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While I don't think Thrawn is truly loyal to the Empire, he's committed to his role in it.  Thrawn likely sees the Empire as the lesser of two evils.  The greater evil, to him, would likely be the massive civil war it would take to overthrow the Empire and the death and ruin of lives and livelihoods such a conflict would necessarily bring.   That all said, I think Thrawn respects and even admires some of the Rebels, especially Hera.  Which doesn't mean he wouldn't kill her if it came down to it.  However, it hasn't come down to it, so Thrawn was okay with giving Hera a kind of encouragement and okay with the idea that while he was gone, the rest of the Rebels would likely be able to free Hera from the Governor.  Thrawn was most definitely not okay with Pryce blowing up the fuel reserves just to kill one guy.

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11 hours ago, johntfs said:

That all said, I think Thrawn respects and even admires some of the Rebels, especially Hera.

Thrawn respects competency and talent and there's not a lot of it in the Empire. I think he's spinning his own threads but I just don't know to what end. 

We know he's going to be gone somewhere else soon, and I just don't see him sloppy enough to get himself killed. 

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3 hours ago, ganesh said:

Thrawn respects competency and talent and there's not a lot of it in the Empire. I think he's spinning his own threads but I just don't know to what end. 

We know he's going to be gone somewhere else soon, and I just don't see him sloppy enough to get himself killed. 

I seriously doubt Thrawn dies at the end of Rebels because book scheduling Spoilers:


Timothy Zahn is writing a trilogy of Thrawn books based in the current Disney continuity.  The first book, Thrawn, covers Thrawn's rise and career up to the point the show, Rebels begins.  The next book, Thrawn: Alliances is due out in July 2018, well after Rebels has gone off the air.  Figure the third book will come out in the Spring or Summer of 2019, before the December release of Star Wars IX: Carrie Fisher's Dead, WTF Do We Do Now?!

Edited by johntfs
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I'm not going to read the spoiler, but the gist of my point was that it would be way OOC and I would call BS if he did die in the show. I really hoping for an interesting plot to explain why he goes, and I really want to see him join forces with the group as part of it. 

Maybe Palpatine sees him as a threat and tries to eliminate him. 

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I doubt he will die, but I also don't think he was playing both sides with Hera.  I think he thought that he would demoralize her or make her filled with rage and therefore more susceptible to probes.  But then I have never been as impressed with Thrawn as others seem to be.  

I also thought that the second episode showed that he doesn't really understand the rebels.  The start of the episode was designed to make his diagnosis seem correct.  But then both Sabine and Ezra showed that they weren't as rudderless or easily beaten as he thought.  It reminded me of the empire's general over confidence.

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If he was trying to demoralize her, he went about it in exactly the wrong way and I think he'd know that.  Also, I'd figure someone whose mind was clouded by rage would be less susceptible to probes.

I don't think Thrawn will die or defect to the Rebellion.  We know Thrawn doesn't seem to play any significant role in the Rebellion after Rebels on the side of either the Rebels or the Empire.  We know he suffers a serious setback in the loss of the TIE-Defender program because the TIE Defenders weren't a thing in the rest of Star Wars.  My best guess is that he gets some kind of demotion/transfer that puts him out of the game for the rest of the Rebellion/Empire conflict.  For my part I suspect/hope that they're building the character toward the idea of making a major appearance in Star Wars 9: Carrie's Gone, Now WTF Do We Do?!

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10 hours ago, johntfs said:


If he was trying to demoralize her, he went about it in exactly the wrong way and I think he'd know that.  Also, I'd figure someone whose mind was clouded by rage would be less susceptible to probes.


I guess this is where perceptions differ.  We are always being told that Thrawn is a master of reading other people but i think we are told more than shown.  Basically he is patient so he doesn’t overreact (which sets him apart from those around him) but besides that...i don’t see it.

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On 2/25/2018 at 8:51 AM, ganesh said:

I hope his absence in the main plot may isn't over him being demoted and transferred. That's kind of lame. 

