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How To Speculate w/o Spoilers: Hiding the Ball

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16 hours ago, Milaxx said:

I reread that EW article.  In the interview he says he knew it was going to be Wes, and spent most of the season trying to find a way to make it work so that it wasn't Wes but ultimately by episode 7 realized that it had to be Wes. 

That wasn't at all how I interpreted the quote - he doesn't actually say he always knew it would be Wes and then tried to make it so it wouldn't be Wes.

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Read the entire response, not just the bolded bit. He's responding to being asked about the decision to kill Wes, says he knew it had to be Wes, changed his mind a million times and by episode 7 knew it had to be Wes. Not sure how else to interpret it when he literally says just that.

Edited by Milaxx
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1 hour ago, Milaxx said:

Read the entire response, not just the bolded bit. He's responding to being asked about the decision to kill Wes, says he knew it had to be Wes, changed his mind a million times and by episode 7 knew it had to be Wes. Not sure how else to interpret it when he literally says just that.

Yeah I read the whole article twice. Still didn't interpret it that way.

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It seems to me that Nowalk had a handful of characters under serious consideration to be #UnderTheSheet, with him seeing the most story potential in Wes for quite some time, but also realizing it would be the biggest risk. So, Nowalk kind of wavered and tried to talk himself out of the idea that scared him the most as a writer and into...IDK, Nate or Connor or whoever else was in the running, but ultimately decided to go through with it being Wes.

Still, Nowalk could have balked at doing it: I remember JK Rowling revealing later on that she'd planned to kill off a specific character in one of the Harry Potter books but couldn't bring herself to go through with it and let the person live. She killed off another character later on to try to make up for wimping out on the (IMO) bolder move. 

As much as I think there was more story potential with Wes among the living (I figured he was bound to have at least one tawdry/inappropriate hookup with Annalise before the series ended), I like that Nowalk didn't just take the safe route and kill the most expendable character. Down the road, though, you wonder what the show will do in order to top itself. It can be a perilous trap for TV writers, leaving a show that's all twists and no story.

Edited by Dejana
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At the beginning of season, when they first set up the who's under the sheet mystery, Wes was my first guess because I felt like the show was due for a shocking death, and killing off the sort-of co-lead would be the logical way to go to get that shock.

That said, I did fall for the misdirection in episode 7, when Wes was shown to be alive in the House Fire timeline. And while I am deeply disappointed to lose my second favorite character, I do think his death will lead to lots of rich story and character development for the remaining characters.

But Dejana,  your last point is a good one: what can the show do to top this? This type of show is always a big balancing act, because the writers have to make us keep caring about increasingly unbelievable twists. I think so far, the show's done a great job with developing the characters so we care when the crazy, dramatic stuff happens to them. But how do they keep the twists coming and keep them fresh and believable? I don't have an answer, but I'm curious to see what they do next.

Edited by Gillian Rosh
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That's why Grey's Anatomy has had a plane crash that killed half their doctor's, a bomb explode in the OR, a hospital shooting, a doctor get killed by a bus, a doctor get killed by being jack knifed by a semi, a doctor nearly drown and a zillion other things I'm sure I'm forgetting. Sure they've had bad periods and storylines. I hated the whole Izzy/Ghost Denny storyline, but I actually cried when Derek died. It's a balancing act, but if Pete Nowalk manages to make us care about the characters, it can work.

Edited by Milaxx
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On 11/21/2016 at 9:20 PM, possibilities said:

Did they say they found Rebecca's body because someone told them where it was? I had imagined it was discovered another way, like someone accidentally dug it up and then notified the police.

I don't have it in me right now to go back and watch again, but I wonder about this too.  I don't recall if the discovery of her body was snitch based.  If it was it could only be Frank or Bonnie and not some shadowy stranger.  But I would prefer if it was just some random happening that appeared out of nowhere to catch them all off guard.

14 hours ago, Dejana said:

I like that Nowalk didn't just take the safe route and kill the most expendable character. Down the road, though, you wonder what the show will do in order to top itself. It can be a perilous trap for TV writers, leaving a show that's all twists and no story.

