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Lindsay - General Discussion

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Abortion is possible. I didn't believe her, either. If it was a miscarriage, then, in the weeks leading up to the miscarriage, she obviously didn't care enough about the fetus to quit smoking. 


I wonder if Lindsay realizes that all her self-absorbed storytelling and excuse making means no one believes her when/if she's telling the truth. 


I keep flashing back to when Dina was on camera with the ghost writer. The paranoid way she acted really made it seem as if she's hiding something, which, of course, makes one think that there's little in her book that can be believed. 

Yes, I thought abortion too.  Anyway, I was really surprised that the last episode was filmed so recently.  Made me wonder if Linds had a huge fit and they were trying to do some image rehab.  She did more in last night's episodes than all season long.  Re the list of sex partners, I don't know whether she's telling the truth or not, but it's the 4th step (not the 5th or 8th) where you do an inventory of your resentments, fears, and sex conduct/harms.  It just suggests to me that she is not currently working a 12-step program if she can't even remember which step is which.

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So, I googled around yesterday - looking for stories about this finale - and found lots of stories about Lindsay's supposed April Fool's joke this year. She tweeted "It's official. Pregnant..." and then later that evening "April Fools. Where's everyone's sense of humor?"  She deleted the posts later.


Isn't that awfully crass to do if she had actually suffered a miscarriage that laid her up for two weeks???? If she had a miscarriage earlier, why would she think it's cute/funny/appropriate to joke about pregnancy? 


To me, that is extra evidence that she is lying about having a miscarriage. (Not that I bought it before.)


ETA: UGH! TY Morgankobi - you are correct! I really thought it was this year, but it was 2013. Sorry. Nothing to see here, folks. 

Edited by Rhondinella
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I didn't watch the entire finale; only caught the second half. From what I saw, it was more of the same: Lindsay's greatest enemy is the setting sun; Lindsay makes excuses for why she couldn't appear somewhere on time ("This chest cold set me back two whole hours! *fake cough*"); Lindsay talks about how she wants to be taken seriously as an actress and then acts as unprofessional and unaccommodating as possible ("I'll only do ONE wild line reading and no more!"); Lindsay tries to manipulate what Oprah's cameramen catch on tape ("Matt, are you mic'd?"); Lindsay complains about paparazzi. Nothing changes.


The best part of the episode for me was reading Paris Hilton's response on Instagram regarding the scuffle between Lindsay's people and Barron. The angry emojis really set it over the top for me. 

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And he probably did. And you don't know all of his priorities from one show. You're rushing to judge him but if you knew more about all of what he's done for her through the years, you'd know that his priority is to support her even in some of the bad decisions she's made. He can't stop her from being in bad situations. She's 27, he's 26, he can only suggest things for her and she doesn't listen to anyone, including her parents, life coach, anyone. Only Oprah sometimes can make her listen to sound advice.

We can only judge him from what we've seen on the show. To me, he is sounding more and more like his dad, Michael Lohan Sr.

Not so sure about the youngest brother, isn't he the one who expects Dad or Lindsay to buy him a 40k car? I get wanting one, but expecting one from a father who doesn't seem able to support himself let alone a couple illegitimate kids or from his recently rehabbed sister isn't exactly a sign of maturity.

Exactly! And 20-year old Ali seems to have an eating disorder. I know she's a model, but I see anorexic.

That smug smile on her face when she said she'd had a miscarriage... wow. She couldn't have been any more transparent that she was gleefully throwing an excuse at the production crew they could in no way challenge without looking awful. A total cat who ate the canary moment. Pretty low, even for Lindsay.


She couldn't film on certain days because she knew she couldn't be "on" for the cameras? Uh, it's a docu-series, sweetie. You're not supposed to be performing for the cameras, you're supposed to be going about your life while the cameras document it. That's the docu in docu-series. Someone get her a dictionary.


I was almost (almost!) sad for her when she was talking about meeting with Miley and someone asked her if she wanted that on camera. The desperate, excited "yes! oh yeah!". She has sunk so low that it's a big deal for her to be associated with another celebrity... any celebrity.


That film Inconceivable? The one that was being rushed into production with a five week prep? Here we are in April and it's still listed as in pre-production with no director attached, no other actors attached, and no writer credited. Which isn't unusual for that industry, but it doesn't exactly tell us that anyone is very hot to trot about a Lindsay Lohan project, either.