He left in a hurry to defend his TIE Defender project to the Emeperor vs "Stardust".  Having Tie-D production paused does not bode well for the longevity of his project.  I think Gov. Pryce dies by the end of the series leaving Thrawn to eat the punishment /demotion / exile for his failed project

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39 minutes ago, DarkRaichu said:

He left in a hurry to defend his TIE Defender project to the Emeperor vs "Stardust".  Having Tie-D production paused does not bode well for the longevity of his project.  I think Gov. Pryce dies by the end of the series leaving Thrawn to eat the punishment /demotion / exile for his failed project

Agreed, I think that's the outcome. Thrawn gets exciled setting him up for the post war return I'm the next cartoon series ?

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I don't know if Palpatine considers the TIE project that big a deal though since we know they're pouring resources into the Death Star. I'm not seeing the failure of the project that big a deal if it even was on Palpatine's radar till now. I just want Thrawn to have other things going on and use the Empire for his own ends. 

I suppose he can claim credit for killing a Jedi. Palpatine might like that. 

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15 minutes ago, ganesh said:

I suppose he can claim credit for killing a Jedi. Palpatine might like that. 

Technically it was Pryce (well, Pryce's troops firing at the fuel depot) that did that.  Plus, Thrawn already "killed" a Force God last season.  A Jedi is small ball compared to that.

Besides, if they really need Thrawn off the Star Wars stage for awhile, they could always do something like this:


Thra-awn, Thra-awn from I.T.

Edited by johntfs
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1 hour ago, ganesh said:

I know it was Pryce. But Thrawn can still take the credit. 

It is not advantageous for Thrawn to take the credit since he would have to concede killing 1 Jedi is more important than maintaining TIE-D production.   At this point Thrawn wants the Emperor to think his project is very important to keep its funding.

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Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude. Time travel in Star Wars! I love how they brought that in. I would never have liked a scientific way.

Not only did they get Malcolm McDowell but they got Ian McDiarmid to play Palpatine again!

I'm happy they brought the Mortis trinity back.

Loved the first episode's Raiders of the Lost Ark vibe.

The moving paintings freaked me out.

AHSOKA LIVES! YES! I love how that was Ahsoka and the owl at the end of the season 2 finale.

No, you will not get me to admit I got emotional AF when Hera felt Kanan's Force Ghost touch her shoulder.

Courtesy Tumblr:

Voices that can be heard in A World Between Worlds (MASSIVE SPOILERS!)

Yoda (Frank Oz)

Obi Wan Kenobi (James Arnold Taylor)

Qui-Gon-Jinn (Liam Neeson)

Ahsoka Tano (Ashley Eckstein)

Ben Kenobi (Stephen Stanton)

Kanan Jarus (Freddie Prinze Jr.)

Ben Kenobi (Alec Guinness)

Maz Kanata (Lupita Nyong’o)

Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones)

Kylo Ren (Adam Driver)

Rey (Daisy Ridley)

Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac)

The Daughter (Adrienne Wilkinson)

Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher)

Anakin Skywalker (Matt Lanter)

Darth Vader (James Earl Jones)

The Son (Sam Witwer)

Edited by VCRTracking
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Great episode.  All the elements worked.  Ahsoka & Kanan taught Ezra something.  The time travel in SW?  Why not? Seeing Vader again? Sure ;) Plus Chopper saved the day :D

On 1 hand Ahsoka survived, on the other hand, she is now stuck in that Sith Temple like Maul was before her. :P

Btw, speaking of callback, wasn't that the basin Palpatine & Dooku used to interfere with Yoda's mystic journey in CW ???

I can't believe there is only 1.5 hours of new Rebels left :(  Why can't someone in Disney higher up asked Filoni to write/direct/produce a few SW movies already?