I think they can milk the Wes stuff for quite awhile.  There is no reason for them to pull the trigger on discovering the whole mystery of it right away.  I mean, look at Rebecca. She was killed at the end of S1 and now she has resurfaced to haunt them all.  And while the audience knows a lot, the characters don't.  If you think about it, the characters really don't know a lot.  In the meantime they can always create new season long murderous mysteries like they did with the Hapstall case while we wait for the Wes stuff to percolate through.

Meanwhile I do have another question -- what is the deal with Oliver and that phone?  One scene shows us that he ran back to the lab and wiped (maybe? ) the stuff on it and then another scene shows him kicking a phone (the same one?) under the ambulance.  The way they were shot we are supposed to think he ran back to the lab, did all the electronic mumbo jumbo and then came back Analise's house to drop the phone?  The only thing that makes sense and doesn't make Oliver look to be shady is the absence of the phone would make Analise look guiltier, whereas the phone falling at the scene, all nice and innocent doesn't raise an many eyebrows.  But then again they could explain away the absence of the phone on her in many different ways.

Edited by DearEvette
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5 hours ago, DearEvette said:
On 11/21/2016 at 9:20 PM, possibilities said:

Did they say they found Rebecca's body because someone told them where it was? I had imagined it was discovered another way, like someone accidentally dug it up and then notified the police.

I don't have it in me right now to go back and watch again, but I wonder about this too.  I don't recall if the discovery of her body was snitch based.  If it was it could only be Frank or Bonnie and not some shadowy stranger.  But I would prefer if it was just some random happening that appeared out of nowhere to catch them all off guard.

I've been wondering this as well. I did rewatch the episode with the guy AK slapped. AK & Bonnie are talking about what to do with the info that this guy killed a woman and put her body in a freezer. Bonnie is upset about the fact that they can't say anything and AK, asked her if she's going to tell the authorities about  Rebecca. It made me go, "mmmmm"

5 hours ago, DearEvette said:

Meanwhile I do have another question -- what is the deal with Oliver and that phone?  One scene shows us that he ran back to the lab and wiped (maybe? ) the stuff on it and then another scene shows him kicking a phone (the same one?) under the ambulance.  The way they were shot we are supposed to think he ran back to the lab, did all the electronic mumbo jumbo and then came back Analise's house to drop the phone?  The only thing that makes sense and doesn't make Oliver look to be shady is the absence of the phone would make Analise look guiltier, whereas the phone falling at the scene, all nice and innocent doesn't raise an many eyebrows.  But then again they could explain away the absence of the phone on her in many different ways.

I think we're supposed to think that happened over a short period of time. Bonnie is in on which is why she walks him under the yellow tape. Whatever was on the phone must have been something that could incriminate AK. However in this day and age people practically live on their phones. We've seen it all season how heavily people rely on them. When they are booking AK, she's asked where her phone is. She response she must have dropped it. Since they are investigating her they would want to examine it so it kinda makes sense that they find it at the scene rather than AK having Oliver or somebody destroy it and she claim she lost it completely. 


Connor speculation: If it turns out Connor is either the snitch or the person to (accidentally?) kill Wes, it will be interesting to see what that does to the Coliver dynamic. My guess is Oliver is a lot more clued into what's been going on. Between him piecing together what happened the night of the Bonfire and AK asking him to hack the DA's office, I suspect Oliver now knows much more of the truth. Will he reconcile with Connor only this time he's the one with the secrets? Will they both be lying to each other?

Edited by Milaxx
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I should know better with this show by now, but I assumed Rebecca's body was found by an innocent third party, sort of like when a random jogger and his dog found Martha Huber on Desperate Housewives. Tbh I kind of hope it was a random discovery; this show has enough mysteries right now.

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Waiting on an uber so I just watched. They never say who found the body specifically. They tell him the have an ongoing investigation into AK and they would like his help. Female cop says, "A body was found in the woods. We got a DNA match to someone who was connected to Ms. Keating." Shows the police file with Rebecca's mugshot to Wes. "Female cop continues, "You dated Ms Sutter didn't you?"

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On 11/21/2016 at 5:45 PM, jsbt said:

Who's to say Annalise finds out who killed Wes this year? He didn't find out who killed Lila or Rebecca.