She is in damage control mode after Kode published a first-person article that portrayed her as, among other things, drinking, abusing other substances, and walking around Coachella with an Evian bottle filled with vodka. It's a horribly amateurish piece (is English that writer's first language?) but the way Lindsay's team denied the contents is pretty telling. They claim she never gave an interview in person, only responses via email. Which may be true on a technicality. But the stuff being alleged in the article isn't anything to do with an actual interview, per se, it's stuff that happened after the Kode shoot when someone who was involved with Kode began to hang out with Lindsay and her entourage, including her brother. Essentially, Lindsay thought this was her new friend. Oops.


Or Kode made it all up and a struggling new relaunch operating on a shoe-string budget doesn't mind the risk of being sued into next year, and alienate any other celebrities who they may want to court. *shrug*

She couldn't film on certain days because she knew she couldn't be "on" for the cameras?


Let's say we go along with the idea that being "on" is part of the job, and reality tv requires a certain amount of effort on her part. She really thinks the fact that she "just wasn't feeling it" that day was a reasonable excuse? Wait a sec - that should be a period not a question mark. This is Lindsay after all. And she's shown on any number of occasions that she has no compunction about skipping out on work becuase she didn't feel like doing it that day. Regardless of whether it was a real acting gig, or something she was doing for free. Doesn't bother her a bit that tons of people are standing around, waiting for her, or have invested tons of money in her project.


I wish some huge director would call Lindsay up, ask her to audition for a mega A-list blockbuster movie, and tell her to be there at 2pm that afternoon. And I wish that director would decide to take the afternoon off, and let Lindsay, whenever she eventually arrives, sit there for hours, not knowing what the hell is going on. And not take her assistant's phone calls until the next day. And then the next day, tell Lindsay's assistant "oops, sorry!, I overslept yesterday. Let's meet today, shall we?" And tell her to show up completely in character, full hair, makeup, wardrobe, etc. And then not show up AGAIN. It would be sweet, sweet justice. Let her see what it feels like to get blown off after you've gone to all that effort to prepare.

  • Love 5

Exactly! And 20-year old Ali seems to have an eating disorder. I know she's a model, but I see anorexic.

Not at all. I doubt you've even seen a current or recent picture of this young woman. Try Aliana Lohan at Nicole Miller's fashion show a few months ago. The very thin pictures are from 2011/2012, not recent pictures. She gained back most of her weight quite awhile ago and was never anorexic, she just became too thin due to her modeling agency wanting her to get her weight down. Anyway, seems you have your minds made up on Cody, Ali and Michael so facts like Michael Jr. not being a verbally abusive con man like his father who puts his face in front of any camera seems to hold little weight while a normal thing like a 17 maybe liking a nice car somehow does. But the Lohan siblings have not been problem kids or young adults. They are decent people that don't display Lindsay's reckless behavior nor need for attention. Notice Ali and Cody were barely on the show.

Edited by GST
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My daughter has been watching "Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen" on repeat this week.  Lindsay was really a cute girl and had the most exquisite skin.  It was so smooth.  She doesn't even look like she has pores.  I wonder if she could get her looks back if she laid off the injectables and started living a healthy lifestyle.  I mean, she's 27 or so, right?  She could be even more beautiful now, in a womanly way, than she was as a teen, if she had any sense.

Edited by tobeannounced

Michael Sr. Is an asshole, but I give him credit for at least SAYING the right things regarding Lindsay's problems unlike Dina who has her head up her own ass.

I hope the other kids turn out less fucked up than Lindsay. Sadly I believe the odds are against them in the long run. Genetics and the examples set by their parents and Lindsay along with exposure at a young age to the fast world of celebrity and it's pitfalls are going to work against them. I hope they rise above it. Only time will tell.

Michael Sr. Is an asshole, but I give him credit for at least SAYING the right things regarding Lindsay's problems unlike Dina who has her head up her own ass.

I hope the other kids turn out less fucked up than Lindsay. Sadly I believe the odds are against them in the long run. Genetics and the examples set by their parents and Lindsay along with exposure at a young age to the fast world of celebrity and it's pitfalls are going to work against them. I hope they rise above it. Only time will tell.

Seeing that Michael Jr. is already 26 and Aliana 20 and Lindsay showed issues at 17/18 and serious ones at 19/20, how much time do they need before you can think that maybe they may be different people altogether than their sister is? Why do screwed up parents have to mean screwed up kids when the whole point of some other comments is that some people can rise above that? Some people but not Michael and Dina's children? 