Edited by DarkRaichu
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Ahsoka survived, but we don't know when she ended up.  Granted that I like Ahsoka as a character, but her story came to a proper end in this show's second season.  We know that whatever happens in these "tween" that take place after Revenge of the Sith but before A New Hope, in the end there's only six-seven (potential) Force users: Luke, Leia, Vader, Palpatine, Ben Kenobi, Yoda and possibly Snoke.  And Snoke plays no known part in the IV-VI trilogy.  So, we know that Ahsoka is irrelevant to IV-VI, as is Ezra Bridger.  They flat killed off Kanan.  I really don't see the logic of bringing back Ahsoka this way.

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6 hours ago, DavidJSnyder said:

Well, it makes sense if Ahsoka is Snoke.

So it makes sense if Ahsoka switches genders, species and morality sometime between now and The Force Awakens?  Yeah, not buying it.  I assume they just wanted the character available for any other stuff they want to do with/to her once Rebels ends.

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On 2/27/2018 at 12:41 PM, VCRTracking said:

Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude. Time travel in Star Wars! I love how they brought that in. I would never have liked a scientific way.

When they were explaining it, I was like, "so the temple is the TARDIS now?"

Neat that Ezra was able to pull the jedi mind trick.

I didn't think Ezra was going to meet Palpatine. When did he get Blue Fire Power? I actually would have thought it made more sense for Palpatine reason with Ezra like he did with Anakin especially since Ezra wa talking about why things were the way they were. Ezra certainly has enough rage that he could used it against himself. 

So is Ahsoka's owl Daughter then?

I like how it was a huge deal that Kenobi became a force ghost in ANH but literally any jedi can do it. 

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2 hours ago, ganesh said:

I like how it was a huge deal that Kenobi became a force ghost in ANH but literally any jedi can do it. 

Well, at the end of Return of the Jedi, we saw Kenobi, Anakin and Yoda as Force Ghosts.  So presumably if you're strong enough or connected to the Force enough, you can do it.  I wonder if that means that Palpatine is out there as a ghost?

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Papaltine in the EU basically cheated death by using the power of the dark side to transfer his spirit into a cloned body of himself he had grown for him on the planet Byss (a EU world that was completely enshrouded by the Dark side). The problem was the clone bodies burned out quickly so Papaltine decided to try to put his soul into the child Leia was carrying (future Anakin Solo). Luke and his new Jedi students were able to prevent this by one of them basically sacrificing himself to pull Paps spirit into the living Force forever.

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So that happened.  That was a bitter sweet ending..  So much to process...

So Jason eh?  How and when did that happen???


Edited by DarkRaichu
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6 hours ago, DarkRaichu said:

So that happened.  That was a bitter sweet ending..  So much to process...

So Jason eh?  How and when did that happen???


Jacen actually, the name of Han and Leia's son in the old EU. So if you put a human and a green twi'lek together you get a human looking child with green hair? why not


The final was more low key than I anticipated, centered on lothal's fate and nothing else

Ezra and thrawn must have landed somewhere in the unknown regions explaining their absence during the trilogy, not sure about Ahsoka, did she stay hidden all these years?

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Awesome finale!

Concluding the series with the heroes sending a message of hope for the Galaxy. Proving that the Empire can be beaten even on one planet. Exactly what a Star Wars ending should have.

Edited by rogvortex58
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1 hour ago, Iceman91 said:

did she stay hidden all these years?

Not necessarily.  She went through a Time portal.  She might have gone forward in time, landed at that temple and shown up on Lothal a week later.

Meanwhile, figure the Emperor didn't order an immediate attack because he was putting Lothal on the Death Stars' "To Do" list. 

Edited by johntfs
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2 hours ago, Iceman91 said:

Jacen actually, the name of Han and Leia's son in the old EU. So if you put a human and a green twi'lek together you get a human looking child with green hair? why not


The final was more low key than I anticipated, centered on lothal's fate and nothing else

Ezra and thrawn must have landed somewhere in the unknown regions explaining their absence during the trilogy, not sure about Ahsoka, did she stay hidden all these years?