If they're going to have Wes' killer be one of the K4 (I hope not) or Frank, Bonnie or Nate,..... then I hope they let us, the viewers, know way before they have Annalise find out.  I think it would be interesting watching that person, (let's say it's Bonnie, for sake of argument), interacting with Annalise all the while WE know she killed Wes, but Annalise doesn't know that yet.

On 11/21/2016 at 9:20 PM, possibilities said:

Did they say they found Rebecca's body because someone told them where it was? I had imagined it was discovered another way, like someone accidentally dug it up and then notified the police.

I'm going to guess the police were tipped off by Frank or Bonnie presumably to frame Wes, which is also why I'm assuming Frank or Bonnie is Wes' killer.  

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I guess now the issue is who started the fire. Laurel said she saw someone run out. Clearly someone is after Annalise. I think taking her down is the main motivator here.  My money is on either The Mahoney's, Hannah Keaton or long shot whoever this Barry Lewiston board member is.  I think  Wes's death was an accident because he had the bad luck to get to the house first and perhaps interrupted or saw the arsonist. Laurel also said she saw someone running out of the house. Whoever it is has to have some deep connections and power because they've got the DA office working to take her down since Sinclair was in the DA. 

The Mahoney's feel like the obvious choice. I just don't know if Nowalk wants to let it be what's obvious. Now that I think about it, the way the DA has been trying to investigate Anna feels more personal. The Mahoney's likely haven't given AK a second thought since Jr was acquitted. Hannah Keaton on the other hand hasn't liked Anna since day 1.  I'd venture a guess that whoever is behind all of the investigating and such is somehow related to or in cahoots with Hannah.

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Another random thought; Is Sam's first wife dead or alive? It would be just like Pete Nowalk to make the arsonist/killer be someone out of left field. If we're talking about someone who has a grudge against AK, the ex-wife could be a possibility.


On an unrelated note. I don't trust Nate. He always alternated between total devotion to AK and running his own private investigations. In season 1 it was his snooping around that prompted Rebecca to try and get info off Sam's computer. This season he appears to be acting as a double agent with the DA's office although I can't be sure if he's trying to use his familiarity with the K5 in hopes of making them open up to him. Did the ME give him false info because they knew he would run and tell it to AK?

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To be fair to Nate, he doesn't trust Annalise and that seems fair!  He's got about every reason possible to not trust Annalise and think she's involved and about two reasons to stay involved with her. But sure, he might be setting her up...two wrongs and all of that.  It feels a bit too obvious for the show at this point. 

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On 11/21/2016 at 2:01 PM, Eolivet said:

(I also know Peter Nowalk claims -- and I try to believe him -- that he didn't know who the victim was until the seventh episode. But re-watching the entirety of the flash-forwards, Wes' disembodied voice is saying "I was just asking for directions" over the very first scene of the flash-forward. I'm having a really hard time believing that's a coincidence. Maybe Nowalk wrote it unknowingly, but I really do think the idea of Wes as the victim was somewhere in his head the whole time.)

I know many disbelieve this but I've read that Nowalk kinda always thought it was Wes but kept trying to see if it could be other people until by ep 7 he realized it needed to be Wes because plot wise Wes's death would have the most impact.

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8 hours ago, pennben said:

To be fair to Nate, he doesn't trust Annalise and that seems fair!  He's got about every reason possible to not trust Annalise and think she's involved and about two reasons to stay involved with her. But sure, he might be setting her up...two wrongs and all of that.  It feels a bit too obvious for the show at this point. 

I know!  He just keeps coming back to her. I remember him and Eve even talking about how they just can't stay away when she calls. 


As for who may have set AK up, the more I think about it, the less I think it was the Mahoney's. Whoever it is has been gunning to destroy AK for a long time from all angles. There was that call Sinclair made where she was talking to someone about how she messed up. I remember at the time thinking this was the person pulling the strings behind Sinclair trying to investigate AK. When that didn't work we had this never seen board member send the tape of her slapping that guy to the school that got her licence suspended. Then suddenly the DA's office is once again investigating her and they find Rebecca's remains. I'm not ruling out that Frank couldn't have slipped up and told someone where to find her. (BTW -have none of these folks watched Breaking Bad, you have to destroy the remains, not just bury them.) I just think if Frank is involved, he's a pawn, not the mastermind. 

