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Judith: Little Asskicker

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I know it's completely pointless, senseless, and probably no one cares but me - but I'm wondering who Judith's biological father is. I can't seem to find a timeline between Rick's coma and when he reaches CDB.  I know season three wiki says that at the start of the season, Lori is about eight months pregnant, and Rick explains to the prisoners what's transpired in the last ten months of the ZA. So Lori became pregnant roughly two months in.  Many people (including Daryl) seem to think Shane is the obvious daddy.  But -


Per TWD comic wiki, Lori and Shane only had sex once. This reduces Shane's chance of being the father.


Obviously it doesn't matter, as far as Rick is concerned, she's his.


Ok, I'm the dumbass - it's asskicker not kickass.  Unfortunately, I don't know how to fix it. 

Edited by RedheadZombie
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I always assume she's Shane's, although we'll never know. If TWD lasts long enough I tend to wonder if we'll get soap opera-style scenes where she overhears Glenn or Carol or someone conveniently talking about it and she Learns The Truth.

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If Lori became pregnant 2 months after the start of the ZA, Rick was in the hospital during the 2 months. So we know she was not pregnant by Rick from anytime before he got shot.

the comic wiki may say Shane+Lori 1 time,but I feel the show suggests otherwise. what we saw in the woods didn't seem first-timey to me! (YMMV lol) Plus Dale knew and Daryl and Carol knew--what are the odds that they just got caught by the rest of the group their first time, in the woods not a tent? Plus Lori says she and Shane happened because her husband had just died and she wanted to feel something, anything... but she didn't seem still in grief mode at the quarry camp EVER.


If she needs the test when they get to the farm, she would have to have missed her period or be late enough (more than one day late) to be worried.


There's Rick returning they have sex that night.

the next day they go back for Merle, hear screams from the quarry as they return, and discover the walkers killed half the campers.

They leave the next day, go on the highway and the herd comes. Sophia is lost, search that day and one night searching for Sophia

  Carl gets shot the next day, and Glenn and T-Dawg go to the Greene farm that night. Glenn goes for supplies a day or 2 ( help me out!) and she asks for the test.


1day Rick. 2nd day go for Merle and walker attack. 3rd day leave and Sophia lost. 4th day search more and Carl shot. 5th day Carl recovering from surgery CDB moves in, Glenn goes for supplies that day or the next?

A week or less.

Now, not a week from her 72 hour window she could conceive;

she'd need it to be a few days to a week to be late for her period.

If it was a week from her ovulation time she wouldn't  be late to menstruate yet.

Meaning....her period had to be due around the time from the walker attack to Carl's shooting.

So she'd know Rick didn't get her pregnant the day before she was due to menstruate.

Even Shane didn't get her pregnant that day.


The first time I saw the show I didn't pick up on something good. Watch when Rick has come to the quarry camp, he goes in Dale's RV, and Lori and Shane have a talk outside...and watch Rick interrupt them as he comes down the RV steps.

They excuse their talk as chatting about something else. But watch the look in Rick's face. He ( AL) played that as Rick knowing. It makes more sense later at the farm when Lori confesses and Rick says I knew. I knew. 

Otherwise you might think Rick is just pretending not to be surprised or not having been a fool and just fakes that he knew. But if you watch him come out of the RV at the quarry...he knew. So I still think something went on more than we saw in the woods with Lori and Shane.

Edited by kikismom
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At first I read your post too quickly and thought you said she'd had sex with Merle.


Poor baby Judith if that was the case.


There was also a day when they were at the CDC.


I do think Shane and Lori had sex more than once. They were too familiar/intimate with each other in that woods scene for that to be a first time. I'm not sure how long it had been going on. 


I really liked the way they handled the revelation of the affair. The last thing the show needed was a melodramatic reveal, with Rick calling her a slut and a whore (fans were already taking care of that) and getting into a brawl with Shane. His calm, knowing reaction, his internalizing his anger and betrayal, just added more of a simmer to the drama with Shane, it made Lori more guilt-ridden and thus made her more eager for Shane to go. When Rick did brawl with Shane, it was for a host of reasons. 

