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S06.E02: Inelegant Heart

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I love this show! Really good episode tonight. 


PS: The Densi sparring scene? No stunt doubles that day so Eric and Dani did all their own. Battered and bruised by day's end. 

Also? People heard about this scene and thought it would play different so curious what your thoughts are now that you've actually seen it! 

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Awww, Callen's an angel, lol.  Deeks just needs to wash his hair like once a quarter please!! 


I love Hetty with an irrational love and I abhor Grainger irrationally as well.  I just never trust him to do the right thing even when he does; I really, really dislike him and wish Sam could just cold cock him one day with impunity. 


The gun with the silencer was chilling and the rain scene was all kinds of win.


Nell is coming right along as a mini me for Hetty, that's cute. DOJ's too out of the loop or too arogant to know about the boat shed?  Huh. 


I love their office too, it's its own character.  No one better mess that railing and lighting up!


People say the LA show was too weak to move to a stand alone night.  Well, I missed the Blacklist for it, which is huge.  I never watch the original and the NO one has no eye candy at all so no, thank you. 


I do hope it's resolved next week though.  I can't stand having to choose for long! 


Oh, and I thought the sparring scene was just business as usual but LOVED the 4 of them lisping.  They're finally a team, it's not just Sam and Callen in on the joke.  Cool.

Edited by Jlina
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Hmmmm, does a congressman get to tell someone from DOJ what to do?


Probably no more so than a Hetty does, but "woohoo" Hetty?!.


I am just frustrated. 


1.  Why should I root for Hetty...the notion that Hetty could chastise anyone about putting agents' lives at risk...well isn't that precious.


2.  I'm not sure why I should find Kensi attractive in her thinking that beating up folks makes her awesome;  I know we are supposed to think it is hot, but between last week, with the DEA agent, and this week, with Deeks, come on, it's making me embarrassed for her.


Oh, I'm sure they'll weave a story out of all of this which shows our heroes as heroes.  And Kensi will understand, as will the rest, as will we all with a single tear leaking out of just one eye, because that means the most emotion.


But, honestly, this show used to be much more fun...maybe that is not the right word...but it was more balanced (?), rather than being the all-knowing and the all-good against the world?  It used to tell stories, now it is trying to sell narratives.  This show is starting to be tedious to me. Maybe it is just a byproduct of me blasting through the first few years at one time, catching up, and now I'm left time to spend between individual episodes, but wow, I'm just not feeling it so much anymore.


P.S.  I noticed that the episode title is "Inelegant Heart"; which of the "Three Hearts" do you think is most likely to be inelegant?

Edited by pennben
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I liked it mostly. The bits with Hetty dragged but the rest was good. I liked those call-outs to the past.

Loved seeing Callen's Mr. Wallinsky alias again. I'm guessing that the cover is that he's in lock-up due to poor driving habits. And seeing him with that much hair was a hoot! Love the reactions to it back at the office.


I didn't think we'd be hearing about Branston Cole again. Nice continuity there.

Nice to see the team has Hetty's back and that Granger is on her side. Still think she needs a smackdown but I think it would mean more coming from the team, not Congress.

Edited by anna0852
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The Densi sparring scene? No stunt doubles that day so Eric and Dani did all their own.

All I could think was "she had a baby this year?"


I liked that Granger has enough juice to have someone pull the bump & drop all the way back in DC with just a phone call.  I normally am not a fan of his (although I do think he plays the dick administrative role very well).


But if they are questioning Hetty about why the hell Kensi was in Afganistan (instead of a Seal or Ranger), what about Granger?  Isn't he NCIS?  And wouldn't it have been more appropriate for someone in the military to do the job?  I thought NCIS was federal, but not a part of the service.

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Wow, I don't think I've ever seen Chris O'Donnell with that much hair AND a beard! I wonder if there's a plot reason for that. (Um, if there is, don't spoil!)


Sam is Callen's dog (dawg?)-- hee!


Didn't realize this was going to be a two-parter; seems kind of early in the season for that.

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"I am just frustrated.

1. Why should I root for Hetty...the notion that Hetty could chastise anyone about putting agents' lives at risk...well isn't that precious.

2. I'm not sure why I should find Kensi attractive in her thinking that beating up folks makes her awesome; I know we are supposed to think it is hot, but between last week, with the DEA agent, and this week, with Deeks, come on, it's making me embarrassed for her."

I agree with you entirely on both of these points. I no longer have any good will toward either of these Hetty or Kensi. Especially Kensi.

Edited by Jaybird
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I'm not sure why I should find Kensi attractive in her thinking that beating up folks makes her awesome; I know we are supposed to think it is hot, but between last week, with the DEA agent, and this week, with Deeks, come on, it's making me embarrassed for her."


While I absolutely think Kensi was out of line getting into it with Talia last week (not to mention her nasty habit of slugging Deeks), there is a huge difference between that and what was clearly a sparring session in the gym this week. And Deeks could probably hurt her pretty badly if he tried hard enough, he held his own against Sam very well in first episode and Sam the biggest guy on the team by a lot.