It appears as if someone has been out to destroy AK for some time and they are attacking her on all fronts. Whether that is Hannah, Sam's first wife or some other unknown entity remains to be seen.

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11 hours ago, Milaxx said:

Another random thought; Is Sam's first wife dead or alive? It would be just like Pete Nowalk to make the arsonist/killer be someone out of left field. If we're talking about someone who has a grudge against AK, the ex-wife could be a possibility.

I keep forgetting about Sam's first wife. She's gotta show up eventually, yeah?

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10 hours ago, pennben said:

To be fair to Nate, he doesn't trust Annalise and that seems fair!  He's got about every reason possible to not trust Annalise and think she's involved and about two reasons to stay involved with her. But sure, he might be setting her up...two wrongs and all of that.  It feels a bit too obvious for the show at this point. 

Yet he keeps getting into her business again and again even when nobody is asking him to for no plausible reason at all. First time around it might have been sympathetic, but at this point it doesn't make any sense. Apparently the takeaway is meant to be that there is some super epic love there, that's why I find it very unlikely the writers have Nate do something that will prevent them from shoving him back into Annalise's bed eventually. Killing Wes is definitely one of these things. Maybe the fire, but only to protect Annalise or some other "good" reason. If they indeed make him an antagonist instead of suspiciously looking red herring I will be extremely surprised.

2 hours ago, helenamonster said:

I keep forgetting about Sam's first wife. She's gotta show up eventually, yeah?

If the writers didn't forget about her too. Since Hannah Keating can't appear in person because her actress is on another show, she may show up instead.

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1 hour ago, harmfulhazards said:

If the writers didn't forget about her too. Since Hannah Keating can't appear in person because her actress is on another show, she may show up instead.

Being tied to another show wouldn't prevent her from reappearing. Plenty of actors work on other shows these days. It's just a matter of freeing her schedule from her series to allow time for her to make a guest appearance. However they could be in cahoots. Have HK make a phone call or simply bring in the first wife.

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30 minutes ago, Milaxx said:

Being tied to another show wouldn't prevent her from reappearing. Plenty of actors work on other shows these days. It's just a matter of freeing her schedule from her series to allow time for her to make a guest appearance. However they could be in cahoots. Have HK make a phone call or simply bring in the first wife.

Starring in shows on another broadcast networks can be prohibited for series regulars and especially leads, or so I've heard. Famke Janssen, for example, mentioned that NBC won't allow her to do any more HTGAWM episodes despite the fact that schedules in theory could work out because her show has just 8 episodes. And Marcia Gay Harden is a lead in 22-episode show on CBS. Her schedule is highly unlikely to allow it even if the network doesn't object.

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It depends on the show, scheduling and contracts. Actors bounce between theater, movies, cable and network shows quite often these days.  Famke may have it specifically written into her contract, but Marcia is on a show with a large ensemble cast.  Several of  the HTGAWM cast have/had multiple projects going on.  I wouldn't rule out a HK appearance if Nowalk was interested in making it happen. Even a something like a phone call or video conference could be managed remotely so that MGH wouldn't need to leave the film set of her current role.

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None of HTGAWM cast projects is on the other big broadcast networks as far as I know. But anyway, I searched around a little bit and found this bit from last year's MGH interview. She doesn't think she will be allowed to return. Which is a shame since Hannah is really needed in this burnt house storyline. It was her family house after all. Maybe they will be able to work something out.

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9 hours ago, helenamonster said:

I keep forgetting about Sam's first wife. She's gotta show up eventually, yeah?

My personal theory, based on nothing but my own musings, is that Sam's first wife hasnt shown up because they're waiting for a specific actress to be available.  

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Rewatching season 1 I think it was Hannah that got the ball rolling on the DA's office investigating AK.   Sure they hated Anna for constantly making them look stupid, but it was Hannah who rolled up dropping the T about how she thought Anna was the one who murdered Sam. It was after that that Sinclair went from prosecuting Nate to blackmailing Asher. My guess is either they bring back Hannah (either original actress or recasted), or  the never seen before first ex wife appears.