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At first I read your post too quickly and thought you said she'd had sex with Merle.


Poor baby Judith if that was the case.


There was also a day when they were at the CDC.


I do think Shane and Lori had sex more than once. They were too familiar/intimate with each other in that woods scene for that to be a first time. I'm not sure how long it had been going on. 


I really liked the way they handled the revelation of the affair. The last thing the show needed was a melodramatic reveal, with Rick calling her a slut and a whore (fans were already taking care of that) and getting into a brawl with Shane. His calm, knowing reaction, his internalizing his anger and betrayal, just added more of a simmer to the drama with Shane, it made Lori more guilt-ridden and thus made her more eager for Shane to go. When Rick did brawl with Shane, it was for a host of reasons. 

Thanks for correcting me about the CDC--for some strange reason I blot that episode out of my memory!


There's also a great brief moment at the farmhouse when Rick is taking off his shirt (which was great anyway) and he puts his sheriff's stars in the drawer...and Lori comes up behind him all arms around him close and she's saying how she'll come to bed in a few minutes (that's actually when she goes outside to pee in the field on a stick because a pregnancy test should be taken in the morning she's such an idiot) but watch Rick's face in the mirror when she's behind him embracing him. That is the coldest look lol.


When Dale was on the RV to watch for walkers he was watching Amy and Andrea in the boat, Jim on the hill digging, why not watching Shane and Lori dogging it in the forest? We already know he was a nosy gossip, possibly a little pervy, and as the highway would reveal, a lousy lookout who couldn't spot a herd of walkers on a highway from 15 feet up until they were right on the group's ass. I bet he was watching.

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When Lori had her little talk with Shane about how the baby wasn't his, he said something to the affect of "We carried on quite a bit before Rick came back".  I always took that to mean she often left Carl in the ZA to go have a booty call.


Oh Dale was a total creepy perv.  You know damn well where his binoculars were aiming.

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I thought Shane/Lori had mentioned that night on the road when they saw them blowing up Atlanta was the first time. Carol was watching Carl.


Kirkman has said when Rick found them, it had been a month since they were separated, I think that was on Talking Dead,  

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If TWD lasts long enough I tend to wonder if we'll get soap opera-style scenes where she overhears Glenn or Carol or someone conveniently talking about it and she Learns The Truth.


Assuming anyone who would have to been around to know lives long enough to get to that point, I can't imagine they'd even care enough to bring it up.  Lori and Shane are both long dead.  Daryl and Carol joked about it privately between themselves, but Andrea was the only one crass enough to still be talking about it afterward, as when she conveniently decided to discuss it off-screen with the Gov. so he could throw that in Rick's face.


I really liked the way they handled the revelation of the affair. The last thing the show needed was a melodramatic reveal, with Rick calling her a slut and a whore (fans were already taking care of that) and getting into a brawl with Shane. His calm, knowing reaction, his internalizing his anger and betrayal, just added more of a simmer to the drama with Shane, it made Lori more guilt-ridden and thus made her more eager for Shane to go. When Rick did brawl with Shane, it was for a host of reasons.


I really liked this too.  It's been a long point of contention between my husband and I that while I never liked Lori, I never begrudged her the whole Shane thing while the world was ending and she believed Rick was dead.  She was alone in the chaos with a young child and here was this man who clearly wanted to be her protector.  Rick's nonreaction made me think that while he certainly had his own feelings on the subject he understood that as well.

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Assuming anyone who would have to been around to know lives long enough to get to that point, I can't imagine they'd even care enough to bring it up.  Lori and Shane are both long dead.  Daryl and Carol joked about it privately between themselves, but Andrea was the only one crass enough to still be talking about it afterward, as when she conveniently decided to discuss it off-screen with the Gov. so he could throw that in Rick's face.


I agree. That's why I said it would be a soap-style moment. The whole "you aren't my father!" cry, complete with someone being slapped in the face. It just amused me to envision it.

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I definitely agree that show Lori and Shane got busy frequently. My point (not explained clearly) was it seemed that the comic had less likelihood of Shane being the father.

