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Farmhouse Rules - General Discussion

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That entire meal looked delicious! I am going to try the frozen yogurt. I really wanted to try some cinnamon ice cream that was out around Christmas time, but didn't want to buy an entire half gallon because I wasn't sure if I'd like it and knew I'd get tired of such an intense flavor after a few servings. With the yogurt, what I didn't eat for dessert, I could easily throw with some peaches into the blender for a breakfast smoothie.


I have a jar of peach preserves sitting in my cupboard. I wonder if you could add some red pepper flakes instead of jam? I really don't want to buy an entire jar of pepper jam that I won't eat for a few spoons full.

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grisgris, I had the same thoughts about adding hot pepper flakes in lieu of pepper jelly if you don't have it on hand.  I think it would be just as delicious.


And for the record, cinnamon ice cream is AMAZING if you're a fan of cinnamon.  I want to try the yogurt, too.

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I'd think that Tabasco sauce would work about the same as red pepper flakes.  At Amazon, there's even a pepper jelly put out by Tabasco!  The company has put out a number of new products in the past few years, but I hadn't heard of their pepper jelly.


I'm one of those rare birds who can't eat most spicy things.  I'm allergic to them.  For that reason, I couldn't trust using hot pepper flakes because I find it hard to control the heat with them.  The same goes for Tabasco sauce in even small amounts.  Therefore, I'd have to make Nancy's recipe with peach jelly only (which would be delicious, I think).  I love sweet foods with chicken or pork.  Nancy eats so much differently from the way we eat.  I think that's because she grew up on a farm and learned to like all kinds of things at an early age.  One of these days she's going to serve something that I just have to try.

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Was the firehouse show a repeat?  It was listed as new, but it seemed older.   She seemed much more awkward in front of the camera, too, and didn't look quite as good/vibrant as she's looking in recent episodes.  And the recipes this episode didn't do it for me at all.  Chili, cornbread, and creamed kale?  She does sometimes have the strangest combinations. 

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I thought the menu sounded meh, and I didn't get the addition of creamed kale.  Loved how Nancy was going on about how good and healthy kale was right before she doused it with heavy cream.


Maybe it was because that hot heavy spicy good didn't look good for this season of the year.

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Loved how Nancy was going on about how good and healthy kale was right before she doused it with heavy cream.


Grisgris, this cracked me up!  I've been laughing for five minutes and even told my husband because he saw the show, too!  LOL  I never noticed that.  I must have been half asleep.  Sometimes, Nancy does that to me.


I really liked today's episode very much.  It was fun seeing her pretty daughter, 'Nita, and her SIL and "substitute mother."  The blueberry coffee cake and the sausage casserole both sounded good.  Not sure about the Bloody Anita, although it HAD to have been better than the pea drink!

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I had to zone out of today's show. OK, it's everybody's schtick to have to throw in at least one (bad) Julia Child impersonation when making one of her recipes. Of course, with Nancy, more is always more and she must have trilled "b-oo-fff bore-geeen-known" at least a dozen times.


Otherwise, I've seen other people prepare all of the items Nancy fixed today. I was interested in how she added the cream into her chicken liver mousse at the end and I've never seen that rendition of a Russian dressing.


HTH many kids does Nancy have anyway? I've never seen this set of daughters and granddaughters.

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HTH many kids does Nancy have anyway? I've never seen this set of daughters and granddaughters.

In the old opening of the show she said she had 6 kids and 13 grandchildren. I think this is the first time we've seen these daughters and granddaughters.

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I thought that 'Nita was soooo pretty!  In younger days, Nancy was pretty, too, before she gained so much weight.  I got such a kick out of Nancy saying that Nita doesn't cook; she's "precious!"  I assume, by precious, she meant too good to cook!  LOL  I thought she was sweet, too.  She doesn't seem to let Nancy's jibes bother her.  She just goes right on being sweet.  I loved it at the table when Nita told the other ladies that she made the sauce (or the vinaigrette).  I loved this show.

