don't want to, that's okay. But I really think plenty of people right now deliver babies unexpectedly and do fine. (My co-worker's daughter just gave birth this summer on the bathroom floor with about 2 minutes notice, it was fine.) I blame Lori's death not on lack of a hospital, but on her tiny-ginie...the source of her super-power. Oh, the irony.

Edited by kikismom
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Well, half the folks around me have big cow-catchers welded on the front on their trucks, winches that run off the battery, and I know one man who removed his windshield and had it replaced with chain-link fencing. Welded. Refreshing. No one says a word to him (we don't have vehicle inspections---good lord if we did nobody here would be allowed to drive.)


Cow catchers?? Where on earth do you live?? (I didn't know cars have this!) But yeah, same theory as with snow removers - they are big heavy plates of metal that can push anything heavy out of the way - i.e. Walkers. Chain-link fencing? Wow - but you know what, smart. Alright kikismom, when it happens you know exactly what type of vehicle to drive!


It reminds me of the movie Independence Day, where after the cities were attacked, the ones living in the country and lived in mobile homes were the ones who survived, not the ones in the metropolitian areas with their suits driving their Mercedes!

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Cow catchers?? Where on earth do you live?? (I didn't know cars have this!) But yeah, same theory as with snow removers - they are big heavy plates of metal that can push anything heavy out of the way - i.e. Walkers.

Well, around here there are cows getting loose and lots of deer, but the more usual problem is bears. A state road runs through the middle of "town" and right through the middle of a National Forest, with bears ambling across frequently. Wait till you hit one of those mothers at full speed on a dark night.

The Fish and Game people recently were on local news though, saying that bears had been observed teaching their offspring to look both ways before crossing the road, which is more than the local humans have been able to accomplish.

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Maybe Abraham didn't inherit his startling hair color from Irish ancestors, but from a Viking way back in the family tree. I could see him in a metal cone-head with horns. Easily.


If we're talking the Kappa Sig mixer about 20 years back, sure. :)


Well, half the folks around me have big cow-catchers welded on the front on their trucks, winches that run off the battery, and I know one man who removed his windshield and had it replaced with chain-link fencing. Welded. Refreshing. No one says a word to him (we don't have vehicle inspections---good lord if we did nobody here would be allowed to drive.)

Of course, the chain-link truck is---like about 1 out of 10 local trucks---a monster truck. No chance of getting stuck in a pile of dead meat like Daryl on the way to the Veterinary School. Nobody did this for a ZA. this is just how people like to drive. Mud-bogging is popular, and MT drag-racing ( in residential neighborhoods--that sanctioned track stuff is for weenies).

Yeah I don't think the Gov. would set up here, and Gareth would just open his mouth and say one sentence and he'd have a bulls-eye on his back.


Nothing more practical for a post-ZA cruise than a good rock scrambler.


She successfully had a child in the past...by needing a Caesarean to have Carl. It is mentioned by Carol.


Considering the small size of Lori's jeans--size 00 hips--I'm not surprised, but she would have died without surgery in a hospital before the ZA.

So what you're saying is... fat-bottomed girls will make the rocking world go 'round? :D

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She successfully had a child in the past...by needing a Caesarean to have Carl. It is mentioned by Carol.



Not only that...Lori instructed Maggie to use the old C-section scar as an indication of where Maggie should slice Lori open. Not quite "cut on the dotted line," but close enough.

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The Fish and Game people recently were on local news though, saying that bears had been observed teaching their offspring to look both ways before crossing the road, which is more than the local humans have been able to accomplish.


  This is frightening.  Are they all named Yogi?  Suddenly Gorilla Grodd on The Flash doesn't seem so outlandish. 

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You know, if I HAD to go through a ZA, I hope it'll be in Wyoming.  First of all, there are only 12 people who live there.  Secondly,  all they have there are big trucks with snow-plows on the front of them.  I'd be set.  In fact, I might be a little bored.

But keep in mind, those 12 people are all heavily armed. Seriously, my parents went to my cousin's wedding several years ago and they had a lady checking people's sidearms in the hatcheck room. Apparently they didn't want a gunfight to break out during the ceremony cuz the guests were packing heat.

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Well, half the folks around me have big cow-catchers welded on the front on their trucks, winches that run off the battery, and I know one man who removed his windshield and had it replaced with chain-link fencing. Welded. Refreshing. No one says a word to him (we don't have vehicle inspections---good lord if we did nobody here would be allowed to drive.)

Of course, the chain-link truck is---like about 1 out of 10 local trucks---a monster truck. No chance of getting stuck in a pile of dead meat like Daryl on the way to the Veterinary School. Nobody did this for a ZA. this is just how people like to drive. Mud-bogging is popular, and MT drag-racing ( in residential neighborhoods--that sanctioned track stuff is for weenies).

Yeah I don't think the Gov. would set up here, and Gareth would just open his mouth and say one sentence and he'd have a bulls-eye on his back.

Dang, kikismom! I am such a city gal.

It always drove me nuts that CDB never took any hybrids. They get better gas mileage and they're quieter.

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Well, around here there are cows getting loose and lots of deer, but the more usual problem is bears. A state road runs through the middle of "town" and right through the middle of a National Forest, with bears ambling across frequently. Wait till you hit one of those mothers at full speed on a dark night.

The Fish and Game people recently were on local news though, saying that bears had been observed teaching their offspring to look both ways before crossing the road, which is more than the local humans have been able to accomplish.


Aww...bears looking before crossing the road...Smart mommy bears! I love that.


Yeah, I live in the Great White North (but not so North), but in the proper north areas, if a moose hits your car, forget about the car. It will be totalled. But as far as I know, we don't have moose-catchers!


When someone this episode mentioned using bicycles, I was like "YES!" Get some bikes. You could put in 20-30 kilometers a day, and it's around 1000 kilometers Atlanta to Washington. If you find a car along the way, great, but they could still make good time by moving faster than walking, AND they don't need fuel AND they could outbike the Walkers. Just saying.

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 My first thought when Tara mentioned bikes was "the tires would be dry rotted".  Then I remembered this is the world where gas is stable  after years so I'm sure the tires are fine.  Biking does burn a lot of calories, though, and they seem low on food supplies so unless they stashed some Terminus Brand Jerky, that might be an issue.

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There are a few downsides to bicycles though: can't carry much, exposed to the elements, not enclosed in case a walker (or a group of them) gets too close...


On the plus side, biking might generate enough of a breeze to rip that fucking hat off Carl's head, so I wish they'd try it...

Edited by NoWillToResist
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Not according to that bike courier who almost ran over me on the sidewalk this afternoon.  He glanced back over his shoulder, threw some swear words at me and took off like he thought he was badass to the bone.  I did not point out the newspaper box right in front of him and smirked when he crashed into it.  Good times. 

Edited by Irishmaple
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There are a few downsides to bicycles though: can't carry much, exposed to the elements, not enclosed in case a walker (or a group of them) gets too close...


On the plus side, biking might generate enough of a breeze to rip that fucking hat off Carl's head, so I wish they'd try it...


True, but bikes can go faster and probably burn fewer calories than on foot.  They can walk the bikes up steep hills and coast down them.  They can probably carry as much on a bike as they can on foot, plus they can get side saddles and other baskets to put on the bikes to carry more.  If a horde shows up and there's no way to outpace the walkers. just jump off the bike and run into the woods until the horde shambles by.


But, yeah, most bicycle designs would kill the badass factor.  Especially this one:



Edited by GreyBunny
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