I really liked this too.  It's been a long point of contention between my husband and I that while I never liked Lori, I never begrudged her the whole Shane thing while the world was ending and she believed Rick was dead.  She was alone in the chaos with a young child and here was this man who clearly wanted to be her protector.  Rick's nonreaction made me think that while he certainly had his own feelings on the subject he understood that as well.


I think the show was smart to have Shane lie to Lori about Rick. I recently found out that, in the comic, Lori knew Rick was still alive. I can't imagine the increased hate if the show stuck with this fact.

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I don't think issues like paternity/maternity will matter as much in the ZA world.  Rick has two children and he loves them.  Carol seemed on the verge of reluctantly adopting Lizzie and Mika and, had both girls survived, would likely have become their mother in every sense of the word that matters.  Families are being built in this world and biology is a secondary consideration, if it even ranks that high.  The ZA is an 'it takes a village' world. 

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I think the show was smart to have Shane lie to Lori about Rick


I really didn't like how they went back and tried to show that Shane really did think that. I think it would have been fine to have it left up in the air as to whether Shane was telling the truth when he said he tried to help Rick out of the hospital. 

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Yeah I assumed Rick was in the hospital for a month at most. Even that's kind of unbelievable but two months is just not happening, in my head canon. And she's Rick's daughter, in my world.

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I just don't think there was enough time between that first night when Rick got back and when she took the pregnancy test, it doesn't seem logical that LAK is biologically his. By my count, it was 6 days after Rick arrived at CDB that Carl was shot and they arrived at the farm. Now how many more days were they there before Lori took the test? Because it would be to be at least 8 more for her to realize she was late, and that doesn't sound right to me. 


I mean, of course Rick is her father when all is said and done. But I did kind of feel badly for Shane and how quickly his role was dismissed. They didn't have the luxury of a paternity test, of course, and Lori was trying to make things right with her husband - so I understand why she took the stance that she did. But there is a huge likelihood that that baby is his, and it must have really hurt him to know that and not really be able to do anything about it.


Sadly, it was better Shane died. For a myriad of reasons, but I could totally see him raising the issue multiple times if he was still there when the baby was born. Thank goodness she didn't come out with coarse, curly dark hair and giant ears. The way they've cast Judith, it makes it much easier to think of her as Rick's, even though in my logical frame of mind I highly doubt that she is.

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1.) I just don't think there was enough time between that first night when Rick got back and when she took the pregnancy test, it doesn't seem logical that LAK is biologically his. By my count, it was 6 days after Rick arrived at CDB that Carl was shot and they arrived at the farm.




2.)Thank goodness she didn't come out with coarse, curly dark hair and giant ears.


1.) Highly Agree


2.) No, she didn't come out with coarse, curly dark hair and giant ears, thank goodness.But the bad news is she came out with---and still has---fine, stick-straight, strawberry blonde hair. Which, if you consider what Rick, Lori, and Carl look like...must really be making Rick's mind explode.

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Ah yes, thanks kikismom. So he was unattended in the hospital for a month. Even with the ZA raging around him, stuck in that bed with no fluids or care at all seems dubious but....one must go with it.

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There's actually a theory that Rick

survived because he is a walker...sorta. The basic idea is that Rick was supposed to die of his gunshot wound, the virus would be taking over and making him a walker...but a comatose state somehow shut down the process. So supposedly Rick is partially walker...that's why he wasn't affected by the stab wound or other serious wounds that should have killed him.
I'm not saying I follow this theory. just passing it on as an interesting explanation that would mean a bigger interesting way to end the show or find a cure.
Just as many people consider it bullshit.




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No, she didn't come out with coarse, curly dark hair and giant ears, thank goodness.But the bad news is she came out with---and still has---fine, stick-straight, strawberry blonde hair. Which, if you consider what Rick, Lori, and Carl look like...must really be making Rick's mind explode.


Haha, well...Rick looks like his hair could have been lighter as a child. My husband has brown hair and I have super dark brown hair, but our second child came came out with strawberry blonde hair and now has regular blonde hair. My husband was the same way, but it grew darker over the years. 