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Her appetizer show left me a little cold.  First off was her condescending remark about turning the vegetarians in the crowd with her filet of beef.  It was an eye-roll worthy comment to me. 


As for her recipes, I didn't like them at all for a catered hors d'oeuvres party mostly because of the sheer size of them.  The stuffed mushrooms were practically the size of tennis balls and looked like knife and fork size.  And the grapes rolled in roquefort and chopped pecans (not loving that combo) were the size of golf balls.  The tenderloin on toast looked really messy given the portion size and all the sauce on it.  Also, who wants to eat an oyster with a giant dollop of finely chopped spinach on it at a cocktail party?  I can just imagine people walking around with spinach in their teeth all evening.  


Very puzzling choices given her catering experience.

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I also had to take exception to Nancy's comment. I know vegetarians who would cut their tongues out before eating tenderloin in ANY circumstance.


I know that low-cal/fat/healthy isn't in Nancy's wheelhouse, but some crudities and fruit would have been nice to round out all of the rich/heavy offerings.

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As someone who hasn't touched beef in 25 years, I took exception to Nancy's comment for sure--that huge slab of dead muscle did nothing to tempt me back to flesh eating (at least of the beefy kind, I'm still slightly naughty about pork!)

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Apparently, there's an odd duck in every pond, and I'm "it" today.  I thoroughly enjoyed Nancy's appetizer show and thought the recipes sounded and looked delicious.  My standard for how good a show is, is measured by how fast it seems to be over.  This show seemed to be finished in two shakes of a lamb's tail.


Nancy seems to subscribe to Ina Garten's plan for appetizers -- that the sum is equivalent to a complete meal.  Nancy offered seafood, meat, vegetable, fruit and dessert.  The only thing I would do differently is to cut down on their sizes.  I like to keep food like this down to the one or two bite size.


The show was not completely to my liking, however.  Nancy could easily cut down her raves by three-quarters and still have her food sound good.  Her uber-enthusiasm grates on me.  Her cheerleader squeals of delight are just too much.  I sometimes think that she achieves a climax at the conclusion of every dish she prepares and tastes.  A little bit goes a long way, Nancy!  Tone it down a little or a lot, and you'll be far more believable.

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So there must have been more of that food she made that we just didn't see to feed all those people right?


I'm not a fan of pecans, but damn if I wouldn't have eaten that cheese/grape thingy.  I thought the cream cheese / roquefort /cream mixture would be great on a pasta.

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So there must have been more of that food she made that we just didn't see to feed all those people right?


I'm not a fan of pecans, but damn if I wouldn't have eaten that cheese/grape thingy.  I thought the cream cheese / roquefort /cream mixture would be great on a pasta.


I'm thinking of leaving the cream out completely, and just making cream cheese/roquefort balls rolled in pecans.  Mmmmmm.  I'm low carb so I don't really do grapes.  I can't think of anything to substitute for the middle . . . but I'm thinking a middle might be completely unnecessary.

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I skipped a recent episode because I thought I'd seen it before.  It was the show with the elementary school kids.  I remembered it as one of my least favorite shows because Nancy shouted so much.  I think she was trying to instill some excitement into the kids, which it didn't really accomplish, or maybe because much of it was outside, and she wanted the kids to be able to hear her.   If she's done more than one with children from the local school, then I may have missed a good one.

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Since when do teenage boys comments on "how moist the cake is"? All they care about is how much frosting is on it. That is the age where it's totally uncool to hang out with the adults and they would rather scarf down the nachos and bbq sandwiches in front of the TV.


I am going to the FN website to check out Nancy's bbq sauce recipe. I tried her recipe from several weeks ago where she made chicken with a sage/oregano rub and peach jam/red pepper jelly glaze. I was very pleased with the results and plan to make it again.