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While I absolutely think Kensi was out of line getting into it with Talia last week (not to mention her nasty habit of slugging Deeks), there is a huge difference between that and what was clearly a sparring session in the gym this week.


That is a very fair point.  I guess I allowed my frustration about the prior episode to bleed over to this one.  I just don't like the way they are taking the character the last few episodes.


Same with Hetty, sure, maybe she is working against a bigger force that is worse than her, but hell, we do know what she did and that it was absolutely horribly wrong.  Bringing in a bigger bad isn't going to make me forget that she did something very wrong. 


You know what would make me possibly root for Hetty again?  Her admitting that she made a terrible mistake and taking responsibility for it, if to no one else (because, big bads, bigger evils, whatever), to her team.  Densi? I blame that more on bad writing of a male fantasy of two hot women fighting over said male.  On that point, stop with the stupid, including the stupid that thinks it's cool to punch Deeks from time to time.

Edited by pennben
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That is a very fair point.  I guess I allowed my frustration about the prior episode to bleed over to this one.  I just don't like the way they are taking the character the last few episodes.


Same with Hetty, sure, maybe she is working against a bigger force that is worse than her, but hell, we do know what she did and that it was absolutely horribly wrong.  Bringing in a bigger bad isn't going to make me forget that she did something very wrong. 


You know what would make me possibly root for Hetty again?  Her admitting that she made a terrible mistake and taking responsibility for it, if to no one else (because, big bads, bigger evils, whatever), to her team.  

I'm absolutely with you on that one. Hetty really messed up and I while I know here intentions were good, we all know what the road to hell is paved with. 


She has to acknowledge what she did and try to make amends. Someone going after her doesn't change that or absolve here in any way.

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I spent too much time thinking about the hair, trying to puzzle out if they shot episodes out of order, and guessing when Samson would lose his locks.


Then I remembered they filmed DT part 2 last season.


So are the curls here to stay?  He certainly looks healthier.


edited because homophones (our instead of are) make me crazy

Edited by kassygreene
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I liked the episode just fine.  And there was no Kensi/Deeks angst at all, Maverick.


NCIS, LA is best when the agents are all acting together as a team.  Even Beal, Jones and Grainger were involved.  So I have no complaints at all.  Except for the one where it's on at 10 on Mondays.  I just don't like that time and not because I also watch The BlackList.  I don't watch very many shows live that come on at 10 during the week.  I have too much to do to get ready for the next day.

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I've enjoyed the last two episodes of NCIS LA.  The Densi crap has been toned down, thank God.  


I thought everything about today's episode was good.  I thought Hetty and her lawyer were hoot, and she was able to control the hearing, but only to a degree.  Then the senator sicked the DOJ on her unit.  I liked that because it shows that Hetty isn't all powerful.


Loved seeing Callen and Sam back doing undercover work again and not propping Kensi and Deeks' "romance."  I also loved the Callen/Sam banter with the "You my dawg!"  I think CO and LL have really good chemistry, and I completely buy that relationship.  i hope that this season focuses more on them this year since they were so neglected last year.


Eric was pretty good at dodging the DOJ with his rambling when the power went off.  That scene played nicely too.  The crime caper was fine overall, but the best parts were the team elements.

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Kensi and Deeks sparring in gym was good.

COTW Brian Bell, Boy genius, dead, and as Deeks and Kensi found out at his home, "Geek Chic". Eric would have Loved it! Kensi and Deeks going to the morgue to do a "Corpse Selfie" and saying:"You can't washout Ghost!". Wanting the bad guy to think Bell is still alive.

Sam(Officer Briggs) and Callen (inmate Wollinski) were called back from undercover. Sam did a nice burnout in the Challenger! Callen called Sam,"You my Dawg!" lol. G has a lot of hair.

Sam and G caught the "Doggie Door Killer" Daniel Howard, a hired gun, sneaking back into Bells house. Cool how Callen trapped him and said "Bad Doggie", and pushed him into the wall still stuck in the door. Eric figured it out that Papa Legba was Justin Stewart. He had stolen Bells Intel.

Hetty being interrogated had some good points. Her lawyer was surprised she gave out some of the information. Special Congressional Investigator Michael Thomas and Congresswoman Ann Jones

had some good questions really. Why isn't Owen Granger in DC too? She was being watched by a couple in a car, interesting. This week should be interesting.

Chief Investigator Ava Wallace and team come to check out the Villa. I liked her on Detroit 1-8-7. The team did a good job avoiding them. Eric Batholomew Beal the 3rd Esquire, stammered his way out. Granger pretty much handled them. Yes I'm surprised they didn't know about the boat house. Cuting back the power was a good idea too. Eric telling them," This is an old building!" It slowed them down for awhile. They are after Hetty, and what are they looking for? Leon Vance needs to find out what is up!

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