Yes, I realize how stupid it is that I'm analyzing how much these people look like each other more than the casting directors likely did. 


By the by, we do have new babies playing Judith this year, right? Or am I crazy? My husband says the looks the same, but I think she looks totally different.


Maybe he was in a coma for two months but only unattended for a week or so. Otherwise, he'd have died of dehydration without any fluids for a month.


That's what I tend to believe happened. The smaller towns and rural areas would have been hit last, so it's possible Rick was being cared for up until about a week before he woke up.

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Dumbest. Theory. Ever.  And there are some real doozies floating around out there in internetland.


Maybe he was in a coma for two months but only unattended for a week or so. Otherwise, he'd have died of dehydration without any fluids for a month.


This is what I've always thought too, going by the timeline Jenner gives at the CDC.   I took the flashback of Shane at the hospital as the point when everything was going to hell there with the idea that there had probably still been at least some level of patient care before that.

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By the by, we do have new babies playing Judith this year, right? Or am I crazy? My husband says the looks the same, but I think she looks totally different.


Tell your husband to look at these and say it's the same kid:











ETA:  As regards your second child being blonde...is that why you can't ask your husband to let you go away for the weekend?  J/K  : -D

Edited by kikismom
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To be fair, my husband thinks that any two kids that aren't ours who look even vaguely alike are the same kid.  If it's not a kid he has to be responsible for, he honestly never looks that closely.

We have a lot of kids in our family, and stepkids, and we were always allowed to bring our friends home for meals...sometimes halfway through dinner my dad would stop and stare at someone and ask "Are you one of ours?"

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That's really funny.


Until recently, we had a couple with a son and a nephew living next door.  The son and nephew did strongly resemble each other but there was probably at least 8 inches difference in height.  It still took my husband months to realize they were two separate kids.  Again, not his so he just never looked that closely.

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Yeah I could buy Rick unattended for a week. Oh that last little baby, she was my favourite as she most resembled my own, and I always look away during that scene with Lizzy *shudder*

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1day Rick. 2nd day go for Merle and walker attack. 3rd day leave and Sophia lost. 4th day search more and Carl shot. 5th day Carl recovering from surgery CDB moves in, Glenn goes for supplies that day or the next?

A week or less.


According to the Walking Dead Wiki's TV timeline:

  • Rick and Lori were reunited (and re-consummated) on ZA Day 61.
  • Lori asked Glenn to make the PT run on Day 69.


So - a hair over a week.


And I totally agree that Shane & Lori's roll in the poison ivy did not look any way, shape, or form like a first-timer kinda thang.

BTW - that was the same day Rick returned, so Lori was double-dipping.  Even if Lori started ovulating on that very day, Shane's swimmers already had a few hours' head start.

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Haha, well...Rick looks like his hair could have been lighter as a child. My husband has brown hair and I have super dark brown hair, but our second child came came out with strawberry blonde hair and now has regular blonde hair. My husband was the same way, but it grew darker over the years. 


Yes, I realize how stupid it is that I'm analyzing how much these people look like each other more than the casting directors likely did. 


By the by, we do have new babies playing Judith this year, right? Or am I crazy? My husband says the looks the same, but I think she looks totally different.





That's what I tend to believe happened. The smaller towns and rural areas would have been hit last, so it's possible Rick was being cared for up until about a week before he woke up.

My older brother and sister were born with dark brown hair and it grew darker as they got older - almost black.  I came out with strawberry blonde hair that turned blonde blonde when I was a toddler, to dishy blonde the rest of my life.  My nephew also had the strawberry blonde thing going on, but now as a 20-something has hair as dark as Rick.