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I know, I was surprised that she didn't frost the sides too. It was cool to see how she made it into a checkerboard though...I'd always wondered how to do that. I thought everything looked good except for the grilled vegetable/fruit skewers. It seemed like a very odd combination of things to put together. And they didn't look that grilled when the were done.

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"That is the age where it's totally uncool to hang out with the adults and they would rather scarf down the nachos and bbq sandwiches in front of the TV."

If I were her grandson, "Gigi's" antics would embarrass the shit out of me. Her spiel about her "need for speed" grated on my last nerve. Nancy, you received speeding tickets, you're not Dale Earnhardt, Jr.!

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And speaking of hot messes, then we have Nancy Fuller. She really thinks it's cute that she breaks the law? With kids in the car? Thesingsong is back in full force. Yet another very odd menu and bad script-reading.

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I liked watching how the checkerboard cake was made too.  It was a lot simpler than I thought previously.  I agree though, the cake did look sloppy not being frosted all the way, and it also looked like it was going to topple when she went to move it.

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I feel absolutely positive about Nancy tonight, which is a switch for me.  I love any episode in which Aunt Jean visits.  Nancy is so relaxed and is clearly enjoying herself.  Gone are all of the crazy affectations.

Her corn chowder looked delicious.  I want to make it when fresh corn comes in.  The corn farmer was a nice guy.  Fun episodes!

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We have really lucked out on some pretty good episodes lately!  I'm talking about her weekend with the grandchildren, her annual bakefest, and a couple of others that have slipped my mind.  I'd like to try Nancy's meatloaf recipe sometime (with ground beef, not bison).  Who would have thought you could grill meatloaf?  The idea of it makes me drool since everything tastes better when it's grilled!


Her weekend with the grandchildren is now my favorite episode with them.  I swear that John's three little kids are the cutest kids in the universe!  Their help in the kitchen. playing in the creek and going to the fair were so much fun for me that I could have taken the kids home with me.  Nancy seems to treat them with equal parts of Gigi's rules, laughter, and love.  The time she spends educating them is wonderful. 

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I think you make a good point, HyeChaps.  Especially when people are eating "crumby" food, they really need a table in front of them.  Even if they just had folding chairs to sit on, that would help.  Good thinking!  When are you having your bakefest?  I want to come and pig out in a folding chair and be comfortable.  If you offer cheesecake, I'll even come early!


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No way, HyeChaps!  The GiGi juice would cost an arm and a leg, especially with this crowd!  I'll bring potato skins, and YOU bring the GiGi juice!  How do you like them apples?   :)  :)


Has anyone been to Sally's website?  Well, it really isn't her website per se, but it's her portion of Ginsberg Foods.  I guess David is president, and she's vice-president, but it's a little confusing.  Let me know if you figure it out.  It tells a little bit about her past and her present activities, what village they live in, and her outside interests.  I think she's really done a lot for that community for most of her life  .She's definitely a woman who gets things done -- and drives too fast on the way there!  She and David have another home in another part of the country, but I won't ruin it for you.  Sorry I didn't think to get a link while I was there.

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Am I the only one who thinks of Nancy and David as newlyweds?  I've tried to figure it out.  It may be the passionate kiss in the opening or the super politeness with which he treats her, but I always think that their marriage is fairly young.  It's always a surprise to me when Nancy mentions that they've been married for 20 years.

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Is anyone here with me?


I watched Nancy cook Beef Wellington, beet salad, and Baked Alaska for David's brother and sister-in-law last night.  Good show.  She made everything look easy and doable, and I think I'll make the beef and the dessert for my husband.  He thought they looked great.