Edited by GST

Michael Sr. Is an asshole, but I give him credit for at least SAYING the right things regarding Lindsay's problems unlike Dina who has her head up her own ass.

I hope the other kids turn out less fucked up than Lindsay. Sadly I believe the odds are against them in the long run. Genetics and the examples set by their parents and Lindsay along with exposure at a young age to the fast world of celebrity and it's pitfalls are going to work against them. I hope they rise above it. Only time will tell.

As I was reading this very good post, I couldn't help thinking, "And now cue the Lohan defense..."


Sure enough, I scroll down and there it is.


This is getting weird...

Edited by LuckyBitch
  • Love 1

As I was reading this very good post, I couldn't help thinking, "And now cue the Lohan defense..."


Sure enough, I scroll down and there it is.


This is getting weird...

It's only a good post if you agree with it. But it isn't factual. The Lohan siblings have stayed out of trouble and the poster is assuming simply because of the family they come from they will fail. They aren't getting in trouble, aren't showing signs of recklessness and that person is judging the siblings mostly out of association, not their own characters or actions which none of you know very much about obviously.

Also, I don't care that much about what Michael Lohan says. What has he done? He's been arrested numerous times, he has had many women put out restraining orders on him, he has been in rehab many times, he hasn't payed child support for years to children he's fathered. He has swindled people out of money. And people are going to seriously compare his son to him who has had no legal problems, hasn't been in rehab, hasn't had any history at all of violence?

Dina had her one drinking arrest which is totally unacceptable. But Michael has had a DUI as well. Dina doesn't have the destructive, criminal record that Michael Lohan does.

Edited by GST
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I never said the kids will fail, only that the odds are against them. That is a fact. Children of alcoholics are more likely to become alcoholics or to misuse drugs and or alcohol. The fact that the other three haven't been arrested or to rehab yet, as I posted is a good sign. It could also be the they just haven't been caught drinking and driving or that the behaviors haven't yet reached the point of a crisis. Dina may only have one DUI, but I'm betting it wasn't the first time she ever drove while drunk. 


I never said Mike Jr was a bad person, just a dick. I stand by that observation. The times he has discussed Lindsay's possible relapse, his concern first and foremost was it's impact on her career. If my sibling had drug or alcohol issues, the last concern I would have is their career, nor would I use their celebrity,  at a critical time in their recovery, to try to sell my product.   He used her.  I get she wanted to help him, but he could have had his launch party in a setting less alcohol fueled or not indulged in the drinking as a symbolic support for her.  

  • Love 3

@iwasish There are children of alcoholics that take on different roles. While all are affected by the addict(s)'s dysfunction, some take on a very responsible role. Also, all kids are different. Their personalities are their own. It looks like Michael Jr and Ali are the responsible ones in the family, I'm not sure of Cody. I don't agree with Michael Jr. being in a setting with Lindsay around alcohol but Lindsay will do what she does and maybe he thinks all he can do is be with her to make sure she doesn't get out of control. I don't even agree with that. I think it is unfair to assess someone based on limited information and if you had more, you'd see Michael Jr. is a decent guy and although sometimes flawed, tries to do his best for his family and mostly in the background.

Edited by GST

Let's say we go along with the idea that being "on" is part of the job, and reality tv requires a certain amount of effort on her part. She really thinks the fact that she "just wasn't feeling it" that day was a reasonable excuse? Wait a sec - that should be a period not a question mark. This is Lindsay after all. And she's shown on any number of occasions that she has no compunction about skipping out on work becuase she didn't feel like doing it that day. Regardless of whether it was a real acting gig, or something she was doing for free. Doesn't bother her a bit that tons of people are standing around, waiting for her, or have invested tons of money in her project.


I wish some huge director would call Lindsay up, ask her to audition for a mega A-list blockbuster movie, and tell her to be there at 2pm that afternoon. And I wish that director would decide to take the afternoon off, and let Lindsay, whenever she eventually arrives, sit there for hours, not knowing what the hell is going on. And not take her assistant's phone calls until the next day. And then the next day, tell Lindsay's assistant "oops, sorry!, I overslept yesterday. Let's meet today, shall we?" And tell her to show up completely in character, full hair, makeup, wardrobe, etc. And then not show up AGAIN. It would be sweet, sweet justice. Let her see what it feels like to get blown off after you've gone to all that effort to prepare.