It is so weird that after all this time we have never seen a human-Twi'lek hybrid.  We have seen human-Twilek romance before (SW Legacy comic) but not offspring.

I like the focus on Lothal for the finale since the story started there.  The whole Rebels series was more or less exploration of Ezra's experience so it makes sense to have it ended with freeing and protecting his home planet.

The way Filoni removed Ezra and Thrawn from the movie timeline was so unexpected and I loved it.  Those creatures showed up once in what most of us thought as another filler episode.  Brilliant!


1 hour ago, johntfs said:

Not necessarily.  She went through a Time portal.  She might have gone forward in time, landed at that temple and shown up on Lothal a week later.

Meanwhile, figure the Emperor didn't order an immediate attack because he was putting Lothal on the Death Stars' "To Do" list. 


Wasn't her owl creature there when Vader left the temple? Assuming that was the same owl that Ezra met in a world between worlds, that meant Ahsoka (and the owl) went back to more or less the same time period.  I am going with Ahsoka is stuck in that desolate planet of Malachor without a way out when movies 4-6 happened.  There was probably some arcane jedi / neutral Force knowledge deep in the bottom of the Sith temple that she could learn while waiting for / building a ride home.

I'd imagine Lothal went way down in Emperor's todo list as soon as Ezra went missing and the Jedi temple in Lothal was gone.  Plus, just a couple of years later he had Luke to obsess upon

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So I'll start off with what I didn't like:

1. Absolutely no stakes for the good guys. Other than Gregor and possibly Jai Kell the only good guy loses were a few nameless resistance members.

2. Space whales ex machina.

3. The kid. When did they do the deed? Also, the implication that Hera was pregnant while being drugged and tortured by the empire. She was also taking part in numerous military operations while pregnant.

4. Ashoka. I'm not sure if I like the idea of her surviving the Clone Wars, the Jedi Purge, the Empire, the Rebellion, and possibly still be alive during the Sequel Trilogy. 


Sabine and Zeb letting Rukh live nearly ended up biting them in the ass. Seriously, that guy had more lives than cat. Loved the wolves going all out on the storm troopers. While essentially executing all of the Imperials was a bit brutal, it was good to see Pryce finally get hers. The flash forward was well done. It was nice to get confirmation that Rex was the bearded commando in Han Solo's Endor squad. As was Kallus being accepted by the Lasat society. Overall, the series had its issues, but I liked it and am looking forward to the next show.

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Just watched the last 3 episodes and I'm an emotional wreck. Damn if that wasn't a fantastic finale. I love how the final season went back to being about Lothal. I was excited when they finally entered the bigger rebellion because I felt Lothal was too small and would get repetitive. However, I loved how in the end the story returned to that planet and showed that every small victory mattered and gave hope.

They really should give Filoni a movie, at least let him write it. Shit, give me a grownup Live Action Ezra played by Sam Witwer and, I'll be all over it.

I was happy to see Ahsoka again, I always assumed she survived the Vardar fight since we saw her walking into the temple at the end. 

I loved the Epilogue, I was happy to see everyone survived (save Kanan). Also liked how they handled Ezra and Thrawn missing from Rogue One - Episode VI.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I thought that this was a great way to end the story.  Considering it was designed as a kid's show I think it was probably right to minimize the deaths of the heroes (although the blowing up the entire imperial base seems a bit on the massacre side).  And I thought that although it showed that Thrawn had bravery when the whales attacked it again pointed to his overconfidence in thinking that he knew everything.

Speaking of overconfidence:  you would think that Palpatine might have learned from Ezra that showing up and expecting to turn someone in 30 seconds might not be a good idea.  Sure he turned Anakin but he was working on him for years.  Ezra was a trial run for Luke and it didn't go well.  But did Palps learn anything from that?  Doesn't seem likely.

I love the return of Ahsoka and I think that a series or film of her and Sabine would be great.  I thought that they are both among Filoni's best creations.

And I agree that he answered the where is Ezra and Thrawn question nicely.

It was a very well done ending.  props to him.

