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S01.E05: Week Two in Utopia - B

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Wow, Taylor went way down in my eyes.  He has no idea what any kind of government is, including our own, and he sounds like he has no interest in finding out.  So I'm guessing he also has no idea what the supposed premise of this show is (not that the show is actually anything like its stated premise).  At least he probably doesn't vote.


Bella embarrasses herself every time she's around a guy.  I feel sorry for her sometimes, because she really seems to have no idea how to relate to people and she's her own worst enemy.  But then she talks, and I feel sorry for everyone else.


Spilling food and then walking away from it - whether or not you really intend to clean it up "later" (which usually means "if someone else hasn't been annoyed by its presence and cleaned it up for me") - is nasty, and so is Bri.  Oh, and she wants to see if a dictatorship will be successful like Hitler.  I don't even.


I LOL'ed when Red said, "I have to see hillbilly stereotypes every day."  He is a hillbilly stereotype, God bless him, and he doesn't seem to know it.


Hex has a real drinking problem.  It's not entertaining to watch.  I hope she gets help.

Edited by ElleryAnne
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Hex has a real drinking problem.  It's not entertaining to watch.  I hope she gets help.


And the worst part is that Hex is a real lightweight when it comes to drinking, so she gets hammered so easy.  Which is surprising because she's 6 ft. tall.


Wow, Taylor went way down in my eyes.  He has no idea what any kind of government is, including our own, and he sounds like he has no interest in finding out.  So I'm guessing he also has no idea what the supposed premise of this show is (not that the show is actually anything like its stated premise).  At least he probably doesn't vote.


Hex needs to stay far away from this clown as much as possible -- are we sure Taylor doesn't think he's on Survivor ?


Btw, where did the get the chariot?


They decorated the chicken transporter.


If this isn't scripted, then I'm an idiot.  It's FOX.  If real, this group is a bigger bunch of idiots and will self-destruct in another month.


Ding,ding, ding, ding -- bigger bunch of idiots, you are correct.  It's really amazing that they could find this many idiots amongst a group of famewhores and production plants.

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Bella embarrasses herself every time she's around a guy. I feel sorry for her sometimes, because she really seems to have no idea how to relate to people and she's her own worst enemy. But then she talks, and I feel sorry for everyone else.

Spilling food and then walking away from it - whether or not you really intend to clean it up "later" (which usually means "if someone else hasn't been annoyed by its presence and cleaned it up for me") - is nasty, and so is Bri. Oh, and she wants to see if a dictatorship will be successful like Hitler. I don't even.

ITA with both of these points. That describes Bella perfectly for me too. That conversation she had with Taylor was sooooo awkward. "I'm harmless" "you're my eye candy" "you're totally safe". That was so strange!

I don't understand the mentality of someone who leaves a mess out on the counter for "later". In my experience, the perpetrator has NO intention of cleaning up and that's just something they say when they get caught. I deal with this issue every single day (teenagers/young adults).

When Bri mentioned dictatorship that's when I fully suspected that all of the ideas were producer plants. Either that or she's really dumb. Why would anyone say in the same breath that dictatorship might work and Hitler?!?!

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 When Bri mentioned dictatorship that's when I fully suspected that all of the ideas were producer plants. Either that or she's really dumb.

I don't think this is an either-or situation.

Sorry -don't know how to quote/bold/anything with new tablet.


ETA:  Fixed it on my regular system.

Edited by DeLurker
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When Bri mentioned dictatorship that's when I fully suspected that all of the ideas were producer plants. Either that or she's really dumb. Why would anyone say in the same breath that dictatorship might work and Hitler?!?!


In the long list of dictators in history -- Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Pinochet, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein to name a few -- none of them were ever benevolent dictators, and I really doubt that Bri could rule with an iron fist.

Just hittin ye ole DVR:


Agreed with everyone, "We should have a Dictatorship . . . it could work. Like Hitler." Is staggeringly moronic though that word word hardly starts to cover it. I was reminded of comedian Lewis Black's theory on how people get aneurisms. Someone say something so dumb that it sticks in your head and you find yourself repeating over and over trying to deal with it until blammo!!! Part of your brain explodes. This was one of those things.


And again Bella's idea is told out of left field. At least she said women and men instead of saying "the boys" could govern one week and "the girls" could govern the other. /petpeeve


I was glad to hear from her though that the deer had "already crossed over".


Wow, sturdy relationships like the unfortunately named "Bris" can absorb such gut-punches as not cleaning up after yourself! Now that's a model relationship. To go from all over each other spend every moment together to "No I don't want to even see him again" over a small disagreement shows you how amazingly shallow these people are. "Yesterday I like didn't eat anything" "Did you eat the pizza?" "Well, yeah that pizza was good." *shakes head*


Also, yeah, Bella is beyond socially awkward with her incessant giggling when she tries to talk to "a boy"... but Josh's 'bring up what I want to say, say it, then walk away' way of dealing with people he might have an issue with is no better, just in a different way.


Annnd we see that the real problem here is that Mike is a leftie!! No wonder he sticks out in the crowd.


Hex obviously makes bad choices, that's compounded by the drinking problem. Or to use a "huntress" analogy she is very adept at shooting herself in the foot. She is a beautiful mess. Annnd she's dating a call girl err guy so we'll see how that goes.

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Another fantasyland version of what the producers want viewers to believe is going on in the compound.  Reality is so unreal in the TV version.  Anyone can see or read about what is really happening in this media age so why lie so much.  "Pioneers" my a**hole.  Romance?  More like sex addicts humping 24/7.