I so wish that would happen to her. Better yet, have Oprah summon her and then let her sit outside at the gate in her car for hours while her assistant texts Lindsay's assistant with 30 minute updates on Oprah's status.. asleep.. having a cup of tea, washing her face.. on an important call.... ending with Oprah just needing some time for herself..  "please  don't hate her!!",   come back tomorrow and we'll try again!

  • Love 2

I prefer a much more direct approach.   Big Budget director has her come in for a screentest for a movie.   She must be there at 2 p.m.   When she shows up hours later, she is told, sorry some other actress who could be bothered to show up on time got the part.   Preferably her greatest enemy.

When there are real consequences for her actions, she might finally get it.   Showing up late for the photoshoot had no consequences.   She got to do it when she felt like it and the way she wanted.   Not filming the show had no consequences.   They just filmed when she felt like it.   Instead of saying, oh you're not here for the photoshoot?  This is Manhattan, we found another pretty blond who appreciated the word.   Oh you didn't feel like filming today, we didn't feel like paying the rent on the apartment this month you are being evicted.  

  • Love 3

I never said the kids will fail, only that the odds are against them. That is a fact. Children of alcoholics are more likely to become alcoholics or to misuse drugs and or alcohol. The fact that the other three haven't been arrested or to rehab yet, as I posted is a good sign. It could also be the they just haven't been caught drinking and driving or that the behaviors haven't yet reached the point of a crisis. Dina may only have one DUI, but I'm betting it wasn't the first time she ever drove while drunk. 


I never said Mike Jr was a bad person, just a dick. I stand by that observation. The times he has discussed Lindsay's possible relapse, his concern first and foremost was it's impact on her career. If my sibling had drug or alcohol issues, the last concern I would have is their career, nor would I use their celebrity,  at a critical time in their recovery, to try to sell my product.   He used her.  I get she wanted to help him, but he could have had his launch party in a setting less alcohol fueled or not indulged in the drinking as a symbolic support for her.  

I don't know much about Mike Jr., but he definitely came across as a dick to me as well in this show. 


How on earth do Michael Jr and Ali support themselves in the big bad (very very expensive $$$) city anyway? Are we to believe Michael's app has made him independently wealthy?

@iwasish There are children of alcoholics that take on different roles. While all are affected by the addict(s)'s dysfunction, some take on a very responsible role. Also, all kids are different. Their personalities are their own. It looks like Michael Jr and Ali are the responsible ones in the family, I'm not sure of Cody. I don't agree with Michael Jr. being in a setting with Lindsay around alcohol but Lindsay will do what she does and maybe he thinks all he can do is be with her to make sure she doesn't get out of control. I don't even agree with that. I think it is unfair to assess someone based on limited information and if you had more, you'd see Michael Jr. is a decent guy and although sometimes flawed, tries to do his best for his family and mostly in the background.

What other information do we have with which to judge Michael Jr? Are you privy to inside information? We are posting on a forum about this show and what we have seen there, and yeah, we're gonna judge.

Edited by DangerousMinds
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Hey guys, some of the snarking is moving off of the Lohans (which I heartily approve of) and onto other posters (which I do not).  Other people are going to disagree with you.  It's fine to express a different opinion in a polite tone, but then just move on, ok?


All I'm saying is, give peace a chance.  (Plus the alcoholism talk is getting off-topic).

  • Love 1

It's only a good post if you agree with it. But it isn't factual. The Lohan siblings have stayed out of trouble and the poster is assuming simply because of the family they come from they will fail. They aren't getting in trouble, aren't showing signs of recklessness and that person is judging the siblings mostly out of association, not their own characters or actions which none of you know very much about obviously.


I should probably preface this with the disclosure that I haven't even seen a single episode of this show, (mostly due to my boycott of the OWN channel), except for some brief clips online or on some talk shows. But, I did check in with this forum just out of curiosity as to what went down in this mess of a show and life.


In any event, how is it known that "The Lohan siblings have stayed out of trouble"? How is that even defined? No DUI arrests? How does anyone even know what her siblings have or have not been doing??


Also, how can it be asserted as fact that "They aren't getting in trouble, aren't showing signs of recklessness and that person is judging the siblings mostly out of association, not their own characters or actions which none of you know very much about obviously."


These statements, along with several others in this thread, imply that the poster has direct personal knowledge of what goes on in the Lohan family.