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I admit that I kind of wanted to dislike the "magic space whales" ending, but then I thought it through.  They're dealing with Thrawn.  Thrawn is pretty much going to be ready to counter any move outside of something like magic space whales.  And figure that next time, he's going to have a magic space whales countermeasure ready as well.

Bridge Officer: Sir!  Magic Space Whales Incoming!

Thrawn: Very well.  Prepare the Neutrino Harpoons to fire.

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I've been holding off on finishing the series because that's just something I do. I just watched 14.

"Where is your army now Jedi?" zhwooommm *Sabre lights up revealing the wolves*

Has got to be one of the best scenes in the entire canon.

What a fantastic battle too. I loved the main theme when the Ghost flew in to wreck it.  

Edited by ganesh
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1 hour ago, ganesh said:

I've been holding off on finishing the series because that's just something I do. I just watched 14.

"Where is your army now Jedi?" zhwooommm *Sabre lights up revealing the wolves*

Has got to be one of the best scenes in the entire canon.

What a fantastic battle too. I loved the main theme when the Ghost flew in to wreck it.  

I know, I loved that moment. 

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I don't know what to make of the liberation of Lothal. Ezra defeating Thrawn makes sense to me, and there's no way Thrawn could have predicted the space whales. When the kid said, "frequency zero," I knew they were coming. That's really the only way they could have won. I do like that it was the kickstart to the rebellion for real though. I'm surprised Palpatine didn't try to turn Ezra one last time. Both he and Vader were always trying to train apprentices. I can't imagine he didn't think Ezra was worth the effort; though there's no way he could defeat Vader for a very long time. 

I still don't know why the movies, they don't really fight with force powers, and Ezra bascially fights his way to the bridge and defeats Thrawn with his bare hands. 

I was hoping Thrawn had another agenda and just got away in the end, but I can roll with this. Also, that means he's not dead and Ezra's not dead. AND AHSOKA IS NOT DEAD. I hope she shows up in IX and just wipes the floor with everyone. You know she's Kenobi level know because she was wearing a hood. 

Love that Hera was at Endor. I didn't expect the flash forward at the end, but I liked it. 

With Thrawn alive, I can't imagine anyone alive for IX that could defeat him militarily. Although I really like the idea of him and Thrawn becoming allies and taking on some unknown enemy deep in the unknown regions. I have no idea what Ahsoka was doing during the OT though because as much as she was completely justified in leaving the Order, she was instrumental in developing the rebellion so she has a stake in the whole thing. Though I suppose maybe she went looking for anyone who escaped Order 66 to form her own order. Of course, that doesn't explain why she's not around in VII. Unless she joined Ezra. 

I have to say I was ticked the Clone Wars ended because they did a great job with Anakin and Kenobi. I loved their continuing battles with Dooku to finally give some impact of Anakin killing him later on. Also to show how it took Anakin and Kenobi to fight him to a stalemate, and finally Anakin beats him like a drum literally with one arm. Anyway, I didn't know if a show about unknown characters would fly, but this series was top notch. Better than R1 and TFA hands down. 

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On 3/6/2018 at 9:09 AM, johntfs said:

She went through a Time portal.  She might have gone forward in time, landed at that temple and shown up on Lothal a week later.

I think they were implying she was older because she was wearing the hood. 

On 3/6/2018 at 10:16 AM, DarkRaichu said:

There was probably some arcane jedi / neutral Force knowledge deep in the bottom of the Sith temple that she could learn while waiting for / building a ride home.

Is she popular enough to be the main character in the standalone trilogy?


On 3/6/2018 at 5:16 PM, ZoqFotPik said:

It was nice to get confirmation that Rex was the bearded commando in Han Solo's Endor squad.

OH! Was that why they said that. Awesome. He's the Wedge of the Star Wars tv shows. Although Wedge was the Wedge of the tv shows too, but you know what I mean.