Edited by Milaxx
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Continuing the speculation of  the Wes is in WitSec theory:

So we have kid Wes discover Rose's dead body. He calls 911. We see officer(FBI?) talking to him, AK & Eve look on in double sided window.

Grown Wes says his name was changed when he went into foster care.

Wes shoots AK, she calls him "Christophe". That triggers PTSD from childhood. 

Wes is allegedly going to turn states evidence on AK. Gets call from AK.(goes to voicemail) Reviews immunity doc. ask for revisions. Officers leave the room Wes listens to voicemail. Wes slips out of police station.

Runs into Frank. Leaves Frank saying he's going back to police station, gets in cab. Calls (911 and id's self as Christophe).

Shows up at AK's , sees Nate.



A few other notes: 

This is at least the second time Nate & Wes appeared to be colluding against AK. The first time was when Rebecca was missing and AK was trying to apologize to Nate for framing him.

Edited by Milaxx
bolded Wes/Christophe info
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1 hour ago, possibilities said:

We saw his body, though. Do you mean he's alive now and in witsec? Or do you mean he was in witsec as a kid after his mom's death?

He means about the theory that Wes is still alive and colaborating with DA/police/FBI against Annalise.

About the body, it could have been a fake body (this is TV, not real life). They would have made a mold of Wes' face to "put it" in the body so people would believe that it was Wes' body.

But IMO, it's not possible as, with the show being renewed for another season, they would have no plot as all the characters might be in jail

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2 hours ago, Aquarius97 said:

About the body, it could have been a fake body (this is TV, not real life). They would have made a mold of Wes' face to "put it" in the body so people would believe that it was Wes' body.

I know it's TV, but if they want to get me (and probably many others as well) to continue to buy the story, it needs to at least have some semblance of reality (although it is already pretty far off). I think the body being fake would be a line that they cannot cross without jumping the shark.


I also don't believe that Wes forgot he was Christophe. He remembered that his mother killed herself - he told Rebecca - but didn't remember his name?

Edited by secnarf
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17 hours ago, Aquarius97 said:

*He means about the theory that Wes is still alive and colaborating with DA/police/FBI against Annalise.

About the body, it could have been a fake body (this is TV, not real life). They would have made a mold of Wes' face to "put it" in the body so people would believe that it was Wes' body.

But IMO, it's not possible as, with the show being renewed for another season, they would have no plot as all the characters might be in jail

(She) I'm a woman.

I mentioned that Grown Wes stated that his name was changed when he went into fostercare.

I also seem to recall an autopsy being shown where organs were removed. I'll try and find the clip online or screencap it.

Edited by Milaxx
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Just now, Milaxx said:


I mentioned in that Grown Wes stated that his name was changed when he went into fostercare.

I also seem to recall an autopsy being shown where organs were removed. I'll try and find the clip online or screencap it.

Yep, you're right, they organs were removed. They showed the autopsy being performed and I thought it was pretty graphic at the time.

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Episode 3x10. starting around the 3.10 mark we see Wes's autopsy and what looks like his liver is removed and weighed. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that pretty much means Wes is indeed dead. The question still begs;

  • What were Nate & Wes colluding on?
  • Who took Wes's body and why?


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I think Wes's  body was moved because they are lying about the results of the autopsy. But they must have known the defense would demand access to the body for an independent autopsy, so it seems like a really bad oversight for them to think they could get away with hiding the body.

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44 minutes ago, possibilities said:

I think Wes's  body was moved because they are lying about the results of the autopsy. But they must have known the defense would demand access to the body for an independent autopsy, so it seems like a really bad oversight for them to think they could get away with hiding the body.

I'm wondering if when Wes' body shows up again, there will be additional evidence on it. They can't really do an autopsy on a body that was outside of the chain of evidence, but I could see this show ignoring that.

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3 hours ago, possibilities said:

I think Wes's  body was moved because they are lying about the results of the autopsy. But they must have known the defense would demand access to the body for an independent autopsy, so it seems like a really bad oversight for them to think they could get away with hiding the body.

Lying how? That he was killed before the fire after all?