ETA:  Sorry, Rhondinella. I hadn't scrolled down and read all the posts yet. Please be assured that I'm not trying to attack another poster or go off topic. It's just that after repeated posts implying that there's inside knowledge that most of us aren't aware of, questions arise.

Edited by LuckyBitch
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Michael Jr. has a verified twitter and instagram with links to his businesses. He's also on linked-in showing his resume.


Aliana also has a verified twitter and she is represented by two major modeling agencies that get her steady work. Don't try to google her because you won't find much, her work is on tumblr or pinterest. She also gave interviews last year to Daily Beast and WWD and has a youtube channel and instagram.


I don't see how it is so difficult to understand how two adults, 26 and 20, one college educated and the other backed by major modeling agencies, can support themselves. My approach is to judge them on their own merits, I do not make any presumptions or assumptions about them based on the behavior of their relatives. Same holds true for Cody or any sibling or person with problematic relatives.


Anyway, Michael Jr. was in part 6 and 8. the Fug girl's report didn't have any major issues with him. If some of you did, that's your opinion but mine is different. 

Edited by GST

ETA:  Sorry, Rhondinella. I hadn't scrolled down and read all the posts yet. Please be assured that I'm not trying to attack another poster or go off topic. It's just that after repeated posts implying that there's inside knowledge that most of us aren't aware of, questions arise.


It's ok to politely ask someone making a factual assertion for evidence to back up said claim.  It's more the tone of the earlier discussion I was worried about.  Your post seems fine and GST's response seems reasonable as well.  But let's move on now, OK?


Also, a well-placed YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary) can be your best friend.

  • Love 1

Okay, thanks Rhondinella.


I really appreciate that the mods on Previously.TV have a kinder, more gentle manner than some of us are used to at other sites (while still managing to keep us in line, of course.  ;-D  )


Back on topic, I read that the ratings for the finale episode of Lindsay sucked. I'll post it in the thread for that episode ...

Edited by LuckyBitch

Ratings info:


Lindsay Lohan Disappoints: Troubled Starlet’s OWN Reality Show Finale A Ratings Disaster, Despite Miscarriage Bombshell!

When Lindsay premiered on March 9 it opened with a decent 693,184 viewers, but quickly dropped a staggering 24% by the second episode garnering only 527,000 viewers.


But it was all downhill from there, because by the time Lohan’s eight-episode run was over, the troubled starlet’s series had lost 52% of their viewers that tuned in for the premiere.


Despite Lohan’s efforts to draw a crowd by plugging the show with appearances on the Late Show with David Letterman, Bravo’s Watch What Happens Live and The View, only 335,000 people tuned in to the show’s season finale on April 20.


So the show — which splashed out a $2 million payday to Lohan — landed at No. 59 when it comes to the top 66 ad-sustained programs that air on primetime and cable networks, according to Nielsen.


UPDATE April 25: Nielsen updated their ratings and were corrected to show viewership for Lohan’s show as 406,000.

Edited by LuckyBitch

How do these numbers compare to other shows of this type (other documentary series Oprah has done)? Do ratings mean as much as they used to in this day of On Demand, DVR and other means? Someone can watch their preferred show at the time of it's airing and then watch the competitor's show at a later time of their convenience. What happens when you factor in those numbers?

This will be my last word on the topic, I swear, but I just had to share this with y'all. From Michael Lohan Jr's LinkedIn:


Laurentum LLC
September 2011 – Present (2 years 8 months) New York, NY
Specializing in pairing talent with synergistic opportunities. The historical "model" surrounding celebrity has far evolved from its original foundations.

The environment is clear cut. A given company's goal is for customers to realize the potential of it's product(s); the only way to do so is by increasing product awareness and getting the product directly to a realized demographic.

Laurentum seeks the right opportunities for it's clients by marketing to the ever-expanding field of start-ups as well as the established firms looking to segment the market. What both share in common is the need to garner consumer awareness and direct it towards new marketing initiatives.





Edited by DangerousMinds
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Well, I'd personally never hire anyone who uses "it's" when he means "its," but that's the English teacher in me.  


Such an egregious example of "buzz speak" trying to substitute for actually saying something: "synergistic opportunities," "realized demographic," "segment the market," "garner consumer awareness and direct it toward new marketing initiatives."  Wow!  He must really know what he's talking about!  Look at all the fancy words!