I think the blue eyes are more telling.  Shane and Lori both had brown, and while a blue eyed baby can come from that, the genetic chances are slim.  I think they picked a blue eyed one to show that Judith is Rick's bio child.  At least that's what my mind tells me :)


Yeah I could buy Rick unattended for a week. Oh that last little baby, she was my favourite as she most resembled my own, and I always look away during that scene with Lizzy *shudder*

I unfortunately know a lot about dehydration due to my Grandpa, Mom, and Dad all dying from terminal illness in less than two years.  It really is a crap shoot, they can't predict it, but no one lives more than two weeks without water.  Bigger people can last almost that long because they have stores, but someone thin like Rick?  He'd have been a goner in a few days.  Most smaller people will be out in 3 to 4 days, and towards the end of that even if they did wake up no one in that state would be able to get up and walk around without help.  I have to hand wave that whole situation or think it was just a few days.

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I think the blue eyes are more telling.  Shane and Lori both had brown, and while a blue eyed baby can come from that, the genetic chances are slim.  I think they picked a blue eyed one to show that Judith is Rick's bio child.  At least that's what my mind tells me :)


I unfortunately know a lot about dehydration due to my Grandpa, Mom, and Dad all dying from terminal illness in less than two years.

re: the eyes; that's good!...remember Carol sees the baby the first time and says to Rick "She has your eyes". Now Rick had said to Carl already "She looks like you [did]" but that could be just opinion the way people say a newborn baby looks like this or that relative. But now I think Carol said that for more than just a new-baby-compliment---we do know from Daryl joking with her that everyone knew about Shane. Carol knew the right thing to say without being ham-fisted about it. (Ooh look maybe Shane didn't knock up your wife!)



My sympathies for your loss,. You've been through a lot; may you find comfort in memories of the good stuff.

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I unfortunately know a lot about dehydration due to my Grandpa, Mom, and Dad all dying from terminal illness in less than two years.  It really is a crap shoot, they can't predict it, but no one lives more than two weeks without water.  Bigger people can last almost that long because they have stores, but someone thin like Rick?  He'd have been a goner in a few days.  Most smaller people will be out in 3 to 4 days, and towards the end of that even if they did wake up no one in that state would be able to get up and walk around without help.  I have to hand wave that whole situation or think it was just a few days.


I think it's more of a case of Kirkman not knowing or thinking about how long a person could actually last. 


If you really want to make yourself crazy, take the webisodes into account. Maybe that doctor from "The Oath" was taking care of him. 

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re: the eyes; that's good!...remember Carol sees the baby the first time and says to Rick "She has your eyes". Now Rick had said to Carl already "She looks like you [did]" but that could be just opinion the way people say a newborn baby looks like this or that relative. But now I think Carol said that for more than just a new-baby-compliment---we do know from Daryl joking with her that everyone knew about Shane. Carol knew the right thing to say without being ham-fisted about it. (Ooh look maybe Shane didn't knock up your wife!)



My sympathies for your loss,. You've been through a lot; may you find comfort in memories of the good stuff.

Oh thank you, I try!  It's rough having that much loss all at once, but life goes on....


Well you just cleared up another mumble-mouthed scene for me!  I thought Carol said "She has Lori's eyes".  Sounds much better aimed at Rick :)


You know I think Judith has earned her nickname.  She was in the primary care of Carol and lived!  The only child to last!

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We have a lot of kids in our family, and stepkids, and we were always allowed to bring our friends home for meals...sometimes halfway through dinner my dad would stop and stare at someone and ask "Are you one of ours?"


That's really cute!  I recall an interview with Donny Osmond and he was talking about Marie and her kids - some who were adopted.  He said that he loves her response when people look at all the kids and then ask which ones were adopted, she'd just shrug and say "Eh, I don't remember."  Regardless of who made her, Judith is Rick's.  I do believe she was made Shane and in the soap opera in my head I imagine that one day, when the pain has subsided, Rick will look at Judith and see something of Shane and it will bring him comfort and make him love her all the more.

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Judith can't possibly be Shane's because she has blue eyes.


Shane (brown eyes) + Lori (brown bugged out googly eyes) = brown eyed kid


Rick (blue eyes) + Lori (brown bugged out googly eyes) = 50% chance of a blue eyed kid


This is most of what I remember from high school biology.

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Judith can't possibly be Shane's because she has blue eyes.