Funny how the two "guests" that have paid to come into the compound are people who watch the live feeds and know for real what is going on there.  Because most of the people in the compound are being manipulated by Aaron up to the point we saw on tonight's TV show and they are clueless.  (I think the rule here is live feeds aren't spoilers once the TV timeline catches up to those feeds.  Correct me if I'm wrong).  But they don't even know it.  Mike is mailing it in at this point.  Bella can't confront a fruit fly.  And Bri is too busy embarrassing her family with her animal abuse through massive neglect and incompetence  (which they glossed over totally on the TV version) and endless copulating for all to see on the national live feeds.


Funny how obvious they made it Red didn't kill the deer.  They didn't show any of it on live feeds so you only have the TV camera work outside the compound as they term it.  He comes up on it within a few feet dramatically wearing cameo (which came from where???) and since the deer are so tame in that area I'm surprised he didn't pet it first.  Then close-up of bow being pulled.  Then black.  Then Red at the gate with a dead deer on his back.  Yeah sure.


Next Friday The Amazing Race saves me from this producer-scripted drek.

Edited by green
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Oh, and she wants to see if a dictatorship will be successful like Hitler.  I don't even.

(Bri dials phone)

“Hello, IG Farben? We have a pest problem, and this bug spray just isn't cutting it anymore. Do you have a stronger pesticide available?”

(Person on the other end is inaudible)

“What's that? Zyklon B, you say? Well, I've never heard of it, but if you say it will do the job, I'd like to order 14 boxes. Just put it on the account.”

(Brief pause)

”Yes, that's the Übermensch... I mean... Utopia, account. It might be filed under Fatherla... uh, Fox TV.”

Edited by In Pog Form
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since the deer are so tame in that area I'm surprised he didn't pet it first

True.  Used to live in a foothill community of the San Gabriel Mountains (you see'em in the background when you watch the Rose Bowl Parade or game).  Deer were super common to the area, especially the closer you got to the foothills.  There were people in my area that specifically grew plants for them and the deer hung out in their yards all the time.  One of the funniest things I ever saw was a slow speed chase by the local PD of a couple of deer.  They had wandered down to a busy intersection so the police car turned on the lights (no sirens) and herded them back up to the foothills where they would be safe.  So killing one of those deer would have been like killing a neighborhood pet.


Interesting - if you did a gender reversal of the current governing method, the women would scream sexist discrimination and oppression.  And if one of the guys proclaimed his governing style using the exact same words as Bella, they would never get away with it. 


Question:  Are the women any more productive under Bella's rule?  In regards to the physical productivity that needs to be done.


Nottopbravo - You're post is showing up on the Home Page - whoo hoo!

Edited by DeLurker
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and I really doubt that Bri could rule with an iron fist.



I have no doubt at all that Bri would rule with an iron fist if she were given power.  I envision her spilling food and making other people clean it up, sleeping in and lazing about and ordering others to do all the work.  Not much different than how she is now, except with the added power to threaten genocide if people upset her.

Edited by ElleryAnne
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Also, I didn't need the phrase "that distinctive slurping" to ever come across my TV.

For a moment I thought FOX was surely referencing the "distinctive slurping" that was Dede pleasuring Mike orally in the bushes. Funny how I didn't put it past FOX.



Funny how obvious they made it Red didn't kill the deer.  They didn't show any of it on live feeds so you only have the TV camera work outside the compound as they term it.  He comes up on it within a few feet dramatically wearing cameo (which came from where???) and since the deer are so tame in that area I'm surprised he didn't pet it first.  Then close-up of bow being pulled.  Then black.  Then Red at the gate with a dead deer on his back.  Yeah sure.
Looks like they've given up going to great lengths to cover up what a producer driven, semi-scripted farce this has become.
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For a moment I thought FOX was surely referencing the "distinctive slurping" that was Dede pleasuring Mike orally in the bushes. Funny how I didn't put it past FOX.



Heh.  I thought the same thing, only with Bri and Chris instead.  But they have to know that's what people would think when Snidely Whiplash said, "That distinctive slurping sound can only mean one thing."  Kissing isn't that thing.  The only aspect that surprised me is that FOX then went on to show that it referred to a make-out session.  I guess they wanted to pacify anyone who would call them out for describing live sex acts on basic TV.

They should embrace the live sex acts. It's about all they have going now. Nobody really cares about who bought what with the startup funds.


When all else fails, the Simpsons will have an appropriate quote, in this case Marge Simpson:


"Fox turned into a hardcore porn channel so gradually I didn't even notice."

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Heh.  I thought the same thing, only with Bri and Chris instead.


Bris (appropriately named for their gross coupling) would have been the first to come to mind, had I not seen this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7fHVxdP-Qw (audio NSFW)


They should embrace the live sex acts. It's about all they have going now. 


True. The pared down for TV edit is dull as dishwater. I can't even imagine sitting through a live feed. 

Weren't they already living under anarchy?


Taylor is incredibly stupid. How can he not know the difference between democracy and a dictatorship? How can he be so unaware of things happening in the world? (Students are having demonstrations for democracy in Hong Kong as I write this, because they want the right to vote.) Even computer games are based on having dictators be the bad guys, and movies too, surely he's seen one or two?


It looked to me like Hex crossed him off her internal "potential mate" list the moment he said that. Or maybe it was when he forgot her name. Maybe boy toy fling material, but nothing else.


So what's happening on the feeds that isn't being shown? I'm not paying for the feeds. I'll check out that thread, too, I guess, but I'm already getting bored. And fall TV season is starting!

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