I really appreciate that the mods on Previously.TV have a kinder, more gentle manner than some of us are used to at other sites (while still managing to keep us in line, of course.  ;-D  )



Thank you, thank you.  No applause please!  But I do accept tips!  (Just don't tell Dave)

  • Love 3

Rhondinella, that was a great analysis of the inane garbage on his LinkedIn profile, (thanks for posting it, DangerousMinds). It's just a bunch of buzz words that mean nothing. When a resume with this type of "buzz speak" lands on a desk it should immediately get thrown in the "circular file", as far as I'm concerned. Although, it might be fun to interview someone like this and ask him to explain what the hell he's talking about on his resume.


As far as the use of "it's" instead of "its",  I cringed at that also. Unfortunately, that  mistake is so common these days that I'm actually surprised on the rare occasion that I see the the proper form used. So, I thought it was a good sign that he used it correctly ("its") in the first paragraph, only to read further and see it used incorrectly ("it's") in the second and third paragraphs. Oh well, I think that's probably the least of his problems.


That said, I admit to being far from perfect and now I'm a bit nervous that our mod is an English teacher!

Edited by LuckyBitch
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Glad you both appreciated the utter nonsense as well! SMDH.


So, um, do you think he's in marketing?

its original foundation is correct above, so it may just be something a proofreader missed. So, you have a father with 6 mug shots and a resume of abuse and swindling, a mother with 1 with a .20 BAC on her DWI, a sister that may be the most notorious child-star screwup adult also with 6 mug shots, I think a missed use of its vs. it's is small potatoes by comparison. 

Edited by Stinger97
Being combative.
  • Love 1

its original foundation is correct above, so it may just be something a proofreader missed. So, you have a father with 6 mug shots and a resume of abuse and swindling, a mother with 1 with a .20 BAC on her DWI, a sister that may be the most notorious child-star screwup adult also with 6 mug shots, I think a missed use of its vs. it's is small potatoes by comparison.



It's not the incorrect grammar that I find (most) amusing. It's the "content," or lack thereof.


Edited by Stinger97
  • Love 2

And I think the general concensus is that Lindsay toasted what was likely her last chance to be taken with anything other skepticism as an actress, professional, hireable option. As was rightly noted over at TWOP, even in the unlikely event that LL was actually sick, miscarried or was otherwise engaged, productions carry insurance just in that event so that production costs can be recouped should need be. Films and TV shows can easily involve serious money and once filming starts or has progressed to a certian point of no return, that money is committed. Supposedly OWN had trouble getting the needed insurance based on LL's rep. No,  I don't know that for a fact but it certainly makes sense. If she really was indisposed, as a professional, she would have known damn well what the procedure is--call and let the production people know you're unavailible for whatever reason. If she didn't know, her agents sure as hell know. The fact that she obviously didn't, kept a crew cooling their heels more than once, cancelled photo shoots, dithered about a promostion appearance and was generally impossible to deal with has likely sealed what was left of her career.


It's not personal, iit's simply business.


Years ago my brother, an A listed screen writer in LA had a script which James Cagney very much wanted to do as his last film. The man, a sweetheart (his housekeeper called him 'Buttercup'), was elderly and ill at that point. The script was a winner and eventually made with another actor and was a success. Cagney was out, though the producers wanted him badly, because he was uninsurable due to his health. It was a sad thing. Cagney accepted the decision, was heart broken, but understood.

Edited by Beden
  • Love 3

A kind out off topic, but... does anybody know where I can re-watch the OWN docu on Shania Twain ? I'm really curious, as I know some of the involved people and really want to watch it, and didn't even now until today that it was existing !


*not even ashamed*


EDIT : That's OK, I found the episodes on youtube ;)

Edited by Diane Mars

It seems she is going from bad to worse. I read yesterday that she might move IN to Chiltern Firehouse (the bar/club that she's been seen at many times recently in London). Apparently it's owned by the same man who owns the Chateau Marmont in LA (where she lived for years), and there are hotel rooms there, and they've offered her a room for free? Really really bad idea Lindsay!




Also, she may have missed her younger brother's high school graduation.



It seems she is going from bad to worse. I read yesterday that she might move IN to Chiltern Firehouse (the bar/club that she's been seen at many times recently in London). Apparently it's owned by the same man who owns the Chateau Marmont in LA (where she lived for years), and there are hotel rooms there, and they've offered her a room for free? Really really bad idea Lindsay!

Especially since there's no such thing as free.  if some weasel wants to let her move in there, he's going to want her to make appearances for him as "rent".  In his booze soaked, drug filled little paradise.  Constantly.

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