Shane (brown eyes) + Lori (brown bugged out googly eyes) = brown eyed kid

Rick (blue eyes) + Lori (brown bugged out googly eyes) = 50% chance of a blue eyed kid

This is most of what I remember from high school biology.

Two brown-eyed parents can have a blue eyed kid as long as both parents have one recessive gene.

Yep; two brown-eyed parents have a 25% chance of having a blue-eyed child IFF both parents carry a recessive blue eye gene.

Bb + Bb = [ BB Bb Bb bb ]

ETA: B = brown eyes (dominant), b = blue eyes (recessive).

Edited by Nashville
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Yep; two brown-eyed parents have a 25% chance of having a blue-eyed child IFF both parents carry a recessive blue eye gene.

Bb + Bb = [ BB Bb Bb bb ]

ETA: B = brown eyes (dominant), b = blue eyes (recessive).

But what about the dominant Elephant Ear gene? Since Judith doesn't have Dumbo Ears, I still claim she's not Shane's.

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Two brown-eyed parents can have a blue eyed kid as long as both parents have one recessive gene.

My husband and I both have very dark hair and dark eyes.  Our oldest is a very fair blue-eyed blonde.  We both have blue-eyed blondes in our family trees so we didn't think much of it but it has resulted in at least a few questions and snickering from people who don't know about recessive genes.


On topic?  I don't think we're ever supposed to definitively know who impregnated Lori.  I don't think it matters to Rick at this point.

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I think she's Rick's. If she were Shane's she'd have Dumbo ears (that guy had some seriously weird looking giant ears).

From 2013:

When asked if he thought baby Judith was Shane or Rick’s baby, Jon Bernthal said, “100% Shane’s baby.” As the crowd applauded, Jon Bernthal added, “That baby’s going to have a big, old busted nose and giant-ass ears, you know what I mean, 100% Shane’s baby.”

Edited by editorgrrl
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Remind me again why Lori couldn't have gotten pregnant just before Rick got shot?  Because she'd have noticed a missed period sooner?  From experience, I know that a shock or tragedy can stop a cycle dead in its tracks, so it's possibly that a missed period wouldn't be noticed right away (if all the women were talking like they did at the river about such things, Lori might know it was happening to others).  Adding that to the fact that they were running for their lives at times and the world was ending, it wouldn't be top on my list of things to keep track of.  


Also, some women have crazy irregular cycles all the time.  There have been cases of women going into labor and not having realized they were even pregnant because their cycles were so irregular.  Could Lori have just been like 'hmm, it's been a couple months now, and I'm starting to feel some other things like nausea...better check'?  I can't remember if anything she said or did precluded that possibility.


Sorry if I wandered too far into TMI territory for anyone.

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I've always thought that was a possibility as well.  It's not like the show was ever really specific about exactly how much time has passed.  Yeah, I know there are some pretty detailed timelines out there.  But the closest we ever got to the show trying to pinpoint time was Jenner's monologue at the end of season one. 


It's also certainly possible that the combination of the insane stress they were under and not eating so well could have played havoc with her cycle.  Entering my own TMI territory, I got pregnant with my oldest right around the same time as Hurricane Katrina.  Between the evacuation and not being able to return home for months (we lived in New Orleans at the time) and the stress of trying to figure out how to live and not knowing what was going to happen, it did take me more than a good month longer than it probably otherwise would have to even notice.  And that was without trying to outrun zombies.

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Remind me again why Lori couldn't have gotten pregnant just before Rick got shot?

Isn't it because Judith was born 9 months after Rick returned to her at the quarry...narrowly missing a view of Lori and Shane doing the deed in the weeds? It's more about when Judith was born than about when Lori suspected she was preg or missed her period.



Sorry if I wandered too far into TMI territory for anyone.

Oh, this forum has been long past TMI for some time now.

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Weren't they sort of vague about that timeframe too?  We know season three starts roughly 8 months after season two ends because they make a point of mentioning it, but It's not like anyone's traveling around with a big wall calendar they're Xing days off of at this point.


Considering that lots of women deliver a couple of weeks early or late if they're not being strictly clocked, I think it could go either way.

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