On 3/11/2018 at 3:00 PM, call me ishmael said:

Considering it was designed as a kid's show I think it was probably right to minimize the deaths of the heroes (although the blowing up the entire imperial base seems a bit on the massacre side).  And I thought that although it showed that Thrawn had bravery when the whales attacked it again pointed to his overconfidence in thinking that he knew everything.

On 3/11/2018 at 6:32 PM, johntfs said:

I admit that I kind of wanted to dislike the "magic space whales" ending, but then I thought it through.  They're dealing with Thrawn.  Thrawn is pretty much going to be ready to counter any move outside of something like magic space whales.  And figure that next time, he's going to have a magic space whales countermeasure ready as well.

I thought the battle with the wolves was really brutal for a kids show. I can't fault Thrawn for not thinking ahead about the space whales though. When Ezra confronted him about trapping all the forces in the dome, Thrawn didn't even hesitate to turn it around and force Ezra's hand. He immediately opened fire on the city. He basically got beat on a hail mary. If anything, at this point, he's probably figuring out how to use them as a battalion. I never really bought he was "into" the Empire, so I hope there's something more coming up. 

On 3/11/2018 at 3:00 PM, call me ishmael said:

Speaking of overconfidence:  you would think that Palpatine might have learned from Ezra that showing up and expecting to turn someone in 30 seconds might not be a good idea.  Sure he turned Anakin but he was working on him for years.  Ezra was a trial run for Luke and it didn't go well.  But did Palps learn anything from that?  Doesn't seem likely.

He did kind of leave Luke to Vader to work the father/son angle, and his plan was to get them to fight it out and take the winner, and he did get them to fight. He didn't count on Luke refusing to fight. If anything, he should have worked the long con with Luke like he did with Anakin and not leave it to Vader to work the father/son angle. 

Follow up on the whales from a storytelling point. We knew the rebellion wasn't sending any forces so they were on their own. They did a great job on their own locking up everyone in the dome, but you need something big to take out the blockade and an imperial frigate. With the wolves being on the ground force, the whales are the only other force you can call on. 

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2 hours ago, ganesh said:

I never really bought he was "into" the Empire, so I hope there's something more coming up. 

I know there's another Thrawn book coming out July 24, 2018 and I think another one comes out next year prior to Star Wars 9.  I kind of hope they can get Thrawn voiced/played by Lars Mikkelson into Star Wars 9.  That would rock so hard.  Especially if he's a "good guy" opposed to the First Order.

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I don't think he should be a 'good guy'. But yeah, if Thrawn is 'First Order' I just don't buy that. He wouldn't be. One of the things I thought was interesting is that Thrawn wasn't into the power plays with Krennic and Tarkin, which is why I always thought he had something else going on. There's not any other of his people in the Empire. It's not like he joined up to protect his homeworld because we would have seen others. 

One of the flaws of the movies for me is that it's always 'good' or 'bad'. There's not really any Ahsokas or Ventresses. It's not like Luke was *really* tempted by the dark side. Or Solo was kind of meant to be that, but he chose to backup Luke in ANH on the final run to the Death Star, so he was chaotic good at the worst. 

I thought this show did a subtle job of showing Ezra's anger as legit. You can't call him a Jedi, technically, and I don't think Ahsoka would label herself the same either. Given the last movie was literally The Last Jedi (I haven't watched yet so don't spoil me plz) this looks like a great set up for IX. 

It would be interesting to me if IX basically turned the typical Star Wars good v bad on its head with Thrawn, Ezra, Sabine, Ahsoka rolling in and saying, 'you people need to get over yourselves, we got way bigger problems.' I know the main movies are about Skywalkers so maybe Kylo/Ben can get over himself and stop listening to The Cure and maybe galvanize all these competing interests. 

And really, not only would Thrawn not have thought of space whales, but space whales that can travel through hyperspace. Dude is Sun Tsu on crack and he's got hyperspace whales and a strong force user at his disposal. At this point he makes Palpatine look like a baking soda and vinegar science project. Oh, that's nice Pally.

Edited by ganesh
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