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Bye, Nancy.  Bye, kids.  Bye, Hudson Valley and all the nice people who live there.  Bye, oldie but goodie recipes.  Bye, Farmer Fred and cheesemakers, ice cream makers, peach farmer, bowling ladies and bingo gals, antique store owner and, especially, Cousin Jean.  I've lost all my friends here.  There's nobody home anymore. :(

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Lura!  I swear, I would be here right with you, but I can't catch Nancy live most times, and she's not OnDemand any more!  As the crow flies, as goes the local vernacular, where I grew up is not all that far from where Nancy is, so I love to watch her.  She's sort of comforting to me - even with the sing-songy tone she pronounces words more or less the same way I do.  I'm also fascinated by the things you list.  As soon as I catch a new-to-me episode I'll be back to post, I promise!

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Bye, Nancy.  Bye, kids.  Bye, Hudson Valley and all the nice people who live there.  Bye, oldie but goodie recipes.  Bye, Farmer Fred and cheesemakers, ice cream makers, peach darmer, bowling ladies and bingo gals, antique store owner and, especially, Cousin Jean.  I've lost all my friends here.  There's nobody home anymore. :(

It's been quiet here because they haven't shown any new shows in a while.

I don't think you should take the lack of posts personally ;)

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Aquarius!!!  HyeChaps!!!  Ariel!!!  WOW!!!  It never rains but it pours!  It sure is nice to come in here and to discover that friends have been visiting!  (No, Ariel, I didn't take it personally). 


I came in late to Farmhouse Rules, so I don't know a new show from an old one, although some of the shows I've seen are beginning to show up again.  The Friends of Nancy will be happy to know that I saw an ad last night for Nancy's new season, coming soon, so we'll all have new shows to rave or snark over!  My dream is that Nancy developed throat trouble, went to the doctor, and was told not to yell anymore!  I guess we'll have to wait and see.  If all of those grandchildren converge at the farmhouse, though, there's no hope.  That seems to be when she's the most wound up.


Toasting you guys with a strawberry Gigi juice!

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I really enjoy when Nancy visits her local purveyors for dairy, meat, produce, bread, honey.  Anything else?


ETA: Don't forget the winery!

Edited by HyeChaps
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So none of the 6 kids are even David's? I always assumed he had some and she had some. I wonder what happened to husband #3 that she raised all the kids with. Did he pass away? 


I'm not a cook, I hate to cook, and a lot of what she makes seems very heavy. But she's batshit crazy and has a speech pattern from hell and I just can't with her. I also wonder if she's a raging drunk. She strikes me as the type who has one hell of a mean streak.

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LOL Aquarius!  Just the thought of that green pea mimosa makes my skin crawl!  That was the week I thought Sally had lost it!  I kept wondering what it would be like to be her guest and feel like you had to drink that thing or face Nancy's wrath.  I would have claimed a sudden allergy to peas.  She did teach us one thing:  If you ever have guests that you hope will never return, serve pea mimosas!

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Nancy has really grown on me. I think she's like a fun, lively grandmother who (like my grandmother) feels that home-prepared food shows love and she wants to bring experiences to her family. I like her old-fashioned methods and with her many years of catering, she brings expertise in a very homespun manner. I think she fills a niche at Food Network and hope she stays on as long as she wants.

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I think one thing is that David detests scenes with the two of them.  He's totally reticent and formal, which I think is "stage fright."  When he's out in the yard with 100 grandchildren and several children, he seems twice as relaxed and even fun.


Here's how I think the producers have worked it out:  They can have Ina or Nancy taste their own food and rave about it for 90% of the time, but, for variety, they need the husband to appear at the end and give his endorsement,.  So they haul in Jeffrey or David and have them rave.  Jeffrey can pull it off; David can't.  Since David is so uptight, it makes them look like strangers.

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A Gigi-juice cheer to Nancy for her "Family Tree" episode!  Her daughter from Miami and her granddaughters were visiting.  Nancy made recipes from both of her grandmothers, then brought out the family tree and taught the girls how to find their family on it.


Ree's ham soufflé sounded much better than it looked, and her baked beans really sounded delicious.  For dessert, she made spice sandwich cookies with a fluffy, white cream in the centers.  I'm going to look up those recipes and give them a try.

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