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It just has to be someone very corrupt.

I also believe that someone forged Nate's signature to frame him for the disappearance of Wes's body. There's just no way he'd be stupid enough to bring Laurel to see the corpse if he was the one who moved it. It makes no sense. He could have easily refused her request if he had known Wes's body wouldn't be there.

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9 minutes ago, Keepitmoving said:

I hope not, because then we get months of poor Laurel having some break down. Then we can't focus on anyone else's problems because again, Laurel is in the hospital and we all have to take care of her because she can't function. Just let her have the kid and struggle with the mothering aspect or the idea of giving it up for adoption. I'm actually tired of Shondaland shows and their miscarriages and abortion story lines, how about an adoption story line for a change. It's different and it happens. Like I said before, how about an open adoption? This way she could keep in contact with her kid.

I think this would be an interesting twist. Perhaps even a fakeout that makes us think we're going to see a repeat of AK losing her baby but this time the child survives. Laurel decides their lives are too crazy to raise a child and the best thing to do would be to put the baby up for adoption. 

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3 minutes ago, Milaxx said:

I think this would be an interesting twist. Perhaps even a fakeout that makes us think we're going to see a repeat of AK losing her baby but this time the child survives. Laurel decides their lives are too crazy to raise a child and the best thing to do would be to put the baby up for adoption. 

I agree. I just think it would be interesting for a change, and they can keep Wes alive, though not in my face every damn week LOL. Then Laurel can be one of the characters who has her happy ending because I believe there are all different types of open adoptions and ones where the adoptive mother can see her child throughout its life. So we can see her with little Wes at the end of the series. 

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Not sold on open adoption if she's giving him up to protect him unless this is how her family comes back into play. Her dad could take Wes Jr. He could make up for not paying her ransom by protecting her baby.

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18 minutes ago, Keepitmoving said:

I agree. I just think it would be interesting for a change, and they can keep Wes alive, though not in my face every damn week LOL. Then Laurel can be one of the characters who has her happy ending because I believe there are all different types of open adoptions and ones where the adoptive mother can see her child throughout its life. So we can see her with little Wes at the end of the series. 

I think you mean birth mother.

I'm not sure what I want to see happen with this baby. None of the options are particularly appealing to me.

Edited by secnarf
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I don't think this constitutes a spoiler since it's just a speculation I'm making from a cast member's Instagram, but Conrad Ricamora posted a couple pictures today where he had dyed his hair blonde. I know he can dye it back when the show goes back into production this summer but such a radical change made me wonder for a moment if Oliver might be on his way out (either in an airplane or a body bag).

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9 hours ago, helenamonster said:

I don't think this constitutes a spoiler since it's just a speculation I'm making from a cast member's Instagram, but Conrad Ricamora posted a couple pictures today where he had dyed his hair blonde. I know he can dye it back when the show goes back into production this summer but such a radical change made me wonder for a moment if Oliver might be on his way out (either in an airplane or a body bag).

Redditers are claiming Oliver killed Wes to protect Connor.  

I really hope this is true and we can be rid of him.

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13 hours ago, helenamonster said:

I don't think this constitutes a spoiler since it's just a speculation I'm making from a cast member's Instagram, but Conrad Ricamora posted a couple pictures today where he had dyed his hair blonde. I know he can dye it back when the show goes back into production this summer but such a radical change made me wonder for a moment if Oliver might be on his way out (either in an airplane or a body bag).

Filming wrapped for the season a few weeks ago. It was a Valentine's prank. I doubt it means anything.

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In the promo, I think Laurel is back in the hospital.  It looks like she's in a bed/chair, it's not Bonnie's apartment. It looks like she's wearing a hospital gown and it's not the same color as the one she had on when she was in the hospital after the fire. Because the first time I watched it I thought that was just the shot of her when she was sitting up in the hospital bed after the fire, until I looked at the pattern of the gown  she was wearing and saw how colorful it looked. That doesn't look like  a t-shirt to me, especially with the blue trim going around the top. I can't get a screen shot of it, but I slowed down the promo when I noticed it. I was like where is she? And what does she have on? That is not how she usually dresses, and is that even a top?

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